The Final Shot

The Final Shot

In this creative writing activity, students are given a short prompt that describes an exciting... |[pic] |Risking It All for a Friend

Students will imagine that a lifelong friend needs help. They will then write a story about how... | |

|Quite a Trip |[|A Distant Land |

|In this activity, students are asked to write about a |p|Students will imagine a fantasy world and write a short story |

|vacation trip they have taken, using... |i|about what might happen there. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Moe's Café |[|Surprising Folks: A Look at the Truth Within |

|In this creative writing activity, students are provided with|p|Students are asked to remember and write about a time when |

|a brief description of a place... |i|someone they knew turned out to be... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Juan's New Job |[|Farewell |

|In this creative writing activity, students will read about |p|In this writing activity, students will remember a time when they|

|Juan, whose summer job helps him... |i|said a painful goodbye, and... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Leon the Loner |[|Too Much Person |

|Students will write a character sketch about Leon, who is a |p|In this creative writing activity, students are asked to imagine |

|loner. Then they will create a... |i|a person who has too much of a... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Betrayal |[|Brenda's Solution |

|Students are asked to imagine that they run a small business |p|Students are given a prompt about best friends Brenda and Lucy. |

|and that one of their trusted... |i|They are then asked to write a... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Learning Outside of School |[|Life's Not Always Fair |

|Students consider a statement about learning outside of |p|Students recall an incident that proves life isn't always fair. |

|school. They reflect on this idea by... |i|They then write a short story... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Gatsby: A Tale of Love and Loss |[|Old Acquaintance in a New Role |

|Students imagine that they are like Jay Gatsby, and have a |p|In this writing activity, students create a character based on |

|lost love who is destroying them.... |i|someone they know, put the... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Wacky Situation: A Dog's Dilemma |[|Someone's Cheating |

|Students are asked to imagine that they are a dog named |p|In this activity, students imagine how they would react if they |

|Doris, and that their current living... |i|saw the most popular person in... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Building a Buddy |[|Hot Tuesday |

|Students consider what their early experiences with friends |p|Students are asked to imagine the hottest day of the year and |

|taught them about friendship. |i|then write a story about it. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Brand-New World |[|School Days |

|Students recall a time when they were in an unfamiliar place |p|In this creative writing activity, students write a short story |

|or situation, and then write a... |i|about their earliest school... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Coach's Dilemma |[|Great Teacher |

|In this creative writing activity, students are given a |p|Students are asked to remember one of their favorite teachers; |

|prompt about a high-school coach who... |i|record details about why this... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|False Charge |[|Personification |

|Students are asked to imagine that they are being accused of |p|Personification as a writing technique is explored. |

|something they didn't do. They are... |i| |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Distant Role Model |[|Meeting a Challenge |

|Students are asked to make a list of their role models and |p|Students are asked to remember and write about a challenge they |

|then choose one to write a short... |i|faced and overcame. This... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Favorite Stories |[|Daily Journals |

|Students are asked to remember their favorite stories from |p|Using a daily journal helps students maintain a collection of |

|childhood, and then write their own... |i|their thoughts and feelings. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|One of a Kind |[|Scoring Rubric: Summary |

|Students write a short story about someone they know who is |p|The organization, elements of summaries, grammar, usage, |

|unique and unforgettable. |i|mechanics, and spelling of a written... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Popular Fraction Printables, Grades 6-12 |[|Scoring Rubric: Narrative Based on Personal Experiences |

|Help your students understand fractions, a basic branch of |p|The organization, elements of narration, grammar, usage, |

|arithmetic, with these printables.... |i|mechanics, and spelling of a written... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Popular Geometry Calculator Exercises |[|Portfolio Record |

|Help your middle and high school students master their |p|This organizational tool will help students keep track of the |

|geometry skills with our exercises for... |i|contents of their writing... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Your Historical Favorite |[|Scoring Rubric: Description |

|Students choose a favorite historical figure and write a |p|The organization, elements of description, grammar, usage, |

|short story about that person. |i|mechanics, and spelling of a written... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Three Useful Literary Terms |[|Scoring Rubric: Expression |

|Hyperbole, apostrophe, ambiguous are explored here. |p|The organization, elements of expressive writing, grammar, usage,|

| |i|mechanics, and spelling of a... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Rational Expressions and Equations, Set 3 |[|Equations of Second Degree, Set 2 |

|Children will practice their skill at solving rational |p|Use this printable to help children practice equations of second |

|expressions and equations with this... |i|degree. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|TI-82/83 Using Scientific Notation |[|Equations of Second Degree, Set 1 |

|Use this printable to teach children how to simplify |p|Use this printable to help children practice equations of second |

|expressions into scientific notation. |i|degree. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Real Numbers, Algebra, and Problem Solving, Set 1 |[|TI-82/83 Setting the Viewing Window |

|Children will practice their algebra and problem solving |p|Use this printable to teach children how to set the viewing |

|skills with this printable. |i|window on their calculators to... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|TI-82/TI-83 Key List |[|Matrices and Determinants, Set 2 |

|Print a worksheet that explains the different keys on a |p|Use a printable to give students practice with solving math |

|graphing calculator. |i|problems using matrices and... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Equations and Inequalities, Set 2 |[|Systems of Equations and Problem Solving, Set 2 |

|In this printable, children will use their algebra skills to |p|Use this printable to test children's mathematic problem solving |

|solve problems. Click here for |i|skills. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|TI-81 Using Scientific Notation |[|Matrices and Determinants, Set 1 |

|Use this printable to teach children how to simplify |p|Use a printable to give students practice with solving math |

|expressions into scientific notation. |i|problems using matrices and... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Systems of Equations and Problem Solving, Set 4 |[|TI-81 Key List |

|Use this printable to test children's mathematic problem |p|Print a worksheet that explains the different keys on a graphing |

|solving skills. |i|calculator. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|TI-81 Setting the Viewing Window |[|Sequences, Series, and Mathematical Induction, Set 1 |

|Use this printable to teach children how to set the viewing |p|Children will solve problems involving sequences, series, and |

|window on their calculators to... |i|mathematical inductions in this... |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Rational Expressions and Equations, Set 2 |[|TI-81 Entering Programs |

|Children will practice their skill at solving rational |p|Teach children how to enter programs in their graphing |

|expressions and equations with this... |i|calculators with a printable sheet. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|Popular Algebra Printables, Grades 9-12 |[|Polynomial Functions, Set 1 |

|Help your high school students master algebra by |p|In this printable, children will practice solving problems with |

|incorporating these printable worksheets and... |i|polynomial functions. |

| |c| |

| |]| |

|[pic]> [pic] |

|Equations and Inequalities, Set 1 |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Response to Literature |

|In this printable, children will use | |The organization, elements of response |

|their algebra skills to solve | |to literature writing, grammar, usage, |

|problems. Click here for | |mechanics, and... |

|Rational Expressions and Equations, |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Drama |

|Set 1 | |The organization, elements of drama |

|Children will practice their skill at | |writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and |

|solving rational expressions and | |spelling of a... |

|equations with this... | | |

|Polynomials and Polynomial Equations, |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: |

|Set 1 | |Definition/Classification |

|In this printable, children will | |The organization, elements of |

|practice their algebra and polynomial | |definition/classification, grammar, |

|equation skills. | |usage, mechanics, and... |

|TI-82/83 Entering Programs |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Problem-Solution |

|Teach children how to enter programs | |The organization, elements of |

|into their graphing calculators with a| |problem-solution writing, grammar, |

|printable sheet. | |usage, mechanics, and spelling... |

|Systems of Equations and Problem |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Comparison/Contrast |

|Solving, Set 1 | |The organization, elements of |

|Use this printable to test children's | |comparison/contrast writing, grammar, |

|mathematic problem solving skills. | |usage, mechanics, and... |

|Scoring Rubric: Cause-Effect |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Fictional Narrative |

|The organization, elements of | |The organization, elements of fiction, |

|cause-effect writing, grammar, usage, | |grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling |

|mechanics, and spelling of... | |of a written... |

|Scoring Rubric: Critical Review |[pic] |The Case of the Missing Crown Activity |

|The organization, elements of critical| |Connect creative writing and physical |

|review writing, grammar, usage, | |science with this printable activity. |

|mechanics, and spelling... | |Students use their... |

|Creating Mental Pictures with |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Persuasion |

|Metaphors | |The organization, elements of persuasion|

|Using metaphor as a tool is the focus | |writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and |

|of this printable activity. | |spelling of a... |

|Scoring Rubric: Research Report/Paper |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Technical Description / |

|The organization, elements of research| |Explanation |

|report/paper writing, grammar, usage, | |The organization, elements of technical |

|mechanics, and... | |description / explanation writing, |

| | |grammar, usage,... |

|Scoring Rubric: Evaluation/Review |[pic] |Scoring Rubric: Multimedia Report |

|The organization, elements of | |The organization, elements of multimedia|

|evaluation/review writing, grammar, | |report writing, grammar, usage, |

|usage, mechanics, and... | |mechanics, and... |

|George Washington and Phillis Wheatley|[pic] |Peer Conference Notes: Writer |

| | |Focus peer conferencing and make it a |

|In this printable, children will learn| |valuable tool with this set of |

|about George Washington and Phillis | |questions. |

|Wheatley. They will... | | |

|Scoring Rubric: How-to/Process |[pic] |Writing Self-Assessment |

|Explanation | |This self-assessment asks children to |

|The organization, elements of | |analyze their recent work with an eye on|

|how-to/process explanation writing, | |improving their... |

|grammar, usage, mechanics,... | | |

|Letter-Writing Lessons & Tips |[pic] |Iza Trapani's Tips for Aspiring Writers |

|Letters take many forms and serve a | |Share these 12 tips with students who |

|variety of purposes. Give your | |aspire to write their own children's |

|students practice with the... | |book. |

|Popular Multiplication & Division |[pic] |Writing Reports & Research Papers |

|Printables, Grades 9-12 | |Help your students to become effective |

|Build your students' multiplication | |writers by using our lessons and |

|and division skills, with these | |handouts on key... |

|printables for secondary... | | |

|Scoring Rubric: Literary |[pic] |How Much Soap Do You Use? |

|Analysis/Interpretation | |This printable asks students to research|

|The organization, elements of literary| |and estimate how much soap they and |

|analysis/interpretation writing, | |their families use... |

|grammar, usage,... | | |

|Scoring Rubric: Poetry |[pic] |Using Probability |

|The organization, elements of poetry | |This printable asks students to use |

|writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, | |probability to predict the likelihood of|

|and spelling of a... | |everyday things... |

|Narrative Vignette Rubric |[pic] |Pros and Cons |

|Use this narrative vignette rubric to | |This printable asks children to consider|

|help students with the editing and | |the pros and cons of the opening of the |

|revising of their... | |Brooklyn... |

|Short Story Rubric |[pic] |Equations and Inequalities |

|Use this short story rubric to revise | |In this printable, students will |

|and edit creative writing. | |practice writing equations to show |

| | |inequalities. |

|Initial Self-Assessment: Writing |[pic] |Bat Adaptations |

|Children become more capable writers | |Use this printable to teach children |

|by completing an inventory of their | |about different bat adaptations. |

|writing experiences,... | | |

|Peer Conference Notes: Reader |[pic] |Konigsberg Bridge Problem |

|Focus peer conferencing and make it a | |In this printable, children will learn |

|valuable tool with this set of | |about the Konigsberg Bridge problem, and|

|questions. | |then answer the... |


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