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To: All California EmployeesFrom: Amey Hildebrand, HR ManagerDate: September 12, 2019Re: Updated Meal and Break Policy and PracticesFaro Services, Inc. has updated its Breaks and Meal Periods policy for California employees as set forth below. In addition, as you are aware, non-exempt employees have the option to waive a second meal period on shifts over 10 hours but less than 12 hours. In order to better track these waivers, we have attached a form here for you to complete and return to me or your supervisor if you wish to waive your second meal period on shifts of over 10 hours, but less than 12 hours. Please note that if your shift is ever going to exceed 12 hours, you must take a second meal period before the end of your 10th hour of work. Breaks And Meal PeriodsNonexempt employees must take one paid ten-minute break for every 4 hours worked or major fraction thereof. Nonexempt employees who work more than 5 hours must take an unpaid meal break that begins before the end of the fifth hour of work. Nonexempt employees who work more than 10 hours must take a second unpaid meal break that begins before the end of the tenth hour of work. Employees are generally provided 60-minutes for these meal breaks; however, in no case will an employee be provided with less than 30 minutes for meal breaks, An employee may not vary his or her assigned ten-minute break and meal break without the prior approval of his or her supervisor. Breaks cannot be consolidated with any other rest or meal breaks. Rest breaks should be taken as close to the middle of each work period as possible. All meal and rest breaks are to be off-duty and shall be uninterrupted by work. If an employee misses a rest or meal break for any reason, or if the meal break is late or less than 30 minutes for work-related reasons, it is the responsibility of both the employee and the supervisor to inform Human Resources to determine if additional wages are owed to the employee.If you have questions and/or concerns about this new policy please reach out to your supervisor, or me at amey.hildebrand@ or at (614) 497-1700 x146. WAIVER OF SECOND MEAL PERIODThe individual signing below (“Employee”) understands and agrees as follows:California law requires that Employee take an unpaid meal period of not less than 30 minutes whenever Employee works more than five hours in a day. The meal period must begin before the end of the Employee’s fifth hour of work. For example, if an employee works from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, his or her unpaid meal period must begin before 1:00 pm. Employee acknowledges that it is Faro Services, Inc.’s (“Employer”) policy to provide this meal period. California law requires that Employee take a second unpaid meal period of not less than 30 minutes whenever Employee works more than ten hours in a day. The meal period must begin before the end of the Employee’s tenth hour of work. Employee acknowledges that it is Employer’s policy to provide this meal period.California law allows Employer and Employee to waive the second meal period if Employee works no more than twelve hours in a day, and as long as Employee has not already voluntarily waived his/her first meal period.Employee acknowledges that Employee has read Employer’s Breaks and Meal Period and Time Cards Policies in the Employee Handbook California Supplement. Employee agrees that if Employee is denied a meal or rest period to which Employee is entitled, or if Employee fails to take a meal or rest period as required by law and Employer’s policies, Employee shall immediately notify Employer within 24 hours so that the matter can be investigated and appropriate corrective action can be taken. Employee acknowledges that he/she has voluntarily entered into the waiver identified below.Either Employer or Employee may terminate this waiver at any time by providing written notice to the other of the decision to terminate it._________I voluntarily agree to waive my second meal period if my shift will not exceed 12 hours and I have taken my first meal period. I understand that I may revoke this waiver at any time by providing written notice.Date: ________________________________________________Employee’s Signature_____________________________Please Print Name ................

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