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Long Term Planning/Spring Semester 2012

Integrated Science 1-2

Origins (R1)

SF Bay (R2)

Climate (R3)

Climate (R4)

Disease (R5)

ED/Science Fair (R6)

Enduring Understandings:

● There are a variety of interrelated organ systems that maintain homeostasis within an organism, such as the systems that contribute to the human immune response.

● Human diseases can be caused by pathogens, genetic disorders, and environmental factors.

● Most human diseases can be treated and/or prevented, and the nature of the treatment /prevention is dependent on whether the disease is pathogenic, genetic or environmental in nature.

● Cell Structure and Function

● Organ Systems

● Disease: Infectious, Genetic, and Chronic

Essential Questions:

● How does disease affect organisms at the cellular level?

● What are genetic disorders and what causes them?

● What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all the time?

● In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts greater than the whole?

● How is structure related to function in cellular activity?

● Can modern medicine and technology keep us exempt from natural selection?

Students will be able to...

● Explain the major points of Cell and Germ Theory.

● Investigate how pathogens cause disease by comparing and contrasting the basic biology of bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates and viruses.

● Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms how pathogens affect the human body.

● Identify and explain the function of the major organelles.

● Describe the structure and function of the human immune system and discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat disease.

● Show how antibiotics work by testing antibiotics against e.coli and b. subtilis.

● Describe Mitosis, including what happens in each stage.

● Using a Diagram, compare Mitosis and Meiosis.

● Identify the causes, symptoms and treatments of genetic disorders – both inherited and chromosomal.

● Demonstrate the ability to genetic outcomes using punnett squares.

● Use specific examples of human disease to know the structure and function of the endocrine and nervous systems. More Body Systems.

Common Assessments:

1. Cell Structure and Function

2. Organ Systems/Cardio and Immune

3. Pathogens

4. Punnett Squares

5. Disease Project

Learning Activities (2011-2012)

1. Ubd/TOC

2. Movie: Contagion

3. Disease Project : Infectious Disease.

4. Epidemiology: Dr. Snow and the Cholera Epidemic* (M)

5. Guide to Pathogens PPT (A)

6. Bacteria and Viruses (Reading/Chapter 29) (A)

7. How do viruses differ in structure? (lab/ p. 816) (M)

8. Bacteriology Survey (M)

9. Video: Eaten Alive. (A)

10. Experimenting with Microbial Growth* (M)

11. Endosymbiosis (youtube 12.1.3 Theory of endosymbiosis)

12. Cell Anatomy (ppt)(A)

13. Cell Analogy: Structure and Function (M)

14. Chapter 29 and 24 Test

15. DVD: And the Band Played On. (141 min)

Learning Activities (2010-2011)


1. Cell Structure Coloring (A)

2. Cell Analogy, Structure and Function* (M)

3. Cell Lab, Plants and Animals* (Cheek, Bacteria, and Elodea) (M)

4. Osmosis/Diffusion Lab (A)

5. Mitosis Microscope Lab* (A) (Onion Root Tip)

6. Cell Cycle (IPMAT)

7. Levels of Organization Notes PPT (organelles, cells, tissue, organs, organ systems, organism)

8. Cardiovascular system notes/vocab (A)

9. Heart Dissection/Pluck (Find Lab)(M)

10. Model Lung Activity (M)

11. Endocrine System Notes (A)

12. Endocrine Coloring (A)

13. Feedback Loops Activity (M)

14. Immune system notes/vocab/PPT (A)

15. Immune System Analogy (T)

16. Video: Spreading Menace (A)

17. Experimenting with Microbial Growth* (M)

18. NPDD/Probe/Experimental Organizer(T)

19. Introduction to Mendelian Genetics/Punnett Squares (A)

20. Making Babies (M)

21. Pedigrees (M)

22. Karyotype Activity* (M)

23. Epidemiology: Dr. Snow and the Cholera Epidemic* (M)

24. Video: Health and Disease Video Notes* (A)

25. Video: Eaten Alive. (A)

26. Pathogen, Genetic Disorders, and Chronic Disorders Project (T)


|M 4.30 |T 5.1 |TH 5.3 |


|Purpose: |Purpose: To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting |Purpose:To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting organs. |

|Agenda: |organs. |Agenda: |

|1. Med School 101: The Human Body |Agenda: |1. Heart Dissection Pre-Lab |

|-Research |1. Body System Review: |2. Heart Dissection and Circulatory System |

| |-groups of 2-3 |Homework: |

|Homework: |-outline human body on butcher paper. |1. Heart Dissection and Circulatory System |

|1. Med School 101: The Human Body |-assign body system to group. |-Questions 1-7 |

|-Notes due Monday 5/7 |-create life size poster | |

|-Model due Tuesday 5.8 |Homework: | |

|-Test Thursday 5/10 |1. Med School 101: The Human Body | |

|M 4.30 |W 5.2 |F 5.4 |

|SOPHOMORE TRIP |SOPHOMORE TRIP |Purpose:To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting organs. |

|Purpose: To know all of the 11 body systems and |Purpose: To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting |Agenda: |

|supporting organs. |organs. |1. Heart Dissection Pre-Lab |

|Agenda: |Agenda: To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting |2. Heart Dissection and Circulatory System |

|Homework: |organs. |Homework: |

|1. Med School 101: The Human Body |1. Osmosis Jones: 60:00 left |1. Heart Dissection and Circulatory System |

|-Notes due Friday 5/4 |2. Quizlet Review |-Questions 1-7 |

|-Model due Friday 5/11 |Homework: | |

|-Test on Friday 5/18 | | |

|M 5.7 (MK OUT) |T 5.8 (MK OUT) |TH 5.10 (MK OUT) |

|Purpose: |Purpose: To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting |Purpose: To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting organs. |

|Agenda: |organs. |Agenda: |

|1. Research Notes Due: Flip Book | |1. Body Systems Test (30:00) |

|2. DVD: Body Story: The Beast Within and Crash |Agenda: |2. Field Trip Prep |

|Homework: |1. Model Due. Present to Class. | |

|1. Model Due Tuesday 5.8 |2. Quizlet Review (Open Note). Quiz/Game. |Homework: |

|2. Test on Thursday 5.10 |3. Study/Organization Time | |

| |Homework: | |

| |1. Test on Thursday 5.10 | |

|M 5.7 |W 5.9 |F 5.11 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: To know all of the 11 body systems and supporting |Purpose: There are a variety of interrelated organ systems that maintain homeostasis within an organism,|

|Agenda: |organs. |such as the systems that contribute to the human immune response. |

|Homework: | |Agenda: |

| |Agenda: |1. Model Due. Present to Class. |

| |1. Quizlet Review (Open Note). Quiz/Game. |2. Review Activity: Life Size Posters |

| |2. Review Activity: Life Size Posters |Homework: |

| |Homework: | |

| |1. Anatomy and Physiology Test on Wednesday 5/16 | |

|M 5.14 |T 5.15 |TH 5.17 |

|Purpose: |Field Trip |Purpose: |

|Agenda: | |Agenda: |

|1. Mitosis | |Homework: |

|-IPMAP | | |

|-Youtube | | |

|-Microscopes | | |

|2. | | |

|Homework: | | |

|M 5.14 |W 5.16 |F 5.18 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: |Purpose: |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. Mitosis |1. Anatomy and Physiology Test. |1. Punnett Square/Genetic Probabililty |

|-IPMAP |2. Meiosis |-gr/pr |

|-Youtube |3. Punnett Squares |Homework: |

|-Microscopes |Homework: |1. Genetic Disorders: Identify one recessive and one dominant genetic disorder. |

|Homework: |1. Genetic Disorders: Identify one recessive and one dominant| |

| |genetic disorder. | |

|M 5.21 |T 5.22 |TH 5.24 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: |(Position Paper Due) |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Purpose: |

|Homework: |Homework: |Agenda: |

| | |Homework: |

|M 5.21 |W 5.23 |F 5.25 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: |Purpose: |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|M 5.28 |T 5.29 |TH 5.31 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: |Purpose: |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|M 5.28 |W 5.30 |F 6.1 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: |Purpose: |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |


|M 6.4 |T 6.5 |TH 6.7 |

|M 6.4 |W 6.6 |F 6.8 |


| |W 1.4 |Th 1.5 |

| |Purpose: To introduce the Climate Unit and get to know your new classmates. |Purpose: Solar Energy (radiation, conduction, and convection) are the |

| |Agenda: |underlying factors affecting climate. |

| |1. Welcome Back/Seating Chart |Agenda: |

| |2. Grading Policy Change |1. Lab: Energy Transfer as Heat (#3) |

| |Assessments 30% |2. LETWAV (Part I) (#4) |

| |Science Notebook 30% |Homework: |

| |Projects 30% |1.Science Reading: Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere. |

| |Final Exam 10% |-read pages 269-273 |

| |3. Climate Ubd: Essential Questions(#1): -Science Table Discussions. |-Take notes on the Handout |

| |Homework: |-Science Reading/Notes |

| |1. New Science Notebook/New Table of Contents. |2. Lab: Energy Transfer as Heat |

| |2.Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere.(#2) |-lab questions. |

| |-Science Reading/Notes | |

| |-read pages 269-273 | |

| |-Take notes on the Handout | |

| |W 1.4 |F 1.6 |

| |Purpose: To introduce the Climate Unit and get to know your new classmates. |Purpose: Solar Energy (radiation, conduction, and convection) are the |

| |Agenda: |underlying factors affecting climate. |

| |1. Welcome Back/Seating Chart |Agenda: |

| |2. Grading Policy Change |1.LETWAV (Part I) (#3) |

| |Assessments 30% |2. Lab: Energy Transfer as Heat (#4) |

| |Science Notebook 30% | |

| |Projects 30% |Homework: |

| |Final Exam 10% |1.Science Reading: Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere. |

| |3. Climate Ubd: Essential Questions: Science Table Discussions. |-read pages 269-273 |

| |Homework: |-Take notes on the Handout |

| |1. New Science Notebook/New Table of Contents. |-Science Reading/Notes |

| |2. Reading: Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere. |2. Lab: Energy Transfer as Heat |

| |-read pages 269-273 |-lab questions. |

| |-Take notes on the Handout | |

|M 1.9 (Friday Schedule) |T 1.10 |TH 1.12 |

| |Purpose: The earth's climate is regulated by a variety of factors, primarily|Purpose: The earth's climate is regulated by a variety of factors, primarily|

|Periods 2/5/7 |how solar energy interacts with the Earth. |how solar energy interacts with the Earth. |

| |Agenda: |Agenda: |

| |1. LETWAV (#3) part II |1.Quiz #1: Introduction to Climate and Atmosphere. |

| |2. Lab: Energy Transfer as Heat (#4) |2. Lab Climate Control (#7) |

| |-crunching the data (graphing) and analysis |-Soil/Water/Mud/Greenhouse |

| |-45 minutes | |

| |-Bonus Challenge: Design/Conduct a new climate experiment. |Homework: |

| |3. C/F Conversion Handout (#5) |1. Climate Factors (#6) |

| |4. Stamp Homework (#2): Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere. |-Read/Review pages 297-300 |

| | |-Answer Questions 1-9 on pages 30 |

| | |-Due Tuesday 1.17 |

| |Homework: | |

| |1. Climate Factors (#6) | |

| |-Read/Review pages 297-300 | |

| |-Answer Questions 1-9 on pages 30 | |

| |-Due Tuesday 1.17 | |

|M 1.9 |W 1.11 |F 1.13 |

|Purpose: The earth's climate is regulated by a variety of |Purpose: The earth's climate is regulated by a variety of factors, primarily|SDD @ Redwood 8:00 (Gym) |

|factors, primarily how solar energy interacts with the Earth. |how solar energy interacts with the Earth. | |

|Agenda: |Agenda: | |

|1. LETWAV (#3) part II | | |

|2. Lab: Energy Transfer as Heat (#4) |1. C/F Conversion Handout (#5) | |

|-crunching the data (graphing) and analysis |-Glue Party | |

|-45 minutes |2. Lab Climate Control (#6) | |

| |-Soil/Water/Mud/Greenhouse | |

|Homework: |Homework: | |

|1. Lab: Energy Transfer as Heat (#4) |1. Climate Factors (#7) | |

|-Finish Lab Questions |-Read/Review pages 297-300 | |

| |-Answer Questions 1-9 on pages 30 | |

| |-Due Tuesday 1.17 | |

| | | |

| |Homework: | |

| |1. Lab Climate Control (#6) | |

| |-Graph and Analysis Due Wednesday | |

| |2. Climate Factors (#7) | |

| |-Due Wednesday Due Wednesday | |

|M 1.16 |T 1.17 |TH 1.19 |

|MLK Holiday |Purpose: Summarize the factors that control climate and discuss ways global |Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences and solutions |

| |climate changes are studied |associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming |

| |Agenda: |Agenda: |

| |1. Quiz #1: Introduction to Climate Quiz |1. DVD: One Degree Factor (#8) |

| |2. Calculating delta T |-Trinidad/LAke Chad Nigeria |

| |3. DVD: One Degree Factor (#8) |2. Short Term vs. Long Term Climate Change (PPT/LETWAV) (#10) |

| | |3. Global Warming Jigsaw (#11) |

| |Homework: |--Students Become Teachers/Jigsaw |

| |1. Human Impact on Climate and Weather (#9) |Homework: |

| | |1. Human Impact on Climate and Weather (#9) |

|M 1.16 |W 1.18 |F 1.20 |

|MLK Holiday |Purpose: Summarize the factors that control climate and discuss ways global |Purpose:Why do many scientists consider climate change to be one of the most|

| |climate changes are studied |important issues of your generation? |

| |Agenda: |Agenda: |

| |1. Quiz #1: Introduction to Climate Quiz |1. DVD: One Degree Factor (#8) |

| |2. Calculating delta T |-Trinidad/Lake Chad Nigeria |

| |3. DVD: One Degree Factor (#8) |2. Short Term vs. Long Term Climate Change (PPT/LETWAV) (#10) |

| |-Chapters 1-7 |2. Global Warming: An Overview (#11) |

| | |-Students Become Teachers/Jigsaw |

| |Homework: | |

| |1. Human Impact on Climate and Weather (#9) |Homework: |

| |-Due Monday 1.23 |1. Human Impact on Climate and Weather (#9) |

| | |-Due Monday 1.23 |

|M 1.23 |T 1.24 |TH 1.26 |

|Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences |Purpose: The earth's climate is regulated by a variety of factors, primarily|Purpose:Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences and solutions |

|and solutions associated with the greenhouse effect and global |how solar energy interacts with the Earth. |associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming |

|warming |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|Agenda: |1. Lab Assessment: Simulating Greenhouse (#13) |1. Check Homework: How the Earth Works (#12) |

|1. Stamp Homework/Review (10:00) |-I.V. CO2 concentration |-Review Answers. |

|2. Global Warming: An Overview (#11) (20:00) |-Lab complete at the end of the period. |2. Lab: Simulating Greenhouse |

|-Students Become Teachers/Jigsaw |Homework: |3. Key Indicators of Climate Change (#14) |

|3. Quiz #2: Individual/Group? (10:00) |1. How the Earth Works (#12) |-Individual Project. |

|-covers article and homework concepts |-p. 315 questions 1-5 |- Identify (6) key indicators of climate change. |

|-correct in class |-Due Thursday 1.26 |-prepare a google docs presentation |

| | |-share with teacher. |

|Homework: | |-share with a family member, neighbor, or family friend. Inform them about |

|1. How the Earth Works (#12) | |climate change and the existing evidence. |

|-p. 315 questions 1-5 | |-include/address oppositional argument |

| | |-Lab Time: 2nd Laptops (14)/5 and 7: 405A. |

| | |Homework: |

| | |1. Key Indicators of Climate Change (#14) |

| | |-Due Tuesday 2.7 |

| | |2. Atmospheric Circulation (#15) |

| | |-Read p 327-332 |

| | |-Summarize the following terms: permanent gases, carbon dioxide, water |

| | |vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, halocarbons, aerosols. |

| | |-Draw/Copy figure 2 (both) on p. 332. Atmospheric Circulation |

|M 1.23 |W 1.25 |F 1.27 |

|Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences |Purpose: The earth's climate is regulated by a variety of factors, primarily|Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences and solutions |

|and solutions associated with the greenhouse effect and global |how solar energy interacts with the Earth. |associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming |

|warming |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|Agenda: |1. Lab Assessment: Simulating Greenhouse (#13). |1. Key Indicators of Climate Change (#14) |

|1. Stamp Homework/Review |-I.V. Presence of CO2 |-Individual Project. |

|2. Global Warming: An Overview (#10) |-Lab due at the end of the period. |- Identify (6) key indicators and current line of evidence of climate |

|-Students Become Teachers/Jigsaw |Homework: |change. |

|3. Quiz #2: Individual/Group? (10:00) |1. How the Earth Works (#12) |-prepare a google docs presentation |

|-covers article and homework concepts |-p. 315 questions 1-5 |-share with teacher. |

|-correct in class |-Due Thursday 1.27 |-share with a family member, neighbor, or family friend. Inform them about |

| | |climate change and the existing evidence. |

| | |-include/address oppositional argument |

|Homework: | |-Lab Time: 4/6 Laptops |

|1. How the Earth Works (#12) | |Homework: |

|-p. 315 questions 1-5 | |1. Key Indicators of Climate Change (#14) |

| | |2. Atmospheric Circulation (#15) |

| | |-Read p 327-332 |

| | |-Summarize the following terms: permanent gases, carbon dioxide, water |

| | |vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, halocarbons, aerosols. |

| | |-Draw/Copy figure 2 (both) on p. 332. Atmospheric Circulation |

| | |-Due Tuesday 1.31 |

| | | |

|M 1.30 |T 1.31 |TH 2.2 |

|Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences |Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences and solutions |Purpose:Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences and solutions |

|and solutions associated with the greenhouse effect and global |associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming |associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming |

|warming |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|Agenda: |1. Key Indicators of Climate Change (#14) |1. DVD: Extreme Ice |

|1. Key Indicators of Climate Change. |-lab time: 2,5,7 405 A and 4/6 104B |2. Notebook Check |

|-Lab Time: 2,5,7 104 and 4/6 405 |-Due Tues 2.7 (Part of Climate Unit Exam) |Homework: |

|Homework: |2. Land Biomes and Climatograms (#16) |1. Key Indicators of Climate Change (#14) |

|1. Key Indicators of Climate Change. |-worksheet/science notebook |-present to an adult member of your community by the end of next week |

|2. Atmospheric Circulation (#15) | | |

|-Read p 327-332 |Homework: | |

|-Summarize the following terms: permanent gases, carbon dioxide,|1. Land Biomes and Climatograms (#16) | |

|water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, halocarbons, aerosols. |2. Notebook Check on Thursdday 2.2 | |

|-Draw/Copy figure 2 (both) on p. 332. Atmospheric Circulation | | |

|M 1.30 |W 2.1 |F 2.3 |

|Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences |Purpose: Identify the gasses and discuss causes, consequences and solutions |Purpose: |

|and solutions associated with the greenhouse effect and global |associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming |Agenda: |

|warming |Agenda: |1. DVD: Extreme Ice |

|Agenda: |1. Key Indicators of Climate Change (#14) | |

|1. Key Indicators of Climate Change. |-lab time: 4/6 104B |Homework: |

|-Lab Time: 2,5,7 104 and 4/6 405 |-Due Tues 2.7 (Part of Climate Unit Exam) | |

|Homework: |2. Land Biomes and Climatograms (#16) | |

|1. Key Indicators of Climate Change. |-worksheet/science notebook | |

|2. Atmospheric Circulation (#15) | | |

|-Read p 327-332 |Homework: | |

|-Summarize the following terms: permanent gases, carbon dioxide,|1. Land Biomes and Climatograms (#16) | |

|water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, halocarbons, aerosols. |2. Notebook Check on Thursdday 2.2 | |

|-Draw/Copy figure 2 (both) on p. 332. Atmospheric Circulation | | |


|M 2.6 |T 2.7 |TH 2.9 (End R4) |

|Purpose: |Purpose: | |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Purpose: |

|1. Climate Exam Review |1. Climate Unit Exam |Agenda: |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

| | | |

| | |Disease Project Launch |

|M 2.6 |W 2.8 (Pam Absent) |F 2.10 (End R4) |

|Purpose: |Purpose: To take the climate exam. |Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all the time? |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. Climate Exam Review |1. Climate Unit Exam |1. Contagion: 4th and 6th LT |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

| |1. End of R4 is Friday. Any makeup work is past due | |

| | | |

|M 2.13 |T 2.14 |TH 2.16 |

|Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick |Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all |Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all the time? |

|all the time? |the time? |Agenda: |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |1. Searching in the Dark (#20) |

|1. Disease Project: Library Research |1. Epidemiology: Dr. Snow and the Cholera Epidemic (#19) |-read article/discuss |

|Homework: |Homework: |2. Basic Search Tips and Advanced Boolean Explained. |

|1. Human Disease Project |1. Human Disease Project |3. Human Disease Project |

|-Continue Research |-Continue Research |-DLL |

| | |-Evernote for ipad and |

| | |-mobiusdiseaseproject. |

| | |Homework: |

| | |1. None: Have a nice break! |

|M 2.13 |W 2.15 |F 2.17 |

|Purpose: To review missed answers/concepts. |Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all |Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all the time? |

|Agenda: |the time? |Agenda: |

|1. Climate Quiz: Test Corrections (#19) |Agenda: |1. Searching in the Dark (#20) |

|-Find correct answers for missed questions. |1. DVD: Contagion |-read article/discuss |

|2. Movie: Contagion |2. Human Disease Project Introduction |2. Basic Search Tips and Advanced Boolean Explained (#21) |

|-finish |-read project |3. Sample Annotated Bibliography in APA Style (#22) |

|Homework: |Homework: |4. Online Presentation Evaluation (#23) |

|1. None. |1. Human Disease Project |5. Human Disease Project |

| |-Continue Research |-DLL |

| | |-Evernote for ipad and |

| | |-mobiusdiseaseproject. |

| | | |

| | |Homework: |

| | |1. Online Presentation Tools Evaluation (#23) |

|M 2.20 |T 2.21 |TH 2.23 |

|Ski Week |Ski Week |Ski Week |

|M 2.20 |W 2.22 |F 2.24 |

|Ski Week |Ski Week |Ski Week |

|M 2.27 (MK OUT) |T 2.28 (MK OUT) |TH 3.1 (MK OUT) |

|Purpose: |Purpose: Describe the structure and function of several |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms how pathogens |

|Agenda: |types of infectious pathogens. |affect the human body. |

|1. Disease Project: Computer Lab Research |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|Homework: |1. Guide to Infectious Pathogens (#24) |1. Excerpts from “Lies my teacher told me” James Loewen p.74-78 |

| |2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) |2. TOC PLACE HOLDER (#26) |

| |-build models and answer questions 1-5 on p.816 |2. Bacteriology Survery (#27) |

| |3. Disease Project Research |3. DVD: Eaten Alive (#28) |

| |-405b |Homework: |

| |Homework: |1. Read Chapter 29: Bacteria and Viruses. (p.805-824) |

| |1. Read Chapter 29: Bacteria and Viruses. (p.805-824) |2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) |

| |2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) |-due Thursday 3.8 |

| |-due Thursday 3.8 | |

|M 2.27 |W 2.29 |F 3.2 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: Describe the structure and function of several |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms how pathogens |

|Agenda: |types of infectious pathogens. |affect the human body. |

|1. 1. Disease Project: Library Research |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|2. |1. Guide to Infectious Pathogens (#24) |1. Excerpts from “Lies my teacher told me” James Loewen p.74-78 |

|Homework: |2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) |2. Bacteriology Survery (#26) |

| |-build models and answer questions 1-5 on p.816 |3. DVD: Eaten Alive (#27) |

| |3. Disease Project Research |Homework: |

| |-Library (b) |1. Read Chapter 29: Bacteria and Viruses. (p.805-824) |

| |Homework: |2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) |

| |1. Read Chapter 29: Bacteria and Viruses. (p.805-824) |-due Thursday 3.8 |

| |2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) | |

| |-due Thursday 3.8 | |


|M 3.5 |T 3.6 |TH 3.8 |

|Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |

|organisms how pathogens affect the human body. |organisms |organisms. |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. DVD: Eaten Alive: Lassa Fever/Notes |1. Germ Theory and Cell Theory Part II |1. Cell Analogy: Structure and Function. |

|2. Germ Theory and Cell Theory |2. Comparing Cells: Plant, Animal, and Bacteria. (Eukaryotes vs |Homework: |

|Homework: |Prokaryotes) |1. Comparing Cells: Plant, Animal, and Bacteria. |

|1. Read Chapter 29: Bacteria and Viruses. (p.805-824) |Homework: |-typed analysis and conclusion. |

|2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) |1. Read Chapter 29: Bacteria and Viruses. (p.805-824) |-2 copies, one to turn in and one for your science notebook |

|-due Thursday 3.8 |2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) | |

| |-due Thursday 3.8 | |

| |paring Cells: Plant, Animal, and Bacteria (lab) | |

| |-typed analysis and conclusion. | |

| |-2 copies, one to turn in and one for your science notebook | |

|M 3.5 |W 3.7 |F 3.9 |

|Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |

|organisms how pathogens affect the human body. |organisms |organisms. |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. DVD: Eaten Alive: Lassa Fever/Notes |1. Disease Project |1. Cell Analogy: Structure and Function. |

|2. Germ Theory and Cell Theory |-BM#1 Due (1-3) |Homework: |

|Homework: |paring Cells: Plant, Animal, and Bacteria. (Eukaryotes vs Prokaryotes)|1. Comparing Cells: Plant, Animal, and Bacteria. |

|1. Read Chapter 29: Bacteria and Viruses. (p.805-824) |Homework: |-typed analysis and conclusion. |

|2. How do viruses differ in structure? (#25) | |-2 copies, one to turn in and one for your science notebook |

|-due Friday 3.9 | | |

|M 3.12 |T 3.13 |TH 3.15 |

|Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Use specific examples of human disease to know the |

|organisms. |organisms. |structure and function of the endocrine and nervous systems |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. Collect Typed Analysis and Conclusion of Comparing Cells Lab |1. CAHSEE (9th Grade only) |1. 2nd Period: Little Theater Presentation |

|2. Virus Show and Tell |-2nd Osmosis Jones |2. Disease Project: DLL |

|-Assess |2. Bell Quiz |-BM#2 is due (4-6) |

|3. Cell Analogy: Structure and Function |3. Cell Anatomy (notes) (#32) |2. |

|Homework: |-5th and 7th (60 minute rotation) |Homework: |

|1. Disease Project: Benchmark #2 |4. Cell Analogy: | |

|-Due Thursday 3.15 |-Complete | |

| |-Color | |

| |-Definitions | |

| |-Justification | |

| |5. Return Papers | |

| |Homework: | |

| |1. Disease Project: Benchmark #2 | |

| |-Due Thursday 3.15 | |

|M 3.12 |W 3.14 |F 3.16 |

|Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Cell Structure and Function |Purpose: Use specific examples of human disease to know the |

|organisms. |Agenda: |structure and function of the endocrine and nervous systems |

|Agenda: |1. Cell Anatomy (notes) (#32) |Agenda: |

|1. Collect Typed Analysis and Conclusion of Comparing Cells Lab |3. Return Papers |1. Disease Project: DLL |

|2. Virus Show and Tell |Homework: |-BM #1 and #2 |

|-Assess | |Homework: |

|3. Cell Analogy: Structure and Function | | |

|Homework: | | |

|1. Disease Project: Benchmark #2 | | |

|-Due Friday 3.16 | | |

|M 3.19 (MK OUT) |T 3.20 (MK OUT) |TH 3.22 (MK OUT) |

|Staff Development |Purpose: Describe the structure and function of the human immune system and|Purpose: Describe the structure and function of the human immune |

| |discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat disease. |system and discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat |

| |Agenda: |disease. |

| |1. Disease Project |Agenda: |

| |-Group Work 45:00 (Laptops) |1.Disease Project |

| |2. How does the Immune System work? |-Group Work 45:00 (Laptops) |

| |-Levels of organization |2. Immune System: The User Manual |

| |-Background Research (Individual)(45:00) |-Group Work |

| |Homework: | |

| | |Homework: |

| |1. Mt. Tam Watershed Succession Monitoring Lab | |

| |-Read Lab (online) for Thursday Social Issues Class. | |

| |-Write a one paragraph summary of what you think the lab is about. | |

|M 3.19 |W 3.21 |F 3.23 |

|Staff Development |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |Purpose: Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic |

| |organisms how pathogens affect the human body. |organisms how pathogens affect the human body. |

| |Agenda: |Agenda: |

| |1. Disease Project |To Do List (AKA Work Day) |

| |-Annotated Bibliography Due |1. Comparing Cells: Analysis and Conclusion -Questions 1-6. |

| |2. |2. Disease Project: Benchmark #1 and #2 |

| |Homework: |-Printed and turned in today. |

| | |3. Annotated Bibliography |

| | |-see example (TOC |

| | |3. Disease Project: Website and Online Presentation. |

| | |Homework: |

|M 3.26 (MK OUT) |T 3.27 |TH 3.29 |

|Purpose: |Purpose: Describe the structure and function of the human immune system and|Purpose: Describe the structure and function of the human immune |

|Agenda: |discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat disease. |system and discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat |

|1. Forest Succession Lab Preview |Agenda: |disease. |

|2. Immune System: The User Manual or cartoon |1. Immune System: The User Manual, Cartoon, or Analogy. |Agenda: |

|Homework: |-Complete, Present, and Grade |1. Bell Quiz: Immune System |

| |2. Binder Check |2. DLL 2nd and 7th. 502 5th. |

| |Homework: |-PSA Due (MK) |

| |1. Disease Project: One Week! | |

| | |Homework: |

| | |1. Disease Project: 5 Days! |

|M 3.26 |W 3.28 |F 3.30 (End R5) |

|Purpose: Describe the structure and function of the human immune system |Purpose: Describe the structure and function of the human immune system and|Purpose: Describe the structure and function of the human immune |

|and discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat disease. |discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat disease. |system and discuss how antibodies and vaccines are used to combat |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |disease. |

|1. Immune System Notes: |1. Immune System: The User Manual, Cartoon, or Analogy. |Agenda: |

|2. Immune System:Cartoon, analogy, or user manual. |-Complete, Present, and Grade |1.Bell Quiz: Immune System |

| |2. Binder Check |2. |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|1. | | |


|M 4.2 |T 4.3 |TH 4.5 |

| |Purpose: Investigate how pathogens cause disease by comparing and |Purpose: Investigate how pathogens cause disease by comparing and |

|Purpose: Investigate how pathogens cause disease by comparing and |contrasting the basic biology of bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates |contrasting the basic biology of bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates |

|contrasting the basic biology of bacteria, protists, fungi, |and viruses. |and viruses. |

|invertebrates and viruses. |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. DLL: Practice Presentations |1. Disease Project Presentations: |1. |

|Agenda: |-2nd period:106: DLL | |

|1. Disease Project Practice |-Online Presentations/Project Web Portal |Homework: |

|-2nd and 5th Practice in rooms. |2. 5th: | |

|-7th MK 104B/DW 106/CC 311 Laptops. | | |

| |Homework: | |

|M 4.2 |W 4.4 |F 4.6 |

| |Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all the time? |Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all the time? |

|Purpose: What makes humans sick and why aren’t we sick all the |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|time? |1. Disease Project Presentations: |1. Disease Project Presentations: |

|Agenda: |-106: DLL |-106: DLL |

|1. Disease Project Presentations: |-Online Presentations/Project Web Portal |-Online Presentations/Project Web Portal |

|-106: DLL | | |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|1. Disease Project | | |

|M 4.9 (Spring Break) |T 4.10 (Spring Break) |TH 4.12 (Spring Break) |

|M 4.9 (Spring Break) |W 4.11 (Spring Break) |F 4.13 (Spring Break) |

|M 4.16 |T 4.17 |TH 4.19 |

|Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts |STAR Testing |STAR Testing |

|greater than the whole? |Periods 1/2 |Periods 5/6 |

|Agenda: |Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts greater | |

|1. The Human Body (#38) |than the whole? | |

|-Levels of Organization |Agenda: | |

|-Brainstorm 11 Body Systems |1. Med School 101: The Human Body (#38) | |

|Homework: |-Levels of Organization | |

|1. Sleep/Eat/STAR Test |-Brainstorm 11 Body Systems | |

| |-Introduce Assignment | |

| |-Begin Research | |

| |Homework: | |

| |1. Sleep/Eat/STAR Test | |

|M 4.16 |W 4.18 |F 4.20 |

|Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts |Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts greater |STAR Testing |

|greater than the whole? |than the whole? | |

|Agenda: |Agenda: | |

|1. The Human Body (#38) |1. Med School 101: The Human Body (#38) | |

|-Levels of Organization |-Introduce Assignment | |

|-Brainstorm 11 Body Systems |-Start Basic Research | |

|Homework: |Homework: | |

|1. Sleep/Eat/STAR Test |1. Sleep/Eat/STAR Test | |

|M 4.23 |T 4.24 |TH 4.26 |

|Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts |Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts greater |Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts greater |

|greater than the whole? |than the whole? |than the whole? |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. Internal Anatomy of the Heart. |1. Med School 101: The Human Body (#38) |1. Pluck Demo |

|2. The Structure of the Human Lungs. |-Research |1. Med School 101: The Human Body (#38) |

|3. Med School 101: The Human Body |-Due Thursday |-Research |

|-Research/iPad Cart |Homework: |-Due Thursday |

|Homework: | |Homework: |

|1. Med School 101: The Human Body | | |

|-Due Thursday 4.26 | | |

|M 4.23 |W 4.25 |F 4.27 |

|Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts |Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts greater |Purpose: In considering living organisms, is the sum of the parts greater |

|greater than the whole? |than the whole? |than the whole? |

|Agenda: |Agenda: |Agenda: |

|1. Internal Anatomy of the Heart. |1. Pluck Demo |1. Pluck Demo |

|2. The Structure of the Human Lungs. |2. Med School 101: The Human Body |2. Med School 101: The Human Body |

|3. Med School 101: The Human Body |-Research/iPad Cart |-Research/iPad Cart |

|-Research/iPad Cart |-Due Friday 5.4 |-Due Thursday 4.27 |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: |

|1. Med School 101: The Human Body | |1. Med School 101: The Human Body |

|- Due Friday 5.4 | |-Notes/Research Due Thursday 4.27 |


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