Vasanth Medi-Trans – Medical Transcription Training ...

ONLINE MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION TRAININGModule I - Basics of Technology1.1 Personal Computer1.2 PC Security Plan1.3 Word Processing1.4 Word Processing Tools and Software1.5 Internet Connection1.6 Medical Transcription Equipment1.7 Basic Concepts of Dictation1.8 Speech RecognitionModule II - English for Medical Transcriptionists2.1 Introduction / Basic Grammar2.2 Advance Grammar2.3 Rules of Punctuation – Comma 2.4 Period2.5 Semicolon2.6 Colon2.7 Hyphen2.8 Apostrophe2.9 Common Punctuations2.10 Rules of Style – Abbreviations2.11 Capitalization2.12 Dates, Numbers, and Places2.13 Plurals & Possessiveness2.14 Miscellaneous2.15 Rules of Spelling2.16 Homonyms, Heteronyms, Antonyms, & Synonyms2.17 Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions2.18 Jargon & Slang2.19 US Trivia2.20 ExamModule III - Medical Transcription Theory3.1 Capitalization3.2 Transcribing Numbers3.3 Transcribing Time3.4 Transcribing Figures3.5 Transcribing Abbreviations3.6 Letter Transcription3. 7 Reports and Formats3.8 History and Physical3.9 Demo Exam3.10 ExamModule IV- Pre-transcription4.1 Podcasts4.2 Songs4.3 Animations4.3 Google4.4 Stedman'sModule V - Language of Medicine5.1 LOM Introduction5.1.1. Word Analysis5.1.1.1 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.1.2. Positional and Directional Terms5.1.2.1. Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.1.3. Planes of the Body5.1.3.1. Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.1.4. Prefixes5.1.4.1. Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.1.5. Suffixes5.1.5.1. Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.1.6. Exam5.2 Pharmacology5.2.1. Pharmacology5.2.2. Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.2.3 Express Scribe Installation5.2.4 Getting Started with Transcription5.2.5 Guidelines for Transcription5.2.6 Voice File – Intro5.2.6 Voice Test – Intro5.3 Introduction to the Human Body (Newly Updated)5.3 Introduction to the Human Body5.4 Gastroenterology5.4.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.4.2 Pathological Conditions5.4.3 Glossary | Chapter Highlights | Abbreviations5.4.4 Exam5.4.5 Voice File – Gastroenterology5.4.6 Keywords for voice files5.4.7 Voice Test - Gastroenterology5.5 Urology5.5.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.5.2 Pathological Conditions5.5.3Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.5.4 Exam5.5.5 Voice File – Urology5.5.6 Keywords for voice files5.5.7 Voice Test – Urology5.6 5.6.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.6.2 Pathological Conditions5.6.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.6.4 Exam5.6.5 Voice File – OBGYN5.6.6 Keywords for voice files5.6.7 Voice test - OBGYN5.7 Male Reproductive System5.7.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.7.2 Pathological Conditions5.7.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.7.4 Exam5.8 Pulmonology5. 8.1. Anatomy & Physiology5.8.2 Pathological Conditions5.8.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.8.4 Exam5.8.5 Voice File – Pulmonology5.8.6 Keywords for voice files5.8.7 Voice test - Pulmonology5.9 Cardiology5.9.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.9.2 Pathological Conditions5.9.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.9.4 Exam5.9.5 Voice File – Cardiology5.9.6 Keywords for voice files5.9.7 Voice Test – Cardiology5.10 Neurology5.10.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.10.2 Pathological Conditions5.10.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.10.4 Exam5.10.5 Voice File – Neurology5.10.6 Keywords for voice files5.10.7 Voice Test – Neurology5.11 Hematology5.11.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.11.2 Pathological Conditions5.11.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.11.4 Exam5.12 Musculoskeletal5.12.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.12.2 Pathological Conditions5.12.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.12.4 Exam5.12.5 Voice File – Orthopedics5.12.6 Voice Test - Orthopedics5.13 Lymphatic & Immune Systems5.13.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.13.2 Pathological Conditions5.13.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.13.4 Exam5.14 Dermatology5.14.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.14.2 Pathological Conditions5.14.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.14.4 Exam5.14.5 Voice File – Dermatology5.14.6 Keywords for voice files5.14.7 Voice Test – Dermatology5.15 Ophthalmology5.15.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.15.2 Pathological Conditions5.15.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.15.4 Exam5.15.5 Voice File – Ophthalmology5.15.6 Keywords for voice files5.15.7 Voice Test – Ophthalmology5.16 ENT5.16.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.16.2 Pathological Conditions5.16.3 Exam5.16.4 Voice File – Ear5.16.5 Keywords for voice files5.16.6 Voice Test – Ear5.17 Endocrinology5.17.1 Anatomy & Physiology5.17.2 Pathological Conditions5.17.3 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.17.4 Exam5.17.5 Voice File – Endocrinology5.17.6 Keywords for voice files5.17.7 Voice Test – Endocrinology5.18 Psychiatry5.18.1 Psychiatry - Pathological Conditions5.18.2 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.18.3 Exam5.19 Radiation & Oncology5.19.1 Oncology5.19.2 Glossary| Chapter Highlights| Abbreviations5.19.3 Exam5.19.4 Radiology5.19.5Nuclear Medicine5.19.6 Radiation Therapy5.19.7 Glossary| Chapter Highlights5.19.8 Exam5.19.9 Voice File – Radiology5.19.10 Keywords for voice files5.19.11 Voice Test - Radiology5.20 Editing and Proof Reading5.20.1 Proofing Practice5.21 Final ExamModule VI – Medicolegal6.1 Medicolegal Aspects of HealthcareModule VII - Final Transcription Practice7.1 Consultation7.1.1Consult Sample Reports7.1.2 SET A - Practice Files7.1.3 SET A - Test Files7.1.4 SET B - Practice Files7.1.5 SET B - Test Files7.2 Discharge Summary7.2.1 Discharge Summary Sample Reports7.2.2 SET A - Practice Files7.2.3 SET A - Test Files7.2.4 SET B - Practice Files7.2.5 SET B - Test Files7.3 History and Physical7.3.1 History and Physical Sample Reports7.3.2 SET A - Practice Files7.3.3 SET A - Test Files7.3.4 SET B - Practice Files7.3.5 SET B - Test Files7.4 ER reports7.4.1 ER Sample Reports7.4.2 SET A - Practice Files7.4.3 SET A - Test Files7.4.4 SET B - Practice Files7.4.5 SET B - Test Files7.5 Operative reports7.5.1 Operative Sample Reports7.5.2 SET A - Practice Files7.5.3 SET A - Test Files7.5.4 SET B - Practice Files7.5.5 SET B - Test Files<<END OF DOCUMENT>> ................

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