Advanced Medical Series Alkaline Cancer

Advanced Medical Series

Alkaline Cancer:

The Alkaline/Cancer meal plan was developed for individuals who have been diagnosed with, or are in remission from cancer. The key aspect of this plan is to maintain an optimal PH balance to benefit chemotherapeutic agents. Highly acidic foods such as corn, blueberries, cranberries, and plums are limited. Acidic food is balanced with alkalizing fruits and vegetables including peaches, strawberries, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, and carrots.


The Alzheimer's meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with or at risk of developing Alzheimer's. Research has found a correlation between improved brain function and diets rich in anti-inflammatory food, omega-3 fatty acids and brightly colored fruit and vegetables. The Alzheimer's meal plan incorporates coconut oil, avocado, nuts and fatty fish as well as multiple daily servings of fruit and vegetables.


The Anemia meal plan is rich in foods that are higher in iron such as red meat, fish, poultry, legumes and leafy greens. Animal products rich in iron (heme) tend to be better absorbed. Pairing iron rich plant based food (non heme) with food high in vitamin C may improve iron absorption.


The Anti-Inflammatory meal plan can help manage chronic inflammation, which is a main contributor to those with metabolic syndrome and obesity. The plan incorporates food rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants found in brightly colored fruit and vegetables as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

Arthritis and Diabetes:

The Arthritis and Diabetes meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with both arthritis and diabetes. This plan focuses on incorporating anti-inflammatory food, such as brightly colored fruit and vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids, to aid in easing arthritis symptoms. Meals are also high in fiber and low glycemic fruit and vegetables to maintain adequate blood sugar control.

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Arthritis and Heart Disease:

The Arthritis and Heart Disease meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with both heart disease and arthritis. Key aspects of the plan include high fiber, lower sodium and heart healthy fats to maintain cardiovascular health. Anti-inflammatory foods such as fruit, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids (nuts, seeds, avocado and oils) are included in this plan.


The Asthma meal plan was developed for individuals suffering from asthma. It removes potential allergens such as corn, peanuts, soy and dairy which could worsen symptoms.

Behavioral Disorders:

The Behavioral Disorder meal plan was developed to minimize symptoms of ADHD, autism, anxiety, and may provide some relief for depressive disorders. It is free of processed food which may contain artificial ingredients and preservatives. This plan is gluten free and incorporates mostly low salicylate food.

Cancer and Heart Disease:

The Cancer and Heart Disease meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with heart disease in addition to cancer. The key aspect of this plan is to maintain an optimal PH balance to benefit chemotherapeutic agents. Highly acidic foods such as corn, blueberries, cranberries, and plums are limited. Acidic food is balanced with alkalizing fruits and vegetables including peaches, strawberries, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, and carrots. In addition, sodium and saturated fat are limited to prevent further cardiovascular complications.

Chronic Kidney Disease:

The Chronic Kidney Disease meal plan was developed for individuals with stage 1-4 chronic kidney disease. This plan is sodium, phosphorus, potassium and protein restricted. When followed in accordance with physician recommendation, this plan may assist with maintaining a healthy balance of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid balance.


The Cirrhosis meal plan was developed for individuals diagnoses with cirrhosis of the liver. Key aspects of this plan include: plant based protein, high fiber, low fat, low sodium food. Animal protein is limited to reduce by products of protein metabolism which may be harmful to the liver.

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Congestive Artery Disease:

The Coronary Artery Disease meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease or are at risk due to a strong family history. The plan is lower in sodium and rich in fiber. This plan is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties and contains cardio protective foods such as whole grains, oats and avocado.

Congestive Heart Disease:

The Congestive Heart Disease meal plan is designed for individuals who have been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Disease or have a family history of heart disease and are at risk for elevated cholesterol. This plan is low sodium, high fiber (>25g/day), high in anti-inflammatory food and rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants from brightly colored fruit and vegetables.


The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with COPD and related respiratory diseases such as: Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Chronic Asthma. Key aspects of the plan includes small, frequent and nutrient dense meals that are rich in fat and protein. Food such as cruciferous vegetables, are eliminated from the plans to aid in easing symptoms.

Crohn's Disease:

The Crohn's meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with the inflammatory bowel disease Crohn's. The disease is a chronic, but treatable condition. Nutritional intervention can control the chronic inflammation that is a main symptom of Crohn's. The main focus of this plan is on a low residue, lower fiber diet to ease symptoms as flares occur. Raw fruit, raw vegetables, seeds and dairy are eliminated from this plan.

Cystic Fibrosis:

The Cystic Fibrosis meal plans was designed for individuals diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). CF, can cause abnormal fat absorption due to a buildup of mucus in the intestines. Individuals with CF typically take digestive enzymes with their food to improve nutrient absorption. Higher fat, nutrient dense meals are encouraged to ensure adequate caloric intake and prevent weight loss.

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This depression meal plan was developed for individuals diagnosed with depression. Research indicates that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids as well as phytonutrient rich fruits and vegetables could aid in lessening symptoms. This meal plan in addition to regular exercise, may be of benefit alongside other physician recommended treatments.


The Diabetes meal plan was developed to maintain glycemic control for insulin and non insulin dependent diabetics. Individuals who are showing signs of hyperglycemia or have a family history of diabetes may benefit from following this plan. Key aspects are high fiber, lean protein, whole grains, non-starchy vegetables, and low glycemic index fruit to promote improved blood glucose balance.

Diabetes and High Cholesterol:

The Diabetes and High Cholesterol meal plan was developed to maintain glycemic control and cholesterol levels for insulin and non insulin dependent diabetics. Individuals who are showing signs of hyperglycemia or have a family history of diabetes in addition to hypercholesterolemia may benefit from following this plan. Key aspects are high fiber, lean protein, whole grains, nonstarchy vegetables, and low glycemic index fruit to promote improved blood glucose balance. The inclusion of Omega-3 rich foods, such as fatty fish, nuts and seeds, can further aid in reduction of inflammation, a contributing factor to heart disease and high cholesterol.

Diabetes and Hypertension:

The Diabetes and Hypertension meal plan was developed to maintain glycemic control and prevent hypertension for insulin and non insulin dependent diabetics. Individuals who are showing signs of hyperglycemia or have a family history of diabetes in addition to hypertension may benefit from following this plan. Key aspects are low sodium, high fiber, lean protein, whole grains, non-starchy vegetables, and low glycemic index fruit to promote improved blood glucose balance and a healthy blood pressure.


The Eczema meal plans was developed for individuals diagnosed with eczema. Eczema can be triggered by specific allergens. This plan removes all foods that are potential allergens such as eggs, peanuts, glutens and soy.

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The Epilepsy meal plan was developed to aid in controlling epileptic seizures. Research has shown a correlation between a higher fat diet with an improvement in symptoms. This meal plan is rich in healthy fat from olive oil, nuts, seeds, meat, avocado and fatty fish.


The Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) meal plan eliminates any food that has been deemed an irritant or has potential to worsen reflux symptoms. Citrus, tomato, coffee, chocolate, high fat fried food and peppermint are all eliminated. The plan contains excellent sources of lean protein as protein has shown to lessen symptoms of GERD.


The Gout meal plan was designed for individuals either diagnosed with gout or have elevated blood levels of uric acid. A byproduct of purine metabolism is uric acid. Therefore, this meal plan contains low purine foods. It is best to avoid organ meats, anchovies, certain seafood, asparagus and mushrooms if suffering from gout.


The Hepatitis meal plan was designed for individuals diagnosed with chronic hepatitis. The goal of this plan is to promote healthy function of the liver and reverse cellular damage. Key components of this meal plan are fiber rich carbohydrates, antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables combined with moderate lean protein intake.

High Cholesterol:

The High Cholesterol meal plan is for anyone who has been diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, has heart disease or has a risk of developing heart disease. Patients taking statins, may also benefit from following this plan. This meal plan is high in fiber, rich in antiinflammatory food such as fruit, vegetables and high Omega-3 foods such as fatty fish, nuts and seeds. This plan is rich in both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber due to its ability to improve "bad" serum cholesterol.

Hormone Balance:

The Hormone Balance meal plan was designed to improve the hormone levels of any individuals dealing with testosterone and estrogen imbalances. This plan is rich in whole food and is devoid of all processed food that could contain refined sugar and wheat which could promote inflammation and potentially lead to adrenal fatigue. This meal plan is rich in nutrient dense fat which has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

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