IB L90 final exam review máo yī shī - Chinese Courses

[Pages:5]IB L90 final exam review Q: Listening skill testing: recognize the character and English translation

h? - river

m?o y - sweater

sh zi - lion

sh?ng y - blouse gu? m l? - go through a crosswalk

ch?ng sh? ? city; shn d?ng - cave;

xing ? would like ;

xu? xi?o - school zo sh?ng - morning;

l w? ? gift/present

tin kng - sky h?n z? - Chinese character

k? zi ? pants;

h? ? river;

hu yu?n - garden;

cn j? ? utensils





y? l? sh?n fng have a safe journey zh?oxi?ngj camera







fij pi?o plane tickets


gift, present







y?uyng y swimming suit








silk cloth

shnshu hu?

landscape painting fij


Fill in the blank:


When eating at a restaurant in China, don't expect to be given a what? True or False:

means "cute" is a response to which question? If I say, "," I am

responding to what question?

Which of the following tone's for y is correct?

What was Ni?n in relation to the Spring Festival myth?

D m?ji?ng means what exactly? is what time exactly?



What is your telephone number? y?zh a monster who ate children and devoured crops to play mahjong ten minutes to eight

True or False:

False Difficult or more complex Chinese characters mean deeper things that have to do with philosophy and religion.

How many does the average person have?


In China, how do most people answer the phone?

Select the best translation for the following directions.

Zu d?o xi? y?ge h?ngl dng y?u zhun r?nh?u zh? zu. If I say, "W z?i cngun l," where am I?

w?i, n ho

Walk until you get to the next traffic light and then turn right and go straight.

in a restaurant

How many strokes are in the character ?


Zhnggu? l? Miguu? hn yun can be translated as what?

China is very far from America.

Chnji? is a what?


True or False:

The gu? as in "ku?i gu? ni?n le" means "to celebrate." True or False:

T t?i yun, w k?n b? d?o t has to do with eating Beijing duck. Select the best translation for the following directions.

N gu? ml? r?nh?u zh? zu d?o ch zh?n.

What is a good translation of the following phrase?

next door True or False:

Jnf? Gniang snuck into Snow White's house.



Cross the intersection and go straight until you get to the bus stop.


Which of the following characters means "to buy"?

What is the difference when asking Jdin? or Sh?nme sh? h?u?

One is asking what time, the other is asking when.

Which of the following customs applies to Chnji??

giving out h?ngbo

Where do the go on a face?

What is a good translation of the following phrase:

qi?ng l?ng b? y d? t?u sh?.

True or False:

Xi? w ling din b?n is in the afternoon.

If I write a character on the , where did I write?

Even a mighty dragon won't attack a snake in its own haunts.


on the left hand side

Which of the following characters do not match the pinyin? Fill in the blank:

xu?xi?o t?ng

N zu? Zhnggu? c?i de sh?h?u, n de gu y?o h?n _________.

Select the best translation for the following directions.

N d?o ch zh?n zu? gngg?ng q?ch. Which of the following times below means "nearly six"?

Arrive at the bus stop and get on a public bus.

ku?i l?u din

In China, the l?ng is a what?

a friendly and magical animal

Select the appropriate translation for the following phrase:

N xing b? xing ch y?dinr c?i ne? True or False:

Bijng Ko Y is a special dish that takes a long time to prepare.

Fill in the blank:

Y? l?u sh? m?i di?nq? de m?i yf? de _______ z?i ?r l?u.

Where do usually work?

True or False:

Would you like to eat something? True hoxi?ng cngun

When taking a bus or taxi, the verb commonly used in Chinese iszh?n.

Which of the following adjectives is not one used to describe a flavor or taste?

False y?ng

Which of the following animals, is not part of the Chinese zodiac?


Which of the following articles of clothing would you wear to the beach? T-x?shn T-

True or False: N?n gu? x?ng is the informal way to ask for someone's name. True or False:

asks a question, how are you?

Fill in the blank with the correct word.

Y?ge ________ sh? yu?n de.

False False j?zi

What is the official color of Chnji??

If I have a m?imei and a jijie and two gge, how many brothers and sisters do I have?

two sisters, two brothers

D?nyu?n is best translated to mean what?

if only

When learning Chinese characters, students must spend a lot of time doing what?

When eating out, you may often hear l?i said. What would it mean It means bring me, or I'd like to

in the context of a restaurant?


If I say qng gi w... I am typically what?

asking politely for something

Which of these would make a nice present to take home from Hangzhou? Shnshu hu?

Fill in the blank with the correct word.

N?ngm?ng du hn __________. Select the best translation for the following phrase:

Sh?ng l?sh k? de sh? h?u, w z?i zu? w de shngw?xu? zu? y?. Fill in the blank with the correct word.

Com?i y?u sun y?u _________. Most Chinese characters are between what range of strokes? What different meanings does the dual-pronounced

character x?ng,h?ng have?

Which of the following words below is the opposite of forget? True or False:

Dun food is usually eaten for dessert. Select the best translation below for student:

What does the phrase Sh?ng yu tintng, xi? yu S H?ng mean?

If I am in a , where am I?

Why don't people like to have the number four (s?) or seven (q) in their numbers? Which of the following statements can be said to someone going on a trip? What is the best response to the following question:

N sh sh?nme? Which of the following items below is a good mode of transportation to get around in China? Which of the following lines below says, "The Treasure in the Forest"? Which of the following nature words does not contain the radical for water? True or False:

Many people will visit their loji during gu?ni?n. True or False:

When asking if anybody is home you say, "Yu r?n za? ji ma?" Match the correct pinyin to the characters below. w?zi


During that history lesson, I was doing my Biology homework.


three to 20 able to do something, a trade (also bank) j?zh?


xu?shng Heaven is above, Suzhou and Hangzhou are below. kitchen Those numbers are considered unlucky. zh? n ho y?n

W sh sh?.

gngg?ng q?ch yu?li?ng



Fill in the blank: Hu sh?ng yu y?zh xio ___________. Fill in the blank:

, du? b? q, R?n M?n Gung Chng ____________? True or False: If I am full, I would say "w ch ? le."

m?fng znme zu? False

True or False: P?nggu sh? h?ngs? de hu?zh ls? de.


Why is Chnji? also called Gu?ni?n or Chinese New Year, even though it's celebrated in either late January or early February?

because it follows the lunar calendar

Please select the correct pinyin transcription for the audio recording.


If you are frequently late, I might say what to you?

Which fruit can be described as being and ?

Bi? ch? d?o. j?zi

Qng b m?n gunsh?ng can be translated to mean what?

please close the door

What is the most important holiday in China?

Spring Festival

Which thing is big, brown and can be very scary?

W xing wn y?dinr can be understood to mean what exactly? I would like a little later.

True or False: T bji?o xio means, "He is smaller."



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