Imperial Valley College

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for Instruction Programs Phase I

Program Outcomes Assessment Report

“Program/Degree/Certificate Description or Mission Statement & Identification of Outcome(s)”

|Date: |October 31, 2011 | | |

|Name of Degree, Certificate, Program: |Spanish for Native Speakers | | |

|Contact Person & Others Involved in |Lead: José Ruiz Others: Romano Sánchez-Domínguez, Javier Rangel |

|Process: | |

|The Spanish for Native Speakers Program offers courses that serve as a foundation for broad liberal education, as preparation for a career in education, and as |

|supplementary preparation for many careers in diverse areas such as emergency services, the legal and medical professions, social work, business, foreign service,|

|public relations, journalism, translation and interpretation. |

Mission Statement or Description of the Program, Degree or Certificate:

Institutional Learning Outcomes Supported: Please check the ISLOs that are supported by your program:

Program-level Outcomes and ways to assess: (Please choose 1-3)

Degree or Certificate Grid needs to also be submitted (blank Grid on final page – see SLO Coordinator for assistance. The SLO Coordinator can make a grid for your specific degree/certificate program – just contact her.

Has SLO Grid been completed? Yes X No Is it Attached? Yes X No

Please write a couple of sentences describing what information the completed Grid provides. You may want to comment on ISLOs which are being covered well or not covered at all, changes to be made to outcomes or assessments, or, if possible, you may want to compare Grid to previous years.:

|Completing the Spanish for Native Speakers Program Grid demonstrated that courses are designed to cover 4 Institutional Learning Outcomes: communication skills, critical thinking skills, Information |

|literacy and global awareness skills. Is evident that although personal responsibility skills are expected, our classes are not assessing this skill. We will be altering course-level SLOs to assess|

|personal responsibility in our courses. Two years ago we completed a grid for this program and the results were the same, however, we failed to add personal responsibility as part of the assessed |

|outcomes. |

| |

Please include the outcomes that have been designed for your courses.

|Course Number |Outcomes |

|Span 100 |Research historical or cultural information about a Spanish-speaking country and prepare an oral and/or written presentation |

|Span 100 |Organize information about a historical or cultural aspect of a Spanish-Speaking country for a written or oral assignment. |

|Span 100 |Successfully communicate at the novice/elementary level a personal event in the present tense |

|Span 100 |Describe basic daily life situations using correct grammatical structures, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. |

|Span 100 |Assess the content and meaning of written Spanish both orally and in writing. |

|Span 110 |Make affirmative and negative sentences using correct word order and verb forms. |

|Span 110 |Correctly translate commonly used phrases {English-Spanish and Spanish-English}. |

|Span 110 |Respond orally in the target language using correct syntax and grammar. |

|Span 110 |Demonstrate proper cultural demeanor in oral and written assignments. |

|Span 110 |Use common Spanish speech patterns and phonetic analysis to communicate in the target language |

|Span 200 |Organize and effectively communicate personal information in Spanish through writing |

|Span 200 |Summarize and interpret cultural readings from the textbook |

|Span 200 |Create and respond to questions in Spanish at the Intermediate level. |

|Span 200 |Apply rules of grammar to create meaningful sentences in the indicative mood |

|Span 200 |Analyze short literary readings from Spanish-Speaking countries. |

|Span 220 |Research historical and/or cultural information about Spain or a Latin American country and present it orally |

|Span 220 |Analyze a cultural product (films or texts) from Spain or Latin America |

|Span 220 |Differentiate among the indicative and subjunctive moods. |

|Span 220 |Understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of cultural topics and in works of literature and journalism in the target language.|

|Span 220 |Successfully identify and differentiate between verb tenses in the indicative mood |

|Span 221 |Research, organize, communicate and analyze cultural and social aspects of a Spanish-speaking cultural product (film,literary work, documentary) in |

| |Spanish through writing |

|Span 221 |Research historical and/or cultural information about Spain or a Latin American country and present it orally |

|Span 221 |Understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of cultural topics and in works of literature and journalism in the target language |

|Span 221 |Differentiate among the indicative and subjunctive moods |

|Span 221 |Successfully identify and differentiate between verb tenses in the subjunctive mood |

|Span 222 |Research, organize, synthesize, and orally communicate a controversial topic in Spanish in a clear and engaging manner |

|Span 222 |Analyze cultural and Literary texts from Spain and Latin America |

|Span 222 |Apply new vocabulary to different situations. |

|Span 223 |Organize and develop a well-thought argumentative essay in Spanish |

|Span 223 |Research and create an informative essay in Spanish. |

|Span 223 |Analyze literary readings from Spain and or Latin America. |

|Span 223 |Organize and produce a research paper following MLA guidelines. |

|Span 225 |Define literary movements from Latin America |

|Span 225 |Create original critical written analysis of a Latin American literary text based on original and secondary sources. |

|Span 225 |Identify the influence of cultural, historical, literary and/or socioeconomic issues on the writings of a Latin American writer. |

|Span 262 |Research, analyze, and identify cultural values and contributions of Mexican Americans to the United States through writing |

|Span 262 |Research the contributions of Chicanos in the United States. |

|Span 262 |Analyze a literary and/or cultural text written by a Chicano author. |

Please identify at least one outcome and assessment method, and estimated date for the completion of Section II. Please keep in mind the Comprehensive Program Review Schedule.

Instructional Programs (degrees, certificates): You are asked to complete Course-level Outcomes & Assessments for the two and half years leading up to your Program Review due date, and then Program-level Outcomes can be assessed during your Program Review Fall Semester. Still, even if your Program Review isn’t due this fall, you will want to make a plan to evaluate it with colleagues by your Program Review due date.

1.Outcome #1: Analyze and evaluate literary texts through writing.

Est. Completion Date: June, 2012 Way(s) to assess: Use of rubric for essay in Span 225: Intro to Spanish American Literature.

2.Outcome #2: Successfully identify and differentiate between verb tenses in the subjunctive mood

Est. Completion Date: December, 2012 Way(s) to assess: Use of final exam for Span 221: Bilingual Spanish II

Once Section I is completed, please send e-copy & mail hard copy to SLO Coordinator. Then at the end of the data collection/assessment period, please analyze data with co-workers and other members of the IVC community, and complete Section II.

Student Learning Outcomes for Instruction – Phase II

Program Outcomes Assessment Report

“Assessment of Program-level Learning Outcomes”

In this section, please re-state each outcome and indicate the method(s) of assessment, provide a summary of the results, and tell how your program will use this information to improve student learning. Each Goal should have at least one Method of Assessment. To encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas, you are encouraged to share your outcomes, assessment data, and findings with all available members of your department or program. Please list the names of all faculty, staff, and students who were involved in summarizing or evaluating the data. The names may differ from those on Section I.

|Date: |6/22/2012 | | |

|Contact Person/Others Involved in |Lead: José Ruiz Others: Romano Sánchez-Domínguez, Javier Rangel. |

|Process: | |

Outcome #1 (please repeat here:

Analyze and evaluate literary texts through writing.

1. First Method of Assessment:

a. How did you assess Outcome #1?

The outcome was assessed by using an essay rubric.

b. Provide a summary of results:

Spanish 225: Introduction to Spanish American Literature is a class that requires students to demonstrate all the skills learned in previous courses. In this class students all Institution Learning Outcomes as well as the Program Learning Outcomes are assess in different ways. For the purpose of assessing the first PLO (Analyze and evaluate literary texts through writing) students were asked to choose a literary text written by a Spanish American author. Students were told from the beginning of the course about this important assignment and class time was allocated to guide students through the thought and writing process associated with analytical essays. One week before the end of the semester, students turned in their essays. Out of 26 students enrolled after the drop deadline, 24 students turned in their essay. All of the essays received a passing score and the data shows that students are able to analyze and evaluate literary texts.

c. How will your program use this information to improve student learning? If curriculum changes will be made (i.e. course outline, course description, course activities), please explain.

The success of this learning outcome shows that students can develop critical thinking skills when the appropriate amount of exercises and assignments are given to them. We will share the methodology used in this class with the rest of the classes were essays are required.

d. What is your Timeline for Program Modifications or Response to Data?

We will implement any changes within the following academic year.

Program Outcomes and Course Alignment Grid for Imperial Valley College

Program: Spanish: Native Speaker Degree Completed on: October 31, 2011

Prepared by : José Ruiz

|Course |Communication |Critical Thinking |Personal Responsibility |Information Literacy |Global Awareness |

|Span 220 req | 4 |4 |2 |4 |4 |

|Span 221 req | 4 |4 |2 |4 |4 |

|Span 222 req | 4 |2 |2 |4 |2 |

|Span 223 req | 4 |4 |2 |2 |2 |

|Span 225 req | 2 |4 |2 |4 |4 |

|Span 262 req | 4 |4 |1 |4 |4 |

|3 units from: | | | | | |

|Hist 130 | 4 |4 |1 |1 |4 |

|Hist 131 | 4 |4 |4 |4 |4 |

|Hist 132 | 4 |4 |1 |1 |4 |

|Hist 226 (deleted) | | | | | |

|Hist 227 (deleted) | | | | | |

|Mus 174 (inactive) | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Key: Using this key, to receive a 3 or 4 the ISLO needs to be measured through the outcome and assessment.


4=This is a STRONG focus of the course. Students are tested on it or must otherwise demonstrate their competence in this area.

3=This is a focus of the course that will be assessed

2= This is a focus of the course, but is NOT assessed.

1=This is briefly introduced in the course, but not assessed.

0=This is not an area touched on in the course

Dear Faculty Members:

Across the top of the grid, on the horizontal axis, you will see the 5 Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs)

Located at the end of the form, there is a key to follow when completing this grid. The Key has numbers from 0-4 and an explanation of what each number represents. What we need from you, and your colleagues within each department, is your determination as to the extent each of the courses in your program addresses IVC’s five ISLOs. Please provide an honest answer – we do not need perfection, just an honest reflection of where we are in the process. Please review your SLO ID or Cycle Assessment forms and write the number between 0-4 that best corresponds with the ISLOs. Each box across from the course number should be filled in. You can fill in the boxes as the classes stand this year for SLOs, knowing that next year we can do it again with the expectation that more outcomes will be identified and assessed next year.

For those courses that you rank a 3 or 4 on one or more ISLOs, you are indicating that the courses are taught with the intention of improving your students’ performance on those outcomes. At some point you may be asked by the college to provide assessment data on those outcomes that you rank a 3 or 4. Completing this grid can demonstrate we are doing just that or it can highlight ISLOs that are being missed so we can improve.

Thank you very much for your assistance,

Toni Pfister, MS, EdD

SLO Coach, X6546


__X__ISLO1 = communication skills; __X__ISLO2 = critical thinking skills; __X__ISLO3 = personal responsibility;

__X__ISLO4 = information literacy; __X__ISLO5 = global awareness


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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