Goal: To present advances in medical science in the fight against cancer.

Introduction: Cancer, as an illness of man, has been described in history since the earliest records were kept. It is considered to be a 5,000 year old medical mystery. There is constant research in the detection of, treatment for and prevention of cancer. Your job is to choose one specific type of cancer of epithelium or connective tissues and present an overview and timeline showcasing advances in medical science for the cancer of interest.


1) Research Document – Front page, four squares

a. Medical and common name(s) for the cancer of focus

b. Anatomy of the cancer (what cells, tissues, organs, and systems are involved)

c. Physiology of the cancer (what functions does it disrupt or interfere with, what is the underlying cause of the cancer at the biochemical or DNA level: ocogene)

d. Statistics – age demographics, prevalence in various ethnic groups, etc. (graphs may be used)

2) Timeline – minimum of 5 milestone events on back of research

a. Pre-80s, 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000, Future advances

b. Images and descriptions showcasing major developments in understanding the cancer

c. Focus of the milestones should highlight the various areas listed below.

Advances in any of the following:

i. Detection

ii. Treatments

iii. Prevention

iv. Technological advancements

Grading Criteria

Research Document

____/ 4 Medical and common name(s) for the cancer of focus

____/8 Anatomy of the cancer (what cells, tissues, organs, systems involved)

4pts for written description

4pts for image/diagram

____/8 Physiology of the cancer (what functions does it disrupt or interfere with)

4pts for written description

4pts for image/diagram

____/4 Statistics – age demographics, prevalence in various ethnic groups, etc. (graphs may be used)


____/10 minimum of 5 milestone events

____/16 minimum of 4 images used and Images are

clear, appropriate, accurate and enhance the descriptions (4 pts each)

____/2 logical progression displayed

____/8 each milestone highlights at least one of the advances listed below.




Technological advancments



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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