KS2 Stereotyping in the Media Lesson Plan

|KS2 Stereotyping in the Media |

|Teacher: Title of lesson: |

|Class KS2 Date Time Room Ability Number in class |

|Class learning objectives to understand; (To be shared |Learning activities: PRE LESSON HOMEWORK: |

|with class) |Episode |

|What a stereotype is |Learner activity |

|Where and when we are likely to see them |Teacher activity |

|The negative impact that stereotypes can have upon |Resources |

|society and individuals. | |

| |Starter |

| |(5mins) |

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| |Choose the image you would most like to be your teacher. |

| |Ask pupils to decide (in their heads) which one of these six people in the pictures they would most like to have as their teacher and run a vote for each person. |

| |KS2 Stereotyping in the Media powerpoint |

| |Slide 3 – opening slide |

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| |Introduction feedback |

| |(10mins) |

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| |(10 mins) |

| |Exploring Stereotypes: get into groups and choose the profession of the image and decide the professions of the 6 images and the reasons why. |

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| |Learners to see that the assumptions we make based just on what someone looks like can often be wrong. |

| |Using the same images, ask pupils to get into pairs with the person to their left. |

| |Teacher to facilitate a voting system to report back to the class (e.g. hands up who thought) |

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| |Teacher to reveal true identities of images, find out reasons behind the choice and uncover the images that they may have misread (e.g. 3 & 6) |

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| |Slide 4 – spotting the professions |

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| |Development I |

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| |(10 mins) |

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| |Engaging Stereotypes: students to consider what they have been doing in the lesson so far. |

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| |Introduction to the term stereotype. |

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| |Group work in decoding images. |

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| |Ask the class what they think this lesson is about? Introduce the concept of a stereotype and show them slide 5 as a springboard for discussing the definition. |

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| |Ask for them to turn to their left and partner to decode the images for their stereotypes and Feedback. |

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| |Slide 5- What is a stereotype (examples) |

| |Slide 6 – A definition |

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| |Slide 7 – What stereotype can you see? |

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| |Development II |

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| |(10 mins) |

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| |Challenging stereotypes: students to understand that stereotypes are often not real in practice and can be challenged. |

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| |Ask for pairs to pair up and to explore why the following images challenge stereotypes. Feedback. |

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| |Slide 8 |

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| |Plenary |

| |(15mins) |

| |Dangers of stereotypes: Open discussion. |

| |Ask the class how do stereotypes make people feel? |

| |Slide 9 (if required) |

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| |Assessment |

| |Identify the assessment mechanisms which will be used to assess whether learning outcomes have been met. Indicate whether assessment is summative or formative. |

| |Teacher assessment |

| |Self assessment |

| |Peer/group assessment |

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| |Through questioning and feedback (formative) |

| |Classroom participation and possible homework. |

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|Learning outcomes | |

|Must be linked to learning activities | |

|All |Understand what a stereotype is. | |

|(a) | | |

|Most |Can recognise a stereotype and that they can | |

|(m) |be challenged. | |

|Some | | |

|(s) |Understand that stereotypes can make a group/| |

| |individual feel bad. | |

|Programme of Study: |Homework |Learning resources |Curriculum links |

|Ties with PSHE/ SEAL, English, RE and possibly History |Create a collage of images that either challenge stereotypes| work on stereotypes has cross-curricular links with |

|(e.g. changing stereotypes). |or reinforce them. |?pageID=analysis |PSHE/ SEAL, English, RE and possibly History (e.g. changing |

| | | |stereotypes). |

| |Pick a particular minority group and gather examples of its | | |

| |representation in the media. | | |

|Differentiation |Ask them what stereotypes society and the media may assume |Discuss how stereotypes can be grouped such as gender, | |

| |of the pupil? |race and ethnicity. | |

| |Men and Women |Men and Women continued: |Youtube Channel on Stereotypes: |

|Further resources to use/ swap in the session. |This Canadian based website analyses how much the media |McCoys – JUKEBOX Stereotype: Men who listen to soppy |A compiled selection of 44 videos on stereotypes. Please |

| |influences how we identify with our gender. There are a |music aren’t real Men. |note these have not be vetted. |

| |variety of lesson plans and background reading. | |

| | |ed | |

| | | |A visual Character Gallery (Drama resource) |

| | |Gender Stereotyping of Women in the Media |This BBC resource for GCSE Drama is also particularly useful|

| | |A comprehensive selection of advertising and sitcom |holding a selection of around 25 character images and |

| |Youtube clips: Male Stereotype clips |scenes documenting the representation fo the ‘domestic’ |resources representing a number of stereotypes. |

| | |hosuewive. (3:07 minutes) | |

| |McCoys: Crisps Remote (The ‘Gentleman’s’ Crisp) Stereotype:| |

| |The Women is passed the TV Remote (30 seconds) | |aracterrev1.shtml |

| | | | |

| |Defining a hate crime: |Hate crime/ Reporting: |Understanding Racism |

|Signposting: | | | |

| |Hate crimes are any crimes that are targeted at a person |Online Crime Reporting: Metropolitan Police Service |Childline have produced this simple and bitesize overview of|

|This lesson may uncover sensitive examples of prejudice |because of hostility or prejudice towards that person’s: |‎ |racism with directions for support and a wide selection of |

|that pupils have experienced that may be examples of |•disability |The MPS non-emergency crime and hate crime / incident |multi-media links. |

|bullying, racism or a hate crime. Teachers may wish to |•race or ethnicity |reporting service. In an emergency ALWAYS dial 999. | |

|inform the class of the Schools reporting system for such|•religion or belief | |ChildLine can be contacted free and confidentially anytime |

|incidents. |•sexual orientation |True Vision |on 0800 1111 to speak to a counsellor. |

| |•transgender identity | | |

| | | |

| |This can be committed against a person or property. |True Vision provides information about hate crime | |

| | |incidents and how to report it. | |

| |A victim does not have to be a member of the group at which |This website offers definitions, an online reporting | |

| |the hostility is targeted. In fact, anyone could be a victim|system and signposting information for victims. | |

| |of a hate crime. | | |




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