Content: Mathematics

Content: Mathematics |

Strand: Probability and Statistics


Grade: Six

| |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is |The student will use an index to locate|

|6.18 The student, given a problem situation, will |information literate uses information |information on a given topic. |

|collect, analyze, display and interpret data in a |effectively and creatively. | |

|variety of graphical methods including: | |The student will select and use |

|Line graph |Standard 6 The student who is an |appropriate reference sources to answer|

|Bar graph |independent learner is information |specific questions. |

|Circle graph |literate and strives for excellence in | |

| |information seeking and knowledge | |

| |generation. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.6 The student will use technology to locate, | | |

|evaluate, and collect information from a variety of | | |

|sources. | | |

| | | |

|Use databases and spreadsheets to evaluate | | |

|information. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology resources such as calculators and data | | |

|collection probes for gathering information. | | |

| | | |

|Use Internet and other electronic resources to locate | | |

|information in real time. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the subject search function of the online catalog to locate statistical information. |

|The student will use a table of contents, indexes, and appendix of materials to locate information. |

|The student will identify possible sources of statistical information. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct students in using the search function of the online catalog. |

|The librarian will provide a selection of resources, both print and nonprint, containing statistical information, such as atlas, |

|almanacs, and various web sites. |

|The librarian will review the use of the table of contents, indexes, and the appendix as ways of efficiently locating information. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will use a variety of resources to locate examples of line, bar, and circle graphs to explain how the selection of the |

|graph communicated the data. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. Point out the misuse and |

|misunderstanding of information that can occur on the Internet. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

| |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning |

|have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Six |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information |The student will identify retrieval |

|6.19 The student will describe the mean, median, and |literate accesses information efficiently |tools available in other locations. |

|mode as measures of central tendency, describe the |and effectively. | |

|range, and determine their meaning for a set of data. | |The student will select and use |

| |Standard 6 The student who is an |appropriate reference sources to answer |

| |independent learner is information |specific questions. |

| |literate and strives for excellence in | |

| |information seeking and knowledge | |

| |generation. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.7 The student will evaluate and select new | | |

|information resources and technological innovations | | |

|based on the appropriateness for specific tasks. | | |

| | | |

|Use search strategies to retrieve information. | | |

| | | |

|Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness of| | |

|electronic information sources. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the online catalog to locate resources containing statistical information. |

|The student will use the table of contents, appendix, and lists of tables and charts in printed materials to locate charts and graphs. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will provide samples of graphs found both in print and online resources. |

|The librarian will instruct students in locating and using statistical data from almanacs, the Statistical Abstract of the United States |

|(both print and online at ). |

|The librarian will assist students in using the statistical resources. |

|Local Strategies |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. Point out the misuse and |

|misunderstanding of information that can occur on the Internet. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students working in groups will determine the mean, mode, and median copyright age of a shelf of books in the libraries collection and |

|create a visual representation of their findings. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of |

|Learning have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Six |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is |The student will select and use |

|6.20 The student will determine and interpret the |information literate evaluates |appropriate reference sources to |

|probability of an event occurring from a given sample |information critically and competently.|answer specific questions. |

|space and represent the probability as a ratio, decimal,| | |

|or percent, as appropriate for a given situation. |Standard 9 The student who contributes | |

| |positively to the learning community is| |

| |information literate and participates | |

| |effectively in groups to pursue and | |

| |generate information. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.8 The student will use technology resources for | | |

|solving problems and making informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Employ technology in the development of strategies for | | |

|solving problems. | | |

| | | |

|Use a variety of technologies to identify and provide | | |

|possible solutions to real-world problems. | | |

| | | |

|Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations | | |

|such as environmental probes, graphic calculators, | | |

|exploratory environments, and web tools. | | |

| | | |

|Participate in collaborative problem-solving activities.| | |

|Select and use appropriate tools and technology | | |

|resources to accomplish a variety of tasks. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the keyword search function of the online catalog to locate materials on probability and statistics. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will provide examples of real life uses of probability. |

|The librarian will read a selection from a novel or a nonfiction book to show how the ability to predict outcomes translates outside of|

|the math class. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will research natural weather phenomena and predict the likelihood of its repeating using the mathematics concepts of |

|predictions, ratios, and probability. (Hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, etc.) |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety: |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning |

|have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Seven |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will recognize the importance|

|7.14 The student will investigate and describe |literate evaluated information critically|of taking notes from a variety of |

|the difference between the probabilities of an |and competently. |written, oral, and multimedia materials. |

|event found through simulation versus the | | |

|theoretical probability of that same event. |Standard 9 The student who contributes | |

| |positively to the learning community is | |

| |information literate and participates | |

| |effectively in groups to pursue and | |

| |generate information. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.5 The student will demonstrate | | |

|knowledge of technologies that support | | |

|collaboration, personal pursuits, and | | |

|productivity. | | |

| | | |

|Work collaboratively and/or independently when | | |

|using technology. | | |

| | | |

|Practice preventative maintenance of equipment,| | |

|resources, and facilities. | | |

| | | |

|Explore the potential of the Internet as a | | |

|means of personal learning and the respectful | | |

|exchange of ideas and products. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use advance search strategies of databases to locate information. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct students on interpreting probability and distinguishing simulated vs. theoretical probability. |

|The librarian will provide resources showing examples of how scientists test theories and hypotheses. |

|The librarian will book talk nonfiction books on card games and computer simulations. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will participate in a ‘coin-toss’ probability activity and an online simulation game such as Marilyn Burn’s math games at |

|. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. Discuss the ethical use of the |

|Internet, such as; accuracy and authority for all websites and related Internet safety issues, such as; avoiding unsafe or |

|inappropriate websites. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target Area 13 Computer/Technology Standards Of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards Of Learning |

|have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Seven |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will use appropriate |

|7.15 The student will identify and describe the|literate evaluated information critically|questioning skills to retrieve |

|number of possible arrangements of several |and competently. |information. |

|objects, using a tree diagram or the | | |

|Fundamental (Basic) Counting Principle. | | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.7 The student will evaluate and select | | |

|new information resources and technological | | |

|innovations based on the appropriateness for | | |

|specific tasks. | | |

| | | |

|Use search strategies to retrieve information. | | |

| | | |

|Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and | | |

|appropriateness of electronic information | | |

|sources. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will understand how the library materials are arranged in a specific order. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct students in the arrangement and classification of materials as part of the Dewey Decimal System and the|

|Library of Congress Cataloging systems and how materials often have multiple classifications. |

|The librarian will explain the method of identifying subject headings using Sears’ List of Subject Headings. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will be provided with an expanded list of Dewey Decimal numbers and a stack of uncataloged materials and asked to |

|assign them to a particular Dewey number. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards Of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Seven |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will use appropriate questioning |

|7.16 The student will create and solve problems|literate evaluated information critically|skills to retrieve information. |

|involving the measures of central tendency |and competently. | |

|(mean, median, mode, and a range of a set of | |The student will recognize the importance of |

|data). |Standard 6 The student who is an |taking notes from a variety of written, oral, |

| |independent learner is information |and multimedia materials. |

| |literate and strives for excellence in | |

| |information seeing and knowledge | |

| |generation. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.8 The student will use technology | | |

|resources for solving problems and making | | |

|informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Employ technology in the development of | | |

|strategies for solving problems. | | |

| | | |

|Use a variety of technologies to identify and | | |

|provide possible solutions to real-world | | |

|problems. | | |

| | | |

|Use content-specific tools, software, and | | |

|simulations such as environmental probes, | | |

|graphic calculators, exploratory environments, | | |

|and web tools. | | |

| | | |

|Participate in collaborative problem-solving | | |

|activities. | | |

|Select and use appropriate tools and technology| | |

|resources to accomplish a variety of tasks. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the reference section of the library to locate mathematical dictionaries. |

|The student will determine which information literacy model will best collect information for this assignment. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct students on selecting an informational literacy tool that would assist in interpreting statistical |

|information, including calculating mean, median, and mode from tables and graphs. |

|The librarian will instruct students in locating and using statistical data from materials in the reference section of the library such as|

|almanacs and the Statistical Abstract of the United States (both print and online, at ). |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will be given a collection of books. They must determine the amount of average number of shelves needed to house 100 books |

|of similar size if the shelves are three feet long. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards Of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Standards Of Learning have been |

|identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Seven |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is |The student will use appropriate |

|7.17 The student, given a problem situation, will |information literate evaluated |questioning skills to retrieve |

|collect, analyze, display, and interpret data, using a |information critically and competently. |information. |

|variety of graphical methods, including: | | |

|Frequency distributions |Standard 6 The student who is an |The student will recognize the |

|Line plots |independent learner is information |importance of taking notes from a |

|Histograms |literate and strives for excellence in |variety of written, oral, and |

|Stem-and-leaf plots |information seeing and knowledge |multimedia materials. |

|Box-and-whisker plots |generation. | |

|Scattergrams | | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.9 The student will use a variety of media and | | |

|formats to communicate information and ideas effectively | | |

|to multiple audiences. | | |

| | | |

|Choose the appropriate tool, format, and style to | | |

|communicate information. | | |

| | | |

|Independently use technology tools to create and | | |

|communicate for individual and/or collaborative projects.| | |

| | | |

|Produce documents demonstrating the ability to edit, | | |

|reformat, and integrate various software tools. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will determine the best information literacy model to gather and interpret statistical and or graphical data. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will provide resources to locate the definitions of mathematical terms. |

|The librarian will instruct students on the various resources students can use to locate examples of graphical methods of data |

|interpretation such as special dictionaries and glossaries (i.e. Grolier online dictionary, library dictionaries in print). |

|The librarian will provide students with sample of the various graphs that can be found in periodicals and newspapers. |

|Local Strategies |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. If using email, students should be |

|reminded of related safety policies. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will be assigned a section of shelves in the library and will plot the colors of bookbindings. They will choose an |

|appropriate graphical method to display the information and to determine the most popular color. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 9 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards Of Learning have |

|been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Geometry |Grade: Eight |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will demonstrate responsible |

|8.8 The student will apply transformation |literate evaluates information critically|use of the library media center. |

|(rotate or turn, reflect or flip, translate or |and competently. | |

|slide, and dilate or scale) to geometric | |The student will use a variety of |

|figures represented on graph paper. |Standard 9 The student who contributes |materials for research, making |

| |positively to the learning community and |distinction between primary and secondary|

|The student will identify applications of |to society is information literate and |sources. |

|transformations, such as tiling, fabric design,|participates effectively in groups to | |

|art, and scaling. |pursue and generate information. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.8 The student will use technology | | |

|resources for solving problems and making | | |

|informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Employ technology in the development of | | |

|strategies for solving problems. | | |

| | | |

|Use a variety of technologies to identify and | | |

|provide possible solutions to real-world | | |

|problems. | | |

| | | |

|Use content-specific tools, software, and | | |

|simulations such as environmental probes, | | |

|graphic calculators, exploratory environments, | | |

|and web tools. | | |

| | | |

|Participate in collaborative problem-solving | | |

|activities. | | |

| | | |

|Select and use appropriate tools and technology| | |

|resources to accomplish a variety of tasks. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the keyword search of the online catalog and databases to locate transformations. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct students on gathering information from online primary sources. |

|The librarian will collect examples of both print and electronic resources on transformations such as |

| and . |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The librarian will introduce the online collections of the National Gallery of Arts’ Decorative Arts collection and the Textile Museum |

|in Washington. Students will view images, calculate the scale from the online representation to the actual model and translate this |

|scale onto graph paper. ( and ). |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. Demonstrate for students how to |

|determine authority for each website in order, to identify bias or inaccurate information. Cyber-bullying can be introduced as a |

|related topic. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning |

|have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Geometry |Grade: Eight |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information|The student will use appropriate |

|8.10 The student will verify the Pythagorean |literate uses information effectively and|questioning skills to retrieve |

|Theorem, using diagrams, concrete materials, |creatively. |information. |

|and measurements; and apply the Pythagorean | | |

|Theorem to find the missing length of a side of| | |

|a right triangle when given the lengths of the | | |

|other two sides. | | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.6 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from | | |

|a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Use databases and spreadsheets to evaluate | | |

|information. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology resources such as calculators | | |

|and data collection probes for gathering | | |

|information. | | |

| | | |

|Use Internet and other electronic resources to | | |

|locate information in real time. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will locate and retrieve materials using the keyword search function of the online catalog and other electronic |

|resources. |

|The student will use subject specific reference materials. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will review the steps in locating materials-both print and nonprint |

|The librarian will develop a pathfinder of resources such as: |

| |

| |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|Using the book, The Barn by Avi, the class will read and discuss the mathematical computations and illustrations from the book that |

|demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem. The students will visit the author’s web page for additional activities, |

|. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. If students are collecting data |

|from the Internet, cyber-safety strategies should be taught; downloading, safe emailing, concealed personal information, etc. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning |

|have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Eight |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is |The student will demonstrate |

|8.12 The student will make comparisons, predictions, |information literate accesses |responsible use of the library media |

|and inferences, using information displayed in: |information efficiently and effectively.|center. |

|Frequency distributions | | |

|Box-and-whisker plots |Standard 2 The student who is |The student will use appropriate |

|Scattergrams |information literate evaluates |questioning skills to retrieve |

|Line graphs |information critically and competently. |information. |

|Bar graphs | | |

|Circle graphs | | |

|Picture graphs and | | |

|Histograms | | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.7 The student will evaluate and select new | | |

|information resources and technological innovations | | |

|based on the appropriateness for specific tasks. | | |

| | | |

|Use search strategies to retrieve information. | | |

| | | |

|Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness | | |

|of electronic information sources. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the search functions of the online catalog to locate mathematics resources. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct students in the use of specific reference sources such as almanacs and encyclopedias (both print and |

|electronic) that present information in a table and graph format. |

|The librarian will provide examples of using graphic methods to gather information. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will use the pathfinder created by the librarian to locate examples of each of the graphic methods by using the resources |

|in the library. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research. Remind students that they must follow the |

|division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate information. Demonstrate finding the authority |

|of appropriate websites and file sharing safety. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning |

|have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Mathematics |Strand: Probability and Statistics |Grade: Eight |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will participate in a variety|

|8.13 The student will use a matrix to organize |literate evaluates information critically|of experiences to increase appreciation |

|and describe data. |and competently. |of literature. |

| | | |

| |Standard 5 The student who is an | |

| |independent learner is information | |

| |literate and appreciates literature and | |

| |other creative expressions of | |

| |information. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T 6-8.9 The student will use a variety of | | |

|media and formats to communicate information | | |

|and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. | | |

| | | |

|Choose the appropriate tool, format, and style | | |

|to communicate information. | | |

| | | |

|Independently use technology tools to create | | |

|and communicate for individual and/or | | |

|collaborative projects. | | |

| | | |

|Produce documents demonstrating the ability to | | |

|edit, reformat, and integrate various software | | |

|tools. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will select the best information literacy model for gathering and organizing data. |

|The student will select the best reference source for the task. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will read several stories by the same author that contain data that needs to be organized such as elements that |

|appear in each story, similar character traits, setting, plots, etc. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to organize data gathered from the story (ies) read. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will read a collection of works by a selected author (such as Peter Sis) and collect data to develop a matrix for the |

|stories. The students will share this information with the class. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 13 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are fully integrated across all curriculum areas. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning |

|have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |


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