Journal Article:

Claudiu T. Lungu, Ph.D.


The University of Alabama at Birmingham

School of Public Health

Department of Environmental Health Sciences

530 Ryals Public Health Building, 1665 University Boulevard

Birmingham, AL 35294-0022

Voice: 205-934-2072

Fax: 205-975-6341



1998. Ph.D. Environmental Health Sciences (Industrial Hygiene track), University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1994. M.S. Physics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1983 M.S. Nuclear Materials’ Engineering, Department of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania

1981 B.S. Physics, Department of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania


2020-present Director, Pilot/Small Project Research Training program, Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety, a NIOSH funded Education and Research Center

2019-present Professor of Environmental Health Sciences (with tenure) Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

2013-present Affiliated faculty, Materials Processing & Applications Development Center, UAB wide interdisciplinary research Center

2012-present Director, Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety, a NIOSH funded Education and Research Center

2011-2019 Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

2011-present Associate Professor (secondary appointment), Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

2010-2017 Director, Pilot/Small Project Research Training program, Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety, a NIOSH funded Education and Research Center

2010-present Affiliated faculty, Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration, University of Alabama at Birmingham

2005-2020 Director, Industrial Hygiene Academic Training program, Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety, a NIOSH funded Education and Research Center

2005-2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

2005. Assistant Professor, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

1998. Teaching/Research Graduate Assistant, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1994-1997 Laboratory Instructor, Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1994. Teaching/Research Graduate Assistant, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1991. International Atomic Energy Agency Fellow, Central Research Institute of Physics, Budapest, Hungary, February 15 – May 15

1991. Research Scientist, Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania

1987. Research Associate, Institute of Automation, Bucharest, Romania

1984. Research Associate, Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors, Piteşti, Romania


2014 The research conducted by Paula Joe, Ph.D. (alumnus) and Claudiu T. Lungu on new respiratory protection design and testing was featured in the UAB research blog, The Mix at UAB: "Using 3D printers and movie modeling techniques, UAB researchers enhance workplace safety devices"

2012 Nominated as one of the “101 Most Influential Professors of Public Health 2012” by .

2011 Invited keynote speaker for the Graduate School Doctoral Hooding Ceremony, May 7, UAB Birmingham, AL

2010 The Graduate School Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentorship, UAB Birmingham, AL

2009 Leadership Award – American Industrial Hygiene Association, Toronto

2008 Inaugural Back of the Envelope Award – School of Public Health, UAB Birmingham, AL

2007 Outstanding Volunteer, Ionizing Radiation Committee – American Industrial Hygiene Association, Philadelphia, PA

2003 Best Presentation of Podium Session, Gas and Vapor Detection Committee, American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX

Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1997. Recognition of Outstanding Graduate Work, Graduate Student Day, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1996 Elected member, Sigma Xi, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1994. American Industrial Hygiene Foundation Scholarship, Columbia, SC

1991 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Research Fellowship, Budapest, Hungary


Professional Affiliation:

Health Physics Society, member since 1995

Sigma-Xi: The Research Scientific Society, member since 1996

American Industrial Hygiene Association, member since 1997

American Industrial Hygiene Association, Alabama Chapter, member since 2006, treasurer 2014-2015, President elect February, 2015-March 2016, President 2016 – 2017, Past president

Health Physics Society – Alabama Chapter, member since 2008

American Industrial Hygiene Association – Ionizing Radiation Committee, member since 2000, vice-chair 2006 – 2007, chair 2007 – 2009

American Industrial Hygiene Association – International Affairs Committee, member since 2010

American Industrial Hygiene Association – Academic Special Interest Group (SIG), member since 2011

American Chemical Society, member since 2013

Review Activity


1999-2003 Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal

2000, 2013 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Environmental Science & Technology

2000-2001 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Science of the Total Environment

2006 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Environmental Monitoring

2005-present Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

2011 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

2011-2017 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Annals of Occupational Hygiene

2011 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Environmental Pollution

2012 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Chemical Engineering Journal

2015 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly

2015-present Ad Hoc Reviewer, Aerosol Science and Technology

2017-present Ad Hoc Reviewer, Materials, MDPI AG

2018 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Current Nanomedicine

2018 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Polymers

2018 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

2018 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Composites Part B

2019 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Applied Sciences

2019 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Annals of Work Exposure and Health

2020 Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Infection Control


2007 Reviewer, Modern Industrial Hygiene – Jimmy Perkins – Chapter 23 Gases and Vapors


2004 Reviewer, South Carolina Space Grant Consortium and South Carolina EPSCoR Program Research Grant

2007-2009 Member, NIH, Small Business Innovation Research [NIH/ZRG1 HOPE 10] Study Section

2009 Member, CDC/NIOSH Occupational Safety and Health Training Project Grants [ZOH1 GGB (51) 1], University of West Virginia TPG Site Visit Workgroup, November, 2009

2010 Member, CDC/NIOSH Special Emphases Panel/Scientific Review Group (SEP) TPG Study Section, January, 2010

2011 Member, CDC/NIOSH Educational and Research Centers [2011/05 ZOH1 EEO (50)] University of South Florida ERC Site Visit Workgroup, January, 2011

2015 Ad Hoc Member, NIH Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group: Centers for Excellence on Environmental Health Disparities Research, Study section: [ZRG1 HDM-S (50) R], March 30 – April 1, Washington, DC.

2015 Ad Hoc Member, CDC Special Emphasis Panel/ National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC): Youth Violence Prevention Centers FOA RFA CE15-002, June 29-30, Atlanta, GA.

2015 Ad Hoc Member, NIH IMST-12 Small Business [ZRG1 IMST – T (12)] Study Section November, 16 – 17, Washington, DC.

2016 Ad Hoc Member, CDC Special Emphasis Panel: Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health PAR-15-353, May 9-13, Atlanta, GA.

2016-2017 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), reviewer for scientific research proposals for the Nazarbayev University Research Council in Astana, Kazakhstan.

2017 Ad Hoc Member, CDC Special Emphasis Panel/ Injury Control Research Centers (ICRC) [RFA-CE12-0010501SUPP16], February 21-22, Atlanta GA.

2017 Ad Hoc Member, NIH Special Emphasis Panel/ IMST-12 Small Business: Instrumentation, Environmental, and Occupational Safety, June 26-27.

2018 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), reviewer for scientific research proposals for the Nazarbayev University Research Council in Astana, Kazakhstan, January 12.

2019 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), reviewer for scientific research proposals for the Nazarbayev University Research Council in Astana, Kazakhstan, August 10.

2019 Ad Hoc Member, NIH IMST-12 Small Business: Instrumentation, Environmental, and Occupational Safety Study Section, November, 19 – 20, Washington, DC.

2020 Ad Hoc Member, NIH ZRG1 IMST-B(12) Small Business: Instrumentation, Environmental, and Occupational Safety Study Section, March 12-13, online.


2019, 2020 NIOSH Alice Hamilton Award, Exposure and Risk Assessment category, external review committee member

Other reviewing activities:

2020 Faculty P&T packet review, Indiana University, School of Public Health

2020 Faculty promotion packet review, UCLA, School of Public Health

2020 Faculty promotion packet review, University of Colorado, School of Public Health

Other professional activities:

2004, 2005 Session arranger, Physical Agents, American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition.

2004 Session moderator, Ionizing & Non-ionizing radiation, American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition.

2004-2006 Member of the Users Group, Low background Screening and Prototyping Facility at the Soudan Underground Mine, MN.

1997-2007 Contributed with articles and reviews to “The Synergist” – the newsletter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association.

2006-2010 Participant, NIOSH-ERC Industrial hygiene program director's annual/ bi annual meeting.

2006-2010 Participant, NIOSH-ERC Hazardous substances academic training program director's annual meeting.

2012 Moderator and host: Deep South Center annual Research Symposium, April 13, UAB.

2012 Participant, NIOSH – ERC Director’s annual meeting, Chicago IL, October 3, 4.

2013 Moderator and host: Deep South Center annual Research Symposium, April 12, Opelika.

2013 Participant, NIOSH – ERC Directors annual meeting, Denver CO, October 3-5.

2014 Third ScienceOne International Conference on Environmental Sciences, ICES2014 – Member, Program Technical Committee, Dubai, January 21-23.

2014 Participant, Association of University Programs in Occupational Health and Safety (AUPOHS) annual meeting, Washington DC, February 3-4

2015 Participant and presenter, NIOSH – ERC Directors annual meeting, Cincinnati OH, March 18-20.

2015 Member of the Scientific Committee, IS-SSM, Second International Conference for Occupational Safety and Health, Iasi, Romania, May, 29 –


2016 Participant, Association of University Programs in Occupational Health and Safety (AUPOHS) annual meeting, Washington DC, February 3-5.

2016 Member of the Organizing Committee, International Conference on Environmental Health and Safety, Valencia, Spain, October 24-26.

2016 - Editorial Board member: Advances in Environmental Studies.

2017 Participant, Association of University Programs in Occupational Health and Safety (AUPOHS) annual meeting, Washington DC, February 8-10.

2017 Deep South Center Annual Research Symposium, Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center, March 30-31.

2017 Member of the Scientific Committee, IS-SSM, Third International Conference for Occupational Safety and Health, Iasi, Romania, May, 17 –


2018 Participant, Association of University Programs in Occupational Health and Safety (AUPOHS) annual meeting, Washington DC, February 5-6.

2018- Editorial Advisory Board member: Current Analysis on Instrumentation and Control, Mesford Publisher Inc.

2018 International Abstract Reviewer: The 11th International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) International Scientific Conference, Washington, DC, September 24-26.

2018 Organizer and Moderator, Southeast Occupational Safety and Health Research Symposium, Savanah, GA, April 3-4.

2019 Participant, Association of University Programs in Occupational Health and Safety (AUPOHS) annual meeting, Washington DC, February 4-5.

2019 Organizer and Moderator, Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 3-4.

2019 Participant, NIOSH Centers Directors’ Meeting, Cincinnati, OH August 20 -21.

2020 Participant, Association of University Programs in Occupational Health and Safety (AUPOHS) annual meeting, Washington DC, February 3-4.

2020 Organizer, Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Birmingham AL, February 27-28.


2019 Member, Search Committee for open rank position in Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2018-2019 Chair, Search Committee for open rank position in Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2018-present Member, Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC), UAB School of Public Health

2018 Member, Search Committee for the Chair position in Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2017-present Graduate Director, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2016-2018 Chair, Search Committee for 3 open rank positions in Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2015-2016 UAB Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee (FPPC), Representative for the SOPH

2015-2016 Alternate Senator UAB, Representative for the SOPH

2015-2018 Member, Admission and Graduation Committee, UAB School of Public Health (Chair 2017-2018)

2014 Member, Lavoisier Endowed Professorship of Energetics and Healthy Lifestyles selection committee

2014 Chair, Search Committee for the position of Associate/Assistant Professor Exposure Science/Environmental health, UAB School of Public Health

2013-2015 Member, President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Committee

2013 Member, Selection Committee for the Alumnus/Alumna of the Year

2012-2017 Member, Space Committee, UAB School of Public Health

2011-2016 Member, Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC), UAB School of Public Health

2011-present Member, Admission Committee, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2011-2016 Chair, Curriculum Committee, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2011-present Chair, Space Committee, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health

2010 Member, Search Committee for the position of Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Industrial Hygiene, UAB School of Public Health

2009-2010 Member, Named Scholarship Award Committee, UAB School of Public Health

2008-2009 Member, DrPH Curriculum Committee, UAB School of Public Health

2008-2009 Member, Search Committee for the position of Associate Professor/Professor in Industrial Hygiene/Environmental Health – potential ERC director, UAB School of Public Health

2008-2014 Member, Ad Hoc Honor Code Review Committee, UAB School of Public Health

2007-2015 Member, Advisory Committee on Information Technology, UAB School of Public Health

2006-2009 Member, Department representative, EPC Committee, UAB School of Public Health

2006-2008 Member, Search Committee for the Position of Assistant Professor In Environmental Health Policy, Environmental Management, Environmental Disasters, UAB School of Public Health

2005 Member, Search Committee for the position of Assistant Professor in Industrial Hygiene, UAB School of Public Health

2002-2005 Member, Admission Committee, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

2000-2004 Co-Director, Hazardous Substances Academic Training Program, The Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

2002. Member, Laboratory Committee, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

Member, School of Public Health Consolidation Project Subcommittee, University of Minnesota

2000. Participant, the ABET Accreditation Subcommittee for the Industrial Hygiene program, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

2000. Member, Computer Committee, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

1998-1999 Member, Search Committee for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor in Industrial Hygiene, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota


2018 Participation and presentation at the AIHA, Alabama section “Future of Occupational Health and Safety Profession”, Birmingham, AL March 9.

2017 Expanding Research Partnerships: State of the Science Conference organized by NIOSH, Aurora, Colorado, June 21-23.

2017 Participation and presentation at the AIHA, Alabama section “Future of Occupational Health and Safety Profession”, Birmingham, AL March 3.

2016 Participation and presentation at the AIHA, Alabama section “Future of Occupational Health and Safety Profession”, Florence, AL March 11.

2016 Participant, AIHA Leadership Workshop, Falls Church, VA January 29 – 31.

2015 Participation and presentation at the 2015 Alabama Environmental Conference, Orange Beach, AL, October 26-28.

2015 Participant, NanoBio Summit 2015, UAB, October 15-16.

2015 Participant, 28th Annual Alabama Governor's Safety and Health Conference, Orange Beach, AL August 31 – September 2nd.

2015 Participation and presentation at the AIHA, Alabama section “Future of Occupational Health and Safety Profession”, March 6.

2014 Participation to the 9th Annual Southeast US Mining Safety and Health Conference, Birmingham, AL, November 4-7.

2014 Participation to the NanoBio Summit 2014, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, October 23-24.

2013 Emerging Issues in Occupational Health and Safety, Opelika AL, April 11

2013 American Society of Safety Engineers Region IV PDC, Birmingham AL, April 3-5.

2013 Creativity in Research, Pt. 1. Professional workshop series, January 25.

2012-2013 BLAZE (Building Leadership Attributes with Zeal and Excellence) Academy, a leadership program at UAB.

2012 Participant, Clean Air Initiative – A Scientific and Educational Symposium, September 21.

2012 Participant, Emerging Sustainable Smart Cities Symposium, Birmingham, AL February 16.

2011 Participant, Putting Approaches to Safety Nanotechnology into Practice – Tennessee Valley section, AIHA, Knoxville, TN October 19.

2011 Faculty Development and Diversity Workshop – JoAnn Moody, September UAB School of Public Health, 29 – 30.

2011 Seminar on Grant Writing and Review of NIH Submissions – Norman Braveman, UAB School of Public Health, July 27.

2010 Diversity Awareness Education, UAB

2008 Blackboard Vista training

2006 CITI Basic course – February

2001 Responsible Conduct of Research, a two days course/workshop (Part 1 and Part 2), University of Minnesota

2000 Participant, ABET Workshop – Engineering Criteria 2000 – Redondo Beach, CA, May, 2000

2000 Grant Writing Seminar/Workshop, University of Minnesota

2000 Comprehensive Gas Chromatography Seminar – RESTEK Co., Minneapolis, MN


2019-present Course Director: Environmental Sampling and Analysis ENH 661L (3 semester credits), EHS, UAB

2019-present Guest Lecturer: Physical Agents, ENH 626 (2 semester credits), “Radiation”, three lectures, EHS, UAB

2018 IH hands on lab session instructor: Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene ENH 621Q, EHS, UAB

2018 Course Director: Environmental and Occupational Exposure Assessment ENH 611Q (3 semester credits), EHS, UAB

2016 -present Course Director: Journal Club ENH 781 (1 semester credit), EHS, UAB

2016 Guest Lecturer: Environmental and Occupational Toxicology and Diseases ENH 650 (3 semester credits) “Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation” lecture, EHS, UAB

2013-present Guest Lecturer: EGR 710: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Engineering (3 semester credits) “The Work Environment” lecture, Engineering, UAB

2012-2018 Course Director: Environmental Sampling and Analysis ENH 661L (2 semester credits), EHS, UAB

2014-2017 Guest Lecturer: Environmental and Occupational Exposure Assessment ENH 611 (3 semester credits) “Gases and Vapors in the Workplace”, “Occupational Exposure to Aerosols” lectures, EHS, UAB

2014 Course Director: Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene ENH 621Q (3 semester credits), EHS, UAB

2014-2019 Course Director: Current Topics in Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety ENH 691and ENH 691Q (1 semester credit Spring & Fall), concurrently with Current Topics in EOH Research ENH 790 (1 semester credit) EHS, UAB

2012, 2013 Guest Lecturer: Environmental and Occupational Exposure Assessment ENH 611 (3 semester credits) “Variability and Uncertainty in Exposure Analysis; Statistical Methods”, “Exposure Assessment Strategies, GIS”, “Gases and Vapors in the Workplace”, “Occupational Exposure to Aerosols” lectures, EHS, UAB

2012 Course Director: Current Topics in Environmental and Occupational Health ENH 691(1 semester credit), EHS, UAB

2005-2011 Course Director: Air Sampling and Analysis ENH 661 (3 semester credits) EHS, UAB

2005-2008 Course Director: Air Sampling and Analysis Laboratory ENH 662 (1 semester credit EHS, UAB

2007-2018 Course Co-Director: Fundamentals of Air and Water Pollution ENH 660 (3 semester credits) EHS, UAB

2007-2016 Global Environmental Epidemiology EPI 616 (2 semester credits), “The indoor environment” lecture, UAB

2009-2011 Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science ENH 600 (3 semester credits), EHS, UAB (“Ionizing Radiation”, “Indoor Air Quality” lectures), Spring semester

2005-2008 Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science ENH 600 (3 semester credits), EHS, UAB (“The Workplace Environment”, “Indoor Air Quality” lectures), Spring and Fall semesters

2006 Co-Instructor: Interdisciplinary Worksite Evaluation ENH 681 (1 semester credits) EHS, UAB

2006 Co-Instructor: Field Interdisciplinary Studies ENH 680 (2 semester credits) EHS, UAB

2006 Co-Instructor: The Public Health Integrative Experience PUH 690 (2 semester credits) EHS, UAB

2006 Instructor: Special Topics in Environmental and Occupational Health

ENH 705 (2 semester credits) EHS, UAB

2005-2006 Instructor: Industrial Hygiene Seminar ENH 691 (1 year credit). EHS, UAB (fall 2005, spring 2006)

200-2005 Course Director: Industrial Hygiene Measurements Laboratory PubH 5175 (2 semester credits). Division of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota

2003 Instructor: Hazard-Related Exposure to Physical Agents in the Environment PubH 5173 (2 semester credits). Division of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota

2001-2002 Guest Lecturer: Environmental Microbiology PubH 5180. (Sampling for bio aerosol” lecture) Division of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota

1999 Co-Instructor: Hazard-Related Exposure to Physical Agents in the Environment PubH 5173. Division of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota

1991-2003 Guest lecturer: Exposure to Environmental Hazards PubH 5103. Division of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota, (three lectures: 1999, 2000, two lectures: 2001, 2002, one lecture: 2003)

1998-1999 Guest lecturer: Properties, Behavior and Measurement of Airborne Contaminants PubH 5171. Division of Environmental Health Science, University of Minnesota (2 lectures: 1998, 1999)

1998, 2000 Co-Instructor: Industrial Hygiene Applications PubH 5150. Division of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota (six lectures: 1998, two lectures: 2000)

1998 Instructor: Introduction to Industrial Hygiene Exposure Assessment and Sampling. Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety, November 16 – 18, 1998, Minneapolis, MN

1998 Workshop Co-instructor with Nicole McCullough (3M), Air Sampling Instrumentation. Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety, November 18, 1998, Minneapolis, MN

1997-1998 Graduate Teaching Assistant: Concepts of Environmental Health Sciences ENHS 660. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1996-1998 Graduate Teaching Assistant: Industrial Hygiene Evaluation ENHS 761. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1994-1997 Laboratory Instructor: Nuclear Physics PHYS 511. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

1991-1993 Instructor: Laboratory Instructor for a series of laboratory classes in Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC


Postdoctoral Research Associate

6 Andrea Bartekova - Fulbright fellow in the Department of Wood and

Paper Science and Division of Environmental Health Sciences, currently Group Leader - Global Chocolate RD&Q at Mondelez International (Birmingham, UK).

Visiting Scientist

August 2011 Mehdi Jahan-Giri, Research fellow at the Institute for Work and Health in Lausanne, Switzerland, Ph.D. candidate in occupational hygiene, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

Visiting Scholar

2014 - 2015 Tevfik Pinar, MD, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Institute of Public Health, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

Visiting Scientist

2016 - 2017 Jonghwa Oh, Postdoctoral visiting scientist in the Occupational hygiene lab.

List of Graduate Students:

| | | | |Date of Degree |

|Student Name |Degree |Major |Advisor’s Role |Completion |

|Mira Grice |MS |EHS-U of M |Academic Advisor |Aug. 2002 |

|Jo Anne Goot |MS |EHS-U of M |Academic/Research |May 2003 |

|Steven Phillips |MS |EHS-U of M |Research Adviser |May 2003 |

|Jodi Quam |MS |EHS-U of M |Research Advisor | Dec. 2003 |

|Rui Yang |MS |EHS-U of M |Academic/Research | Dec. 2004 |

|Stefan Saravia |MPH | EHS-U of M |Academic Advisor | Dec. 2005 |

|Megan Johnson |MPH |EHS-U of M |Academic Advisor | Dec. 2005 |

|Ji Young Park |Ph.D. |EHS-U of M |Academic/Research | May 2009 |

| | | |(2003-2005) | |

|Glenn Sturchio |Ph.D. |EHS-U of M |Research Adviser |May 2008 |

|Lakisha Anderson |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Aug. 2006 |

|Amanda Brown |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Aug. 2006 |

|Derek Bocard |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Aug. 2007 |

|Colin McDaniel |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2008 |

|Kevin Young |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Aug. 2009 |

|Lydia Wade |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2010 |

|Hatem Aldeeb |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2010 |

|Michael Russell |MPH |ENH-UAB |Academic/Research |Dec. 2010 |

|Rupkatha Bardhan |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2011 |

|Jo Anne Balanay |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research Advisor |May. 2011 |

|Shaun Crawford |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research advisor |Aug. 2011 |

|Norman Bolus |MSPH |EHS-UAB |Research Advisor |Aug. 2011 |

|Brad Brinkley |DrPH |EHS-UAB |Research Advisor |May 2011 |

|Celeste Hemphill |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research Advisor |Withdrawn |

| | | |2008-2010 |2011 |

|Brittany Travis |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2012 |

|Evan Floyd |PhD |ENH-UAB |Research Advisor |August 2013 |

|Paula Joe |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research Advisor |May 2014 |

|Jonghwa Oh |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |August 2012 |

|Samantha Connell |MSPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |August 2013 |

|Sarah Garst |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |August 2013 |

|David Houston |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |August 2013 |

|Melike Dizbay-Onat |PhD |Interdiscipl. |Research Co-Advisor |May 2015 |

| | |Engineering | | |

|Jonghwa Oh |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research Advisor |August 2016 |

|Megan Moore |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2014 |

|Joseph Fruehbrodt |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2014 |

|Gumi Mabvuta |MSPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |August 2015 |

|Adell Meyer |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2014 |

|Carly Dedeaux |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2015 |

|Katie Eversole |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2015 |

|Tasha Stanfield |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2015 |

|Alexander Ream |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |August 2015 |

|Quachel Bazile |MSPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Dec. 2015 |

|Garrett Godsey |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Dec. 2015 |

|Jeff Hall Jr. |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Dec. 2016 |

|Stephanie Jacobs |MSPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2017 |

|Rupkatha Bardhan |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research Advisor |August 2018 |

|Jonathan Allred |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2017 |

|Melissa Davis |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2017 |

|Hayley Seaman |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2017 |

|Laura Hurst |MSPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2017 |

|Ashley Price |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2018 |

|Autumn Yatabe |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |Dec. 2018 |

|Jake Shedd |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research Adviser | |

|Margret Summers |PhD |EHS-UAB |Research Adviser | |

|Jordan Roberts |PhD |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2020 |

|Tyea M. Johnson |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2020 |

|Van Thursby |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic |Dec. 2017 |

|Young-Mi Han |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic |May 2018 |

|Rachel Michel |MPH |ENH-UAB |Academic | |

|Blake Culver |MPH |ENH-UAB |Academic |Dec. 2019 |

|Morgan Dean |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2019 |

|Brenna Hogan |MPH |EHS-UAB |Co-adviser |May 2019 |

|Reese Koehler |MPH |EHS-UAB |Academic/Research |May 2019 |

|Steven Petz |MPH |EHS-UAB |Co-adviser |May 2019 |

|Holden Phillips |MPH |EHS-UAB |Co-adviser |May 2019 |

|Charles Boyd |MPH |EHS-UAB |Co-adviser |May 2020 |

|Shanita Thomas |MPH |EHS-UAB |Co-adviser |May 2020 |

|Lawrence Rasmussen |PhD |ENH-UAB |Academic/Research |Dec. 2019 |

|Oluwabunmi Dada |PhD |ENH-UAB |Academic/Research |Dec. 2019 |

|Savannah Jones |MPH |ENH-UAB |Academic/Research | |

|David McMahan |PhD |ENH-UAB |Research Adviser | |

Doctoral Students

2008 Glenn Sturchio, Ph.D. Division of Environmental Health Sciences,

University of Minnesota (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): Radiation Dose from Radioactive Patients: A New Exposure Assessment Methodology – currently Director of Health Physics Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL.

2011 Jo Anne Balanay, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): Adsorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs) for Toluene – currently Associate Professor (with tenure), East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.

2011 Bradley S. Brinkley, DrPH Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): Experimental Determination of Shielding Requirements for PET Medical Facilities – RSO, UAB, deceased.

2011 Shaun Crawford, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): Characterization and Modeling of Styrene Emissions from Vinyl Ester Resin Thermoset Composite Material – currently Crawsa Environment and Health, LLC.

2013 Evan Floyd, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): Photothermal Desorption of Toluene from Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Activated Carbon Sorbents – currently Assistant professor, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK.

2014 Paula S. Joe, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): New NIOSH Headforms: Developing Novel Methods for Fabricating a More Realistic Physical Headform and Custom Facepieces and Evaluating Existing Commercially-Available Respirators- currently GEMS Program Manager, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Lexington, KY.

2016 Jonghwa Oh, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): Fabrication and Characterization of Buckypapers for Use in Air Sampling – currently Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health, Birmingham, AL.

2018 Rupkatha Bardhan, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Mentor and Chair of doctoral committee): Psychosocial Job Stress and Oxidative Stress in Emergency Department Nurses – currently Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Occupational Safety and Health, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, Murray State University, Murray, KY.

2019 Oluwabunmi Magret Dada, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Chair of doctoral committee): Exposure Assessment of Ultrafine Particles and Hazardous Chemicals in Electronic Cigarettes– currently Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Occupational Safety and Health, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, Murray State University, Murray, KY.

2019 Lawrence W. Rasmussen, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Chair of doctoral committee): Impact of Environmental Exposures on Respiratory Health

2020 Jordan Nelson, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health (Chair of doctoral committee): Smoke Inhalation, Lung Function and Heart Rate in Wildland Firefighters- currently part time faculty, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UAB School of Public Health.

Masters Students Committees:

May 2000 Nicole Flessner, MS Environmental Health/Industrial Hygiene (U of M) – Committee Member

Aug. 2000 Mira Grice, MS Environmental Health/General Program (U of M) – Committee Member

Oct. 2002 Gina M. Letts, MS Environmental Health/Industrial Hygiene (U of M) – Committee Member

July 2005 Britt J. Davis, MPH /Industrial Hygiene (UAB) – Committee Member

July 2005 Meredith Tilley, MPH /Industrial Hygiene (UAB) – Committee Member

Oct. 2008 Ashwini Katre, MS ENH (UAB) – Committee Member

Dec. 2008 Meghan S. Tipre, MS Epidemiology (UAB) – Committee Member

June, 2013 Samantha Connell, MSPH EHS/IH: Comparison of Fabricated Carbon Nanotube Sorbent Felts and 3M Charcoal Sorbent Wafers to Assess Passive Sampling Capabilities for VOCs – Committee Chair

Dec. 2015 Quachel Bazile, MSPH EHS/IH: An analysis of selecting Personal Protective Equipment clothing used in Foundries – Committee Chair

Aug. 2015 Gumindenga F. Mabvuta, MSPH EHS/IH: Assessing Potential Diesel Exhaust Exposure in Truckers Resting at Truck Stops – Committee Chair

May 2017 Laura Hurst, MSPH EHS/IH: Comparative Analysis of New Techniques for Hearing Conservation Program Selection – Committee Chair

May 2017 Stephanie L. Marzette: Formaldehyde Emission from Laminate Flooring – Committee Chair

Doctoral Examination Committees:

2000 - 2004 Michael Kingsley, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2000- 2005 Wei Liu, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2003-2005 Seung Won Kim, Environmental Health Sciences, University of Minnesota, Doctoral Dissertation Committee

2005-2007 Katrina Wright, EHS, UAB SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2005-2007 Mark Brooks, EHS, UAB, SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2005- 2008 Leshan Elliott, EHS, UAB, SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2005- 2009 Lisa McCormick, DrPH, EHS, UAB, SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2005- 2011 Gwendolyn Hudson, EHS, UAB, SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2006 - 2010 Eric Boelhouwer, Systems Engineering, Auburn University, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2009 Michael Pool, EHS, UAB, SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2010- 2014 Sandeep Mishra, DrPH, Epidemiology, UAB, SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2010- 2015 Melike Dizbay-Onat, Material Science and Engineering, UAB, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2012- 2017 Fei Liu, Department of Chemistry, UAB, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2012- 2016 Dominique Everett, Materials Science and Engineering, UAB, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2016- Remi Meyer, EHS, UAB, SOPH, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2017- Miranda Trentle, Department of Chemistry, UAB, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member

2017- Adam Nored, Interdisciplinary Engineering, UAB, Doctoral Dissertation Committee member


2015 Wicked Problem Case Competition, Judge, UAB, School of Public Health, March 2015

2014-2019 McWane Ergo-Cup Competition, Judge, Birmingham AL

2013 National Public Health Week, Wicked Problem Case Competition - Advisor to Team 3: Kung Fu Pandas and Team 10: Team Challenge Accepted (third place), Birmingham AL, April 2 – 4

2012 Science and Technology Honors Program Quick Connections – EHS Participant, October 26

2012 PBR Connections Event: Biotechnology and DoD Applications - Aug. 2, Huntsville, AL

2012 UAB School of Public Health, Judge for the Delta Omega Honorary Society Abstract Student Competition

2011 Reviewer for the Back of the Envelope (BOTE) for Staff applications

2011 UAB Graduate Student Research Day Competition, Judge for the Public Health section, February 24

2010 Claudiu T. Lungu: Update on the Gulf Oil Spill Accident, Emerging Issues in Occupational Health and Safety, June 23-24, Destin, FL

2010 UAB School of Public Health, Judge for the Delta Omega Honorary Society Abstract Student Competition

2009 UAB Graduate Student Research Day Competition, Judge for the Physical Sciences and Engineering section, March 17

2007 The 8th Annual Public Employees Safety Council of Alabama Conference PESCA, Lecturer, Indoor Air Quality: When Simple Solutions are the Best November 17, Gardendale, AL

2006 American Composites Manufacturing Association – Structural Composites Conference, Feb. 8-9, Birmingham, AL. participant and judge for the student poster session.

2006 Alabama Environmental Education Consortium (ALEEC) Second Annual Conference: Sustainability and Nuclear Power. April 28-29, Birmingham, AL. participant


Active Grants

CDC-NIOSH 2T42OH008436-13 07/01/17 – 06/30/22

Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety $8,114,852

Role: PI, Center director,

IH program director (6.0 calendar)

NIH/NIEHS – Superfund Research Center (P42) 03/20/20 – 06/30/25

Impact of Airborne Heavy Metals on Lung Disease $799,817

and the Environment - Project 5: Nano-Micro Hybrid

Fibrous Materials for Contaminant Removal and

Site Remediation

Role: Co-PI

Pending Grants

CDC/NIOSH – R21 submitted: 07/16/2019

Investigation of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs)

as Dual Filtration and Sorbent Media for Respiratory


Role: PI

CDC/NIOSH – R21 (Oh, PI) submitted: 07/16/2019

A Fit Matching Tool for Protective Eyewear to

Lower Traumatic Eye Injuries

Role: Co-Investigator (12%)


Completed Grants

University of MN Grant-in-Aid of Research (PI) 07/1/99-12/30/00

Radon Sorption of Building Materials; $15,504

Pilot Test Using a Surrogate Gas

SPH / Minnesota Medical Foundation (Raynor, PI) 07/01/01-12/31/01

Measuring Air Pollutants near an Urban Ethanol $24,994

Production Facility

Role: Co-Investigator, (20%)

American Industrial Hygiene Association 07/01/01-06/30/02 Respiratory Protection Committee (PI) $5,000

Effect of Sulfur Dioxide Co-adsorption on the Adsorption

Performance of Respirator Cartridges for Organic Vapors

NIOSH/ Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety

Sampling Protocol to Measure Fugitive Emission in the 06/30/00 – 06/29/01

Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic Industry $5,154

Pilot Project Research Training Program

Role: Adviser to student PI Pamela Russel

University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid of Research, 01/01/02 – 12/31/03 01/01/02 – 12/31/03

Artistry and Scholarship (PI) $19,981

Experimental Study of Aerosol Deposition in the Human

Lower Respiratory Tract

NIOSH/ Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety

Study of the Sink Effect Influence on the Vapor 12/01/01 – 06/30/02

Concentration Caused by Volatile Chemical Spills $6,030

Pilot Project Research Training Program

Role: Adviser to student PI, Steven Phillip

NIOSH/ Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety

Study of the Membrane Windscreen Influence on the 12/01/01 – 06/30/02

Diffusive Sampler Performance $12,091

Pilot Project Research Training Program

Role: Adviser to student PI, Jodi Quam

NIOSH/ Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety

Study of the Effect of Ethanol Interference in Toluene 02/25/03 – 06/30/03

Sampling $14,097

Pilot Project Research Training Program

Role: Adviser to student PI, Sreeram Kailasanathan

University of Minnesota

International Travel Grant for Faculty 05/23/04–05/28/04

For participation to the 11th International Congress of the $500

Radiation Protection Society, Madrid, Spain

NIOSH/ Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety

Characterization of New Composite Microporous 09/30/03- 07/30/04

Fibers (CMF) as Gas and Vapor Adsorbents $12,058

Pilot Project Research Training Program

Role: Adviser to student PI, Ji Young Park

CDC NIOSH- K01 (SERCA) OH00184-01 (PI) 09/30/00-09/29/04

Adsorption of Gas Phase Contaminant Mixtures $158,337

Prairie Island Tribal Council (Alexander, PI)

Prairie Island Health Study; 01/01/05-12/31/05

Phase I: Feasibility Work Scope $114,970

Role: Co-Investigator (5%)

University of Minnesota, Grant in Aid of Research (Kushman, PI) 07/14/04-07/13/06

The Soudan Low Background Counting Facility: $20,550

A Proposal to Develop an Intercollegiate Collaboration

Role: Co-Investigator (5%)

Jefferson County Department of Health (Oestenstad PI) 08/01/06-07/31/07

South Central Center for Public Health Preparedness $28,868

Proposal to Design and Develop Level One of a

Web-based Environmental Health Specialist

Certificate Program

Role: Co-Investigator (5%)

UAB – School of Public Health BOTE Award (PI) 01/05/09 – 06/05/10

Use of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for $21,038

Personal Air Sampling

DHS/MACRO 35242-8S-1231 (Becker PI) 08/01/08 –07/31/09

Comprehensive Guide to Existing RDD $171,821

Public Education Resources

Role: Co-Investigator (5%)

CDC NIOSH – R01 08-ROH008080B (PI) 08/03/05 – 07/31/10

Adsorption of Gas Phase Contaminants $515,000

UAB/SOPH Gulf Oil Response Pilot Project (PI) 10/01/10 – 03/31/11

Method Development for the Use of Dispersant as $20,000

Leading Indicator of Oil Contamination and Exposure

Following the Gulf Oil Spill

NIEHS – 1R21ES18730-1 Sathiakumar (PI) 07/01/10 – 6/30/12

Prenatal Exposure to Solid Fuel Smoke and Birth $270,000

Outcomes in Sri Lanka

Pilot study to evaluate relationship between exposure to solid fuels smoke during pregnancy and birth outcomes among infants born to mothers in Sri Lanka

Role: Co-Investigator (0.6 calendar)

USDHS; CAZADOR, LLC Becker (PI) 09/01/10 – 8/31/12

Task Force Project 6: Protective Action Guides $206,485

Role: Co-Investigator (0.6 calendar)

CDC NIOSH – 1R21OH010373-01A1 (PI) 09/01/13-08/31/15

A Novel Desorption Technique for Improved $394,672

Sensitivity in Sampling for Gases and Vapors

Role: PI (3.6 calendar)

University of Alabama System Collaborative Research 01/01/15 – 12/31/15

Initiation Grants $5,000

The level of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds

in the commercial nail salons: A pilot study

Role: Co-PI with Azita Amiri, UA Huntsville

Alabama Department of Public Health 06/01/15- 08/31/15

Emergency Preparedness Fit Testing Training $8,700

Role: Co-PI

UAB – School of Public Health BOTE Award (PI) 01/01/15 – 12/31/15 01/05/09 – 06/05/09

Association of Job Stress Indicators with Oxidative $20,000

Biomarkers in ER Physician and Nurses in a

US Hospital

CDC/NIOSH – PPRT (Oh PI) 07/01/17 - 6/30/18

Synthesis and Characterization of Carbonfiber Paper $15,000

For Air Sampling

Role: Co-Investigator

CDC/NIOSH – PPRT (N. Carolina) 01/01/18 – 6/30/18

Characterization and Photothermal Desorption of $10,000

Buckypapers for Air Sampling

Role: PI, mentor to Jacob Shedd

CDC/NIOSH – K01 (Huynh, PI) 08/2016 – 07/2018

Health and Safety Training Module for Vietnamese

Nail Salon Workers: A Feasibility Study

Role: Co-Investigator, Mentor

NIEHS – R01 (Gohlke PI)

Environmental Exposures across Urban and 01/2015 – 12/2019

Rural Communities in the Deep South $1,260,000

Role: Co-Investigator (0.6 calendar)

CDC/NIOSH – Auburn University PPRT 07/2018 – 06/2019

Characterization of sorbent-loaded non-woven media $12,000

and activated carbon fiber (ACF) as adsorbents of

volatile organic compounds at low exposure concentrations

Role: PI, Mentor to Margaret Summers



* Shows corresponding (senior) author role

1. Dumitru C, Lungu C, Iosif S. 1992. Cs-134 and Cs-137 Body Contamination of Human Adults in the Bucharest Area in the Aftermath of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 42:45-49.

2. Beresford NA, Mayes RW, Howard BJ, Eayres HF, Lamb C, Cherry RD, Desbruyeres D, Heyraud M, Nolan C, Dumitru C, Lungu C, Ioslf S, Kalef-Ezra J, Hatzlkonstantlnou I, Leontlou I, Gloros D, Marouf BA, Mohamad AS, Taha JS, Hanna HI, Hasson WA, Hasson MA, Marshall E. 1993. The bioavailability of different forms of radiocaesium for transfer across the gut of ruminants. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 18:177-178.

3. Feigley C, Underhill D, Lungu C, Riley T. 1996.The Sampling Rates of Diffusive Samplers Measured in the Laboratory and in Simulated Use as Personal Samplers. Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 57:551-557.

4. Lungu C, Underhill D. 1999.The Effect of Moisture on the Adsorption of Xenon by Activated Carbon. Health Physics 77:298-303.

5. Brosseau LM, Raynor P, Lungu C. 2005. Employers’ Expectations of Knowledge and Skills of Masters-Trained Industrial Hygienists. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2:1-7.

6. Barteková A, Huelman P, Lungu C* 2005. The Potential Exposure of Residents to Emissions from Building Materials used in a New Composite Panel House. The Air & Waste Management Association’s 98th Annual Conference & Exhibition Proceedings, Minneapolis, Minnesota, ISBN 0-923204-88-1.

7. Brosseau LM, Lungu CT. 2005. The Nature and Properties of Workplace Airborne Contaminants. In: Gardiner K, Harrington JM, editors. Occupational Hygiene. 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. P. 85-105.

8. Bartekova A, Lungu C*, Shmulsky R, Huelman P, Park JY 2006. Laboratory Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Coated and Uncoated Oriented Strandboard. Forest Products Journal 56(2):85-90.

9. Bartekova A, Lungu C, Huelman P, Cheple M 2006. Research Summary of Indoor Air Quality Monitoring with respect to Volatile Organic Compounds Concentration in New Composite Panel Houses. The Air & Waste Management Association’s 99th Annual Conference & Exhibition Proceedings, New Orleans, LA. ISBN 978-1-60423-702-3:599-613.

10. Vatani Javad, Faghihi Ali, Bahrami Abdul Rahman, Raei Dehaghi Mehdi, Hakimi Hossenali, Esmaeilzadeh Esmat, Khosravi Ahmad, A Ribes, G Carrera, E Gallego, X Roca, MJ Berenguer, X Guardino, AR Bahrami, BC Blount, RJ Kobelski, DO McElprang, DL Ashley, JC Morrow, DM Chambers, FL Cardinali, DWT Chan, CSY Tam, AP Jones, DO Atari, IN Luginaah, EA Woolfenden, FA Wichmann, A Muller, LE Busi, N Cianni, L Massolo, H Pekey, D Arslanbas, AL Hinwood, PN di Marco, M Hippelein, J Xu, Y Gao, S Uchiyama, T Sodesawa, JA Balanay, CT Lungu, JA Bernstein, N Alexis, H Bacchus, IL Bernstein, P Fritz, KH Chiu, BZ Wu, CC Chang, U Sree, JG Lo, NG Turan, A Akdemir, ON Ergun, P Rao, S Ankam, M Ansari, AG Gavane, A Kumar, VI Pandit, P Nema, MA Parra, D Elustondo, R Bermejo, JM Santamaria, PI Serrano-Trespalacios, L Ryan, JD Spengler, J Vatani, A Faghihi, A Bahrami, M Akhgar, H Hakimi, E Esmaeilzadeh, WK Jo, JW Lee, DC Shin 2006. Exposure to volatile organic compounds in residences adjacent to dyeing industrial complex. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 5(6):44-45.

11. Balanay JG, and Lungu CT.* 2009. Exposure of Jeepney Drivers in Manila, Philippines, to Selected Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Industrial Health 47:33-42.

12. Zhang Y, Banerjee S, Young R, Lungu C, Ramachandran G. 2009. Bayesian Modeling of Exposure and Airflow Using Two-Zone Models. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 53(4):409-424.

13. Katre AA, Ballinger C, Gaston Pravia KA, Kim D-K, Fanucchi M, Lungu C, Postlethwait EM, Liu R-M. 2009. Ozone Induces Pulmonary Fibrosis via a TGF-beta Signaling Pathway. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 47:S101.

14. Crawford S, Lungu CT.* 2011. Influence of Temperature on Styrene Emission from a Vinyl Ester Resin Thermoset Composite Material. Science of the Total Environment 409:3403-3408.

15. Balanay JG, Crawford S, Lungu CT.* 2011. Comparison of Toluene Adsorption among Granular Activated Carbon and Different Types of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs). Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 8:573–579.

16. Joe P, Ito Y, Shih A, Oestenstad RK, Lungu CT.* 2012. Comparison of a Novel Surface Laser Scanning Anthropometric Technique to Traditional Methods for Facial Parameter Measurements. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 9:81–88.

17. Floyd E, Lungu CT, Gohlke J. 2012. An Evaluation of Nearshore Sediment Data after the Deepwater Horizon Blowout. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 1(3): 341-350.

18. Balanay JG, Lungu CT.* 2012. Morphologic and Surface Characterization of Activated Carbon Fibers. Adsorption Science and Technology, 30(4): 355-368.

19. Lungu CT*, Dizbay-Onat M, Vaidya U. 2012. Physical Adsorption Properties of Natural Fibers and Natural Fiber-Based Activated Carbons for CO2 Emissions. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials. June 24-28, Venice-Italy.

20. Joe PS, Floyd E, Lungu CT.* 2012. Physical Fabrication and Verification of New NIOSH Digital Headform Designs with Skin-analog for Use in Fit Testing Journal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection, 29(2): 82-93, (published in 2013).

21. Boelhouwer E, Davis J, Franco-Watkins A, Dorris N, Lungu CT. 2013. Comprehension of hazard communication: Effects of Pictograms on Safety Data Sheets and Labels. Journal of Safety Research 46:145-155.

22. Crawford S, Lungu CT.* 2013. Application and Limitations of a Mass Transfer VOC Emission Model for a Dry Building Material. Atmospheric Environment 81:25-31.

23. Balanay JG, Bartolucci A, Lungu CT.* 2014. Adsorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs) for Toluene: Application to Respiratory Protection. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 11(3):133-143.

24. Kozlovskaya V, Chen J, Tedjo C, Liang X, Campos-Gomez J, Oh J, Saeed M, Lungu CT, Kharlampieva E. 2014. pH-Responsive Hydrogel Cubes via Sequential Polymer Assembly: Synthesis and Release of Doxorubicin in Cancer Cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2:2494 – 2507.

25. Joe PS, Shum PC, Brown DW, Lungu CT.* 2014. A Novel Method for Designing and Fabricating Low-Cost Facepiece Prototypes. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 11(10):665-671.

26. Floyd E, Sapag K, Oh J, Lungu CT.* 2014. Photothermal Desorption of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Coconut Shell-Activated Carbons Using a Continuous Light Source for Application in Air Sampling. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 58(7):877-888.

27. Balanay JG, Floyd E, Lungu CT. 2015. Breakthrough Curves for Toluene Adsorption on Different Types of Activated Carbon Fibers: Application in Respiratory Protection. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 59(4):481-490.

28. Balanay JG, Lungu CT. 2016. Determination of Pressure Drop across Activated Carbon Fiber Respirator Cartridges. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 13(2):141-147.

29. Oh J, Floyd EL, Watson TC, Lungu CT.* 2016. Fabrication and Adsorption Characterization of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) Buckypaper (BP) for Use in Air Samplers. Analytical Methods, 8:4197-4203.

30. Oh J, Floyd EL, Parit M, Davis VA, Lungu CT.* 2016. Heat Treatment of Buckypaper (BP) for Use in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Sampling. Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2016/3248059.

31. Dizbay-Onat M, Vaidya UK, Lungu CT. 2017. Preparation of Industrial Sisal Fiber Waste Derived Activated Carbon by Chemical Activation and Effects of Carbonization Parameters on Surface Characteristics. Industrial Crops and Products 95:583-590.

32. Connell SL, Floyd EL, Lungu CT.* 2017. Evaluation of Carbon Nanotube Buckypaper as Sorbent for Passive Sampling of Toluene. Advanced Materials and Technologies for Environmental Applications. 1(3):118-125.

33. Dizbay-Onat M, Lungu CT, Balanay JG, Vaidya U. 2018. Preparation and Characterization of Flax, Hemp and Sisal Fiber-Derived Mesoporous Activated Carbon Adsorbents. Adsorption Science and Technology, 36 (1-2):441-457.

34. Dizbay-Onat M, Floyd EL, Vaidya UK, Lungu CT. 2018. Applicability of Industrial Sisal Fiber Waste Derived Activated Carbon for the Adsorption of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Fibers and Polymers. 19(4):805-811.

35. Tipre M, Wickremesinghe R, Nandasena S, Kasturiratne A, Larson R, Meleth S, Wimalasiri U, Smith T, Lungu CT, Sathiakumar N. 2018. Prenatal exposure to household air pollution and adverse birth outcomes among newborns in Sri Lanka. bioRxiv, doi: .

36. Heaton T, Hurst L, Amiri A, Lungu, CT, Oh J. 2019. Laboratory Estimation of Occupational Exposures to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) during Nail Polish Application. Workplace Health and Safety. 67(6):288-293.

37. Shedd JS, Floyd EL, Oh J, Lungu CT*. 2019. ATR-FTIR Determination of Surfactant Removal from Arc Discharge Buckypapers for Air Sampling. Journal of Advances in Nanomaterials. 4(2):11-17.

38. Wang S, Richardson MB, Wu CYH, Cholewa CD, Lungu CT, Zaitchik BF, Gohlke JM. 2019. Estimating Occupational Heath Exposure from Personal Sampling of Public Works Employees in Birmingham, Alabama. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 61(6):518-524.

39. Bardhan R, Heaton K, Davis M, Chen P, Dickinson D, Lungu, CT*. 2019. A Cross Sectional Study Evaluating Psychosocial Job Stress and Health Risk in Emergency Department Nurses, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(18), 3243. .

40. Mishra S, McClure L, Golla V, Guddattu V, Lungu CT, Sathiakumar N. 2020. Relationship between Diabetes and Indoor Air Pollution: an Exploratory Analysis. International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases. In review.

41. Tipre M, Wickremesinghe R, Nandasena S, Kasturiratne A, Larson R, Meleth S, Wimalasiri U, Lungu CT, Smith T, Sathiakumar N. Prenatal exposure to particulate matter (PM2.5) and low birth weight in a Sri Lankan Birth Cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives. In review.

42. Everett D, Wood A, Pillay S, Lungu CT, Thomas V. Enhanced Photocatalytic Efficiency of Morphologically Modified Electrospun Titanium Dioxide Composites in Visible Light. Energy & Environmental Materials. In review.

43. Evan L. Floyd, Jonghwa Oh, Karim Sapag, Toluwanimi M Oni, Jacob S Shedd, Claudiu T Lungu* Photothermal Desorption of Toluene from Carbonaceous Substrates Using Light Flash. Journal of Chromatography A. In review.

44. Shedd JS, Kuehster WW, Ranjit S, Hauser AJ, Floyd EL, Oh J, Lungu CT*. 2020. Determining the Thermal Properties of Buckypapers used in Photothermal Desorption. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. In review.

45. Mabvuta G, Oh J, Lungu CT.* Assessing Potential Diesel Exhaust Exposure in Truckers Resting at Truck Stops. In preparation.

46. Oh J, Shedd J, Floyd EL, Lungu CT.* Mechanical Properties of Buckypapers for Use in Air Sampling, in preparation.

Oral Presentations

1. Lungu, C. and Dumitru, C: Determination of Internal Contamination in the Aftermath of the Chernobyl Accident using the Whole Body Counter (Romanian), Annual Meeting of the Romanian Physics Society, Cluj, Romania, October, 1990.

2. Lungu, C. and Dumitru, C: In Vivo Measurements of the Internal Contamination (of the Human Body) after the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Charleston Chapter of the Health Physics Society Meeting, Columbia, SC, August, 1993.

3. Feigley, C., Underhill, D., Lungu, C.: Body Effect on the Diffusive Sampler Mass Transfer. Fall Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Carolinas Section, Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 1994.

4. Lungu, C.: Humidity Effect on the Adsorption by Activated Carbon of Toxic Compounds. The Spring Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Carolinas Section, Charlotte, NC, March, 1997.

5. Lungu, C.: Adsorption on Charcoal: Black Magic or Physics? Presentation at the Graduate Student Day Session, Columbia, SC, April, 1997.

6. Lungu, C.: From Chernobyl to Tokaimura; Facts and Fiction. Special Seminar of the Environmental and Occupational Health Division, Minneapolis, MN, November, 1999.

7. Lungu, CT: Sorption of Radioactive Xenon in Building Materials; Implications for Radon Sampling. Fall Meeting – North Central Chapter of the Health Physics Society, Lake Elmo, MN, October 2002.

8. Lungu, CT: Novel Materials in Occupational and Environmental Health Applications. NSF Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Green Materials and Products, UAB School of Engineering, Birmingham, AL, July 2012.

9. Lungu, CT: Application of New Technological Advances in the Industrial Hygiene Practice. Southeast Mine Safety & Health Conference, Birmingham AL, November 4-7, 2013.

10. Claudiu T. Lungu and Ilias Kavouras: Greenhouse gases and occupational hazards: Current status, future directions and implications to energy, industry and transportation. 2015 Alabama Environmental Conference, Orange Beach, AL, October 26-28, 2015.

11. Jonghwa Oh and Claudiu T. Lungu: Respiratory Protection and Practical Fit Testing Demonstration. 32nd Annual Alabama Governor’s Safety and Health Conference, Orange Beach, AL August 26-28, 2019.

Conference Proceedings, Papers and Abstracts

1. Kingsley, M.L., Davidson, J., and Lungu, C.: A proposed Challenge Gas Mixture for Indoor Gas Contaminant Removal Equipment. Proceedings of the Air Filtration Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October, 20-21, 1999.

2. Lungu, CT and Kingsley M.: Radon Sorption of Building Materials. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 2001.

3. Russell P. and Lungu, CT: Assessing Worker Exposure to Styrene in the Reinforced Fiber Glass Industry from Limited Personal and Area Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 2001.

4. Brosseau, LM, Lungu, CT. Ramachandran, G. Raynor, P: Expectations of Employers Hiring Entry-Level Masters-Trained Industrial Hygienists, American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, 2003.

5. Quam, J. and Lungu CT: A Laboratory Comparison of Active and Passive Sampling for the Monitoring of Styrene. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2003.

6. Phillips, S. and Lungu, CT: Building Material Sink Effect Influence on Vapor Concentration from Volatile Organic Chemical Spills. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2003.

7. Kailasanathan, S. and Lungu, CT: Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption Capacity for Low Concentration Binary Mixtures of Toluene and Sulfur Dioxide. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2003.

8. Rui, Y. and Lungu, CT: Airflow Patterns around a Mannequin – Determination of Critical Parameters for Indoor Air Modeling American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, May 2004.

9. Park, JY and Lungu, CT: Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption of Toluene-Ethanol Binary Mixture American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, May 2004.

10. Lungu, CT: Determination of 137Cs Biological Half-Life from Individual Whole Body Counter Measurements, Following the Chernobyl Accident. 11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Madrid, Spain, May 2004.

11. Bartekova, A. Huelman, P. and Lungu, CT: Emissions from Building Materials used in a New Experimental House. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, May 2005.

12. Bocard, D. Crawford, S. McDaniel, C. and Lungu, CT.: Modeling Styrene Concentration Profile Emitted from Vinyl Ester Resin. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, June 2007.

13. McDaniel, C. Crawford, S. and Lungu, CT: Influence of Temperature on the Evaporation Rates of Styrene, Vinyl Ester Resin and Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, June 2008.

14. Balanay, JG. Crawford, S. and Lungu, CT: Comparison of Adsorption Characteristics between Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and Activated Carbon Fibers (ACF) for Toluene. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, June 2008.

15. Balanay, JG. Crawford, S. Lungu, CT: Toluene Adsorption on Various Types of Activated Carbon Fibers. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Toronto, June 2009.

16. Wade, L. Balanay, JG. Lungu, CT: Physisorption as a Method to Determine Surface Area and Porosity of PPE Materials. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Toronto, June 2009.

17. Brinkley, B. White, S., Yester, M. Lungu, C.: Calculation of Broad Beam Transmission Factor for 511-keV Photons Using Energy Spectra Measured in the Presence of Scatter. American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 51st Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA July 2009.

18. Balanay, J.G. Crawford, S. Lungu, CT: Adsorption Characteristics of Various Types of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs) for Toluene. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO May 2010.

19. Crawford, S. and Lungu, C.: Characterization of Styrene Emissions from a Thermoset Composite Material over a Range of Temperatures. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO May 2010.

20. Aldeeb, H. and Lungu, C.: Radiation Dose Received During Routine Instrument Calibration. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO May 2010.

21. Joe, PS. Lungu, CT and Ito, Y: Comparison of Traditional and Surface Laser Scanning Anthropometric Techniques for Facial Dimensions. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO May 2010.

22. Floyd, E. Smith, P. Lungu, CT and Maples, E.: Comparison of Carbon Nanotubes to Activated Carbon for Air Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO May 2010.

23. Crawford, S. and Lungu, CT: Characterization and Modeling of Styrene Emissions from a Thermoset Composite Material over a Range of Temperatures. Alabama Composites Conference, Birmingham AL, August 2010.

24. Crawford S. and Lungu, CT: Characterization and Modeling of Styrene Emissions from a Thermoset Composite Material over a Range of Temperatures. Society of Plastics Engineers’ Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Detroit MI, September 2010.

25. Balanay, J.G. Crawford, S. and Lungu, CT: Testing Activated Carbon Fibers for Respiratory Protection Use. 8th International Scientific Conference of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA), Roma, Italy, September 2010.

26. Floyd, E. Gohlke, J. and Lungu, CT: Process Safety Failure Results in Increased Gulf Sediment Contamination During the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, May, 2011.

27. Joe, PS. Lungu, CT: Use of 3D Methods to Design Respirator Facepieces for Testing New NIOSH Headforms’ Representativeness. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, May, 2011.

28. Hemphill, C. Oestenstad, K. Balanay, J. Lungu, CT: Characterization of Activated Carbon Fiber Cloth and Felt. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, May, 2011.

29. Bardhan, R. Maples, E. Liu, RM. Squadrito, G. Lungu, CT: Low Dose Ionizing Radiation Induced Oxidative Damage in Occupationally Exposed Radiation Workers. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, May, 2011.

30. Crawford, S.A. and Lungu, CT: Validation, Expansion and Application of a Mass Transfer Model to Predict Diffusive Styrene Emissions from a Composite Building Material. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, May, 2011.

31. Balanay, J. Lungu CT: Adsorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon Fibers for Toluene: Application on Respiratory Protection. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, May, 2011.

32. Dizbay-Onat, M. Balanay, J. Lungu, CT: Carbon Capture with Natural Fiber-Based Activated Carbon Composites SPE-Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Detroit, MI, September 13-15, 2011.

33. Dizbay-Onat, M. Vaidya, U. Balanay, J. Lungu, CT: Carbon Capture with Natural Fiber-Based Activated Carbons, Global Plastics Environmental Conference, At Atlanta, Georgia, September, 2011.

34. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: A Novel Desorption Technique for Improved Sensitivity in Environmental Air Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012.

35. Joe, PS, Lungu CT: New NIOSH Digital Headform Physical Fabrication and Verification. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012.

36. Oh, J. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: Comparison of Desorption Efficiency (DE) of Vapor and Liquid Dosing Methods on Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) Beds with Various Concentrations of Toluene. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012.

37. Connell, SL. Jankovic, JT. Hollenbeck, SM. Lungu, CT: An Assessment of Oxygen Deficiency Hazards within Research and Development (R&D) Laboratories. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012.

38. Dizbay-Onat, M. Vaidya, U. Floyd, E. and Lungu CT: Application of Natural Fiber Derived Activated Carbon as Respiratory Filter. American Society of Safety Engineers, Region IV Professional development Conference, Birmingham, AL, April 2013.

39. Houston, D. Bullock, B. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: Comparison between Short Term and Time Weighted Average Air Sampling and Analysis. American Society of Safety Engineers, Region IV Professional development Conference, Birmingham, AL, April 2013.

40. Joe, P. and Lungu, C.: Physical Fabrication and Verification of New NIOSH Digital Headform Designs with Skin-analog for Use in Fit Testing. American Society of Safety Engineers, Region IV Professional development Conference, Birmingham, AL, April 2013.

41. Oh, J. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: Desorption Efficiency Comparison: Vapor Dosing and Liquid Dosing of Granular Activated Carbon and Carbon Nanotube Sorbents. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

42. Connell, S. Floyd, E. Lungu CT: Comparison of Fabricated Carbon Nanotube Sorbent Felts and 3M™ Charcoal Sorbent Wafers to Assess Passive Sampling Capabilities for VOCs. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

43. Houston, D. Bullock, B. Floyd, E. Lungu CT: Comparison between short term and time weighted average air sampling and analysis. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

44. Dizbay-Onat, M. Vaidya, U. Floyd, E. Lungu CT: Preparation and Characterization of Sisal Derived Activated Carbon for Respiratory Applications. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

45. Dizbay-Onat, M. Vaidya, U. Floyd, E. Lungu CT: Comparison of Flax, Hemp and Sisal Fiber Derived Activated Carbon for Respiratory Filter Application. Alabama Composites Conference, Birmingham AL, June 18-20, 2013.

46. Floyd, E. Lungu CT: Photo Thermal Desorption of Toluene from Processed Single Walled Carbon nanotube and Activated Carbon Sorbents. Alabama Composites Conference, Birmingham AL, June 18-20, 2013.

47. Oh, J. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: Comparison of Two High Performance Carbonaceous Materials for Air Sampling. Alabama Composites Conference, Birmingham AL, June 18-20, 2013.

48. Megan Moore; Claudiu Lungu, Ph.D.; Burton Ogle, Ph.D., CIH, CSP; Tracy Zontek, Ph.D., CIH, CSP; Scott Hollenbeck, CIH; John Jankovic, CIH presented the poster: Industrial Hygiene Sampling in Research and Development (R&D) Laboratories, at the Women in Science Symposium at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 1, 2013.

49. Floyd E, Connell S. Oh, J. Lungu CT: Fabrication of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Adsorbent Pads and the Photo-Thermal Desorption of Toluene from these Pads. NanoBio Summit 2013, Montgomery AL, October 17-18, 2013.

50. Oh J, Floyd E, Lungu CT: Comparison of Desorption Efficiency (DE) of Vapor and Liquid Dosing Methods on Coconut Shell Charcoal (CSC) and Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) Sorbents. Tennessee Valley Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association Fall Conference and PDC, Knoxville, TN, October 16-18, 2013.

51. Joe P, Lungu CT: Development and Evaluation of Silicon Skinned NIOSH Headforms. Tennessee Valley Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association Fall Conference and PDC, Knoxville, TN, October 16-18, 2013.

52. Melike Dizbay-Onat, Claudiu Lungu and Uday Vaidya: Development of Composite Adsorbent Materials: Activated Carbon Derived From Sisal Fiber Industrial Waste. SAMPE (Society of Advancement of Material and Process Engineering) Tech '13 Conference, Wichita, KS, October 21-24, 2013.

53. Melike Dizbay-Onat, Claudiu T. Lungu and Uday Vaidya: Effects of Carbonization and Activation Parameters on Natural Fiber Derived Activated Carbons. NSF Science & Technology open house - Third place in the PhD category among 42 entries in the Physical Sciences & Engineering category, Montgomery, AL, Feb 6-7, 2014.

54. Megan Moore, Evan Floyd, Claudiu T. Lungu: Comparison of Nanoparticle Aerosol Filtration Efficiencies using Standard Particulate-filtering Respirator Media versus Activated Carbon Fabrics. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June, 2014 – best poster in session.

55. Paula S. Joe, Claudiu T. Lungu: Novel Method for Designing and Fabricating Facepieces to Accommodate the New NIOSH Headforms. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June, 2014 – award from the Computer Application Committee.

56. Jonghwa Oh, Evan Floyd, Claudiu T. Lungu: Fabrication of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) Sorbent for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June, 2014.

57. Jonghwa Oh, Evan Floyd, Claudiu T. Lungu: Fabrication of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) Sorbent for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Sampling. Presentation at the Tennessee Valley Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association Fall Conference and PDC, Knoxville, TN, October 1-3, 2014.

58. Melike Dizbay-Onat, Uday Vaidya, Claudiu T. Lungu: Preparation and Characterization of Sisal derived Activated Carbon for Toluene Adsorption. Poster at the Tennessee Valley Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association Fall Conference and PDC, Knoxville, TN, October 1-3, 2014.

59. Jonghwa Oh, Evan L. Floyd and Claudiu T. Lungu: Surface Area and Toluene Adsorption Capacity for Fabricated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) Buckypaper. NanoBio Summit, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL October 23-24, 2014 -Third place in the graduate student poster competition.

60. Jonghwa Oh, Evan Floyd, Claudiu T. Lungu: Toluene Adsorption Efficiency of Fabricated Single-walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT) Buckypaper. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, May 30 – June 4, 2015 - Best poster in session award. Award of the Nanoparticles Technology Committee.

61. Gumi Mabvuta, Claudiu T. Lungu: Assessing Potential Diesel Exposure in Truckers Resting at Truck Stops. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, May 30 – June 4, 2015 - Award of the Aerosol Exposure Committee.

62. Tasha Stanfield, Laura Hurst, Claudiu T. Lungu: Worst Case Nail Salon Worker 8-hour Time Weighted Average Exposure to Formaldehyde and Volatile Organic Compounds During Nail Lacquer Application. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, May 30 – June 4, 2015 - Award of the Social Concerns Committee.

63. G. Godsey, S. Baker, C. Cholewa, B. Marsh, J. Ketzler, M. Sarratt, A. Sherman, X. Zhang, Claudiu T. Lungu: Evaluating Occupational Exposure Hazards on a Rural Active Farm. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, May 30 – June 4, 2015.

64. Gabriel D. Judd, Paula S. Joe, Jonghwa Oh, Claudiu T. Lungu: Improving Safety Eyewear Fit for the US Workforce. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Baltimore MA May 22-27, 2016 – First Place, Best Poster in Session award.

65. Rupkatha Bardhan, Marie Cecile Chalbot, Ilias Kavouras, Tran Huynh, Claudiu T. Lungu: Job Stress and Oxidative Damage in ER Physicians and Nurses American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Baltimore MA May 22-27, 2016 – First Place, Best Poster in Session award.

66. Stephanie Jacobs, Shaun Crawford, Claudiu T. Lungu: Formaldehyde Emission Profiles from Household Flooring American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Baltimore MA May 22-27, 2016.

67. Rajitha Wickremesinghe, Anuradhini Kasturiratne, Arunasalem Pathmeswaran, Meghan Tipre, Claudiu Lungu, Nalini Sathiakumar: Effects of exposure to indoor air pollution due to biomass fuel combustion on birth outcomes: a prospective birth cohort study. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology conference, Rome, Italy, September 1-4, 2016.

68. Rupkatha Bardhan, Marie Cecile Chalbot, Melissa Davis, Ilias Kavouras, Claudiu T. Lungu: Assessment of Psychosocial Work Stress and Oxidative Stress among Emergency Room Nurses in a US Hospital American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA June 4-7, 2017.

69. Jonathan Allred, Shaun Crawford, Oluwabunmi Dada, Marie-Cecile Chalbot, Claudiu T. Lungu: Potential Respiratory Irritants in Artificial Fog American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA June 4-7, 2017.

70. Laura Hurst, Claudiu T. Lungu, Billy Bullock: Comparative analysis of new techniques for hearing conservation program selection American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA June 4-7, 2017.

71. Margaret Summers, Jonghwa Oh, Adam Nored, Claudiu T. Lungu: Particulate Filtration Efficiencies of Phenolic Resin-Derived Activated Carbon Fiber Felt and Cloth American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA June 4-7, 2017 – Award of the Respiratory Protection Committee.

72. Gabriel D. Judd, Jonghwa Oh, Claudiu T. Lungu: Custom Designed Safety Eyewear for Personalized Fit American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA June 4-7, 2017.

73. Evan L. Floyd, Claudiu T. Lungu: Sampling for Low Concentration and/or Short Duration Exposures American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA June 4-7, 2017.

74. Margaret Summers, Jonghwa Oh, Claudiu T. Lungu: A Possible Tool for Mitigating Heat Stress in Extreme Thermal Environments: Measuring the Effectiveness of a Liquid-Circulating Cooling Garment in an Actual Occupational Setting. South Eastern Environmental Conference, Orange Beach, AL October 30 –November 1, 2017.

75. Jake Shedd, Jonghwa Oh, Claudiu T. Lungu: Fabrication and Characterization of Chemical Vapor Deposition Buckypapers for Use in Airborne Volatile Organic Compound Sampling. South Eastern Environmental Conference, Orange Beach, AL October 30 –November 1, 2017 – Third place, outstanding student presentation.

76. Remi Myers, Nataliya Ivankova, Lisa C. McCormick, Claudiu Lungu, Thomas Creger, and Michelle Fanucchi: Examining the Social Effectiveness of State Implementation Plans for Air Quality: A Mixed Methods Approach. APHA Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, GA November 4-8, 2017.

77. Margaret Summers, Reese Koehler, Jonghwa Oh, Claudiu T. Lungu: Characterization of carbon-loaded polypropylene webs as nuisance-level organic vapor adsorbents.  American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA May 20-24, 2018. Award of the Respiratory Protection Committee.

78. Rupkatha Bardhan, Karen Heaton, Peter Chen, Dale A. Dickinson, and Claudiu T. Lungu: Can Extended Work Hours and Shiftwork Lead to Psychosocial Work Stress in Emergency Room Nurses? American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA May 20-24, 2018. Student Poster Recognition by the Social Concerns Committee.

79. Jake Shedd, Jonghwa Oh, Claudiu T. Lungu: Fabrication and Characterization of Chemical Vapor Deposition Buckypapers for Use in Air Sampling of Volatile Organic Compounds. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA May 20-24, 2018.

80. Claudiu T. Lungu and Jonghwa Oh: Emerging Issues in Industrial Hygiene Research. 31st Annual Alabama Governor’s Safety and Health Conference, Orange Beach, AL August 26-28, 2018.

81. Oh J, Heaton T, Hurst L, Amiri A, Lungu CT: Potential Exposure to VOCs during Nail Polish Application. The 11th International Occupational Hygiene Association International Scientific Conference, Washington, DC September 24-26, 2018.

82. Summers M, Koehler R, Oh, J, and Lungu CT: Nuisance-Level Organic Vapor Adsorption: Evaluating the Performance of a Commercial Paint Odor Respirator. International Society for Respiratory Protection Conference, Denver, CO September 17-19, 2018.

83. S. Petz, C.T. Lungu, J. Oh: Photothermal Desorption of Carbon Fiber Paper for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 4-6, 2019.

84. R. Koehler, M. Summers, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu: Determining the Adsorption Capacity of Activated Carbon Fibers for Common Organic Vapors: Application for Respiratory Protection. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 4-6, 2019. Best Master’s student poster competition.

85. M. Dean, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu: Electrospun Cellulose Acetate (CA) fibers for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Sampling and Analysis. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 4-6, 2019.

86. H. Phillips, C.T. Lungu, J. Oh: Evaluation of PM2.5, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and Aldehydes Among Food Truck Workers. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 4-6, 2019.

87. B. K. Hogan, C.T. Lungu, J. Oh: Photothermal Desorption (PTD) of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs) for Application in VOC Sampling and Analysis. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 4-6, 2019.

88. M. Summers, S. Price, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu: Measuring the Effectiveness of a Cooling Garment in an Outdoor Occupational Settings: A Pilot Study. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 4-6, 2019.

89. J. S. Shedd, E. L. Floyd, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu. FTIR Determination of Surfactant Removal from Buckypapers Fabricated for Air Sampling. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 4-6, 2019.

90. B. K. Hogan, C.T. Lungu, J. Oh: Photothermal Desorption (PTD) of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs) for Application in VOC Sampling and Analysis. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce). Minneapolis, MN, May 22-24, 2019. Award of the Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Committee.

91. J. S. Shedd, E. L. Floyd, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu: Quality Assurance Investigations of Buckypaper Sorbents for Air Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce). Minneapolis, MN, May 22-24, 2019.

92. M. Summers, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu: Activated Carbon Fibers for Use in Respiratory Protection Devices: Assessing the Ability of a Predictive Model to Determine Adsorption Capacity. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce). Minneapolis MN, May 22-24, 2019.

93. S. Wang, M.B. Richardson, C.Y.H. Wu, C.T. Lungu, B.F. Zaitchik, J.M. Gohlke: Estimating Occupational Heat Exposure from Personal Sampling of Public Works Employees in Birmingham, Alabama. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, Philadelphia, PA November 2-6, 2019.

94. J. S. Shedd, E. L. Floyd, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu: Quantifying the Thermal Response of Buckypapers during Photothermal Desorption. Southeast Regional Research Symposium, Birmingham, AL February 27-28, 2020.

95. J. S. Shedd, E. L. Floyd, J. Oh, C.T. Lungu: Quality Assurance Investigations of Buckypaper Sorbents for Air Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.

Invited Presentations

1. Feigley, C., Underhill, D., Riley, T. and Lungu, C: The Sampling Rates of Diffusive Samplers as Measured in the Laboratory and in Simulated Use as Personal Dosimeters. “International Symposium: Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants” sponsored by the Air and Waste Management Association, Research Triangle Park, NC, May 1995.

2. Lungu, C.: Adsorption of Noble Gases on Activated Carbon; Moisture Effect. Division of Environmental and Occupational Health - Special Seminar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, March, 1998.

3. Lungu, C.: The Effect of Moisture on the Adsorption of Xenon by Activated Carbon. 15th Review Meeting of the Center for Filtration Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, May 7 1999.

4. Lungu, CT: Temperature Profile of a Respirator Cartridge for Organic Vapors during Adsorption. American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition, Toronto, June 1999.

5. Lungu, CT: Building Materials as Radon Sinks. American Radiation Safety Conference and Exposition, Cleveland, OH, June 2001.

6. Lungu, CT. and Kailasanathan, S: The Effect of Sulfur Dioxide Co-adsorption on the Toluene Adsorption Performance of Activated Carbon. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA, June 2002.

7. Lungu, CT and Russell, P.: Comparison of Styrene Exposure in Two Open Mold Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Manufacturing Sites. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA, June 2002.

8. Lungu, CT and Quam, J.: Membrane Damage Influence on Diffusive Sampler Performance. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2003. Best Podium Presentation, Award of the Sampling and Analysis Committee.

9. Lungu, CT and Park, JY: Comparing the Adsorption of Toluene and Ethanol on Granular Activated Carbon American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, May 2004.

10. Claudiu T. Lungu: Adsorption in Industrial Hygiene; Conventional and Less Conventional Applications. Special Seminar of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, November, 2004.

11. Claudiu T. Lungu: Using Personal Protective Equipment in Complex Environments: Challenges and Solutions. Special Seminar of the School of Health Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, OH January, 2005.

12. Claudiu T. Lungu: Evaluation of Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Motor Vehicles and from Building Materials. Seminar of the School of Public Health, Louisiana State University - Health Science Center, New Orleans, LA February, 2005.

13. Claudiu T. Lungu: Evaluation of Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Motor Vehicles and Building Materials. Seminar of the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT March, 2005.

14. Lungu, CT and Park, JY: Comparing the Adsorption Characteristics of a New Composite Material with Granular Activated Carbon. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, May 2005.

15. Sturchio, G. and Lungu, C: Uncertainties in Calculating the Radiation Exposure from Radioactive Patients. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, May 2006.

16. Lungu C. Crawford, S. and Bocard, D: Estimate of Exposure to Styrene Emitted from Thermoset Composite Materials using a Small Environmental Test Chamber. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, June 2007.

17. Lungu, C. and Crawford, S.: Laboratory Determination of Styrene Emission from Thermoset Composite Materials. Second International Conference on Environment – The Athens Institute for Education and Research (AT.IN.E.R.), Athens, Greece, August 2007.

18. Sturchio, G. and Lungu, C: Exposure Assessment of Radioiodine Therapy Patients – Implication for Patient Release. International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) Regional Congress for Central and Eastern Europe, Braşov, Romania, September 2007.

19. Claudiu T. Lungu: Community Impacts of the Chernobyl and Fukushima Incidents. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, May, 2011.

20. Dizbay-Onat M. Vaidya, U. Lungu, CT: Carbon Capture with Natural Fiber-Based Composite Adsorbents. Podium presentation at the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), Venice, Italy, June 2012.

21. Balanay, JG. Lungu, CT: Breakthrough Curves for Toluene Adsorption on Different Types of Activated Carbon Fibers: Application for Respiratory Protection. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

22. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: Photo Thermal Desorption of Toluene from Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube and Activated Carbon Sorbents. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

23. Joe, P. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: Fabrication and Verification of New NIOSH Headform Designs with Skin-Analog. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, Montreal, CA, May, 2013.

24. Crawford, S. Lungu, CT: Styrene Emission from a Thermoset Composite Material; Experimental Data and Modeling. Alabama Composites Conference, Birmingham AL, June 18-20, 2013.

25. Floyd, E. Lungu, CT: Estimating Integrated VOC Exposure in Near Real-Time. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June, 2014.

26. Lungu, CT. Oh, J. Floyd, E: Photo Thermal Desorption of Toluene from Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Adsorbent Pads in Air Samplers, podium presentation at CIMTEC 2014, 6th Forum on New Materials, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 15-19, 2014.

27. J. Oh, C. T. Lungu, E. Floyd: Fabrication of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) Sorbent for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Sampling. 10th IOHA International Scientific Conference. London, UK April 25-30, 2015.

28. Claudiu T. Lungu, Jonghwa Oh, Evan. L. Floyd: Adsorption Characterization of Fabricated Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWNT) Buckypapers for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Sampling. Podium presentation at the AIHC&e, Salt Lake City, June 1-5, 2015.

29. Jo Anne Balanay, Claudiu T. Lungu: Determination of Pressure Drop across Activated Carbon Fiber Respirator Cartridges. Podium presentation at the AIHC&e, Salt Lake City, June 1-5, 2015.

30. R. Bardhan, M. Richard, R. Heath, E. Maples, C.T. Lungu: Anti-Oxidant Rich Diet, Healthy Life-Style and a Rigorous Radiation Exposure Control Program Protect Healthcare Employees from Radiation-Induced Oxidative Damage. Podium presentation at the AIHC&e, Salt Lake City, June 1-5, 2015.

31. E. Floyd, OUHSC, Oklahoma City, OK; C. T. Lungu, J. Oh, M. Saina, UAB: Evaluation of Self-Supporting, Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bucky Paper Sorbents for the Application in Diffusive Sampling and Photothermal Desorption. Podium presentation at the AIHC&e, Salt Lake City, June 1-5, 2015.

32. J. Oh, C.T. Lungu, E.L. Floyd: Adsorption Efficiency Comparison of Fabricated Buckypapers (BPs) for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Sampling and Analysis Podium presentation at the AIHC&e, Baltimore, May 22-26, 2016.

33. J. Oh, C.T. Lungu, E.L. Floyd: Adsorption Characterization of Fabricated Buckypapers (BPs) for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Sampling and Analysis, Podium presentation at the 5th International Conference Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Systems, CIMTEC 2016, Perugia, Italy, June 5-9, 2016.

34. C.T. Lungu, J. Oh, E.L. Floyd: Photothermal Desorption (PTD) of Buckypapers (BPs) for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Sampling and Analysis, International Conference on Environmental Health and Safety, Valencia, Spain, October 24-25, 2016.

35. Claudiu T. Lungu: Novel Approaches to Occupational Exposure Assessment and Control, Special Seminar of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, January 17, 2019.

Reports and Other Publications

Lungu, Claudiu T: Method for Regeneration of Industrial X-Ray Tubes (Romanian). Thesis, for the fulfillment of requirements for the Master of Science degree, Department of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania, 1983.

Lungu, Claudiu T: Low Gamma Energy Measurement System for the Quantification of Natural Uranium Deposition in the Human Lungs. Technical report at the completion of the IAEA fellowship training, Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 1991.

Lungu, Claudiu T: Body Effect on the Diffusive Sampler Mass Transfer. Thesis, for the fulfillment of requirements for the Master of Science degree, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 1994.

Lungu, Claudiu T: The Effect of Humidity on the Physical Adsorption of Radioactive Xenon by Activated Carbon. Dissertation, for the fulfillment of requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 1998.

Russell, P. and Lungu, C.: Assessing Worker Exposure to Styrene in the Reinforced Fiber Plastics Industry from Limited Personal and Area Sampling in Pollution Prevention Assistance Tools for Fiber Reinforced Plastics and Boat Manufacturing Industries. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency – Small Business Assistance Program; MnTAP – Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics final report, December 2001.

Becker, S. Baker, L.R. Cormier, L.A. Lungu, C.T. Wisotsky, J.: Comprehensive Guide to Existing Radiological Dispersal Device Public Education Resources, U.S. DHS Project Report, January, 2010.

Lungu, C.T: Adsorption of Gas Phase Contaminants, Final Report at the completion of the CDC/NIOSH R01 grant, ROH008080B, December 2010.

Judson Kenoyer, Claudiu Lungu, and Ron Beethe: “Health Physics Resources and Industrial Hygienists” The Synergist, May 2013.


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