The value of education in the HDI and human development ...

The value of education in the HDI and human development broadly

Eva Jespersen, Human Development Report Office, UNDP

Meeting of EFA working group, Paris 2-3 Feb 2011

Education, knowledge, informed choices are central to Human Development

HDR1990: Human development is enlarging people's choices, emphasizing the freedom to be healthy, to be educated and to enjoy a decent standard of living. It extends to a broader range of capabilities, including political freedoms, human rights, and `self confidence' (empowerment, participation)

HDR2010: "Human development is the expansion of people's freedoms to live long, healthy and creative lives; to advance other goals they have reason to value and to engage actively in shaping development equitably and sustainably on a shared planet. People are both the beneficiaries and the drivers of HD, as individuals and in groups."

Measuring HD partially through HDI

"the freedom to be healthy, to be educated and to enjoy a decent standard of living"

? 1990-2009: HDI made of three dimensions and four indicators - GDP ppp/per capita; life expectancy at birth; adult literacy and combined gross enrolment

? internationally available data for a large number of countries

? a crude measure, but closer to people's lives than GDP

? averages

40 years of


Worldwide trends in the Human Development Index, 1970 - 2010

A new lens on development success


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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