Certificate in Conflict Resolution Victoria Chen, Director

Certificate in Conflict Resolution


Victoria Chen, Director

(415)338-7441 kumquat@sfsu.edu

The purpose ofthis certificate is to learn to manage conflicting positions in various contexts and to develop constructive ways to engage in dispute management or conflict negotiation. Students may use this certificate to enhance their understanding of the critical role that conflict and its resolution play in the world today. This certificate complements degree programs in business, communication, criminal justice, ethnic studies, international relations, labor and employment studies, political science and psychology.

Career Outlook Completion of the certificate contributes to a student's preparation for employment in such fields as counseling, criminal justice, diplomacy, education, government, human resources, international relations, labor, law, management, mediation, public relations, and social work.

Certificate in Conflict Resolution It is recommended that General Education Segment I be completed prior to students beginning this program. Students must pass a GWAR course, JEPET, or pass ENG 414, Elements of Writing, before receiving the certificate. Program requirement and course options are listed in the Bulletin.

The certificate consists of 7 courses (4 courses in the core and 3 courses selected from one emphasis). Courses in the certificate may be substituted on advisement. At least three courses in the certificate must have a prefix that is different from the student's major. On-line course descrtptions are available.

? Core Requirements

Introduction to Conflict Resolution Unitschosenfrom thefollowing:

(34- unlts)

COMM531 PSY547 COMM250 (formerly521)

ConflictResolution (4) Social Conflict and Conflict Resolution Intro to Group Discussion & Teamwork

Alternative Models of Conflict Resolution

(36- units)

Unitt chosenfrom the following: AFRS660 COMM534 COMM543 GPS315/1 R315/PHIL315 GPS375/PHIL375 HUM366 IBUS659 I R432 LABR400 LABR S11/ECON511

Civil Rights Movement and Education MediationTheory and Practice (4) Dialogues AcrossDifferences(4) Introduction to Global Peace Studies Peace, Law, and Human Rights in the U.S. India's Gandhi Introduction to International Business Negotiating Model United Nations (4) Union Structure and Administration Collective Bargaining

Communication Skills

Unitschosenfrom the following:

COMM502 COMM250 PSY645

Interpersonal Communication (4) Group Discussion and Teamwork Group Processes

(34- unlts)

Conflict Resolution Internship


Specific course to be taken forinternship, with focus on conflict resolution placement, is mode on advisement.

? Areas of Emphasis

Take three courses in one ofthe emphases: (9-19 unitt}

Emphasis in Family/Culture/Community Issues

i9-12 units)

Unitschosenfrom the listbeloworfrom otheremphases on advisement.

AA S680 COMM 503 COMM515 COMM 525 COMM54 1 COMM 543 GEOG667/USP515 LTNS680 PSY440 PSY441 PSY455 PSY525

RRS 571 SW 640 SOC 340 SOC 464 WG5 301 Total forcertificate: 1110

Community: Changes and Development Gender and Communication (4) Family Communication (4) Sexual Identity and Communication (4) Critical Approaches to Culture and Communication (4) Dialogues Across Differences (4) [Ifnotselected in the core.] Women, Class, and Race Latina/a Community Organizing Social Psychology The Psychology ofthe Family Cross?cultural Psychology Community Psychology Race, Poverty, and Urban Environment (4) Family Mediation Social Psychology Families and Society (4) Women in Groups: Communication and Process

Emphasis in legal/Political Issues In the United States

(91- 9units)

Unitschosenfrom the listbelow orfrom the otheremphases on advisement

AAS665 AIS460 AFRS376 AFRS660 COMM564 (formerly461) CJ300 GEOG 668/PLSl 513/USP 513 GPS375/PHIL375 HIST 465 HIST466/ RRS500 LABR553/SOC553 LTNS 430 PHIL335 PLSl 466 P A301/PLSl301 PLSl 551 PLSI 553 Total forcertificate: 11-11

Asian American Community and Public Policy Power and Politics in American Indian History Government, Constitution, and Black Citizens Civil Rights Movement and Education [ffnorselected in the core.] Issues in Free Speech (4) CriminalJustice: A Cross-disciplinary Perspective (4) Politics, Law, and Urban Environment (4) Peace, Law, and Human Rights in the U.S. [Ifnor se/eaed In the core.J American Ethnic and Racial Relations ii:1890 -Present History ofU.S. People ofColor: Comparative Analysis Labor Standards and Corporate Social Responsibility Race, Crime, andJustice Law and Society Racial Politics and American Democracy (4) Public Administration and Democracy (4) Judicial Power in Public Policy Making (4) Legal Issues (4)

Emphasis in labor/Business Issues Unitt chosen from the list below orfrom the otheremphases on advisement


ANTH525/LABR525/5 S525 ECON511/LABR511 IBUS330 IBUS517 IBUS 659

LABR400 LABR500 PSY461 Total forcertificate:11

Diversity in the Workplace Collective Bargaining[ffnot seleaed in the core.] International Business and Multicultural Relations Legal Environment ofWorld Business Introduction to International Business Negotiating [Ifnorse/ecttd in the core.] Union Structure and Administration[ffnot selected inthe core.] Labor and Government Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Emphasis in International Issues

(9?12 units)

Unittchosenfrom the listbelow orfrom the otheremphases on advisement

COMM 541

Critical Approaches to Culture and Communication (4)

GPS 315/IR 315/PHIL 315

Introduction to Global Peace Studies [Ifnorselected in the core.]


India'sGandhi [Ifnot selected in the core]


World Law

I R331

Global Environmental Crisis (4)

I R332

International Criminal Law

I R432

Model United Nations (4) [Ifnotselected in the core.]

I R433

Model Arab League Prerequisite: I R324

JS501/HUM501/PHIL501 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


The Arab-Israeli Conflict


Human Rights in Global Perspective

SOC 461

Ethnic Relations: International Comparisons (4)


Gender, Globalization and Women's Human Rights


Gender, Poverty, and Globalization

Total forcertificate: 11-30


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