Name _______________________________________ Date

Name _____________________________________________ Hour ________

Dreams & Folklore – Journal 1 – 200 words

Pick one:

Describe a dream you had as a child. Show us the dream. We should feel like we are there with you.


Write a story about someone who wishes she could ____________________ , then falls asleep and dreams that she can. Make it feel like we are there.

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Dreams & Folklore - Journal 2, Part 1 – 200 words

Investigate local ghost stories or legends. Ask your friends, family, and crazy people you know about any ghosts, monsters, or UFOs they have encountered or heard about. Ask at the historical society or the library. Check the Internet. Report your findings here.

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Dreams & Folklore - Journal 2, Part 2

What are the essential elements of the most interesting story you heard?

What objects or symbols are contained in the story?

What are the moments of tension or suspense?

Describe in detail three photographs you could take to illustrate the story. Include the subject, background, lighting, and camera position.




Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Dreams & Folklore - Journal 3, Part 1 – at least 100 words

Keep a notebook and a pencil by your bed and write down any dreams you have right away, before you forget the details. Be sure to include any objects and places that are part of the dream. If you don’t wake up to remember any dreams this week, write about dreams that you have had in the past.

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Dreams & Folklore - Journal 3, Part 2 – at least 100 words

Check a dream dictionary or interpreter to see what it says about the meaning of your dreams. In the space below, tell us what you found and if you think the interpretation is correct for you. Does the interpretation really reflect your thoughts and feelings? What do you think your dreams say about you?

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Dreams & Folklore – Story – 200 words

Write a short story and illustrate it with two or three of your photographs. The story should be based on a dream, legend, or something mysterious. The photographs should support and expand on the story. Consider carefully before you start how you can use point of view to tell the story with words and pictures.

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________

Dreams & Folklore – Extra Journal – 200 words

Photographs and stories reflect the point of view of the photographer or writer. Changing the point of view can alter the impact dramatically. Re-tell a fairy tale from the point of view of one of the secondary characters. For example, you could tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood from the grandmother’s perspective. Use dialogue, imagery, and sensory language to tell the story.


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