French Texting - Les Textos français

French Texting - Les Textos français

French abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols used in chatrooms, forums, email, and text messaging

|French |Meaning |English |French |Meaning |English |

|6né |Ciné |Movie theater |C mal1 |C'est malin |That's clever, sneaky |

|A+ |À plus |L8R, later |C pa 5pa |C'est pas sympa |That's not nice |

|@+ | |CUL8R, see you later | | | |

|A12C4 |À un de ces quatres |See you one of these days |CPG |C'est pas grave |INBD, it's no big deal |

|a2m1 |À demain |CU2moro, see you tomorrow |Ct |C'était |It was |

|@2m1 | | | |C'est tout |That's all |

|ALP |À la prochaine |TTFN, ta ta for now |  |  |  |

|AMHA |À mon humble avis |IMHO, in my humble opinion |D100 |Descends |Get down |

|AP |À plus |TTFN, ta ta for now |d'ac |D'accord |OK |

|APLS | | |dak | | |

|ASV |Âge, Sexe, Ville |ASL, age, sex, location |DSL |Désolé |IMS, I'm sorry |

|a tt |à tout à l'heure |see you soon |DQP |Dès que possible |ASAP, as soon as possible |

|auj |Aujourd'hui |Today |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |EDR |Écroulé de rire |LOL, laughing out loud |

|b1sur |Bien sûr |Of course |ENTK |En tout cas |IAC, in any case |

| | | |EntouK | | |

|BAL |Boîte aux lettres |Mailbox |  |  |  |

|BCP |Beaucoup |A lot |FAI |Fournisseur d'accès internet|ISP, internet service |

| | | | | |provider |

|bi1to |Bientôt |RSN, real soon |FDS |Fin de semaine |WE, Wknd, weekend |

|biz |bisous |kisses |  |  |  |

|bjr |Bonjour |Hello |G |J'ai |I have |

|bsr |Bonsoir |Good evening |G1id2kdo |J'ai une idée de cadeau |I have a great idea |

|  |  |  |GHT |J'ai acheté |I bought |

|C |C'est |It is |GHT2V1 |J'ai acheté du vin |I bought some wine |

|C1Blag |C'est une blague |It's a joke, Just kidding |G la N |J'ai la haine |H8, hate |

|CAD |C'est-à-dire |That is, i.e., |GspR b1 |J'espère bien |I hope so |

|cb1 |C'est bien |That's good |Gt |J'étais |I was |

|C cho |C'est chaud |It's hot |  |  |  |

|Cé |C'est |It is |Jé |J'ai |I have |

|Ché |Chez |At the home of |Je c |Je sais |I know |

| |Je sais |I know | | | |

|Chu |Je suis |I am |Je le saV |Je le savais |I knew it |

|Chui | | | | | |

|Chuis | | | | | |

|Jenémar |J'en ai marre |I'm sick of it |Kil |Qu'il |That he |

|Je t'M |Je t'aime |ILUVU, I love you |Koi |Quoi |What |

|Je vé |Je vais |I'm going |Koi29 |Quoi de neuf ? |What's new? |

|J'vé | | | | | |

|JMS |Jamais |NVR |  |  |  |

|JSG |Je suis génial |I'm (doing) great |Lckc |Elle s'est cassée |She left |

|JTM |Je t'aime |I love you |L's tomB |Laisse tomber |Forget it |

|  |  |  |Lut |Salut |Hi |

|KDO |Cadeau |Gift |  |  |  |

|Kan |Quand |When |M |Merci |Thanks |

|Kand | | | | | |

|Ke |Que |that, what |MDR |Mort de rire |ROFL |

|Ké |Qu'est |What is |mr6 |Merci |Thx, thanks |

|Kel |Quel, Quelle |Which |MSG |Message |Msg, message |

|Kelle |Qu'elle |That she |  |  |  |

|Keske |Qu'est-ce que |What |now |maintenant |ATM, at the moment |

|kestufou |Qu'est-ce que tu fous |What the hell are you doing? |NSP |Ne sais pas |Dunno |

|Ksk t'fu |? | | | | |

|Ki |Qui |Who |  |  |  |

|o |Au |In the, at the |raf |Rien à faire |Nothing to do |

|Ok1 |Aucun |None, not one |ras |Rien à signaler |Nothing to report |

|OQP |Occupé |Busy |rdv |Rendez-vous |Date, appointment |

|Oué |Ouais |Yeah |RE |(Je suis de) retour, |I'm back, Hi again |

| | | | |Rebonjour | |

|p2k |Pas de quoi |URW, you're welcome |ri1 |Rien |0, nothing |

|parske |Parce que |COZ, because |  |  |  |

|p-ê |Peut-être |Maybe |savapa |Ça va pas ? |Is something wrong? |

|pitit | | | | | |

|PK |Parce que |Because |SLT |Salut |Hi |

|Pkoi |Pourquoi |Y, why |SNIF |J'ai de la peine |I'm sad |

|Po |Pas |Not |ss |(je) suis |I am |

|Pô | | | | | |

|PTDR |Pété de rire |ROFLMAO, rolling on the floor laughing|STP/SVP |S'il te/vous plaît |PLS, please |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|q-c q |Qu'est-ce que |What |T |T'es |You are |

|queske | | | | | |

|QDN |Quoi de neuf ? |What's new? |tabitou |T'habites où ? |Where do you live? |

|qq |Quelques |Some |tata KS |T'as ta casse ? |You have your car? |

|qqn |Quelqu'un |Someone |tds |tout de suite |right away |

|ti2 |T'es hideux |You're hideous. |y a | | |

| | | |ya | | |

| | | | |Il y a |There is, there are |

|tjs |Toujours |Always | | | |

|tkc |T'es cassé |You're tired. | | | |

|TLM |Tout le monde |Everyone | | | |

|T nrv ? |T'es énervé ? |Are you irritated? | | | |

|TOK |T'es OK ? |RUOK? Are you OK? | | | |

|TOQP |T'es occupé ? |RUBZ? Are you busy? | | | |

|tps |temps |time, weather | | | |

|Tt |T'étais |You were | | | |

|tt |tout |all, every | | | |

|  |  |  | | | |

|V1 |Viens |Come | | | |

|vazi |Vas-y |Go | | | |

|VrMan |Vraiment |Really | | | |

|  |  |  | | | |

|X |crois, croit |believe | | | |

|XLnt |Excellent |XLNT, excellent | | | |


French Texting Rules:

The basic rule of texting is to express yourself with the fewest number of characters possible. This is done in three ways:

• Using abbreviations, like TLM for Tout Le Monde

• Using letters that are pronounced like the desired sounds, like OQP for occupé (O - CCU - PÉ)

• Dropping silent letters, especially at the end of a word, like parl for parle



• C replaces C'EST, S'EST, SAIS, etc.

• É replaces AI, AIS, and other spellings of similar sounds

• K can replace QU (e.g., koi) or CA (kdo)

• O replaces AU, EAU, AUX, etc.

• T replaces T'ES and other spellings of the same sound

• 1 replaces UN, EN, or IN

• 2 replaces DE



• If all else fails, try reading the symbol out loud.  (


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