Volume 11 No. 4 Hebei University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition) Vol.11 No.4July 2011 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University (Social Science Edition) Jul .2011?Article ID: 1673-2804 (2011) 04-0052-0004?Chinese and English Names and Chinese and Western CultureChen Yanwen(Taiyuan University of Technology, Yangquan College, Yangquan 045000, China)?Keywords: name; language; cultureAbstract: Chinese-English names are two different linguistic symbols that represent different human individuals, but the meanings contained in them are far greater than this. On the basis of a comprehensive discussion of Chinese names and English names, they are prominently presented as two types. History of different cultures, religious beliefs, national psychology, values, and changes in the times. An understanding of the name culture helps to enhance our understanding of Chinese and Western cultures.CLC number: G04 Document code: A?Language is the most important communicative tool for human beings. It is the means of human thinking and expression of thought. It is also the most basic information carrier of human society, and it is one of the essential characteristics that distinguishes human beings from other animals. Language is a special social phenomenon that develops and develops with the emergence of society.After the human language created the language, it created words, and on the basis of the text, the human culture was gradually formed. The broad culture refers to the sum of the results of human beings acting in nature and society, including all material wealth and spiritual wealth. To learn the language of a nation, you must understand its culture at the same time. Language and culture are intertwined.The name (surname and personal name; a full name) is a special name symbol given to each individual by human beings, and is a sign that distinguishes individual differences of the individual through language and text information. Because of the name, human beings can interact in a normal and orderly manner, so everyone has a name of their own. The name of a person appears only after the language has been produced. Every nation has a lot of habits for naming people. This habit is restricted by many cultural factors such as history, society, and nationality. A person's name usually has a certain meaning. Names are broad and narrow. The broad names include the surname and name of the citizen and the names of the legal and unincorporated groups; the narrow name refers only to the citizen's last name and first name. This article mainly discusses the narrow Chinese names and English names and the differences between Chinese and Western cultures.Chinese nameA mortal must have a name. The surname and the name are both the primary information for people to enter the society, and the main carrier of human social information transmission. For example, Confucius said that "if the name is not correct, then the words are not smooth, and if the words are not correct, then things will not be done." Therefore, since ancient times, people have valued their surnames and names. The family name and name of our country have undergone a long process of evolution, and they have developed into the "name" that people are used to today.1 Chinese name structureThe Chinese name is the surname in the former name. The Chinese surname is usually a word (called a single surname) or two words (called a surname), and the name used to be usually one or two blocks.?to make. However, according to the law, names can take up to six words.2 Chinese name originIn ancient China, the name was not used at the beginning, but the first name was followed by the name, the later name, the word, and the other. The ancients had many names in their lifetimes, each with its own purpose and different meanings.(1) The origin of Chinese surnameThe word "surname" is the left and right structure, and the left is from "female" to "sheng" and from "female". In the matriarchal clan society, the children only know their mother, but they do not know their father. The mother's surname is the only definite relative who can be determined by the descendants, just as the "White Tiger Tong · San Gang Liu Ji" cloud: "The ancient Yuan Dynasty, there is no Sangang Liuji The people know that they have a mother, and they do not know that they have a father." “First name” is a collective noun, a family identity, or a part that is more intimate with a certain blood relationship of a large family. Therefore, many ancient surnames in China are next to the word "female", such as Win, Ji, Jiang, Yao and so on. It playsThe role of "Blood Blood" and "Do not Marriage" cannot be married to the same surname.“Shi” was born in the patriarchal clan society. With the development of production, human society has entered the patriarchal clan society. After entering the patriarchal society, the blood relationship is calculated by the father. As the population increases, the family of the same surname differentiates into many tribes, which leads to the birth of the family. Therefore, the surname is a larger concept than the clan, and is the mark of the entire tribe. It is the name of the minor tribe, it is the branch of the "last name", the "last name" is the family name of the clan, and the members of the clan use this family name as their own surname. The surnames were originally only available to nobles and dignitaries, and the general population did not. After the Warring States period, there was a phenomenon in which the surnames were one. Generally, the people also had surnames. In the past, many of them were converted to their current surnames. In the Han Dynasty, they were collectively referred to as surnames. Modern people's understanding of surnames tends to be more marked with the meaning of their symbols, and the simplification is the first, so now only the surname, and no singularity. The source of Chinese surnames can be roughly classified into the following categories: 1) The surname derived from the mother of the matriarchal society. Such as win, Ji, Jiang, Yao and so on. 2) Take the family name and nickname of the ancestors as the surname. If the family name of Ruan is Tang, then some descendants of the ancestors will be surnamed Tang. Zhou Wen’s “Wen Wang” and “Wu Wang” are nicknames, and some of his descendants are surnamed Zhou and surnamed Wu. 3) Named after the country name and land name. Such as Qi, Lu, Qin, Jin, etc. is the name of the country, the residents of the country will take it as the surname. 4) Take the title, official position, occupation as the surname. Such as Wang, Hou Yuan in the title. Shuai, Qi, Jiang, Sima, Situ, etc. originated from the official position. Music (wind music), business (selling and selling), farming (farming), animal husbandry (grazing), field (farming), pottery (making porcelain), slaughtering (slaughtering animals), witch??Received date: 2010-08-09?????(Witchcraft), teachers (professionals are teachers), etc. are all occupations as surnames. 5) Take the animals and plants as the surname. There are horses, dragons, bears, etc. with animals as surnames. Plants are surnames, such as seedlings, flowers, poplars, willows, cypresses, etc. 6) Use the number as the last name. Such as four, Wu, Lu, Qian, Wan and so on. 7) The surname translated from the minority pronunciation. Such as Hu Yan, Yu Chi, Chang Sun and so on. 8) Acting as a relative to the family name. Such as Meng, Zhong, Shu, Ji Zuo surname.How many surnames does China have? According to the "Hundred Family Names" compiled by the Song Dynasty, there are 408 single surnames and 30 surnames. However, in fact, according to the sampling statistics made by the third census, there are 1436 surnames in China. (Zhao Tianshun, 1994)(2) The origin of Chinese names“Name” refers to a personal symbol with a personal imprint. In our traditional customs, the “name” was taken by the father after the baby was born 100 days. Name the child is the first major event in the child's life, so the ceremony is very grand. Although this custom is not available now, the custom of giving the child a "hundred days" is still prosperous.Judging from the historical customs, the name has the name of the name of the milk, the real name, the scientific name, the former name, the pen name, and the stage name.Dairy name, also called milk name, nickname, is the name of a person in childhood. Such as small, baby, baby, etc., generally do not need to grow up, unless the elders occasionally call the younger generation. The pen name, often the literati and the literati, according to their own preferences,name. For example, Lu Xun is a pseudonym, formerly known as Zhou Shuren.The stage name, that is, the alias used by the performer, such as Bai Yushuang, formerly known as Li Huimin, is a performance artist.Judging from the specific expressions of the above-mentioned "names", it not only reflects the different titles of different ages, but also symbolizes a person's occupation, status and identity.The word "word" was first seen in the Western Zhou Dynasty, later than the name. According to ancient customs, the ancients first named it, and then took the word, which was used to indicate the order of virtue and distinguish between the young and the young. In communication, names are generally used for self-proclaimed or up-to-down, long-on-child. It is rude to call the name directly between the upper and lower peers. And it is polite and polite to say to others.The "number" is a fixed alias other than the name and the word, also known as the nickname. It can be taken by one's own taste, so many celebrities have different nicknames. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi No. Xiangshan lay.The ancient name, word, and number of parallel names have continued until the liberation. Therefore, modern and modern celebrities still have words and numbers. Such as Mao Zedong, the word Runzhi, No. However, with the development of society, most people now only have names, no words and numbers.Chinese names are much more than their surnames, and their names are the most diverse, but they can be summarized in the following aspects: 1) In the name of "Tiangan", that is, "A, B, B, H, H, and G For example, Shang Wang Tang was named Big B, and the King of the King was named Emperor Xin. 2) Named after the yin and yang five elements “Jinmu Shuihuo”, the defect is generally used. Such as Lu Xun's brushed earth.3) Named after the birth time. Such as Qiusheng, refers to birth in the fall. 4) Named after the birthplace. For example, Guo Moruo took two rivers from the hometown of Shawan Town, Leshan County, Sichuan Province: Moshui and Ruoshui. 5) Named after the commemoration. For example, the Cultural Revolution pointed out that the birth of the Cultural Revolution occurred. Another example is liberation and aid to the DPRK. 6) Named after the birth of the situation. For example, Lu Xun's nine pounds, pointed out that there are nine pounds when he was born. 7) Named after the animal, the animal is considered to be alive, but it lives long and is safe for life. Such as two dogs, Yan children. 8) Named from plants. Such as apricot flowers, jujube flowers, etc. 9) The reference to the classics uses its meaning. For example, the Spring Festival in "Dream of Red Mansions" comes from the poem "Sentences with the same heart, spring and thin makeup" (Liu Tingzhi). 10) Borrow the names of ancient mythological figures and ancient heroes. Such as 尧, 舜, 禹, etc. 11) Place your parents' hopes and wishes for your child. For example, if you want your child to be outstanding, take Li Jie, Wang Wei, etc.The name of the child; hope that the child is of high quality, from the words of benevolence, righteousness, sage, goodness, modesty, and respect?Names such as Wang Zongren and Li Renyi; while Zhi, Hui, Min, Rui, etc. represent smart dexterity, such as Duan Zhihui, Wei Min, etc.; Xia, Fang, Mei, etc. are symbols of beautiful and handsome, such as Li Lanfang; Kang, An and Ning Ping represent peace and happiness, such as Zhang Shunkang; turtles, cypresses, pines, cranes, etc. represent health and longevity, such as Cecilia Cheung. 12) Take the father's surname and the mother's surname to form a name. For example, Zhang Lin is the father’s surname Zhang, whose mother’s surname is Lin’s.Second English name1 Structure of English namesThe name structure of the Anglo-American is in the form of "name + surname", that is, the first name (given name) is first, and the last name (surname or family name or last name) is followed by: first name + last name. Such as Ernest Hemingway, where Ernest is the name and Hemingway is the last name. According to the customs of Westerners, the name of the average person, the name of the branch(first name or Christian name) and self-name (also called middle name - middleName). The name of the teacher is from the pastor or parent when the baby is baptized. When I grow up, I can also start a second name. If there is both a name and a name, then the name is in front, the name is in the middle, and the last name is in the end: the name + the name (middle name) + the last name. Such as William Jefferson Clinton. There are also three or even more names, but there are only a few people who take more than three names. In most cases, only one name is used, the first name or the Christian name. The middle name or the third name will only be used when doing official business or signing documents. Write in the order of the structure of “teaching name + middle name + last name”, such as Richard Milhous Nixon. Sometimes for convenience, they are abbreviated as Richard M.Nixon or R.M.Nixon. The above names and middle names are also known as personal names.2 Source of English name(1) Source of English surnameThe British have only used names for a long time in history, no surnames. Everyone familiar with the Bible has only names and no surnames, such as Eve (Eve), Adam.(Adam). It was not until the 11th century that after Normandy conquered Britain, some nobles owned the land and the title, and began to use the land, title, and title to call the head of the family. Later generations formed a surname because of Cheng Cheng. The surname was only used in the home of the dignitaries, and it was not used in the people until the 16th century. The main sources of English surnames are:1) Borrow the name directly. Such as Clinton (Clinton), Adam (Adam) and so on. 2) Add an affix to the name of the pedigree. Such as the suffix -s, -son, -ing; prefix M-, Mc-, Mac-, Fitz-, etc., all represent the child or descendant of a certain. Like Adam John-Son means son of John. 3) Attach an affix indicating identity before the name. Such as St.-, De-, Du-, La-, Le-.De Forest (De for nobles), Du M aurier(Du indicates the Duke), St.John (St. indicates the saints). 4) Words reflecting geographical names, geomorphology or environmental characteristics. Such as Hill (Will), Wood (Wood), respectively, "hill", "forest". 5) Borrow the geographic location name. For example, East refers to “Oriental”. 6) Reflecting identity or occupation. For example, Carter, Smith said "the coachman" and "blacksmith" respectively. 7) Reflecting personal characteristics. Such as Longfellow, Wise(Wise) said "higher", "learning, smart". 8) Borrow the color. Such asWhite, Brown refers to "white" and "gray". 9) Borrow the name of the animal and plant. For example, Bird and Bush refer to "birds" and "bush". 10) Borrow the name of the ordinary object. For example, Glass refers to “glass”. 11) Borrow the season and climate name. For example, Winter (Winter) refers to the merger of two surnames, such as Burne-Jones.Although the English surname appears later than the name of the church, the number is much larger.suchs?CHDefinitions of sucharticleof the type previously mentioned.I have been involved in many such coursesof the type about to be mentioned.there is no such thing as a free lunchto so high a degree; so great (often used to emphasize a quality).this material is of such importance that it has a powerful bearing on the caseTranslations of suchadjective这样such这么such其such偌suchpronoun斯such, this ................

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