Compendium of Educational Resources for CME/CPD Planners

Compendium of Educational Resources for CME/CPD Planners

To assist planners of AAP continuing medical education (CME)/continuing professional development (CPD) activities in meeting the educational needs of pediatricians and pediatric healthcare professionals, a list of resources has been compiled as outlined in this document. Resources will be edited or added, as appropriate.

Adult Learning Theory, Needs Assessment, Learning Objectives Materials posted on PediaLink at: (under

"Educational Resources" section), such as the following topics: o Gaps and Needs Assessment Information, which includes Chapter Connections articles on

the following topics: "CME and the Cycle of Learning" - October 2010 "Twelve Universal Principles of Adults as Learners" ? January 2010 "Understanding Systematic Design of Instruction" ? October 2009 "Understanding Learner Gaps and Needs" ? July 2009 "Continuing Medical Education: Is `Change' Necessary?" ? April 2009 "Reflection in the Teaching of Medicine" ? July 2011 o Desirable Physician Attributes Information

"Designing Meaningful CME" webinars, developed by the Committee on CME, September 2010 - Webinars and transcripts available at:

Articles published in The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (JCEHP):

Additional Articles:

Adult Learning Theory: (New) Kaufman, D. M. (2003). Applying educational theory in practice. BMJ, 326(7382), 213-

216. doi: (New) Newman, P., & Peile, E. (2002). Valuing learners' experience and supporting further

growth: educational models to help experienced adult learners in medicine. BMJ, 325(7357), 200202. doi: Angelo, T. A. (1993). A" TEACHER'S DOZEN". American Association of Higher Education Bulletin, April, 3-13. ? A very practical article outlining 14 general research-based principles to enhancing adult learning. Although from 1993, the principles discussed are timeless and useful for today's pediatrician. Dennick, R. (2012). Twelve tips for incorporating educational theory into teaching practices. Medical teacher, 34(8), 618-624. ? 12 practical educational recommendations based on the learning theories found in the literature. Schumacher, D. J., Englander, R., & Carraccio, C. (2013). Developing the Master Learner: Applying Learning Theory to the Learner, the Teacher, and the Learning Environment. Academic Medicine, 88, 1635-1645. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182a6e8f8 (New) Price, D. W., Wagner, D. P., Krane, N. K., Rougas, S. C., Lowitt, N. R., Offodile, R. S., . . . Barnes, B. E. (2015). What are the implications of implementation science for medical education? Medical Education Online, 20, 27003.

Needs Assessment: Grant, J. (2002). Learning needs assessment: assessing the need. BMJ: British Medical Journal,

324(7330), 156. ? This article provides a wonderful overview of the different ways one can assess "needs". Moore, D. E. (1998). Needs assessment in the new health care environment: combining

discrepancy analysis and outcomes to create more effective CME. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 18(3), 133-141.

Learning Objectives: Waller, K. V., & Directors, N. B. O. (2001). Writing instructional objectives.

? This article includes the steps involved in writing objectives along with a long list of verbs to be used in writing these objectives.

Teaching Competencies: Srinivasan, M., Li, S. T., Meyers, F. J., Pratt, D. D., Collins, J. B., Braddock, C., ... Hilty, D. M.

(2011). "Teaching as a Competency": Competencies for Medical Educators. Academic Medicine, 86, 1211-1220. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31822c5b9a.

CME Formats and Activities Developed by the AAP Educational Activity Format Information ? Document is posted on PediaLink at -

(under "Educational Resources" section)

CME information posted on AAP web site:

Maintenance of Certification information posted on PediaLink at:

PediaLink CME Finder:

Accreditation/Credit Requirements Accreditation Council for CME:

- Multimedia resources, including video addressing frequently asked questions about accreditation requirements and the planning and implementation of CME activities, in addition to interviews with health care leaders who share their approaches to planning effective education, are posted.

American Medical Association Physician's Recognition Award: ?

National Faculty Education Initiative - The National Faculty Education Initiative (NFEI) provides online training on the differences between Certified CME and Promotional Activities.

CME Effectiveness and Evaluation Moore, D. E., Green, J. S., & Gallis, H. A. (2009). Achieving desired results and improved outcomes:

integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 29(1), 1-15. doi:10.1002/chp.20001.

Reed, V. A., Schifferdecker, K. E., & Turco, M. G. (2012). Motivating learning and assessing outcomes in continuing medical education using a personal learning plan. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 32(4), 287-294. doi:10.1002/chp.21158

(New) Cervero, R. M., & Gaines, J. K. (2014). Effectiveness of continuing medical education: updated synthesis of systematic reviews. Retrieved from Accreditation Council for Continuing Education

website: vero_and_Gaines_0.pdf

(New) CME: ACCP Evidence-based Educational Guidelines, 135(3_suppl). ? The March 2009 American College of Chest Physicians Journal contains many articles relevant to the effectiveness of CME.

AAP CME Outcomes Project ? Document is posted on PediaLink at: (under "Educational Resources" section)

Quality Improvement and CME (New) Kitto, S., Goldman, J., Etchells, E., Silver, I., Peller, J., Sargeant, J., . . . Bell, M. (2015).

Quality improvement, patient safety, and continuing education: a qualitative study of the current boundaries and opportunities for collaboration between these domains. Academic Medicine, 90(2), 240-245.

Creating CME Activities to Promote Behavioral Change Parker, K., & Parikh, S. V. (2001). Applying Prochaska's model of change to needs assessment,

programme planning and outcome measurement. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 7(4), 365371. -

Proposing Content for AAP CME Activities Documents posted on PediaLink under "About AAP CME" on how to propose content for AAP CME

activities and for AAP e-learning courses.

Teaching Tips for Presenters Roberts, D. H., Newman, L. R., & Schwartzstein, R. M. (2012). Twelve tips for facilitating

Millennials' learning. Medical teacher, 34(4), 274-278. Millennials'%20Learning%20Tips.pdf

Snell, Y. S. L. S. (1999). Interactive lecturing: strategies for increasing participation in large group presentations. Medical Teacher, 21(1), 37-42.

PediaLink Teaching & Learning Resource Center (requires login to PediaLink) - After logging-in to PediaLink, the Teaching & Learning Center is located toward the bottom of the PediaLink home page. Access free educational courses and resources on the following topics: o Teaching Tips Interactive Teaching Tips Curriculum Design Tips Presentation Tips Group Technique Tips PowerPoint Formatting Tips o Learning Tools o ACGME/ABMS Core Competencies o Procedures

CME/CPD Organizations Materials/links posted at Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions web site ?

- A list of resources is provided via links on this page

Materials/links posted at the Society for Academic CME web site ? - Among the resources of relevance are "Books," "Conversations in CME," "Gap Analysis," "Glossaries," and "Toolkits and Guides" - Among the resources of relevance are those on the website for the Centre for Learning in Practice (CLIP)

AAP Resources AAP Quarterly CME Update Newsletters: Guidance on the development and delivery of CME

activities and information on the AAP CME/CPD program and individual activities are included in these newsletters, which are posted on the PediaLink "About AAP CME" page, under the "AAP Continuing Medical Education" section. AAP Policy, Journals, and AAP News:

AAP Department of Federal Affairs, Health Care Reform (for information on the Academy's federal policy priorities): federaladvocacy

AAP Department of State Affairs: stgovaffairs (must be logged into My AAP) / stateadvocacy

Additional Resources "The ABCs of Accredited CME"

- The American Academy of Dermatology and The France Foundation, both ACCME-accredited providers, developed this online educational activity ? The ABCs of Accredited CME ? to clarify that the intent of the "rules" is that accredited CME be based on the principles of adult learning and be independent of industry influence. This online educational activity is presented in short modules and participants can select which module(s) they wish to complete. Participants are required to register at the web site, but there are no fees or restrictions to participate in the educational activity.

Materials/links posted at the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) web site: - AAFP CME Faculty Resource Center, including tools to help guide the content development process (e.g., composition of learning objectives, utilization of evidence-based resources, etc.).

Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Continuing Education and Improvement (CEI) Section: Information and resources posted at

"Redesigning Continuing Education in the Health Professions" (IOM, 2010;1-14).

Information on Health Care Disparities:

National Guideline Clearinghouse:

AAP Division of CME ? March 2016


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