Lesson Plan Title: Medical Abbreviations

Standards Addressed: 1.3 Use medical terminology including root words, prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations

Specific Objectives:

TLW identify and write all 80 abbreviations 3 times.

TLW take a quiz and score greater than 75%.

Required Materials: Textbook, power point presentation, worksheet 5:1, flash cards, Bingo cards, cross word puzzle

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Have you ever heard of text messages? Do you ever abbreviate? Really? Students to come to board and write their favorite abbreviations. Review with students. Well, in health care we have our own abbreviations. We chart on our patients like you text, we use abbreviations. Now write on board. Pt to ER per EMS c/o CP, RUQ pain. Now, tell the students what this means. Patient to emergency room by ambulance complaining of chest pain and upper right quadrant pain. We are now going to learn medical abbreviations so that when you see them you will be able to read as you do your text messages.

Step-By-Step Procedures:

1. Get your text book, turn to page 88. Give notes from power point.

2. Give worksheet 5:1 Standard List of Abbreviations (from our local hospital) and have students use their text to look up what the abbreviation stands for. Allow the students 15 minutes to work on this alone, then, allow the students to get with a partner to complete.

3. Activity: Bingo- pass out bingo cards with the abbreviations on the cards and play bingo. I call out the word like patient and the student looks for Pt on their board. Play several times until the students feel comfortable.

4. Students get with assigned partner and make flash cards.

5. Activity: Medical Term Race- Divide students into equal teams (3, 4 or 5) Team leader holds flash cards and team lines up, the team members then take a turn telling what the flash card is. Rules- only the team member in front of the line can answer, once they answer, they go to the back of the line, and the next team member gets a card to answer. I have the teams compete against each other and the first team to go through all of their cards wins. Play this several times and change out team leaders.

6. Homework assignment: Study abbreviations, quiz tomorrow, Complete crossword puzzle.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

▪ Health care workers have a unique set of abbreviations and words to communicate medical information. Communication is key in health care, just as reading and understanding your text messaging. You must be able to identify the abbreviations in order to be an effective health care worker.

▪ Ask the class openly questions about the lesson. Call out abbreviations and allow the class to respond.


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