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Medical Marijuana: The Benefits It Will BringDanica Gress, Jacob Sutter, Chris Mitchell, Georgie JacksonEnglish 1010May 13, 2014 IntroductionMany Americans suffer from disorders and diseases that only marijuana relieves. Should people have to suffer because others abuse this powerful medicine? If we are the land of the free, these people should be free to get relief where they can find it. The Institute of Medicine's 1999 report on the request of the US Congress, was also favorable toward the medical use of marijuana. It confirmed that marijuana was safe and beneficial in a wide range of conditions. The benefits of medical marijuana have been proven to help relieve pain that some diseases cause, but in many states it is still considered an illegal drug. This is because of the minor side effects and the abusive nature that come along with marijuana. Some people feel that it is a drug because it is stated by their religious beliefs, but if they would see the benefits it brings, they would be able to look past the “harms”. According to Dr. Eidelman, “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known”. People assume that the use of this “drug” will bring more crime and have a bad effect on society, but if they look at some of the states that have legalized marijuana, they haven't completely change the world. People are going to take advantage of marijuana whether it’s legal or not, so why not be able to have more control and legalize it? The benefits that come along with marijuana will outweigh the harms. Although marijuana is an illegal substance and looked down upon in many states, it can be used for different medical reasons such as, helping to relieve pain from incurable diseases and disorders thus making them less sufferable. There are also many way to get this relief into the system without getting badly labeled by society. There are multiple ways to intake cannabis, unlike other medications where options are limited to one or two. Throughout the years marijuana has been a relief for many people with many different diseases. Many other “medications” didn't work or give relief, they have to keep finding different resources because they can't use the only thing that has worked. In an article by Dr. Eidelman, he stated that, “I have had many hundreds of ill patients—with diseases such as cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and depression—tell me that marijuana gave them immense relief without any disturbing side effects.” This can show that there can be relief for these incurable diseases. Not only can marijuana bring that relief, but since it is a natural substance it has far less side effects than many of the synthetic legal medication that are given to these patients. These man made medications that aren’t a quote on quote “drug” can be far worse. They are a lot more harmful and can be extremely addictive.Not only does these medicines bring more harm, they are far less beneficial. Being that aren't as available to the public they aren’t as easy to obtain making it “better’ for society. Letting the government control the use of marijuana will make it less unavailable to the black market and cause less abuse. Some people may say that marijuana is a proven drug that should stay illegal in the U.S. In a study done by J. Bostwick he exclaims that marijuana can cause a series of issues including low blood pressure, increased heart rate, and if smoked lung cancer. He also states that when smoked it can release some of the same toxins as tobacco. These toxins that are given off from legalized cigarettes aren’t such a problem but when marijuana is smoked and gives off the same toxins found in cigarettes and tobacco smoke, it is criminalized. Dr. Eidelman determined that there has been no proven fact that marijuana gives you lung cancer. It can be a contributing factor but it hasn't been proven to be a side effect. There are far more worse medications prescribed by doctors and pharmacists that are legal. Even cigarettes are legal and there are hundreds of studies and advertisements that prove that cigarettes are a leading cause of many cancers and diseases. There have been no proven experiments that marijuana causes anything like cigarettes do. How Did it All Start?The prohibition of marijuana began when opium was being banned in Canada, in 1907. It was stemmed by a racist riot against asians in vancouver. This whole time marijuana was banned because racism and nationality disputes, not because of the effect it had on the people. The United States then jumped on the band wagon and also decided to act against marijuana being legal (Holland,2010). What Diseases Can it Help?Many diseased and disordered patients that are incurable have a hard time finding a medication that will help them have a more normal life. These people have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxieties, or HIV/AIDS. Luckily many studies have been done and marijuana has been proven to provide better results than a synthetic medication. How Does it Help with Patients with Multiple Sclerosis?Multiple Sclerosis, better known as MS, is an incurable disease that affects peoples’ lives everyday. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), MS is the body’s immune system attacking the central nervous system, which is the brain, spine and optic nerves. Within the central nervous system is a “fatty substance that surrounds and insulates the nerve fibers” called myelin. This is what the immune system attacks. Overall, this is a complicated disease that has horrid symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are fatigue, walking difficulties, numbness, spasticity, vision problems, dizziness or vertigo, bladder problems, bowel problems, pain, cognitive and emotional changes, and depression. There have been many studies done where cannabis (another name for marijuana), has benefited the lives of people diagnosed with MS. Dr. John Zajicek (Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry), conducted many studies and trials using the cannabis extract. Many studies have been published on the official NMSS website, but one stood out the most. Dr. Zajicek did a study involving 400 people with different types of MS. This study specifically tested treatment for muscle stiffness with the cannabis extract orally. During this study the results were astounding. The muscle stiffness significantly improved along with body pains, spasms and sleep quality. This may not be a cure, but it can help these people have a normal life and have some of their symptoms relieved. How Does it Help with PTSD or Anxiety?Some major benefits that cannabis can offer for people with anxiety or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are relaxation and stress relief. In the brain, there is the endocannabinoid system which is involved in stress reactions, the extinction of fear and emotional regulations. Cannabis affects this system and helps people diagnosed with PTSD forget about their fears and is the reason why it is so helpful with theses people. (Holland,2010)What Can Marijuana do for People with Cancer?When cannabis was discovered to actually be helpful medically, cancer patients were the first to be studied and helped. There was a study done with about 10 patients with different cancers. They were given THC and the results showed that the patients pain was significantly reduced. (Holland, 2010)How Beneficial can Marijuana be for HIV/AIDS Patients?HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) are both contracted, incurable, viral diseases. There are many symptoms associated with these disease. The most common are nausea, appetite, and pain. With each of these symptoms, cannabis can help and be a good way to relieve pain, rid an upset stomach and make someone hungry. (Holland, 2010) A disorder that has been associated with HIV/AIDS is anorexia. The cannabis helps these people because it gives them an appetite helping them fight anorexia. Nausea is one of the main reason patients with HIV/AIDS began to take cannabis. A lot of these patients have been taking synthetic drugs to help them, but the drugs only make things worse. For example, nausea. The patients then begin to associate the synthetic drugs with nausea, so without even taking the drug, they can get sick just from thinking about it. (Holland, 2010)How Can Marijuana Enter the System and What Way is Most Beneficial?In our society, people automatically assume that the only way to get the affects of marijuana in the body system, is to smoke it. They are wrong. there are many different ways of doing marijuana such as taking a pill. Having different options to take a prescribed medication is a revolution. This can help so many patients find the best way to take marijuana that fits their needs. There are many benefits of smoking it. When a patient inhales the smoke from marijuana, it enters their blood stream more rapidly than if they were just to ingest it. Since it enters the bloodstream much faster, it’s effects can take place more quickly. There are some downsides to smoking it, though. In Angela Morrows article, she states that “Burning marijuana leaves and buds, for example, can produce 50-70% more carcinogens than tobacco cigarettes.” It may damage the lungs if decided to smoke it, but there are more options. Another major way to get marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (or THC), is ingesting it. Morrow says that “Medical cannabis can be heated and made into oils, butters and tinctures.” If the patients enjoys ingesting it, they can obtain recipe books and have fun with it. The best way to get THC into the system is to use a vaporizer. In addition to previous statements, Morrows puts across when “using a vaporizer, marijuana is heated at a high enough temperature to vaporize the THC but does not burn the plant. You can then breath in the vapor from the bag without inhaling the harsh and potentially toxic smoke.” Vaping seems to be one of the most effective ways to get THC into the system with the least amount of negative affects. Some more benefits of vaporizing, is it’s much healthier for your lungs and gives the patient the highest THC content. These different ways that patients can get the THC into their system can be an individual preference. Being able to make this decision, will help the patient find the best way to treat their disease or disorder.Many people will argue that marijuana is just a drug and is in no way helpful to a person's health or with any problems. Many statements however contradict this because of what medical marijuana is able to do to a person if used for medical purposes only. For instance if a person is just going to use marijuana to get high then this is not recommended to do. However, the reason medical marijuana is considered a healthy drug is because it is a natural substance that can be taken in many ways. The reason it is helpful is because when marijuana is taken it slows down the body's system.When the body slows down it helps patients get relief from the pain. It can also help them to feel relaxed and at ease during a stressful part of their treatment. Myths?There have been many myths and assumptions that marijuana is a gateway drug or addictive. In Zimmer’s book, Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence, he states that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol, cocaine or methamphetamines. The dependence on the marijuana does not even come close to that of synthetic drugs. With many synthetic pain relievers that are prescribed, patients have a hard time not taking them anymore when they are no longer needed. Other Benefits of Legalizing Medical MarijuanaIn recent weeks, the Huffington Post published the article, If You Support Legal Marijuana, Memorize These 13 States, with some jaw dropping statistics. With these recent numbers coming to light, it shows that legalizing marijuana is not just beneficial medically, but also economically. It is stated in this article that within the first 2 months of 2014, the amount of tax revenue collected in Colorado on legal marijuana is about 6.17 million dollars. In addition, between 7,500 and 10,000 new jobs have been created due to this new market in Colorado. If the rest of our country takes a step in legalizing marijuana for at least medical use, they will take a big step in helping our economy improve as well.Conclusion In conclusion, it can be declared that medical marijuana can be beneficial for many incurable diseases, along with helping boost the economy greatly. Not only can it be taken in many different ways, it gives relief when relief cannot be found. The crime and risks that come along with this “drug” won’t increase if it is legalized. Giving the government the ability to control the use and market will reduce crime. It isn't just a medication for some people, it is the only thing that will give people the comfort they need.Work Cited Bostwick, M. (2012, February 1). Blurred Boundaries: The Therapeutics and Politics of Medical Marijuana. PMC. Retrieved April 21, 2014, from , P. (2009, January 1). 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