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Gikyode dictionary - June 2019The entries are taken from the Gikyode dictionary database as of 13th June 2019. AaaPronounweA kya kpe.We are going.A ba deeri.We came yesterday.A gy? daa Akyode.We are Akyodes.aexclamationsurprise, disgustA! men? ne?Ah! What is this? Ah! What is it?abaexclamationdisgustAba! Men? ?ginda ne?Ah! Why this trouble?Aba! Fo naa w?ra me g?nen?Ah! Are you to do such a thing to me?"Aba!" Okulaabo y??, "i? gy? giw?r? ne?"Ah!" a widow said that "Is this not what we call penis?"abaaNounhands?? bo abaa.He does not have hands.Gyoono-abaa a kya nun m?-nkalan.Ticks on a dog extract its blood.? m?? karad? m?, ? sa me m?-abaa any?.When he killed a monkey he gave me its two hands.abaa-ntaNounshare? ny? m?-abaa-nta.He got his share.Nan sa fo g?bu?-belas? de fo' ny?, ny? fo abaa-nta.I will give you an animal to rear so you can get your share.abaakol?-nf?Nounshort stay on earthFo-bi baar?, abaakol?-nf? ne ? gy?.This your child is abaakol?-nf?.Men? so ne fo kya w?ra fo-ilaa f??, fo gy? daa abaakol?-nf? g?nen?Why are your deeds like that of abaakol?-nf??? gy? daa abaakol?-nf?, ?? ba gikyena.He did not come to stay on earth for long, he is abaakol?-nf?.abaalaNoun1.preparationsM? bo abaala d?.They are in the midst of preparations.Me-abaala a gyan.My preparations are up to date.M?-g?n? kutuu f?? abaala.His/her mouth is big as a lot of packed dirty cloths.Talabo baar? l??-abaala ad? a gyi so.These presentations/gifts to this woman who gave birth exceed the rest.2.<gloss and definition missing>abalagyoyiiNouna type of treeM? kya gyi abalagyoyii-abi.The fruits of abalagyoyii is edible.Abala-gyoyii ne n? kyu kuru me-igyo sige.I used abalagyoyii in harvesting my yams this year.Me-s? gi kyena m?, m?-oyiiw?s? laar?s? ne n gy? abala-gyoyii.When my father was alive, his favourite chewing stick is abalagyoyii.abanNounwingsG?buii g? bo giban.A bird has wings. (lit: a bird has a wing).Gbaa g?depee m? aban de g?? baa taal? maal?.Break the hawk's wings so that it won't be able to fly.G?buii m? g? maal? k??la so m?, g?m?-aban a y?? g?m?, g? san g? sel? daa de ayaa. g?sinkpa.The bird flew for a long time, so its wings are weak. It resorted to running with its feet.abant??Noun<gloss and definition missing>AbantuProper Nounname of a man born after the death of the fatherAbantu gi m?? g?toro.Abantu killed an antelope.Abantu gi kine y??, ?nyen m? ma? ny? dena m?-nyi.Abantu has refused that the man will never get to marry his mother.Abantu kya laar? m?-nyi ilaa giky?; i lii f??, ?? ny? bii m?-s?.Abantu loves his mother a lot, because he did not get to know his father.abaraPronouneach otherA nyi abara.We know each other.F?' y?g? de a' laar? abara, lewu d? ? gyoo aye.Let us love one another, death is waiting for us.F?' kyena laa abara.Visit one another.F?? kyo abara.Do not hate one another.AbeeniProper Nouna person's name meaning "We have found (treasures)"Abeeni gi wu'.Abeeni is dead.Abeeni ne n beedi oboroni m? aterenbi abono a fu? m?.Abeeni was the one who found the white person's lost money.aber?NountimeAber? am? d? ne fo ba?What time did you come?Aw??-aber? d? m?, i? kya k??la ne akyii m? kya da it?.During cold periods, isn't that when people get pregnant?Aber? am? d? ne fo ba?At what time did you come?aber? ako d? m? ne fa?no example translationBa aber? abono asa m? san m? ker? d?.Come at the time people are are not yet asleep.nd? nk? nd? d? ber?, aber? a? kya fono example translationaber?baNounpineapplesab??conjorFo laa gyi g?pal? ab?? b?r??Will you eat fufu or kokonte?A kya kpe ab?? a kya ba daa?Are we going or we are coming?Fo ba fo' baa ny?? ?gya ab?? fo ba ker? ip? d??Are you coming to fetch fire or have you come to look into soups?Sukuu ne fo laa kpe ab?? g?dena ne fo kya laar?; i gy? daa ilaa iny??Will you go to school or you want marriage? Are there only two things?ab?yinNoungovernmentAb?yin gi yela nbara y??, ?kamaas? ?' d??.The government issued a law that everybody should farm.abiNounseed; fruitM? kya kyu abi w?ra ip?.They use palm nuts to make soup.giwaayu gibiSeed of maizemango gibiMango fruitm?-nyoro gi s?r? abiSkin rashesAbibo-As?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Children are considered to be innocent"Abibo-As? gi kyon g?wi.Abibo-As? has gone home.abiiNounmountainsAbii m? a ky? pa-a.The mountains are very big.Siar?-?sowol? m? bo daa abii ad? d? faanaa.The town of Shiare is in those mountains over there.Me-a?nilii so m?, n kya san dii abii m?, i ky? tansi tagar? me g?sintin so.Because of my knees, now when I climb mountains, I really get tired indeed.Ide kon ber?, fo-l??ri m? gi bel?, ?? ba ? kya taal? abii m?.Now your lorry is old, it is able to stand the mountains.Abii-?kaProper Nouna woman's nameAbii-?ka bo aterenbi.Abii-?ka is rich.Abii-?ka gi koso g?wi faa i laa don nsi iko-iny? de saalaa nsi nun.It will be over fifty five, since Abii-?ka left home.Abii-?ka gi kpaa ny? ?nyen d?ns? ?bono ? bo aterenbi ne m? dena abara m? t? kamp?.Abii-?ka had a handsome rich man and they are married to one another nicely.Abii-?ka kp? mada ilaa ilon-gibii g?kpaa y??, ? laa baa yii obu g?wi.Abii-?ka continues to say that she will come and build a house at home.abiid?boNounwarring factionsAbiid?bo m? m? kpaa gyan wura g?wi.The warring factions have gathered at the chief's palace.Iken-al??bo m?, m? tiri abiid?bo de m?' baa biid? m?m?-asawuu de iken lii gigengen so sa m?m?.The fishermen are after pullers to pull out their nets and fish to the shore for them.Abiid?bo m?, m? taa biid? m? y?g? san m? kya taa abara daa kon.The warring factions have stopped the arguments and have resulted in beating up one another.Abiid?bo m? m?? kya bii de m?' buu ilaa ibono i lii m?m? m?.The warring factions are not able to narrate what has brought about their quarrels.abiilaNoununrealisticAye-g?sun m? g?? gy? abiila.Our work is no joke.Y?g? abiila; ilaa tiris? ne fo kya wu faa.Stop joking. It is an important thing as you see it.Abiila kp?yi.Jokes are different.Fo kya wu m?, ? gy? daa abiila-wura.As you see him, he is a joker.AbiiwaProper Nouna woman's name meaning "We should do it carefully"Abiiwa gi korog? nbii; anyen de akyii.Abiiwa brought forth male and female children.M? kya ter? me-s? bel? m?-bi gbangbaras? y??, Abiiwa.My senior uncle's first issue is called Abiiwa.Abiiwa gi laar? ?' w?ra daa ?baakpanbo; i? gy? m?-s? ne ?' koso yel? m?-ayaa so m? de-e.Abiiwa nearly become barren, if not for the intervention of her father.Abiiwa m?-biana m? p?wu m? kyon aboroni d?.All of Abiiwa's children are gone to and are with the whites.abilaaf?Nounpalm branchesM? ?? abilaaf? too-too d? ?kpa de Yesu ?' baa naa.They cut palm branches and threw them on the road for Jesus to walk on.Abilaaf? ne ? kyu bun igyo m?.He used palm branches to cover the yams.Aye-anyiilebo y??, ?k? m? aye-?kamaas? ?' bara abilaaf? anan-anan.Our teachers said each of us should bring four palm branches tomorrow.G?bu? m? g? kyu ?doo m? kpaa loo abilaaf? d?.The animal took the trap into the palm branches.AbinawaProper Nouna woman's name meaning "It is children who did it"Abinawa ne n w?ra im?.Abinawa did it.Abinawa gi kyon gigya.Abinawa is gone to market.Abinawa nyi g?gyan.Abinawa knows how to cook.Abinawa kya d?? agyesii f??, ?nyen.Abinawa raises yam mounds like a man.abintilinNounpieces of faecesM? k??-k?? abintilin yela duwansee m? ?kpa d?.They defecated pieces of feces on the way to the toilet.Sola-Abintilin kya sola abintilin daa so ne m? yela m?-ginyen g?nen.Dung beetle carries pieces of faeces, that is how it derived its name (Sola-Abintilin lit: carry dung)Ny?mes? gi k?? abintilin d? m?, i kya sa gikuu don ibono ? laa kyaal? m?.When a person defecates with pieces of faeces, it easier to collect than when he is running diarrhoea.I kii fo m? ne fo kya k?? abintilin.It is when you have constipation that you go to the bathroom with pieces of faeces.Abintog?-G?suProper Nouna woman's name meaning "It is children who bring division it the family"Abintog?-G?su gi kpe ngya.Abintog?-G?su has gone to fetch firewood.Abintog?-G?su bo akol?bo any?.Abintog?-G?su has two rivals.Ko-o sinde ne Abintog?-G?su gi ?? gida-yela gid?.Abintog?-G?su cut these trees down to dry to get her firewood since last year.Abintog?-G?su ayaawol? a t?? sansana.Abintog?-G?su's sandals got broken in public.abirandaaNounveranda; reception hall? p?r? obu m?, ?? l?? abiranda.When he built the house, he didn't make a veranda.Abirandaa m? adon ?mang? giky?.The veranda is too wide.Nyangbon kya ba, baala ilaa m? loo abirandaa d?.The rain is threatening, pack the things into the veranda.Asaf? m? m? g??l? aye, im?so a laa d? daa abirandaa d? nd?.The strangers are too numerous for us, so, we shall sleep in the veranda too.Abo-Abarad?Proper Nouna woman's name meaning "We intermingle, integrate"Abo-Abarad? bo ?nyen.Abo-Abarad? has a husband.Abo-Abarad? kya bugi ansi de m?-nanbo ny?mes?.Abo-Abarad? is social to her fellow human being.Abo-As?nuProper Nouna man's name meaning "We have ears to hear with"Abo-As?nu ?ko bo Nyanbon.There is one Abo-As?nu at Nyanbong.Abo-As?nu m?-s? gi d?? g?nen kaabor? m? yii m? ad??bo-wura.Ao-as?-Anu farmed until he was crowned a chief to farmers.Abo-IkpaabaProper Nouna person's name meaning "We are on our way coming"Abo-Ikpaaba gi kyon Nkaran de ?' ba.Abo-Ikpaaba is gone to Accra and will be back.abobowaAdverbwithout saltG?n? g?bono g? gyi nf?l? san y?g? m?, g? ma? taal? gyi abobowa.The mouth that has eaten salt can no longer eat soup without salt.Deeri a gyi daa abobowa.Yesterday we ate soup without salt.Fo gyi abobowa ne i den fo m?, nf?l? pii gbaa i kya loo sa fo.If you are used to eating without salt, a little salt in food is always too much for you.abol?biNounseeds of gourdsN? duu abol?bi, a? k?r?.I planted gourd seeds. They have not sprouted yet.Sige ber?, me? bo abol?bi baa pii.I don't have gourd seeds this year.abolonbuNoungirlsObolonbu m? gi dena kon.The young lady is now married.Dedaa m?, fo laa wu obolonbu d?ns? gi gyere ? kya kyon m?, nkolongif? ne ? nyaa.In the old days when you saw a beautiful girl who had dressed nicely, and was passing, it was shea butter oil that she had smeared.Obolonbu ?ko bo no m?, ?? nyi g?gyan.There is a certain girl who does not know how to cook.abonNounlies, falsehoodsKwame bo abon giky?.Kwame can tell lies a lot.Ns?-kp??ra, nyagbenu y??, "Abon a? boran."My younger uncle, Nyagbenu said, "It is not good to tell lies."Abon gik?? i kya bara lewu.Telling lies brings death.abonboliAdjectiveraw; freshGyanbu? gi sa me ginun bonboli.A hunter gave me fresh meat.G?bii m? g? wu' abonboli.The child died suddenly.Akon a d? m?, n kya taal? w? awayu abonboli.When I am hungry, I eat raw corn.Abonkpa-EgyiProper Nouna man's name meaning "When we have life we will eat"Abonkpa-Egyi kya da b??lo.Abonkpa-Egyi is playing football.abonoPronounthat; whichAsa abono Yesu gi ky? m? m? w?ra gumu d?ns?.The people that Jesus healed were the fortunate ones.Asa abono m? kya ba faa me? nyi m?m?.I do not know the people who are coming.Y?g? abono nno.Leave those people there.AbonyaProper Nouna man's name meaning "We have"Abonya gi kpe sukuu pa-a.Abonya is highly educated.Abonya kya ker? samaa so.Abonya is looking after crowds of people.ab?liiNouneggsNd? me kyaas? gi too gib?lii.Today my hen laid an egg.Ab?lii a boran sa nbii.Eggs are good for children.Me-kyaas? m? bun ab?lii so.My hen is sitting on eggs.M?? kya nyise kyaas? bun ab?lii so.You can not force a hen to sit on eggs.ab?nb?r?nNounporridge without sugar or red plantainA nun okyu m? daa ab?nb?r?n.We drink the porridge without any seasonings.ab?t??Nounbeing dirtyFo kya gyi m?, fo? kya foro il?p?/fo bo ab?t??.When you eat and you don't wash the dishes, you are dirty.abuaky?Nounwater yamsAbuaaky? a bo kon de daabuli.Water yams are good for mashed yam.abunNounpools in a river(s)G?yaal? m?-ra Bonaky? m?, ?m?-l?? abun ne n bo ken?G?yaal? and Bonaky?, which of them has deep pools?Abun-Nn?Proper Nouna man's name meaning "Let's be quiet"Abun-Nn? bo kokoo-nd??.Abun-Nn? has cocoa farm.abuuNounfarm hutsAye-abuu a d??.Our farm huts burned.Sinde a kii kpe aye-abuu dedaa m? as?.We went back to our old huts last year.abuwaaruNounruinAbuwaaru a laa gyi m?m? faa poroko.Sudden calamity will overtake them.adaaAdverbevery dayFo kya w?ra g?nen adaa-adaa.You do that every day.adanNounroadsGana-adan saky? a? boran.Most of Ghana's roads are not good.adan' who likes meat very muchFo bo adan'.You are somebody who likes too much meat.2.sexually sensitive?nyen/?kyii baar? bo adan'.The man/woman like sex very much.adanganaNounmiracles? kya taal? w?ra adangana-ilaa.He is fond of doing marvellous deeds.adawooNounskill; talentFo bo adawoo.You are talented.adeNoun1.this typeG?nen asa ade ?nan m?? boran.This type of people is not good.2.dependantsM?-ade m? m? kya gyi giky?.His dependants eat a lot.adedaaboNounancestorsAdeewuProper Nouna man's name meaning "His dependants have seen"Adeewu y??, "ilaa i ba."Adeewu says "Something serious has occurred/happened."adendeliNounteeth gumsG?bii m? adendeli a kya w??l? g?m?.The child’s gums are hurting.Adewol?Proper Nouna man's name meaning "It is only his dependents"Adewol? baar? gy? daa ?lonbiibo.This Adewol? is a w?ra ad?g?n?-ilaa g?sintin so.He has truly done wonders.Ad?gisenAdjectivewe are patientAd?gisen kya gyan agyud?.Ad?gisen is cooking food.Ad?sawaProper Nouna person's name meaning "We avail ourselves for them"A d? sa m?m?.We are there for them.adifudeeAdjectivecheap gainsFo t? g?nen m?, fo kua laar? adifudee giky?.You really want cheap gains.adiiNounupwards slopeAdii a? bo gidii.Upwards slopes are not easy to climb.Adiil?Proper Nouna woman's nameA' diil?.Let's admire.Adiil? m?-kuli gi kine m?.Adiil?'s husband had divorced her.Adiil?boProper Nouna person's name meaning "Admirers"Adiil?bo gi kpe Nk?nta.Adiil?bo gone to Nkwanta.AdonProper Nouna person's name meaning "Wicked"Adon m?? kya laar? gigyi.Adon does not like eating.Adon-Aky?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "There is too much wickedness"Adon-Aky? kya bela inaad?.ad?nd??liiNounfungus??Ogyereten m? gi w?ra ad?nd??lii.The bathroom is full of<gloss and definition missing>M? kya kyu k?r? asara.They use ad??lii in grinding snuff.aduuleNounstringed instrument with two stringsB. B. Mensa kya lan aduule pa-a.B. B. Mensah played the aduule nicely.afadaaNounleavesOyii m? bo afadaa pa-a.The tree has a lot of leaves.Adam m?-ra Efa m? t?? afadaa kyu kun m?m?-nyoro.Adam and Eve plucked leaves and covered themselves.afiribaataaNounbat? ker? ny??ny?n f??, firibaataa.You are ugly like a firibaataa bat.afofoNounlungsAbel?ns? m?? kya laar? g?bu? afofo giw?.Elders don't like to eat the lungs of animals.Dedaa inun i bo no m?, a kya kyu nbu?-afofo da b??lo.In olden days when there was enough meat, we used animals' lungs to play ball.afonfont??NounchaffAyu-afonfont?? a? bo duduu.Guinea corn's chaffs are not heavy.aforaNounchicken's housesM? kya wu me de afora m?? kii maa wu me de ikyaas?.They see me with chicken's houses but they don't see me with chickens.aforogbaNounladderAforogba ne o kyu dii tan gibi m?.He used a ladder to climb and harvest the palm nuts.afototoNounblossomAfototo a bo k?mp?.Blossom is a very beautiful year-old farm produceFo kitiki baar? gi tansi ? kya loo. Fo maa taa bii y??, af?l? ne ? gy?.This cassava of yours is producing nicely; you would not know that it is only a example translationansi de af?r?no example translationafufuiiNounbulky part of a person who has gained weight?nyen m? kya da afufuii.The man is developing bulkiness as a result of him putting on weight.afulo-oexclamationcurseFo afulo-o!An expression of anathema on something just said.afuruNounfoamAgyar? m? a bo afuru.The soap is foaming.afuuNounwind; air? kya da afuu.He is getting some fresh air.Nyangbon-afuu ne n kya da faa.It is rain that is causing the wind to blow.agbaNounraffia stalk used for determining facts of a deathM? soo agba, m? kya taas? ibono i m?? m?.They carried the stick, inquiring (divining) what killed him.agbangyoNouna type of clothAgbangyo m?-ra akyire m? gim? ne n b??Agbangyo and akyire, which is better than the other?agbankanaNounleftovers over night foodFo gyi agbankana agan?Did you eat agbankana?agbenisokoNouna herbal plantFo yii agbenisoko m? ne fo fo kya nu m?-???l?.If you touch agbenisoko, it is then that you will smell its scent (lit: hear its smell).agb??maNounkind of vegetableAgb??ma-ip? i bo nyan.Agb??ma soup is fermented.agb?gyaaNounsieve for making gariM?-agb?gyaa m? a bo foo-foo.Her agb?gyaa is too wide.Agb?gyaa ne ? kya loo f?.He weaves agb?gyaa and ag?b?-g?b? ad?.You these few ones.ago-oAdjectiveexcuseNengy?ne fo laa loo ?ko obu d? m?, sa ago-o.If you want to enter into somebody's room you have to say excuse me.agongonNounbell? kya ?m?? agongon.He is beating the gong-gong.agungulunNounpotsAgungulun d? nta gi kya w?ra ?dan ny? igalon d? l?? id?.Wine from pots is better the one from gallon jugs.aguuniNounlionsAguuni m? kyon g?ta-g?ta.Lions have gone far away.AgyaProper Nouna person's nameAgya kya kpe sukuu Kumasi.Agya is going to school in Kumasi.agyaayenNounleftover food stuffs in a farm; gleanings?kyii bel?ns? kya paa agyaayen so m?, lewu naa m?, ? nyi m?-nk?.As an old woman is thinking of getting to collect the leftover food stuffs in the farm, death knows her days.agyafu?Nounbark of treesM? kyu iyii-agyafu? daar? w?ra ib?r?d?baa y?g?.They used the bark of trees in making towels before.agyagaNounspiderAgyaga-ginyen gi bo itar? saky? d?.The name of the spider who appears in stories.agyaga-ky?nky?Nouna kind of plantM? kya kyu agyaga-ky?nky? w?ra g?lin.They use agyaga-ky?nky? for medicine.agyakpid?NounbatsAgyakpid? a nyaky? oyii d? m?, ? kya taal? gbaa too.When there are many bats in a tree, it can break.agyanNounprofitFo? bo agyan.You are useless.Me gbaa-gbaa ber?, me-Tamale gikpe m? gi? kya taa w?ra agyan sa me.My going to Tamale is not profitable to me personally.agyanbu?-nyiNounteethId? kon ne ? kya k?r? agyanbu?-nyi ne.He is now bringing the last part of his teeth.agyangbaliiNouncharcoal? biiri f??, agyangbalii-?t?bo.He is black like a charcoal burner.agyangbaraboNounleadersM? kyu agyangbarabo-ogyiten.They took the leaders portion.agyapad??NounpropertiesAye-agyapaad?? a sin g?sinkpan g?bono Gana-Abayin gi baa kyu m? d?.Our properties are confiscated in the land the Ghana Government aquired.agyar?NounsoapAgyar? ne m? kya kyu foro akuru.Soap is used to wash clothes.Agyar? ad? a bo fen.This soup smells sweet.Agy?meneProper Nouna man's nameMe-naanaa ginyen ne ne Agy?mene.My grandfather's name is Agy?mene.Agy?mene m?-bi ne n gy? D?nk?.Agy?mene's son was Donkor.agy?tooNounbow and arrow fishingM? kyon agy?too.They have gone bow and arrow fishing.Nkyu m? gi k??g? ?maraa m?, a laa kpe agyatoo.When the waters reduced a little, we shall go fishing using agyatoo.agyibaraNounlovers out of marriage?kyii m? kya don laar? agyibara giky?.This woman likes making love with men a lot.agyigb??Nounpalm tree wormsI? gy? asa kamaas? ne n kya laar? agyigb?? gigyi.Not everybody likes to eat agyigb?? leaves.agyilunAdjectivedishonest; crooked? bo agyulun.He is a dishonest person.agyinaaVerbplotM? kya da me-agyinaa.They are plotting against me.M? lii agyinaa.They are gone for consultation.agyiyanNoungreedyFo bo agyiyan.You are greedy.agyondiworoNountrapdeeri n' baa kpaa ker? me-agyondiworo m?, giw?? ne n d? nnono example translationAgyoogibaProper Nouna man's name meaning "We are waiting for his arrival"A gyoo m?-giba.We are waiting for his arrival/coming.agyud?NounfoodAgyud? a ta.The food is finished.agyulunVerbcheatFo don agyilun.You like cheating.agyungulunNouncontainerM? kya kyu agyungulun sooda g?b? d? de nta fufuli gi lii loo.They collect palm wine with agyungulun.agyuraNounpurification?ko kya l? ne m? gyan m? g?lin ne gil? m? gi ta m?, ? kya s?? agyura.When one is healed from sickness he or she is purified to prevent future occurrences.agyur?Nouna kind of weedM? kya kyu agyur? w?ra nlin kp?i-kp?i.It is used to make different medicines.ahataNounfirst shareF? kyu ahata m? sa me.Give the first share to me.ahinAdjectivemake fun ofAmba kya l?? m?-ted? ahin.Amba is making fun of her sister.ahur?Nounsugar caneAkalanbu? m? k?bi me ahur? m? ta.Grasscutters have finished cutting my sugar cane.AkaboProper Nouna person's nameFo laa tiri Akabo.You will need Akab?.akakarangbaaNounbugsAkarangbaa a? ba a bo no.These type of bugs are no more in existence.Akamp?Proper Nouna man's nameAkamp? bo igyo nd??.Akamp? has a yam farm.Akamp? nyi m?-nyoro gil?r? so ne m? yela m?-ginyen y??, Akamp? m?.Akamp? knows how to maintain himself well. That is why they named him Akamp?.AkaniiProper Nouna man's name Akanii gi w?ra wura y?g?.Akanii was once a chief.Siar?-l?? Akanii m? ber? gi w?ra daa ?kyaamii.The Akanii from Shiare was a linguist.akatuwaNoungroundnutsAkatuwa m? a? bo abi.The ground nuts are not matured.Akatuwa m? a ti a kya k?r?.The ground nuts are already germinating.AkedaProper Nouna man's name meaning "Let's persevere"Akeda kya w?ra g?sun ?sowol? bel? ?ko so.Akeda is working in a city.Ko-o ibono Akeda gi kp? kyon m? ne ?? tii kii ba g?wi.Akeda has not returned home ever since he left.akenky?Nounproper nameNgbini nbono gi sen giky? m? ne m? kya ter? akenky?.Over grown okra fruits are called akenky?.Fo? yela akenky? de fo' sa me de n' kyu kpaa w?ra oyuduu?Didn't you reserve akenky? so that you will give me plant in order to get my own by next season?Ngbini m? gi loo akenky?.The okra is overgrown.akens?r?Nounmud fish (pl.)Akens?r? m? kya laar? daa abun bel?-bel? d? gikyena.Mud fishes prefer to stay in deep pools.I? gy? ?kamaas? ne n kya laar? akens?r?-gigyi. Y??, akens?r? m? bo al?t?.It not everybody that likes eating mud fish. They say mud fish have sicknesses.ak?biber?Nounharvest timeOwi ?bono m? kya kebi ayu m? kya fuude.Harvest time for guinea corn is drawing near.akilanky?Nountowel(s)Akilanky? ne n dela m?-g?sara d?.She wore an akilandy? around her waist.Dedaa m?, iyii-agyafu? ne m? kya daar? kyu w?ra akilanky?.In the olden days, the bark of tree is what they used to beat to make towels.AkineProper Nouna man's nameAkine gi kine m?-ka.Akine has divorced his wife.Akine gy? ?nyen don fo.Akine is more powerful than you.Akine-An?Proper Nouna man's name meaning "Who do we reject?"Akine-An? gi sel? kpe Nkaran ta m?-ka y?g? sa m?-ka m?-subuana.Akine-An? escaped to Accra and left his wife at the mercy of her parents.akoAdjectivesomeAsa ako m? ba aye as?.Some people came to us.Ako-L??d?Proper Nouna man's nameAko-L??d? gi t?r? gooli.Ako-L??d? fell and hurt himself.akoliiNounboatsAkolii ne m? kya kyu puru asa ibon bel?-bel? so.Boats are used to transport people on big rivers.akonNounhungerAkon a da me.I am hungry.Akon a? bo git?g? w?ra.Hunger is not to be persuaded.akooNounparrotFo ny? akoo nd? g?k? g?d? m?, fo laa tansi ny? aterenbi.If you happen to get a parrot today, you will certainly get enough money.Akoo-ana m?? bo de aye-g?r? so.Parrots are not here in our area.AkoolaProper Nouna person's name meaning "Let's unite"Akoola gy? ?lonbiibo.Akoola is a singer.Akoola-AyeProper Nouna person's nameF?' koola aye Akoola-Aye g?wi ?k? ny?nny?ng? fu-u.You should assemble us at Akoola-Aye's house early tomorrow morning.akoroNounwild bush animalAkoro gy? if? d? g?bu?-bibiri g?ko.a certain bush black animalAbel?ns? y??, fo? bo nyoro m? fo? kya too akoro otu.The elders said, if you don’t have time for yourself, you don't shoot at akoro.akotiyaNouna type of poisonous snakeGib?r?-giw?? gi bono gi? bo gisoro m? ginyen ne n gy? akotiya.The name of a short poisonous snake is akotiya.ak?NoundebtsNs?-kp??ra y??, ?nyen m?, fo-r? ak? ne.My junior uncle said, man, your lot are debts.N kya kpe de n' kpaa taas? me-ak? de n' ba.I am going to demand for money from those who are owing me.Ak?-L??Proper Nouna man's nameAk?-l?? kya bela ikyaas?.Ak?-l?? is a poultry farmer.Ak?-l??boProper Nounname of a group??Ak?-l??bo m? m? kya gyi g?k? bel?.Ak?-l??bo are celebrating.Ak?-LiiProper Nouna man's name meaning "Victorious"Ak?-Lii gi dena sinde.Ak?-Lii wedded last year.ak?boNounthose who share out drinksAk?bo kya kp?? nb?.Those sharing out the drink have finished the task.Kpe ik?-ak?bo m? as? de fo' ba.Go to the warring factions and come.ak?nNounfist? tansi ???l? m? ak?n nd?.He really gave him blows.Ak?ny?Proper Nounthe name of a cultural initiation periodOwi ?bono m? kya gyere ikp?r?gy?r? pob?r?.Period for new fetish priests.ak?r?fonNounhoney combs?masan m? ak?r?fon m? a m?? bo nkyu.The honey combs are not juicy.akpaafuruNounrash or sickness, especially in childrenAkpaafuru a gy? ngyee-poroporo nbono gi kya w?ra nbii.A kind of rash in children.akpaaraNouncompoundsGisisiri aber? f?faanan m?, a kya d? daa akpaara so.In the hot seasons like this we sleep on the compounds.akpakpafuwoyiNounducksNd? asa m? a bingiri akpkpafuwoyi. Nbii ne n kya gyangbara de abel?ns? m?' buu.Today's generation has become like ducks. Children are now directing the elders.akpakparaNounpalm kernelsKyaga kya laar? akpakpara.The rat likes palm kernels.?kyii bel?ns? ?ko g?sun ne n gy? akpakpara-giboori f?.A certain old woman's work is cracking of kernels and selling them.aye-ip? i ?aa w?ra aye, im?so gikpakpara ne a gyi aye-g?pal?.no example translationf?? gyi ip? m? d??dan m?, f? laa gyi example translationakpakyonboNountransitAsafo abono m? loo aye-g?wi m?, m? gy? daa akpakyonbo.The strangers who lodged with us are in transit.akpalag?t?NounvomitsFo kya gyi ne fo wu kpalag?t? m? i kya p?l? ?bol?.If you are eating and you see vomit. you feel like throwing up.akparaaNounrubbishKyu akparaa m? fu?.Take the rubbish and throw it away.I m?? kaabor? a' y?g? aye-?kyenaten ?' w?ra akparaa.We should shouldn't let our dwelling place be filled with rubbish.akpenkpelenbuiNounhailsAkpenkpelenbui ne n gy? abui fufuli abono nyangbon kya da ne kya lii soso t?r? y??r? m?.Hail is white stones that fall and melt when it is raining.akpetuNoununexpected disruptionIlaa ibono i ten loo ne i waala fo-aber? m?.Something that disrupts you.akp?l?g?Noundownward slopesN kya kp?l?g? akp?l?g? m? d? m?, me-a?milii a kya y?? me.When I descend downward slopes, my knees become weak.Gitan m? gi d? kyu kpe d? obon-akp?l?g? so.The track went down stream.akudubiNoundirt in waterIneesi ibono i bo nkyu d? m? ne n gy? akudubi.Dirt in water is called akudubi.Ky?s? nkyu m? de i' san akudubi de fo' kyu fu?.Strain the water and throw the dirt away.akulaaboNounwidows; widowersAbono m?m?-kuliana ab?? m?m?-kaana m? wu' taa m?m? y?g? m? ne m? kya ter? akulaabo.Those who have lost their husbands or wives are called akulaabo.Akulaabo so-o ne n baa gyan g?r? faa.Only widows and widowers have gathered here.AkunProper Nouna person's name meaning "Let us cover"Akun m?-s? m?? ba ?' bo no.Akun's father is no more.Akun-AbaraProper Nouna man's name meaning "Let us protect one another"Akun-Abara gi kine sukuu.Akun-Abara refused schooling.akuntunNounlionsAkuntun kya w? itiid?.Lions eat goats.F?' y?g? de a' gya akuntun m? loo if? p?i de a' baa kpar? itiid? m? loo.Let us drive away the lions into the bush before we gather in the goats.akyakaaNoungourd rattlesAkyakaa ne n gy? g?gy?l?bi g?bono m? luo ngyi w?ra g?m? ne kya kyu ?n?? nkyaa d? m?.Rattles is a small gourd wrapped with beads and used in dances.Akyand??-?kaProper Nouna woman's name?kyii ?bono m? korog? m? akyand?? d?.Akyand??-?ka is a female, born in an old settlement.akyeebiNounkidneysAkyeebi a mada daa de gasara?t? d?; am? ne n kya ky?? nyoro d? nkyu kyu w?ra nbuli.A pair of kidneys are in the abdomen. They are glandular organs excreting urine.G?bu? g?? w?ra nf? m?, g?m?-akyeebi so ber?, nf? gi kya wu mada de am?.If an animal is not fat at all, there is always fat on the kidneys.aky?NounbeansIlaa-gyis? iko oyuduu, im?-abi ne m? kya ter? y??, aky?.The edible, smooth kernel-shape seed is what is called beans.i bo aky? fufuli ne i bo example translationakyigy??NounchaffM? kyigy?? nyufo ne ibono kya san m? ibono i la s san m?.Waste matter of corn or cassava flour.Tiid? m?? y?r?daa fo, ? ma? loo fo-obu kpaa w? fo-akyigy??.If a goat does not appreciate you, it not enter your room and eat your akyigy??.akyiiNounwomenId? kon ber?, akyii m? san maa w?ra anyen-l?? ilaa-w?ra.This time round, women do men's work.Akyii-AsaProper Nouna person's name meaning "Three women"Akyii-Asa ne n gy? ?bono ? nyi l??ri-gikan.Akyii-Asa is the only who one who knows how to drive.Akyii-Wol?Proper Nouna woman's name meaning "Only women"M?-nyi gi korom n y?akyii wol?.After her mother gave birth to her, she named her Akyii-Wol?.akyiit?NounvaginaGitebi-ginyen giko ne.Euphemism for vagina.akyireNouna type of clothAkyire kya k??la ny? agbangyo.Akyire lasts longer than agbangyo.AkyodeProper NounThe name of the Akyode ethnic group, means "No doubt, we are many."A ky? de!No doubt, we are many.akyoliiNounhorn-like part of a swineIlaa ibono i kya k?r? pataaf?-gumu so f??, ase m?.Something that comes out of a swine's head like horns.akyonNoundawadawa treesiyii iko oyuduusome type of treesakyonbiNountype of seedsgikyon-abiseeds of dawadawa treeaky?l?NounsalivaNkyu nbono gi kya lii nyames?/g?bu?-g?n? d? m?.Water that comes out of a person/animal's mouth.aky??l?NounargumentAky??l? ne n gy? ilaa ibono asa m?? kya nu abara g?s? ne m? kya biid? im? so m?.Argument is where people do not agree among themselves.I m?? taa kaabor? ilaa id? i bara f?ye aky??l?.This should not have brought an argument between you.M? kya s?? aky??l? y??, n m?? gy? m?m?-bi m? ne n yii ?gya m?.They are arguing that it was not their child who set the fire.aky??l?t?Nounmeat sacrificed to idolsInun ibono m? ky??l? ?kp?r?/ibuni/ataana m?, i gy? aky??l?t?.Meat sacrificed to idols/spirits/twins is called aky??l?t?.Akyufu?Proper Nouna person's nameAkyufu? m?? kya laar? fo-ilaa ibono fo kya w?ra m?.Akyufu? does not like what you are doing.akyuguleeNounmushroomsOboroni gi lii so m?, nd? m? kya bela agyu akyugulee.Because of the white man, today they are farming mushrooms.alaakpaNoundeceit; not open; untrustworthinessNpen?/nky??rii/g?sintin-gimaat?g?.The act of telling lies/not being open/untrustworthy.alaar?boNounloversAsa abono m? kya laar? fo ?ko ilaa.Those who love you.N? t?r? wu' n d? g?r? m?, fo laawu me-alaabo.If I fall here dead, you will see those who love me.alabanboNounbarren peopleAsa abono m?? kya korog? m?.Those who don't produce children.AlabaraProper Nouna man's nameAlabara, fo bo ?ky?gyii-g?lin.Alabara, you have malaria medicine.alamankaraNounstrange, unusual thingsIlaa ibono ?ko laa ker? ansi w?ra de i' bara laa-t?ng?.Thing that somebody will do intentionally to bring confusion.alanfiyaNounhealthyFo? bo alanfiya m?, ?k? kyu kpe d?kita.If you are not healthy, go to the hospital tomorrow.alang?Nounspecified amount of moneyAtreranbi abono m? kya gyan asunbi-at? so m?, ne m? kya ter? y??, "alang?.Money added to animal/bird sacrifice is called alang?.aleNounkind of tree, seeds; used for making oilM? kya kyu ale-abi l?? nf?,.They extract oil from ale seeds.aligyiNounred fetish women's cult membersAligyi ne n gy? akyii ?kper? bibiiri m?.The women of the black fetish are called Aligyi.alii-aliiNounlogskebi oyii/?ken d? giny? ab?? gisacut a tree into logs or a fish into partsAliifon?Proper Nouna woman's nameMe-s? m?-ka bel?ns? ginyen ne n gy? Aliifon?.The name of my father's first wife is Aliifon?.Aliig?s?Proper Nounthe month of JuneAliig?s?-bos? d? ne me-s? gi kyena ? kya suw? nb?.My father used to transplant palm trees in the month of June.AloguProper NounThe name of a women's cultAlogu ne n gy? akyii ?kper? pub?ra m?.The women of the red fetish.alonp?Nouna kind of treeGisisiri-aber? f?faafan m?, alonp?-ak??r? d? ne n bo gikyena.In hot season like this sitting under alonp? is best.Aloo-Fon?Proper Nouna person's nameMe-saa ?ko ne n gy? Aloo-Fon?.Aloo-Fon? is one of my in-laws.alopireNounaeroplaneOboroni ?bono ? w?ra alopire m? ber?, gy? daa ?kp?.The white person who made the aeroplane is a witch.alopire-?kanboNounpilotAlopire-?kanbo m?, gy? daa ny?mes? bibiri.The pilot is an ne n w?ra m?, g?nen. Nkana, ?? tii bel?.Different types of sicknesses had made him like that. Otherwise, he is not yet old.alukusiNounstrange, frightening thingsIlaa ibono ?ko laa ker? ansi w?ra de i" bara laa-t?ng?.Thing(s) that somebody will do to bring confusion.alunNoun<gloss and definition missing>alunbuiNounchair for soul?kala-?ky??l?ten ne n gy? alunbui.Sacrificing place for a soul is called alunbui.Amaalog?Proper Nouna woman's nameAmaalog? gy? ?kp?r? kyiis? m? konf?.Amaalog? is the priestess of the women fetish.Amadaker?Proper NounA person's nameAmadaker? m?? ba ? gy? g?bii.Amadaker? is no longer a child.amal?mal?Nounfreshly tapped palm winenb?ta pub?r?fresh palm wineamand??Nounmission; message?kalan/g?singyi g?bono ?k? d? naa.Message/mission of someone.Amanfu?Proper Nouna person's nameAmanfu? m?-bi ne n gy? K?si And??.Amanfu?'s child is Kwasi Andor.AmankpaalaProper Nouna person's nameAmankpaala ne n t?g? m?-g?d? y??, "A m?? sa a kpaala, i bo ?kpa i kya ba."Amankpaala said that, "We should not hurry in life. Our lot is on the way coming."amaraNounrubbersM? kya kyu amara kyu tii ilaa-dulis?.They use rubber to seal leakages.Amb??waProper Nouna person's nameL?nt? ne n yel? m?-bi ginyen y??, Amb??wa.It was Lente who named his child, Amb??wa.amelimeliNoun1.idle boastFo don amelimeli giky?.You are too boastful.2.flatteryAmenaaseeliProper Nouna woman's nameAmenaaseeli gi bel? so m?, ? kya naa daa m?-gasara so.Because Amenaaseeli is old she now with a locked responseM? sa aguo m?, m? kya kyule y??, am?-?.A response to an request to let somebody into your ber?, m?? kya too am? fu?.Custom is not to be thrown away.Am?nfuiiProper Nouna woman's nameAm?nfuii m?-kuli gi wu' ? d? m?-bi baar? ?t?.When Am?nfuii's husband died, she was expecting this her child.Am?ngy?Proper Nouna woman's nameSiar?-kyii ?ko ginyen ne n gy? Amengy?.A certain woman in Shiare is named Amengy?.Am?nkyagal?Proper Nouna person's nameAm?nkyagal?-l?? g?laar? ne n gy? y??, g?k? kamaas? m?, a' kp? a' kya gyi daa g?k? bel?.Left to Am?nkyagal? alone, we should be feasting every other day.Am?nnyiProper Nouna person's nameAm?nnyi m?-nyi gi t?r? akyii-ik?. I tansi w?ra ayen.,.Am?nnyi's mother died during child bearing. It was very sad.Am?nt?g?Proper Nouna man's nameAm?nt?g? y??, m? ber? ma? t?g? s?i-s?i.Am?nt?g? said he would not say anything.Am?ntuProper Nouna man's nameAm?ntu m?? baa wu s?i.Am?ntu did not get to anything when he, am? so ne a kya wu ?laa wus??.It is because of money that we are suffering.Awayu m?, am? oyuduu ne fo kya laar??Which variety of corn do you like?amuNounheadsAlaa kamas? i gy? daa amu as?.Luck determines everything.Amu-As?Proper Nouna woman's nameMe-nyi gbaa-gbaa ginyen ne n gy? Amu-As?.The name of my real mother is Amu-As?.Amud?Proper Nouna person's nameAnyanga-awura m? kya taa laar? Amud? gikyu yela asa.Anyanga people like naming people by Amud?.amunaleNounsurprise; miracle; magic? w?ra amunale ilaa deeri g?ny?.He performed miracles last night.Yesu ne n gy? amunale-?w?rabo.Jesus is the miracle worker.AnaaProper Nouna woman's nameM? kya ter? ?kyii ?ko ?ko ginyen y??, Anaa.A certain woman is called Anaa.Anaa-Abarad?Proper Nouna man's nameAnaa-Abarad? kya gyi m?-ginyen m? ikpa so.Anaa-Abarad? is living by his name.Anaa-?konsoProper Nouna woman's nameAnaa-?konso gi wu' m?, me ne m? kyu ?b? sa.When Anaa-?konso died they gave me her grave digging ceremony.Anaafon?Proper Nouna woman's nameAnaafon? ber?, kya taal? naa g?ten kamaas? ne i? kya w?ra m? gifuu.Anaafon? can go walking anywhere and she is not afraid.Anaafu?Proper Nouna woman's nameAnaafu? ne n da m?-gikpal? y??, "Ny?mes? naa fu?."Anaafu? gave her proverb that, "Human being is nothing on earth."Anaam?m?d?Proper Nouna woman's nameAnaam?m?d? y??, ?' kol? naa awaabi d?.Anaam?m?d? says she pleads to walk among the the nobles.Anaany?Proper Nouna person's nameM? lii gyan m?, Anaany? m?? taa ny? ayaa.Anaany? couldn't stand when they met.AnaawuyooProper Nouna woman's nameAnaawuyoo gi t?r? G?kp?r?bon d? m?, ?? baa ny? nkpa.After Anaawuyoo fell at G?kp?r?bon she never regained life.AnbuuProper Nouna person's name?gya gi d?? Anbuu igyo-duus? p?wu sige.Fire destroyed all of Anbuu's yam seedlings this year.And??Proper Nouna man's name indicating he was born on the farm?nyen ?bono m? korog? m? nd?? d? m? ne m? kya ter? y??, And??.A male born in the farm is called And??.And??-?kaProper Nouna woman's name indicating she was born on the farm?kyii ?bono m? korog? m? nd?? d? m?, ne m? kya ter? y??, And??-?ka.A female born in the farm is called And??-?ka.anebiNounlipsM?-abi a siida.His lips are thick.Keda tasa m? anebi d?.Hold the pan by the edge.anenbiNounfingersAko m? kya k?r? anenbi asee-asee.Some people have six ne n sun fo?Who sent you?Fo an? ne?Who are you?An?-Igy?proper nameN? m?? g?donbu? m?, An?-Igy? ne n kpad? me.When I killed a wild animal, it was An?-Igy? who did the customary rites for me.An?-IwuProper Nouna person's nameAn?-Iwu y??, "Me-?nyen, baa ker? me-ibin."An?-Iwu called out, "My friend, come and have a look at my faeces."An?d?Proper Nouna person's nameAn?d? y??, "Me-s?ana, f?' t?g? sa me."An?d? said, "My fathers, speak for me."An?d? gi kyena g?bunono.An?d? was a high priest.An??baker?Proper Nouna man's nameAn??baker? y??, nkana m?-g?laar? ne n gy? y??, ?kamaas? ?' bii m?-gumu d?.An??baker?'s wish is his heart be open for everybody to know.An??biisawaProper Nouna woman's nameAn??biisawa y??, an? ne nan t?g? m?-ilaa sa m? ne?An??biisawa said who will speak for her?An??bitaProper Nouna person's nameAn??bita m?-bi m? ne n kyon aborokyire m??Is it An??bita's child that is gone overseas?An??boranProper Nouna person's namean? ne n boran?no example translationAn??buusawaProper Nouna person's namean? ne nan buu sa m??no example translationAn??donProper Nouna person's namean? ne n don?no example translationAn??foProper Nouna person's namean? ne n kya fo?no example translationAn??fu?Proper Nouna person's namean? ne n fu??no example translationAn??log?Proper Nouna person's namean? ne n log??no example translationAn??m?l?g?Proper Nouna person's namean? ne nan m?l?g??no example translationAn??m??Proper Nouna person's namean? ne m???no example translationAn??nuProper Nouna person's namean? ne n nu?no example translationAn??siiProper Nouna woman's nameAn??sii gi dena Okomesi Nyanbon.An??sii got married to Okomesi at Nyanbong.An??suProper Nouna person's namean? ne n kya su?no example translationAn??t?g?Proper Nouna person's namean? ne n t?g??no example translationAn??wa-AsaProper Nouna person's namean? ne n kya asa?no example translationAn?gy?-At?Proper Nouna person's namean? ne n gy? at??no example translationAn?gy?-?kaProper Nouna person's namean? ne n gy? ?kyii-denas??no example translationAn?me-L??taproper namean? ne y??, me-l?? i ta?no example translationAn?nem?nwuProper Nouna person's namean? ne m?? wu?no example translationAn?nentanProper Nouna person's namean? ne n tan?no example translationAn?nw?ramenkonProper Nouna person's namean? ne n w?ra me nkon?no example translationang??maNounchameleonAng??ma naa ? kya kal? ayaa m?, ? nyi nfono ? kya kpe.When a chameleon goes slowly, it knows where he is going.Angy?fon?Proper Nouna person's namea m?? gy? fon??no example translationAngy?men?Proper Nouna person's namea m?? gy? men??no example translationAngy?m?m?d?Proper Nouna person's namea? gy? m?m? d?no example translationAniiboProper Nouna person's nameFo kya laar? me g?nen p?wu m?, n? kyo kpe Aniibo-npus?? d?.I was in Aniibo's cola nut plantation.AniiwabaProper Nouna man's nameAniiwaba gi f? g?sinkpan sa me ibono ? m?? ny? ?kpa lii m?-g?ten d? ?bel?ns? as?.Aniiwaba sold a piece of land to me without au authority note from his head of family.aniyaNouneffortsN kya w?ra aniya.I am trying hard.ank?r?nNounbarrelN? s?? ank?r?n.I bought a barrel.Kyu ank?r?n m? kpaa yii kyorodo m? g?s?.Put the barrel under where the water can be collected.ankyaawiyeeNouna type of ant hillN? wu ankyaawiyee ?ko m?, n nyi y??, ny?mes? ne n bun g?p?.When I saw a certain ant hill I thought it was a human being wearing a kya kyu an??? ab?? simintii w?ra adan.They use tar or cement for construction of roads.2.paint made from tar? w?ra m?-obu m? an???.He painted his house with tar like sweet things a lotg?n??bono fo bo an?kyu giky? faa, fo? ker? d??dan m?, fo ma? aterenbi example translationan?lonAdjectiveyour you talk too muchfo don an? example translationan?meliAdjectivesugar coated mouthFo don an?meli.You are a sugar coated mouth coated mouth thingsfo kya don laar? an?melit? agyud?-gigyi giky?.no example translationanpanAdjectivetrulyAnpan daa, g?sintin ne n kya t?g? f?ye faa.But it's true; I'm telling the truth.ansaanaAdjectivemy peoplePaul y??, "ansaana, f?' t??l? de a' kpe gigengen"Paul said "My people, swim, and let us get to the shore."ansiNoun1.eyesMe-ansi a boori.My eyes became blind.2.faceansigyanfuuNouneyebrows?bo ansigyanfuu giky? don ?kamaas?.Her eyebrows are bigger than everyone else’s.ansikyuNountearsNan kpaar? me-ansikyu.I will wipe away my tears.anufiiriNounpretend to ignore somethingFo bo anifiiri giky?.You are often pretending not to pay attention.Anufu?Proper Nouna person's nameAnufu? ne n l?? w?ra gboobi.Anufu? was the lame one among them.Anum?m?-As?Proper Nouna person's nameM? kya ter? fo-ginyen y??, Anum?m?-As? giyan daa, fo? kya nu aye as?.You are called Anum?m?-as? in vain. You do not listen to us.Anum?m?-L??Proper Nouna person's name?k? m? a laa kpe Anum?m?-L?? m?-nyi bel? as?.Tomorrow we shall go to Anum?m?-L??.Anum?m?soProper Nouna person's nameAnum?m?so kya laar? g?luu.Anum?m?so is aggressive.anunbiNounpieces of meatM? sola kond? m? anunbi ba m? kya f? gigya d?.They brought the elephant's pieces of meat to sell in the market.Anuy?g?Proper Nouna woman's nameMe-piikyii, Anuy?g? gi kpe fon??Where is my sister Anuy?g? gone to?Anyaal?Proper Nouna person's nameA kpe daa Anyaal?-kookoo d?.We went to Anyaal?'s cocoa farm.anyaboNounbreastsAnyabo ne kyokyoo kya nyabo.An infant sucks the breasts.anyangyiAdjectiveindiscriminate eatingfo bo anyan-gyi m?, fo laa wu' bilenno example translationAnyankedaVerba name meaning "Let's just handle or hold it anyhow"Anyankeda m?-bi ?ko gi kpe afufuli d?.One of Anyankeda's children is abroad/overseas.anyannyanNouninjuryKwamena ge t?r? de l??ri ne ?s?? anyannyan.Kwamena had an accident and he sustained injuries.anyenNounmenanyensenNounmasculinity; machismoKyu fo-anyensen koso me so.Take your masculinity and leave me alone.anyent?NounpenisAnyent? d? ne m? kya bulufo lii.They urinate with the penis.Any?-AbaraProper Nouna person's nameAny?-Abara m?? laar? asaf?-ilaa.Any?-Abara did not welcome strangers.any?bosengeNountender breastsAny?bosenge-awura ne fo ber?, fo kya laar?.You like admiring girls with tender breasts.anyidaboNoununclesAnyidabo-nsana ne fo laa gyiid? ?faana.It is in the mist of uncles that you can drag in this way.anyiileboNounteachersAnyiilebo m?? ky? sukuu m? d?.There are not many teachers in the school.anyipuuNounteeth gumsM?-anyi a kyigi san daa anyipuu wol?.She has lost her teeth and is only left with the gums.Any?-Ab?Proper Nouna man's nameAny?-Ab? m?-ka da ?t?.Any?-Ab?'s wife is pregnant.a?Adjectivewe notA? bo aterenbi aye as? npere.We don't have any money with us now.a?alanNounmarblesA naa kyena too a?alan w?ra aye-nyoro d? y?g?.We did played marbles to our satisfaction.a?alankp?ky?Noundirty waters of drying out riverG?nen ?bono ber?, owi kamaas? d? m?, ? bo a?alankp?ky?.This river has dirty water at anytime.a?anbiNounnailsA?anbi a? bo ?gy?lon.Nails are not expenses.a?m??Nountiger nutsA?m?? ad? ber?, a bo kon.These tiger nuts are sweet.M? kya kyu a?m?? l?? nf?.They extract oil from tiger nuts.a?minNounknotsSang? a?min m?.Untie the knots.a?niliiNounkneesM?-gil? m?, gi bo daa m?-a?nilii d?.The sickness is in his knees.aparaNounpangolinKya wu apara faa, ? bo saa g?ny?.As you see the pangolin, it is fast in the night.apenNoun<gloss and definition missing>ap?t??NounmudAp?t?? so-o de ?kpa.The road is full of mud.apiniNounmortarsApini a bo kp?i-kp?i.There are differences in mortars.apokyaaNouna small farm near town; garden? kyon apokyaa d? de ?' ba.He left for the garden and will come back.apooNounoceanN t? nsindi apoo.I am living next to the ocean.apotesiNounlocally brewed liquorFo nun apotesi.You drink akpeteshi.ap?NounforestsNw?n-awura g?inkpan g?? bo ap? f??, nb?n d?.no example translationap?furuNounsoup without meatAp?furu ne a kya gyi nd?.We are eating soup without meat today.ap?konNountime of meat scarcityAye gbaa, ap?kon a keda aye.The time of meat scarcity has hit even us.apuliiNounbody partny?mes?-nyoro so g?t??ko ginyen/anyenbody part(s)apunpuuNoun<gloss and definition missing>nfono n kya d?? m?, i gy? apunpuu abono a example translationasaNounpeopleAsa ne n biri faa?Is it people that are black there like that?asa'NumeralthreeAsa-Any?Proper Nounman's nameasa any?no example translationasaabuiNouna child of a different man whose mother is married to a new man with the childAsamena-asaabui kya son f??, m?-s? korog? as? ne t?.Asamena's wife's child is serving him just as if he were staying with his real father.asaalaNountiger teethi t?f?? kond? m?? bo example translationAsanabiiProper Nouna person's nameasa ne nan bno example translationAsanbuoProper Nouna person's name meaning "We say thanks"A sa nbuo.We say thanks.AsanenbuuProper Nouna person's nameasa ne n buuno example translationAsanenwuProper Nouna person's nameasa ne n wuno example translationAsantenProper Nouna person's nameasa-ntenno example translationAsany?Proper Nouna person's nameasa any?no example translationAsany?-AboranProper Nouna person's nameasa any? m? boranno example translationasaraNounsnuffAnyenkara gi laar? asara.Anyenkara likes snuff.asara-gitiribiNounsnuff boxasara-?w?ratenno example translationAsasoProper Nouna person's nameasa sono example translationasebiNouninsultsAsebi ne n gy? me-l??.Insults are my portion.asengbenbiyaNoun<gloss and definition missing>M? kya kyu asengbenbiya-abi kyokyoo-nkyu nuns? d?.They put these seeds into infant's drinking bo Wurubuaar? as?.It is up to God.2.atas??Nountribal markM? kyan m? as?? m?-nny? so.He has tribal marks on his cheeks.As??tuProper Nouna person's nameAs??tu ber? m?? taa aye-naanaana laaw?ra m? y?g?.As??tu did not abandon our forefathers' for fishingLanga m? gi t?? as?wu m?.The crocodile tore the net.asiNounanthillsAsi a nyaaky? g?r?.There many anthills here.asiiriNounsecretsIsaf? me? kya nu asiiri-ilaa.Strangers do not hear secrets things.asinNoundoorsM? tii asi m? p?wu.They closed all the doors.asisaaNounnestsNkansalii-asisaa a b?la gikig?? m? d?.There are a lot of nkansaliis' nests amongst the gikig?? plants.Asonfu?Proper Nouna person's namea son fu?no example translationason??NounwormsWurubuaar? gi y?g? wura H?r?d? gi gy? loo asons?? p?i ne ? l?? wu'no example translationas?NounearsYesu y??, ?bono ? bo as? m?, ?' nu.Jesus said, "He who has ears, let him hear."as?riNounchurchAs?ri awura m? m? nyi ilon-gibii.Church people know how to sing songs.Asu-NkpaProper Nouna person's namea' su nkpano example translationasubiNounsound; kind of cryingGi?minbi-asubi a bo ayen.The way an orphan cries is pitiful.asubuNounrelativesMe kee n bo asubu g?r?.I have also got relatives here.asunbiNouncustom; ritual?bel?ns? kya kyan asunbi.The elders are performing customs.asurubi-nyangbonNounchicken poxAsurubi-nyangbon a lii m?-nyoro p?wu so.He has chickenpox on all over his body.ataabanNounpieces of clothataaban so-o ne ? kya f?no example translationataaban-g?gb? n e g? gy?.no example translationataanaNountwinsNd? ataana-g?k?.Today is twins' day.AtabasoProper Nouna person's namen? naa kyena ny? nb?l? m?, Atabaso ne n y? me-ikpa kpe nm? d?.no example translationatafonNounbuttocksAnyen m? kya diil? akyii-atafon.Men admire women's buttocks.atalaNouna heap of grass or woodsatanNounstorage container? l?? ?masan yii de atan.He took the honey out of the container.atanbuwaNounshallow holes for plantingKwamena kya da benkeni-atanbuwa m? gip? d?.Kwamena is making some shallow holes in which he will plant some cocoyams.atangy?Verbover emphasisT?g? don ibono fo w?ra m?.To say something more you have done.atantanNounpalmsFo m?? bala m?, bara me daa m?-atantan.When you kill an ape, just bring me the palms.atantan'NounpalmsFo m?? bala m?, bara daa m?-atantan.If you kill an ape, bring me only its palms.ateesiNoununderKwaku g?wi g? bo aye-ateesi.Kwaku's house is under us.aterenbiNounmoney? bo aterenbi.He has money.ater?biNountone; way of callingM?-ginyen m? ater?bi ne n gy? nn??How do you call his name?At?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "We are alive; We are still sitting"A t?.We are alive / we are still ber?, at?? soso ne n ky? m?-nyoro sono example translationAt??men?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "What shall we say?"A' t?g? y??, men??What shall we say?At?sa-An?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Whom are we living for?"A t? sa an??Whom are we living for?atikontiNouna kind of treeoyii ?ko gidibia kind of treeatikuletaNounarticulatorl??ri bogisoros?long vehicleAtool?gyiProper Nouna person's name meaning "To get something unexpectedly"a' tool? gyiTo get something unexpectedly.At?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Things"at?Nounthingsat?thingsAt?-IbogesuProper Nouna person's name meaning "If you are wealthy you get relatives."Fo bo at? m? fo kya ny? asubu.If you are wealthy you get relatives.At?-WuraProper Nouna man's name meaning: "Somebody who owns a lot of things"isa ?bono ? bo at? m? ne m? kya ter? At-Wurano example translationat?ngy?VerbexaggerateFo bo at?ngy?.He always exaggerates to make his stories amusing.Fo don, don at?gy?.You are found of exaggerating.At??sanProper Nouna person's namea t?g? sanno example translationAt??sinProper Nouna person's namea' t?g? sinno example translationAt??yanProper Nouna person's namea t?g? giyanno example translationawaabiNounchildren of chiefsAwaabi-ana, f?ye-r? ginaa-a.Children of chiefs, you are welcome.AwaasanProper Nouna person's namea w?ra sanno example translationAwamen?Proper Nouna person's namea w?ra men?t??no example translationawanbaNounwhipGiwulibi m? gi gy? awanba any?.The whip has double ends.awayuNouncornOwi gi wili awayu m?.The sun dried the corn.Aw??laProper Nouna person's name meaning "We have set an example"A w?ra yela.We have set an example.awokyaaNounwhipsaw?g?d?NounhoovesG?bu? g? kyu g?m?-aw?g?d? kyiis? fo m?, fo laako.If an animal steps on you with its hooves, sorry for, toe nailsm? aw?lii a example translationf? kpaa loo ding? m?-aw?lii de a' lii ? example translationaw?nbaNountwo-stringed whipaw??Noun1.snakesWurubuaar? gi kyu aw?? biid? Isiray?l?-awura gis?.God used snakes to punish the Israelites.Adjective2.coldi bo aw??no example translationit is coldno example translationaw?rabiNounmethodBa de n' nyiile fo ilaa m? aw?e and I will teach you how to do ibono fo ne fo m?? ny? agyan m?.To do some and not getting any profit from it.Aw?rasa-IgyiboProper Nounproper nameA w?ra sa agyibo.We work for others to kamaas? bo aw?r?bi any?.Every normal male has two ne n kya kpaa giw?r?.It is the testicles that help the penis.Awu-Aye-l??Proper Nouna person's name meaning "We have seen ours."A wu aye-l??.We have seen ours.awukyaaNounleather whipG?bu?-nwol?bii g?yaabi.Leather whip.awuky?Nounremedy unconnected with spirit worldAwuky? a bo gya.Curing herbs are hot (powerful).awulibiNoun<gloss and definition missing>awulunNounname of fourth month or season in the yearAkyode bos? nans? ginyen ne n gy? awulun.Fourth month for Akyodes is Awulun.Awum?m?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "We saw them"A wu m?m?.We have seen them.awuraNoun1.chiefsAkyode-awura m? laa kpaa gyan m?m?-wura bel? g?wi.Akyode chiefs will go and meet in their senior chief's house.2.nationalitiesAwurat?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Treasures"F? laa ny? awurat??abono a ?ara apoo g?n? gi??sii?d? m?.They will get the treasures hidden in the sand at the sea bank.awurat?Nounriches?nyen baar? bo awurat?.This man has riches.awuruf??Verbsuffering; material lossN kya wu awuruf??.I am suffering.awuyeNounbonesAwuye so-o ne fo kuu w?ra me.You served me with only bones.Awuy?g?Proper Nouna man's name meaning "Died and left (i.e., an orphan)"Isa (?nyen) ?bono m?-s? gi wu' p?i ne m? korog? m? m?, m? kya ter? y??, Awuy?g?.A man whose father died before he was born, is named Awuy?g?.ayaa-tintirinNounheelsFo gyangbara ne fo? kya naa bilen-bilen m?, m? laa kyise fo-ayaatintirin daa so-o.When you are walking in front and you are not fast, they will certainly step on your heels.ayePronounwe; usAy? n pere faa asa.We human beings of these days.aye-PronounourAye-s? gikpe ?kpa.Our father has travelled.Aye-L??Proper Nouna person's nameay?-l??oursayeeAdjectivenoKuwa.Negative response.ayenNoun1.pityI bo me ayen.I feel pity / sorry.2.povertyAyenaProper Nouna person's nameaye ne n naano example translationAyet??s?Proper Nouna person's nameAye?-ilaa t?g?s?.Things that we say.ay?NoungenerosityW?ra ay? sa ayenbo.Be generous to poor people.ay?n??NounpleasureAy?n??-l?? so ne n kya laar? n' gyi gaari baar? faa.It is for pleasure that I want to eat this gari.ay?r?d?Adjectivefeel uneasyA w?ra me ay?r?d?.I felt unease.Ayifon?Proper Nouna person's nameA yii fon??Where did we touch?ayondeNounlarva of a mosquitoayooliAdjectiveloud noiseayooli a t?r?no example translationay??lonNounlooseAwayu m? ay??lon suwo ne?Look at the many loosed corns.Kyu korotiya m? ay??lon gyi.Eat the loosed bananas.BbbaVerbcome?? tii ba.He has not come; onlyMe? ny? ba-a isa de o' nyiile me.I didn't even get one person to teach me.baaVerbsplitBa fo oyii m? iko sa me.Split some of your chewing stick for, lit: split cheekbaaVerbcome toBaa ker? ilaa ibono a kya w?ra m?.Come and see what we are doing.baa'VerbsewBaa me-g?gb?.I have sewn my dress.Baab??men?Proper Nouna person's namem? gaa bii y??, men??no example translationbaadaVerbto pinch something?k?t? gi baada me-gibaa.The crab has pinched my hand.baadaVerbreposition firewoodBaada ?gya sa me.Set up a fire for me.baafany?Nouna type of treea type of treeno example translationbaakpangyaNouna type of treeoyii ?ko oyuduua type of treebaalaVerbpack; prepareM? baala talabo nd?.They prepared the new mother today.baal?Verbploughbaar?AdjectivethisG?nen ?nyen baar? ne n kya son Wurubuaar? m?.This is the man who worships God.babaatiiNounbedAn?f? d? gi d? babaatii so nd?? d?.Anef? slept on a bed in the farm.babaduweNoun<gloss and definition missing>m? kya kyu m? mal? obuno example translationbagaNounmixBaga aky? m? de a' gyi npere.Mix the beans so that we eat now.bagabagaNouna kind of staple foodagyud? abono m? ba de nf?a kind of staple foodbag?VerbturnBag? de ben? so.Turn to the left.Baki-AnsoProper Nouna person's nameM? ker? aye so.They cared for us.balaNounolive baboonbala ?ko oyuduuolive baboonbala-kpelenNounape (very big one)? ker? kenkenfen f??, bala-kpelen.He is like a big ape.bala-paraNounred patas monkeybala ?ko oyuduured patas monkeybamNoun<gloss and definition missing>gid?taa-ntano example translationbanbanAdjective1.differentNan laar? g?sun banban w?ra.I will look for different; anotherbangad?NounAfrican civetbang?VerbdecideKyaas? ne nan bang? f?ye-ilaa id?.It is only a chicken which will decide your case.bang?d?Nounbush cat's familyN? da bang?d? de ?doo ne ? kebi kyon.My trap caught an animal of the bush cat family and it broke off from the trap.Bank??liiProper Nounthe twelfth monthBos? gudu ny?s?.The twelfth month.bankuNounstaple food made from fermented corn dough and cassavakitiki de awayu-agyud?no example translationbantaNountraditional pants like loin clothAdedaabo igo ne n gy? banta.The ancestors' pants were loin cloths.BantuProper Nouna person's name meaning "Did not come (by birth) to meet his (her) father"?? tu m?-s?.He/she did not come (by birth) to meet his/her father.Ba?maan?Proper Nouna person's namebaraVerbbringBara igyo isee de kyaase.Bring six yams and a chicken.bara-?gyaNounmatchBara ?gya.bring fire.barag?VerbseparateBarag? ak?bo m?.Separate the fighters.barakyancrowdbarapaaNoundoor made from palm branchesBarapaa ne ? kyu tii m? gisen.It is a palm branch door that he closed his door with.baras?VerbpreventIlaa-iko i baras? m?.Something prevented him.basagaNountall palm treebayiiNountall palm treeKuagyo kya dii bayii.Kwadzo is climbing a tall palm tree.beeNounhorseFo ma? taal? nyis? bee de ?' kpaa nun nkyu.You can't force a horse to drink water.beeliNounmattress filled with thatch or kapokBeeli baar? siida.This kapok/thatch mattress is thick.beendiVerbfindN? beendi aterenbi.I found money.belaVerbraise; bring upM?-s? gi bela m? pa-a.His father really raised him up well.belenAdverbfast; quick; earlyF? kpaala belen.You hurried quickly.bel?Adjectivebig? gy? daa ny?mes? bel?.He is a big (important) person.bel?VerbcookedI bel?.It is well cooked.bel?ns?Nounold?nyen bel?ns? m?the old manbenb?Nounnd?? m? benb? m?Beyond the farmBenb? baar?.This side.ben?AdjectiveN gy? daa ben? wura.I am a left-handed person.benkeniNouncoco yamBaa gyi e eat cocoyam.ber?ptc[contrast]M? ber?As for him; Because of thisM? ber?, ? ma? y?g? ky?? fo.As for him/her, he/she will not forgive you.M? ber?, isa ne.As for him/her he/she is a good person.Nd? ber?, i? boran.As for today, things are not fine.betekeriNoungown; smockSa me betekeri n' kpe g?wi.Give me a smock so that I go home.b?gas?AdjectivemixIlaa-bagas? ne n d? me-?bol? gigyi nd?.Today I only have appetite for food mixed with oil.b?g?Verbgive wayF?' b?g? de a' kyon f?ye as?.Give way, so we can pass by you.b?l?Verbto smelt; to weldKofi gi b?l? g?ky?.Kofi has welded an axe.b?l?ngyaNouna type axeM? kya kyu b?l?ngya kyu baal? ngya.A hatchet is used to split firewood.B?l?ngya ne ? kyu ?? m?-gip? iyii sige.This year he used an axe to fell trees in his farm.b?r??NoungenerosityWurubuaar? bo b?r?? sa aye.God is generous toward us.biiVerbsingBii ?lon sa me.Sing a song for me.biiVerbknow; recognizeFo? baa bii me?Didn't you know (recognize) me any more?biiboNounrivalryisa ?bono ? kya k? bii m?no example translationbiid?Verbstruggle; pullI w?nn? ne f? kya biid? daa?Why are you fighting?biid?-ifuuNouna kind of grassbiid? ifuupull (body)hairsbiif??Nounsmall animal like a grasshopperDeeri Kuwaku gi keda biif??.Yesterday Kwaku caught a small grasshopper.biilaaVerbmagic; juju? biila polisi m?.He blinded the police.biiriAdjectivedark; blackAkosua iman i biiri kamp?.Akosua's hair is dark.bilenVerbrollM? bilen gibui bel? kyu ti ?b? m? g?bunono.They rolled a big stone and covered the hole with it.bilentenAdverbquicklyNwame g puru m?-bi bilenten.Nwame picked her daughter quickly.bilentenhurrybingiriVerbturn intoYesu gi bingiri nkyu w?ra nta.Jesus turned water into wine.biriVerbfound guiltyI biri m?.He was found guilty.birigyiNounbridgeAnewu t? birigyi m? so.Anewu is sitting on the bridge.birimAdjectivemanyAsaf? birim m? ba aye-g?wi.Many strangers came to our house.boVerbbe; haveN bo g?wi.I am at home.Bo-AkyiiProper Nouna man's name? bo a kyii.He has women / females.Bo-AneesuProper Nouna person's nameMe-ka m?-kyigyii ginyen ne n gy? Bo-Aneesu.My wife's auntie's name is Bo-Aneesu.Bo-AsaProper Nouna man's name? bo asa.He has people.Bo-AsenProper Nouna man's name? bo gisen.He has patience.boboroboAdjectivebig? bara aye Nkara-bodbodo faa boborobo.He brought us a very big loaf of Accra bread.? saal? m?-kola y??, m?-g?n? boborobo f??, ?gb?-gik??r?.She insulted her rival that her mouth is as big as the root of ?gb?.bodobodoNounbreadSa me g?nen bodobodo m?.Give me that bread.Dedaa-l?? bodobodo gi w?ra ?kon ny? nd?-l?? id?.In the olden days bread used to be sweeter than today's.boduduus?Adjectivepowerful; heavyWurubuaar? bo ?lon-boduduus?.God has the powerful strength.bog?Verbspit upG?bii g? kya bog?.Small child's vomiting.? gyi giky? daa so ne ? naa ? kya bog? f??, g?bii.He has overeaten. That is why he is vomiting like a child.BogisenProper Nouna person's name meaning "He is patient."? bo gisen.He is patient.bolo-boloAdjectivelengthyFo don ilaa bolo-bolo.You are lengthy.bonVerbshout; crowKyaas? kya bon.A cock crows.M?-ilaa i fu?, f?' bon sa m?.He lost his things. Make announcement for him.? kya bon m?-ilaa f?s? m?.She is advertising her goods.bonbogal?nAdjectivepointedM?-g?n? bonbog?l?n!His pointed mouth!bonbongolonAdjectivenarrowbonbongonAdjectivetick and largebonboronNouncan; tin; cupKyu bonboron baar? kyu sa nkyu sa me.Take this cup and fetch some water for me.Bonb?laProper Nounname of tenth monthBos? gudus?.The tenth month.bonbu?Nounsmall birdG?depee g? keda me-bonbu?.A hawk has caught my pigeon/dove.bonfuliNouna kind of birdBonfuli gi gyi abi daa de ?' p??r? ne ?? kii p??r?.Bonfuli ate palm nuts in order to be red but it did not get to be red.booVerbbe intoxicated, drunk? kya boo.He is drunk.booVerbgather againstM? boo fo daar?.They gathered to beat you up.bood?VerbblameG?? bood? me.Don't blame me.booriVerb1.crack; destroy? kya boori akatuwa.She is cracking peanuts.M?-ansi a boori.He is blind (eyes are destroyed).? kyon ?' kpaa boori aterenbi.He has gone to change make change (money)boranVerbbe goodFo-g?gb? m? g? boran.Your dress is good.bor?Nouncassava; a staple food to some peopleNyufo ne m? kya wuli bor?.Flour is used to prepare this kind of food.borok??n?AdjectiveimmoralAgyuwa gy? borok??n? kyii.Agyuwa is an immoral woman.bos?Noun1.monthNd? bos? ny?s? m?, gi ny? nk? nnan.The second month is four days today.I san daa bos? de a' gyi igyo.It is only left with one month for us to celebrate yam festival.2.moonDeeri bos? gi tansi fuuli pa-a.The moon was very bright yesterday.B?-Aky?Proper Nouna person's namei b? aky?better than beansb?b?r?b?Nounnarrowb?d?NountermiteB?d? gi w? me-ayawol?.Termites have spoilt my sandals.b?d?baaNountowelNd? ber?, oboroni gi lii, an baa a kya kyu iyii-agyfu? w?ra ib?d?baa.Nowadays, the white person is in the system, we don't use the bark of trees for towels.b?d?naNouna large lizardb?l?n-g?su m? d? g?bu? g?koa big type of lizard / crocodileb?d?wuraNountermite queenB?d?-wuratermites' chiefb?dibaNountowelObolonbu ?ko gi yuuri b?dibagigya d?.A certain girl has stolen a towel in the market.b?g?Verbstretch; form; widenFo laa b?g? w?ya m? gifotoo m?.You will stretch the wire trap into a round shape.b?laVerbfill; overflow; addAsa m? m? b?la obu m?.The people filled the room.b?l?nNounsmall lizard?kyii s?l? b?l?n.A woman is afraid of a lizard.B?l?n gi t?r? ip? m? d?.A lizard has fallen into the soup.b?l?nsonyiNouna type of lizardB?l?nsonyi ne n gy? b?l?n ?bono m?-nyoro so ip??r? m?.It is the lizard with red colour.b?nb?ng?nAdjectivethick and light-weightA laa gyi bodobodo faa b?nb?ng?n.We will eat a thick light bread.b?nbu?NoundoveB?nbu? gy? g?wi g?buii kee.The pigeon / dove is also a domestic bird.b?nbu?-lelenNounwild doveFo kpe ofuli so m?, fo laa wu b?nbu?-lelen nten d?.When you go to the north, we will see wild dove in town.b?nbu?yiiNouna type of treeNbuii gi kya laar? b?nbu?yii-abi gigyi.Birds like eating the fruits of b?nbu?yii.b?nfuiiNoundragonflyB?nfuii gi lii g?lii ?bon-g?n?-g?n?.There are a variety of dragons on river banks.b??Verbfold; rollB?? gikara.Roll up a head pad.b??daVerbmake balls? kya b??da agyar?.He's making soap balls.? kya don b??da, ?? kya yaal?.He is always unfriendly.b??l?Verbplaster; smearB??l? obu m?.He plastered the house.aye-ip? i ?aa w?ra; f?' s?? ipii id? kyu b??l? g?nenno example translationb?r?Nouncassava porridge (konkonte)Anenyi m?? kya laar? b?r?.Anenyi does not like konkonte.b?r?d??NounplantainB?r?d?? p??r?s? bo kon.Ripe plantain is very sweet.Buaar?-IsaProper Nouna person's nameBuaar?-Isa gy? ?nyen ab?? ?kyii-ginyen.Buaar?-Isa is a male or female's name.Buaar?nyiProper Nouna person's nameA kpe geli Doofuuli ne Buaarnyi gi kpaa fu? w?ra aye faa kpa!We went to a funeral at Doofuuli and Buaar?nyi got lost and we were much disturbed.buburunbunAdjectivebigbudiVerbshowerNyangbon kya budi.The rain is showering.Fo kya budi daa do-o?Are you crazy?bu??d?Nountrade? kya bu??d? daa.She is trading.? d? aye ad? ? kya bu??d?.no example translationbufuliNounleopardBufuli m? kya w? m?-nanbo ginun.The leopard eats it's neighbour animal's flesh.bufuliNounleopardbugiVerbopenO bugi ?wol? m?.He opened the book.bugidiVerbsearchN? bugidi me-kp?ky? kpon.I searched for my cutlass in vain.bukaaVerbtake refugeA sel? kpaa bukaa m?.We ran and took refuge with him.buliVerbdissolveFo kya buli akatuwa.You are dissolving groundnut paste.bunVerbcover; closeBun agyud? m? so.Cover the food.bun-maa-bugiNounwater tortoise? bun m?, ?? kya bugi.When it lies face down, it can't turn the other side.bungeVerbsendN? bunge igyo gigya d?.I sent for yams from the market.bunkpaakpaaAdverbcover up very tightlyKana ne bos? gi fuuli m?, a laa seeli bunkpaakpaa.We shall play bunkpaakpaa tonight if the is moonlight.bura-aAdverbflat out? t?r? m?-ayaa d? bura-a.He fell flat out at his feet.buruVerbfermentNta m? gi buru.The wine is fermented.buru-buruAdjectivesmall; petty-petty?nyen m? bo ilaa buru-buru m? obu d?.The man has some petty-petty things in his room.BurukunProper Nounname of the fetishBurukun ne n gy? Siar?-awura ?kp?r?-ginyen.Burukun is the name of Siare fetish.burumNounbrindledBurum bo daa if? d?.Brindled is an animal in the bush.busaaNounboiled yamAsata gi gyan busaa sa asaf?.Asata prepared slices for strangers.Filipo m?? kya laar? busaa de ilaa-w?s? f?? imaras?.Philip does not like slices and food that are eaten by chewing.buuVerbfollow; respect?? kya buu asa.He doesn't respect people.? naa buu m? kyo m?-g?wi.He followed him home.? buu ilaa m? p?wu sa m?.He told him everything.Buu ilaa ibono fo wu m? sa me.Tell me what you have seen.buuleVerbreserve for ripeningBuule b?rad??/korotiya m? de ?' p??r?.Store up the plantain/banana to ripe.Buwaar?nyiProper Nouna man's nameN nyi Buwaar?nyi ?ko; ? lii Keeri.I know one Buwaar?nyi. He is from Keri.Buwar?kenProper Nouna person's nameWurubuaar?-g?ki.God's knife.buw??l?Verb1.plead; beg?kyii, baa buw?l? fo kuli sa ay?.Woman, come and plead with your husband for us.2.apologizeDddaVerbhitDa g?bii g?bono g? kya saawo g? kya ba faa, ?tan.Hit the child who is coming with crying.? da m? tii gisu.He has silenced him.? da b??lo san y?g?.He was a good football player.daaAdverbemph.; justN kya kpe nd?? daa.I am only going to farm.daaVerbdo first, do beforeN? daa f?ye p?wu ba g?r?.I came first before you all.Ky?? fo daa baar?.Change your character.Gil? ne m? kya ky?; m?? kya ky? daa.Sickness is curable, (but) not character.daaVerbtaste foodDaa ip? m? ker? y??, nf?l? gi loo?Taste the soup and see whether the salt is okay.daabanVerbnot lastM? kee ma? taa daaban.He also didn't get anywhere.daaboNounremember; nostalgiaNyingi ?ko so/me-s? daabo!Yearning for what has past; sentimental invocation of past happiness; homesick.daabuliNounmashed yamDaabuli ne a gyi deeri ny?nny?ng?.It was mashed yam that we ate yesterday morning.daafuuVerbtake fresh airNan lii kpaa daafuu n?man?man.I am enjoying fresh air outside.daaker?Verbtaste-and-see, try, have a 'taster'daar?Verbbeat; hitFo daar? me m?, nan kpaa buu sa me-nyi.If you beat me, I will go and tell my mother.? daar? sa m?-bi m? ka gik?.She has bitten him in revenge for her child.daar?waNounhookIf? d? inun i fii me, im?so ?k? ber? Wurubuaar? gi kyingi me de alanfiya m?, nan kpe daar?wa.I am fed up with bush meat, and so, if God wakes me healthy tomorrow, I will go fishing with a hook.? kpaa too daar?wa.He went fishing using a hook.daas?Verblabel; markN? daas? me-tiid?.I marked my goat.DaawoProper Nouna praise nameM? kya yen y??, daawo.My praise name is, Kofi Nyame m?-bi ?ko ginyen ne n gy? example translationdab?-dab?AdjectivesoftG?bii pub?r? gumu gi bo dab?-dab? f??, gibono i kpa too gim? ayaa ad? so.A new born baby's head is soft like a newly laid egg.Kyaas? gi kp? too gib?lii ayaa ad? so m?, gi ker? daa faa d?b?-d?b?.When a hen just laid an egg, it is soft.dab?l?AdverbtogetherIkyaas? de akyan m? m? kya naa dab?l?.The chickens and fowls are walking together.dakuiVerbfailN? kpaa dakui daa.I failed in my attempt.dalaaVerbprayA kya dalaa kol? Wurubuaar?.We pray to God.Ikp?r?-asonbo kee m? kya dalaa.Pagans also pray.damiiNoungame of draughts? t? ? kya nu de damii.He is concentrating on a game called draft.dandanAdjectivewell; careful; goodNaa dandan-o!Walk carefully!dang?Verbturn back? baa dang? aye p?wu so.He overtook all of us.Kpaa dang? g?ky?? m? de ?k? m?, a' kya kpaa ?? gipo-iyii.Go and fix the axe so that we will go and fell trees in the new farm.Y?g? kofi ne n gyangbara m? sukuu d?; ? kii kpaa dang? Kofi so.Kofi was ahead of him in school. He overtook Kofi.dans?nNounaluminium cooking potN? Akua dans?n gyan nta.They use the aluminium cooking pots to brew wine.deconj1.andKwamen? de Akua nen ba.Kwamena and Akua came that??Come so that we can see each other.Preposition3.with; throughNan daar? fo de oyii.I will beat you with a about?Kirisito-nkalan m? de-e?What about Christ's blood?Yesu, Wurubuaar? m?-bi gbaa ne m? kya w?ra faa; ne f?ye ay?mes? m? de-e?no example translationdedaaAdjectiveoldIlaa dedaa ne i gy?.It is an old thing.deePronounanticipationBa de a' taa wu abara dee!Just come so that we see only see ourselves.deeriNounyesterdayDeeri gy? Kuuda.Yesterday was Wednesday.degaNounyoung manDega, ker? g?r?.Young man, look here.Kyaas?-nyens? gi fol? y??, ? w?ra dega m? m?-wura naa m? ? nyi m?-nk?.The cock is crowing that it is fully grown. Its owner knows which day it will be slaughtered.delaVerbput on cloth as a womanAsunkpa gi dela gikuru pub?r? nd?.Asunkpa has put on a new cloth today.denVerbbe or become accustomed toG?ny?-gigyere gi den me.I am used to bathing in the night.denaVerbmarryAfua gi dena deeri.Afua got married yesterday.dengeleVerb1.riskn? kyu me-nkpa dengeleno example translation2.I took my life in my handsdengelenAdverbflatly on topI gyan' nkyu so dengelen.It is lying flat on top of the water.dengeliVerbhands downSoo ilaa ne fo taa fo-abaa y?g? fo kya dengeli?carry something on the head without holdingdeng?Verb1.trim; cut? deng? m?-iman deeri.He trimmed his hair yesterday.e off; take downd?Verbsleep; lie downHe is sleeping.Yesu y??, m?? baa su, g?bii-kyiis? m?, g? d? daa.Jesus said they should stop crying, the girl is only asleep.d?Verb1.holdGenyingi d? aterenbi.Genyingi is holding some money.? kya laar? ?' d? ginsid?.He wants to for?ko m?-nyi ne n d? me-bi sa me'.Someone's mother is caring for my child for me.d??VerbburnD?? ?wol? baar? sa me.Burn this paper for me.I ba n? so ne alopire gi kp? ny? lii t?r? m?, ? kya d?? m? daa?Why is it that whenever an aeroplane crashes , the remains burn?d?g?r?gi-iAdjectiverisky, fragileNfono ilaa id? i gyan faa i don d?g?r?gi-i.It is risky for this thing to be where it is.?kyen m?-ra m?-ka ilaa ber?, i ker? daa ?g?r?gi-i f??, f?nd?-?gyan.Married couples' cases are fragile as a cricket's thigh.d?nkyiVerbimprove? denkyi m?-nny?ro.He took good care of his body.d?ns?Adjectivegood; kind; nice?kyii baar? gy? nyames? d?ns?.This woman is a nice person.d?r?Verbmean; refer toFo ne n d?r? m?.I am referring to you.d?s?VerbrealizeN d?s? me-nyoro.I am cautious of myself.d?yiraNoununmarried personD?yira ?laawus? ky?.A bachelor's problems are many.diiVerb1.climbDii gibii.Climb a mountain.Me-s? gi dii gibii.My father is gone to the fetish.2.watchDii nbii m? sa me.Watch the children for me.3.appear? dii lii giklon.He appeared suddenly.diilaNounlay down? diila g?bii.She laid down the child.diil?VerbadmireN kya diil? Adjowa.I admire Adjoa.diir?Verbraise?nyiilebo m? gi diir? m?-ansi.The teacher raised his eyes.diiwuNounmirrorAkyii m? laar? diiwu.Women love the ti ta do-o.Haven't you finished?dofa-dofaAdverbfeeble? san faa dofa-dofa.He has become light.dogbaaAdjectivenNpa m? gi bo dogbaa.The bed is; mess upFo ber?, mii kp? taal? dog?d? fo.As for you, I can really beat you up.? dog?d? ?doo m? as? giky? san faa dog?-dog? dog?; f??, g?bu? g? lii nno m?, g? ma? loo ?doo m? d?.He has messed up where the trap is so much that when an animal goes there it will not enter into the use magic to mess someone up? dog?d? w?ra m?-kuli.She has charmed her powderdonVerbmore thanAsata bo gisoro don Saasa.Asata is taller than Saasa.donboNounselfish; greedy personFo gy? donbo.You are a selfish person.dongaAdjectiveto heat up food or drinkFo? tii donga agbankana m? ta?Have you not finished heating up the leftovers?dongbanNounlarge ape, perhaps gorillaAt?men? gi m?? dongban.Atemeneh killed an ape.donsanAdverbweak? san faa example translationdoobaaAdjectivesurprisedFo ilaa iw?ra me dooba.I am surprised about you.doofuuNounhusks of cornSa me doofuu n w?ra me tiid?.Give me some husk to give to my goat.d?Prepositionin; atTasa m? d?.In the pan.d?k?n?Nounkenkey (steamed corn dough)N? gyi d?k?n? nd?.I ate some kenkey today.d?nsan-nAdverbsickly; weak? san faa d? example translationd??Verbfarm? kya d?? Aberewankor.He farms in Aberewankor.D??bofarmerd??danAdjectivewell; carefulPaul nyi ge kyaa d??dan.Paul knows how to dance well.d??kpaas?Noun<gloss and definition missing>d??kpaas? y??, ?wol?d? m?? gy? gigy?no example translationd??l?VerbtrickM? d??l? m? ny? m?.They caught him by trickery.duduAdjectiveheavyG?sola m? g? bo dudu.The head-load is heavy.dufu-duduflofydugu-dugu-duguAdjectiveof smokeigyesii i kya dii dugu-dugu-duguno example translationdugudugudgu'Adverbcompletely? w?ra me dugudugudgu'no example translationduliVerbleakGy?l? m? kya duli.The gourd is leaking.kankyii ?bu baar? kya example translationdunVerbache?kyii m? kya dun.The woman is in labour.Me-gumu gi kya dun me.My head aches.Gyoono gi dun m?.He / she was bitten by a dog.Dun de fo' sa me kee.Bite and give me some also.duuVerbplant? kpaa duu ilaa.He went to plant.duuleVerbextinguishFo gyan ta m?, duule ?gya m?.Quench the fire when you finish cooking.??-?Pronounstylistic marker (used at end of sentences and sometimes used on people's names when calling them)Akuwa-e!Akuwa, (come)!?nAdjectiveyes?n, me-s? gi ba.Yes, my father came.Fffa-aAdverbfreelyF?' y?g? de a' ba Wurubuaar? as? fa-a.Let's come freely, confidently to God.faaAdverb1.thereKpe faa kpa ny?? ?gya bara me.Go there and get me some fire.2.[emphatic]Fo kya w?ra g?nen faa ker? d??dan.Be careful as you do this thing.faaVerbshoutAfungbalan gi faa m?-ka so.Afungbalan shouted at his wife.faalaVerbgreetFo' faala m? sa me.You should greet him for me. ; Good-bye.fadaVerbspread to dryN kya fada ?sen.I am drying pepper.fada'-fada'Adjectivesoft; thinL?ng?-as? a bo fada-fada.The ears of the rabbit are soft and thin.fada-fadaAdjectivesoft; thickKond?-as? a bo fada-fada.The elephant's ears are soft and thick.faragyaaNounjaundiceKpadiwura kya l? faragyaa.Kpadiwura is suffering from jaundice.fatelaNounlightYii fatela sa me.Light the lamp for me.fengeVerbshow?doo-g?tasabii m? ne n lii fenge m?.no example translation? fenge m?-abaabino example translationfewuAdjectivea chunk of something? kp?? bodobodo m? faa fewu kyu kyon.He/she cut a chunk of the bread and took it away.f?Pronounyou pluralF? kya laar? iko?Do you want some?f?Verbsell? kya f? igyo.She is selling yams.f?d??VerbboilN kya f?d?? me-ip?.I am boiling my f?d?? gif?d?? giky? m?, fo laa lii fo-naanaana-awuye sono example translationf?d?gyoNounwild yamYesu ne n gy? f?d?gyo.Jesus is the wild yam.f??Prepositionlike; similar? d? f?? meHe is like me.It shows that.F??laProper Nouna place in Akyode? kpe ?fonten F??la d?.He went hunting at F??la.f?faananAdverblike thatF?faanan ne i kaabor? fo' w?ra im? ne.This is how you should do it.f?nyenNounkind of grassAkalanbu? m? kya laar? f?nyen d? gid?.Grasscutters like sleeping in f?nyen.f??Pronounyou pl. notF?? boran.You are not good.F?wumede-An?Proper Nouna man's nameF?wumede-An? gbaa-gbaa ne n yel?a m?-nyoro ginyen.F?wumede-Ad? named himself.f?wuraNounjuju manNsana gye f?wura.Nsana is a jujuman.f?yaaAdjectivehealthy? w?ra ny?mes? f?yaa.He is a healthy person.f?yePronounyou allF?ye p?wu f?' ba g?r?.Come here, all of you.f?ye-Pronounyour-PLF?ye-naana ne n gy? Abiraham.Your grandfather is Abraham.fidiiVerbstruggling? kya fidii.He is struggling.fifir?fiiAdjectivedry (of yam)gib?waky? m? gi ?? nkyu san faa example translationfiiAdjectivefed upFo-ilaa i fii me.I am fed up with you.Fo ber?, kp? fii w?ra ibono fo kya w?ra m?.As for you, keep on keeping on.filaas?Verbswing? keda me filaas? ne ? naa kyon; kyengbenno example translationfiliVerbdisgrace? fili m?-nyoro sansana.She disgraced herself in public.kpaa fili ?f? bara me de n' kyu w?ra me-gitibela giko g? example translationWurubuaar? gi kyule m? ma? paa ?gyan fili ?f?.no example translationfiribaataakind of batGigyakpid? giko oyuduu ne m? kya ter? firibaataa.A type of bat called firibaataa.firigiVerbjump up suddenlyfo kya firigi y??, men? daa?no example translationfo dii fo firigino example translationfiy??AdjectivelikeIlaa i t? fiy?? ny?mes?.The thing is like a human being.Lii kpaa fiy?? de fo' ba.Go out and blow your nose and come.foVerbreachFo bo nd?? m? d??Did you reach the farm?Fo fo m?-gisoro?Did you reach his height?Fo-ka de?Where is your wife?Fo ti ba ne?Are you in already?fo kpaa loo de alanfiya?no example translationfol?Verb1.whistleM?? kya fol? g?fuiil? Siar?.Whistling in Shiare is blow a wind instrumentNki-Adon gi fol? g?gandan.Nki-Adon blew a horn.fol?b?NouncavefonVerbblowAfuu a fon is? w?ra me-ansi d?.The wind blew some dust into my eyes.Fon ?gya m?.Blow the fire.fondiVerbmaking a hole? fondi ?p??r? m?.He made a hole in the wall.fon?AdjectivewhereIgyo m? i bo fon??Where are the yams?fontooliNounimmoral person, prostituteFo gy? ?kyii ne fo? kya laar? kyaar? m? fontooli ne fo laa w?ra.If you, a woman, do not like to work, you will become a prostitute.Anyen fontooli kee m? bo no.There are male prostitutes also.font?Nouna tool for tapping palm wineTaat? ?bono m? kya kyu fun nb?.A tool for tapping palm notFo? gy? ?nyen koraa.You are not a man at all.fooAdjectivelose respect?bel?ns? m? gi foo; asa m?? ba maa buu m?.The elder has lost respect. People no longer respect'Verbburn?gya m? gi foo' me.The fire burnt me.?bel?ns? m? gi foo'. M?? ba m? buu m?.The elder has lost respect. Nobody respects him.foroVerbwashForo me akuru sa me.Wash my clothes for me.f?g?d?Verbget dirty; smearKer? g?n??bono go kpaa f?g?d? gip?t?? m??Look at how tempered with the mud?G?? san fo' kyu fo-abaa baa f?g?d? me.Don't get your hands dirty.? k?? f?g?d?.He defecated and got dirty.f?l?-f?l?AdjectivesmoothAbina nnyoro ge kere faa f?l?-f?l?.Abena's body is very smooth.f?l?b?NouncaveGuuni bo f?l?bo d?.There is a lion in the cave.f?l?g?VerbpeelF?l?g? korotiya m? sa g?bii m?.Peel the banana for the child.f?nVerb(wood) splitF?n fo oyii m? sa me.Split some of your chewing stick for me.? f?n m? ?tan ?ko m?, i w?ra gifuu.He gave a certain person a slap, it was frightful.f?nd?NouncricketF?nd? m?? bo nkalan.Cricket has no blood.Nkalan gi bosen m?, men? f?nd??If blood is an essential commodity, why didn't the cricket get any?fo w? f?nd? ne i tu fo-g?n? ?k?n m?, fo laa tool? keda g?nan g? example translationf?r?Verbto crossF?r? ?bon m? de fo' ba.Cross the river and come.f?r?Verbtake off; peelF?r? awayu m? sa me.Peel off the corn for me.f?r?t?Nounsmall sackDedaa abel?ns? m? kya kyu m?m?-aterenbi w?ra daa f?r?t? d?.In the olden days, elders kept their money in f?r?t?.f?t?t?Nouna kind of treeM? kya w? f?t?t? f??, ?b?ntii.They chew f?t?t? just like ?b?ntii.fu?Verbget lostMe-g?gb? m? g? fu?.My dress is lost.fufuliAdjectivewhite; brightN bo kyaas? fufuli.I have a white chicken.g?d?pee g?? kya kyaas? fufuli example translationfuifuil?Nounproper nameFuifuil? gy? s?r?k?-g?su d?.Fuifuil? is of the porcupine family.fuiid?Adjectivelittle; smallFo-bi baar? ber? gi fuiid? pa-a.This child of yours is been too little.?fuiid? taatr? me-abaa d?.He put a little into my hands.fulaAdverbsuddenI w?ra faa fula.It was so sudden to me.funfunt?r?nAdjectivelight; not heavy even though seen as bigPuru m? de fo' ker? ? kp? ? ker? faa funfunt?r?n.Pick him up and see, he very light.funfuntunAdjectivethick&lightBodobodo faa funfuntun.Thick, light bread.funya-funyaNounextravagance, exceeding reasonable limitsAbayin-abel?ns? m?, m? kya gyi aye p?wu aterenbi funya-funya.The government officials are taking (lit:eating) money meant for us all exceeding reasonable limits.furuVerbboilAgyud? m? a kya furu.The food is boiling.futaaAdjectivegloomyNd? soso i bo futaa.Today the sky is gloomy.futuVerbmix; shuffleFutu s?paa m? d??dan.Mix the cards well.fututuAdjectivedustym? ne n kya kyon de ogbeli fututu m?no example translationfuuAdverbearlyNy?nny?ng? fuu/i ker? faa fuu.Early in the morning.fuudeVerbapproachNk? m? gi fuude m?.When the days are approaching.fuuliVerbbecome whiteN? fuuli.I became white.fuwanAdjectivewhitish? fuuli san fuwanno example translationGggaabuNounoniongaariNouna type of foodGaari-g?sun g? don g? bo lon giky?.Processing gari is too difficult.gabiiNounquantitySaky?.plentygagaragaaAdjectivetall; finegagyaNounfirewoodG?gya m? g? bo igyesii.The fire wood is smoky.Gamara-AsenProper Nouna person's name meaning "Later effects."G?mara-ilaa.Later effects.gana-ganNounimmature of plantain, banana? sen/? boburuburu.Not matured.gangarabanNounperplexitygaraNouna weird thingid? ber?, i w?ra gara ne-o!no example translationgba'aNoun10 pesewa coin (old currency)gbaaVerbbreakgbaaAdverbevengbaa'Adjectiveimportantgbaa-gbaaAdjectivereal; true; selfgbaas? the afternoon2.breakablegbanAdverbdully; as if mentally retarded? ker? me gban.He looks at me dully.gbang?VerbfailgbansabaNounshoe makerayaawol?-?l?r?boone who repairs shoesgbebiVerbjerk; dragGbebi m? ba fo-ansi d?/gbe m? lii obu m? d?.Jerk him towards you/drag him from the room.gbefuuAdverbhairy? wu inaad? nsa' i bo ifuu faa gbefuu.He saw three hairy cows.gbereVerbpluck? kya gbere oyii m? abi giky?.He is over plucking the fruits of the tree.gbesiVerbbark; screechGyono ?ko kya gbesi g?r?.A certain dog is barking ne n? w?ra fo ne fo kya gb?? me?What have I done to you that you stare at me?gb??Verbdance vigorouslySimon gi gb?? giky? deeri.Simon danced vigorously nameg?t?kpebi g?kono example translationgb?gyaNoungun beltgb?l?-gb?l?Adjectiveslipperygb?r?-gb?r?AdverbrashlygbigbirigbiiAdjectiveof liquid; thick or stronggbigiVerbto be rampant; to be commonNk? nsa nd? itu gis?? ne n san gbigi.Buying of guns has become common these daysIgyo i gbigi Nk?nta.Yams are abundant at Nkwanta.gbiiVerbburpAbonkpa-Agyii gi gbii.Abonkpa-Agyi burped.gbireVerbthundernyangbon gi gbire/? gbire loo obu d?no example translationGbir?gbir?Proper Nouna person's namegbiri-gbiriAdverbof running?dab?? m? gi singi gbiri-gbirino example translationgbirin-gbirinAdverbdancing forwardgebolonNounvalleyMidi-awura m? m? kpaa bun Gyeseel?-gebolon d?.The Midianites camped in the Valley of Jezreel.geliNounfuneralFo kya laar? me g?nen p?wu m?, n bo geli d?.I was in a funeral all the time you were looking for me.genAdjectivestrong; hardYel? ?kpa d? gen, ? m?? sa ?kpa.He stood firmly in the path and wouldn't give way.gengewuNouna type of fishgerageraAdverbforceful; abrupt? d? geragera f?? ? boo nta.He acts like somebody who is drunk.g?Prepositionitg?ptc(ag)g?baaNounkind of treeOyii ?kooyuduu m? kya kyu b??l? ibu.Used for painting floors/room.g?baafonNounhalf, part of somethingit?r? d? g?baafon/nbaafonanyen a bo nnono example translationg?baamaraAdjective1.meaninglessKuwagyo gi boo m?, ? kya w?ra g?baamara ilaa.When Kuagyo gets drunk, he does meaningless things.Noun2.back of the handg?baamaraNoun1.negative? t?g? m?-daa g?baamara g?d?.He spoke negatively to the elder brother.2.behindg?bel?ns?Nounelder-shipAkyii any? m? gy? me gibel?ns? ber?.Anyway two women are older than me.g?b?Nounoil palm treeG?b? g?kya gyan abii.Palm tree bears palm-nuts.g?b?r?gaNountool for cutting thatchataat? ?bono m? kya kyu s? if?s?no example translationg?bideNounslaveMe-naana me? gy? g?bide.My grand father is not a slave.g?biiNounchildWaan?d? gi w?ra g?bii d?ns?.Waan?d? was a good boy.g?bololoNoun???t? d? ginun giko, gi mada de gikp?no example translationg?bonoDemonstrativethatG?nen g?bii g?bono g? yel? nno faa ne a dar?.We mean that child standing there.g?bonoPronounthatG?gb? g?bono fo suu faa g? gy? daame-l??.The shirt you put on is mine.g?bonososoNouna type of sickness? kya l? g?bonososo.He is sick of g?bonososo.g?b?fu?NounrashG?b?fu? g? t? Sunwura giyaa so.There is a tropical ulcer on Sunwura's leg.g?b?g?l?nNounnarrow placeG?b?g?l?n m? g?? ?mang?.The space between outlets is very narrow.g?b?l?Nounclay for making potsG?b?l? ne m? kya kyu p??r? n?bi.They use clay to make pots.g?b?nb?liiNounarmpitFo-g?b?nb?lii g? kya lii son m?, fo? kya kpaa bugi nyiile ?ko nkan.If your armpit is smelling, you don't open it to somebody else.g?b??r?NounringNd?me-L?? gi s?? g?b??r? baara Abonkpa-Agyino example translationg?bu?NounanimalSand? gy? g?wi-g?bu?.Sheep is a domestic animal.g?bufuiiVerbpalm nuts' shellsg?buiiNouna type of sickness in childreng?buiiNounbirdG?bu? g?bono g? bo at?? maal?s?.An animal with flying wings, bird.g?bunonoNoundoorway; gateGii g?bunono.Get out of the doorway.g?daaNounjaw; ching?dagb??Adjectiveugly looking? ker? g?dagb?? f??, g?gyakpad? (ab?? kuuri g?n?)no example translationg?dalaaNounprayerG?dalaa g? tiri sa ny?mes? kpe-kpe.Prayers are very important to every human being.g?dekileAdjectiveswiftG?depee g? kya da d?dekile faa kilaa kpaa puru nkyaas?bii.A hawk turns swiftly and takes chickens.g?denNouna kind of plant used for weaving purposes or caneg?yaabi g?ko oyuduua kind of plant used for weaving purposes or caneg?den'Verbaccustomed to; used toilaa kamaas? i gy? daa g?den'no example translationG?denkyenaProper Nouna person's namea/m? t? g?don sono example translationg?d?NounlanguageGikyode gi gy? g?d? bolons? sa me.Gikyode is a difficult language for me.g?d?Proper NounthisG?bii g?d? ne n lii t?r? nkyu d? deeri m?.This is the child who fell into the water yesterday.g?d?Noun1.todayNd? g?d? puboro g?k? aye.Today is another day.2.dayg?d?liiNounpredictive dreamg?diiNounmat covering the doorwayKofi obu g?bunono m? ne g?dii g? ntii m?.Kofi's door is the one that is covered/closed with g?dii.g?diik?Noundawn; day breakg?diik? m? a laa gyan, nd? ber? owi gi kyolonno example translationg?diiky??Nounwall geckoG?diiky?? g?bo me-obu d?.There is a (wall) gecko in my room.g?donNounselfishness; stinginessLinda m?? bo g?don.Linda is not stingy.G?don-AkyiiProper Nouna person's nameg?donbu?Noundangerous animalBufuli gye g?donbu?.The lion is a dangerous animal.g?d??d?NouneveningKwasi laa ba g?d??d?.Kwasi will come in the evening.g?d??d?ny?NouneveningG?d??d?ny? ne m? pule me-s?.They buried my father in the evening.g?duweNoun??gif? bo??l?s? giko; m? kya kyu g?m? w?ra g?linno example translationg??l? weightier than; more than? g??l? ?d?He is stronger/mightier than that balanceI kya g??l?i kya kpe g?ten kolon.It is balancing to one place.g?fasn?r?Nounwindowg?f?taaNouncomplete refusal; contempt?bono ? l?? Wurubuaar? m?-bi g?f?taa m?, m?-laako.Whoever treats God's Son with contempt, sorry for him.g?f?l?Nouna grain of saltG?f?l? kolon g? laa taa nyida ip? m?.A grain of salt can spoil the soup.g?f?l??Noun??oyii ?ko uyuduu; m? kya kyu m?-afadaa w?ra g?linno example translationg?fuiid?taar?-abaaNounact of giving very littleg?fuiil?Nounwhistle?ko kya fol? g?fuiil?.Somebody is whistling.g?galagoNounblack soldier antg?gandanNounany trumpet or horn-like instrumentAye-g?gandan g? fu?.Our trumpet has gone missing.g?gb?Noundress; shirt; blouseN? suu g?gb? puboro.I am wearing a new shirt.g?gbiniNouna vegetablem? kya kyu g?gbini w?ra ip?, g? bo s?r?no example translationg?gilag?Verbfalling and turning overg?gyaNounone small piece of firewoodAluwabaso ge sa m? naana g?gya.Aluwabaso gave her grandfather a piece of firewood.g?gyaaw?raNouna woven container for storage food items, ingredientsg?gyabiNounsmall piece of firewoodKpaa laar? ngyabi ba de ?gya m? ?' ny? kyang?.Go and look for small pieces of firewood so that the fire will glow.g?gyafuiiNounpiece of firewood split off from a larger pieceObolonbu m? soo gyafuii.The girl is coming with pieces of split firewood.g?gyakpabiNounpiece of firewood? ?? ngyakpabi kpere m?-naana.He cut some logs for his grandfather.g?gyalenbiNounkind of a tree or vineg?gyalenbi g?d? g? s?r? taa nsens? y?g?no example translationg?gyanNoundrying shelf in a kitchenKyu w?ra g?gyan so.Put it on the drying shelf.g?gyanbu?Nounhunters danceM? kya g?gyanbu? ik??la.They danced the hunters dance for a long time.g?gyapaaNounchairAyor t? g?gyapaa so.Nana Ayor is sitting on a chair.g?gyasenfuw?Noun??g?gyeeNounpox, spot on skin from a diseaseG?gyee g? t? Akun-Aba g?n? so.There is by the mouth of Akun-Aba.g?gy?lenbiNounbranchKarad? t? oyii-g?gy?lenbi so.A monkey is sitting on a branch of a tree.g?gyiNounbeadTalabo gi laar? g?gyi fufuli.A new mother likes white beads.g?gyi-ayuNoun??kyaas?-ogyi w?ratenno example translationg?gyintabu?a kind of ant??g?sinsin g?ko oyuduuno example translationg?gyobiiNounsmall yamg?gy?n?Nounnumber; amountAsa abono m? bo Paulana gikoli m? d? m? m?m? gg?gy?n? g? gy? nw? ny? de iko-isa any?mes? asee.The number of people in the ship with Paul was two hundred and seventy six.g?gy?n??NounnumberFilisiti-awura abel?ns? abono m? kya ker? m?m? so m? g?gy?n?? ?karaaccording to the Philistine rulersg?gyuweeNountype of calabashg?w? bel?a big calabashg?kaabonoProper Nounthat dayG?kaabono fo ba m? ne n? m? me kyaas? m?.I killed my hen that day you came.g?kaakoNounsomedayG?kaako f? laa nyingi me.You will remember me someday.g?kaananNounthe other dayG?kaanan n? kol? fo awayu.The other day I asked you to give me maize.g?kansaliiNouna type of birdg?keebiNounbasketNdenu so igyo de g?keebi.Ndenu is carrying yams in a basket.g?kelebiNounflank(s)g?k?NoundayGenyingi gi gyi nk? nsa.Genyingi has spent three days in his journey.Nk? nsa nde.Recently, these days.g?kiNounknifeSa me g?ki de nsal? gigyo.Give me a knife to peel yams.g?kolobiiNounstream; gutterg?konAdjectivefistg?kpaaAdverbalways; foreverAyina aye as? g?kpaa.Stay with us forever. He is sleeping forever.g?kpaalenfuiiNoun???bon d? gikoto giko oyuduuno example translationg?kpaalinfuiiNoun???bon d? gikotoo giko oyuduuno example translationg?kpagalanNounfish trapAniya g?kpagalan g?da kins?r?.Aniya's fish trap has caught a mud-fish.g?kpan??lanbiNounsmall bellFo kpe Nk?nta m?, s?? nkpan??lanbi bara me.When you go to Nkwanta, buy me some small bells.g?kparaNounforked tree or stickSenwura soo g?kpara.Senwura is carrying a forked stick.g?kpasu??Nounsmall pathg?kpatiitiiNouncamelg?kpatiitii g? kya sola nsola don g?bu? kamaas?no example translationg?kpenNounfenceA laa yii g?kpen kyab?? aye-apokyaa.We will make a fence around our garden.g?kpenfureNouna small cricket-like animalNbuii gi kya gyi nkpenfure.Birds eat crickets.g?kp?NounwitchcraftG?kp? g?? gy? ilaa d?ns?.Witchcraft is not riches.g?kpiliNouna type of treeg?kpintinNounstumpg?kponNounteng?kpongbooNoungong-gong; announcement? da g?kpongbo y??, ?kamaas? ?' ba g?wi.He beat the gong-gong that everybody should come home.g?kuii-g?kuiiAdverbact of leavingGibaa ab?? gikuon ?ko-?ko.Leave/come/scatter one by one.g?kunNounanimal tail held while dancingN kya laar? kund?-g?kun.I need the tail of an elephant.g?kyaas?biiNounchickenG?d?pee g? da g?dekile puru me g?kyaas?bii.A hawk came down and took my chicken.g?kyamen?NounfriendshipG?ky?men? g?ko g? bo k?n.Some friendship is fine.g?kyanNoungraveIsa kpe-kpe la loo g?kyan d?.Every human being will enter a grave.g?kyanbiNouna round graveg?kyenNounpeak of roofobu-g?kyenno example translationg?ky??nkuanNounstrainer for soupAn?ba bo g?ky??nkuan.Aneba has a strainer.g?ky?galanNoun??gil?t? giko, gi kya gyi ny?mes?-g?woyol? kuli-kuli w?ra f?? ngyeeno example translationg?ky?r?banNouna kind of fish trapgikyoli giko oyuduua kind of fish trapg?kyonbideeNouna type of treeoyii ?ko oyuduua type of treeg?kyongonNounmosquitoG?kyongon g? dun me.I am bitten by a mosquito.g?ky??NounaxYaa ge s?? g?ky??.Yaa has bought herself an axe.g?ky??biNoun??g?kyub?d?Nounact of swimmingGit??l?-loo nkyu tud?-tudu.Swimming deep.g?kyuiikyuiiNouna type of plantG?kyuiikyuii d? i? bo gi?maal?.It is not easy to weed g?kyuiikyuii plant.g?laalooNounenvyI bo me g?laaloo.I am jealous/angry.g?laar?Nounsatisfaction; likingI bo ?k?n me-g?laar? d?.It is sweet to my satisfaction.g?laator?Nouna kind of treeoyii ?ko oyuduu/oyii ?bono gibino example translationg?lamiiAdjectivesickly looking? san faa g?lamiino example translationg?langabiAdjective??g?langan g?bono g?? ky? m?no example translationg?langanNounbig gourdAsaso gi sa me nta g?langan.Asaso gave me a gourd of wine.g?langankpaawiiNouna type of crocodileg?langoNounpraying mantisg?leekpiriNounshameful family secret?ko adedaabo ilaa ny?nny?n ibono i bo asiiri d? m?no example translationg?lewulewu'NoundeathsG?lewulewu' g? loo ?sowol? m? so.Deaths had filled the town.g?l?biiAdjectiveconsistent; very softg?l?wul?wuNoundeaths of manyg?linNounmedicineSa fo-bi m? g?lin ? kya l?.Give your child some medicine, it is sick.g?lin-?f?bodruggistg?maraNounback? taa m?-g?mara.He whipped her on the back.g?maraNounbackg?maraPrepositionbehind; backday before yesterdayday after tomorrowYou are late.oppositeedges of the village, dunghillg?m??s?Nounwomen lower abdominal painsg?m??s?-ateesilower abdomeng?m?Proper NounitG?bi m? de? G?m? ne n yel? nno faa.Where is the child? It is standing there.g?muNounsource; headA t? sindi Saabon g?mu.We live close to the source of river Saabon.g?nanNounscorpiong?nanbok?nAdjectivepersuasiveg?nenAdverblike that; so; and so onim?so g?nen i d? ne?no example translationg?n?Nounmouthanswermaltreat the peopleunityjumping the gun, answering before askedg?n?buiiVerbof talkingilaa ibono i laa lii g?n? d? m? i m?? boranno example translationg?n?nkyulove for meat or sweet thingsg?n??bonoAdjectiveas; how; mannerG?n??bono i ba p?i ne Paul gi w?ra Yesu-g?mara obuubo m?.How it came that Paul became an apostle/follower of Jesus.g?n??r?Nounlast bornKuwamii ne n gy? aye-g?n??r?.Kwame is our last born.g?n?saAdjectivehaste in talkingfodon g?n? ?saa/f-g?n? g? bo saano example translationg?nsinyanNounnostalgiaI bo me g?nsinyan.I am filled with nostalgia.g?nsip??r?Nounserious situationg?nyaaNounrope made from the bark of a certain treeSa aye g?nyaa de a' kpaa? minde kuuri.Give us a rope to go and tie up a pig.g?nyaasenNounwiseG?nyaasan-wura ne n kya kpe nd??, ne ?? kya naa de ?kpa ntintin.It is a wise person who goes to farm and doesn't walk on a straight path.g?ny?Nounnight? ba g?ny?He came in the night.g?ny?-d?nsanaNounmiddle of the nightA gyoo m? g?nen-n kaabor? g?ny?-d?nsa. ? m?? ba.We waited for him until the middle of the night. He did not come.G?nyintaProper Nouna person's nameg??Verbit notNta nd? g?? boran.This wine is not good.g???nan??nanpuloNouna type of snakeg?paaNounwaspG?paa g? da Kuubela.Kublah was stung by wasp.g?pal?Nounfufug?panNounkind of fruitBala gi gyi g?pan.The monkey has eaten some fruit (fruit of some wild plants which climb trees and cover their tops).g?pankulekuleNouna kind of treeoyii ?ko oyuduuno example translationg?paraAdjective??m? kya kyu kii ilaa/ sinno example translationg?p?Noundayg?p?Nounhat?nyen ?ko bun g?p?.A certain man is wearing a hat.g?pilebiiNouncooking pot for soupAsunkpa gi sa Lewugyeayen g?pilebii.Asunkpa gave Lewugyeayen a cooking pot.g?pokyaNounforestMe-?doo gi da pataf? ne ? kyu loo g?pokya g?ko d?.My trap caught a swine and it entered a certain forest.g?pokyaaNounsmall farmm?-apokoa-a d?no example translationg?p?kyaaNounsmall groovegumu-nkpa gi bo no m?, g?p?kyaa g?d? ne nan d?? g?si g?kono example translationg?pubuuNoundried okroOnyimel?? giw?ra g?pubu ip?.Onyimel?? made some soup with dry okra.g?puiiriNounstraw bagg?pus??Nounkola nut, treeA bo npus??-g?d?? mumbuli.We have a whole cola nuts plantation.Bo npus??-g?d?? mumbuli.Cola nuts treeG?pus?? m? g? loo sankaraa.The cola nut has entered cola nuts' sickness.g?putuuNounpillowMenase gi s?? g?putuu.Menase bought a pillow.g?puusinaNounthing that could bring blameg?r?AdverbhereN t? g?r?.I am staying here.g?r?naaNounhereLii g?r?naa belen.Go away from here now.g?salaar?Nounlove for peopleWurubuaar? kya sa g?salaar?.God gives love for people.g?saraNounwaistNkp?ky? kya l? g?sara.Nkp?ky? has waist problems.G?sataProper Nounname of a persong?sayanter?Nounarrogance; looking down on othersg?sayenter?Nouncontemptg?s?Preposition1.downI t?r? g?s?.It fell down.2.underKer? g?s? nno.Look under there.Noun3.meaningIm? g?s??What is the meaning?Verb4.startNan yii g?s?.I will start.g?siNounyearGesi nyennyen g?lii aye.We are in a bad year.g?sinNounheartG?sin yuuli ne gye abono m? kya laare ayenbo m? l??.Peace be unto those who love the poor.peaceg?singyiNounconversationM? kya gyi nsingyi.They are having a conversation.g?sinkpanNounearth; dirt; groundG?sinkpan g? ky?.The land is broad.g?sinsinNounsmall black antG?sinsin g? loo Iwame giso d?.An ant entered in to the ear of Iwamey.g?sinsinkperebiNounbride's attendantg?sintinNountruthT?g? g?sintin de fo ny? nkpa.Tell the truth and be free.g?solaNounloadNkpa so g?sola bel?.Nkpa is carrying a big head-load.g?suNounrelation; familyAkyod? de Akyala m? bo nsu abara d?.Akyodes and Challas are related.g?sunNounworkMe g?sun w?ras? ne.This is my work.g?taAdjectivefar away; distant; long?kpa m? bo g?ta.The way is long.g?taakukubiNounhandkerchiefMe g?taakukubi g? biiri.My handkerchief is dirty.g?takparaNounhoeD?yer? bo g?takpara.D?yer? has a hoe.g?takpenbiNouninsect; non-human creatureNtakpenbi nko ge kya w?? me igyo.Some creatures are eating my yams.g?tebulaaNounchamber potGyobu y??, i w?n? so ne Wurubuaar? m?? y?g? m? de ?' kii g?tebulaa so daa?no example translationg?teekoprnsomewhereNankpe g?teeko ?k?.I shall go somewhere tomorrow.g?tenNounplaceEverywhere.g?tenNounhouse; clanG?su g?ten.The house of Gesu.g?terebiNounsmall gourdAbintuge gi kyu g?sara g?terebi ba.Abintuge brought a snuff gourd.g?t??koNounsome placeAn?ba gi kpe g?t??ko.An?ba is gone somewhere.g?t??t??Nounrespite?? kya taa sa m? g?t??t??.He did not spare him.g?tiibiNounscrew; boltMe l??ri g?tiibi g?ko g?fue.A screw of my car is lost.g?tiinaNoundate palmG?tiina ber g? kya lii nta.G?tiina does not produce wine.g?tintinNounsitting placeTomekpe t? g?sintin so.Tomekpe is sitting on a seat made out of mud.g?toNounspoonAlabara gi sa Osenke g?to.Alabara has given Osenke a spoon.g?tor?Nounegg plantAgyanto gi sa Kukurubuni g?tor?.Agyantor gave Kukurubuni a garden egg.g?toroNounantelope; duikerAfongbalan gi m?? g?toro.Afongbalan killed an antelope.g?toro-bibiriNounblack duikerg?toro-fufuligrey duikerg?wansaNounthoughtI ba me-nwansa d? y??.It came to my mind that.g?w?NouncalabashAwaaki gisa ?samesan g?w?.Awaaki gave Osamesan a calabash.Kampuni gekuru igyo g?w? m? nd?? d?.Kampuni dug a hundred yams from his farm.G?w?g?d?Proper Nouna person's nameg?wiNounhomeG?sata gi kyon Aniya g?wi.G?sata is gone to Aniya's house.g?wooNouneating place; baitFo laa yela g?woo.He will put down the eating place.g?w?nsaNounthoughtMe g?w?nsa ne y?? i laa w?ra ?dan.My thought was that, it will be good.g?w?yiliNounthe eleventh monthbos? gudu ?kos?the eleventh monthg?wulewuleNounwhirlwindg?wuraNounchieftancyG?wura gegyi ibo sen.Chieftancy is difficult.g?wurabiprincesg?yabiiNouncaneAnufu? gi taa Nt??bo g?yabii.Anufu? has beaten Ntebor with a came.g?y?Nouncheekg?yiiNounshadowOkoso sele m?-geyii.Okoso fears his shadow.g?yilinNounfounding; beginningg?yiy??Nounsuffering; worryOsenke g?yiy?? g? ky?.The suffering of Osenke is a lot.g?yowol?NounskinFo g?yowol? g? koro.Your skin (colour) is different.g?yuwaNounbeardgiAdjectivenoun class markerPuru fo-giyaa.Lift up your leg.giVerbverbal particleGi g?e gigyebi g?bono m? kya kyu t?g? ilaa f??, "gi kyu, gi w?ra".It is a prefix. gi loo. It entered.gibaaNounhandG?sata kya l? m?-gibaa.G?sata is suffering from his hand.gibaadiik?Noundawn? kpe nd?? gibaadiik?.He went to farm at dawn.gibaafonNounhalffo y? ilaa kolon d? ky??-ky?? m?, im? gikoone of two exactly equal parts into a thing or can be dividedgibaakpanNounshoulderNno i kyaa de nyoro sindi gib? g?ten m?.Joint where the arm, foreleg or wing joins the body.gibaakpanNounshoulder? kyu otu gyan m?-gibaakpan so.He is carrying a gun on his shoulder.M? kyan m? g?ki m?-gibaakpan so.They cut his shoulder with a knife.?kyii m?-abaakpan a siida f??, anyen-l?? abaakpan.The woman's shoulders are thick as that of a man.gibaanaNounlayer of stones for a houseAn?tan t? gibaana so.An?tan is seated on a built up cliff.gibaanar?Nounpart of the armgibaa?menNounelbowgibaapayiNounpart of the handgibaatantanNounpalm of handgibakyaaNounleft over from pounding palmnutsNkolengyi gelaar? gibakya.Driver ants like the waste of palm fruits.gibanNounwingAwuy?ge gi ny? kyaas? m?-giban.Awuy?g? got the wing of the fowl.gibant??Nounwinggibant??NounfeatherG?buii m? g?m?-gibant?? gi kyigi.The bird feather came off.Fo kyigi g?buii m?-abant?? m?, g?? baa taal? maal? koso kyon.When you pull out the bird's wing feather, it can no longer fly away.M?-ikyaas? daas? ne n gy? im?-abaat?? gikebi.His identification mark for his fowls is the cutting of the feathers.Kyigi abant?? kal?s? sa me de n' kyu n kya nyaad? asara.Pull a few feathers for me and I will be gathering snuff.gibel?Noundry seasonGibel? gi boran.Dry season is nice.gibel?t?Nouniron? bo lon f?? gibel?t?.He is strong as iron.gibenNounbunchKyanaka so b?r?d?? giben.Kyanaka is carrying a bunch of plantain.giberemaNounfeverKpaket? kya l? giberima.Kpaket? has a cold.giber?baNounpineappleNbowura bo giber?ba.Nbowura has a pineapple.Fo kya laar? aber?ba-d?ns? m? kpe Nsawam.If you want very good quality pineapples then go to Nsawam.Nbowura bo aber?b? nd??.Nbowura has a farm of pineapples.?nyen ?ko y??, ?kyii d? daa f?? aber?b?. Fo-r? m? f? dab?l? m?, ? kya yii fo. ?? bo fo as? m?, aw?? a kya m?? fo.A certain man said that woman are like pineapples. When there is association with you, she pricks you and if she is not with you, you will feel cold.Sinde m?-aber?b? m?, a gyan ny? sige.Last year his pineapples made a better harvest than this year.gibeteliNounripe palm nutgib?kyaNounresidue of red palm nutgib?nb?Nounbank as of the river bankMowab?-awura m? m?? ny? ?kpa fara Gy?dan-?bon m? kpe m?-gib?nb? giko m? so.The Moabites were not allowed to cross the Jordan river to the other bank.gib?r?b?NounpineappleNt?men?so gi sa Asantin gib?r?b?.Nt?men?so gave Asantin a pineapple.gib?teliNoungreen palm nutAyifun? gi laar? gib? example translationGib?teli gi bo giw?.no example translationgibiNounpalm nut, seedNtasa gi sa Beligi abi.Ntasa gave Beligi some palm-nuts.gibiiNounmountainSiare gyan gibii so.Shiare is situated in a mountain.gibiiNounjealousyAkyii m? kya k?? gibii.Women are fighting from jealousy.gibiinaNounrubbish dump?bel?ns? ne n gy? gibiinaa.An elder is a rubbish dump.gibilaaf?Nounpalm branchgibilenNoun1.anvilgibel?t? gibono so ?bel?bo kya bel? m?-at? m?no example translation2.iron block on which a smith hammers materialsgibilenbilentuNouna strange animal in stories, folk talesgibintilinNouna piece of faecesgibiriNoundarknessSeyila sel? gibiri.Seyila fears the darkness.gibol?Nouna kind of vineGibol? gi k?r? me-obu gamara.A gibol? vine sprouted behind my houseFo kpe nd?? m?, bara me gibol? example translationgibololoNouna kind of plantAko m? kya gyi gibololo-afadaa ipo.Some people eat gibololo leaves' soup.gibolonbukpanAdjectivenakeds?i, g?gb? ab?? gikuru i ma? gyan nyoro so;no example translation? yel? gibolonbukpan.He is standing naked.gibondankpal?Nouna type of treeoyii ?ko oyuduua type of treegibonoPronounthat; which?ko gi ten gibi gibono n? wu m?.Somebody has harvested the palm nuts that I saw.gibonoPrepositionthatGibii gibono so a t? m?, m? kya ter? gim? y??, men??The mountain on which we live, what is it called?gibooNoungrinding stone?sin biboo.Paper grinding stone.giboroNounpoisongibotooNouncabbage-like plantAnigy? gi da gibotoo.Anigy? tapped some sticky liquid from the plant (cabbage plant whose juice is used to catch birds).gib?Nounneck? ?meri me-gib? d?.He squeezed my neck.gib?liiNouneggAmuas? gi sa Agy?mene gib?li.Amuase gave Agy?mene an egg.gib?l?nb?Nounkind of plantGib?l?nb? gi gyi ?w?da-nbii ?w?da-g?lin.Gib?l?nb? is children's cough medicine.gib?l?nb?Nouna type of fishMe-gikyoli gi da gib?l?nb?.My fish trap caught gib?l?nb?.?ken ?ko ginyen ne n gy? gib?l?nb?.Gib?l?nb? is the name of a certain type of fish.gib?nb?r?nNounsugarless, plantain free porridgegib?r?b?r?NounbedbugsGib?r?b?r? gi? bo gid?d?.It is hard to sleep with bed bugs.gib?r?Nounpoisongib?r?b?r?bedbuggib?yelaNounyamkyiy?? igyo d? ker? y??, fo laa wu gib?yela m?Sort the yams and see whether you will find the gib?yilaAb?yela a nyaaky? igyo m? d?.Ab?yela are many in the yams.Gib?yela m? gi kya gy?.The ab?yela is getting rotten.gibuiNounstoneIbokonsan? gi da Nkiime-L?? gibui.Ibokonsan? hit Nkiime-L?? with a stone.gibulunNounhen-house made from mudKyan bo gibulun d?.The guinea fowl is in the coop.gibunNounpoolGibun m? gi bo kin.The pool is deep.gibuniNouncorpse; after deathIwaame y??, ? laa ?ala asa m?-gibuni d?.Iwaame said she will frighten people after she dies.gibunt?NounfogGibunt? gi bun ?sowol? m? p?wu.All the town is covered with fog.gibuuNounfarm hutnd?? d? obufarm hutgibuwaky?Nounwater yamDebenu bo gibuwaky?.Debenu has water yam.gidaaker?Adjectivepicky, fussygidanNounroadGidan m? gi loo if?.The road is weedy.gidanganNountype of grass???Gidangan ne m? kya kyu loo nt?n?.They use gidangan to weave local mats.gidayelaNounprepare ahead of time?? yela de ?' wol? w?ra g?gyano example translationgidenNouncrippleAkua nkyu m? gi gye giden.Akua's water is half the bucket.gidendeliNouna erupting toothG?bii m? adendeli a kya nu fo laa t?g? y??, g? ti lii anyi daa.The child’s gums hurts as if it already has teeth.gid?Adjectivethe act of sleepFo-gid? gid?, i? gy? giyan; i t?faa, fo d? ?t?.The way you are sleeping is not for a reason, you may be pregnant.gid?'AdjectivethisGifol? gid?' ne n dar? y??, m? f? sa gidan-awura m?.This is the rock I told you that they sold to those who are going to construct the road.gid?biNounnature; type; characteristicM? gid?bi ne.That is his character.gid?kaaNountrunk; boxNy?fol? so gid?kaa.Nyefoley is carrying a box.gid?soNounbedgidibiNounnatureOwiase gidibi ge boran ky?de.Nature is very beautiful.gidiikuNounscarf baggidooNounliquid used for making soapM? adoo.Fufu ball cut with fingers when eating.gid??liiNouna round stone for grinding medicinegifadaAdjectivedryingKoo-koo m? gi fo gifada g?nen.It is time to dry the cocoa now.gifadaaNounleafOyii m? bo afadaa pa-a.The tree has a lot of leaves.gifagaAdverbstanding on toesgifeeyaNounfig tree (fig)oyii ?ko oyuduua type of treegifelaaNountorch, made of grass or palm stalksgifengenNounmatGifengen m? gi t??.The mat got torn.gif?Noungrass; bushgif?'Nounherbal medicine; jujugiponf?a grassgif?biNounbroom straw?f?-gibione straw from a broomgif?b??NounmedicineIkp?r?-gy?r? ne n nyi ilaa ibono gif?b?? i gy?.It is the fetish priests who know what gif?b?? is.gif?buuNounthick groovegif?tiiNoun??m?-anaana ne n kyigi ?sowol? baar? gifetiino example translationgifilaNountorch of grassesAnd? d? gifila.And? is holding a torch (made with grass).gifofoNoun??any?mes?/g?bu?-?t? d? ginun gikono example translationgifol?Nounrock?sowol? m? gyan gifol? so.The town is on a rock.giforaNounwoven hen house? d? ikyaas? de gifora.He is holding chickens inside a woven hen-house.gif?l?Nouna kind of vinegif?l?Nounweaknessgif??r?Noungoiter?bol? d? gil?a goitregif?r?podgifuuNounbeing afraid; fearI bo me gifu.I am afraid.giganganaNoun??nno g?bo-at?? g? kya gyi ne i kya kpaa loo g?m?-?t? d?no example translationgigbaabiNounanswer to prayer child? gy? gigbabi.He is a child who was born in answer to prayer.gigbangbaranNounchainAniwaba gi yuuri gigbangbaran.Aniwaba stole a chain.GigbangyaProper Nounthe name of the Gonja languagegigbaraNouna type of treegigbaraOyiiGigbara gi bo lon ab?? nbii m?' ?? seeli.Gigbara it is not strong children should play with it by chopping it.gigbelenkoNoungranary storage?bel?ns? Ntenke bo gigbelenko m?-g?wi.Mr. Ntenke has a granary at his house.gigbengbenNounbedgigengenNounriver bankNyinf? yel? ?bon gigengen.Nyinfor is standing on the river bank.gig??ng??naaNounmillipedea small earthworm like animal with numerous legsa small earthworm like animal with numerous legsgigir?giiAdjectivefat, not tallgigir?nyavery fat, not tallgigir?nya'Adjectivefat, not tallgigyaNounmarket? kpe gigya.She is gone to market.gigyaNounmarket? gyi gigya.He went into the market.gigyaabuiNounproper namea type of fishno example translationgigyafiiNounround big bottle or containerAken gi sa ?k?nso gigyafii de ?' kyu nta ? kya w?ra gim? d?.Aken gave ?k?nso a container for storing drink.gigyakpad?NounbatGigyakpad? gi loo kond? giso d?.A bat entered the ear of an elephant.gigyakpanNounsmall block carved from wood for sitting? kya sal? gigyakpan kyenas?.He is carving a sitting block.gigyakpebiNounstarAn? ne n k??la f?? gigyakpebi?Who is old like a star?gigyangbaliNouncharcoalSa me gigyangbali de n' w?ra ?gya.Give a piece of charcoal to set fire.gigyangyanNounrafter; drying rackGigyangyan m? gi gbaa.The drying rack is broken.gigyekpebiNounstarAgyekpebi abo k?mp?.Stars are very beautiful.gigyesiNounyam moundKpara gyan gigyesi so.A squirrel is standing on the yam mound.gigy?biNounwordSa me ?kuruf? gigy?bi.Give a piece of thread.gigy?biNounvoiceFo-gigy?bi m? gi? boran.Your word is not good.gigy?fu?Nounthin covering for somethingl peel; shell; barkKyu gigy?fu? m? kpaa ny?? ?gya ba.Take the tree back and collect coals of fire.gigyiNounbait for catching fishAnewa gi gyi g?pale.Anewa ate some fufu.gigyisoAdjectiveshare?kamaas? m?-ra m?-gyiso.Each one and his share.gigyitagb??Nounkind of dancingAdega m? laar? gigyit?gb??.The young men love their local dance.gigyoNounyamKanpuni gi sa An?ba gigyo.Kanuka gave Aneba a yam.Gigyokiis?fried yamgigyungulunNoun??gigyungulun kolon ne n kya nyida nta p?wuno example translationgigyutuuNounproper nameoyii ?ko oyuduua type of treegikakarangbaabuggikal?l?Nounwhite clothGikal?l? ne m? kya pule ibuni.It is the white cloth that they use for burying the dead.gikanNounchestM?-gikan gi siida.His chest is broad.gikangbeliNouna charge of adultery against a man? baa yii m? gikangbeli.He charged him with committing adultery with his wife.gikatuwaNoungroundnutAkatuwa ip? i bo k??.Groundnut soup is delicious.gikeebiNoun??abilaaf? ne m? kya kyu luo g?keebino example translationgikenky?Nounover grown okrag?gbini g?bono g? sen giky? m?over grown okragiker?-ansiVerbintentionalilaa ibono fo nyi ne fo t?g?/w?ra daa iko kp?i f??, fo? nyi g?nen l?? m?no example translationgik?d?Nounegusi seeds from a certain gourdS?? gik?d? bara fo-ka talabo.Buy some sesame for your wife (who just brought forth a new baby).gik??liiNounkind of treeOyii bel? ?bono ? bo iwe/? kya w?ra oyii bel?/ a kya ny? kelepuntun lii m? d?.The silk tree is a big one with thorns on it. We get silk cotton from it.gikig??Nouna type of grass usually found by a river bankgikilenNounmobGikilen bel? geko ge ba ge ba dare aye.A certain large mob came to beat us.gikilinNoungroupNno ne apat?? m? kya da gikilin.There the vultures will be gathered.gikinky?Noundry okrasa me gikinky?no example translationno example translationgikoliiNounship; boatGikolii gi gyan nkyu m? so.A boat is on the water.gikolonAdverboncegikoreeVerbwhippingWurubuaar?-l?? nyaabi gikoree gi bo kp?i.God's ways of whipping is different.gikosoNoungeneration? k??la giky?. M?-gikoso p?wu m? wu'.He has lived for very long. Everybody in his generation has died.gikoso-g?gyanbu?Adjectiveequal-termsMe? kya laar? gikoso-g?gyabu? g?kyena.I do not like staying as if we are in equal terms.gikotoosnailgik?Noundebt? d? gik?.He has a debt.gik?nNounfist; blow with fistKublah ge ?n? Patrick gik?n.Kublah punched Patrick with his fist.gik??d?Nounbottom; anus; at the foot ofIbin ibo gebii m? gik??d?.There is faeces in the child's anus.gik?r?NoundrumPaul kya lan gik?r?.Paul is playing a drum.gikpaakpaaNouna type of treeMe kee n? w?ra gikpaakpaa-abi agy?fu?-ayaawol? ker?.I also wore gikpaakpaa seeds' shells (pods) before.GikpaaraProper Nouna person's nameGikpaara m?-s? ne nt? g?bunon g?nen nsi nd? d?.Gikpaara's father is the chief priest these years.gikpaaraNouncompoundM? kp?d? gikpaara m?.They have made the compound dirty.gikpaatenNounmileOsenke ge kyun me so f?? gikpaaten kolon.Osenke walked a mile ahead of me.gikpad?Nountimegikpad? giny?second timegikpagaNounday of the weekGikpaga ne n gye Akyode g?k? bel?.Gikpaga is the important day of the Akyode week.gikpakpafuiNounclaping stick usedwhen dancingAkpakpafui ne m? kyu kya.They use akpakpafui when dancing.gikpakparaNounkernel inside of palmnutNbii m? ge kya bori akpakpara.The children are breaking some palm kernel.gikpakparaaAdjectivewithout soupFo sa me g?pal? gikpakparaa.You gave me fufu without soup.gikpalanNounflat placeM? kya d?? gikpalan de m?' p?r? obu.They are weeding a flat place to build a house.gikpal?NounproverbAbelens? m? nyi akpal? gida.The elders know how to say proverbs.gikpankpanlanbuiNounkind of stoneGikpankpanlanbui gi fuuli.A type of rock that is white.gikpankparanNounshin bonegikpenNoungroupAsa gikpen.Group of peoplegikpenyen?anlenbiNounsmall bellsG?sata gi s?? gikpenye?anlenbi.G?sata has bought himself a small bell.gikpiiNounanother townN kya kpe gikpii.I am going to another town.gikpookpooNouna type of treegikp?NounliverFo nya-kp?, n? ny? afufu.Are you annoyed?gikp?gooNounhair hanging from sheep's neckLaar? sand? gikp?goo ba de n' n bela.Look for a sheep with hair hanging down its neck.gikp?woocrygikueNumeraleightAlofun? gi ny? igyo gikue.Alofun? got eight yams.gikuiiNounbambara beanAky? ako ?nan ne m? kya ter? y??, akuii.A type of large bean is called bambara bean.giku??Nounkind of treeNdenu gi ?? giku??.Ndenu cut down an giku?? tree.gikuruNounclothMe-gikuru gi t??.My cloth tore.gikuw??r?Noun1.buttocksM?-gikuw??r? gi kiir?.Her buttocks are big.2.meaningIlaa m? gikuw??r? ne n? l?? sa fo faa.That is the meaning as I have explained to you.gikyaafiyaNounislandPaul gi kpa kyena gikyaafiya so.Paul went and stayed on an island.gikyakaNouna bunch of; a stalkAlofun? gi sa Kpadiwura akutu gikyaka.Alofun? gave Kpadiwura a bunch of oranges.gikyakaaNounrattleM? kya kyaa m?, me ne n kya ?m?? akyakaa.When they dance, it is I who beats the rattle.gikyanbuiNounhard rockGikyanbui gi boran sa g?soli.Gikyanbui is good for (making stoves).gikyand??NounruinsFo laa p?r? fo-s? gikyand?? so.You will build on the ruins of what your father built.gikyangbonNounpublic meeting roomM? kya gyan' gikyangbon d?.They are meeting in the public meeting room.giky?Nounbeangiky?Nounrainy seasonGiky? gi loo.It is now rainy season.gikyiikuruNounfemale clothN? kyu me-ka gikyiikuru.I took my wife's female cloth.?ko gi yuuri fo-nyi gikyiikuru.Somebody stole your mother' female cloth.gikyikalaNounritual number for women?kyii gikyikala gi gy? daa ginan.Gikyikala for women is four times.gikyoliNounfish trapMe-gikyoli gi da ik?t??.My fish trap caught crabs.giky?NounmuchNatali bo aterenbi giky?.Natalie has much money.giky?'Nouna type of flygiky? m? gi w?ra nkyu, a laa l?? gim? nd?no example translationgikyuguleeNounmushroomgilanNounhipM? gilan gi sengi.He has some pains at his hip.gilanbanb?Nounbarren woman? gy? ?lanbanb?.She is a barren woman.giland?Noun???t?d?-ginun gibono g?bololo g? mada de gim? m?no example translationgiliVerbget angryAtabaso gegili.Atabaso got angry.gilig?Verbgo around the side; walk byD?? gilig?.He farmed around.gilongoNoundisposable basket made from palm branches for carrying things home from farm? kya da gilongo.He is making a temporary palm basket.gilonp?Nounkind of shade treeGilonp? m? gi bo oyuli.The Gilonp? tree has/gives shade.giloroNounHerniaNbowura bo giloro.Nbowura has hernia (inflation of the testes).gil?Nounsickness? kya l?.He is sick.gil?-ky?AdjectivehealedF? laa ny? gil?-ky? de f? laa bii ilaa ibono so ? m?? tii taa f?ye-gis?biid? m? y?g? m?.You will know why his hand has not been lifted from you.gimaraNounrubber or any sticky liquidNdenu d? gimara.Ndenu is holding some rubber.gimuNounluckIlaa kamas? i gy? daa amu as?.Luck determines everything.gimuNounheadM?-gimu gi kya dun m?.His head trouble someoneDogo kya ginda Saliba.Dogo is troubling be too tightIlaa i ginda obu m?.The room is full of things.Oggo m? kya ginda me.The pants are too small for me.ginebiNounlipAkyiiwol? gi dun ?samesan ginebi.Akyiwol? has bitten ?samessan's lip.ginenbiNountoeM? ginenbi gi bo ?l?.He has a wound on his toe.ginginAdjectivevery hotginsiNouneyeIlaako i loo me-ginsi d?.Something entered my eye.ginsibieyeballginsifonNoun??ny?mes?-ginsi gibaafon gi kya dun m? m?no example translationginsikpanbaaNoun??ginsi gi kya kyaa fo m?no example translationginsiyuwaNouneyelashginunNounmeatGinun m? gi gy?.The meat is rotten.ginunbiNounpiece of meat? bara me ginunbi.He brought me a piece of meat.ginyaboNounbreastAnyabo ne kyokyoo kya nyabo.An infant sucks the breasts.ginyadonNounanger? s?? ginyadon.He became angry.ginyames?Nouna good personalityAnedon ginyamese gi w]ra gi w]ra me gifu.I am surprised by Aneedon's personality.ginyames?biNounlarge crowdGiny?mes?bi gi kpe g?li m?.A large crowd attended the funeral.ginyanNountype of treeM? kya d?? giyan-ibin f??, onufuii.Them burn ginyan faeces like the they do incense.ginyannyanNouna sour yellow fruitAnibo ge laare ginyannyan.Anibo loves ginyannyan.ginyenNounnameM? kya ter? m? ginyen y?? men??What is his name?ginyen-buliNounsemenGinyen-nbuli d? ne n ?kyii kya ny? ?t?.Man's urine / sperm-bearing fluid of male.ginyenbelens?NounsenilityKy?ky?r?ky? ginyenblens? giw?ra ?kon.The old aye fo Kyokyorokyor was a happy one.Ginyengid?Proper Nouna person's name??Ginyengid? m?? taal? w?ra ilaa d?ns? taa yela p?i ne ? wu'no example translationginyenkalaNounritual number for men?nyin ginyinkala gi gy? daa gisa.Culturally, a man must do things three times.ginyenkuruNounmale clothMe-ginyenkuru m? gi t??.My male cloth is torn.Fo? bo ginyen kuru?Don't you have a male cloth?ginyens?AdjectiveM?-ka gikorog? m?, ? ny? ginyens?.When his wife brought forth, she got a man.giny?donVerbangerGiny?don gi kya nyida ilaa.Anger destroys things.ginyiNountoothM?-anyi a fuli.His teeth are white.ginyipuuNounteeth gumMe-ginyipuu gi kya dun me.My tooth gum aches.ginyitooliNouna gap in teethN kya wu isa bo ginyitooli m?-ilaa i bo me-?b?l?.When I see somebody with a hole between his teeth, I admire notNkyoola gi? gy? nkpa.Wealth is not long of nut used for playingAniya gi du a?alan m? nd? d?..Aniya planted some a?alan in his gi yii ?samesan.?samesan is hurt by a gi yii Nbenu.Nbenu is hurt by the hook of the sandAwurat??a ?ara apoo g?n? gi??sii?d?.Treasures are hiding in the sand of sea kya kyu gi?asi p?r? ibu.They use some sand in the construction of periodgi?m??Nountiger nutN? w? gi?m??-gy?s?.I have eaten a rotten tiger ?f? m? gi?min,.Make a knot.Oyii m? bo gi?min.The tree has made i sen.An orphan is difficult.m? kya ter? gi?minbi daa y??, "Ba gyi" m?? kya ter? gi?minbi y??, "Ba gyi ad?ns??."no example translationabuwaru a kya gyi gi? example translationgi?niliiNounknee? kya l? m?-gi?nilii.He is suffering from his capMoto gi kyu kpaa too boori m?-gi?nilii-obundi.He fell from a motor bike and crushed his knee cap.gipaasiiNounswampy?m?l?go kya laar? daa gipaasii d?.Rice does well in swampy places.Aye-l??ri gi kpaa sii gipaasii d?, al?? m? kon ne naa baa g?wi faa.Our lory got stuck.gipanNounscarKosuwa bo gipan bel? ?ko m?-giyaa so.Kosua has a certain big scar on her leg.gipananNounragSa me gipanan n' b? gikara.Give me a rag to make a wu gipanan gi too gibiinaa so m?, gi gyi ginsi ker?.no example translationgipat??-?NounrichlyNd? a laa gyi gipat??-?. M? m?? kuuri.Today we shall eat richly. A pig is being killed.gipenNounwilderness; uninhabited placeM? kyon gipen d?.They have gone to the wilderness.You hear somebody's shouting in the wilderness, "Get ready for the Lord. Make a straight path for him to travel."gipenNouna kind of tree in the forestGipen gi? gy? oyii d?ns?.The gipen tree is a very bad tree.gipen'Nountype of treea laa nuule m? gipen ?k? ny?nny?ng?.no example translationGipen-oyii yel? Siar?-wura gikpaaraa so, Nk?nta.A tree of gipen is standing in the compound of Shiare chief at Nkwanta.Gipen gi gy? daa gib?r?.Gipen is poison.gip?t??NounmudFo ne n kine fo gyere kuuri nn? m?, gip?t?? d? ne ? laa kii kpe.No matter how you bathe the pig, it will certainly return to the mud.gipiniNounmortarFo-gipini gi? ky?, im?so a laa k??la agyud? ad? as?.Your mortar is small, ...gipir?NounhaemorrhoidsMe-bi ?ko gi l? gipir? m? n? ky? m? nsi nun p?i ne ?' l?? ny? alanfiya.When one of my children had haemorrhoids, it took me five years treating him before he recovered.nd? ber? ?ko m?? ba ? kya ny? w?ra ilaa m?-gipir? example translationgipobiNountreeGipobi ne n yel? aye-oyii d? m?.The tree standing in our public gathering is gipobi.giponf?NounbushL?ng? kya ?ara giponf? gid? d?.A rabbit hides in this bush.giporaNounswellingM?-gipora gi punge.My groin is swollen.gip?NounforestOnyim?-l?? gi fu? gip? d?.Onyimeleh is lost in the forest.gip?saaNoungrooveg?toro g?? tii wu gip?saa m?, g? kya d?.no example translationgipubiNountype of birdgipubi gi kya kyena sindi daa ibonno example translationgipu??NounguiltAnewu gi gyi gipu??.Anewu was guilty.gipuliiNounnavelAbintug? bo ?l? m?-gipulii so.Abintuge has a sore on her navel.gipunpuuNounold farmMe gipunpuu ne.This is my old farm.gipuruf?Noun??kond?-gipuruf? m?-nkon gi don isand? example translationgire-gireAdjectivestraight upM?-s? gi wu' owi kenken gire-gire.His father died at noon exactly.girinVerbfirmly fixedAkunyi gi ?minde m?-igyo faa girin.Akunyi has tied up his yams very firmly.gisaalaNounmolar tooth big back teethAneba bo gisaala.Aneba has a decayed tooth.gisaf?Nouncaptivea kpaa w?ra gisaf? m?, a? ny? s?yi; nkyu gi don example translationIsiray?l?-awura m? m? naa kpaa gyi gisaf? Babilon-awura as?.The Israelites were captives under the Babylonians.gisangbenbiyaNounkind of tree; seeds ot that tree, used for medecine??M? kya t? gisengbenbiya-abi w?ra kyokyoo-nkyu nuns? d?.They are putting gisengbenbiya seeds in a baby's drinking water.gisaradooNouna lump of snuffNtela gi sa Tomekpe gisaradoo.Ntela gave Tomekpe a ball of snuff.giseNounhornNyaak? d? naad?-gise.Nyarkor is holding cow's horn.gisebiNouninsultId? i gy? gisebi.This is an insult.giseeliNoungame; playAloo-Abaraso gi laar? giseeli.Aloo-Abaraso loves paying.gisenNoun1.heart2.patience? bo gisen.He has patience.gisen-p??-p??Adjectivesoft-hearted?bono gisen-p??p??.He is soft hearted.gisenfufuliAdjectiverighteous; justIsa ?bono ineesi/ilaa-ny?nny?n i? bo nno.somebody morally goodgisenfufuli-wuraAdjectiverighteousWurubuaar? gy? gisenfufuli-wura.God is righteous.gisengbenbiyaNounnut of a kind of treeGisengbenbiya gi? kya nu gik?r? giyan-giyan f?? iyii sens? abi.This type of nut does not sprout as commonly other trees' seeds.M? kya kyu asengbenbiya-abi kyokyoo-nkyu nuns? d?.They put these seeds into infant's drinking water.gis??Nounwisdom; maturity; sense? nyi gis??.He is wise.M? kyan m? gis?? m?-gyis? g?y? so.He has a mark on his right nyiile aye gi gis?? example translationgis?gb?l?NounforeheadSogyiga-gis?gb?l? gi punge.Sogyigah's forehead is swollen.gis?l?Nounrunning while afraidG?bii g? nyi gis?l?, g?? nyi gi?ara.A child knows how to run, it does not know how to hide.gis?r?Nounpardon? ba d? me-gis?r?.He came and begged me for forgiveness.gisiNounanthillB?d? ne n kya p?r? gisi.It is the termite that builds termite hills.gisi gi w?ra w??l?-w??l?-w??l? ne gi gyi ?kpano example translationgisinNoundoorFo tii gisin m? de safuwoyi?Did you lock the door with a key?gisisaaNounnestKer? g?bu? gisisaa.Look, a bird's nest.?p?t?? y??, ?k? ? laa luoo m?-gisisaa.The vulture said, tomorrow it will build its nest.gisisiriNounsweatGisisiri gi kya m?? me.I am sweating (sweat is killing me).Gisisiri gibono gi k?r? Yesu owi ?bono ? kya dalaa G?s?m?ni m? gi d? f?? nkalan.The sweat that went out Jesus at Gethsemane was like blood.gisob?Nouncarelessness; negligenceAbonkpagyi bo gisob?.Abonkpegyi is careless.gisodooNounmud ballKanpuni gi sola gisodoo.Kanpuni is carrying a ball of mud (for building).Gisodoo gibono ibu-ap?r?bo m? m? kine m? ne n baa y?g? ne ?bu m? gi yii.The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone of the house.gison??wormgisons??NounwormG?buii g? keda gisuns??.A bird caught a worm.Wurubuaar? gi y?g? wura H?r??d? gi gy? loo asons?? p?i ne ? l?? wu'no example translationgisoroAdjective1.longM?-ayaa a bo gisoro.His legs are long.2.tallgis?NounearM?-gis? giko gi kebi.His one ear is cut off.?l? gi fondi m?-gis?.A wound has made a hole in his/her ear.F? gyi nb?l? m?, an? ne n gyi as??Who was innocent in the court case?gis?maanuNoundisobedienceMe? w?ra giso?aanu.I was not disobedient.gis??gyiNounfaithFo-gis??gyi gi? ky?.Your faith is not strong (plenty).gisunbiNounfetish itemSoosi gi sa Boateng gisunbi.Soosi gave Boateng a fetish article.gitaNounbow? m?? kond? de gita.He killed an elephant with a bow and arrow.gitaaNounscarfKyiif? gi sa An?ba gitaa.Kyiifor gave Aneba a headgear.gitaabanNounpiece of clothabel?ns? m? kya kyu obuni-g?n? gitaaban w?ra ilaano example translationgitaakpanNounforefathers' landPawa-awura m? kyon m?m?-gitaakpan d?.Pawa people are gone to their old residence place.gitanNountrail of a trapped animalA kya buu gitan m?.Let’s go after the trail.A ma? buu fo-gitan.We us not follow yours.gitantanNounsole of the foot; palm of the handAtantan a ky? Siar? giky?.There are many atantan in Siare.gitebiNounvulva?kyii ma? kya ?ara m?-gitebi ?korog?ten.A woman does not hide her vulva on delivery times.giteeNounfermented guinea corn? fadaa gitee ne tiid? m? gi ba w? ne ? nun nkyu m?, o wu'.She dried germinated guinea corn used for making wine and a goat ate it, drank water and died.giterenbiNouna coin; moneySa me giterenbi de n' kyu kpe giyaaso.Give me a coin and I will attend to nature's call.giterenbi-gibiNouncoinMe-giterenbi-gibi gi fu?.My coin is lost.Yesu gi da gikpal? kyu lii giterenbi-gibi so.Jesus told a parable about a coin.git??NounfeatherSa me gyaabara-git??.Give me gyaabara's feather.git?fonNounbuttocks?kyii gitafon kolon neno example translationKer?, y??, ? w?ra ogo ne y?g? m?-gitafon gi d? nkan.Look, he has pants on, yet one of his buttocks is lying aside.gitibelaNounjujuM?-gitibela m? gi lii gya.His juju worked.gitiriNounneedIlaa m? i gyi me gitiri.It is a need to me.gitiripoNounpuddleGitiripo gid? d? ne g?bii m? g? t?r? m?.This is the puddle in which the child fell.gitolonNounmercy; forgivenessAbintuge bo gitolon.Abintuge is merciful.git?Nouna hoegit?NounthingFo wu' m?, m? me? kyu fo-at? d??s? pule de fo.When you die, they don't bury your things with you.Git? gid? gi? gy? fo-l??, fo kya puru de i' w?ra men?t??The thing is not yours, you are taking it for what?git?r?soAdjectivefalling place? kya kpe m?, ? ti ? kya ker? m?-git?r?so.He was looking for his falling place as he goes.gitubiNounbulletGitubi bel? kolon ne n kya m?? kond?.Is only one big bullet which kills an elephant.D?nt?kagi s?? gitubi.Denteka has bought a bullet.gitunkyuNounbody partNbii- ginun t?w?s? ne n gy? gitunkyu.Gitunkyu is a piece of meat that children roast and eat.Gitunkyu ne n kya y? ibin de afofonsana.Gitunkyu is separating lungs and intestines.giwaagaNountype of treeGiwaaga-ilin ne n? san n kya w?.I have now resolved to chewing giwaaga root.giwayuNouncornKwame gi sa Kyif? giwayu.Kwame gave Chifor a cob of maize.giwiiNounthorn treekond? ber?, m?? sel? giwii d? example translationgiwii gi kya gyi me-nd?? g?t?? example translationgiwokyaaNounwhipGiwokyaa gi d? m? as? owi kamaas? d?,.There is a whip with him every day.giwol?Noun1.hide of animalAn?tan gi sa Moninyi giwol?.Anetan gave Moninyi an animal-skin.2.cloudgiwolonfuoNounemptiness? naa daa giwolonfuo.He is walking empty handed.Akyunyi y??, "Giwolonfuo."no example translationgiwooNounrescueF? gyan me giwoo.Rescue me.giw?g?d?NounhoofKond?-giw?g?d? gi bolon f?? gibui.An elephant's hoof is strong as a stone.giw?liiNounfinger nail? kyan me giw?liino example translationgiw??Nounsnakegiw?r?NounpenisKer? ?nyen m? giw?r? ?kiir?.Look at the largeness of the man's penis.giw?r?biNountesticle?nyen ?ko ber?, ? bo daa giw?r?bi kolon.A certain man has one testicle.giwukyaaNouna leather whip?muwanseebo-giwukyaa gi gyan m?-gibaakpan so.The leader of women cult's leather whip is on her shoulder.giwulibiNounwhipNkp?ky? bo giwulibi.Nkpeky? has a whip.giwuradanganNounplantM? kya kyu giwuratangan-afadaa kyu w?ra gif?b??.Giwuradangan's leaves are used to make gif?b??.giwurap?Nounancestral landM?? kya loo giwurap? d? giyan-gyan.They don't enter the ancestral land at random.giwuyeNounboneKond?-giwuye gi kiir? ny? g?toro-l??.An elephant's bone is bigger than an antelope's.giyaaNounlegLaw?? kya l? giyaa.Laweh has a sore on his leg.giyaa ginsiAnklegiyaa-tintirinheelgiyaasoNounnature's call? nu ilaa m? m?, giyaaso gi keda m? gikolon.When he heard the news, he felt like attending nature's call right away.giyaatantanNounbottom of footgiyaatintirinNounheel? kya kp??d? me-giyaatintirin ngbini.He is stepping on my heel.? w?ra gumu-d?ns? giky?; i lii f??, ?doo m? gi keda daa m?-giyaatintirin d?.no example translationgiyaawol?Nounshoe; sandalGikpaara giyaawol? gi fu?e.The sandal of Gikpara is lost.giyanAdjectiveidle?nyen m? t? giyan.The man is sitting idle.giyeeNounmadness; mental disturbanceAma-giyee m? gi kine.Ama's madness has worsened.giyee gi ta nn? m?, ibono m? laa kyu ?aala nbii m? ber?, i ma? example translationgiyel?soNounpositionIsiray?l?-awura m? m? laar? m?m?- giyel?so ik? m? d?.The Israelites took up their position in the battle.giy??NounmouseGiy?? gi kya w? me-akatuwa.A mouse is eating my groundnuts.giyii-g?s?NounbeginningIlaa kamaas? giyii-g?s? ne n bolon.It is the beginning of everything which is hard.golongolonAdjective1.crookedM? bo golongolon.The path is crooked.2.deceitfulgongyiNountambourineNw?n d? ne m? kya kyu gongyi bii ilon kol? aterenbi.It is in the Dagomba area that they use tambourine in singing to beg for money.guduNumeraltenAsa gudu ne n wu' g?k? kolon.Ten people died the same day.Yesu gi taas? y??, "I? gy? f?yegudu ne n? ky? m?? ne sango m? san m? de-e?"Jesus asked, "Is it not ten of you I healed? Where are the remaining nine?"gugyungulunNouncontainer for carrying palm wineAbantu gigyungulun gi boori.The wine pot of Abantu is broken.gulunNoun??? kp?l?g? loo gulund?.no example translationgulunguNounclub stickAnenyi bo gulungu.Anenyi has a club.Dedaa itu i? bo no m, gulungu ne n gy? gidont? gyangbaras?.In the days of old when there were no guns, a club was the first weapon.gumuNounhead? bara gumu.He is lucky.? dan gumu.He has a big head.bala y??, bara gumu de fo' y?g? ? example translationgumu-dendenNountip? loo ?b? m? d? ta. M?-gumu-denden ne fo kya wu.He is almost covered up in the hole. Only the tip of his head is what you see.? don m? gumu-denden.He is taller than him by inches.gumu-d?ns?NounluckFo ber?, fo w?ra gumu-d?ns?.As for you, you are lucky.gumufonNounside of the headN kya l? gumufon.I am sick on the side of my head.guuniProper Noun1.lionGad? t? nno f?? guunino example translation2.lionguuniNounlionGuuni de a?aala.Lion is threatening.guwanNounsingleI wu' san me nkon guwan.All of them dead and I am the only left.Kpe gikolon guwan de fo' taa y?g?.Go only once and stop.guyu-?foliiNounguinea corn stalkIb?d? m? kya laa guyu-?folii giw?.Termites like eating guinea corn's m? bo gya.The rice is hot.2.powerfulAtimis?-?kp?r? m? bo gya.The god Atimese is chase someone; to catch someoneGya g?bii m? keda.Run after the child and catch it.Atimis?-?kp?r? m? bo gya.The god Atimese is warn someone; to stop someoneGya m? nta ginun.Stop him from drinking liquor.gyaaVerbto stop; to fallGyaa ?mii Yesu-ayaa d?.Knelt at Jesus' feet.gyaabaraNountime birdgyaabara m?? kya gyi abi; m? m? ne n s?? p??r? taa bonfuli y?g?.no example translationgyaabiiVerbmockFo kya gyaabii me ne?Are you mocking me?gyaabuniNoun??M? gyere m? gyaabuni.They purified with with m?? isa ne m? kala kya nyala fo m?, gyaabuni ne m? kya gyere fo de i gya m?.no example translationgyaatanboNounblind personBeligi gye gyaatanbo.Beligi is blind.gyagaAdjectivestupidFo gy? isa gyaga.You are a stupid person.gyalab?Verbto rinse; to clean; to washN? gyalab? akuru m?.I rinsed my clothes.Nyangbon m? gi gyalabo nkalan p?wu koso.The rain has washed all the blood away.gyamagyamaNounhump of a zebu cownaad?-gyamagyama m? gy? daa inun so-o; giwuye gi? saar? example sit onGyan agyud? sa asaf? m?.Cook something for the visitors.? kyu safuwoyi m? gyan obu-?p??r? m? so.He has placed the key on the wall.Wolaa kpaa gyan gari m? abui b?la.You should go and put more stones on the meetA' kpaa gyan nd?? d?.Let's meet in the farm.gyanbu-nyiNoungreat hunterGyanbu?-giyenbi giko ne n gy? y??, gyanbu?-nyi.One of a great hunter's nick names is gyabu?-nyi.gyanbu?NounhunterAniya gy? gyanbu?.Aniya is a hunter.Gyanbu?-IsaProper Nouna person's nameGyanbu?-Isa gi sii afufuli m? d?.Gyanbu?-Isa has remained among the whites.Gyanbu?-WuraProper Nouna person's nameGyanbu?-Wura ne n ba ky? log?.Gyanbu?-Wura was the one who came and healed her finally.gyangaraVerbmeetKana a laa baa gyangara fo.Later we will come and meet you.gyangbaraVerbleadKyiif? gi gyangbara.Kyiifor has taken the lead.gyankpaAdjectivemysterious vision? bo gyankpa.He has the ability of seeing mysteriously.Isa ?bono ? bo gyankpa m? kya keda ikp?.The one who sees mysteriously catches witches/wizards.gyantar-rNounfrog with long legsGyantar-r y??, nkyu ne n gy? g?li.Frog says water is is what make a funeral enjoyable.gyaranbuwaNouncatMe ber?, n kya laar? gyaranbuwa-ilaa don gy??no.As for me, I love cat more than dog.gyaranbuwa-niyapeniNounbush catGyaranbuwa-niyapeni gy? daa if? d? g?bu?.Gyaranbuwa-niyapeni is a wild animal.gyelengiNoun?? a kind of foodP?-??? d? ne gyelengi kya p??r?.Gyelengi ripens at the time of making new farms.gyereVerbbathGyere giny? g?k? d?.Bathe two times in a day.Gyere de a' kpe wura gewi.Take a bath for us to go to the chief's house.gyerebiVerblossnyangbon m? gi da m? nkyu gi gyi m? gyerebino example translationfo k?l? me m?, gyerebi laa gyi example translationgyerefuuliNoun??Bos? sonos? d? ne gyerefuuli kya ba.The seventh month brings famine.gyeruNoun??Bara-?gya m?? bo m?, gyeru ne m? kya kyu w?ra ?gya.In the absence of matches, they use gyeru to set fire.koosi gyeru de fo' kyu tii gy?l? m? ?fuiilaa m?.no example translationgy?Verbbe?k? ne n gy? Kosida.Tomorrow is aye so.Protect; fine? sen faa gy?gy?ragya.He has grown very pepper? kya f? gy?yi.He is selling black pepper.m? kya kyu gy?yi-abi w?ra ip?.no example translationgyiVerbeat? kya gyi g?pal?.He is eating some fufu.Me ne n gyi m?-kpongyo.I inherited from him.Gyi-At?Proper Nouna person's nameGyi-At? gi s?g? m?-bino example translationgyig?-gyig?Adjectiveslim?kyii m? ker? faa gyig?-gyig? f??, ?f?.The woman is as slim as a rope.gyigisiVerbshakeKwaku kya gyigisi aterenbi abi m? ogo ?b? d?.Kwaku is shaking some coins in his pocket.owi ?bono g?sinkpan g? gyigisi m?, m?? tii korog? meno example translationaterenbi ne n y?g? ne ?sowol? m? kya gyigisi g?nen example translationgyiid?Verbto boast; to show off? bo ?lon don ako, im?so ? kya gyiid?.He has more strength than others, therefore he is boasting.? kya l? ne f?ye y??, ? kya gyiid? faano example translationgyiileVerbfeedP??lo kya gyiile G?nyingi.Paul is feeding G?nyingi.Me? ba n gy? kyokyoo de m?' gyiile me.I am no longer a child to be hand fed.gyikiVerbtease? kya l?? me gyiki.He is teasing me.? don don gyiki.He is fond of teasing.gyingyilanNounlyreF?' kyu gyingyilan kyu bii ilon l?? Wurubuaar?-ginyen.Use the lyre to sing praises to God.gyis?NounrightMe-gibaa gyis?.My right hand.gyodiVerbsmashAn?ba kya gyodi ginun.Aneba is pounding the meat.y?g? n' gyodi kitiki m? sa example translationgyofuny?Nounmashed yam with oilG?sata gi laare gyoguny?.Gesata loves mashed yam.gyogyiNounyam festivalAsaf? m? laa ba Siar? gyogyi d?.Strangers will come to Shiare during the yam festival.gyondiVerbsink in?bel?ns? m? g?kyan m? gi gyondi.The grave sank in.naa ne n gyondi me w?ra agyondiworo d?.no example translationgyongaVerbsquatfo laar? ?ko m?-ka m?, m? kya y?g? gyonga oyii d? de m?' kas? sola example translationgyooVerbwaitN gyoo fo.I am waiting for you.gyoomaal?NounpotatoesAnewu bo gyoomaal?.Anewu has some potatoes.gyoonoNoundogGyono gy? g?wi g?bu?.Dog is a domestic animal.ilaa ibono gyaranbuwa kya wu ne ?? kya ka g?n?, gyoono ber?, gi wu im? m?, ? ti ? kya gbesino example translationgyoonokpaakpaaNouncockroachN? m?? gyoonokpaakpaa.I killed a cockroach.gyoonokpaakpaa kya w? example translationgyoyiiNoun??M? kya kyu gyoyii kyu kuru igyo.Gyoyii is used for harvesting gi kyena m?, m?-oyiiw?s? ne n gy? gyoyiino example translationgy? rotIgyo m? i gy?.The yam is rotten.aniya-awura ne n kya gy? g?sinsin l?? g?m?-opinno example dress or butcher an animalGyanbu? m? gi m?? kond?. A kya kpe de a' kpaa gy? m? de a' ba.The hunter has killed an elephant. We are going to dress outGy?g? awayu sa fo-naana.Fetch some maize for your grandmother.abi m?, a p??; ide ber?, a laa gy?g?no example translationgy?kpataaNounviperMe ber?, n d? faa gy?kpataa.As for me, I am like the for catching palm wineAkoola gi sa Kyenbewu nta gy?l?.Akoola gave Kyenbewu a gourd of small gourd for storing seeds for plantingGy?nProper Nouna person's name; Johngy??r?Verbpush downAfuu a gy??r? if?.The wind has pushed down the baa w?ra ilaa-gy?s? ibono ?nan g?kaakono example translationginun-gy?s? ne fo kpaa ny? ba?no example translationgyugbataaAdjectiveheavy? ker? gyugbataa f??, ibin de apananno example translationgyulongbanAdjectiveheavynaa nfono example translationgyuraaVerbpurifyAn? ne n gyuraa fo?Who cancelled your taboo?HhhaAdjectivebe worriedIlaa iko i kya ha fo?Is something disturbing / worrying you?hanwonPronounexpression of disagreement and disgustHanwon! naa nfono.Get away! (That's ridiculous.)hayinAdverbbrightI kya wu hayin!It's very bright / you can see very well.Aniibo y??, "Hayin."no example translationh?layiexclamationexpression of boasting nonchalanceH?layi! nan daar? fo nd?.He exclaims that he will beat her today.huanAdjectivewideFo-??man huan!Your nose wide-like-that!IiiPronounit (impersonal)I gy? g?sintin y??, nan ba wu f?ye.It is true that I will come and see you.I gy? ilaa tiris?.It is important.ibii-laaAdjectivechildishfo kya w?ra example translationfo? baa taa ibii-laa y?g? g?nen?no example translationibinNounfaeces? k?? ibin.He defecated faeces.IboProper Nouna person's name meaning "It has a meaning."I bo g?s?.It has a meaning.IbogamaraProper Nouna person's name meaning "It is behind or coming"I bo gamara i kya ba.It is behind/coming.Ibokonsa-An?Proper Nouna person's namei bo k?n sa an??no example translationibonNounriversIbon saky? i kya kyon kpaa loo apoo d?.Many rivers flow into the sea.Fo bo ibon.You are treacherous.ibonoAdjectivethatIlaa ibono i d? nno faa, i gy? daa aterenbi.That thing lying there is money.Ibono n naa mi-i yiy?? faa, ?ko maa laar? me.Now that I am suffering nobody will love me.ibos?NounmonthsMe-bi gi gyi ibos? gikue.My child is eight mouths old.ib?d?NountermitesIb?d? i kya w?ra g?n? daa ne m? kya w? guyu-?folii.Termites are united before they are able to eat the stock of guinea corn.ib?d?baaNountowelsIb?d?baa ginsi-ginsi i lii kon.There are different kinds of towels in the system now.ib?l?nb?Nouncorners of wall, room or buildingIb?l?nb? d? ne ilaa kpan-kpan i kya laar? g kyena.Dangerous things like hiding / staying corners.Ib??n?Proper Nouna woman's nameIb??n? m?-kuli ne n kya k?? kuuri f? Nsana Songo m?.Ib??n?'s husband sells pork at Nsana Zongo.ibuniNouncorpsesNd?-nbii gi? ba gi sel? ibuni.Children of today do not fear corpses.idegyiNoun??? kya l? odegyi.He has a cool.ideriNoundreamsIderi iko i kya w?ra gifuu.Some dreams are ne n gy? ilaa ibono i tiri sa nyames?.This is what is important for man.Id?-IgyooProper Nouna person's nameId?-Igyoo gi kine sukuu.Id?-Igyoo refused to go to school.Id?-M?m?soProper Nouna person's nameId?-M?m?so ne n kya nyiile m?m? ilaa-ny?nny?n m?.Id?-M?m?so is the one teaching them the evil things.idoof?Nountraps of a cerrtain kindA soo idoof? aye-nbii d? w?ra aye-nyoro d?.We set those kinds of traps a lot in our childhood.iduwanseeNountoilet pitAnebo gi t?r? duwansee d?.Anebo fell into the toilet pit.if?Noun1.undeveloped landAnyankeda bo if? d?.Anyankeda is in the bush.? loo if?.He has travelled.2.grassMe-nd?? gi loo if?.My farm is full of grass.if?Nounropesif?boliNoungreen grassYesu gi y?g? m? gbaa-gbaa kyena if?boli ibono i bo no m? so.Jesus made them sit on the green grass which was there.if?d?-naad?NounbuffaloIf?d?-naad? ne l?? m? giden g?nen.A buffalo damaged him like that.ifuuNounbody hairM?-nyoro so i bo ifuu.He is hairy.M? kya kyu isand? ifuu w?ra akuru de ikuntun.They use hairs for making cloths and blankets.igbaas?Nounfractures; breaksM?-gil? m? gi gy? daa igbaas?.His illness is fractures.igbefuuNounmane of a lion or sheepM? kya kyu sand? igbefuu kyu baa g?kun.They use a sheep's mane to g?kun.igbekeliNounrows? kyu m?-itasa gyan teebulu so igbekeli so.She arranged her pans in rows on a table.igb?Nouna game with sticks and a needleM? kya too igb?.They are playing igb?.igenNounedgesFo kya p?r? g?solii m?, m?? igen m? w?ra.When you are building an oven, do not show the edges.igoNounpantsig??NounboilsIg?? i w?ra m?-ib?nb?lii d?.He has boils in his armpit.igyeretenNounbathing placesSiar? i bo igyereten bo-ayens?.Shiare has a scarcity of bathing stalls.igyesiiNounsmokeIgyesii i tii de obu m?.The room is filled with smoke.Igy?-Ayel??Proper Nouna person's nameIgy?-Ayel?? m?? taa wu b??lo m?.Igy?-Ayel?? did not see the ball.igy?gaaAdjectivemeaningless; uselessIgy?gaa ne fo t?g? faa.What you are saying is useless.Igy?me-l??Proper Nouna person's nameIgy?me-L?? gy? onyiilebo Bonaky?.Igy?me-L?? is a teacher at Bonaky?.Igy?m?m?Proper Nouna man's nameIgy?m?m? san ? kya kpe sukuu so m?, ?? tii dena.Igy?m?m? is still attending, so he has not yet married.ikalanNounmessagesM? sa-sa me ikalan faa birim.They have given me many messages.ikamaas?Pronouneverything; anythingIkamaas? ibono Wurubuaar? kya w?ra m?, i boran.Whatever God does is very good.ikarawooNounbreakable dishesOboriniana-itasagyis? i gy? daa ikarawoo.The white people’s dishes that they eat from are breakable.ikenNounfishAnyaba kya f? iken.Anyaba sells fish.iken-akedaboNounfishermenYesu gi ter? iken-akedabo baa w?ra m?-g?mara abuubo.Jesus called fishermen to be his followers.iken-?kedaboNounfishermanPiita gi w?ra iken-?kedabo.Peter was a fisherman.ikoAdjectivesomeIgyo iko id? me-obu d?.There are some yams in my room.Ker? iko y??, ? t?.Look at him like it.ikononbuunknownlepersIkononbu gudu i kol? Yesu ne ? ky? m?m?-gil?.Ten lepers begged Jesus and he healed them.ikori-ikoNounanyMe? nyi im? ikori-iko.I don't know any of them.Im? ikori-iko i? f? me-gis?.I care less about any of it.ik?NounwarM?-s? gi sii ik? d?.His father was killed in battle.ik??tenNountoiletsnno m? kya k?? m?places where they go to toiletikpenNouna kind of playNbii m? gi kya seeli ikpen.The children are playing that type of play.ikp?kp?yiNouna kind of treeNbii gi kya kyu ikp?kp?yi seeli y??, m?m? itu ne.Children play with ikp?kp?yi as their guns.Aye p?wu a too ikp?kp?yi baa kyon.We all played with ikp?kp?yi.Ikp?kp?yi-atubi ne n gy? kpasaawo-abi.Bullets for ikp?kp?yi are the seeds of kpasaawo.ikpootiiNounclubsOtu ny?ny?n-ny?ny?n nn? m?, i bo ikpootii.A bad gun is better than clubs.ikuntenNounhiding placesP??lo gi sii kyena Ikunten aw?? aber? d?.Paul remained at Ikunten during winter.ikyokyooNouna type of treeM? kya k?r? ikyokyoo b?biid? ny?mes?-g?ten punges?, isingis? de igbaas?.They use ikyokyoo for treating swells, fractures and broken places.ikyukpanNoundrainagesthere are many drainages in the example translationilaaNounthing(s)Nt??la bo ilaa giky?.Nt??la has a lot of things.Adeewu y??, "Ilaa i ba."Adeewu said something serious has happened.ilaakoNounsomethingN bo ilaako nan t?g? fo.I have something to tell you.ilaayanAdjectiveimmoral? bo ilaayan.He/she is immoral.?kyii wol?gy?bo kamas? bo ilaayan.Every lazy woman is leads immoral life.ilinNounrootsM? don kuru oyii m? ilin giky? so m?, sinde o wu'.They over dug the roots of the tree, it died last year.N kya d? g?ny? m?. me-akyobo m?, m? naa maa kuru me-ilin.While I am in bed, my enemies go about destroying my progress.M? kundun me-ilin p?wu; nd? n? san n t? f??, g?kaako me? wu gumu d?ns? ker?.They have killed all my children, today I am like a barren woman.ilokoNouna type of tree found in the forestIdun i kya ta ap? d? so m?, iloko d? ne m? san loo m? kya kyan.Odum tree are getting finished in the forests, so they are now sowing iloko for lumber.imanNounhairs?kyii m? bo iman bosoros?.The woman has long; snotKpaa fiy?, g?? baa nyaad? im??lin kpasa fo-?daagila f?? fo gy? daa g?bii.Go and blow your nose, do not rub mucous / snot against your chin like a; whichIm? im?m??Which of them?im?PronounitSa aye im? kee.Give it to us ba im? so daa.He came because of kya l? im?so koso kpe m? as?.Your mother is sick, so get up and go to her.imuumuuNoundumbM? gy? daa imuumuu.They are dumb.inanNumeralfourN soo igyo inan.I am carrying four yams.InangyaVerbraceA laa sel? ?nangya.We will run a race.ineesiNoundirt? bo ineesi.She is bo ilaa inun.There are five things.iny?NountwoLent? bo ibu iny?.Lenteh has five rooms.i?Pronounit notI? gy? wura so ne anaa.It is not because of the chief that we came.i?al?Nounscent; smellipaaNounguinea-wormsgil?t? gikono example translationipaaf?Nounwoven rope? kya da ipaf?.He is weaving the rope.ipeeliNounshy; shame? bo ipeeli.He is shy.iperenAdjectiveclearipetewuuAdjectivebroadip?t??NounvulturesIp? t?? i m?? kya d? asisaa d?.Vultures do not sleep in nets.ipininbiiNounpestlesO nyi ipininbii gisal?.He knows how to carve/make pestles.ip?NounsoupIp? m? i siida.The soup is thick.ip??r?Nounwallsobu-ip??r?no example translationipunges?Nounsomething swollenipuwaky?NounfacetiousnessFo bo ipuwaky?.You are being facetious.isaNounperson? gy? isa.He is a (good) person.isa'NumeralthreeIsa i boran ny? iny? boran.Three is better than two.isaf?NounstrangerIsagy?-?lonProper Nouna person's name meaning "If you have people , you have strength."Isa ne n gy?.If you have people, you have strength.IsasoProper Nouna person's nameiseeNumeralsix? sa m? iwol? isee.He gave him six books.iseeliNoungame; play; sportKuubela gi laar? iseeli.Kuubela likes soo is?.He is carrying some (type)isingis?NoundislocationsisintiribuNounteats? korog? isintiribu isa m?-nkonhe alone had three teatsisoboNounthighsM?-isobo i kiir? f??, ? kyena daa abii d?.He/she has big thigh as if he/she stayed in mountainous area.itab?r?AdjectivedestructiveFo bo itab?r?.You are destructive.itagbatagbaAdjectiveshallow? kya t??l? itagbatagba m? d?.He is swimming in the shallow Akua la ba ?k?.Maybe Akua will come tomorrow.itiiNounpegs? yii itii g?sinkpan m? ?kara-?kara.He has put pegs on the boundary.itiriVerbimportantItiri me pa-a.It is important to me.IwameProper Nouna person's name meaning "Destroyed"Iwame gi wu deeri.Iwame died yesterday.iwiNounhoursI san pii de i?m? iwi sono.It is left with some few minutes to seven.iwuliiNounstick or stalk use for preparing porridgeIwulii ber? i? bo ?laar?sen iko.These are not difficult to get.KkkaVerbadviseKpaa ka fo-bi m? d??dan.Go and advise your child properly.kaVerbpay? ka gik? m?.He paid the debt.ka-kaNouna long timeN? gyo fo ka-ka kpon.I waited so long in vain for you.kaa-kaaNounalso notSige Yaw m?? d? nd?? kaa-kaa ? kya ?maal?.This year Yaw did not make a new farm. He is also not weeding.kaaboVerbbe enoughI kaabo g?nen.That's enough.kaabor?Verb1.fitMe-g?gb? g? kaabor? me.My shirt fits fitting; shouldkaabor?PrepositionuntilN? kyena kaabor? ? ba.I wait until he comes.kaafaraNounperson who doesn't like to work? gy? daa kaafara.He is a lazy person.kaakaaAdjectivelet determine the cause of a deathM? kya kaala obuni m?.They are judging the measurekaalad?Nounall night long; until day break? saawo kaalad?.He cried until day break.kaasaaunknownexclamation expressing disgustKaasa, fo ma? baa ny? gyi de me.Yuck, you will not eat with me again.kaas?NounfellowKaas? ?ko kya ba.A certain fellow is coming.kadagb??Adjectivebig and shapelessKer? m?-g?n? kadagb?? m?.Your mouth is big and shapeless.kafaNouncorn porridgeF?' sa aye kafa.Give us some corn porridge.kafaraNounexcuse meKafara, ?nyen.Excuse me, man.kakaduroNoungingerFo kya l?; ?k? m? laa w?ra fo kakaduro.You are sick. Tomorrow they will give you a ginger enema.kalanbu?NoungrasscutterKalanbu? y??, adaagyii ne n gy? oyii-giw?.The grasscutter says, the availability of time makes one to chew/brush his teeth.kalapuntunNounkapokAfuu a kya buru kalapuntun m?.The wind/air is carrying the kapok.kal?Verb1.countNd?me-L?? kya kal? m?-aterenbi.He is counting his laa kal? ?wol?.He will read.3.say good-bye? kal? me deeri.He said good-bye to me yesterday.kal?s?AdjectivefewI san me nk? kal?s? de n' kpe g?wi.I am left with few days to go home.kamaas?Adjectiveeach; everyIsa kamaas? bo g?n?.Every human being has a mouth.kamp?Adjectivepretty; nice? bo kamp? pa-a.She is really pretty.kampuniNouncadaver; corpse; carcassKampuni m? kya lii son.The corpse stinks.kanVerbdrive? kan l??ri lii Nkaran baa loo Nk?nta.He drove a lorry from Accra to Nkwanta.kanaAdverblaterKana fo' baa wu e and see me later.kang?Verbthink, ponder? kya kang?.He is thinking.kangyagaNounsmall egusi seedsAfua gi w?ra kangyaga-ip?.Afua made some soup with some kangyaga.kankamaNounorangeAn??ba kya f? kankama.An??ba is selling oranges.kankamaaburuburuNounlimekankanAdjectiveapart; with space in betweenM? d?? agyesii m? kankan giky?.They raised the yam mounds far apart from one another.kankantanAdjective1.tall? ker? kankantan.He is tall.?nyen kankantan m? kya ba.The tall man is coming.2.long?kpa m? bo kankantan.The road is long.kankaranAdjectivenasty; inappropriate? ker? kankanran f?? lewu.He looks nasty like death.kankileNounvine, a kind ofKankile kya ky? ?w?da.Kankile cures cough.kanky?Verbinvoke? ter? ?kper? w?ra m?-kola ne m? kanky? w?ra abara.He called a fetish upon her rival and they invoked it among themselves.kankyiiNouniron sheet; iron roof? mal? kankyii.He roofed with iron sheets.kansaliiNounbird, village weaverkantankar?Nountraditional axeKantankar? ne o kyu too m?-nb?.He used a kantankare to fell his palm trees.kantanpaNountype of arrowNbii m? d? kantanpa maa seeli.Children are playing with some type of arrow.kanwaNounmineral; chemicalkarad?NounmonkeyNkii-Adon gi m?? karad?.Nkii-Adon has killed a monkey.karamooNounMuslim divinerKaramo ?ko gi ba aye-g?wi.A Muslim soothsayer has come to our house.karankaranAdjectivebadTiid? gy? g?bu? karankaran.A goat is a bad animal.karas?Verbget stuckI karas? fo-?bol? d??Are you choked in the throat?karawooNouna breakable dishkas?VerblearnKas? de fo' bii.Learn and know.katakper?Adjectivegiant; hugeAsa katakper? ad?.This huge crowd.kat?Verbcross; lay acrossOyii gi kat? me-ayaa d?, ne n? t?r?.A stick fell across my legs and I fell.kayinNoungenuineI gy? g?sintin kayin.It is completely true.kebiVerbcutM? kya kebi ginun.They are cutting meat.? w?ra m?, kebi m?.If he does it, cane/beat him.kedaVerb1.hold; catchM? keda m?.They caught him.2.take care of3.arrestkeeAdjectivealso; tooFo kee fo kpe sukuu?Did you also attend school?kelenNounvery firstkelenbaniNounfoolishly boastfulAmenyi bo kalani pa-a.Amenyi is a braggart.kelennyiNouna type of treekenVerbgrunt? kya ken.He's grunting.ken-kenAdverbfirmly; loudly? keda ken-ken.He held on tight.Kokoti shouted very loudly.kenkenfenAdjectivebigBala-kpgelen m? ker? faa kenkenfen.The ape is very big.kenkerenduweNouna kind of plantkens?r?Nounmud fishkeresiniNounkeroseneker?Verbto look at; to watchBaa ker? fo-s? ne n wu' ? d? g?r? m?.Come and see your father is lying here dead.ketekeNountrain; a certain large bowlket?-ket?AdjectivebitterI bo lolo faa ket?-ket?.It is very bitter.k?VerbdawnG?d? g? k?.Day has dawned.k?d?fuliNounegusi seedK?d?fuli-ip? i bo kon.The soup of the agusi is very delicious.k??Verbdance in a certain wayDent? gi k?? d??dan g?kyaa m? d? nd?.Denteh danced in a nice way today.k??VerbHe cut meat into small pieces? k?? inun.He cut meat for sale.k??laVerblast longPaul gi k??la Labadi.Paul has kept long in Labadi.k?s?Verbto learn from; to followAkpal? m?-s? gi k?s? Gikyode gikal?.Akpal?'s father learned Gikyode reading.k?s?r?VerbcompareNd?me-At? kya k?s?r? Onyim?-L??.Nd?m-At? is comparing herself to Onyim?-L??.kid?NounlizardAsunfu? gi m?? kid?.Asunfu? has killed a lizard.kid?sa-awureNouna type of lizardkiiVerb1.returnO kii kyon g?wi.He went back ... againkiir?Verbbecome fat? kiir? pa-a.She is very fat.kiiriVerbreturnKiiri m?-ilaa kpere m?.Return his things to him.kikirikiiAdjectivehardkilanbokyaaAdjectivenice looking but tastelessIp? m? i bo ?bol? ansi so giyan, i? bo k?n.The soup is appetizing to the eyes, it is not delicious.kileeAdverbsuddenlyN? wu m? kilee.I saw him so suddenly.kilentenAdverbroundS?i m?? w?ra m? ne ? lii t?r? ? kya wu. Im?so asa m? kpaa kyaab?? m? faa kilenten.Nothing happened to him; but he fell down dead. So a lot of people gathered round him.kilikiliNounumbrellaM?l??b? gi s?? kilikili.M?l??b? has bought an umbrella.kilintinAdjectivecompletely(surrounded)kinAdjectivedeepNkyu m? bo kin.The water is deep.kineVerbrefuseO kine y??, ? ma? kpe.He refused to go.kingiVerbroam; hunt; travelKpadiwura kya kingi owiyas? d?.Kpadewura is wandering in the world.kiri-kiriAdverbharshAsa ako m? bo kiri-kiri giky?.Some people are very harsh in their living.KiristoProper NounChristYesu awura d? wura.Christ is king of kings.kiseeVerb1.turn aroundKisee fo-nyoro.Turn yourself around.Id? kon f?' kisee ansi de g?r?.Now you should turn your attention this way.2.turn overKisee giterenbi-gibi m? de a' ker? y??, an?-gumu ne n gyan gim? so.Turn over the coin and let's see whose head is on it.kitiiNounspecificNyiile me ilaa kolon ibono kitii n? tansi w?ra fo m?.Show the specific thing that I have done against you.kitikiNouncassavaKwame bo kitiki nd?? bel?.Kwame has a big cassava farm.ko-oAdjectivefarAlofun? nd? gibo ko-o g?ta.Alofuneh's farm is far away from here.kod?m?nyi?masanNouna type of treeA ti naa kyena l?? ?masen kond?m?nyi?masan d?.We always harvested honey from kond?m?nyi?masan d?.kokorokoAdjectivebig? beenidi g?pos?? gibi faa kokoroko.He found a big piece of cola nut.kokuaaNoundirt used for plastering the houseKukoaa g?solii m?.Polish the oven.kolaNounco-wifeM?-kola ber? m?? kya korog?.Her co-wife does not give birth.kolaboNounrivalAkolabo-nsana i? bo gikyena.It is not easy living among rivals.kol?Verbbeg; ask forKol? fo naana de ?' sa aye nkyu.Beg your grandfather to give us some water.kolonAdjectiveone; sameN bo gib?li kolon.I have one egg.konAdverbnowN? kpe suku taa kon.I've finished school now.kond?NounelephantKond? ginyi gegye illa gba.The elephant tusk is a precious thing.kond?elephantkonkonNounempty metal canSa m? apetesi konkon.Give him a glass of akpeteshi.konkons?AdjectivesweetG?n? konkons? g? boran ny? aterenbi.A sweet mouth is better than money.konkuwandeeNounresting logKonkuwandee m? gi gbaa.The konkuandee is broken.koo-kooAdjectivefarAl?t? a' kpe koo-koo.Sickness should go far away.koobaaVerblamentIbono asa m? kya koobaa maa sa fo wol? gbaa faa, i ky?.So long as people are lamenting for you, it more than enough.kookooNouncocoaMe-kookoo nd?? gi s?? gya.My cocoa farm is burnt.koolaVerbgatherKoola igyo.Gather the yams.kooniNounred duikerKooni ?ko kya p?s? me-ka ngbini-afadaa.A certain red duiker is always eating the leaves of my wife's okra.kooniVerbscrape out by hand and lick? kya kooni l?p?.He is scraping the bowl and licking it.Kooni kya laar? ofufl-g?n? ginaa.Kooni likes walking by grass land.koosiVerbto scrape off; shave; to skin? kya koosi benkeni.He is scraping cocoyam.? koosi m?-gumu.He shaved his hair.kora-aAdjectiveat allDeeri a? wu fo kora-a.We did not see you at all yesterday.koreeVerbwhipkoroVerbbe differentAyaawol? ad? a koro.These sandals are different.korog?Verbgive birthG?su?k?n m?-ka gi korog?.Gesuokon's wife has brought forth.korogotoAdjectivecompletelyI ta w?ra me, n? san korogoto.I am left with nothing, I am completely doomed.korotiyaNounbananaGenyingi gi laar? korotiya.Genyingi likes banana.kosoVerbto stand up; to get upKpakiti gi koso ? yel? m?-ayaa so.Kpakiti woke up and stood on his feet.kosor?Verbpull or raise upKosor? Aneba sa me.Help Aneba for me.koto-kotoAdjectivebad lookingFo-bi ?bono ber? bo koto-koto.That your son is really ugly.kotokuNounsackN d? akatuwa n kya w?ra kotoku m? d?.I am put groundnuts into the sack.k?Verbto pour; to share a liquidK? me-l?? g?toobii sa me.K? me-l?? g?toobii sa me.k?Verbto hurt; to burn?sen i kya k? me.Pepper is burning me.k?Verbto fight?t??bo m?-ra m?-kuli m? kya k?.?t??bo and her husband are fighting.k?fiiNouncoffeek?k?Nouna kind of fish with a big head and is bonyK?k? m? gi yii me, i kya k? me.The k?k? fish stuck me, it is paining me.k?k?lagaNounfaultk?k??k??NounflowersK?k?k?? gi bun me obu-g?mara.Flowers have covered the back of my house.k?l?Verbinitiatefo k?l? me m? ?laa laa w?ra fono example translationk?l?nNounsquirrel smaller than kparaK?l?n kya w? me-kooko.A squirrel is eating my cocoa pods.k?ng?r?ng?Nouna place name ??M?-nd?? gi bo daa Nyanbon, k?ng?r?ngo d?.His farm is at Nyanbong, in K?ng?r?ng?.k?nk?nNouna bowl; container for drinking especially alcoholKpaa kyu k?nk?n baa k? nta m? de a' nun.Go bring the glass and pour out the drink for us to drink.k?nk?r?nbaNouna type of clothM?-s? gi s?? k?nk?r?nba-gikuru sa m?.His father bought him k?nk?r?nba cloth.k?n?n?Adjectivelong winded; wordyFo-ilaa i bo k?n?n?.You are wordy.k??VerbdefecateObuni m?? kya k??.A corpse never defecates.k??boNounproper nameIsa ?bono ? bo anyan k?? m?, ma? taal? kyena g?r?.One who defecates unusually can not stay here.K??bo-ItanProper Nouna person's name?ko ginyen ne n gy? K??b-Itan ne fo m? fo kyu yela fo-gyoono faa.K??bo-Itan is somebody's name and you have given it to your dog.k??g?VerbreduceI bo ?gyalon; k??g?.It is expensive; reduce.k??l? catchK??l? b??lo m?.Catch the ball.Gipowas? kya k??l? m?-bi so.Gepoase is supporting his support; to defend; to helpGipowas? kya k??l? m?-bi so.Gepoase is supporting his son.Nd? ? k??l? g?gyan.Today she helped the cooking.k??r?Nounespecially thick palm oilAneenu gi sa Nt??la k??r?.Aneenu gave Nt??la the bottom part of the palm oil.Kyu abi m? l?? k??r?.Use the palm nuts to extract k??r?.k?r? sproutFo kya k?r? gisisiri.You are sweating. lit.: sprouting grow from a seedMe-awayu a kya k?r?.My maize is growing.k?r?Verbgrind on a stoneAnaam?r? kya k?r? ?sin.Anaam?r? is grinding some pepper.Baa k?r? g?lin sa me n' b? me-g?y?.Come and grind medicine for me to smear my chin.k?r?s?Adjectivekeep in reserveKyu ilaa-k?r?s? m? kyu kpe nikanika ?bono ? bo de owi-?t?r?ten so m?. Asa m?? ky? nno.Take the things meant for grinding to the corn mill at the west. There are fewer people there.k?r?taNounskin disease? kya l? k?r?ta.He is sick of skin disease.K?r?ta gi gyi m? p?wu.His body is covered with skin disease.k?s?k?s?AdjectivescratchyNgyee m? gi nyida m?. Ker? g?n??bono m?-g?yoyol? g? san k?s?k?s? m?.The skin disease has damaged him. Look how scratchy his body has become.kpaVerbsweepAsunfu? kya kpa m?-?gyanten.Asunfu? is sweeping the kitchen.kpa-aAdjectiveat all?? kya yel? ilaa kolon so kpa-a.He does not stand on one thing at all.Me-r? m? a' ma? baa loo kpa-a.We will never be in good terms again.kpaaVerbgo toKpaa faala fo-s?.Go and greet your father.An?fo gi kpaa M??nenyi.An?fo helped M??nenyi.kpaaVerbhelpAn?fo gi kpaa M??nenyi.An?fo helped M??nenyi.kpaabiriNouna kind of treeM? kya f? kpaabiri-abi Tamale-gigya d?.They sell its fruits in Tamale market.Kpaad?wuraProper Nountitle of Kpaad? chiefKpaad?wura m?-bi ne n gy? Akyena-kii.Akyena-kii is the son of Kpaad?wura.kpaakpaaNounspindle? kya too kpaakpaa.I am spinning a spindle.KpaakyiiProper Nouna person's namekpaalaVerbhurryN kya kpaala.I am in hurry.kpaaniiAdverbnot admirableFo-laaw?ra m?? bo kpaanii.Your work is not admirable.kpaaraNounground squirrelKpaara kya w? me-akatuwa.A squirrel is eating up my groundnuts.kpaar?Verbto wipe; to cleanKpaar? me-ayaawol? sa me.Clean my shoes for me.KpaarikyiiProper Nouna person's namekpaasaawoNouna type of treenbii gi kya kyu kaasaawo-abi kyu k? ik? seelichildren use its seeds to play as if they are fightingkpadaVerbcombinekpada-kpadaNounmessKpadeenuProper Nounname of a townKpadeenu ?ko bo Kyili??.There is a Kpadeenu in Kyili??.kpad?Verbinitiate into hunters' associationkpagaVerbbrush asidekpagalanNouna type of treekpagyakpagyaNounproper namekpakaaNounbunchB?nb?n? gi sa nana Ayor b?r?diy?? kpakaa.B?nb?n? gave grand father Ayor a bunch of plantains.kpakpafoyiNounduckkpakpafuiiNounduckkpakpak?nNounboiled peanuts and cornA gyan kpakpak?n.We cooked boiled peanuts and corn.kpakpal?Nouna kind of birdkpakparakpaAdjectivestrong; hard; toughkpakpatafoAdjectivebig in sizekpaky??Adjectivetall and fatKpakyugideeProper Nouna person's namekpalaVerbhurry?? kya kpala.He is not in a hurry.kpalaatooNouna type of tree poisonous to fishkpalag?VerbvomitI kya w?ra me f??, n' kpalag?.I feel like vomiting.? kya k??, ? kya kpalag?.He is going to toilet. He is vomiting.kpal?Verbdivine? kpaa kpal?.He went to divine (see a diviner).kpal?'Verbbe perfect inF? kpal? Wurubuaar? agy?bi m? d?.You know God's words very thoroughly.kpal?-kpal?Adjectivecompletely (as in shave)? koosi m?-gumu kpal?-kpal?.He shaved his hair completely.Kpal?boSoothsayerkpal?g?VerbvomitkpamAdjectivevery firmly? tii gisin m? kpam.He closed the door very firmly.kpan-n'AdjectiveoddkpandanNounsome kind of stoneM?? kya d?? kpandan so.They don't farm on the rocky ground.kpand?Verbto clear up a forest or a piece of land ready for plantingMe-gip? gi? d??, im?so nan kpand? gim? p?i.My forest did not burn up, so I will clear it before anything else.kpand? fight verbally; to kick against somethingMe-r? me-ka a kpand? deeri.My wife and I had an argument kick against somethingkpangaNouncover partially with lid or bowlKpanga agyud? de a' ny? da afuu.Cover the food partially so that the heat/hotness will reduce.kpank?Nounbad smellFo kya lii?al? f??, kpank?.You have a bad smell (like that from bush cat).kpankpagalanNounfowl; bush chickenKpankagalan bo k?n pa-a.Bush chicken is very delicious.kpanky?l?Nounsecond day of the Akyode weekAkyode g?k? ny?s?Akyode's second day in the weekkpantenNouna season in the yearkparabawooNoundysenteryKparabawoo gi keda m? deeri.He/she had dysentery yesterday.Kparabawoo m?? boran, ? kya nu gik??r?.Dysentery is not good, it hurts the anus.kpar?Verbherd; leadKpar? fo-ad? m? loo obu d?.Lead your people into the room.kpasaVerblean againstKyu oyii m? kpasa de obu m?.Take the tree and lean it against the wall.kpasaawoNouna type of tree, the seeds are used as bullets in children's gamesA gy? nbii m?, a kya kpe kpasaawoo de a' baa too ikpakpayi.When we were children we used to go for its seed and play fighting with guns and bullets.kpawooNounidiophoneOtu-asubi.Sound of a gun shot.kpeVerbgo? kpe fon??Where did he go?kpeeleNounsmall back and white bird mostly found in townsKpeele-ayaa a ker? faa gy?g?-gy?g?.It 's legs are very small.kpeeliNounbird of the hawk varietyKpeeli m?-kala koro, p?i ne ?pat?? m?-kala koro.The soul of a hawk is different from that of a vulture.?gya kya d?? ne fo? wu kpeeli nno m?, ilaa-iko ne n baras? m?.If fire is burning and you do not see hawk there, there must be something preventing it.kpekperekpeeAdjectivemedium; simplekpekpesenAdjectiveshort; simplekpekpetefuAdjectivesmall? ker? kpekpetefu f??, g?buii.He looks small like a bird.kpeleg?r?Verbbring down? kpeleg?r? gik?r? m? g?n? g?s?.He lowered the sound of the drum. (made quieter).kpelenkpelenNounbig lizardI t? faa kpelenkpelen bo ?b? baar? d?.It seems a type of big lizard is in this hole.kpemAdjectivewith a bangOyii m? gi t?r? ne i w?ra faa kpem.The tree fell down with a bang.kpem'Adjectiveproperly well? w?ra g?sun m? kpem'.He did the work properly.kpenVerbshoutSewura gi kpen ti aye-as? deeri.Last night Sewura disturbed us by shouting.kpenVerbstainG?gb? m? g? kpen.The shirt is stained.KpenfulenNounname of a streamKpenfulen kya ?aa.This stream dries up.kpengyoNouninheritance basketIlaa i ky? Awamen?-kpengyo d?.Awamen?'s inheritance basket is full of things.kpenkpesenAdjectivesimple; shortkpereVerbtake alongM? laa kpere fo wura-g?wi.You will be taken to the chief's house.kperiAdverbconciselyT?g? kperi.Speak concisely.kperikperiAdjectiveinto small piecesKebi g?yaabi m? d? kperikperi.Cut the cane into small small pieces.kpesenkpesenAdjectivemediumM?-ataf?n a bo kpesenkpesen.Her buttocks are medium size.kpewuVerbsound made when a tree breaks; gun shotkp?Adjectivejust; continueKp? kyu lii Burinya d? p?wu m?, P??lo kya l?.Paul has been sick ever since thick and thinMe-r? fo ne, kp?-?.no example translationkp?d?? dirty somethingFo kya kp?d?? aye-g?ten.You are making our house confusekp?d?kp?d?Adjectivedelaying tacticskp??Verbto pull off a piece; to breakkp??Verbto tap palm wine? kya kp?? nb?.He is tapping palm kp??d? fo p?, g?luu g? laa ba.The moment I harm you, there will be a fight.?k? i gy? me-ngbini-g?k?, nan naa kpaa kp??d? nm? de n' ba.Tomorrow is the day for my okra, I will go and pick them and kind of egusi; a type of seedAsaso m?-ka bo kp??d?kp??d?.Asaso's wife has some egusi (with some yellow covers).kp??l?Verbto turn; to shift? kp??l? m?-gib?.He turned his kp?i.We are kp?i-kp?i laa tu f?ye.Different kinds of suffering will meet; hardkp?ky?NouncutlassKp?ky? m? bo y?.The cutlass is come down; to descendKp?l?g? lii oyii m? e down from the leaves fromKp?r? g?yaabii sa me.Pluck the leaves from a stick for try to conquer and fail; to attemptkpiiVerbdragN? kpii me-ka sinde.I married my wife last year.kpii-kpiiVerbdragkpiideVerbto scrub; to brushTOHis-wife is scrubbing his back.kpiisiVerbshake off? kya kpiisi m?-g?gb?.He is shaking out his shirt.kpiliseVerbbe leaningKpilise de n' ker?.Tilt it and let me see.kpiniAdjective1.all; also?lawus? ?bono n kya wu m? faa, f?ye kpini ne n w?ra im?.The suffering that I am undergoing you (are also) all are the cause.2.same; exactlykpinkpinAdjectiveenclosed; tightkpiriVerbto grate; to shredAn?bita kya kpiri gari.Anebita is grating some cassava.kpirikpiriNouna kind of herbkpirikpiriAdjectivevery blackkpokpogolooAdjectivehugeG?n? kpokpogolo f??, ?danbo-giwuye.Your mouth is big/huge as somebody who likes eating meat.kpokporokpoAdjectivehuge; bigkponVerbto fail; to not able? ?maras? kpon.He couldn't write it.kpond?r?AdjectivefailedM? kpond?r? me.They failed to kill me.kpooVerbrottenGinun m? gi kpoo.The meat is gone off.Koo-koo m? gi kpoo g?nen de gifada.The cocoa is fermented enough to be snore; to breathe loudlykrakrawaNouna type of treekuaaNounnoKuwamen? y??, kuaa.Kuamena says no.kub?d?Nouna type of cheat? kya kudi fo.He is cheating make bluntkukubanNounforest squireilkukurukuuAdjectivewithout resultsN? w?ra ilaa kamaas?, kukurukuu, g?n??bono i kp? i d? m? ne i d?.I did everything without results / improvement, there is no change.kukyaaNounsponge? y?g? m? kukyaa ?bon d?.She left her sponge in the river.kuliVerbgossipM? kya kuli me.They are gossiping about me.kulikuliNounsnack made from ground nutskulikuliAdjectiveroundGimara m? gi ker? kulikuli.The local rubber ball is round.kunVerbcover?bel?ns? m? gi kun g?bii m?.He elder covered/protected the child.KungibiiNounname of a placeGyabu? m? gi m?? inun yela Kunbibii, a' de a' kpaa kyu.The hunt killed meat and kept it at Kungibii, let's go for it.kunt?NounprotectorkuntunNounblanketAw?? ad? Kuwame im?so ? bun kuntun.Kwame is feeling cold so he covered himself with a blanket.Guntu kya keda m?-nanbo-ana nbu? nko w?.A lion catches some other animals and eat them.kurafuiil?Noungiant ground pangolinApara-ana gikpen d? ne n gy? kurafuiil?.It in the family of pangolins.kuruVerbdigM? kya kuru ?b?.They are digging a hole.kuruduuNounlarge round woven tray for drying thingsKuruduu m? fada de ngbini.The kuruduu is in the sun with okra on it.kurunAdjectivequiet; lonelyI bo me kurun.I am feeling lonely.F?' w?ra kurun.Be quiet.kusaaAdjectivefast; quickI w?ra kusaa.It happened quickly.kuseeexclamationexclamation of thanks"Kusee" ne n gy? g?sin yuuli."Kusee" gives peace.kusuuAdjective1.gloomy weatherI bo kusuu nd?, fo? bii nyangbon gi ny? m? ? laa da.The weather is gloomy today maybe it will rain.2.upset stomachMe-?t? d? i bo me kusuu nd?.I feel gloomy in my stomach.kutu-uAdverbfearI w?ra me-gumu faa kutuu ne me-nyoro gi sel? me aw??.I feared in my heart and I became feverish.kuuVerbto have a dreamN? kuu odeeri y??, n? ny? aterenbi.I had a dream that I got money.kuuVerbto gather; to collectBaa kuu fo-awayu, nyangbon kya e collect/pick up your maize. Rain is coming.kuu-uAdverbcontrarilyFo w?ra kuu-u buu aye ba g?r?naa?Have you been contrary and followed us here? (contrary to your earlier statement).kuubelaNounto collect; to gatherKuu m?m? bela.Collect/gather them together and take care of them.kuuboNounone who gathersor collectskuuriVerb1.troubleM?-gisen d? i kuuri m?.He was troubled in his heart.2.removekuuriNounpigAyifun? gi m?? kuuri gyogyi d?.Ayifon? killed a pig during the yam festival.kuuri-okyinNouna type of treekuuri-?kyinNounstew made from pig's bloodkuurikenkerenNounbush animal (swine family)Kuurikenkeren gi t?g? sa m?-bi y??, "i d? i gyoo fo."It said to its child that, "It is waiting for you".kuusiVerbhoot or shout to somebody far away? kya kuusi ?ko.He is hooting to someone.kyaVerbcontinuous? kya ba.He is coming.kyaaVerbdanceM? laa kyaa g?gyanbu?.They will dance the hunter's dance.kyaab??AdverbaroundM? naa kyaab?? g?kpem m? gikp?d? sono.They walked around the fence wall seven example translationkyaafawooNounwater animalKyaafawoo de f??, nyu d? kond?.It like the hippopotamus.kyaagaNounratKyaaga kya w? Kuwagyo igyo.A rat is eating Kuwagyo's yams.kyaakyaaNounkind of mat; thick and heavy? d? daa kyaakyaa so.It is that kind of mat that he sleeps on.kyaakyaabo?aNouncattle birdKyaakyaabo?a fuli.A cattle bird is white.kyaal?Verbpour in? kya kyaal? nkyu m? de gi' ny? yuuli kusano example translationkyaar?Verbwork hard? kya kyaar?.She is working hard.Bo kyaar? don sans? m?.He is more hard working than the others.kyaas?NounchickenKyaas? m? gi gyi awayu m? ta.The chicken has eaten all the corn.kyaas?-bibiriNounblack fowlkyaas?-fufuliNounwhite fowlkyaas?-gongonaNouna type of fowlkyaas?-kpenkpelenbuiNouna type of fowlkyaas?-kyikpitiNouna kind of fowlkyaas?-l??r?Nouna type of fowlkyaas?-np?Nouna kind of thick vine used for roofing thatch roofkyaas?-pubaraNounred fowlkyab??Adverball around? naa kyab?? obu m?.He walked all around the house.kyagaVerbjoin ends togetherKyaga ?f? m? sa me.Join the ends of the rope for me.kyagaraga-aAdverbcovered with spacesIwe kyagaraga-a.Thorny.kyagbaraNouna bush fowlIf? d? kyaas? ne n gy? kyagbara.bush chickenkyagbarabiyaNouna kind of vine with edible sweet fruitskyagbeleleNouna season in the yearkyakyaal?NounwaterfallBeligi gi t?r? kyakyaal?.Beligi fell near the waterfall.kyakyabo?aNounwhite cow birdkyakyarakyaAdjectivetall; finekyakyonNouna kind of treekyalaas?Verbscavenging; scrape up? kyalaas? ta.The scavenged everything.kyalag?nanNouna type of scorpionkyalanVerbchokeAgyud? m? a kyalan me.The food choked me.kyamen?NounfriendMe kyamen? ne ngye Adewole.My friend is Adewole.kyanNounguinea fowlkyanVerbdraw; cutkyan abelaaf?cut vines; perform (cut) customskyanb?g?l?nNouna straight gravekyanb??Nouna name of a riverkyangas?Nounearth wormNkpanemesu sel? kyangas?.Nkpanemesu fears an earthworm.kyangbaNouna certain colourkyangbalanNounkind of antelopeAniya gi m?? kyangbalan.Aniya killed an antelope.kyangbeleleNounharmattan seasonAkyode bos? gyagbaras?Akyodes first monthkyang?Verb1.jump ontoIyii so nbu? gi kya kyang? so.Tree animals jump from tree to tree.2.catch?gya m? gi kyang?.The fire has caught.3.pass on to4.contagiouskyang?s?NounearthwormkyankpanNouna diseasekyankpanaNounan idolkyankpelenAdjectiveof soup, watery or without meatkyankporodoNouna type of treekyankyal?Nouna type of treekyar?Verbexchange; changeMbowura gi kyu benkeni kyar? kitiki.Mbowura exchanged cocoyam with cassava.kyegba-kyegbaAdjective1.untidy sceneMen? ne f? w?ra obu m? d? kyegba-kyegba g?nen?Why have you made the room so untidy?Agb??ma ip? i bo kyebga-kyegba.Agb??ma's soup has a variety of meat/vegetables.2.different kinds meats or vegetable in soup or stewkyegbaaVerbromanceA kya kyegbaa.We are playing stayBa kyena me as?.Come and stay with sitkyenbuoNoun???bon ?ko ginyen ne; ? kya faala giky?no example bounceGikolii m? gi kya kyengben.The ship is disturbM? ny? nb?l?. M? kya kyengben abara.They have gotten a case. They are disturbing/dragging each other.kyenkpelenAdjective1.soup, very lightIp? m? i kp? i ker? kyenkpelen m?.The soup is very light.2.not too happyky?VerbhealWurubuaar? gi ky? m?.God healed, cleanky?bo??l?Nouna kind of herbky?d?Verbtear?kyii m? gikuru gi ky?d? g?luu m? d?.The woman's cloth was torn in the forgiveKyu me kyu me-ilaa ny?nny?n ky?? me.Forgive me my bad deedsky??g?VerbchangeKy??g? fo-ilaa w?ras?.Change your; the sameY? ky??ky??.Share it curveky??taAdjectiverefuse intentionallyky??t?Noun1.sieveI? gy? ky??t? ne fo kyu ky?? nta m? daa do-o?Didn't you use a sieve to clean up the drink?2.kind of crawling plantKy?? gi bun gibiina m? so p?wu.Ky?? has covered the whole refuse kind of treeM? kya gyi ky?g?yaa abi.Ky?g?yaa fruits are cakeOnyim?-L?? kya f? ky?kp?r?.Onyim?-L?? is selling some beans (of meat/strength)ky?l?VerbcoverAdewol?-ansi a ky?l? bun.Adewol? eyes are covered up.?ky?l? awura-agbangbaran m? l?? m?-?bol? d?.He took off the royal ornaments from his type of beansFo w? ky?nky? m?, fo laa nun nkyu giky?.If you eat ky?nky?, you drink water a flyKy?sen gi loo aye-agyud? d?.A housefly entered/fell into our food.Mango aber? m?, iky?sen i kya nyaaky?.House flies are numerous during mango; bleedKy?s? ip? m? kpaa donga.Pour out the soup and hit it up.?kyii ?ko kya ky?s? so m?, ? kpe de ? kpaa wu d?kita.A certain woman is bleeding so she has gone to see a his satisfactionWurubuaar? gi t?s? sa m? ky?sii.God gave him pull upKyigi benkeni.Pull up or harvest movekyigirigiiAdverball over, scattered about plenty? bo nbi kyigirigii.He has plenty of children.kyigy??VerbsiftKyigy?? kitiki m? d??dan.Sift the cassava flour well.kyigyiiNounfather's sister; auntMe-kyigyii ne n gy? Akua.My father's sister is Akua.Akyigyii ne m? kya yii g?kp? kusa.Aunts are easily accused of being witches.kyiibo-any?boNouna type of treeNbii gi kya kyu kyiibo-any?bo abi seeli f??, akyakaa.Children play with kyiibo-any?bo's seeds as rattles.Kyiif?Proper Nouna woman's name meaning "Stranger womanKyiif? gi kyon Nk?nta.Kyiif? is gone to Nkwanta.kyiin?kyiin?NounslugGikoto ne a kya gyi. I? gy? kyiin?kyiin?.It is snail that we eat, not personF?lis? m?-ka Dayina gy? kyiinyen.Felix's wife Diana is a rich woman.Akyiinyen wol?-wol? m? gyan.It is a competition of the rich.2.woman in men's status; wealthy; rich?ko m?? taa wu g?sun g?bono ? w?ra ne ? kp? koso bingiri kyiinyen faa.Nobody saw the type of work she did before she became wealthy.kyiiw?daAdjectivehooping cough? kya l? kyiiw?da.He is sick of hooping cough.Kyiiw?da gi keda m?.She is gripped by hooping cough.kyikimAdjectivevery dark; very deepI w?ra gibiri kyikim.It is very dark.kyikpitiNouna kind of fowl, chickenKyaas?-kyikpiti y??, ? f? men? de gigyan so ayu?The fowl called kyikpiti said it has nothing to do with guinea corn on the hut.kyikyirikyiiAdjectivetough?f? m? ker? faa kyikyirikyii.The rope is very strong.?ko ?lon ?bono d? m? so m?, m? yela m? giyenbi y??, kyikyirikyii.Because of his strength, he was nick named Kyikyirikyii.kyilaa-kyilaaAdjectivecommon? bo kyilaa-kyilaa de aye g?r?.He is not very commonly with us here.kyimAdverbtop to bottom? loo yel? nkyu m? d? faa kyim.He went into the water from top to bottom.kyin?-kyin?Adjectivesmooth(of fufu)G?pal? m? gi biid? faa kyin?kyin?.The fufu is smooth.kyingiVerbto wake up; to get upKyingi G?nyingi sa aye.Wake G?nyingi up for us.kyinkpinNounankle? kya l? m?-gibaa ab?? giyaa kyinkpin d?.He is sick in his/her ankle.kyinkyintanAdjectivelongMe? ?maras? ilaa kyinkyintan.I didn't write anything long.kyi??li???Adverbsnatch away an offer? w?ra me kyi??li???.He deceived me.kyirigiVerbstraighten upkyis?Verbstep onFo kya kyis? me.You are stepping on me.kyoVerbhate? kya kyo nta.He hates wine.kyogid?VerbchurnN? nu ilaa m? m?, i kyogid? me-gisen.When I heard the news/things, my heart was churned with violence.kyokyooNounsmall baby? d? kyokyo pii.She has a small baby.kyokyooliiVerbdisappointI w?ra fo kyokyoolii.You are disappointed.kyokyorogotoAdjectiveover size (of clothing)Ogo m? gi w?ra me faa kyokyorogoto.The pants are too big for me.kyolonAdjectiveover; exceeding the limitFo don lii kyolon.You went out for far too long.kyolonkyolonAdjectivethin; wateryG?pal? m? ip? i bo kyolonkyolon.The soup of the fufu is so liquid.kyonVerbgo,depart? kyon g?wi.She went home.kyonf?Nouna kind of grassM? kya kyu kyonf? b?? gikara.They use kyonf? for making head pad.kyonk?r?NounAkyode's fifth monthFo d?? igyo Kyonk?r? d? m?, bii y??, g?d?? g? kyon d?r? fo ne.If you plant yams in May, know that you are late farming.kyonp??NounAkyode's sixth monthKyonp?? d? g?d?? g? kya kpaala.Farming in March goes faster.kyoolaVerbrest? kya kyoola.He/she is resting.kyorokokyorokoNouna kind of edible leafm? w?ra kyorokokyoroko ip? ne gin gi? bo nno m?, i kya sa example translationky?Verbto charm; to curseSiar?-kyi giky? m? ted? w?ra gil?.Siare-kyi has charmed her sister into ma? taal? kyena de i' ky?d? nk? nbono Wurubuaar? gi sa m? m?.God set days to a human being that he cannot exceed.I kya loo me ky?d?.I am happy at ky?l? aye-amu so.He hung above our fromKy?l? g?pal? m? lii l?p? m? d?.Take/remove the fufu from that birdNkyu d? g?buii; G? kya k?l? nkenbii gyi.water bird; It catches fish and eats gi ky?l?s? m?-s?.Siarekyii has defiled her ky?l?ga m?-nyoro.He hung and thin; used mainly to describe body parts in insultsKyaakyabo?a ayaa abo ky?l?nky?l?n.The legs of the cattle bird are long and kind of antelopeky?n-gid?Nouna type of grassky?nky?nAdjectivepointedly; harshlyLaa bii ky?nky?n.He will suffer.? sal? oyii m? faa ky?nky?n.He sharpened the stick to a sharp gi ky?? awayu gyi.The chicken pecked the againstky?taAdjectiveshrunkenN san n naa faa ky?ta.I am walking along shrunken (with nothing).ky?ter?Nounbar; toolkyuVerbtakeKyu iwol? m?.Take the books.kyua-kyuaAdverbraggedOyeebu m? akuru a ker? faa kyuwa-kyuwa.The mad person is dressed in ragged clothes.kyugyooVerbsuckKyugyoo giwiy?.Suck a bone.kyukyur?kyiiAdjectivebody typekyuleVerb1.respondN? ter? m?, o? kyule.I called him and he didn't respond.2.admit3.admitkyululuAdjectivesteepkyulunAdjectiveact of falling into river? lii t?r? ?bon m? d? kyulunno example translationkyunkyugulunNounof a hole; very deepkyuraaVerbdestroykyurooNounmascaraAnyen abono m? kya w?ra kyuroo m?, m?m? ako m? kya wu gyankpa.Some of the men who apply mascara see mysteriously.Dedaa-akyii m? ber? ne n w?ra kyuroo.Women of the olden days applied mascara.kyuwaNounmisfortuneLllaaVerbvisitNan kpaa laa me-?d?n.I will go and visit (inspect) my net.laaAdverbwill, future tense? laa ba ?k?.He will come tomorrow.Laab??b?Proper Nouna person's namelaabuuNountestimony about oneself in a case being judgedFo-ilaabuu d? ne m? kyu bun fo-gipu?? ab?? m?' sa fo-as?.You will be judged by your testimony.laakaar?VerbcarefulnessW?ra laakaar?.Be careful.laakoNounsorryFaala m? y??, laako.Say you are sorry to him.laakol?Nounthings begged forlaalaalog?Nounthe last item leftNper?-nper? ne m? baa kyu laalaalog?.Just now they came and took the last one.laar? loveN kya laar? m?.I like search wantLaar?baProper Nouna person's name meaning "Cause trouble"Lab?kyiiProper Nouna person's namelanVerbto play (drum); to beat? kya lan gik?r?.He is playing a drum.lanfanNouna type of beastlangaNouncrocodileLanga m? kir?.The crocodile is big.lanlantanAdjectivelongabaa lanlantanlong hands (insult)lantenpuNouna kind of fishlaranNouna certain kind of snakelaranAdjectiveacrossOyii ?bono ? laran m? gi gbaa.The cross stick is broken.lenpooNountaxM? kya s?? lenpoo.They are collecting tax.LenwaProper Nouna person's name meaning "Death caused it"Lewu ne n w?ra.Death has caused it.lepu-lepuAdjectiveabout hair/weeds not hard or too grownGil? m? y?g? m?-gumu iman i san lepu-lepu.The sickness has caused the hair on his head to be hard.lewuNoundeath; end of lifeLewu ne n kya nyida illa/nkpa gi? ba gi bo no.Death destroys things/cessation of life.Lewu-AsenProper Nouna person's name meaning "Death has brought about such things."Lewu ne n bara ilaa id? g?nen.Death has brought about such things.Lewugy?-AyenProper Nouna person's name meaning "Death brings poverty."Lewu gy? ayen.Death brings poverty.l??Verb1.createWurubuaar? gi l?? g?sinkpan.God created the world.2.choosel??Verbtake outL?? aterenbi m? lii nkyu nd? d? sa me.Take the money out of the water for me.l?gaVerbworsenFo-l?? i l?ga.Your case is too much to be desired.l?p?Nounbowl/dishG?p?l? g? san l?p? d?.There is fufu left in the bowl.ligiVerbdiscriminateAkyode-awura ber? ne n kya ligi asa.Akyode people discriminate a lot.ligiraNounbedliiVerbgo out from/come from? lii nd?? ne.He is from farm.liir?Verbbring outM? laa liir? ?kp?r?-g?gyapa nd?.They will bring out the fetish stool today.liisonVerbsmilingM?-il? m? i kya liison.His wounds are smelling.likimAdjectivethick darknessI laa kpere fo gibiri likim d?.It will send you to thick darkness.likinAdjectivepitch darkG?kaako Wurubuaar? laa too ilaa-ny?nny?n awura w?ra gibiri likin d?.One day God will throw wick people into pitch darkness.lisuboNounperson who supervises a dead person's funeralAsunkpa ne n gy? lisubo-kyiis?.Asunkpa is the woman chief mourner.log?Verbfinish/completeLog? g?sun p?i de fo' baa gyi.Finish the work before you come eat.logodiVerbscooping? kya logodi ?b? d?.He is scooping out the hole.longoNouna certain kind of drum? kya lan longo.He is playing a longo drum.longoronAdjectivebent over?kyii m? gi m?? faa longoron.The woman was bent over.looVerbcome in/weaveKyaas? m? kya loo gifura d?.The chicken is entering the chicken house.looriNoundipEhud? gi loori m?-gibaa m?-gikuru d? m?, ? liir? daa ik?-g?ki.Ehud dipped his hand into his cloth and drew up a sword.l?Verbbe sick? kya l? odegyi.He is sick with flu.l?g?d?VerbargueSengyi m?-ra m?-ka m? kya l?g?d?.Sengyi and his wife are arguing.l?g?d?Verb1.scrape? l?g?d? nf? m? nyaa ta.She scraped the all oil and smeared it.2.bring outl?koNounplace to store firewood inNgya gi ta me-l?ko m? d?.Firewood is finished in my firewood storage.l?k?Nounwell/rest placel?ngaVerbtallOyii baar? l?nga don ?d?.This tree is taller than that one.l?ng?NounrabbitGyoono gi keda l?ng?.A dog caught a rabbit.l??Adjectivego ahead with? log? m?-g?sun p?i ne ? l?? gyi.He finished his work before he went ahead to eat.l??l?Nountype of colorkpaa bara kyaas?-l??r?no example translationl??r?Nounpull out/knife from its .....? l??r? m?-g?ki lii g?m?-gif?r? d? de ? kyu ???l? ?nyen m? gis?.He pulled out his knife from its box and cut off the man's ear.l??riNounlorryl??ri-?kanboNounlorry driverl?r?Verbmend/put rightKofi gi l?r? me-giyaawol? sa me.Kofi mended my sandal for me.luburuVerbstirLuburu ip? m? d??dan de ?ken m? ? m?? sa ?' f??r?.Stir the soup well so that the fish does not crumble.luduNoungame of ludolugusiVerbbring outlunNouna kind of bird, eagleg?buii bel?; g? kya keda inun w?a large bird of preyluuVerbtake off/take apartN kya luu me-g?gb?.I am taking off my sweater.luw??-luw??Adjectivelong/used mainly for body partsNy?mes?-bosoros? abaa akya w?ra daa luw??-luw??.A tall person's hands are always very long.MmmaPronounthey continuousM? kp? maa w?ra ilaa-ny?nny?n.They keep on doing bad things.Maabiimen?Proper Nouna person's nameMaabiiyaProper Nouna person's namemaadiis?AdjectiveunleavenedYesu m?-ra m?-ade m? gyi bodobodo madiis?.Jesus and his apostles ate unleavened bread.Maakyom?Proper Nouna man's nameM? kya kyo m?.They hate him.maal?VerbcoverNkyu gi maal? obu m?.Water has covered the room.maal?'VerbflyG? kya maal?'.It is flying. He is flying.maal?bokyuNounbitter leafmaa?aag?-ikpaNounmusk shrewMaa?aag?-ikpa kya lii ??l?.This type of mouse smells.Gy?r?nbuwa m?? kya laar? maa?aag?-ikpa.Cat does not like this type of mouse.Maawumede-An?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I am single."Ma kya wu me-r? an??I am single.Maawumed?-An?Proper Nouna person's namem? wu me-r? an??no example translationmadaVerbstick against/treat a wound with worm waterIlaa iko i mada me-giyaa.Something stuck to my foot.madamadaNounkind of leafMadamada gi mada Kuubela-ogoo.'Madamada' is stuck to Kuubela's shorts.mal?Verbroof a houseKafonta gi mal? me-obu m? sa me.The carpenter roofed my house for me.mal?bokyuNounkind of leaf/used for soupMal?bokyu m? bo lolo.That leaf has a bitter taste.maloo-malooAdverban insultayaa maloo-maloo f??, ?daar?no example translationmamaramaaAdjectivethick/low(of weeds)mangoNounmango fruit treeMansaProper Nouna woman's namemantosiNountomatoma?VerbI will notMa? kpe.I will not notMa? yuuri.I will not steal.maraVerbswallowNd?nemenyi gi mara g?lin.Ndenemenyi swallowed some drug.marag?Verbtake off/peel offN kya marag? me-gikuru.I am taking off my cloth.mePronounmeMe-r? me-s? a kpe nd??.My father and I went to farm.Me-L??-Idonproper nameMegy?-An?Proper Nouna person's namememeredaNounSaturdayMemereda ne n g? g?k? kyoolas?.Saturday is a resting day.Menbo-IsaProper Nouna person's namemenbog?n?ngyi-awurat?Nounproper namemen?AdjectivewhatMen? ne n w?ra fo?What happened to you?Men?-As?Proper Nouna person's namemen?t?Adjectivewhat thingMen?t? ne n kya w?ra fo?What is wrong with you?MenkonsoProper Nouna person's nameMentaProper Nouna person's nameMenwolaabiiProper Nouna person's nameme?PronounI do notMe? kya gyi korotiya.I do not eat bananas.Mer?-An?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I am alone."Me-r? an??I am alone.metefumetefuAdverbinsultayaa metefumetefuno example translationm?PronountheyN? t?r? wu' n g?r? m?, m? laa wu me-alaar?bo.If I fall down here dead, they will see my lovers / friends.M?biiy?men?Proper Nouna person's namem??VerbbendN kya m?? oyii m?.I am bending the stick.m??g?Verbthoroughly investigateM? laa m??g? ilaa m? d?.Investigate the case thoroughly.M?kine-An?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Who is rejected?"M? kine an??Who is rejected?M?kyo-An?Proper Nouna person's namem?l?m?l?Adjectivevery sweetM?nsaProper Nouna man's nameM?ny?-?lonsoProper Nouna person's nameM?ny?soProper Nouna person's nameM?nyi-AyeProper Nouna person's nameM?nyi-AyesoProper Nouna person's namem??PronounnotM?? gyi s?i.They did not eat anything.M?sel?Proper Nouna person's nameM?sel?-An?Proper Nouna person's nameM?wumede-An?Proper Nouna person's namemi-iVerbI continuousN kp? mi-i w?ra g?sun g?k? kpekpe.I have been working always.mi-nanAdjectivecontrary to factMiigy?Proper Nouna person's namemiileVerbdish outAnd?? gi miile g?pal? m? ip?.Andoh dished out soup for the fufu.miliVerbwrap/coil aroundMili g?bii m? akuru sa aye.Wrap the child with cloth for us.miniminiNouna type of flyMinimin gi loo me-gis? d?.A type of fly has entered my ear.mirigiVerbpush out? mirigi m? anebi.He pushed out the lip at him.motoNounmotorm?ArticletheObu m?.the roomm?ArticlethatIbono ? t?g? m?, i boran.What he said was good.M?-L??-Ib?Proper Nouna person's nameM?-L??-Ib? gi m?? akoroana any? gikpalan kolon d?.M?-L??-Ib? killed two yellow back duikers at a stretch.M?-Wol?-?kyiiProper Nouna person's nameM?-Wol?-?ny?Proper Nouna person's namem?l?g?Verbsave/helpWurubuaar? kya m?l?g? asa.God saves people.m?m?Pronounthey/themT?g? m?m? y??, m?' ba.Tell them to come.M?m?-As?Proper Nouna person's namem??VerbkillM? m?? Yesu.They killed Jesus.M??-L??-Id?Proper Nouna person's nameM??nenyiProper Nouna person's namemufenVerbsmell? kya mufen ker?.He is smelling to see (taking a whiff of).mug?Verbhold water in the mouth? mug? aky?l?.He is holding some saliva in his mouth.mugyiNounball of medicine? kya kpiri mugyi.He is grinding a ball of medicine.muleeAdjectivesuddenmuleemuleeAdjectiveshiny/flashing/lightning-likeKankpagalan m? bo muleemulee.The bush fowl is very fast.mumuliAdjectivewholeGesi mumuli d? m?!During the whole year...muruVerbperishmurufuNountype without hornssand? murufu kond? ?bono ?? lii anyiram without horns/elephant with taskmuruuVerbdie offmusiiVerbroarGuni kya musii if? d?.A lion is growling in the bush.muuVerbhemMuu gikuru anebi.Hem the cloth edges.muuleVerbdisappear into somethingYesu gi muule Wurubuaar?-awol? d?.Jesus disappeared into the clouds.muwiiVerbreduceMuii f?tila m?.Reduce the flame of the lamp.NnnPronounsubject focusWurubuaar? ne n l?? ilaa kamaas?.God created everything.nPronounIN kya kpe nd??.I am going to farm.nNoun-plural of somethingnkuruwabilittle bowlsn'PronounIP??lo gi w?ra ilaa, ne n' kya laar? im? pa-a.Paul has really done something, and I like it a lot.n-PronounmyN gy? aterenbi-wura.I am a rich man.naaVerbgo,walkNaa kpe nd??.Go to farm.naad?NouncowNd?nu bo naad?.Nd?nu has a cow.naad?-g?yaabiiNouna type of treenaad?-gyamagyamaa humped cownaad?gi-ny?bonkyuNouncow milknaafoAdverbotherwiseNaafo y??, fo' ba ne-o!.Otherwise they asked me to call you.naar?Verbfollow/get used to?d?-ilaa i laa naar? m?/i laa den fo.That person's things will follow him/you get used to.nanVerbI willNan kpe.I will go.nanVerbwill (with focus)Nan d? nd?? ?k?.I will sleep in the farm tomorrow.Nana-IboProper Nouna person's name meaning "It is for the chief."Nana ne n bo.It is for the chief.Nana-IsaProper Nouna person's namenannantonAdjectiveuglynantooNounkind of sickness/swellingNantoo gi pung? me-ginsi so.I have a swelling on my eye.Nbaany?men?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "What do I want to have more than this?"N' baa ny? men??What do I want to have more than this?nbalatootooNouna kind of vinegif?f? giko oyuduua kind of vinenbaraNounlawFo bo nbara giky?.You have too many laws/rules.nbataNounpalm wineNsana gi nun nbata.Nsana drank some palm wine.nbel?Nounold ageNbel? gi kya kiirikaas? g?bii.Old age makes the person become a child.nbel?ns?Nounelders-shipAsa m? m? kya nbel?ns? so.The people sat according to age.nb?Noun1.proper now2.oil palm treesnb?l?'NouncasesN? loo ?ko-nb?l?.I have a case with somebody.nbiiNounchildrenN bo nbii gudu-ny?.I have twelve children.NbiibiProper Nouna man's name meaning "Hills"Nbiibi?nbono gi bo nno g?kpaa-g?kpaa m? d? ne ? t?.He lives in the everlasting hills.NbiimaadonProper Nouna person's nameN? bii me-adonbo.I know my enemies.nbir?gaNountools for cutting thatchm? kya kyu nm? s? if?no example translationnbirisiAdjectiveunself-controllednbolonNounvalleysF? su?? b?r?d?? ab?? korotiya nbolon d? m? ne n boran.Transplanting plantains or bananas in valleys is the best.nbonoPronounthat/whichNbusu nbono gi d? fo m?, gi ky?.The bad spirit on you is very great.nb?fu?NounyoursNb?me-AdonboProper Nouna person's name meaning "I am better off than my enemies."N b? me-adonbo.I am better off than my enemies.nb?nb?liiNounarmpitsIg?? i kya laar? daa nb?nb?lii d? gikyena.Boils like settling in armpits.Nb?wuraProper Nouna person's namenbufuiiNounpalm nut shellsnbuii-akpagalaNoungiant ground pangolinnbuii-?ker?maNouna kind of forest birdnbukyeeNoungravel; rocky sandnbuliNounurineMe-bi nbuli gi pal? me-?d?ten.My bed is soaked with my child's urine.nbusuNounobligation towards an ancestorNbusu gi t? Yaa so.Yaa has a bad spirit.Nde-AyenProper Nouna person's name meaning "Our poverty is only for now."Nd? ne a kya wu ayen faa.Our poverty is only for now.ndenNouna type plants used for weaving or as cane/whipsNdenkiiProper Nouna person's namen d? me-ansi n ker?no example translationnd?NountodayNd? g?k? m? ne.Today is the day.Nd?-AsaProper Nouna person's name meaning "Today's generation."Nd?-nk? nd? d? asa.Today's generation.Nd?-IbokonProper Nouna person's name meaning "As for today things are rosy for you."Nd? ber? i bo k?n.As for today things are rosy for you.Nd?me-L??Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I am considering my own."N kya nu daa de me-l??.I am considering my own.Nd?s?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I am very mindful."N d?s?.I am very mindful.ndonbu?Nounwild animalsa wild animal is dangerous to live example translationnd??NounfarmNd?? m? gi d??.The farm burned.ndulinyaNoununplanned/circumstances/situation/the worldMen? ndulinya ne?What kind of situation is this?neconjandNe i w?n??And so what?neffocfocusNe nyi im? so m? nant?ge de.If I know something about it then I shall say.nenVerbpush? kya nen gisin m?/nen m? too.He is pushing the door/push him down.nengyenes.conjifNengy?ne ? ma? ba m?, y?g? m?.If he won't come, leave him alone.nennengerenNounan insultker? m?-gik??r? nenengeren m?no example translationn?PronounIN? t?g? y??, men??What did I say?nfans?r?NounwindowsAtenbu m?? kya laa nfans?r?-?mang?s?.Kotokolis do like wide windows.Nfomen?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "What do I care about?"N f? men??What do I care about?nfonAdjectivethen/thereKyena nfon gyoo me.Wait there for me.Nfon?-Ib?Proper NounA person's nameFon? ne n d?.No condition is permanent.nfonoAdjectivethereNfono ne ? t?.He was sitting pubarared oilnf?l?NounsaltAye-nf?l? gi ta.Our salt is ne m? kya yen y??, "kpere-nf?n?, bara nf?n?"no example translationNgbangyaProper NounGonjaKyala-kyi kya t?g? Gigbangya.The Challa woman is speaking Gonja.ngbeesiNounmascaraM? kya kyan ngbeesi.They are putting on mascara.ngbiniNouna type of vegetablem? kya kyu ngbini w?ra ip?; i bo s?r?no example translationng?galogoNounblack soldier antsngyabiNounsmall piece of fire woodngyafuiiAdjectivesplitngyakpabiNounlogs of fire woodsngy?lenbiNounbranchesOyii m? ngy?lenbi gi? ky?, im?so ne m?-gik??r? d? i? bo oyuli faa.The tree does not have many branches, that is why there is no shade under it.ngyiNounbeadsNd?- akyii m? m?? ba maa laar? ngyi giw?ra.Today's/this modern women do not like wearing beads.ngyi'Nounmarbles for gamesWaar?/ludu/dame-ngyi' m? nko gi fu? sii.Some of the ware/ludo/draft's marbles are lost for ever.ngyintabu?Nountypes of antsnsinsin nko oyuduuno example translationngyobiiNouna small yamsmaller yamsno example translationniiniiVerbtoo/very slowFo don niinii.You are too slow.nindeVerblickNinde g?t? m?.Lick the coldNkyu m? gi bo ni?ini?i.The water is very cold.nkalanNounbloodbala nkalan gi kya w??l?Baboon's blood itchesnkanNounedge/aside? yel? nkan, ? m?? loo g?l?? m? d?.He is standing aside / at the edge, he didn’t get involved in the fight.nkanaconjotherwiseNkana n gy? n nyi fo so m? ,nan w?ra fo ilaa-ny?nny?n.Otherwise, if I didn't know, I would do something bad to you.nkansaliiNouna type of noisenkaranpaaNounribsnkas?-ikp?r?Nouna kind of birdnkenbiiNouna type of woven containerNker?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I am awake."N ker?.I am awake.Nker?-AsenProper Nouna person's name meaning "Anticipation"N ker? ilaa.I am looking at things.Nker?buaar?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I am looking up to God."N ker? Wurubuaar?.I am looking up to God.nkitadenNounmongoose familynkolongif?Nounedible oilgikolongi-nf?shea butter oilnk?nk?nNounhoofing coughnkpaNounlifeNkpa ne m? kya su.Life is what they are crying for.Nkpa-Igy?at?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "When you have life you will get things."Nkpa ne n gy? at?-giny?.When you have life you will get things.Nkpa-Igy?wuraProper Nouna person's nameNkpa ne n gy? wura.Where there is life there is wealth.Nkpa-Iky?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Life is sufficient."Nkpa-Iky? gi y?r? nbii f??, akyii yalala-wura.He produced many children as one who had many wives.nkpaalinfuiiNounkind of snail ???bon d? akotoo ako oyuduuno example translationnkpakalanNouna kind of fish trapakyoli ako oyuduuno example translationnkpal?Noundiviner's prophesyNkpal? gi gy? ilaa-ny?nny?n Wurubuaar?-?son d?.Diviners' prophesy is a bad thing in worshipping God.nkpa??lenbiNounsmall bellsnkpasu??Nounsmall foot pathsayaa-ikpa pii-piino example translationnkp?l?t?Nounthe act of divination/soothsayingKpal?bo m? naa g?ten kamaas? m?, ? d? m?-nkp?l?t?.The diviner/soothsayer carries his divination apparatus everywhere he goes.nkp??b?NounjunctionN? gyangara Kofi aye-nkp??b?.I met Kofi at our junction.nkuliVerbgossipNkuli gi? kya m??; im? m?, gikya gbaa gudu d?.Gossiping does not kill, but it brings disgrace.nkunNounanimals' tails used as traditional singers' instruments or juju?lonbiibo m? kya bii ilon m?, ? d? bee-nkun nny? de m?-abaa.The singer is holding two horses tails in his hands as he sings.nkunsanAdverbnearlyN? gyi loto nkusan.I nearly won lotto.nkyaas?biiNounchickensmy face resambles a hawk; but I don't catch example translationnky??conjnot knowingNky?? fo ne n t? g?r??So is here your staying place? (I didn't know you were the one staying here).nky??riiAdverbcrockednky?felenkyuNounfoot rotayaanenbi d? gigy?foot rotnky?r?banNounkind of fish trapakyoli ako oyuduua type of fish trapnkyongonNoun??nkyoolaNounluxurious living/restingWurubuaar? gi sa fo nkyoola.God has given you a luxurious life.nky??biNounbells used for the hunter's danceM? kya kyu nky??bi sal? nt?kpara.They use a sickle blade to carve hoes.nkyuNounwaterNkyu ne n tiri.Water is what is important.nkyukpanNounsoup without meatnkyu gikpanonly waternlaator?Nouna type of tree/its fruitsm? kya m?-gibi kyu w?ra asarano example translationnlanganNoungourds??nlanganbiNounsmall gourds??nliNounfuneralsNli nd? ne nan san m?? aye.These funerals will eventually kill us.nlinNoun??ilaa ibono i kya ky? al?t? m?no example translationnlin-?feboNounproper namenl?Nounlarge pots made of claynl?biNounsmall pots made of claynmaraNounbacksOgbeli gi w?ra m?m?-nmara.Their backs is soured with dust.nm?Pronounthey/themNm? gbaa ne n gy? ny?nny?n m?.They are even worse.nn?AdverbhowNn? ne fo kya susu daa?How (in what way/what) are you thinking?nnoAdverbthereNno ne n? lii faa.It is there that I come from.nn?nkyuAdjectivelove for meat or sweet thingsfo bo g?n?nkyuno example translationn??s?-inunNoungriddleKpaa kyu n??s?-inun m? ba de a' kyu inken ??s?.Go and bring the griddle for us to smoke the fish.n?ma?manNounoutsideKyu nkyu m? lii n?man?man.Have monthly period.Bos? kamaas? m?, akyii saky? m? kya lii n?man?man.Every month, many women menstruate. Women have their period every time.nonoAdjectivethereLii nono.Get out from there.n?fo-n?foAdjectivesoftnpaaNounbed? s?? npaa/gid?so.He bought a bed.npaabaNounfate/luck custom to be done before marryingO tii m?-npaaba deeri.He performed his puberty rite yesterday.nper?AdverbnowNper? ne fo kya kpe?Are you now going?np?Nounhats, caps? bun g?p? kyu loo as?rii-obu d?.He wore a hat into the moneynp?siwaNouna kind of staple foodnp?NounbrainM?-np? gi nyida, im?so ? ?? p?r?-?.He had a brain infection so he is groovesg?r? i gy? daa np?kyaa example translationnsanaAdverbmiddle?ko m?? bo gyoono f?s? nsana g?r??Nobody has a dog for sale around here?me-nsana gi singino example translationNsengyiProper Nouna person's namens?bel?Nounfather's older brotherNs?bel? g?tin ne.This is my older father's compound.Ns??gy?Proper Nouna person's namens?kp??raNounfather's younger brotherNs?kp??ra gi kpe nd??.My younger father went to farm.nsinbiNouncasesnsingyiNounconversationns?NounashesNs? m? gi bo lolo.The ash is very bitter.ntaNounwineFo nun nta.You drank wine.nta fufuliNounpalm wine; lit:white wineNtaakpaaProper Nouna person's namentanNounoath always appealing to the authority of the fetish? ka ntan.He swore an oath.ntanunboNoundrunkardLewu gi y?g? n? bingiri ntanunbo.Death has made me a drunkard.NtasaProper Nouna person's namenten-abiNounnative(s)M? gy? dan nten-abi.They are natives.nten-obiNounone born and living in a placeIsa ?bono i korog? m? ne ? kpa ? t? nno g?kpaa-g?kpaa.One born and usually also living in a specific place.nten-sanaNouncentre of townOyii yel? nten-sana.A tree is standing in the centre of the town.Nt?-Ib?Proper Nouna person's nameNt?-Iky?Proper Nouna person's nameNt?-NkiiProper Nouna person's name meaning "I am watching."N t? n ker?.I am watching.Nt?-NkpaaProper Nouna person's nameNt??laProper Nouna person's nament?kparaNounhoesNt?men?soProper Nouna person's nameNt?ne-IboranProper Nouna person's nameN t? m?, i boran.It is good to be alive.Nt?ne-IkunProper Nouna person's nameNt?nkunProper Nouna person's nameNt?ny?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I didn't work for it but I got it."N t? ne n? ny?.I didn't work for it but I got it.ntiinaNoundate treesNtiina gi? ky? ap? d?.Date trees are not many in the forest.ntintinVerbstraightYel? ntintin.Stand up straight.nt?n??Nouna locally woven matGifengen gibono ne Akyode m? kya kyu pule ibuni.Akyodes use this kind of mat to bury the dead.ntuluntuVerbbackwardnessMen?t? ntuluntu ilaa ne?What backwardness is this?ntuuleVerbmeet unexpectedlynuVerbhearFo nu ilaa ibono m? t?g? fo m??Did you hear what they told you?Nufo-saasenProper Nouna person's name meaning "Obey your father."Nu fo-s? ilaa.Obey your father.NufuProper Nouna person's name meaning "Listen to your......"Nu fo......Listen to your ......nugidiNounsmearBaa keda fo-bi, ? kya nugidi e and pick your child, she is making me dirty.m? kyu Gyos?fo-g?gb? m? nugidi tiid? m? nkalanno example translationnunVerbdrinkDeeri ber?, karamoo gi nun nta.As for yesterday, the Muslim drank wine.Nwaame-l??Proper Nouna person's name meaning "I have played my part."N? w?ra me-l??.I have played my part.Nw?nNounDagombascapital town of Dagonbas is Yendino example translationNw?n ?sowol? g?mu ne n gy? example translationnyaaVerbsmear on (oil)Obolonbu m? gi nyaa nf?.The girl has smeared some pomade on her body.M? kya nyaa m?-giba.The are massaging his/her hand.nyaakp?Verbsulk? nyaakp?.He has started sulking.nyaaky?VerbplentyAsa m? m? nyaaky?.The people are many.nyaal?VerbcoverNkolengyi gi nyaal? aye.Driver ants cover us.NyaasenProper Nouna person's name meaning "Wisdom"Nyasaseen gi w?ra ilaa iko.Nyaasen did something.nyaboVerbsuck or breastfeedingY?g? ?' nyabo.Let him nurse.nyalaVerbbother/disturbMe-nyoro gi kya nyala me.My body is disturbing me.NyambonProper NounNyambong; an Akyode townNyambon gy? Akyode ?sowol? ?ko.Nyambong is one of Akyode towns.nyames?Nounperson?d? gy? nyames? pa-a.That one is some kind of person (really good).nyanVerbsqueeze/food gone badKpaa nyan g?foro m?.Go and squeeze the washed things.Ip? m? i nyan.The soup has gone off taste.Nyan kankamaa m? nkyu sa me.We drink the porridge without any seasoning.nyan'NoundwarfsNyan' gi puru m? loo if?.Dwarfs took him to the bush.nyangbonNounrainNyangbon m? kya da giky?.It is raining too much.nyangbongiriiNounkind of scorpionNyangbongirii m?? kya nyan da.Nyangbongirii does not bite easily.nyannyangbalanAdjectivesourAgb??ma-ip? i kera faa nyannyangbalan.The soup of a certain kind of leaf is sour.nyanpuligiNounwest African hedgehogNyanpuligi m?? kya lii owikenken.Nyanpuligi does not come out during the day.nyenbuliNounspermM? nyenbuli siida.He has thick fluid.Nyenf?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "VisitorNyenf? gi ba aye gewi.Nyenf? came to our house.nyenkpadaAdjectivecoincidental nameGinyen kolon awura.They have they same name.nyens?Adjectivemanhood? nyiile y??, ? gy? obi-nyens?.He has proof that he is a man.nyens??AdjectivemaleG?bii nyens?? ne ? korog?.It was a male child that she brought forth.nyer-rAdverbmade chillsI sel? me-nyoro d? faa nyer-r.It sent chills down my body.ny?VerbgetFo ny? fo-nyoro.You are now free.ny?Prepositionmore thanNkalan gi siida ny? nkyu.Blood is thicker than water.? ny? at?.He has a lot of wealth.ny?ky?NounpimpleNy?ky? gi lii me-ansi d?.I have some pimples on my face.ny?maaAdjectivedirty; scattered all over? kyu ilaa ?mad? obu d? ny?maa.He scattered things in the room.ny?ngaVerbfrownNy?nga w?ra m?.Frown at him.Fo ny?nga ansi w?ra g?sun m? fo laa w?ra isa gbaa.If you work harder, you will be a prosperous person.ny?nny?nAdjectivebadI bo fo ny?nny?n.You are bad.ny?nny?ng?NounmorningGikyode-ny?nny?g? afaala ne n gy? "gilee"Gikyode's morning greetings is "gilee".fo lii ny?nny?ng? m? foro fo-ansino example translationny?nny?ng?-fuuNounmorning? ba deeri ny?nnyeng?.He came yesterday morning.nyiVerbknow?? nyi s?i.He doesn't know anything.nyidaVerbspoilAterenbi a nyida f?ye-g?su.Money has spoiled your relation.Nyifon?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Where do I know"Nyifon? gi bel?.Nyifon? is old.nyiiNounhard press/onI nyii me.I am under pressure.Ibin i nyii me.I feel like going to toilet.nyiileVerbteach,showAn? ne n nyiile fo aye-naana-ana mbara?Who taught you the laws of our ancestors?nyiileVerbteach/showKuubela kya nyiile Genyingi ilaa.Kuubela is teaching Genyingi.Kpaa nyiile me ?kara m?.Go and show me the boundary.NyimaadonProper Nouna person's name meaning "I know my enemiesNyimaadon bo aterenbi.Nyimaadon is rich.NyimaalipoProper Nouna person's name meaning "I know my supporters"Nyamaalipo gi ba.Nyamaalipo has come.nyingiVerbremember/ remindN kya nyingi fo.I am remembering you.Nyingi me de n kyu me g?gb?.Remind me to take my shirt.nyin?ilinNounriver at SiareNyin?ilin ne n gy? ?bon saas?.Nyin?ilin provides the drinking water.nyiseVerbpress? nyise m? ?bol? d?.He pressed him in the throat.nyisigyiNoungloryNyisigyi gy? daa Wurubuaar?-l??.Glory is to God.nyoroNounbodyMe-nyoro d? i kya nu me.I feel some pains in my body.ny?gaVerblightNy?ga fatela m?.Light the lamp.Ky?ng? layit? m?.Switch on the light.ny?g?ny?g?Adverbclumsy? kya kp?? agyud? ny?g?ny?g? giky?.He is cutting the food and doing it very clumsily.ny??Verbput the pestle into waterIbono ? kya w?d? g?pal? m? ne ? ny??.IWhen I am pounding I put the pestle into the water.ny??-ny??Adjectiveplentiful/joyfullyAsa m? kya gyi ny??-ny??.They are eating joyfully.ny??l?Verbmove quietlyGuuni kya ny??l?.A lion moves quietly.ny??n?Verbwithers/grow feebler or fainter/shrivel upOyii m? afadaa m? p?wu a ny??n?.All the leaves of the tree are withered.ny?r?menaaunhealthyGyaranbuwa bo ny?r?menaa.The cat seems unhealthy.nyu??-nyu??Verbslow? bo nyu??-nyu??.He is slow.nyufu-nyufuAdjectivehairyGyono m? bo nyufu-nyufu.The dog is hairy.???aaVerbdry up/vanish/lost?bon m? gi ?aa.The river dried up.G?donbu? g? laar? g?' keda m? ne ? ?aa.A wild beast nearly killed him and he vanished.?aa-aAdverbastonishedI d? m?m?-g?n?; m? san m? yel? m? kya ker? faa ?aa-a.They were astonished and so they stood in awe.?aabaaVerbdisgraceG?? ?aabaa me.Don't disgrace me.?aabaameAdjectiveshame?aabaame ilaa ne fo w?ra faa.What you did is shameful.?aag?VerbcrossMa?aagikpa, m?? kya ?aag? ?kpa!Rodent does not cross the path.?aalaVerbfrightenOkyiimaal? m? kya ?aala asa.The rainbow frightens people.?abaVerbyawn? ?aba m?, i y?g? me kee n? ?aba.She yawned, I also yawned.?anVerbmultiply/exalt? m?l?g? m? gi ?an pa-a.The rice has multiplied a lot.?angal?VerbtickleI? kya ?angal? me.I am not ticklish.?araVerbhide? sel? ?ara.He ran and hid himself.?el?l?Adverbwavy flashingNyangbon gi wiis?? ??l?l?.The rain lightened.??Verbchop/cut? ?? me gikon.He punched me.? ?? oyii m? too.He chopped the tree down.??baVerbyawn? ??ba m?, m?-ansi a k? nkyu.When he yawned his eyes poured out tears.???l?Verbclear???l? gip?clear a forest??legiVerbshineMe-ayawol? a kya ??legi.My shoe is shining.??l?g?Verbpass over? ??l?g? gik?lobii m?.He crossed the gutter.??l?l?Adjectivethin?f? m? kera faa ??l?l? f??, agyaga-okuruf?.The rope is thin as a spider's web.??s?Verbdry either on rafter or on sticks put across the fire??s? ginun m? de gi' m?? sa gi' gy?.Smoke the meat so that it doesn't get rotten.?il-lAdjectivewavyNbusu p?wu g?mu gi lii Wurubuaar? d? ?il-l baa t?r? g?sinkpan so.Satan came out from heaven to the earth with a sweeping sound.?ila-?ilaAdverbbrightly shining? kya ?elegi ?ila-?ila.He is shining brightly.?ini-?iniAdjectivetiny?kyii m? m?-bi m? kere faa, ?ini-?ini.The woman's child is very tiny.?ma-aAdjectivebrightlyF?tila bel? gi kyang? faa ?ma-a.A big light shone there brightly.?maaVerbfrighten/straggle forI ?maa me-gisen.It frightened me.M? kpaa ?maa yara-yara.They struggle over it.?maal?VerbweedA' kpaa ?maal?.Let us go and weed.?maasenVerbgrow faster than your age? ?maasen daa nkana n gy? m? ?bel?ns?.He grew faster otherwise I am older than him.?mad?Verbsprinkle? kya ?mad? g?pal? m? nkyu.She is sprinkling water on the fufu.? kya ?mad? m?-awayu nd?? nkyu.He is watering his maize farm.?mang?Verbwiden/become bright?' baa kyingi m? i ?maang?.When he woke up it was already bright.Wurubuaar? awol? a ?mang?.The clouds are wide.? ?mang? m?-abaa tii aye ?kpa.He blocked us with his hands.?maraaVerblittle/smallW?ra me ip? m? ?maraa.Give me a little soup.?maras?VerbwriteN kya ?maras? ?wol?.I am writing a letter / book.?masanNounhoneyM? kyon m?' kpaa l?? ?masan.They have gone to harvest honey.?mawooAdjectivehuh?mawoo, na nfono.Huh! Get away.?mer?Verbpress? kya ?mer? me-gibaa.He is pressing my hand.?m??Verbbeat hammer? kya ?m?? gisin m?.He is knocking at the door.? kya ?m?? ?d?n.He is ringing a bell.?m?lanVerbdrive/throwNaad? kya ?malan m? oduu gya ikyasen.A cow drives away flies with its tail.M? kya sin m?, ? ?malan m? kpaa too.He threw him down as they wrestled.?miiVerbkneelObolonbu m? gi ?mii dega m? ansi d?.The girl knelt in front of the boy.?mindeVerbtie/bind? laar? anyen ne m? ?minde m?.She committed adultery and they tied her up.M? kpaa ?minde y?? m?' laa m?? m?.They plotted to kill him.?mirigiVerbtiltI ?mirigi, i? ky?g? fu?.It tilted but did not spill.?oniVerbburnGigyo m? gi d?? ?oni.The yam is burned up completely.?ono?onoNounsweet?masan bo ?ono?ono.The honey is sweet.??n???kyiiNouna type of plant??n???kyii has broken the handle of hoe.?uiin?VerbroarGyono m? kya ?uiin?.The dog is barking.?uiiniVerbmumble? kya ?uiini.He is muttering with a low inarticulate voice.Oo-oAdjectiveoh! (stylistic marker with connotations of warning or displeasure)O! fo ne n kya saal? fo-s? faa?Oh! Are you the one insulting your father?o-ounknownhe/she continuous? kya kpe nd??.He is going to farm.obentewuleNounplay/tease/nick name for a pregant womanM? kya yen ?t?-wura y??, obentewule.They call a pregnant woman that "obemtewule".obiNounchild/personObi ne n gy? at?.A child is riches (things).Obi-DonProper Nouna person's name meaning "A child is more important than everything"Obi-Don gi wu' Kumas?.Obidon died at Kumasi.Obi-If?Proper Nouna person's nameobibiriNounblackAdega any? ako m? kya ba aye as?, obibiri m? gy? me-ted?.Some two young men are coming to us, the black one is my brother.Obigy?-At?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "A child is an inheritance"Obi gy? at? gi s?? l??r?.Obigy?-At? has bought a car.ObintaProper Nouna person's nameobolonbuNounyoung girlObolonbu, fo kya kpe fon??Girl, where are you going?obooboNoundrunkardias ?bono ? kya nun nta boom?one who drinks and gets drunkoboroniNounwhite personisaWhite personFufuli ma? son oboroni de n' kii son Gbangya.I can't serve the white and serve the Gonja.obuNounhouse/roomilaa ibono m? p?r? asa nyames? de ?' kyena ab?? ?' m? d? m?building designed for human habitation, dwelling placeobu-?laaNouna crack in a wallobulayiiNouna type of treeobuliNouna kind of playobundiNouncoverobuniNoundeceased person; ghost; corpseM? pule obuni m?.They buried the deceased.obunigyaNounodor of decayObuni m? bo obunigya.The dead body smells.obuns?NouncoverBonboron m? obuns? bo fon? d??Where is the cover to the cup?oburuNouna type of tree, used for roofingobusafoNoun1.wierdoFo gy? daa obusaf? f??, fo-ilaa w?ras?.You are a devil just like your deeds.2.devil; SatanoderiNoundreamDeeri n? kuu ideri kpan.Yesterday I had a nightmare.odoliNounkind of tall grassM? kpaa keebi odoli de m? kyu baa luoo agb?gyaana.They went and cut odoli grass to weave an instrument for making gari.oduduuNoun1.spiritWurubuaar?-Oduduu gi suud? Paul so.The Holy Spirit filled Paul.2.power3.weightodunNounkind of treeOdun m? bo alii asa'.The odum tree has three logs.oduuNountailFo kya laar? bala ansi d? fo wu m?, keda m? oduu d?.When you want to see the face of the ape, get hold of its tail.ofiriNounalbinoOfiri m? iman i p??r?.The albino's hair is red.ofuliNoungrass landOfuli m? kya d??.The grass land is burning.ofuntunNouna type of treeoyii, ?? bo lon de gi??not strong in chopping downofuuNounhair; nothing?? tii ny? baa ofuu.He has not got a single hair.M? too asawu kalad?, m?? ny? baa ofuu.They fished all night long they got got nothing.ofuuliNoungrasslandSunwura t? ofuli so.Sunwura stays in the grassland.ogbekeliNounrow/ series of persons or things in straight lineOgbekeli kolon ne ? taga y??, ? laa sola.She arranged one row that it is what she will carry.ogbeliNoundust/fine dust in the airL??ri gi m? bun aye ogbeli.The lorry has smeared us with some dust.ogbuloNounkind of gameA kya too ogbulo.We are playing 'ogbulo'.ogeeNouncliffI bo ogee giky?.The valley is too steep.ogenNounedgeKyu ibirikisi m? gyan ogen m? so.Put the bricks on the edge.ogoNounpantsoguluguluNounhunting placeAgyanbu? ne n gy? Ogulugulu d? anabo.Hunters are the ones that walk in Ogulugulu.ogyeretenNounbathing place?kyii bno example translationogyesikpanNounlast year's yam farmOgyesikpan baar? d? a ny? igyo pa-a.In this farm of last year we had a lot of yams.ogyi-w?ratenNoun??nno kyaas? kya gyi w?ra m?no example translationogyibaraNoungirl friend/boy friend/lover?nyen ab?? ?kyii ?bono fo kya d? de m? y?g? f?? dena abara.Man or woman whom you sleep with without marriage.ogyibarabiNounchild of a concubineogyibel?boNoungluttonyisa ?bono ? kya gyi giky?one who eats a lotogyis?Nounused for eating/edibleG?n?/m?-gyoono ny?s? baar? ber? gy? ogyis?.Mouth/ this second dog for him is edible.ogyitenNouneating placeA' kpe ogyiten.Let us go to the eating place.okiliNounlevel? sola nkyu w?ra nk?r?n m? d? ne i fo okili ny?s? m?.She carried water into the tank up to the second level.okinNoundepthIm?-okin i laa w?ra f??, ny?mes?-gibaa ?t?ng?-kara.Its depth was about the length of a person's arm reach.okiyeeAdjectiveLook sharp!?kyii m? gi saawo ter? m?-biana y??, okiyee m?' ba.The woman in sharp look called her children to come.okoNumeraltwentyAsa oko m? ba aye as?.Twenty people came to us.okoboNounimpotent?nyen ?bono m?-giw?r? gi wu' m?a man whose penis is out of coverage areaokon-sangoNumeralTwenty-nineOko sango.Twenty nine.okononbuNounleperokonsuyoNouna type of bug in palm trees especially during tapping palm wineOkonsuyo kpaa kya kyena kyoola de nta-ginun.Even this bug rests from drinking wine.OkpawuraProper Nouna person's name meaning "Road master"?bono m? kya sun ?kyii ab?? ?nyen as?one sent to a woman or man in loveokpenseNountumourOkpense gi da me-?gyan so.I have a tumour on my thigh.Abono m? m?? wu' m?, ikpense i da-da m?m?.those who did not die were afflicted with tumorsokpotiiNounclubokulaaboNounwidow/widowerF?' ker? okulabo m? so dandan.Take good care of the widow.okuliNounhusbandOkuli pi-i, sa me aterenbi de n' s?? ginun.My younger husband, give me money to buy some meat.okuntenNounshelter; hidingAfuu a da gikolii m? kyu kpaa lii Okuten-gikyafiya.Wind carried the boat to Okuten island.okuruf?Nounthread/spider webSa me okuruf? m? iko.Give me some cotton.okuruf?-atoobiVerbspinning? kya wuliti me f??, okuruf?-atoobi.He is twisting me as spinning.okuulaaboNounwidow/widower?bono m?-ka/kuli gi wu' taa m? y?g?no example translationokyinNounveinFo bo ?l? fo okyin so.You have a sore on your tendon.okyodekyiiNounAkyode womanokyode-kyiian Akyode womanokyuNounporridgeYaa kya nun okyu.Yaa is eating some porridge.okyukpanNoundirty water on the ground/drainageOkyukpan ne.This is run-off water.olinNounrootKuru kankama olin bara me.Dig a lemon root for me.olokoNounkind of treeKofi gi m?? g?turo ?loko m? as?.Kofi killed an antelope near the oloko tree.oloobuNoundeceased personOloobu Yaw nd?? ne.This is the farm of the late Yaw.olotoNounbush genetOloto ne n gy? g?bu? g?bono g? bo kpank? m?.Genet is the animal with some nasty smell between its thighs.oluburubunNounplace of standing water; a particular swimming pool in siareA kpa t??l? oluburubun.We went and swam in Oluburubun.olugyoNounuglyisa ?bono ?? w?ra ?dansome one who is not handsome/beautifulomolekeNounstinking bug usually found in okraOmoleke m? son m? gi s?? g?r? p?wu gyi.The stinking bug's smell can be smelled all over here.Omleke gi laar? ngbini d? gikyena.It likes living in okra plants.omuumuuNoundump personOmuumuu m? bo lon pa-a.The dumb person is very strong.onosunNounupper lipKer? ? onosun feferenben m?.Look at your big upper lip.onsiparaNoungreedyAsa ako m? bo onsipara.Some people are greedy.onufuiiNounincenseOnufuii m? bo fen giky?.The incense is very fragrant.onungboNounleader of a group of woman particularly those being initiated into the fetish cultOnungbo menyi gikyaa.Onungbo does not know how to dance.onutenNounauditorium? kpe ilaa-onuten kpa nu ilaa.He went to the auditorium to hear / listen to things.onyiNounmotherOnyi ne n nyi m?-bi ?t? d? akon.It is the mother who knows whether her child is hungry.onyibel?Nounmother's older sisterOnyibel?-d?ns? ?ko gi don onyi.Some good elder mother (aunts) are better than a mother.onyiileboNounteacherOnyiilebo baar? ber? bo gisen pa-a.This teacher has a lot of patience.onyikp??raNounmother's younger sisterMe nyikp??ra gi bame as? deeri.My younger mother (aunt) came to me yesterday.Onyim?-L??Proper Nouna woman's name meaning "She knows her own"M? kpere Onyim?-L?? sukuu.They sent Onyim?-L?? to school.onyiseboNounkind of sickness; one of the six child killer diseasesOnyisebo kya ny?la nbii m? pa-a.'Onyisebo' disturbs a lot the little children.opinNounintestineIpat?? i kya laar? nbu?-ipin gigyi.Vultures like eating animals' intestines.opininbiiNounpestleOpininbii ne ? kyu taa m?-g?miimara m?? g?nen.It was a pestle that used to hit the back of his head and killed him.opiyatufuoNouna kind of birdOpiyatufuo kolon m?? kya naa; g?nen m? m?-ra m?-kuli ab?? m?-ka.This bird does not move alone, unless with the husband or wife.osintenAdjectivelast pointM?-l?? osinten ne.That is his last point.osoboNounthighGiyaa-g?mara.The back of a human/animal leg.osubuNounrelativeM?-subu ?ko gi ba m?-afaala.One of his relatives has come to pay him a visit.osulunNouncryingN? kyu osulun dab?l? w?ra g?sun m?.I did the work whilst crying.osunturubuNounperson who cannot hearFo gy? daa osunturubu do-o?.Are you deaf?otiiNounpeg? da m? otii yii.He has pegged him.otinponNounbroad/main road? lii baa ten otinpon d?.He joined the main road.otintirinNounhind part of human foot? kya kyise me-otintirin.He is stepping on my heel.otuAdjectivebrave; heart; courageFo bo otu.You are brave/courageous.otu'Noungun? s?? otu.He bought a gun.otuutuuNouna type of birdAye-Akyode a? kya w? otuutuu-gumu.We Akyodes do not eat otuutuu's head.oweNounthornOwe gi yii me-giyaawol? fondi baa ny? me-giyaa.A thorn pricked my sandals/shoe through and got my leg.owiNounsunOwi kya lii nd? pa-a.The sun is shining a lot today.owi-kenken.NounafternoonOwi-kenken g?r?-g?r?.mid-dayowiigbefiigbeNouna poisonous snake? w?ra fo m?, owi ?' baa t?r? m?, fo kee fo laa wu'.When it bites you, as the sun sets you will also die.oworuworuNounAdam's apple/throatKyaas? m?-oworuworu ne n? ny?.I only got the chicken's throat.owuliiNouna tool used for preparing t zG?n? ky?ky?fuii f??, adeda-owulii.Long mouth like the olden days T.Z. tool.owusenNounscarce/not often seenOwi d? m? agyud? abo owusen.During famine time food is very scarce.oyeebuNounmad personOyeebu baar? nyi ilaa ?mara.This mad man is very intelligent.oyiiNountree/sitting place for people especially menA' kpe oyii-d?.Let us go to the sitting place.Ma? t? baa oyii me-nd?? d? sige.I will not roast a single in my farm today.oyiikpankpagalanNouna big forest tree? gy? oyii bel? giyan daa, ?? boran de gikyan kyu mal? obu.It is big for nothing, it is not good for sewing to roof a house.oyiikyisenNouna type of treem? kya kyu oyiikyisen sal? g?ky??-yiino example translationoyiimal?mal?Nouna kind of treeOyiimal?mal?-g?gya g? kya d? ?gya.The firewood of oyiimal?mal? stores up fire for a long time.oyiituges?Nounwalking stickMe-oyiituges? ne.This is my walking stick.oyimiNounpygmy flying squirrelOyimi gy? agyakpid?-g?su d?.It is in the family of bats.oyuNounthiefA keda oyu deeri.We caught a thief yesterday.oyuduuNounbehaviour/type/kindFo-oyuduu m?? boran.Your behaviour is not good.Wurubuaar? y??, ilaa kamaas? i' korog? im?-oyuduu.God said let every creature bring forth its kind.oyuliNouncold water/shadeNkyu m? gi bo yuli giky?. Ma? taal? gyere im?.The water is too cold. I can't bathe in it.G?r? i bo oyuli; ilaa duus? i ma? taal? w?ra ?dan g?r?.It is too shady here. Nothing will grow well here.oyum??Nounguinea corn chaffOyum?? ne a kya kyu yii gi?alan-ginsi.We use it to make a eye of a marble.???Pronounhe? bo aterenbi giky?.He has a lot of money.?Adjective-? kya ba?Is he coming??baakpanboNounempty handed of woman?kyii ?bono ??, ?? s?? g?bii m?a woman who is not having a nursing child?baa?ninNounelbow?bel?Nounbig one? m?? g?turo bel?.He killed a big antelope.?bel?ns?Nounelder; leadershipMe ?belens? ne ngye Anewu.My elder brother is Anewu.?b?l?boNounblacksmithKofi gy? ?b?l?bo.Kofi is a blacksmith.?bir?Nounwristfo? bo ?bir? fo kya ?? ak?nno example translation?bol?Noun1.throatKer? m? ?bol?.Look at his throat.2.pleasing, pleasureFo bo ?bol?.You are pleasing.?bonNounriverAnenu gi kyon ?bon.Anenu is gone for water from the river.?bon-g?muNounspring of a river/head of somethingGidiy?n m?-ra m?-ik? ak?bo m? m?, m? kpaa bun sindi Har?d?-?bon m? g?mu.Gideon and his men camped beside the Spring of Harod.?bonboAdjectivemighty?bonbo m? gi loo.The mighty one has arrived.?bonoptcthat?nyen ?bono ? kya bii ilon m? ne.This is the man that sings.?bonoDemonstrativethat?nyen ?bono ne n d?r?.I mean that man.?b?Nounhole?b?l?nob?Nounthe corner of a wall/room?b?nboNounliesisa ?bono ? kya k?? abonone who tell lies?b?waky?kenNounfish?bunm?-L??soProper Nouna man's name? bun m?-l?? so.He is covering / protecting his own.?daaNounolder sibling?daa m? ogyiten bo fon??Where is the elder one's share??dedaaboNounancient one?dedaabo-nyen ne ? gy?.He is of ancient times.?d?Nounthis/that one?d? ne n dar? m?.I mean this one.?dooNountrapMe-?doo gi da kalanbu?.My trap has caught a grass-cutter.?doof?Nounsnare?dootenNounwine or honey-press?masan-?dooten/? bo gidoo m? ?dootenno example translation?d?nNounfishnet?d?n'Nounbell?faaAdverbmaybeKofi m?? kpe nd?? nd? faa, ?faa ? kya l? ne.Kofi didn't go to farm today. Maybe he is sick.?faal?Nouninjury?faananAdverbmaybe; by this time?faanan Akua kya ba.Maybe Akua is coming by now.?f?NounropeSim?n gi kyu ?f? kyu ?minde igyo.Simon used some rope to tie up yams.?f?gyaNounjuju to determine the truth? kpere m?m? p?wu ?f?gya/ ?w?ra ?f?gya m? liino example translation?f?l?boNounweak person?fuiilaaNouna small holeGy?l? m? bo ?fuiilaa.There is a small hole in the gourd.?gbar?Nouna type of small bird?gbar?sikaNouna type of bird?gb?Nouna plant; children use the stalk in a game?gb?-gik??r? gi kya taal? ky?d? it?/ntatakpara.Its stem damages hoes.?gilaNounside of face?gindaoppression?gingin'Noun??m? kya kyu m? mal? obuno example translation?g?r?fiiNounclitoris?gyaNounfireOwugya gi yii m? nd?? ?gya.Owugya has set fire to her farm.?gya-wulewuleNounflamesKpeeli m? gi lii t?r? ?gya-wulewule m? d?.The hawk fell into the flame.?gyal?Nouncurrent as in riverabii d? ibon ?gyal? bolon don gis?tan d? l??no example translation?gyanNounthighm? kya paa ?gyan fili ?f?.no example translation? sa me kooni-? example translation? w?ra gumu-d?ns? y??, otu m? gi ny? daa m?-?gyan d?no example translation?gyatanNoun??ngya nbono ?kyii laa sola m?-gumu d? gikolon m?no example translation?gy??d?tenNoun???gya-?d??tenno example translation?gy??r?Nounpioneerakonsi-?gy??r?no example translation?kaNounwifeNdeme-L?? bo ?ka d?ns?.Ndeme-L?? has a nice wife.?kaboNounadvisor?kalaNounsoulNy?mes? kpe-kpe bo ?kala.Every human being has a soul.?kalanNounmessageN kya kpe n' kpaa t?g? ?kalan.I am going to deliver a message.?kamaas?Pronouneveryone/anyone?kamaas? laa taal? wu nd?.Anyone can die today.?kanboNoundriver?karaNounend/boundaryIlaa kamaas? i bo ?kara.Everything has an end.?karaaNounbamboo?karanpaaNounrib?kedaboNouna catcher?bono ? bela ?koone who brings somebody up?kenNounfish?ken kya gy? lii daa m?-gumu d?.When a fish gets rotten, it begins from the head.?kengbeliboNounrival?k?NountomorrowNan gyi g?pal? ?k?.I shall eat fufu tomorrow.?koNounoneN bo nbii oko ?ko.I have twenty one children.?koPronounsomeone?ko ne n t?g? me g?nen ilaa ide.Someone told me that.?koAdjectivea certain?kyii ?ko kya ba.A certain woman is coming.?ko-Igy?Proper Nouna person's name?ko-Igy?-IsaProper Nouna person's name?ko-Igy?-?koProper Nouna person's name?koboranNouna person's name?koky?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "One is better than none?koky? bo igyo g?d??.?koky? has a yam farm.?kolaNounrivalAfua bo ?kola.Afua has a rival.? kpaa tu akola m? kya k?.He met rivals fighting.?kol??Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Someone's"?kol?? gi ?mares? me ?wol?.?kol?? has written me a letter.?kol??donProper Nounperson's name meaning: "Somebody's is worst off"?kol??don gi nun nta.?kol??don has taken in some drink.?komesiiProper Nouna person's name meaning "Nobody will live forever"?komesii bo otu.?komesii has a gun.?konNounjoy / sweetness / taste?kon ?m? ne fo baa ny??What joy haven't you got?Agyud? m? ?kon gi san gibaa.The taste of the food is not up to standard.?masan ?kon kp?i.The sweetness of honey is different.?kor?koNounnobody?kor?ko m?? ba aye as?.Nobody came to us.?kosoProper Nouna person's name meaning "Because of someone"?koso gy? ?nyiilebo.?koso is a teacher.?kowaameProper Nouna person's name meaning "Somebody did it to me"?kowaame m?-bi gi log? sukuu sige.?kowaame's child has completed school this year.?k?nt?Nounproper name?ko m?? t? giyan.No one is idle.?k?nt?nNoun???bon d? g?t?kpebino example translation?k?ny?Nouninitiation period/proper nameisa ?bono m? korog? m? ak?ny?-aber? d?no example translation?k?ny?kyiiNouninitiation period?kyii ?bono m? korog? m? aky?ny? d?no example translation?k??f?Nouna nose?k??pinNounbig intestine?k??tenNountoilet?k?r?tenNoungrinding place; the mill?k?t??Nouncrabnkyu d? g?bu? g?kocrab?kpaNounpath?kpa m? gi loo if?.The paths got weedy.Wurubuaar? ikpa i ky?.God has many ways.?kpakpayiNounpopgunMe ?kpakpayi gi boori.My popgun is burst.Ikpakpayi owi kya fo.The season of popguns is drawing near.?kpakyonboNounpasser-byDeeri ?kpakyonbo ?ko gi sog? ay? so.We hosted a passer-by yesterday.?kper?Nounlesser-god?kp?r? m?? bo ansi.A lesser-god has no eyes.Ikper? i nyaaky? kon.There are many lesser gods now.?kper?gy?r?Nounfetish priestKuwaku ne n gy? ?kper?gy?r? m?m? d?.Kwaku is the only fetish priest among them.Ikper?gy?r? m? m?? ba m? nyaaky?.The fetish priests are not many any more.?kyaaNounhair of the private part?kyaa baar? bo gisoro.This hair of the private parts (pubic hair) is long.? s?? m? ikyaa.He has shaved the hairs of his private parts.?kyanNounlineM?-?kyan m? gi m??.His line is crooked.? ?maal? ikyan gudu-iny? nd? wol?.He weeded twelve lines today alone.?kyenNouncooked bloodKuuri ?kyen bo kon.Cooked blood of the pig is sweet.Ikyen i gbigi gyogyi d?.Cooked blood was in abundance during the yam-festival.?kyenatenNounsitting placeMe? ny? ?kyenaten g?kyaa m? d?.I did not get a sitting place in the dance.Sukuu-nbii m? kya yiy?? de ikyenaten.School children are suffering for seats.?ky?gyiiNouna type of tree / fever?ky?gyii m?? bolon de ?gya.?ky?gyii tree can not stand fire.? kya l? ?ky?gyii.He has fever.Iky?gyii i bo ofulii so.Ikygyii trees are in the grassland.?ky?men?NounfriendKyu ?ky?men? d?ns?.Take a good friend.Aky?men? ako m?? boran.Some friends are bad.?kyiiNounwoman?kyii m?? bo otu f??, ?nyen.A woman is not as brave as a man.Akyii m? kyon gigya.The women have gone to market.?kyiibel?ns?-g?manpuuNouna type of weedM? kya gyi ?kyiibel?ns?-g?manpuu ip?.They eat the soup of ?kyiibel?ns?-g?mampuu.?kyiibel?ns?-giyaa-kpankparanNouna type of tree?kyibel?ns?-giyaa-kpankparan m?? kya w?ra oyii bel?.?kyiibel?ns?-giyaa-kpankparan does not make a big tree.?kyiif?NounbrideAsunkpa gy? ?kyiif?.Asunkpa is a bride.Ide ber? akyiif? agyud? ne.This food is for the brides.?kyiinyiNounelderly womanMe-ka gy? daa ?kyiinyi.My wife is a mature woman.Akyiinyi so-o ne n ba geli m?.Only mature women came to the funeral.?kyoboNounenemyAye-?kyobo gyangbaras? ne n gy? Ilaa Ny?ny?n P?wu G?mu.Our first enemy is Satan.M? laa kpaa daa aye-akyobo de m?' k? de aye.They will help our enemies to fight us.?kyogyooNountype of tree?kyogyoo oyii bo kamp?.?gkyogyoo tree is nice.Adedaabo akyii m? laar? ikyogyoo ip? gigyi.Women of the old days loved ikyogyoo soup.?kyuliid?tenNounexitL??ri baar? ber? m?? bo ?kyuliid?ten.This lorry has no exit.Ikyuliid?ten i nyaaky? l??ri m? d?.There are many exits in the lorry.?laaVerbsomethingFo k?l? me m?, ?laa laa w?ra fo.If you joke with me, something will happen to you.Ilaa i w?ra aye.Something has happened to us.?laakater?VerbtackleM? kya sin m?, ? da m?-nanbo m? ?lakater? ne ? t?r?.He tackled his neighbour as they wrestled and made him fall.M? kyu ilaakater? loo iseeli m? d?.They introduced tackling into the play.?laak?Nounintelligence? nyi ?laak?.He has some common sense.?laak?nyiboNounWise person? gy? ?laak?nyibo.He is a wise person.?laalaaNounplucking sickKyu ?laalaa m? ba de a' t?? mango m?.Bring the plucking stick for us to pluck the mangoes.Ilaalaa m? i? bo gisoro.The plucking sticks are not long enough.?laar?boNounlover?kamaas? bo m?-?laar?bo.Each one has his/her lover.G?k? g?bono fo wu' m? m? laa wu fo-alaar?bo.Your lovers will be known on the day that you die.?laawus?Nounsufferings/hardships?laawus? kp?i-kp?i laa tu f?ye.You will face different sufferings.?labanboNounbarren person? gy? daa ?labanbo.She is barren.M?? gy? alabanbo.They are not barren.?lanbaNounnoiseNbii nko gi kya w?ra ?lanba.Some children are making some noise.?langaranNountype of treeM? kya kyu ?langaran sal? ipinbii.They use ?langaran tree to make pestles.Ilangaran i? w?ra a?min.Ilangaran is not always knotty.?laranNounfettersOyeebu ?laran m? gi lii m?-giyaa m? d?.The fetter fell off the mad man's leg.M? da oyeebu m? ilaran.They have put the mad man in fetters.?liitenAdjectiveits own place of originF?' y?g? gi' kii kpe gim?-?liiten.Let it go back to its own original place.?lolonboNounmightyWurubuaar? ne n gy? ?lolonbo.God is the mighty one.M?-ade m? p?wu m? gy? daa alolonbo.All his people are difficult.?lonNounsong?lonNounstrengthN bo ?lon ny? fo giky?.I have more strength than you.? bii ?lon sa asa gigya d?.He song a song to people in the market.Asa m? m? bii ilon tala aye-ansi.The people entertained us with songs.?lonboas?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Strength is always right"?lonboas? gy? wura.?lonboas? is a chief.?lonsoProper Nouna person's name meaning "By force orstrength?lonso gy? ?nyiilebo.?lonso is a teacher.? daar? m? ?lonso.He used strength to beat him.?l?k?Nounplace to put one's load on and restKofi gi w?ra ?l?k?.Kofi has put load off his head on a stump.?l?r?boNounrepairerIwaakyii-?l?r?bo m? gi kpe gyigya.The watch repairer has gone to market.M?-al?r?bo m? m? taas? m? g?n?-nkyu.Those who settled his case asked him for not showing gratitude to them.?marasinNounback boneKuuri-?marasin gy? m?-agy?bo l??.The back bone of a pig is for those who dress it.M? y?g? imarasin m? i gy?.They caused the back bones to get rotten.?m??l??woNouna section of meat/part in a human being/animal's stomachMe-ka ginun laar?s? gyangbaras? ne n gy? ?m??l??wo.My wife's first favourite meat is that meat.Im??l??wo m? i nyaaky?.That part of meat is in abundance.?m??linNounsnot; mucous?m??lin gi lii fo-bi m? ??man d? ? turu.Snot has come out of your child's nose. It is hanging.N kp? n t? faa, n kya gyi ne n? wu im??lin m?, n kya foro me-abaa ne.As for me, if I see snot/mucus when eating, I will wash my hands right away.?m??s?Adjectivebent thing; benderOyii baar? t? ntintin. Kpaa laar? ?m??s? ba.This stick is straight. Go and bring a bent one.Im??s? m? i kya kena.The bent ones are not appropriate.Kyu a??nbi-?m??s? m? keda de a' kpe.Take the bender along.?m?f?l?Nounfrom part/portion of stomachFo gy? g?toroo m? ta m?, l?? m?-?m?f?l? m? sa me.When you dress the antelope give me the antelope's lower portion of the stomach.M? l?? inaad? m? im?f?l? kpaa f?.They removed the cows' lower portion of the stomachs and sold them.?m?l?g?NounriceA? kya d?? ?m?l?g? aye g?r?.We do not grow rice here.?m??s?Adjectiveto be killedGyuda-awura m? y??, Yesu ?' w?ra ?m??s?.The Jews said Jesus should be killed.Iyu ide m? gy? am??s?.These thieves are to be killed.?naanaNoungrandparent/grandchildMe? bo ?naana.I don't have any grandparents.? ny? anaana brim.He had a lot of grandchildren.?nanNountypeMe? tii wu im? id? ?nan ker?.I have never seen this type before.?nanbaNountoe sore?nanba gi w?ra me.I have a sore on my toe.Fo? kya laar? ayaawol? gi w?ra m?, fo-r? inanba giny? ne.If you don't like putting on sandals you are prone to getting sores in your toes.?nanboNounfriendMe-ky?men? laar?s? ne n wu faa.It is my friend, best friend, who died.Ananbo ako m?? bo ginaa de.Some friends are difficult to company with.?nandiiNountongue; liarMe-?nandii gi foo.My tongue is burnt.Fo bo inandii iny?.You are a liar.?nanfanNounwhiskerM?-?nanfan ?ko gi kyigi.His whisker has come off.Kpaa s?? fo-inanfan m? fu?.Go and shave your whiskers.?nangyaNounrace? sel? ?nangya.He ran a race.Abee m? d? inangya.Horses are in a race.?nosunNounupper lipMe-?nosun gi punge.My upper lip is swollen.M?m?-inosun i siida.They have thick upper lips.?nyenNounman/power/names? korog? ?nyen.She delivered a baby boy.? gy? ?nyen.He is powerful.Anyen any? ne n baa laa me.Two men visited me.M? ter? anyen m?, m?? nu me ginyenno example translation?nyenf?Nounproper name?nyen nf?no example translation?ny?poPronounone who gets?nyidaboNounmother's brother?nyidabo ne n kya gyiid? m?-nyidaboana g?wi.An uncle is one who does whatever he likes in his/her uncle's home.Anyidabo m? m? m?? tiid? geli m? d?.The uncles killed a goat in the funeral.??Pronounhe/she not?? gy? Wurubuaaar?.He is not God.??al?NounodourFo bo ??al? ?ko.You have kind of odour.??anfoliiNounarrow??anfolii dedaa ne m? kya kyu kaala ?pub?r?.To make a new arrow they look at the old one.I?aafolii m? i wu ?y?.The arrows have lost their sharpness.??aratenNounhiding placeG?bii g? nyi gisel?. G?? nyi ??araten.A child knows how to run. It does not know a hiding place.Gyanbu? m? nyi nbu? m? i?araten.The hunter knows the animals' hiding places.???Nounbreath/strength? l?? ?n?.He gave up his breath.?? bo i??.He has no strength.??manNounnoseIm??l?n i bo fo ??man d?.There is mucous in your nose.M?-??man gi dii.He has a pointed nose.Oboroni kamaas? ??man kya dii ny? any?mis? bibiri-l??.Every white person's nose is more pointed than ours, the blacks.??mang?Nounwidth?kpa m? ??mang? boran.The width of the road is alright.?paaNounguinea worm?paa gi lii me-giyaa d?.A guinea-worm came out of my foot.?paaNounlineageYesu ?paa gi lii daa wura Defidi gesu d?.Jesus is from the lineage of King David.?paa gi lii me-giyaa d?.A guinea-worm came out of my foot.Sige owi m? gi d?? igyo ipaa.This year the sun burnt our yams vines.?paaf?Nounrope?paaf? m? m?? bo lon sa naad? m?.The rope is not strong enough for the cow.? da m?-gumu iman ipaaf?.She made her hair-do with corn roll.?pal?boNouna paddlerGikoli ?pal?bo m? gi sii nkyu d?.The canoe paddler drowned in the river.Apal?bo m? m? kpaa gyan.The paddlers meet.?panNounscar; fettersM?-g?mara i bo ?pan.He has a scar on his back.Me-ayaa d? i bo ipan.I have scars on my legs.M? da oyeebu m? ?pan.They put the mad person in fetters.?pen?boNounDeceiverKuaku gy? ?pen?bo.Kwaku is a deceiver.Apen?bo ako m? kpaa pen? ?kyii ?ko.Some deceivers went and deceived a certain woman.?p?t??Nounvulture?p?t?? kya gyi gibina so.A vulture feed on refuse dump.Ip?t?? i da gikelan sand?-wus? as?.Vultures gathered around the carcass of a sheep.?piiAdjectivelittle oneFo bi ?pii m? kya l?.Your little child is sick.?pikyiiNounsisterNdenu m?? bo ?pikyii.Ndenu has no sister.Ndenu bo apikyii.Ndenu has sisters.?pinNounintestineM? ?pin gi fondi.His intestine is perforated.Me-s? gi kyena m?, m?-ginun laar?s? ne n gy? g?bu?-ipin.When my father was alive his choice meat was an animal's intestines.?pinyenNounbrotherAkua y?? ?pinyen boran.Akua says a brother is dear.Apinyen m? m? ba me as?.The brothers came to me.?p?l?NouncastMe-nyi kya ?ara m?-aterenbi ?p?l?-bonboron d?.My mother hides her money in an ?p?l? container.Me-nyi bo ip?l? isa.My mother has three ip?l?.?p?np?nNounkind of tree?p?np?n m? gi gy?.The ?p?np?m is rotten.Ip?np?n i yel? me nd?? d?.There are Ip?np?n trees in my farm.?p??r?NounwallObu m? ?p??r? m? gi gbaa.The wall of the building is broken.M? ti p?r? obu m? ip??r? isa.They have built the third wall of the building.?saAdverbfastFilipu gi w?ra ilaa m? ?sa so.Philip did the thing so fast.?saaNounin-law?saa d?ns? bo ? ny?sen.It is not easy to come by good in-law.Asaa m? m? kya kyaa g?saakyaa.The in-laws are dancing the in-laws' dance.?sak?nsociable?sakon so ne g?bii g?d? g? sii de me faa.This boy is with us because we are sociable.?sameg?n?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "Trouble maker"?sameg?n? gi gyi g?wura.?sameg?n? is made a chief.?samesanProper Nouna person's name meaning "I did not get all?samean gi kyon Tamale.?samesan is gone to Tamale.?sel?-kpetenNounrefugeIlaa-ny?ny?n aw?rabo m? ma? ny? ?sel?-kpeten.Sinners will not get a refuge.?sel?boa runnerG?bii m? g? gy? ?sel?bo.The boy is a good runner.Aye sukuu d? a bo asel?bo.We have good runners in our school.?senpepperNbui gi kya gyi ?sen.Bird eats pepper.?s?NounfatherSon fo-s? d??dan.Serve your father well.As?' ne n nyi.Fathers know better.?s?bel?Noununcle?s?bel? bo kon.It is good to have an uncle.As?bel? ako m?? boran.Some uncles are bad.?s??s??Nountype of treeNd? ne n? ny? m? kpaa ?? me-?s??s?? m? too sa me.Today I got them to fell my ?s??s??.Is??s?? i ky? gip? gid? d?.There are many is??s?? in this forest.?s?kp??rauncle?s?kp??ra ne n ker? me so.I was brought up by an uncle.? bo as?kp??ra giky?.He has many uncles.?sog?gyantenNounplace? ny? m? ilaa m? ?sog?gyanten.He got an excuse for his case.? sog? m? g?solaa gyan ?sogegyanten.He put his load on the resting place.?sonNounworshipWurubuaare ?son ne n tiri.The worship of God is important.?sowol?NountownGekoron gy? ?sowol?.Gekorong is a town.Isowol? i nyaaky? kon.Their many towns.?s??NounmessengerAyor gisun ?s?? Wura ase.Ayor sent a messenger to the chief.?ted?Nounyounger siblingMenbo ?ted?.I have no sibling of the same sex.?teng?Nounreacha crippelno example translation?t?g?s?NouncripplePeturo giky? ?t?g?se.Peturo healed a cripple.?t?r?kpaNoun??a?nilii d? al?t?no example translation?t?Nounstomach?t? m??gye gedaka.The stomach is not a box.?t?ng?botalkative / speaker?wayaaNounray of sunlight?wol?Nounbook letterCharles gisa me ?wole.Charles gave me a book.?woliiNoundraught?wolii gi yel? k??la.The draught has borrow? kya gyi paa.He is labouring for money.? paa aterenbi s?? l??ri ? d? ? kya w?ra g?sun.He borrowed money and bought a lorry and he is using it to look topaadaVerbhold on to? paada m?-g?n?.He held his mouth (in surprise).paad?VerbburstM?-toobo m? gi paad?.His boil has burst.pagapagaNounbutterflyPagapaga kya laar? oyii-afototo.Butterfly likes flowers.pal?VerbsailA pal? gikuli kpe Akosombo.We paddled a boat to Akosombo.panVerblackSanwuya-giyaa gi? kya pan gipat??.A turtle's foot is never lacking in mud.panangoNounwomen under wearNd? ber? akyii m?? ba maa laar? panango giw?ra.Women do not like wearing that type of underwear any more.panpanNountemporary shelterA kya son aye-Kosida ?son m? panpan d?.Our Sunday worship takes place in temporary shelter.pantuNouna type of plantainPantu kya w?d? g?p?l? ny? apim.Pantu make better fufu that apim.pantuuNounshipPantuu kya naa daa nkyu so, (?bon bel? so) ? m?? fo sitima.Pantuu sails on waters,it is not as big a ship.paparapaaNoun<gloss and definition missing>Kyu kp?ky? m? nno i bo paparapaa m? taa giw?? m? m??.Use the flat part of the cutlass to kill the snake.paramNounanimal skin that has the hair removed when left to rot to be used for consumptionParam-ip? agbankana a bo gikpere.Leftover food of this meat is palatable to eat.par?-par?Nounbrilliantly; very whiteM?-g?gb? g? fuuli par?-par?.His shirt was a very bright white.parm-paramVerbof liquid; very hot boilingNkyu m? gi kya f?d?? faa param-param-param.The water is boiling.pataf?swinePataf? m?? ky? taal? w?ra nf? f??, kuuri.Swine does not get fatten like a pig.patipireNouna type of birdPatipire y??, ?? gyi ?sen m? de ?' gyi min??This type of bird said if it does not eat pepper, what else should it eat?paturoNounpetrolpawur?Nounpowder? gyere ta ? kya b? pawur?.She finished bathing and she is smearing powder.payaNounavocadoOyii ?kooyuduu; m? kya gyi m?-abi.A pear-shaped tropical fruit tree; the fruits are used for salads.pen?VerbdeceiveFo nyi nbii-gipen?.You know how to deceive children.pensenNoundaylightM? w?ra ilaa ibono m? kyaa kaar? g?nen-n kaabor? g?d? g? k? pensen.They did to her as they wanted until daybreak.pensenyinNounclearWurubuaar? gi kpaa sin de Gyek??p? kaaber? g?d? k?s? pensenyi.God went and wrestled with Jacob till day break.perenNoun1.clearly heardN kya kyon m?, n kya nu ? kya taa tud? nno peren-peren.I was hearing him clearing inside there pere-peren.2.clear (dawn)I ?mang? faa peren y?g? n san n d?.The day has dawned very clearly whilst I was still sleeping.p?VerbexactI kp? w?ra daa p?.It is just exact.p??d?VerbstalkKyise d??-d?? de ?ko/g?bu? g?? sa g?' nu fo so.Walk stealthily in pursuit of prey/game.Gyanbu? m? kya p??d? g?toro m?.The hunter is stealthily stalking the Maxwell's duiker / antelope.p??r?VerbreddenP??r? ansi de fo' w?ra g?sun.Be serious and work.p?iAdverbbeforeI' kaabor? a' foro aye-abaa p?i de a' l?? gyi agyud?.We have to wash our hands before we eat food.p?p??p?Nounexactly; preciselyKy??ky??; m?m?-gisoro i gy? p?p??p?.Their height is exactly the same.p?p?t?laAdjectiveflatKer? m?-??man p?p?t?la m?.Look at his wide nose.p?tewuuAdjective1.broad; wide?mang?; ?kpa m? ?mang? faa p?tewuu ibono il?ri iny? i laa taal? gyan.Large across, the road is wide enough for two lorries to be able to meet.Noun2.large acrossp?t?r?Verbcrush/compress violently/stampede? kyise me-giyaa p?t?r?.He stepped on my leg and crushed it.p?wuAdjectiveallAye p?wu a laa baa wu'.We shall all die.piiAdverblittleilaa ibono i m?? nyaaky?not muchpilaNounin a flash; like lightingN? wu m?, ? baa ten kyon faa pila.I saw him, he went by in a flash.pininiNounstir at somethingIlaa ibono i? bo ?ara d?; min? ne n w?ra ne fo kya ker? m? pinini g?nen?Glare; Why are you looking at me so strictly?pipiripiiAdjectivebluntilaa ibono i m?? bo y? m?lacking point or sharpness of edgepirigiVerbopen widely? pirigi m?-ansi f??, m? nyi daa m?-?bol? d?.He opened his eyes widely as if they are pressing on his neck / throat.pirimAdjectivea lot/plenty?ko gi kpaa daar? ibin faa pirim yela aye-?kpa naas? d?.Some defecated a lot on road.pitiiAdjectivemud, oily thickL??ri m? ayaa a mili ap?t?? faa pitii.The lorry tyres are covered with very thick mad.? kuu g?lin bun m?-?l? faa pitii.He has put a lot of medicine on his wound.piy?-?Adverbfrom side to sidepolisiNounpoliceMe-ky?men? gy? np?-wura.My friend is a policeman.ponposiNouna kind of plant, its fruits are edibleGyanbu? ?ko gi naa kyena fu? m?, y??, ponposi-abi ne n m?l?g? m?.When a certain hunter got lost some time ago, he said its fruits saved him.poporopoAdjectivelittleM? korog? m? nbii d? m? y??, ? ker? daa faa poporopo.They said he was very little when he was born.poroporoAdjectiverushed; not roasted nicelyposa-posaAdjectiveweak? san faa posa-posa.He looks so weak.pos?VerbeatKooni kya pos? ngbeni afadaa.The antelope is eating okra leaves.potokoVerbdisappointFo ne potoko.You are disappointed.potooNounrottennessKorotiya m? p?wu gi gy? faa potoo.All the bananas are rotten.? bo ?l? potoo ?ko m?-giyaa so.He has a rotten sore on his leg.p?-???l?NounseasonKyegbelele ne n gy? p?-???l?.Harmattan is the time of making new farms.p?l?Verbthroat discomfortI kya p?l? me-?bol?.I feel like vomiting.p?mpiiNounpumpAye-dedaa m?, fo kya l? m?, m? kya w?ra daa fo p?mpii.In our old days when you were sick they would pump you with a concoction of pepper and herbs.p?nyiNounvirgin forestfo kya d?? p?nyi m?, i kya w?ra if? f??, apunpuuno example translationp??laNounlove jujuNd? ber?, p??la ne akyii saky? m? kya kyu dena anyen.As for these days, many women are using love juju to marry men.p??laVerbenfeebleKwamena gi p??la dega ?bono ? kya nyiile m?-nyoro m?.Kwabena belittled the boastful guy.P??la g?pal? m? me.Make the fufu soft for me.p?r?VerbbuildAneewu kya p?r? obu.Aneewu is building a house.p?r?g?NounbudOyii m? kya p?r?g? afadaa pub?r?.The tree is bearing immature leaves.p?s?-p?s?Verbnot quite strongFo lii ny?mes? p?s?-p?s? so.You have meet somebody who is not quite strong.pubaraNounredM? kya kyu ilaa pub?ra sun kpe nli d?.They wear red things to kind of birdFo? nyi ne fo y??, fo laa buu pub?l?-g?amara m?, fo laa fu? if? d?.If you do not know and you say that you will chase after it, you will get lost in the s?? g?gb? pub?r?.I bought a new shirt.pugeVerbembrace and holdO wu m? g?ta-g?ta ne ? sel? kpaa puge m?.He saw him from afar and he went and embraced him.pugisiVerbreveal; confessPugisi fo-g?n? d? ilaa.Reveal what you have.T?g? fo-g?n? d? ilaa de m?' l?r? de fo' ny? ny? nkpa.Confess and you will be cleansed in order to stay alive.puiid?Verbto treat snake bite?f? gi da m?, m?, m? puiid? m? p?i ? l?? ny? m?-nyoro.When he had the snakebite, he was treated (traditionally) before he became all right.puiid?Verb1.burstAsunfu? toobu gi puiid?.Asunfu?'s boil has fire a gunpuleVerbburyPule im? g?r?.Bury it dig up2.a person's name meaning "Dig up" reveal negative thingsFo? bun fo-g?n? so m?, fo laa puligi ilaa ba.If you do not shut your mouth, you will reveal things.punganAdjectiverise up? punge faa pungan.She has become swollen.pungeVerbswellDeeri m? boo nta daar? abara punge ansi.They were drunk yesterday and they beat one another and made their faces swell up.pupurupuuAdjectivesmall; thick; roundM?-bi m? giyaa m? gi punge san faa pupurupuu.His child's leg is swollen so thick.puruVerbpick upPuru aterenbi ad? sa me.Pick up that money for me.pusaaVerbcaress; kissM?? kya pusaa ?ko m?-ka g?nen.They do not caress somebody's wife in that manner.puwaky?Nouncheekg?baamara-git?ng? sa isa ?bono fo? gy? m?-gikosoimpertinence of speech to a superiorSssaVerbgiveWurubuaar? gi sa fo ilaa.God give you things.saaVerbto fetch waterSaa nkyu bara aye-a.Fetch water for us.SaabonProper Nounthe name of a certain riverSaabon me? kya ?aa kpa-a.Saabon never dries up.saak?r?NounbicycleSaak?r?-gigyan gi bo bilen ny? ayaa-ginaad?.Riding a bicycle is faster than walking.saakuruNounbush animal in the swine family that sleeps in holesSaakuru y??, ?nyen m?-ra aw?rafu? ne.Saakuru said that a man is subject to misfortunes.saalaaNumeralnum ten when counting beyond twenty nineAsa oko de saala m? ba me as?.Ten people came to us.saal?Verbinsult somebody? kya saal? asa.He insults people.saalogoNumeralfifteen? bii kal? lii ?ko kpaa fo saalogo.He knew how to count from one to fifteen.saan?NounsievesaapaNouncobrasaar?VerbmixA kya saar? g?pal? m? ne.She is mixing the fufu.saasal?Nounbless as in a wife's relative's deathsaasal?Nouna tree bark used in soupN? gyi saasal? m?, i kya k?? me g?n??.I ate saasal? and it is burning my mouth.saawoVerbcryOkulaabo m? gi saawo pa-a.The widow cried a lot.?ko m?-bi gi saawo deeri-g?ny? pa-a.Somebody's child cried last night a lot.Gyoono ?ko gi saawoo nd?? d? tii aye-as?.A certain dog disturbed us with its cry in the farm.Sabalog?Proper Nouna person's nameAsa m? ta.People have finished.sabuuNounrespectsafueNounkeySafue ?bono n kya kyu tigi obu m? gi fu?.The key that I use to open my door is missing.sagaVerbremoveSaga awayu sa fo ka.Remove some maize for your wife.sagyanNounassemblysagyand?NounassemblysagyereNouninitiation bathSagyere gi k??la pa-a.It has been a long time since they initiated people.sakpiiNouncrowdSakpii baar? d??In this crowd?SakyaboProper Nouna person's nameM? Sakyabo y??, ?' kpaa t?g? g?li m?.They sent Sakyabo to go and announce the funeral.saky?AdjectivemanySaky? ne nba geli m?.Many people came to the funeral.salaaNountenOko de salaa.Twenty and ten (thirty).sal?Verbto peel; to carve? kya sal? gigyo.She is peeling the yam.? kya sal? daa ibuni-adakaa.His work is carving coffins.Sal?baProper Nouna person's nameSal?ba gi bingiri okulabo.He is now a widower.salog?NounfifteenAsa salog? m? kpere me nd?? nd?.Fifteen people led me to my farm today.samaaNounlots of peopleasa saky?a lot of peoplesanVerbremainI san pii.A little is left over.sand?NounsheepSand? gy? if? d? g?bu?.It is a domestic animal.sangalanNounis a type of treeSangalan-ip? i bo s?r? f??, ngbini-ip?.Its soup is slippery as okra soup.sang?VerbuntieKyas? m? gi sang?.The chicken untied (got untied).sang?NumeralnineAsa sang? ne n wu' gibel? m? d?.Nine people died in the dry season.SangyaProper Noun1.a man's nameSangya gi taal? m?? kond? de g?ki.Sangya was able to kill an elephant with a of a clanSangya-ad? ne n gy? aye.We are the Sangya clan's people.Saniwan?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "It is not people's doings."Asa ne n w?n?.It is not people's doings.SankaProper Nouna woman's name indicating she has been given by her parentsBrukun-gigbaabi kyiis?a female given to a man by her parentssankaraNouna disease in cola nutsG?pos?? m? g? loo sankara.The cola nut has a disease.sanooNounsieveSanoo m? bo yayaa.The holes in the sieve are so big.sar?sar?Nounvery coldIp? m? i yuuli sar?sar?.The soup got very cold.sayanter?Adverblooking down on othersFo kya ter? asa giyan.You are considering people to be inferior.seebolonNounstory introductionSeebolon, Anengy?. Me-?tar? ne n kyena.Here's a story! Okay! There was my story.seeliVerbplayA laa seeli kalad?.We shall play till day break.segiVerbstir upI? segi m?m?.It did not move them.Akuuri m? kya segi aye-?bon sasa d?.Pigs are stirred up.SekyiProper Nouna man's nameSekyi ne n gy? aye-asafowaky?.Sekyi is our youth leader.sel? fear? sel? gifuu.He is run? nyi gisel? pa-a.He runs a lot.Sel?-IsaProper Nouna man's nameSel?-Isa gi kyena m?, ? m?? sel? ?ko.He did not fear anybody in his life time.sel?mii?anNouna herbM? kya kyu sal?mii?an-ilin w?ra g?lin.Its roots are used for making medicine.seliVerbtrembleAkon ad? Aniya ne ? kya seli.Aniya is trembling from hunger.senVerbgrowFo kya sen pa-a.You are growing fast.senVerbto pain somebody, hurtsenky??Adjectivesensitive heart; compassionate? bo senky??.He is compassionate.sens?AdjectiverestNbii sens? nd? ne n bara g?lu m?.The rest of these children brought the quarrel/fight.sentiiAdjectiveinner strength? bo sentii.He has inner strength.senw??Nouna type of snakeSenw?? ne n gy? giw?? gibono gi? bo ansi m?.It is a snake that has no eyes.senwuyaNountortoiseSenwuya y??, m? ber?, Wurubuar? gi ti p?r? m? obu sa m? g?kpaa.The tortoise says as for him, God has already built his house for him.SeyiProper Nouna man's name meaning "A person pledged to a couple"M?-s? gi yela m?-giyen y??, Seyi.His father named him Seyi.Seyi-M?kaProper Nouna woman's nameSeyi-M?ka m?-kuli ne n gy? Seyiwurano example translationSeyiwuraProper Nouna man's nameNkana Seyiwura m?? wu' g?kp? ne m? pule m? giny?nny?n faa.Otherwise Seyiwura did not die a bad death but he was buried as such.s??Verbto shave one's head? s?? m?-gumu.He has shaved his hair.s??Verbbe wiseAgyaga gi s?? don m?-nanboana nbu? sens?.Spider is wiser than his fellows animals.s??-s??Noun??gil?t? giko oyuduu, gi kya d?? ny?mes? gumu d? imanno example translations??s??Nounnothing at allMe? bo s??s?? nd?.Today I have nothing at all.s?g?r?VerbslipI s?g?r? fo.It made you slip.s?iNounanythingFo? nyi s?i.You do not know anything.s?kis?Nouna pair of scissorsS?kis? m? gi wu' ?s??.The pair of scissors pair is lost.s?r?Adjectiveslippery?kpa m? bo s?r?.The path is slippery.s?r?g?Verbover; too muchNf?l? m? gi s?r?g?.The salt is too much.sidiVerbtripKer? dandan. Fo laa sidi.Be careful. You will knock your leg against something.sig?Nounthis yearSig? ber?, a laa gyi igyo bilen.As for this year, we shall celebrate the yam festival very early.siiVerbremainAfua gi sii Nkwanta.Afua has remained at Nkwanta.siidaVerbbe thickNkalan gi siida ny? nkyu.Blood is thicker than water.siidas?Adjectivethick onesIp?-siidas? i kya fo bilen.Thick soups fill stomachs in no time.siidiVerbto be left to; chooseI siidi fo.It is left to you.sikaNounmoney; goldIlaa ny?nny?n gyangbaras? ne n gy? sika.The worst of all sins is money.Sikagy?-AdonProper Nouna person's name meaning "Money is wickedness"Sikagy?-Adon gi t??s? g?t?kpenbi y?g?.Sikagy?-Adon killed smaller animals.silifaNounsilver; potAboroni itasa ne n gy? isilifa.Silver pots are the useful bowls of the white.sinVerb1.set,threaten? kya sin ?gya.He is setting a fire.Nyangbon m? kya sin.The rain is threatening.2.wrestleNbii m? gi kya sin m?, ?bel?ns? ?ko gi baa koree m?m?.When they children were wrestling an elder came and caned them.sindeAdverblast yearSinde nyangbon gi da ny? sige.Last year it rained more than this year.sindiAdjectivenearN t? sindi m?.I am sitting near him.singiVerbto sprain? singi m?-giyaa.He sprained his jump scatter? singi nb?nd?? loo kpaa kyu m?-ka lii kyon.He tore down walls that protect houses, went in and took away his wife.sirigiVerbslip outGibuu m? gi sirigi bun.The hut's poles slipped out, and it fell down.sisiiVerbcheat? kya sisii asa.He cheats people.sisirisiiAdjective1.astringent; qualities of thicknessf?? g?n??bono gik?d?-ip? i d? m?as the qualities of agusi soup2.having the effect of contracting the tissuessitimaNounshipSitima ber? ma? taal? naa aye-g?r? ibon id? so.A ship can not sail on these our rivers.soPreposition1.on, becauseKyu safue m? gyan tebulu m? so.Put the key on the table.2.on; because ofI? gy? fo so m? de-e.If not because of kya d?? daa abowaky? so-o.I grow only water yams.sofuliNounspadeMe-sofuli gi fu?.His shovel is lost.sog?Verbtake down a load from the head; take off food the stove? sog? g?sola m? yela..He took down the head-load.sog?d?Verbscrape inside, especially in locally manufactured gunsKyu w?ya-gibi s?g?d? otu m? gis? m? d?, ?faanan i tii ne.Use a piece of wire to scrape inside the gun's ear, it likely to have been choked.sogyaNounsoldierSogya m?? sel? ik?.A soldier never fears war(s).solaVerbcarry on headSola me!Help to put my head-load on my head.sola-abintilinNounbeetleSola-abintilin kya bilen m?-g?sola daa g?mara-g?mara.Beetle rolls its load backwards.som?ng?r?VerbsmuggleAbayin kya ky? som?ng?r?.Government hates smuggling.sonNounbucketFo-son m? gy? daa ?bel?.Your bucket is a big one.sonVerbserve; /worshipA laa son daa Wurubuaar?.We will serve only God.songaVerbbreathe? kya songa piipii daa.He breathes only by bits.sonliiAdverbtransparent; throughoutI kya wu sonlii.It is transparent.sonoNumeralsevenAsa peopleSonwuraProper Nouna man's name meaning "Serve a chief"Sonwura gi gyi g?wura.Sonwura is made a chief.sooVerbset/carry? kya soo me idoo.He is setting traps for me.? soo g?sola bel?.He is carrying a big load.soodaVerbcollectNyangbon kya ba. S?l? lii kpaa sooda nkyu.It is threaten to rain. Run out and collect water.sool?Verbprotect/rearN kya sool? gigyo giko-oyuduu.I am protecting a certain kind of yam.sorog?VerbdenyOyu m? gi sorog? y??, ?? wu aterenbi m?.The thief denied that he had seen the money.sosoNounabove skySoso nno Wurubuaar? t? m?.Up there where God is staying.sosorosuiAdjectiveabout thicknessKuuri m? gik??r? gi ker? faa sosorosui.The pig's bottoms is thick.s?Verbcuts? abiila anun de me kee n' s? anun de a' kyu mal? aye gibuu m?no example translations?gaNouncarry on backOboroniana m?? nyin nbii-gis?ga.They do not know how to carry children on their backs.s?g?Verbsnatch? s?g? fo-g?bg? lii fo-abaa d?.Snatched your shirt from your hands.s?l?Verbspare? s?l? g?bii ny?nny?n m? y?g? nd?.He spared the bad boy today.s?l?gaNounchild after whom the mother is pregnantFo gy? daa s?l?ga.You look like a child that is not weaned enough before its mother is pregnant again?s?nVerbget hotNkyu m? gi s?n.The water is hot.s?ngaVerbbreathe?? ba ? kya s?nga.He is not breathing any more.s??Verbbuy/take? kya s?? akuru sa m?.He buys clothes for her.? kya s?? gyi daa.He buys before he eats.S??gyiProper Nounthe day of rest in the Akyode weekS??gyi m? a m?? kya kpe nd??.We do not go to farm on s??gyi.s??laVerbbe pregnant whilst the previous one is still very little? kya don s??la m?-biana.She/he likes to get pregnant when the previous ones are still very little.s?poNounpot with holes used for roasting (ale) a kind of nutsWe can't roast groundnuts in the 's?po', because it has holes in it.s?r?VerbproduceOyii m? kya s?r? abi.The tree is bearing fruits.s?r?g?VerbdenyYesu gi t?g? sa Piita y??, ? laa s?r?g? y??, ? m?? nyi m?.Jesus told Peter that he would deny him, saying that he does not know him.s?r?k?NounporcupineS?r?k? bo iw?. ? s?? ginyadon m? ? kya too im?.The porcupine has quills (lit: thorns). It throws them when it is angry.suVerbcrying/weeping? kya su.She is crying.sudiVerbkickedG?bii m? g? sudi de gibui ten g?m?-giyaa nanbi.The child kicked against a stone and hurt his kya su?? akutu.He is planting an orange.sugudiVerbtangle/mix upAsawu m? a sugudi.The net is tangled.suiiVerbdrink the soup after finishing the fufu? kya suii ip? m??Is he drinking the soup?sukuuNounschool? kya kpe sukuu.He is attending school.sul?nNouna kind of birdSul?n kya kas? nbuii kp?i-kp?i.Sul?n imitates different birds.sunVerbsend? sun me nd?? d?.He sent me to his farm.sungeVerbpeep intoWurubuaar? d? is?? m? kya sunge m? kya laar? m? ny? bii im? g?s?.The angels are peeking, desiring to understand its meaning.supaaNouncards/game spadeA kya too supaa.We are playing cards.supuuNoundustSupuu gi bun me-iwol?.My books are covered with dust.suuVerbput on/wear a dress? kya suu ngb? dans?.He puts on nice shirts.suudiVerbstick to/attach toAl?bi ne n suudi me-aa.Sickness has stuck to me.suyiiVerbbeatSuyii ?m?l?g? m? nd?.Remove the shells of the rice today.TttaVerbfinishN? w?ra ta.I am finished.taaVerbbeatNan taa fo g?yabii.I will beat you with a stick.taaAdverbcertainlyMe? ti taa tii gisin m?.I certainly haven't locked the door.taaboNountype of brans/whiteTaabo m? bo kon.The beans are sweet.taal?Verbbe able toFo laa taal? de a' kp? nd?? m??Can you let us go to farm?taar?Verbblame it onG?? kyu taar? me!Don't transfer (it) onto me!taas?Verbask? kya taas? m?-nnyoro.He is asking himself.tabiiAdverbtasteless? m?? ny? ginun so m?, nd?-ip? m? i ker? faa tabii.She did not get meat, so today's soup is tasteless.tafoVerbdegrade/mockM? tafo m?.They degraded him.tagaVerbpile up; used only for countable items? taga benkeni-g?sola.She piled up the cocoyam to a head-load.tagar?Verbmake tired/fed up withFo y?g? fo-ilaa i tagar? me.I am fed up with you.takpoNounbagMe-takpo m? gi t??.My game bag is torn.ateranbi takpoa bag of moneytalaVerbreward? kya tala me-ansi.He is entertaining me.talaboNounwoman who has just brought forthD?kita gi l?? talabo m? nd?.Today the doctor discharged the woman who delivered.talans?Verbmake ceilingAkonyi ge talans? m?-obu kamp?.Akunyi has made a ceiling for his room very nicely.taminangooNouna poisonous mushroomAkyugulee ako oyuduu; fo gyi am? m?, fo? w?ra gumu d?ns? m?, fo laawu'.A type of mashroom, if eat it and you are not lucky, you will die.tanVerbforgetFo tan me ilaa m? so?Did you forget my things?tangaVerbon the back e.g. lie or sleep on the backNdenu gi de tanga m? obu d?.Ndenu is lying on his back in his room.tangalanNounplate; trayKyu tangalan m? bun agyud? m? so.Cover the food with the plate.tangaranNouna mat made from grass? kya loo tangaran.He is weaving a local mat.tangbelenNounopen spacetansiAdverbintensely? tansi d?? giky?.He farmed intensely.ta?aamooAdverbdrawn gameA too waar? m? ta?aamoo.The game of waar? we played was a draw game.tarag?Verbsearch/look into thoroughlyM? kya tarag? ilaa d?.They search into things thoroughly.tar?Verbtransfer to/refer? kyu is? tar? me-g?gb?.He put sand on my shirt.Me? kya laar? fo' tar? me g?kaako.I don't want you to refer to it one day that you had done this or that for me.tar?g?NoundetailKpaa tar?g? ilaa m? d? sa m?.Go tell him the details of the case.tatapoNoundried up cocoa yam leaftatarataAdjectiveflat-toppedtat?NounsomethingKyu taat? m? sa me.Give me that thing.teeliVerbof wound: healingM?-?l? m? kya teeli kon.His wound is now healing.telesiAdjectiveno other alternativeN? kyu im? telesi so g?nen.I took it as there is no other option.tenVerbcut/slaughterNkp?-Iky? gi ten kyaas?-gumu.Nkpe-Iky? slaughtered a hen.teng?Verbstretch/straightenSogya m? gi teng? m?-giba ne ? t?g? y??, Nkpankpanba ne.The soldier stretched out his hand and said these are the Konkonbas.tentegelenAdverbopenlyKwabena gi kpaa yuuri tentengelen.Kwabena went and stool openly.ter?Verbcall? ter? me-ginyen.He called my name.tetem?nyiNounfrogTetem?nyi bo nkyu m? d?.There is a frog in the water.tetereteeAdjectiveshort?nyen ?bono ? baa laar? fo m? ker? faa teteretee.The man who came looking for you is short.tetewuNounwhipTetewu-nyaabii ne aye-adega m? kya kyu taa abara seeli.Tetewu is the whip that we boys use to cane each other.tetewuraNouna type of treeTetewura gy? if? d? oyii.Tetewu is a wild tree.t?Verbsit/liveFon? ne fo t??Where do you stay?t??Verbpluck/pull/tear? t?? me-g?gb?.She has torn my shirt.t?s?Adverbjust as soonAnd?? gi t?s? kine im? p?wu.And?? had just refused it all.tiAdjectivealreadyAfuwa gi ti ba.Afua has already come.tigiVerbopenTigi me de n' loo.Open and let me in.tigilinNouna kind of treeM? kya gyi tigilin.Tigilin is edible.tigiriVerbtear/cut? tigiri bodobodo m? faa fewu kyu koso kyon.He/she cut a chunk of the bread and went away.tigisigathertiiVerbclose? tii gisin m? w?ra oyii.He locked the door with a key.tiibiNouncustomTiibit? ne i gy?.It is something about custom.tiid?NoungoatTiid? gy? nten d? g?bu?.The goat is a domestic animal.tiid?giloroNouna type of treeTiid?giloro kya s?r? abi f??, g?laator?.Tiid?giloro bare fruits like g?laator?.tiikaraVerblast remaining itemFo ne n tiikara?Are you the last person?tiik?l?Nouna kind of birdTiik?l?-g?n? g?? fo nbuii-?ker?ma l??-g?n?.Tiik?l?'s beak is not up to that of nbuii-?ker?ma's.tiinapaNounmackerel, canned fishTiinapa bo kon.Tinned fish is very delicious.tinVerbjump? kya tin pa-a.He jumps a lot.tintinNouna certain kind of treeTintin-afada de if? d? ginun de nkyu i kya naa.Tintin's leaves and fresh bush meat go together well.tiratiraNouna kind of bugAsa ako m? kya w? tiratira.Some people eat tiratira.tiriAdjectiveimportantAgyud? a tiri me.Food is important to me.titiritiiAdverbdumb-foundedI w?ra me faa titiritii; me? baa taal? saawo.I became dumb-founded ; I could not cry.titiritii'closer? sindi me titiritii'.He is closer to me.tiyankonNouna type of birdG?n? kankantan f?? tiyankon.Your mouth is as long as tiyankon.tiy??VerbtearTiy?? akutu abi any? sa me.Pluck two oranges for me.Gikuru m? gi tiy??.The cloth is torn.toconjwellWell! All of you should get inside the room.tog?Verbbreak into cold sweat? tog? m?-l?? ip? kp?i.He made his soup separately.togyigbefiNouna type of animalTogyigbefi kya laar? afol? d? gikyena.Togyigbefi likes living under the rocks.tol?VerbstringN kya tol? ?baat?.I am putting a string into the needle.tolotoloAdjectivedescription of movementKer? m? ne n kya ba tolotolo f??, kurokurok?k?.Look there here he comes like a turkey.tolowiAdverball day? kyena akon tolowi.He stayed hungry for the whole day.tomuoNounprayNan tomuo sa Wura Wurubuaar? sa f?ye.I will intercede with the Lord for you.tooVerbthrow/shoot? kya too otu pa-a.He shoots very well with his gun.Too obu ?p??r?.Build a wall.tooboNounboil (sore)Toobo gi da Maatin.Martin has a boil.Itoobo i da Gyobu.Job had boils.tool?Verbsurprise/be surprised/unexpectedNd? a tool? gyi if? d? ginun.Today we unexpectedly ate bush meat.t?Verbroast? kya t? akatuwa.He is roasting groundnuts.t?g?Verbsay/talk/speak? t?g? y??, ? ma? w?ra.He said that he would not do it.t?gyiboNouninheritorT?gyibo ne n bo m?-kpengyo.The inheritance is for the inheritor.t?ng?VerbtalkFo kya don t?ng? giky?.You are prone to too much talking.t??l?VerbswimO nyi gi t??l?.He knows swimming.t??raVerbdisturbing/troublesomeFo kya t??ra me giky?.You are too troublesome.t??s?Verbsort/pickNbuii gi t??s? am? gyi.Birds sorted them and ate.t?r?Nouncommunal labour? kol? t?r?.He begged leave from communal labour.t?r?Verbfall? t?r? ogee d?.He fell deep into the valley.t?t?l?Adjectiveover ambitiousFo don t?t?l?.You are overly ambitious.tuVerbmeetG?bii m? g? tu fo g?wi?Did the child meet you in the house?tud?NouninsideKyu nkyu m? loo obu tud?.Take the water into the house.tuduuVerbmake a mistake; fumbleFo kya tuduu me.You make me make mistakes.tugudiVerbhitIsnd? i kya tugudi abara.The sheep are hitting one another.tugugyuAdjectivebad omenG?? kyu fo-tugugyu baa sola me.Do not bring your bad omen on me.Me? kya laar? tugugyu.I don't want bad omen.tuku-tukuAdverbdescription of movement? kya kya tuku-tuku.He is dancing tuku-tuku (moving backwards).tumAdjectivedarkI w?ra me-ansi so faa tum; me? ba n kya wu s?i.It has darkened my eyes; I don't see anything.tur?taNountractorTur?ta ne n? y?g? m? kyu d?? me-nd?? sinde.Last year, I made them use tractor in making my farm.turugeVerbsome thing in a hole about to fall off or come outIlaa iko i lii baa turuge ?b? m? g?bunono.Something is hanging on to the door of the hole.tuturuguNounespeciallyFo laa ba bara me ilaa iko, tuturugu m?, ayaawol?.When you are coming, bring me something, especially sandals / shoes.tuturutuVerbbluntKp?ky? m? ker? faa tuturutu.The cutlass is not sharp at all.tuuliVerbturn up side down? kyaa tuuli m?-gumu yii g?sinkpan.He danced and turned his head upside down.tuutuuNounprostitutetuutuu-kyiiNounof woman prostituteTuutuukyii gi saa nkyu sa Yesu ne ? nun.A prostitute fetched some water for Jesus and he drank.tuutuu-nyenNounof man prostatetuwiAdjectivefilledGifuu-ilaa so-o ne ? laa nu b?la m?-as? faa tuwi.His ears will only be with fearful things.WwwaalaVerbpostpone; call offAye-nd?? m? gi waala; a? baa kpe nd?? m?.It is postponed; our going to the farm has been called off.waan?NounfellowMe? kya laar? waaan? ilaa.I don't like that fellow.Waan?d?Proper Nouna person's name meaning "The one who is sleeping"Wan? ne n d?.It is the fellow who is sleeping.waar?Noungame of owarewaar?-ngyiNounwaar? marbleswaayoVerbhesitantFo don waayo.You are too hesitant.wagaas?NounFulani cheesenaad?-giny?bonkyu nbono m? gyan ne nf? m? gi kya dii gyan m?cheese made from cow breast milkwakyiiNounwatch? ky? wakyii m? gibaa d?.He is wearing a watch on his hand.wawarawaNounwide tree barkwee-wee-weeAdverbfinish completely?bon m? gi ?aa wee-wee-wee.The river dried up completely.w?Verbchew; eat something that requires chewing? kya w? inun pa-a.He eats meat a lot.wiil?Verbcreep,crawlMe bii kya wiil? ?nta taale koso na.Her child is crawling.wiis??VerblightningNyangbong kya wiis?? m? i w?ra me gifuu.When there is lightning I become scared.wogediVerbto wanderGyos?fo kya wogedi gipen d? ? kya laar? m?-daa.Joseph was wandering in the wilderness in search of his brothers.wolaaAdverbearlierI kaabor? fo' wolaa koso ?k? belen.Yaw, you are supposed to wake up earlier tomorrow.wol?Verbdry; become dryAwayu m? a wol?.The corn is drying.wol?NounonlyM?-wol?.he only, he alonewolonNountsetse flyWolan gi loo aye d?!There is a tsetse fly in our midst.wol?gy?Verblazy? bo wol?gy?.He is lazy.wondoNounskirtMe wondo gi biiri.My skirt is dirty.wonsenAdverbabout fall; finish? da l?p? m? g?s? wosenno example translationwor?g?Verb1.pour libation2.water the flowerswori-iVerbdisperseYaas?.Scatter, go in different directions break up.woroVerbact of felling; making a hole in some thing? t?r? ?b? m? d? faa woro/?yii m?-g?keli d? fondi faa worono example translationwosi-wosiAdverbdrynessgifengen m? gi wol? wosi-wosino example translationwowogolooAdverbhuge and roundTasa wowogoloo baar? ne fo kpaa kyu ba?So, it is this huge pan that you brought?w?daVerbcough? kya w?da nk?nk?n.He has a whooping cough.w?d?Verbpound? kya w?d? g?pal?.He is pounding fufu.w?led?Verbgrow lean? w?led?.He has grown lean.w?nd?Nouna pair of shortsMe-w?nd? m? gi t??.My pair of shorts is torn.w?n?AdjectivewhyI w?n? ne fo kya su?Why are you crying?w?ngaVerbspread over? w?nga m?-ayaa w?ra m?.He spread out his legs over him.w?nlaVerbagreementI gy? g?nen, w?nla.It is correct indeed.w??Verbhave intercourse withM?-kuli wol? ne n kya w?? m?.Only her husband has intercourse with her.w??l?Nounitch scratchNgyee gi kya w??l? me.Rushes are maky me itchy.w??s?Nounround grinding stonestaat? ?bono m? kya kyu l?? g?b?-afuruno example translationw?raVerb1.doFo tii w?ra ilaa ibono fo-s? gi t?g? fo m??Have you done what your father told you to do?2.makew?raaAdverbjoyfullyM? ter? fo m?, koso w?raa.When you are called get up joyfully.w?raa-w?raaAdverbjoyfullyKoofi kya w?ra ilaa w?raa-w?raa.Kofi does thing joyfully.w?ras?AdjectivedoingFo ilaa w?ras? ibo ahi.Things that you do are very annoying.w?saw?saProper Nounkind of treea oyii ?ko oyuduua type of treew?tatatawidew?w?l?Proper Nounan itching plantGifadaa-w??l?s?.An itching plant.w?yaNounwire trap? daa pataf?? de w?ya.His wire trap has caught him a bush seeDeeri fo wu me?Did you see me yesterday? find someone /somethingFo wu fo aterenbi m??.Did you find your money?wu'VerbdieO wu'.He died.Wu-IlaaProper Nouna woman's name meaning: "See things"Wu-Ilaa gi korog? ataana.Wu-Ilaa brought forth twins.WuiilaProper Nouna person's name meaning "See things"wulaAdjectiveas in the heart shocki w?ra faa wula/i ?maa me gisenno example translationwule-wuleAdverbflaming?gya kya d?? wule-wule.The fire is burning with flames.wuliVerbprepare/stir? kya wuli bor?.She is stirring some kokonte.wulitiNounconfuse? d? me ? kya wuliti.He is confusing me.wuraNounchief/personAsa m? gyan wura-g?wi.People met at the chief's house.Wura-IsaProper Nouna person's name meaning "Chief's person"wura isano example translationwuraaAdverban idiophone? too m? w?ra wura-gif?buu d? wuraa.He threw him into the chief's grove wuraa.Wurubuaar?Proper NounGodWurubuaar? ne n l?? ilaa kamaas?.God created everything.wurugbaaAdverbbig-earedKer? m?-as? a ker? wurugbaa m?.Look at his big ears.wurugeVerbbend downWuruge de fo' ?maal?.Bend down and weed.wutititiAdverbof movementl??ri bel? m? ne n kya bawutititi m?no example translationwuyeeAdjectivefinish?bun gi ?aa wuyeeno example translationWuyelaProper Nouna person's name meaning "Experience things"Wuyela gi wu ?laa san y?g?.Wuyela suffered before.Yyy)ara-yaraVerbstraggle for? w?ra yara-yara ne nbii gi ?maa.He made people straggle and children.yaaAdverbsurprised/perplexedI w?ra me yaa.It surprised me.yaal?Verbshake with joyKwadjo kya yaal? de asa.Kwadjo is very free with people.yaas?Verbscatter? kya yaas? ?gya m?.She/he is scattering (spreading out) the fire.yanyangbanAdjectivewide? da gilongo m? yanyangban giky?.He made the palm branch leaf container too wide.yanyans?Adjectiveuseless (of a personyayaAdjectivethin/having holes/friendlyAgb?gyaa m? a bo yaya.The holes in the gari sieve are too large.Yayuulem??Proper Nouna person's name meaning "They are satisfied/glad with the results"yelaVerbput downKyu yela; i? gy? fo-l??.Put it down it is not for you.yelepuuNounpowder pepperK?r? yelepuu sa me.Grind some yelepu for me.yel?VerbstandYel? nno gyoo me.Stand there and wait for me.yenVerbpraiseL?? ginyen/kosor? ginyenuplift / raise somebody's nameNyames? kpe-kpe kya yen Wurubuar?.Every human being praises God.YenboProper Nouna person's name meaning "Poor"? gy? daa yenbo.He is a poor person.N kya kpe daa Yenbo-as?ri Nk?ntaI am attending Yenbo's church in NkwantaYenwuraProper Nounproper name; praise a chiefYenwura gi d?? ny? aterenbi ne ? yii-yii ibu d?ns?-d?ns? ?sowol? bel? m? so.Yenwura got money from farming and he built beautiful houses in the city.y?VerbsharpenY? me-kp?ky? sa me.Sharpen my cutlass for me.y?VerbshareY? gunun m? sa nbii m? sa me.Share the meat among the children for me.y?bad?VerbripAsewu m? a kya laar? a' y?bad?.The nets are about to rip.y?bal?Verbgo apartGinun m? gi kya y?bal?. Kpaa ??s? gim?.The meat is going apart. Go and smoke it.y?b?-y?b?AdverbprofuselyFo kya nun y?g? i kya fu? y?b?-y?b?.He is sweating profusely.y??conjthat?nyen baar? y??, ? gy? daa wura.This man says that he is a chief.? t?g? y??,.....He said that.y??fuliNouna type of mousey??kooniNouna type of mousey??paraNouna type of mousey??w?raNouna type of mouseY??w?ra kya laar? igyo d? gikyena.Y??w?ra loves leaving in yams.y?galaaAdverbwithout guideM? too y?galaa, m?? bo ?kpar?bo.They are living without guidance.y?g?Verblet/allow/leave someone aloneY?g? me, me? kya laar? g?nen.Leave me alone, I don't like that.Y?g?-An?Proper Nouna person's namey?l?g?Verb1.multiplyWurubuaar? y??, any?mes? m?' y?l?g?.God said people should multiply on earth.2.meltY?nbokyenaProper Nouna woman's name meaning "You do not have peace to stay"Me-s? m?-ka pii as? ginyen.This is the name of my sister.y?r?VerbcorrodeBugisi/nyida; gikuru m? gi y?r?/ kankyii m? gi d? y?r? p?wu.Grow rusty / wear / waste away; the cloth is corroded / the roofing sheets has rusted.yiiVerbput up/fix/stand/touch? kya yii obu.He is putting up a house.yiid?Adverbfall onA laa too ilaa-iko ker?. ?bono i laa yiid? m? m?, kaas? ?' kyu.We will cast lots and see whom it will fall on. He that it falls on should take it.yiliVerbpretend/deceiveFo kya yili me y??, fo kya yen me.You are making fun of me pretending that you are praising me.yiridiAdverbquietlyNd? fo bo yiridi daa?Why are you so quiet today?yirididiAdverbquietlyG?bii m? g?d? yirididi, g?? kya gyigisi.The baby is sleeping quietly without making any movement.yiy??VerbsufferNaa mi-i yiy?? f?ye so faa, f?' nyigi me so g?kaako.As I am suffering for your sake, remember me one day.yogesiVerbstir upYuda-awura m? y??, P??lo kya yogesi ?m?.The Jews said that Paul was stirring them up.yogosiVerbstir upAko m? yogosi ?sowol? m?.Some people stir up the city with confusion.YohaneProper NounJohnYohane gi son Yesu.John served Jesus.yooliAdjectivehoot atyor?Verbalighty?g?exclamationgo to it (greeting)Me-nyi, y?g?.My mother, be encouraged!y??Verbdrop off/become weak? y?? san faa y??r?g?t?.He became so weak.y?r?g?t??Adjectivevery weakAkon m? a taal? m?. ? san faa y?r?g?t??.Hunger really hit him hard. He has become very weak.yulaaAdverbnicely coolOkyu m? gi yuuli yulaa.The porridge has cooled down so nicely.yuluuluuAdjectivepeaceful? wu' l?wu-yuluuluu.He has died a peaceful death.Ilaa kamaas? i w?ra yuluuluu.Everything was peaceful.yuuleVerbblessWurubuaar? gi yuule afada sa any?mes? y??, m?' gyi.God has blessed all the trees for mankind.yuuliVerbcoolNkyu m? gi yuuli giky?.The water is very cold.yuuriVerbsteal? kya yuuri.He steals. ................

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