Occupation Keyword Search - Careeronestop


Consumption Instructions: Find Occupation Matches

Last Revised: October 19, 2010

Find Occupation Matches

The Find Occupation Matches Service is a RESTful API that enables developers to query and retrieve a list of O*NET Occupations that would be a good match for someone currently or previously employed in the given O*NET Occupation. The returned occupation object contains jobs available in the area as reported by Job Central (), salary information, BLS job growth statistics and various O*NET occupation details. Refer to the following sections more specific information:

• Request Parameters

• Response Fields

• Errors

• Examples

Request Parameters

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters.  All parameter names and values are case sensitive.

Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

|Parameter |Required |Description |

|userid |Yes |This value is the unique user ID provided during the CareerOneStop web services registration|

| | |process. |

|onetcode |Yes |This is the O*NET code of the occupation to find matches for. e.g., Computer Programmers, |

| | |O*NET Code 15-1021.00 would be sent as “15102100.” |

|location |Yes |The location to use to determine available job openings, local wages, and local employment |

| | |statistics. Acceptable values are 5-digit zip codes, state names or 2-letter state |

| | |abbreviations. For national data use the numeral “0.” |

|radius |Yes |The radius, in miles of the job opportunities search area. Applies to zip code searches |

| | |only. |

|startindex |Yes |The index of the first occupation in the result set to return. Useful when implementing |

| | |paging. |

|recordcount |Yes |The maximum number of occupations to return. |

Response Fields

The web service returns a XML serialized “OccupationMatchResult” with general information about the request and a list of matching occupation objects.

OccupationMatchResult Object

|Name |Description |

|ErrorMessage |If there was a problem processing the request a message describing the error is returned. If the |

| |request was completed without error “Success” is returned. |

|ErrorNumber |Refer Error Number & Description section for more information. |

|OccupationDetails |Always null for this web service method. |

|OccupationList |A collection of Occupation objects returned by the keyword search. (See Occupation object below) |

Error Number & Description

|Error Number |Description |

|106 |No Location Information Found |

|105 |No Apprenticeship Found |

|104 |No Licenses Found |

|103 |No Certfications Found |

|102 |No Training Found |

|101 |No Occupation Matches Found |

|100 |No Jobs Found |

|0 |Success |

|-1 |Database Unavailable |

|-2 |Endeca Unavailable |

|-3 |Unknow Error |

|-4 |Invalid OnetCode |

|-5 |Invalid Zipcode |

|-6 |Invalid State |

|-7 |Job Central Not Available |

|-8 |Job Central TimedOut |

|-9 |Database Error |

|-10 |No Record Found |

|-11 |Invalid Number Format |

|-12 |Invalid Distance |

|-13 |Job Count is not available for {n} job(s) – (n is number) |

|-14 |Invalid State Or ZipCode |

|-15 |ASL Geocoding Webservice Down |

|-16 |Acinet Webservice Down |

Occupation Object

|Name |Description |

|Annual Wage |Annual wage range (25th percentile – 75th percentile) |

|BrightOutlook |Returns true if the occupation is considered to have a “Bright Outlook” by O*NET. See |

| | for more information |

|CurrentlyEmployed |The number of workers currently employed in the occupation |

|GreenOccupation |Returns true if the occupation is classified as “Green” by O*NET. See |

| | for more information |

|HourlyWage |Hourly wage range (25th percentile – 75th percentile) |

|JobCount |Number of job opportunities for the occupation in the geographic search area as reported by Job |

| |Central (). |

|OccupationCode |O*NET occupation code with “-“ and “.” Omitted. |

|OccupationDescription |O*NET occupation description. |

|OccupationTitle |O*NET occupation title. |

|OpeningsPerYear |Number of estimated job openings per year over the next 10 years including people who leave their |

| |occupation and new positions created. |

|Shine |Transferability score from the selected occupation to a target occupation based on the skills. |

|Tasks |O*NET task statements associated with the occupation. |

|Technology |Technology commonly used in the occupation as determined by O*NET. |

|Tools |Tools commonly used in the occupation as determined by O*NET. |

|TotalRecords |Total number of records available for the occupation. |

|TypicalTraining |Most Common Educational/Training Level achieved by workers in this occupation as determined by the |

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|VideoCode |Returns the video code associated with the occupation. |

|VideoTitle |Returns the video title associated with the video code. |

|WageAMedian |The median annual wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and US |

| |Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageAPCT10 |The 10th percentile annual wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageAPCT25 |The 25th percentile annual wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageAPCT75 |The 75th percentile annual wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageAPCT90 |The 90th percentile annual wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageHMedian |The median hourly wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and US |

| |Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageHPCT10 |The 10th percentile hourly wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageHPCT25 |The 25th percentile hourly wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageHPCT75 |The 75th percentile hourly wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

|WageHPCT90 |The 90th percentile hourly wage for the selected geographic location as determined by the state and|

| |US Bureau of Labor Statistics. |

General Web Service Errors (Returned in a standalone error node)

|[pic]Error |Description |

|“Invalid user ID” |The userid is not in the proper format. A user ID should be 15 alpha-numeric characters. |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This|This service has been suspended by CareerOneStop. |

|service has been suspended.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This|This service has not yet become active or has expired. |

|service is not valid at this time.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This|This service could not be found in CareerOneStop system. |

|service cannot be found.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s usage limit for this service has been exceeded. |

|Usage limit exceeded.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has expired. |

|Subscription has expired.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has not yet become valid. |

|Subscription is not yet valid.” | |

|“Access to Service Denied - No valid|No subscription was found for this user ID and service. |

|subscription found.” | |


Usage Example: Find Occupation Matches

Use Case #1

A user would like to see occupations that would be a good match for someone previously employed as a Machinist (O*NET Code: 51-4041.00). They would like to use the zip code “55102” for the geographic center of the search and a radius of 20 miles. The user would like a maximum of 2 matching occupations returned.

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Parameter |Value |

|userid |012345678901234 |

|onetcode |51404100 |

|location |55102 |

|radius |20 |

|startindex |0 |

|recordcount |2 |

Request URL:


Refer to the following for an example (code example) of results for the request parameters specified above.

| |

|Success |

|0 |

| |

| |

| |

|$34,400 - $48,200 |

|false |

|N/A |

|false |

|$16.56 - $23.15 |

|0 |

|51401100 |

|Operate computer-controlled machines or robots to perform one or more machine functions on metal or plastic |

|work pieces. |

|Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic |

|N/A |

|88.535311879006 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|100 |

|Moderate-term on-the-job training |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|34400 |

|48200 |

| |

| |

| |

|16.56 |

|23.15 |

| |

| |

| |

|$34,200 - $49,200 |

|false |

|N/A |

|false |

|$16.42 - $23.67 |

|0 |

|49209200 |

|Repair, maintain, or install electric motors, wiring, or switches. |

|Electric Motor, Power Tool, and Related Repairers |

|N/A |

|86.267786291169 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|100 |

|Post-Secondary vocational training |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|34200 |

|49200 |

| |

| |

| |

|16.42 |

|23.67 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Use Case #2

A user would like to see occupations that would be a good match for someone previously employed as a Computer Programmer (O*NET Code: 15-1021.00). They would like to the State of Minnesota as the geographic area of the search. The user would like a maximum of 2 matching occupations returned.

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Parameter |Value |

|userid |012345678901234 |

|onetcode |15102100 |

|location |“MN” or “Minnesota” |

|radius |0 |

|startindex |0 |

|recordcount |2 |

Request URL:


Refer to the following for an example (code example) of results for the request parameters specified above.

| |

|Job Central TimedOut |

|-8 |

| |

| |

| |

|$79,000 - $114,100 |

|true |

|N/A |

|false |

|$37.99 - $54.85 |

|125 |

|15103200 |

|Research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution |

|software for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computing applications. |

|Set operational specifications and formulate and analyze software requirements. Apply principles and techniques of computer |

|science, engineering, and mathematical analysis. |

|Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software |

|N/A |

|85.927030824049 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|100 |

|Bachelor's degree |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|79000 |

|114100 |

| |

| |

| |

|37.99 |

|54.85 |

| |

| |

| |

|$56,400 - $90,200 |

|true |

|N/A |

|false |

|$27.13 - $43.34 |

|0 |

|15109901 |

|Develop and execute software test plans in order to identify software problems and their |

|causes. |

|Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers |

|N/A |

|83.604730974658 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|100 |

|Associate degree |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|56400 |

|90200 |

| |

| |

| |

|27.13 |

|43.34 |

| |

| |

| |

| |


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