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In this chapter, it will be divided into two different sections, there are conclusion and suggestions. In conclusion, it will be divided into three points which are intrinsic elements, the supporting analyze theory and the problem formulation analyze that related to the movie. After the conclusion, there will be suggestions that include the advice that can be given to another researcher that related to this movie analyze.

After doing this research, the intrinsic elements of the Wonder Woman movie could effectively help the writer in understanding and analyzing the movie. The intrinsic elements that include in the movie could also help the writer to understand the meaning behind the movie. The meaning that clearly explained is about the history of the Wonder Woman character itself from the made of the Wonder Woman character, the meaning behind the symbols of Wonder Woman movie and the story that include the main theory that the writer use to analyze the movie. The things that interest the writer is about the symbols that include in Wonder Woman movie because some of the symbols that being used represented the United State flag. The symbol that represented the United State flag is the Wonder Woman costume that created using the color of United State flag (Blue and Red) and the hat shield that also represented the American eagle.

The other conclusion that the writer wanted to explain is about the theory that related to the movie. The writer uses the Feminism theory because the movie is best suited the theory. Beside the movie, the female main character personality in the movie is also best suited the Feminism theory. The personality of the female main character that showed the theory of Feminism is when she wanted to prove Steven and his friends that she capable of fighting against the German soldiers. This scene included the liberal feminism and female masculinity because it proved that women are equally powerful as men and also from the description of Wonder Woman figure, it described that Wonder Woman has a masculinity figure. Instead of giving the feminine image, the actions of Wonder Woman character create a big impact of female masculinity when she prove that she could win against the German soldiers.

The last conclusion that the writer want to explain is about the main topic that the writer used to answer the problem formulations related to the movie. The main topic that the writer wanted to explain is about the discrimination against women, the scene that showed the discrimination against women is when the female main character wanted to help Steven in explaining about the important information that include in Dr. Isabel Maru note book. Instead of giving the respect reaction, the German commanders treat the female main character with a disrespect reaction and doubting about the female main character capability. This scene showed the discrimination against women because at that time women could not get their right to vote and also women could not be participated in men discussion. The other topics that answer the problem formulations are about the women’s power that include in this movie. In this movie the scene showed the women’s power because it clearly see that the female main character has shown her power to achieve her goal in creating a peace in mankind world. Beside her struggles in facing the fact that innocent people are being hurt, she always try to make Steven believe that she capable of stopping the war and create a peace between mankind


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