Meaningful and Effective Chinese Vocabularyyg Learning

Meaningful and Effect ive Chine se Voca bula r y Le a r ning

Peng, Ping Zhao, Jing

Why I s Vocabulary Learning I m port ant ?


Pattern Orthographic know ledge Pr o n o u n ce

Vo cab u l ar y

st r en gt h en Uses

Reading Cult ur e

Oral Language

W riting Gram m ar

Why I s Chinese Vocabulary Learning I m port ant ?

? Cognit ive process

Pi n y i n Radicals

The cognit ive process for Chinese vocabulary learning

The cognit ive process for English vocabulary learning

Bear, R.D & I nvernizzi, M. ( 2004) Words Their Way

What Should We Do Different ly?

Word I nput ?Cognit ive m odel of five- st age w ord acquisit ion

Percept ion

Em phasizing at t ract ive and well spaced word present at ion

Associat ion

Est ablishing sound- shape- m eaning connect ions wit hin t he word; relating the target word with other fam iliar words

Com prehension

Underst anding one or m ore m eanings of t he t arget words and their relation with other words by focusing on why and how through com parisons and classifications

int ernalizat ion Providing various m eaningful and cont ext ual- based activities for practicing

Generalizat ion Provide st im ulat ed or real- life t asks for word using in different linguistic environm ent

The linguist ic fe a t ur e s of Chine se Scr ipt

No obvious sound to script correspondence



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