Unified English Braille (UEB): Summary of changes for ...

Guide to Reading UEB

[The following is the short list of signs given on a reference sheet for braille readers, to be included in books, etc. In this print version the signs have been reordered according to meaning, rather than being listed in braille order, as in the braille version.]

New Signs

4 full-stop or decimal point .

444 ellipsis …

,- dash –

,8 open inner single quote '

,0 close inner single quote '

^8 open inner double quote "

^0 close inner double quote "

"< open round bracket (

"> close round bracket )

.< open square bracket [

.> close square bracket ]

@.< open transcriber note

@.> close transcriber note

"9 asterisk *

@a commercial at sign @

^j degree sign (

.0 percent sign %

@l pound sign £

@s dollar sign $

"6 plus +

"7 equals =

"- minus –

/ fraction line, e.g. #a/b half ½

" space in group of numbers

^/ acute accent ´

^* grave accent ̀

^% circumflex accent ˆ

^3 diaeresis accent ¨

@- macron, long vowel ¯

5 subscript

9 superscript

.2 italic symbol

.1 italic word

.7 italic passage

.' italic terminator

^2 boldface symbol

^1 boldface word

^7 boldface passage

^' boldface terminator

; grade 1 symbol

;; grade 1 word

;;; grade 1 passage

;' grade 1 passage terminator

Contractions not used: ally, ation, ble, by, com, dd, into, o'clock, to.

Contractions or words no longer sequenced: and, for, of, the, with, a.

Grade 1 indicator not routinely required before abbreviations.

December 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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