Drug Poster Project

Drug Poster Project


Directions: With a partner or by yourself! You will sign-up for a drug and then complete an online poster including information about your drug.

You can use an ipad app to create your poster or a poster maker website:

Your groups’ poster must include the following information:

1. The name of your drug and any nicknames.

2. Which category your drug is in (depressant, stimulant, etc.).

3. The description of the category your drug belongs.

4. Why people shouldn’t use your drug (what it does to you and your body, its effects; psychological and physical).

5. Statistics about your drug (how many teens currently use your drug in Alabama, etc.).

6. Treatments (therapy, medication). How is someone treated for addiction to your drug?

7. Common Withdrawal symptoms from your drug.

8. Must include pictures.

9. Must be colorful and creative.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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