Best Practices > Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

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Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

Best Practices: Planning Digital Curriculum Programs


This document is designed to help leadership teams plan programs that use Apex Learning digital curriculum to provide differentiated instruction, intervention, test preparation, original credit, and credit recovery opportunities in blended and virtual environments.


Program Leadership...................................................................................................................................... 2 Mission and Goals......................................................................................................................................... 2 Implementation Timeline ............................................................................................................................... 3 Monitoring and Evaluation............................................................................................................................. 3 Designing Instructional Models ..................................................................................................................... 4 Staff Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 5 Assessment Models ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Curriculum ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Modifying Course Content........................................................................................................................... 10 Scheduling and Enrollment ......................................................................................................................... 11 Classrooms, Accounts, and Enrollments .................................................................................................... 14 Course Settings: Managing Access to Content .......................................................................................... 14 User Roles and Accounts............................................................................................................................ 15 Methods of Account Creation...................................................................................................................... 16 Monitoring Student Progress ...................................................................................................................... 16 Helping Students Manage Their Progress .................................................................................................. 17 Classroom Management ............................................................................................................................. 19 Technical Considerations ............................................................................................................................ 22 Services and Support .................................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix: Program Descriptions ................................................................................................................ 24 Getting Support ........................................................................................................................................... 25

April 2020


Best Practices Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

Program Leadership

Primary Considerations

? Who will manage the implementation and coordinate a uniform program? ? What are the program mission and goals? ? Who will coordinate staff development? ? Who will ensure state and district requirements are met? ? How will the program be monitored and evaluated? ? How will communication with stakeholders take place?

Program Coordinator

The program coordinator oversees the implementation; communicates with stakeholders, establishes measurable goals; monitors and reports progress to district and school administration. Successful programs are led by a district-level coordinator and school administrators working in collaboration with counselors, curriculum specialists, and teachers. The program coordinator is a central point of contact, resolves implementation issues, coordinates professional development, answers questions related to policies and procedures, analyzes data, evaluates success, and communicates results to stakeholders.

Read: Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Mission and Goals

Program Mission

A mission statement communicates the vision, serves as a reference point for participants, and inspires success. A mission statement briefly describes:

? The purpose of the program and the problems the program is attempting to resolve ? The metrics used to measure program progress and success ? The students the program will serve

Sample Mission Statements

The mission of the Credit Recovery Program is to increase the graduation rate by reaching under credited students to provide alternative pathways to earn a high school diploma.

The mission of the Virtual School Program is to provide flexible scheduling options for students whose graduation needs conflict with the traditional schedule by providing online course offerings.

Program Goals

The primary goal of most digital curriculum programs is to provide equitable access to high quality educational options resulting in graduation and college, and career readiness.



? Increase graduation rate ? Dropout prevention ? Reduce course failure ? Increase achievement on EOC/EOG exams ? Increase achievement on AP exams ? Prepare students for college and career

? Improve academic support for students who cannot physically attend high school

? Increase enrollment in AP ? Increase course options and availability ? Identify and address learning gaps ? Support EL and exceptional learners

April 2020


Best Practices Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

Implementation Timeline

Our Success Manager partners with you to plan and ensure the ongoing success of your program.


Identify goals, priorities, policies, and procedures.


Explore best practices for using digital curriculum, data, and learning management tools.


Build operational efficiency and expand instructional and administrative expertise.


Assess success and chart a path to optimize results.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Program coordinators monitor programs, share success, and intervene when issues arise. Use the following methods to check in with administrators, teachers, and students.


Visit classrooms, identify successful strategies, and celebrate success. Listen to teacher and student feedback and provide constructive solutions to resolve frustration and concerns.

Site Coordinator Dashboard

Site coordinators monitor utilization (enrolled students/enrollments) for each site through the dashboard.


Usage reports provide enrollment and completion data that can be aggregated by district or school. Progress reports include information regarding access, progress, and performance. Session reports include session time, date and time of access, and activities completed. Additional reports are available by speaking to your success manager.


? Student - Gather feedback by linking to a short survey from Custom Activities. ? Staff - Gather qualitative feedback regarding policies, procedures, and program effectiveness.

Communicate Policies, Procedures, and Results

? Email timely helpful tips, tricks, and reminders. ? Communicate progress, expectations, due dates, exams, and final grades. ? Send monthly email updates showcasing student success stories and course completion rates. ? Organize showcase events for community members and parents, such as information nights. ? Post information related to programs on school and district websites. Best Practices Appoint a program coordinator. Create a mission statement. Define measurable goals. Set and follow an implementation timeline. Offer professional learning opportunities for staff throughout the year. Conduct a mid and end of year program evaluation.

April 2020


Best Practices Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

Designing Instructional Models

Primary Considerations

? How many students will be served? What are their instructional needs? ? Which assessment model best supports student achievement? ? Will courses be delivered in a blended or virtual environment? ? What personnel, technical, and physical resources are available? ? What are the requirements for student/teacher ratios? ? How much flexibility can be created in the master schedule? ? Will summative assessments be proctored?

Continuum of Dimensions for Digital Curriculum Programs

The U.S. DOE's National Educational Technology Plan calls for learning models that offer engaging, empowering, and personalized learning experiences. Apex Learning digital curriculum provides teachers with assessment tools to reveal data to drive instruction and diagnose learning gaps. The combination of student-centered curriculum and teacher tools enables students to learn, complete courses, and graduate ready to succeed in college and career. There are many configurations for digital curriculum programs. Each implementation should choose the appropriate place on the continuum for each dimension based upon available resources and program goals.

Table 1: Continuum of Dimensions for Digital Curriculum Programs


Credit Type

Original Credit

Credit Recovery




Instructional Method

Delivery Time

Face-to-face Synchronous

Fully online Asynchronous

Instructor Qualifications

Student-Teacher Interaction


Qualified teacher High Fixed

Teaching assistant / Mentor Low


Assessment Scheduling


One course per period


Any course any time

Adapted from Matthew Wicks, A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning, October 2010.

April 2020


Best Practices Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Program Coordinator

? Lead the development and communication of district-wide policies and procedures. ? Coordinate internal and external communications including marketing efforts. ? Maintain documentation including information on school websites. ? Acquire and distribute course materials. ? Oversee user account management, classroom creation, content modification, and settings. ? Develop the application and approval process with school counselors and administration. ? Oversee course enrollment. ? Transfer user enrollments between schools as needed. ? Serve as a liaison between curriculum and technology departments. ? Establish instructional and curricular consistency. ? Monitor and protect the integrity and fidelity of each program. ? Serve as a liaison between school sites, the District, and Apex Learning. ? Oversee the process for documentation of attendance for virtual school students. ? Oversee course completion procedures and coordinate documentation on student transcripts. ? Coordinate with school counselors to confirm graduation requirements are met. ? Communicate with staff to ensure required exams are administered.

School Site Coordinator

? Supervise and administer the program at their site. ? Provide input regarding the selection, evaluation, development, and retention of staff. ? Provide consultation, direction, and assistance to faculty and students. ? Oversee the admissions process and approve all student enrollments. ? Conduct student intervention conferences. ? Provide leadership in the development of the educational program in the school. ? Foster effective home/school/community partnerships.

School Counselor

? Assist with course selection and enrollment and maintain transcripts and academic records. ? Help students learn about various careers and about career planning skills. ? Provide advisory and individual counseling assistance to students. ? Collaborate with school staff to assist students with developing skills that support academic

achievement, high school graduation, and lifelong learning.

? Help students who exhibit attendance, academic, or behavioral problems and encourage parental involvement.


? Establish an environment of mutual respect where students are encouraged and supported. ? Modify instructional resources for students with varying backgrounds and special needs. ? Grade work and provide instruction to students in adherence with policies and procedures. ? Provide face-to-face or web conferencing for small group and individual instruction. ? Provide timely, formative feedback on student work. ? Provide appropriate intervention and direct instruction to assist struggling students. ? Communicate student performance regularly with students, parents, and school staff. ? Provide motivation and encouragement to all students. ? Help students to problem solve, set goals, and plan and pace their learning.

April 2020


Best Practices Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

? Proctor designated assessments and ensure academic integrity. ? Maintain timely records of student performance. ? Issue grades in the Apex Learning Grade Book and the student information system.

Support Staff

Support staff members may be necessary for virtual and other non-traditional schools.

? Perform general front office management and secretarial duties. ? Receipt and deposit funds record financial transactions, audit, and balance school accounts. ? Order supplies and equipment. ? Document attendance, student records and other reports as requested by leadership. ? Prepare letters to parents for admissions, academic contracts, and other school communication. ? Supervise students working during school hours and proctor student exams.

Table 2: Recommended Staffing Allocations for a Diploma-Granting Virtual School


Recommended Allocation*

Administrator / Program Coordinator


School Counselor

1: 450 students


1: 150 students

Special Education Teacher

1: 75 students with an IEP/504

Support Staff


* Mandated school staffing ratios and other general school requirements vary by state.

Blended Learning Models

According to the USDOE's evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning, instruction combining online, and teacher-directed instruction is more effective than face-to-face or online instruction alone. Learning outcomes increase when students have opportunities to work collaboratively and when teachers provide guidance. Many programs host a student center with workstations where teachers are available for tutoring, progress checks, and assessment proctoring. Identify students in need of intervention and set time for web conference or face-to-face meetings.

Read: Planning Blended Learning Programs1

Assessment Models

Apex Learning courses can be configured for performance- or competency-based models.


Students using a performance-based-assessment model earn grades for coursework in a traditional manner. In this model, students do not have the opportunity to retake assessments. They receive the grade earned on their first and only attempt unless the teacher resets the assignment. Disabling Mastery-Based-Learning (MBL) allows open access to course content not specifically hidden in the outline manager. Allowing students to access course content in random order (instead of sequential) may be important in programs where students do not work on all content or complete units in sequence. Main Characteristics:

? Students have access to all course content


April 2020


Best Practices Planning Digital Curriculum Programs

? Students may work out of sequence ? Students may not self-reset un-mastered quizzes

Competency-Based (Mastery-Based Learning)

Enabling MBL restricts access to further course content until the specified mastery level on computer scored assessments is demonstrated (e.g. 75%). In this model, students are allowed between one and three attempts to demonstrate content mastery before progressing to the next unit. Main Characteristics:

? Sequential content access ? Minimum student performance required before progression ? Students self-reset on un-mastered quizzes Pedagogical models that can be implemented using MBL:

? Sequential content: A Mastery Level of 0% ensures sequential access. Completing a computerscored assessment will unlock the next subset of course content.

? Minimum performance: A low Mastery Level (e.g., 60%) provides a minimal performance requirement ensuring that students sufficiently understand material to earn a passing grade.

Prescriptive unit pre-tests allow progress without completion of all course content in areas where students can demonstrate mastery.

Resetting Assessments and Intervention

Classrooms with MBL enabled may allow students to self-reset on quizzes. This option can be modified to allow 0-3 attempts before required teacher intervention. Students may not self-reset proctored tests. Students who score lower than the mastery level on a proctored test will be "locked out" and require teacher intervention. Intervention options for students who are "locked out":

? Quizzes: Ask students to submit completed study sheets, practice assignments, notes, study guides, and/or participate in a tutoring session before resetting.

? Tests: Review test results to identify un-mastered skills and provide remediation before resetting. Teachers have three options for progressing students past un-mastered assessments:

? Provide an additional attempt by resetting the activity. ? Unlock the next block of content by using permit progress (no change to the assessment score). ? Override the assessment scores to a value equal to the mastery-level required. Best Practices Choose staff roles and responsibilities to best suit the dimensions of your implementation. Choose a performance or competency-based assessment model. Provide opportunities for struggling students to receive individual or small group instruction. Set and communicate rules for the maximum number of resets for quizzes and tests.

April 2020


Best Practices Planning Digital Curriculum Programs


Primary Considerations

? Which courses (and pathways) will be offered for each program? ? Who will align Apex Learning courses with district needs and recommend modifications? ? Is seat-time required in the state? ? Will modifications be made to the Apex Learning course outline? ? How does each course's instructional design affect customization options? ? What type of science laboratory experience is appropriate?

Apex Learning Digital Curriculum Overview

Apex Learning? provides teachers with solutions to support all students in achieving high expectations, meeting educational goals in a range of ways. Engaging, active learning experiences, supports and scaffolding make academic content accessible to all students.


Whether the goal is to enhance instruction, provide remediation, or ensure every student meets the expectations of the standards, Apex Learning Tutorials meet diverse learning needs.

Tutorials personalize learning with prescriptive pretests and adaptive learning plans containing prerequisite and grade-level content modules. The innovative module structure builds knowledge, develops critical thinking skills, and deepens understanding.

Real-time data serves as a gauge for teachers to evaluate student mastery of the standards.


Each course contains a complete course of study with breadth of standards coverage, depth of instruction, and integrated assessment. Used for credit, courses engage students in active learning to develop critical thinking and prepare them for college and career.

Courses' extensive learning management system empowers teachers to monitor progress, communicate, receive work electronically, provide formative feedback, and tailor instruction. Flexible reporting provides real-time data related to progress and performance.

Courses are designed to ensure the rigorous material required to meet the standards is accessible to students at all levels of academic readiness.

? Foundations: Students unprepared for grade-level challenges benefit from remediation. ? Prescriptive: Features in these courses allow students to accelerate past mastered concepts. ? General Studies: Standards-based courses with scaffolds to support academic success. ? Advanced Placement: Authorized by the College Board, these courses prepare students to

demonstrate achievement on AP exams.

April 2020



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