Life Areas with Service Types

Life Area: Behavior

Service Types:

• Behavioral Modification - Organizations that provide programs, services or resources that may assist ex-offenders in addressing behavioral obstacles to reentry.

• Cognitive Behavior Intervention - Organizations that offer programs designed to assist individuals in learning new skills and new ways of thinking that can lead to changes in their behavior and actions.

• Community Corrections - An organization that is responsible for the supervision of all adult offenders on probation, parole or post-release parole supervision.

Life Area: Sobriety

Service Types:

• Substance Abuse Treatment - A set of activities carried out by certified professionals to intervene in and organize supports for alternative behaviors to reduce or eliminate the abusive use of alcohol and/or psycho-active chemicals by persons.

• Sobriety Maintenance - Description: Programs that enable substance abuse treatment completers to maintain sobriety (including AA/NA).

• Inpatient Treatment - Organizations that provide residential treatment for drugs, alcohol and/or other addictions in a hospital or clinic setting.

• Outpatient Treatment - Organizations that provide daily treatment services for an addiction in a non-residential setting.

• Assessment - An organization that offers validated methods to determine levels of substance abuse and appropriate treatment.

Life Area: Family

Service Types:

• Family Counseling - Organizations that provide counseling and mediation services for offender families in dealing with transitional needs.

• Family Assistance - Organizations that provide temporary, emergency food, clothing, monetary and other temporary assistance with basic family needs.

• Child Care - Organizations that provide child care on a daily and/or as needed basis.

• Family Planning - Organizations that assists clients in making choices about their reproductive options and contraceptive methods including sex education and counseling.

• Parenting - Organizations that provide assistance in understanding and managing children’s feelings and/or behavior.

• Marriage Counseling - Organizations that provide counseling for conflict resolution and methods to improve relationships, communication skills, negotiation and problem solving.

Life Area: Housing

Service Types:

• Emergency Housing - Short-term, overnight housing accommodations needed when alternative housing has not been arranged.

• Housing for Men - Transitional housing designed to meet the needs of female offenders.

• Housing for Youthful Offenders - Transitional housing designed for youthful offenders by age groups with on-site supervision and support services.

• Housing for Women without Children - Transitional housing designed to meet the needs of female offenders.

• Housing for Women with Children - Transitional housing designed to meet the needs of female offenders and their children.

• Housing for Ex-Offender with Family - Temporary housing for ex offender with a family that is designed to enable the individual and his/her family gain permanent housing.

• Housing for Geriatric Offenders - Group homes designed for elderly offenders who may or may not have sustained health issues.

• Housing for Sex Offenders - Transitional housing designed to meet the needs of sex offenders.

• Housing for Male Substance Abusers - Transitional housing for men that includes s/a treatment and sobriety-maintenance programming.

• Housing for Female Substance Abusers - Transitional housing for women that includes s/a treatment and sobriety-maintenance programming.

• Housing for Ex-Offenders with Critical Health Needs - Group homes designed to care for ex-inmates with HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and other long-term illnesses.

• Housing for DD/MH Offenders - Group homes designed to meet the needs of ex-inmates diagnosed with restrictive DD/MH conditions.

Life Area: Mental Health

Service Types:

• Public Mental Health Services - Public organizations that provide mental health services to offenders with identified mental health needs.

• Private Mental Health Services - Private organizations that provide mental health services to offenders with identified mental health needs.

• Not-for-Profit Mental Health Services - Not-for-profit organizations that provide mental health services to offenders with mental health needs.

Life Area: Transportation

Service Types:

• Public Transportation - Public transportation services conducted by cities, counties, and other regional jurisdictions.

• Private Transportation - Organizations that provide limited transportation services for designated routes and/or occasionally modified routes for a fee. (eg. Mountain Mobility).

• Affordable Automobile Transportation - Used vehicles for sale at low cost to ex-offenders by not-for-profit organizations.

• Ride Share - Organizations that provide public formats such as bulletin boards, web page or other similar means to request or provide ride sharing.

Life Area: Sex Offender

Service Types:

• Treatment for Sex Offenders - Programs designed to treat the behavioral needs of sex offenders.

• Behavior Maintenance for Sex Offenders - Programs designed to assist sex offenders who complete treatment in maintaining personal responsibility.

Life Area: Employability

Service Types:

• Employment Credentials - Public agencies that issue the required credentials for employment all workers need to start work. (eg. social security card, state identification or driver’s license).

• Employability Preparation - Organizations that provide training programs and services which assist the ex-offender in securing employment.

• Public Employment Services - Public organizations that provide programs and service to assist ex-offenders in securing employment.

• Private Employment Services - Private organizations that provide services for assisting ex-offenders in securing employment.

• Not-for-Profit Employment Services - Community- and faith-based organizations that provide programs and services that assist ex-offenders in securing employment.

Life Area: Education

Service Types:

• Educational/Career Planning - Organizations that provide educational assessment and career counseling.

• Adult Basic Education - Organizations that offer literacy, GED and HS Diploma instruction

• Vocational Training - Organizations that offer or assist in job training leading to employment

• Postsecondary Education - Institutions that offer college-level instruction leading to degree completion.

Life Area: Life Skills

Service Types:

• Life Skills Training - Organizations that conduct training programs which assist individuals in making positive choices in self, family, job, community, leisure, and spirituality.

• Life Skills Coaching - Organizations that offer assistance and services that assist individuals in maximizing their personal or professional potential.

Life Area: Physical/Medical

Service Types:

• Medical Care Assistance - Organizations that can assist ex-offenders in seeking medical services.

• Public Medical Care Providers - Public organizations that provide basic medical services to ex-offenders.

• Private Medical Care Providers - Private organizations that provide basic medical care to ex-offenders.

• Not-for-profit Medical Care Providers - Community and faith-based organizations that provide basic medical services to ex-offenders.

Life Area: Financial

Service Types:

• Financial Management - Organizations that provide financial counseling to ex-offenders.

• Financial Assistance - Organizations that may provide, limited financial assistance to ex-offenders based on need.

• Credit Repair - Organizations that assist with improving ones credit score by disputing, correcting discrepancies shown on credit bureau reports or debt management.

Life Area: Legal

Service Type:

• Legal Services - Organizations that may assist ex-offenders in addressing legal matters.


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