

Directions: Complete this web quest to build your own background knowledge about our last topic of the year…



Use the link on Ms. Peters website to access this site:

You have 3 days to complete this web Quest. This assignment will count for 60 class points. You need to complete all the questions! The information that you gather during this activity will be used to create a presentation about energy later in this unit.


1. Click on [pic]

2. Click on [pic]

3. Complete this statement: Energy is ______________________________________________________.

4. What are the 7 forms that energy comes in? List the 7 types below.

5. Complete this statement: Energy is in everything. We use energy for everything we do, ____________



6. Read the section titled Energy sources can be classified as renewable or non-renewable. Use the information to write your own definition of renewable and non-renewable energy sources below.

Renewable energy sources____________________________________________________________________


Non-renewable energy sources________________________________________________________________


7. In the left hand column, click on Forms of Energy[pic]

8. Complete the table by following the instructions below.

a. Fill in the definitions at the top of the table for potential and kinetic energy.

b. Read the different types of energy that fall into each category. List the forms of energy that fall under potential energy. DO NOT WRITE ANY MORE THAN THE NAME OF THE TYPE OF ENERGY. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO COPY THE TEXT THAT FOLLOWS THE NAME!!!

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9. Click on [pic]

10. How much of the energy used in the United States comes from non-renewable resources? ______

11. How much of the energy used in the United States comes from renewable resources? ______

12. List the different types of non-renewable resources and renewable resources in the table below.

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13. Scroll down the page to the Electricity section and click on “Science of electricity”

14. Scroll down to the section titled How Electricity is Generated.

15. Read the first paragraph and complete the statements below:

A generator is a device that _____________________________________________________________


In 1813, scientist Michael Faraday discovered that when______________________________________



16. Scroll back to the top and look in the left column of the page and click on “Nonrenewable”

17. Where do nonrenewable resources come from?

18. What are the 3 types of fossil fuels? Are they renewable or non-renewable?

19. What is the only type of non-renewable energy that is not a fossil fuel?

20. Click on oil and petroleum products. [pic]

21. How is oil formed? List the steps below. THEN do your best to copy the drawings into the boxes below.

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22. What does the word petroleum mean?

23. In the left column, click natural gas. [pic]

24. Is natural gas formed in a similar way to petroleum / oil? Explain your answer.

25. In the left column, click on Coal.

26. What type of rock is coal? Sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous?

27. How is coal formed? List the steps below, THEN do your best to copy the drawings into the boxes below.

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28. In the left column, click on Uranium. Uranium is a radioactive element that can be used to create nuclear energy.

29. Complete this statement: Nuclear energy is_________________________________________________.

30. What is an atom?

31. In the left column, click on Renewable.

32. What is biomass?

33. How do we create biomass?

34. Complete this statement: When burned, the chemical energy in biomass is________________________


35. List the 5 types of biomass that we can create.

36. Scroll back up and in the left column click on Geothermal.

37. What is geothermal energy?

38. Where on the Earth’s crust is geothermal energy usually found?

39. Why would it be easier to access geothermal energy at tectonic plate boundaries? (This answer is not on the website…use your own knowledge of Earth Science to answer!)

40. Scroll back up and in the left column click on Hydropower.

41. What is hydropower?

42. What does hydropower generate?

43. What does hydropower rely on?

44. Hydropower harnesses mechanical energy from what source?

45. Scroll down to the section titled Where Hydropower is generated.

46. What is the only east coast state that is able to produce hydropower electricity?

a. Where in that state do you think the largest hydropower plant is located?

47. Scroll back up and in the left column click on Solar.

48. What is solar energy?

49. How is solar energy used?

50. How is solar energy converted to electricity?

51. Where is solar energy found?

52. What type of weather would be most likely to affect solar energy?

53. Scroll down to Solar Photovoltaic.

54. What do solar photovoltaic cells do?

55. Scroll down to solar thermal collectors.

56. Draw a picture in the space below to show how a solar thermal collector can be used to heat your house, or swimming pool.

57. Scroll back up and in the left column click on Wind.

58. What is wind energy?

59. Why does air naturally move around the Earth? ( HINT: Convection currents)

60. If the sun stopped shining down on the Earth, how would wind power be effected?

61. Where on the Earth’s surface can wind turbines be placed?

62. Draw a picture of a wind turbine in the space below.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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