Somerset Academy Silver Palms Elementary K-8

? Dance Syllabus Instructor: Ms. Shaw Philosophy:Dance gives students opportunity to develop and enhance their keen kinesthetic awareness and strong communication skills, while allowing the transformation of students into dancers of powerful and expressive artists with the skills and versatility to perform in any dance genre. The Dance curriculum and courses taught will provide a broad variety of the dance education programs that challenge and inspire the dancer artistically, intellectually, mentally, spiritually, and physically in the dance field. Dance students learn, develop, and demonstrate mastery of appreciation of self care for their bodies in performance arts through proper conditioning, physical education, dance technique, alignment, and form. Dance students are held to high expectations of required audience etiquette and respect of themselves, others, and the arts.ExpectationsI. Movement Skills and Underlying Principlesa. Understands, appreciates the personal responsibilities and discipline needed in order to achieve goals of dance and physical training.b. Identifies, understands Spatial Awareness. Identifies space, time, movement as basic elements of dancec. Executes movement specific to development of strength, coordination, flexibility, endurance, and personal growthd. Demonstrates concentration in movement experiencee. Demonstrates consistent flexibility, strength conditioning, basic and advanced techniquesf. Consistently challenging self to reach, exceed expectations, striving to better self: form, technique, discipline, physical strength, technique while exercising physical safetyII. Dance Making, Choreographya. Creates dance movements, steps, and combinations using the elements of compositionb. Creates and performs works of artistic dance forms that conveys ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotionc. Performs movement in unison in groups, TEAM PLAYERd. Performs movement with applied dance techniques in front of all types’ audiences. Understands, appreciates, and entertains to different audience types, displays strong professional?stage presence and appearance?e. Acknowledges, Understands, Appreciates art of being Professional Performerf. Cooperative, Collaborative, Responsible, Dependable, Professional Team WorkIII. Building Context: Cultural, Historical, and Social Inquirya. Identify Distinguishing characteristics of dancesb. Identify various cultures from dancesc. Describe: Written, Oral, Performance, Theatrical displays of movement preferencesd. Research, Apply, Write descriptions of dance(s), emotions, performances, history of various dancee. Learn, Develop, Demonstrate, Master Proper Audience Etiquettef. Cooperative, Collaborative, Responsible, Dependable, Professional Team WorkIV. Critical and Aesthetic Inquirya. Understand, appreciates the set of principles and guidance of the work of artistic movement(s)b. Compare and Contrast 2 or more dance worksc. Interpret Various parts of published reviewd. Describe, support personal definition of dancee. Accuracy in Evaluations of Content, Technique, Vocabularyf. Professional Stage Performance Appearance: Costumes. Make-up/Nails: clear, natural and/or match costumeg. Learn, Develop, Demonstrate, Master Critical Constructive Criticism and Feedback of oneself and othersGrading:90-100% A80-89% B70-79% C60-69% D0-59% FFinal Grade Percentages:15% Dance Attire15% Audience Etiquette30% Technique?40%?Performance100% TOTALClass, Dance, Performance:Dance work, effort, technique, attire, etiquette, performances, appearances, and showmanship will be monitored and assessed during classes, dance performances, rehearsals, and shows.?DANCE, Effort, Stage Presence, Stage?Appearances, Backstage Etiquette, Costume Procedures, Assigned Dance Attire, Professionalism,?and?Performances?are?ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENTS?of ALL Dance classes. Failure to participate in dance and performances result in lower and/or failure grades.?NON Performance = 0%?REQUIRED Essay, 5 paragraph minimum (1 intro, 1 closing, 3 body) EMAILED with First and Last Name, Period Number, ESSAY in subject line by due date.Absences, NON-Performance:In extreme, rare instance student not able to dance and perform, due to?documented sickness/injury/excused absences, alternative assignments are?required.?Failure to complete?and/or turn in alternate assignment(s)?per the required specifications?assigned result in lower and/or?0%percentages and grade.?Timely proper notice expected and required if not able to dance and/or perform.?Doctor/Medical documented notification, excused absence?confirmation?required?for sickness and/or medical reasons.*per MDCPS Parent Responsibilities:?Your child is to be kept home with contagious illness, diseases, and fever of 100 or higher, not return to school until fever free for minimum of 24 hours.?Your child should be physically able to participate in all school activities on return to school.?Keeping a sick child at home will help minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom.*?Student Responsibilities after absences:?If you have an excused absence, you will need to make up work you missed for credit. Per MDCPS, you are allowed up to 3 days to request, complete, and submit YOUR make-up work. It is the responsibility of the students to check, monitor their own work as needed?in MDCPS gradebook.Late, Missing, Incomplete Assignments: Subject to lower and/or 0% percentages and grade.Rights, Rules, Responsibilities:Why are “Rules” necessary? What are our rights and responsibilities? EVERYONE deserves the basic RIGHT OF RESPECT! The rules, rights, and responsibilities of the Dance curriculum focus on the Rights of Respect and the Required Responsibilities, and Routines to follow. Laws, rights, and rules are designed, maintained, and enforced to protect the rights of the individual while still maintaining the freedom rights of individuals. We are free to explore research, apply, demonstrate the resources available to us, but must maintain the rights of ourselves and others to be responsible, respectful, professional dancers, performance artists, and citizens today and in the future.5 Rights of Respect:1. RESPECT: MYSELFa. I have the right to respect myself and be respected! I AM valuableb. I WILL DO MY ABSOLUTE PERSONAL BEST AT ALL TIMESc. I have the right to make mistakes, and to LEARN from my mistakesd. I will NOT GIVE UPe. I have the RIGHT to ask for clarification on misunderstandingsf. I stand up for myself, in the APPROPRIATE wayg. I have confidence. I CAN……I DOh. I “do the RIGHT thing”: no matter who sees or not: I have INTEGRITYi. I am honest, sincerej. I follow and adhere to MDCPS Code of Conductk. I do have, will have, will demonstrate a positive attitudel. I CAN……I WILLm. I WILL monitor, review Dance pages for my responsibilities as needed. n. I am ALWAYS IN THE REQUIRED BASIC DANCE ATTIRE FOR EACH AND EVERY DANCE CLASS as INSTRUCTED, REVIEWED, POSTED IN FULL DETAIL ON TEACHER PAGE: “Dance Attire” :i. Female:1. BLACK LEOTARD2. BLACK DANCE LEGGINGS or TIGHTS, (black joggers acceptable)3. Footwear: Ballet, full/half sole, pirouettes, dance socks4. Hair UP, AWAY FROM FACE, in BUN5. ALL BLACK warm-ups, cover-ups (as needed)ii. Male:1. BLACK dance shirt (*males also allowed white option)2. BLACK bottoms: joggers, warm-ups, PE/Athletic shorts3. Footwear: ballet, athletic sneakers, compression/athletic/dance/football socks4. Hair off face5. ALL Black warm-ups (as needed)2. RESPECT: OTHERSa. I have and fully demonstrate respect and give the rights of respect to:i. Teachersii. Staffiii. Classmatesiv. ALL OTHERSb. WE ALL have the right to make mistakes, to learn, to growc. WE ALL have the right to do OUR BEST without being ridiculedd. I take turns, I share. I collaborate, I cooperatee. I AM helpfuli. Opening doors for othersii. Offering help when and where needediii. Offering helpful, respectful feedback, constructive criticismiv. I will Give without reason OR expecting something in returnf. I AM consideratei. I will LISTEN when others speak and not interruptii. I look into the eyes of other when speakingiii. I CAREiv. I wait my turn, I am patient, understanding, flexiblev. I raise my hand and patiently wait my turn to be called onvi. I speak in an appropriate tone, volume, and mannervii. I WILL speak in an appropriate manner and not hurt anyone with my words/actionsg. I am considerate and aware of physical spaceh. I will not record, take pictures of ANYONE IN Dance Studio without consenti. I maintain the cleanliness of my area(s)j. I do my own work and give credit where credit is due. There is ZERO tolerance for cheating and/or plagiarism.3. RESPECT: CLASS, SUBJECT, STUDIO, MATERIALSa. DANCEi. YOU elect to choose dance as YOUR Electiveii. Dance IS IMPORTANT, REQUIRED PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND PERFORMING ARTS COURSES FOR GRADE PROMOTION AND DIPLOMA PER FLDOE AND MDCPSiii. Dance teaches, requires student to understand, apply, realize physical strength, conditioning, and overall physical health well-being while developing appreciation for the performing arts and artists in proper audience etiquette and behavioriv. YOUR Dance Attire, Grade, Effort, Movements are YOUR Responsibilityv. DANCE AND PERFORMANCE ARE A REQUIREMENT AND THE MAIN COMPONENT OF YOUR DANCE GRADEvi. Understand, appreciate dance, performances are required. Teamwork REQUIREDb. Dance Studio, Materialsi. KEEP CLEAN:1. NO FOOD, NO DRINK, NO GUM IN DANCE STUDIO2. NO OUTSIDE SHOES IN DANCE STUDIO: Dancers’ benefit: floor clean from debris, dirt to stretch on floor, dance3. Keep Mirrors CLEAN: NO touching, leaning on, spraying perfume(s)4. CLEAN UP AFTER SELFii. Handle with care, gently the barres: NOT PUTTING FULL WEIGHT ONiii. I WILL AND DO follow and adhere to the Student Codes of Miami-Dade County Schools in the Student/Parent Handbook4. RESPECT: SAFETYa. I Respect the Safety of myself and others: I and ALL have the RIGHT to be SAFEb. I practice and exhibit PRE-caution: I keep my muscles WARM, STRETCHED, READYc. I remove shoes outside of studio, place neatly on shelves: I neatly put my own belongings out of way: I stay in designated, authorized areasd. I am considerate of self and all other dancerse. I am behind bar, standing up, out of way of other dancers during across floor, dance rehearsalsf. I am ALWAYS in Proper posture and Form in Dance Class. Always warming-up, stretching, practicing, etc.g. NO GUM, CANDY in and during dance. This is?SAFETY VIOLATION.h. I will always practice safe hygiene, stay home when sick with fever, not exposing and harming all others with contagious known illnesses/diseases, as per CDC and MDCPSi. I am aware of my own surroundings, area, personal space, windowsj. I execute Spatial Awareness always. I stay in formation(s) spaces, not disrespecting/upstaging/disturbing other performers, or going outside of window(s), lanes, spaces. Considerate of all others space.k. I go around perimeters of studio when others performing and do not disturb other performancesl. I learn, apply, demonstrate physical safety as instructedm. I keep my and others’ personal, private, confidential information as such! Not record, take pictures of ANYONE IN Dance without consent. 5. RESPECT: FUNa. NOTE: This fifth above mentioned right does NOT happen without the previous 4 RIGHTS OF RESPECT properly executedb. DO YOUR OWN WORK!c. RESPECT and APPRECIATE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGESd. Enjoy, DISPLAY what YOU are doing: SHOWMANSHIP, STRONG STAGE PRESENCE!e. Express your emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas in your own unique creative ways in dance art forms and movementsf. Make it fun, entertaining, creative, OWN IT! OWN YOUR STAGE! HAVE FUN!ROUTINES, PROCEDURES, POLICY:1. Dance students are to remove shoes outside dance studio, place neatly in shelves, out of way, without disturbing others2. All school wide policy requirements apply and will be enforced in dance studio classes3. Dance students enter, prepared with FULL DANCE ATTIRE, prepared to?DANCE!4. Door is closed, LOCKED AT BELL: students change into Required Dance Attire5. Students late require a LATE PASS6. NO EATING, drinking, gum chewing, candy in DANCE: SAFETY7. Stretch, warm-up, barre work, RESPECTFUL of materials, barre, space and others8. Be in assigned areas for Dance Attire Assessments9. Warm-up, stretch, body strength conditioning, across floor, choreo combos, dance rehearsals10. NEVER “DONE”: stretching, warming-up, dancing. AS ALWAYS TO BE STRETCHING, WARMING-UP, practicing/rehearsing, if “not your turn” across floor, combos, etc.11. Dancers are not allowed to leave Dance Studio/classroom/area without permission, are to be in authorized areas12. 10 minutes before bell, dancers in area to change into required school uniform. As year progresses: 10-5-3 min13. DismissalREQUIRED DANCE CLASS SUPPLIES:DANCE ATTIRE:?POSTED FULL DETAIL with dance stores, codes, links, pics, sizing guide ON TEACHER PAGE: “Dance Attire”FEMALE:1. TOP: BLACK LEOTARD2. BOTTOM: BLACK DANCE LEGGINGS: High waist, ankle length or TIGHTS (black joggers acceptable)3. Footwear: Shoes: Ballet, full sole, half, pirouettes, paws or Dance Shock/compression Socks4. Hair UP, OFF of and AWAY FROM FACE, in BUN5 ALL BLACK Warm-ups, Cover-ups over leo (as needed, optional)MALE:1. BLACK dance shirt (males also allowed white option)2. BLACK bottoms: joggers, warm-ups, shorts3 Footwear: ballet, athletic sneakers, or compression/athletic/football socks4 Hair off of face5 ALL BLACK warm-ups, cover-upsPERFORMANCES: Requirements as Assigned per Dance per Teacher-COSTUMES-NAILS: clear, natural, and/or to match costume-MAKE-UP-HAIR-NO JEWELRY for Safety, (unless part of costume as assigned)Students WILL AND DO understand there are?consequences?for THEIR?behavior. Every action has RE-ACTION. Excellent, Outstanding Model Student Behavior is Acknowledged, Praised, and Rewarded. ALL students are?EXPECTED?of reaching and realizing their educational goals and high?standards.There is?ZERO tolerance to violations?of the Rights of Respect.Violations are governed and subject to consequences and disciplinary actions per Miami-Dade County Public School District and Somerset Silver Palms. Please review at??,? Discipline Progression Consequences:1. Verbal warning2. Documentation in Student File, Student Behavior Plan3. Parent Contact4. Detention(s)5. Administration Referral* Please Note MDCPS Code of Conduct Discipline: Level I-V per behavior plan VOLUNTEER HOURS:*Per Somerset Silver Palms, Volunteer Hours are required: EASY, CONVENIENT WAYS TO MAKE “REQUIRED HOURS”, please provide Dance Studio, MPR1, Ms. Shaw with the very much needed and appreciated supplies to keep our dance studio efficient running, clean, germ-free, and healthy for dance students! :-Portable Speakers-CD’s-Tissues-Windex/Mirror Glass Spray-Paper Towels-Antibacterial Wipes-Disinfectant (Lysol) SprayThank you,Ms. Shawkshaw@ Syllabus Contract Agreement: Due back by 2nd week of school! MPR1: Ms. Shaw-I have read, understand, agree, and adhere to the Dance Syllabus as provided and posted online on school teacher pages.-DANCE students understand, apply, agree to adhere to all Dance Class Policies, Procedures, Requirements, Responsibilities, Codes of Conduct, and Dance Discipline Plan. -FULL Dance Attire Code REQUIRED Uniform Every Dance Class!FEMALE:1. TOP: BLACK Leotard2. BOTTOM: BLACK DANCE Leggings: high waist, ankle length (or Tights: black, pink, skin) NO SHORT SHORTS, NO BARE LEG!!3. Footwear: Ballet (full, half/pirouttes: skin, pink, black) or Dance Socks4. Hair UP, OFF, AWAY from Face5. ALL BLACK Warm-ups, Cover-ups over Leotard (as needed, optional)MALE:TOP: BLACK or WHITE Dance shirt (males allowed option of white)BOTTOM: BLACK Dance Joggers, Pant, Athletic PE/SASP shortsFootwear: ballet, athletic sneakers, or compression/athletic/football socksHair off of faceALL BLACK Warm-ups (as needed, optional)-I understand and comply there is NO GUM, CANDY in Dance Class-DANCE STUDENTS FULLY ACCEPT CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR OWN ACTIONS.-Failure to comply and adhere to Dance Class policies, procedures, rules, and contract can and will result in further disciplinary actions. I understand, agree, and adhere to the above Dance Class Syllabus Signed contract.______________________________________________________________ ______Parent Name PRINT Parent Signature DATE______________________________________________________________ ______Student Name PRINT Student Signature DATE ................

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