The Nominal Group


based on Parkinson and Musgrave (2014) following Biber et al., (2011)

Pre-modifiers (stages 2-3)

• attributive adjectives (2)

Big Brother; dusty side roads; economic factors; potential disaster

• participial premodifiers (2)

a televised enemy; the advertising industry

• nouns as premodifiers (3)

mass communication; mind control

• possessive nouns as premodifiers (3)

0. Winston’s fear

Postmodifiers (Stages 3-4)

• full relative clause (3)

an emotion (that hinders the human being); anyone (who has watched tv)

• prepositional phrase as postmodifier – concrete meanings (3)

the ruler (of the country); the nicotine (in them)

• non-finite relative clause (4)

-ed clause: the dangers (involved with sex)

-ing clause: the country (doing the colonizing)

• prepositional phrase as postmodifier – abstract meanings (4)

the introduction (of electronics); the rise (of science)

More complex postmodification (Stage 5)

• preposition + nonfinite complement clause (5)

the hope (of overcoming the Great Depression)

• complement clause controlled by noun (5)

the viewpoint (that using nuclear energy is equal to suicide)

• appositive noun phrase (5)

the protagonist, (Winston Smith); The National Socialist German Worker’s Party, (the Nazi party)

• to clause as postmodifier (5)

weapons (to enable them to hunt larger and faster animals)

The Nominal Group: Det. + premodifier + headnoun + postmodifier

Multiple embedding

1. Extended NP: The use and effects (of propaganda (through the comparison (of Nazi propaganda (in Germany)))) and (through big Brother’s totalitarian state (in Orwell’s 1984)) (FYC)

1.The use and effects

(of propaganda

(through the comparison

(of Nazi propaganda

(in Germany))))


(through Big Brother’s totalitarian state

(in Orwell’s 1984))

2. Simple sentence. SVO: Unlike fantastic novels (in which the protagonist is placed in a world (that is wholly fantastic (that is, a world in which all characters acknowledge and accept the fantastic as being normal)))), fantastic novels (set in reality require that measures be in place (to preserve the laws (of reality (for the characters (living outside of the protagonist’s experiences.)))). (MICUSP)

Unlike fantastic novels

(in which the protagonist is placed in a world

(that is wholly fantastic

(that is, a world

(in which all characters acknowledge and accept the fantastic as being normal)))),

fantastic novels

(set in reality)

require that measures be in place

( to preserve the laws

(of reality

(for the characters

(living outside of the protagonist’s experiences.))))


Analyze the Noun Phrases in the following text (Finite verbs in main clauses are highlighted):

Creative medical billing*

1. All the players in the health system follow a billing system based on 500 groups of 3,500 medical procedures and 12,574 diagnostic codes.

2. How an illness is coded can make a substantial difference in the amount of reimbursement the medical provider receives for the care of the patient.

3. For example, coding the removal of a mole as a larger procedure (known as upcoding) will bring additional funds from an insurer.

4. Breaking down surgeries (or unbundling them) into segments such as exploration, removal, and repair of scar tissue will substantially increase claims.

5. Itemizing each test in a battery of tests (exploding the battery) can triple the cost of a single blood sample.

6. Doctors accomplish all these billing strategies by savvy use of the coding process.

*Jennings, M. (2009). Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings. Mason, OH.: South-Western. Cengage Learning.

Case #4.11 p. 156


• Circle the finite verbs (those for tense)

• Underline the subject of each verb (it might be a phrase or clause)

• Double underline all the head nouns

• Put parentheses around any premodifiers of each noun (often beginning with the)

• Put parentheses around any postmodifiers (e.g phrases beginning with a preposition; relative clauses, non-finite clauses)

• For post modifiers nested one inside the others, count the levels and add the number of parentheses at the end of the post-modification))).


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