
NAME: _____________________________ PRECEPTOR: _______________________


|Presentation | |Comment |

|Student was articulate, using appropriate medical terminology |/5 | |

|Enthusiasm/Interest/Professionalism/Voice Projection | | |

|Ability to address questions |/5 | |

| | | |

| |/10 | |

|Authors/Introduction | | |

|PICO format appropriately presented |/ 5 | |

|Provided appropriate background and rationale of study. |/ 5 | |

|Discussed possible biases within the study | | |

| |/ 5 | |

|Methodology of Clinical Trial | | |

| | | |

|Appropriately described and critiqued overall study design which included the |/ 10 | |

|following | | |

|Study design | | |

|Objectives / endpoints | | |

|how were patients selected | | |

|inclusion and exclusion criteria clearly stated and whether it was appropriate | | |

|Appropriately assessed if drug doses and regimens reflect the current standard of | | |

|care and whether duration of the study was adequate to achieve a therapeutic | | |

|effect | | |

|Understood data handling (ITT, per protocol, power, etc.) | | |

|Results | | |

|Explained each table, figure, and graph within article and discussed the |/ 15 | |

|following: | | |

|baseline demographics: were they similar b/w each group, were certain demographics| | |

|omitted, etc. | | |

|tables/figures: discussed and explained statistical significance (p values, CI, OR| | |

|or RR, etc.); | | |

|Discussed results not provided in tables/figures, mentioning whether anything was | | |

|left out (to fully interpret the results); were supplement materials or appendices| | |

|retrieved? |/ 10 | |

| | | |

|Discussion | | |

|Able to articulate whether statistical significance (or lack thereof) correlates |/ 10 | |

|to clinical significance? | | |

| | | |

|Stated the limitations and strengths of the study |/ 10 | |

| | | |

|Able to reflect whether this study can be applied to our clinical practice and if |/ 10 | |

|trial is clinically valid | | |

|Total |/ 100 | |


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