Shigehiro Oishi, Ph

Shigehiro Oishi

Department of Psychology

University of Virginia

P.O. Box 400400

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400

Phone (434) 243-8989

Fax: (434) 982-4766



Ph. D. Social-Personality Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2000

M. A. Social-Personality Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1997

M.Ed. Counseling Psychology, Columbia University, Teachers College 1995

B. A. Psychology, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan 1993


Full Professor 2012-Present

University of Virginia, Department of Psychology

Associate Professor 2006-2012

University of Virginia, Department of Psychology

Assistant professor 2004-2006

University of Virginia, Department of Psychology

Assistant professor 2000-2004

University of Minnesota, Department of Psychology


American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientist Lecture, May 2006

The Association for Psychological Science, Fellow (elected in 2011)

American Psychological Association, Fellow (elected in 2011)

Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Fellow (elected in 2010)

Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Fellow (elected in 2009)

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Associate, November 2009 - present

Max Planck International Research Network on Aging Junior Fellow, Fall 2005- Spring 2008

List of Excellent Teachers (lists instructors ranked “excellent” by their students), University of Illinois, Spring 1999

University Fellow, Graduate College, University of Illinois, 1997-1998

Rotary International Scholar at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, 1991-1992

Named one of the most cited social-personality psychologists (#22 out of 611, career-stage impact factor, PSPB Oct 2010),



Oishi, S. (2012). The Psychological Wealth of Nations: Do Happy People Make a Happy Society. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Oishi, S. (2009). 幸せを科学する:心理学からわかったこと。(”Doing the Science of Happiness: What we learned from Psychology” in Japanese)新曜社 (Shinyosha, Tokyo, Japan).

Journal Articles and Other Publications

(underline: student co-author)

In Press

Oishi, S. (in press). 環境心理学 (Environmental Psychology). 藤永保〔監修〕心理学字典 (The Heibonsha Dictionary of Psychology). 東京:平凡社

Oishi, S. (in press). ポジティヴ心理学 (Positive Psychology). 藤永保〔監修〕心理学字典 (The Heibonsha Dictionary of Psychology). 東京:平凡社

Oishi, S., & Komiya, A. (in press). 幸せの文化比較は可能か?(Is it possible to compare happiness across cultures?) 心理学評論 (Japanese Psychological Review).

Oishi, S., & Kesebir, S. (in press). Optimal social network strategy is a function of socio-economic conditions. Psychological Science.

Oishi, S., Schiller, J., & Gross, E. B. (in press). Felt understanding and misunderstanding affect the perception of pain, slant, and distance. Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Oishi, S., & Talhelm, T. (in press). Residential mobility: What psychological research reveals. Current Directions in Psychological Science.

Oishi, S., Kesebir, S., Miao, F. F., Talhelm, T., Endo, Y., Uchida, Y., Shibanai, Y., & Norasakkunkit, V. (in press). Residential mobility increases motivation to expand social network: But why? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Diener, E., Tay, L., & Oishi, S. (in press). Rising income and the subjective well-being of nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Eggleston, C.M., & Oishi, S. (in press). Is happiness a moving target? The relationship between residential mobility and meaning in life. In J. Hicks & C. Routledge (Eds.), The Experience of Meaning in Life: Perspectives from the Psychological Sciences. New York: Springer Press.

Galinha, I., Pereira, C., Esteves, F., Wirtz, D., & Oishi, S. (in press). The role of personality traits, attachment style, and relationship satisfaction in the subjective well-being of Americans, Portuguese, and Mozambicans. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Lun, J., Roth, D. P., Oishi, S., & Kesebir, S. (in press). Residential mobility, social support concerns, and friendship strategy. Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Miao, F. F., Koo, M., & Oishi, S. (in press). Subjective well-being. Oxford Handbook of Happiness. In S. David, I. Boniwell, & A. Conley (Eds.), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Seder, J. P., & Oishi, S. (in press). Intensity of Smiling in Facebook Photos Predicts Future Life Satisfaction. Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Su, J., Lee, R. M., & Oishi, S. (in press). The Role of Culture and Self-Construal in the Link between Expressive Suppression and Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.


Oishi, S. (2012). Individual and societal well-being. In Mark Snyder & Kay Deaux (Eds), Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Oishi, S. (2012). Happiness. Oxford Bibliographies Online.

Oishi, S., Krochik, M., Roth, D., & Sherman, G. D. (2012). Residential mobility, personality, and well-being: An analysis of cortisol secretion. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 153-161.

Oishi, S., Miao, F. F., Koo, M., Kisling, J., & Ratliff, K. A. (2012). Residential mobility breeds familiarity seeking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 149-162.

Oishi, S., Schimmack, U., & Diener, E. (2012). Progressive taxation and the subjective well-being of nations. Psychological Science, 23, 86-92.

Kim, H., Schimmack, U., & Oishi, S. (2012). Cultural differences in self- and other-evaluations of well-being: A Study of European and Asian Canadians. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 856-873.

Lun, J., Oishi, S., & Tenney, E. (2012). Residential mobility moderates preferences for Egalitarian versus Loyal helpers. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 48, 291-297.


Oishi, S., Kurtz, J.L., Miao, F. F., Park, J., & Whitchurch, E., (2011). The Role of familiarity in daily well-being: Developmental and cultural variation. Developmental Psychology, 47, 1750-1756.

Oishi, S., Kesebir, S., & Diener, E. (2011). Income inequality and happiness. Psychological Science, 22, 1095-1100.

Oishi, S., Seol, K., Koo, M., & Miao, F. M. (2011). Was he happy? Cultural difference in the conceptions of Jesus. Journal of Research in Personality, 45, 84-91.

Oishi, S., & Kurtz, J. (2011). The Positive psychology of positive emotions: An Avuncular view. In Sheldon, K., Kashdan, T.B., & Steger, M.F. (Eds.). Designing the future of positive psychology: Taking stock and moving forward.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Nakazato, N., Schimmack, U., & Oishi, S. (2011). Effect of changes in living conditions on well-being: A Prospective top-down bottom-up model. Social Indicators Research, 100, 115-135.

Steger, M. F., Oishi, S., & Kesibir, S. (2011). Is a life without meaning satisfying? The moderating role of the search for meaning in satisfaction with life judgments.  Journal of Positive Psychology, 6, 173-180.

Su, J., & Oishi, S. (2011). Re-Examining the Positivity of Self-Evaluations among East Asians and European Americans. Journal of Research in Personality, 45, 642-647.


Oishi, S. (2010). The psychology of residential mobility: Implications for the self, social relationships, and well-being. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 5-21.

Oishi, S. (2010). 幸せを科学することは可能か(“Is it possible to scientifically study happiness?” in Japanese). 科学 (“Science”), 80, 262-266.

Oishi, S. (2010). Culture and well-being: Conceptual and methodological issues. In E. Diener, D. Kahneman, & J. F. Helliwell, (Eds.), International differences in well-being (pp. 34-69). New York: Oxford University Press.

Oishi, S., & Graham, J. (2010). Social ecology: Lost and found in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 356-377.

Oishi, S., Krochik, M., & Akimoto, S. (2010). Felt understanding as a bridge between close relationships and subjective well-being: Antecedents and consequences across individuals and cultures. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4, 403-416.

Oishi, S., & Schimmack, U. (2010). Residential mobility, well-being, and mortality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 980-994.

Oishi, S., & Schimmack, U. (2010). Culture and well-being: A new inquiry into the Psychological Wealth of Nations. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 463-471.

Oishi, S., & Su, J. (2010). Collectivism and individualism. In J. Levine & M. Hogg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (Vol 1., pp 112-116). Thousand Oads, CA: Sage.

Diener, E., Tov, W., Choi, D., Biswas-Diener, Wirtz, D., Kim-Prieto, C., & Oishi, S. (2010). New well-being measures: Short scales to assess flourishing and positive and negative feelings. Social Indicators Research, 97, 143-156.

Kesebir, S., Graham, J. & Oishi, S. (2010). A theory of human needs should be human-centered, not animal-centered: A commentary on Kenrick et al. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 315-319.

Kesebir, S. & Oishi, S. (2010). A spontaneous self-reference effect in memory: Why some birthdays are harder to remember. Psychological Science, 21, 1525-1531.

Kesebir, S., Oishi, S., & Spellman, B. (2010). The socio-ecological approach can turn variance among populations from a liability to an asset. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 96-97.

Lun, J., Oishi, S., Coan, J., Akimoto, S., & Miao, F. M. (2010). Cultural variations in motivational responses to felt misunderstanding. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 986-996.


Oishi, S., Ishii, K., & Lun, J. (2009). Residential mobility and conditionality of group identification. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 913-919.

Oishi, S., Kesebir, S., & Snyder, B. H (2009). Sociology: A lost connection in social psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 13, 334-353.

Oishi, S., & Kisling, J. (2009). The mutual constitution of residential mobility and individualism. In R. S. Wyer, Jr., C-Y. Chiu, Y. Y. Hong, & S. Shavitt (Eds.), Understanding Culture: Theory, Research, and Application (p.223-238). Psychology Press: New York.

Oishi, S., & Roth, D. P. (2009). The Role of self-reports in culture and personality research: It is too early to give up on self-reports. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 107-109.

Oishi, S., Whitchurch, E., Miao, F., Kurtz, J., & Park, J. (2009). “Would I be happier if I moved?” Retirement status and cultural variations in the anticipated and actual levels of happiness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 437-446.

Bond, M. F., Brislin, R. W., Chiu, C-Y, Hong, Y-Y, Gelfand, M., Leung, K., Markman, A. B., Morris, M. W., Norenzayan, A., Oishi, S., Schwartz, S., & Triandis, H. C. (2009). The present and future state of cultural research and theory: A dialogue. In R. S. Wyer, Jr., C-Y. Chiu, Y. Y. Hong, & S. Shavitt (Eds.), Problems and Solutions in Cross-cultural Theory, Research, and Application (pp 469-506). Psychology Press: New York.

Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Lucas, R. E. (2009). Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and life satisfaction. In C. R. Snyder & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), The handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed., pp. 187-194). New York: Oxford University Press.

Koo, M., & Oishi, S. (2009). False memory and the associative network of happiness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 212-220.

Seder, J. P., & Oishi, S. (2009). Racial homogeneity in college students’ Facebook friendship network and subjective well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 438-443.

Steger, M. F., Oishi, S., & Kashdan, T. B. (2009). Meaning in life across the life span: Levels and correlates of meaning in life from adolescence to older adulthood. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 43-52.

Wirtz, D., Chiu, C., Diener, E., & Oishi, S. (2009). What constitutes a good Life?  Cultural differences in the role of positive and negative affect in subjective well-being. Journal of Personality, 77, 1167-1196.


Lun, J., Kesebir, S., & Oishi, S. (2008). On feeling understood and feeling well: The Role of interdependence. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 1623-1628

Benet-Martinez, V., & Oishi, S. (2008). Culture and personality. In O. P. John, R. W. Robins, & L. A. Pervin (Eds.), Handbook of Personality: Theory and research (pp. 542-567). New York: Guilford.

Oishi, S. Koo, M., & Akimoto, S. (2008). Culture, interpersonal perceptions, and happiness in social interactions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 307-320.

Oishi, S., & Koo, M. (2008). Two new questions about happiness: “Is happiness good?” and “Is happier better?” In M. Eid & R. J. Larsen. (Eds.), Handbook of subjective well-being (p.290-306). New York: Oxford University Press.

Siedlecki, K. L., Tucker-Drob, E. M., Oishi, S., & Salthouse, T. A. (2008). Life satisfaction across adulthood: Different determinants at different ages? Journal of Positive Psychology, 3, 153-164.

Steger, M. F., Kashdan, T. B., & Oishi, S. (2008). Being good by doing good: Daily eudaimonic activity and well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 22-42.


Oishi, S. (2007). The application of structural equation modeling and item response theory to cross-cultural positive psychology research. In A.Ong, & M. van Dulmen (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Methods in Positive Psychology (pp. 126-138). New York: Oxford University Press.

Oishi, S., Diener, E., Choi, D.W., Kim-Prieto, C., & Choi, I. (2007). The Dynamics of daily events and well-being across cultures: When less is more. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 685-698.

Oishi, S., Diener, E., & Lucas, R. E. (2007). The optimal level of well-being: Can we be too happy? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2, 346-360.

Oishi, S., Lun, J., & Sherman, G. D. (2007). Residential mobility, self-concept, and positive affect in social interactions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 131-141.

Oishi, S., Rothman, A., J., Snyder, M., Su, J., Zehm, K., Hertel, A. W., Gonzales, M. H., & Sherman, G. D. (2007). The Socio-ecological model of pro-community action: The Benefits of residential stability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 831-844.

Oishi, S., Schimmack, U., Diener, E., Kim-Prieto, C., Scollon, C. N., Choi, D, W. (2007). The Value-congruence model of memory for emotional experiences: An Explanation for cultural differences in emotional self-reports. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 897-905.


Oishi, S. (2006). The concept of life satisfaction across cultures: An IRT analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 411-423.

Oishi, S. (2006). Bunka to well-being (“Culture and Well-Being” in Japanese). In S. Shimai (Ed), Handbook of Positive Psychology. Kyoto, Japan: Nakanishiya.

Oishi, S., & Sullivan, H. W. (2006). The Predictive value of daily vs. retrospective well-being judgments in relationship stability. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42, 460-470.

Hahn, J., & Oishi, S. (2006). Psychological needs and emotional well-being in older and younger Koreans and Americans. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 689-698.

Robinson, M. D., & Oishi, S. (2006). Trait self-report as a “fill in” belief system: Categorization speed moderates the extraversion/life satisfaction relation. Self and Identity, 5, 15-34.

Steger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Kaler, M. (2006). The Meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, 80-93.


Oishi, S., Hahn, J., Schimmack, U., Radhakrishan, P., Dzokoto, V., Ahadi, S. (2005). The measurement of values across cultures. Journal of Research in Personality, 39, 299-305.

Oishi, S., & Sullivan, H. W. (2005). The mediating role of parental expectations in culture and well-being. Journal of Personality, 73, 1267-1294.

Diener, E., & Oishi, S. (2005). The nonobvious social psychology of happiness. Psychological Inquiry, 16, 162-167.

Schimmack, U., & Oishi, S. (2005). The Influence of chronically accessible and temporarily accessible information on life satisfaction judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 395-406.

Schimmack, U., Oishi, S., & Diener, E. (2005). Individualism: A valid and important dimension of cultural differences. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9, 17-31.

Scollon, C. N., Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2005). An Experience sampling and cross-cultural investigation of the relation between pleasant and unpleasant affect. Cognition and Emotion, 19, 27-52.


Oishi, S. (2004). Personality in culture: A Neo-Allportian View. Journal of Research in Personality, 38, 68-74.

Oishi, S., Diener, E., Scollon, C. N., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2004). Cross-situational consistency of affective experiences across cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 460-472.

Diener, E., & Oishi, S. (2004). Are Scandinavians happier than Asians? Issues in comparing nations on subjective well-being. F. Columbus (Ed.), Politics and Economics of Asia, vol. 10 (pp.1-25). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Schimmack, U., Oishi, S., Furr, F. M., & Funder, D. C. (2004). Personality and life satisfaction: A facet level analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1062-1075.

Scollon, C. N., Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2004). Emotions across cultures and methods. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35, 304-326.

Suh, E. M., & Oishi, S. (2004). Culture and subjective well-being: An introduction to the special issue. Journal of Happiness Studies, 5, 219-222.


Oishi, S., & Diener, E. (2003). Culture and well-being: The cycle of action, evaluation and decision. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 939-949.

Oishi, S., Schimmack, U., & Colcombe, S. (2003). The Contextual and systematic nature of life satisfaction judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39, 232-247.

Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Lucas, R. E. (2003). Personality, culture, and subjective well-being. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 403-425.

Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Steger, M. (2003). Assessing optimal functioning. In B. Walsh (Ed), Counseling psychology and optimal human functioning. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Mahwah, NJ.


Oishi, S. (2002). Experiencing and remembering of well-being: A cross-cultural analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1398-1406

Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., & Oishi, S. (2002). Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and life satisfaction. In C. R. Snyder & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), The handbook of positive psychology (pp.63-73). New York: Oxford University Press.

Diener, E., Lucas, E., Oishi, S., & Suh, E. (2002). Looking up and looking down: Weighting good and bad information in life satisfaction judgment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 437-445.

Schimmack, U., Diener, E., Oishi, S. (2002). Life-satisfaction is a

momentary judgment and a stable personality characteristic: The use of

chronically accessible and stable sources. Journal of Personality, 70, 345-384.

Schimmack, U., Oishi, S., & Diener, E. (2002). Cultural influences on the relation between pleasant emotions and unpleasant emotions: Asian dialectic philosophies or individualism-collectivism? Cognition and Emotion, 16, 705-719.

Schimmack, U., Radhakrishan, P., Oishi, S., Dzokoto, V., Ahadi, S. (2002). Culture, personality, and subjective well-being. Integrating process model of life satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 582-593.

Solberg, E. C., Diener, E., Wirtz, D., Lucas, R. E., & Oishi, S. (2002). Wanting, having, and satisfaction: Examining the role of desire discrepancies in satisfaction with income. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 725-734.

Suh, E. M., & Oishi, S. (2002). Subjective well-being across cultures. In W. J. Lonner, D. L. Dinnel, S. A. Hayes, & D. N. Sattler (Eds.), Online Readings in

Psychology and Culture (Unit 7, Chapter 1), (), Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington USA.


Oishi, S., & Diener, E. (2001). Goals, culture, and subjective well-being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 1674-1682.

Oishi, S., & Diener, E. (2001). Re-examining the general positivity model of subjective well-being: The Discrepancy between specific and global domain satisfactions. Journal of Personality, 69, 641-666.

Oishi, S., Schimmack, U., & Diener, E. (2001). Pleasures and subjective well-being. European Journal of Personality, 15, 153-167.

Diener, E., Wirtz, D., & Oishi, S. (2001). End effects of rated life quality: The James Dean Effect. Psychological Science, 12, 124-128.


Oishi, S. (2000). Goals as cornerstones of subjective well-being: Linking individuals and cultures. In E. Diener & E. M. Suh (Eds.), Cross-cultural psychology of subjective well-being (pp.87-112). Boston: MIT Press.

Oishi, S., Wyer, R. S. Jr., & Colcombe, S. (2000). Cultural variation in the use of current life satisfaction to predict the future. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 434-445

Diener, E., & Oishi, S. (2000). Money and happiness: Income and subjective well-being across nations. In E. Diener & E. M. Suh (Eds.), Culture and subjective well-being (pp.185-218). Boston: MIT Press.

Pomerantz, E. M., Saxon, J. L., & Oishi, S. (2000). The psychological tradeoffs of goal investment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 617-630.

Diener, E., Gohm, C. L., Suh, E., & Oishi, S. (2000). Similarity of the relations between marital status and subjective well-being across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 31, 419-436.

Diener, E., Scollon, C. K. N., Oishi, S., Dzokoto, V., & Suh, E. M. (2000). Positivity and the construction of life satisfaction judgments: Global happiness is not the sum of its part. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1, 159-176.

Schimmack, U., Oishi, S., Diener, E., & Suh, E. (2000). Facets of affective experiences: A Framework for investigations of trait affect. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 655-668.


Oishi, S., Diener, E., Lucas, R. E., & Suh, E. M. (1999). Cross-cultural variations in predictors of life satisfaction: Perspectives from needs and values. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 980-990.

Oishi, S., Diener, E., Suh, E., & Lucas, R. E. (1999). Value as a moderator in subjective well-being. Journal of Personality, 67, 157-184.


Oishi, S., Schimmack, U., Diener, E., & Suh, E. M. (1998). The measurement of values and individualism-collectivism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 1177-1189.

Gohm, C. L., Oishi, S., Darlington, J., & Diener, E. (1998). Culture, parental conflict, parental marital status, and the subjective well-being of young adults. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60, 319-334.

Suh, E., Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Triandis, H. C. (1998). The shifting basis of life satisfaction judgments across cultures: Emotions versus norms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 482-493.

Diener, E., Suh, E., & Oishi, S. (1997). Recent findings on subjective well-being (invited article). Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24, 25-41.

Invited Presentations

Oishi, S. (September, 2011). Social ecology: Residential mobility, income inequality, and more. Department of Psychology, Kansas University.

Oishi, S. (April, 2011). Residential Mobility and Uniformity: An American Paradox. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.

Oishi, S. (July, 2010). Culture and well-being: A new inquiry into the psychological wealth of nations. Global Center of Excellent, Kyoto University.

Oishi, S. (April, 2009). Culture and happiness. The Faculty-Mentor Dinner, Office of African American Studies, University of Virginia

Oishi, S. (October, 2008). The concepts of happiness across cultures. Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University.

Oishi, S. (February, 2008). The social ecology of personality: The legacy of Ed Diener. The Personality Pre-conference at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Albuquerque, NM

Oishi, S. (April, 2007). The concept of happiness across cultures. Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Oishi, S. (April, 2007). Culture and subjective well-being: Challenges and new opportunities. El Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva de la Fundación Favaloro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Oishi, S. (February, 2007). Psychological consequences of residential mobility: Implications for well-being research. Department of Psychology, Columbia University.

Oishi, S. (January, 2007). How to use multi-level modeling in psychological research. Department of Psychology, Yonsei Univesrity, Korea.

Oishi, S. (November, 2006). Residential mobility, self, and well-being. Department of Psychology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

Oishi, S. (October, 2006). Culture, achievement, and well-being. The International Conference on Asia’s Educational Miracle: Child Development in Family, School and Cultural Contexts, at Inha University, Inchon, Korea.  

Oishi, S. (September, 2006). Culture and subjective well-being. In an invited symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Social Psychological Association, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.

Oishi, S. (September, 2006). Culture and subjective well-being. A keynote speech given at the annual meeting of the Japanese Association of Human Care Psychology. Kobe College, Takarazuka, Japan.

Oishi, S. (July, 2006). Culture and well-being. Alumni College Seminar, Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA.

Oishi, S. (June, 2006). Why is happiness important? Aging 101, the Institute on Aging, the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

Oishi, S. (May, 2006). Culture, self, and well-being: A socio-ecological view. An APA distinguished scientist lecture given at the annual meeting of Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Oishi, S. (December, 2005). Well-Being in a culturally diverse society. Department of Psychology, University of Georgia.

Oishi, S. (October, 2005). Residential Stability and the Well-Being of Community: The Socio-ecological model of self and prosocial behavior. Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Oishi, S. (October, 2005). Felt understanding and misunderstanding across cultures. Department of Psychology, Stanford University.

Oishi, S. (January, 2005). The socio-ecological model of self and pro-social behaviors. The cultural psychology pre-conference at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology meeting. New Orleans, LO.

Oishi, S. (October, 2004). The socio-ecological model of self and pro-social behaviors. The third International Positive Psychology Summit. Washington, DC.

Oishi, S. (June, 2004). Residential mobility and well-being. American Studies, Doushisha University, Kyoto, Japan.

Oishi, S. (February, 2004). Culture and well-being. The Center of Health and Well-Being, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

Oishi, S. (December, 2003). Culture and happiness. The Kyoto-Michigan symposium on cognition, emotion, and self. University of Michigan, An Arbor, Michigan.

Oishi, S. (December, 2003). Culture, self, and subjective well-being. Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Oishi, S. (November, 2003). Culture, self, and subjective well-being. Department of Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

Oishi, S. (February, 2003). Cross-situational consistency of affect across cultures. The annual meeting of the Association for Research in Personality, Los Angeles, CA.

Oishi, S. (November, 2002). Culture and subjective well-being. St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.

Oishi, S. (September, 2002). Culture, self, and subjective well-being. North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota.

Oishi, S. (September, 2002). Culture, self, and subjective well-being. Industrial Relations Center Workshop Series, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.

Oishi, S. (June, 2002). The flexible inclusion or exclusion of others: A paradox of culture and the self. International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan

Oishi, S. (June, 2002). The flexible inclusion or exclusion of others: A paradox of culture and the self. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Oishi, S. (June, 2002). The flexible inclusion or exclusion of others: A paradox of culture and the self. Tokyo Woman’s Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.

Oishi, S. (April, 2002). The flexible inclusion or exclusion of others: A paradox of culture and the self. The 9th annual meeting of Social Psychologists Around Midwest (SPAM) at the University of Missouri at Columbia.

Oishi, S. (November, 2001). Culture and well-being. School of Medicine, University of Minnesota.

Oishi, S (September, 2001). Culture and well-being. Carleton College, Northfield, MN.

Oishi, S. (May 2001). Experiencing and remembering of emotions: A cross-cultural analysis. The Mind and Emotion conference at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Oishi, S. (March 2001). Culture and well-being. Centre for Japanese Research. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Oishi, S. (March, 2000). Culture and subjective well-being. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Oishi, S. (February, 2000). Culture and subjective well-being. Lehigh University. Bethleham, PA.


2003-2009: National Institute of Mental Health, R01-MH066857-01A1; “Understanding and misunderstanding across cultures” (PI). $1,129,894

2006-2008: Maxnet Aging Network Junior Fellow Grant; “Age and Cultural Variations in Anticipated and Actual Levels of Well-Being: ‘Would I be Happier in Florida?’” (PI). $12,000

2001-2004: National Institute of Mental Health grant, ROI MH16-849-01; “Cultural differences in self-reports of subjective well-being” (Co-PI. PI: Dr. Ed Diener, University of Illinois) $399,505

2002-2004: Grant-in-aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship, the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, University of Minnesota; “Experiencing and Remembering of Emotion” (PI). $26,741

2002-2003: The Positive Psychology Young Scholar Grant, The Positive Psychology Network; “Understanding and Misunderstanding Across Cultures” (PI). $10, 000.

2001-2002: Grant-in-aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship, the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, University of Minnesota; “Social identity and well-being” (PI). $24,289.

Editorial Services

Associate Editor, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: PPID, 2011-2013

Associate Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2008- 2010

Consulting Editor, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 2001- 2002, 2008-2010

Consulting Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2005-2008

Consulting Editor, Journal of Positive Psychology, 2005-Present

Consulting Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2006-2010

Consulting Editor, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2006-Present

Consulting Editor, Journal of Research in Personality, 2007-2009

Consulting Editor, Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2010-Present

Ad hoc Reviewer for

American Psychologist

Asian Journal of Social Psychology

Australian Journal of Psychology

British Journal of Social Psychology

Cognition and Emotion

International Journal of Selection & Assessment

International Journal of Psychology

Journal of Counseling Psychology

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Science

Journal of Happiness Studies

Journal of Personality

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relations & Group Processes

Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology

Personality and Individual Differences

Political Psychology

Psychological Science


Self & Identity

Sex Roles

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


Introduction to Personality (Undergraduate)

Introduction to Social Psychology (Undergraduate)

Advanced Personality (Undergraduate, Graduate)

Culture and Personality (Undergraduate, Graduate)

Subjective Well-Being (Undergraduate, Graduate)

Socio-ecological Psychology (Undergraduate, Graduate)


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