| | | | |

|Vocabulary Acquisition & Terminology |9-23-03 through 11-25-03 |Translation & Interpretation Institute |30 hrs. |

|Management | |Bellevue Community College | |

|Advanced I Medical Interpretation |9-13-03 and |Flores & Associates |15.5 hrs. |

| |9-14-03 | | |

|American Idiomatic Expressions |9-19--03 |The Language Exchange |3 hrs. |

|Ethics, Psychiatric Terminology and Mental |9-6-03 |The Language Exchange |5 hrs. |

|Health Interpreting | | | |

|Long Consecutive Interpretation |9-1-03 |Chang-Castillo Seminars |6 hrs. |

|Sight Translation |8-31-03 |Chang-Castillo Seminars |2 hrs. |

|Consecutive Interpretation |8-31-03 |Chang-Castillo Seminars |3 hrs. |

|Simultaneous Interpretation (Spanish/English)|8-31-03 |Chang-Castillo Seminars |3 hrs. |

|Court Interpreter Ethics |8-30-03 |Chang-Castillo Seminars |3 hrs. |

|Court Interpretation as a Profession |8-30-03 |Chang-Castillo Seminars |5 hrs. |

|Advanced I Medical Interpretation |8-23-03and |Flores & Associates |15.5 hrs. |

| |8-24-03 | | |

|Advanced Court interpreting |8-5-03 through |International Interpretation Resource |26 hrs. |

| |8-9-03 |Center at the Monterey Institute of | |

| | |International Studies | |

|Understanding Criminal Motions and Federal |6-21-03 |WITS - Washington State Court |3 hrs. |

|Court Procedures | |Interpreters and Translators Society | |

|Federal Oral Test Preparation Seminar |6-12-03 through 6-15-03 |University of Arizona – National Center|30 hrs. |

| | |of Arizona | |

|Advanced I Medical Interpretation |6-7-03 and |Flores & Associates, Interpreter |15.5 hrs. |

| |6-8-03 |Training Services (Mario Flores) | |

|Court Interpreters Ethics Workshop |5-25-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Transcribing Tapes II |5-25-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Why do They Talk Like That? |5-25-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Challenging Conventional Wisdom |5-25-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Transcribing Tapes I |5-25-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Legal Interpreting in Mexico |5-25-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Interpreting Polygraph Examinations |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Court interpreters in New York |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Question of Perspective: Expert v. Novice |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

|Processing | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|English-Spanish Dictionaries on Probation |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Role of Interpreters in US, Canada, and Mexico|5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Cooking and the Courts |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Jury Instructions and Jury Reform |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Alternative Dispute Resolution |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Title VI and the LEP Community |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Cognitive Processing for Interpreters |5-24-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|English Skill Enhancement |5-23-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |3 hrs. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|For the Legal Profession |5-23-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |3 hrs. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|TN Credential Program (open lecture) |5-23-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |1 hr. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Sight Translation |5-23-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |3 hrs. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Custodial Interrogation |5-23-03 |NAJIT – National Association of |3 hrs. |

| | |Judiciary Interpreters and Translators | |

|Common Law and Equity |5-2-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Principles of Legal Translation |5-2-03 |American Translators Association |2 hrs. |

|The Legal Sector From the Language Company’s |5-2-03 |American Translators Association |.5 hrs. |

|Perspective: A Practical Session | | | |

|English to Spanish Translation of Legal |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions | | | |

|I. Atelier sur les prepositions en traduction |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|juridique | | | |

|II. Systemic and Linguistic Specificities of | | | |

|Legal Languages: A Case in Point, Legal | | | |

|Translation in Canada | | | |

|Do Direito Romano versus o Direito |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Anglo-Saxao: Rumo a raducao do jargao juridico| | | |

|Untangling Legalese: Maximizing Clarity in the|5-3-03 |American Translators Association |2 hrs. |

|Translation of Pleadings into English | | | |

|Coping with Cultural Difficulties |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Doing Business in Mexico and the Role of the |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Legal Translator | | | |

|Translators’ Standards of Care and Liability |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|for Legal Translations | | | |

|A Comparative Look at the Legal System in |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|France and the U.S. | | | |

|Translating German Criminal Law into English |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Translating Selected Provisions of a Stock |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Purchase Agreement | | | |

|Translation of Notarial Clauses from Latin |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|American Spanish into English | | | |

|German Tax and Social Insurance Law: A Brief |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Survey of Terminology | | | |

|Official Translation for Use in Brazil: |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Certified Public Translations | | | |

|Social Services and the Welfare System: |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Transferring Legal Concepts in Multilingual | | | |

|Documentation | | | |

|Lexical Pitfalls and Collocational Variation |5-3-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|in Legal Texts | | | |

|Swiss Legal German |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|The Community Trademark Legal Framework: |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Harmonizing Translation Practices | | | |

|Ateilier sur la cooccurence en traduction |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|juridique | | | |

|Recurring Problems in German>English Legal |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Translation | | | |

|Deeds of Formation and Managing Bodies in |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|English | | | |

|English to Spanish Translation of Bankruptcy |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Law in the U.S. | | | |

|Comprehensive Overview of Administrative Law |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|in Brazil and a Comparison of the U.S. | | | |

|Administrative Law System | | | |

|Las resoluciones judiciales en el Derecho |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Argentino: desafios Lexicos y discursivos | | | |

|The Life of a Corporation through its |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Documents | | | |

|Translating German Contracts |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Intellectual Property and Internet: A Hybrid |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Genre within Legal Translation | | | |

|Legal Translation in the Globalized Economy: |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|The Case of FTAA (Spanish) | | | |

|Problems and Solutions Regarding the |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Translation of International Sales Law | | | |

|Materials | | | |

|Workshop on French Corporate Law |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Legal Dictionaries for the English>Spanish |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Legal Translator | | | |

|Legal Translation in the Globalized Economy: |5-4-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|The case of FTAA (English) | | | |

|Napoleonic Codes Work: A French Point of View|5-4-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Medical Translation and Interpreting Seminar |3-23-03 |Florida Chapter of American Translators|2.5 hrs. |

|(a) Ethical Issues in the Role of the Medical | |Association | |

|Interpreter and (b) The Language of Clinical | | | |

|Medicine | | | |

|Interpreting Motions and Legal Arguments |3-15-03 |The Language Exchange |3.5 hrs. |

|Indigenous Languages in the Courts |2-22-03 |Oregon Judicial Department, Office of |6.5 hrs. |

| | |the State Court Administrator | |

|The Whole Picture: A Dubbing and Subtitling |2-8-03 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Workshop | | | |

|The Voice-Over Business: How to Get the Job |2-8-03 |American Translators Association |2 hrs. |

|and How to Keep It | | | |

|Interpreting in the Entertainment Industry: |2-8-03 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Tips for Those Who Do Want to Work in This | | | |

|Town Again | | | |

|Spanish – English Vocabulary Workshop |2-1-03 |The Language Exchange |3 hrs. |

|Psychological Impacts of Criminal |1-4-03 |The Language Exchange |4 hrs. |

|Interpreting and Ethics | | | |

|Spanish Translation/Revision Workshop |1-6-03 through 5-26-03 |TIP-Lab (Translators and Interpreters |20 hrs. |

| | |Practice Lab) | |

|Strategies for Sight Translation, Consecutive|11-6-02 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Interpretation, and Note Taking | | | |

|The Art of Medical Interpretation: An |11-6-02 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Inclusive Approach to Teaching | | | |

|From Consecutive and Simultaneous to Dialogue|11-7-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Interpreting | | | |

|An Adventure in Online Learning: | | | |

|Introductions to Medical Interpreting | | | |

|The Time Factor in Interpreter Training |11-7-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Consecutive Interpretation: The Mysterious | | | |

|Interplay Between Notation and Memory | | | |

|Interpreting is Like Solving a …: Parallel |11-7-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Strategies and Techniques. Coming in Terms | | | |

|Experiences with the Japanese to English |11-7-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Court Interpreting Test | | | |

|The Concept of Equivalence in Court |11-7-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Interpreting | | | |

|Hebrew Language Workshop |11-7-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Terminology and Conceptual Elements of Legal |11-8-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Texts in Spanish. Teaching Legal Translation | | | |

|The Challenge of Decoding, Encoding, and |11-8-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Understanding the Message: A National | | | |

|Security Challenge | | | |

|How Do I Learn to Translate Arabic, The | | | |

|Current State of Arab Dictionaries: Great | | | |

|Riches Amidst Poverty, Software Translation | | | |

|of Arabic Text | | | |

|The Use of Portable Equipment in Conference |11-8-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Interpreting: When and When Not | | | |

|Telephone Interpreting: Everything You Wanted| | | |

|to Know | | | |

|Programs, Politics, and Perseverance: What’s |11-8-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|New in Healthcare Interpreting in the U.S. | | | |

|Cultural Differences in Ethical Issues |11-8-02 |American Translators Association |3 hrs. |

|Regarding U.S. Models of Contracts, Codes of | | | |

|Conduct, and Similar in Latin America | | | |

|How to Translate for the Healthcare Consumer | | | |

|U.S. Legal Terms: How to Say It in Russian |11-8-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|and Ukrainian | | | |

| | | | |

|Workshop: Translation of Personal Documents |11-8-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|into German | | | |

|The Third Interlocutor: The Visible Language |11-9-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Interpreter in a Healthcare Setting | | | |

|Nuts and Bolts on Different Types of |11-9-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Interpreting | | | |

|Teach Your Client (How to Work With an |11-9-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Interpreter) | | | |

|No Longer Camoes; Portuguese: Syntactic, |11-9-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Lexical, Grammatical, and Stylistic Traps to | | | |

|Trip Up the Intrepid Translator of Brazilian,| | | |

|European, and African Portuguese | | | |

|Portuguese in Metamorphosis: The | | | |

|Shak-Ess-Pey-Are-Eih Effect | | | |

|Topics in Spanish lexical Dialectology: La |11-9-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|ciudad y los fueros | | | |

|Translating German Legalese: Contract Law and|11-9-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|Related Aspects of the Law of Obligations | | | |

|What Can Interpreters Learn from Aristotle |11-9-02 |American Translators Association |1.5 hrs. |

|and Stanislavsky? | | | |

|A Comparative Analysis of the | | | |

|Professionalization of Community Interpreting| | | |

|in Europe and the U.S. | | | |

|Theft, Robbery, and Related Crimes (including|11-23-02 |Washington State Court Interpreters and |2 hrs. |

|ID theft) | |Translators Society | |

|From the Kitchen Sink to the United Nations |10-5-02 |Washington State Court Interpreters and |2 hrs. |

| | |Translators Society | |

|Firearms Course |10-10-01 |Police Firearms Expert: Officer John |3 hrs. |

| | |Richards | |

|Ethics Roundtable |10-26-02 |Washington State Court Interpreters and |2 hrs. |

| | |Translators Society | |

|Sight Translation |9-14-02 |American Translators Association |1.75 hrs. |

|Untangling Legalese: Maximizing Clarity in |9-14-02 |American Translators Association |1.75 hrs. |

|the Translation of Pleadings into English | | | |

|Translation of Civil and Legal Documents from|9-14-02 |American Translators Association |1.75 hrs. |

|Mexico: Resources, Comparative Law, | | | |

|Evidentiary Requirements | | | |

|“Did I Say That?” “Isn’t That What She Said?”|9-14-02 |American Translators Association |1.75 hrs. |

|Self-and Other- Monitoring Activity in the | | | |

|Courtroom: Process and Problems | | | |

|Enhancing Retention for Consecutive |9-14-02 |American Translators Association |1.75 hrs. |

|Interpreting | | | |

|Ethics Workshop |9-15-02 |Bellevue Community College |2 hrs. |

|Interpretation as Restoration of Cultural |9-21-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1.5 hrs. |

|Context | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Idomatic English Usage |9-21-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1.5 hrs. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Why Do They Talk Like That? Peculiar Language|9-21-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1.5 hrs. |

|Peculiar t the Courts | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Interpreters, not Regurgitating |9-21-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1.5 hrs. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Ethics Workshop |9-28-02 |Chang Castillo Seminars |3 hrs. |

|Ethics, Court Interpretation as a Profession,|9-28-02 and |Chang Castillo Seminars |16 hrs. |

|Sight Translation, Consecutive |9-29-02 | | |

|Interpretation, Simultaneous Interpretation | | | |

|Court Interpreters Ethics Workshop |7-20-02 |Judicial Council of California/AOC |6 hrs. |

|Team Interpreting: Why, When, How? |6-8-02 |Washington State Court Interpreters and |2 hrs. |

| | |Translators Society | |

|Interpreters in the Judicial Setting |6-8-02 and |Accurate Translations and Interpreting |1 hr. |

| |6-9-02 | | |

|Memory and its Effect on Interpreter |6-8-02 and |Accurate Translations and Interpreting |3 hrs. |

|Performance |6-9-02 | | |

|Translation in the Areas of Business, |6-8-02 and |Accurate Translations and Interpreting |2 hrs. |

|Healthcare, and Literature |6-9-02 | | |

|Consecutive Interpreting Workshop |6-8-02 and 6-9-02 |Accurate Translations and Interpreting |3 hrs. |

|Panel Discussion on Courtroom Protocol and |6-8-02 and 6-9-02 |Accurate Translations and Interpreting |1 hr. |

|Ethics | | | |

|Constitutional Law Conference |6-13-02 |Court Interpreters Association of Oregon|2 hrs. |

|Driving Under the Influence |6-22-02 |Washington State Court Interpreters and |3 hrs. |

| | |Translators Society | |

|La redaccion de diccionarios juridicos |5-17-02 |National Association of Judiciary |3 hrs. |

|bilingues y los problemas de las traduccion | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|juridical | | | |

|Tape Transcription and the Digital Revolution|5-17-02 |National Association of Judiciary |3 hrs. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Depositions and Other Civil Matters |5-17-02 |National Association of Judiciary |3 hrs. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Workshop on Conceptual Legal Translation |5-17-02 |National Association of Judiciary |3 hrs. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|The Role of Comparative Law in the Teaching |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|of Legal Translation in Mexico | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Revisiting the Concept of “Equivalence” in |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Court Interpreting | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Neurobiological Learning Theory |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|On Translating Notarial Documents |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Staff Interpreter Roundtable |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Federal Court Interpreting Program, |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Administrative Office of the United States | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Courts | | | |

|Working within Ethical Boundaries |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|The Education of Judges, Attorneys, and the |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|U.S. Public on Understanding the Work of | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Judiciary Interpreters | | | |

|Interpreter’s Oath and the Staff Interpreter |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|The NAJIT Certification Exam |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Interpreters for Jurors: Intruder or |5-18-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Legitimate Voice? | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Terms, Lex, Legalese: The Challenge of Legal |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Translation | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Ethics Roundtable |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Understanding Regional Differences in English|5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Pronunciation | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Repair Work |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Legal Conference Interpreting at |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|International Trade Negotiations | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Application of Title VI Mandates to Legal |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Interpreting and Translation | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Navajo Interpreter Roundtable |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Translation and interpretation in Language |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Policy in the United States | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Forensic Psychology Terminology in Cases of |5-19-02 |National Association of Judiciary |1 hr. |

|Child Sexual Abuse | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Teaching the Bar and Bench How to Work |5-26-01 |National Association of Judiciary |1.25 hrs. |

|Effectively with Interpreters | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Minority Programs for Coming Judicial |5-26-01 |National Association of Judiciary |1.25 hrs. |

|Interpreters | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Dos and Don’ts of Depositions |3-02 |Washington State Court Interpreters and |3 hrs. |

| | |Translators Society | |

|Drug Terminology |2-16-02 |Portland Drug Enforcement |3 hrs. |

|Police Identification Techniques |2-16-02 |Bill Long |3 hrs. |

|Firearms I. “Firearms familiarization Courts |2-26-02 |Office of the State Court Administrator |2 hrs. |

|for Courtroom Interpreters” | | | |

|Simultaneous Telephone Interpreting |1-12-02 |James B. Comstock |3 hrs. |

|Simultaneous Telephone Interpreting |1-11-02 |Oregon Judicial Department/Office of the|3 hrs. |

| | |State Court Administrator | |

|Interpreting Skills Enhancement Workshop | |Oregon State Court Administrator |6 hrs. |

|Publishing Bilingual Legal Dictionaries & | |National Association of Judiciary |3 hrs. |

|Problems in Legal Translation | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Workshop on Conceptual Legal Translation | |National Association of Judiciary |3 hrs. |

| | |Interpreters and Translators | |

|Advanced Court Interpreting | |International Interpretation Resource |26 hrs. |

| | |Center at Monterey Institute of | |

| | |International Studies | |


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