CSUPERB Grant Final Report Form

California State University

Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB)

Grant Final Report Form

Principal Investigators (PIs) are required to submit final reports to the program office within 90 days of their CSUPERB grant end date. A delinquent report may jeopardize or delay future CSUPERB funding. This report form is used for multiple grant programs; you may not need to complete all sections depending on the type of grant you received. The information you provide helps us improve and justify the continuation of these grant programs.

|Summary Grant Information | |

|Grant Title: | |

|Grant Type: | |

|(Research Development, New Investigator, | |

|Joint Venture or Curriculum Development) | |

|PI Name: | |

|PI Campus: | |

|Grant Start Date (month/year): | |

|Grant End Date (month/year): | |

|Final Report Submission Date: | |

|Grant-Funded Project Outcomes (~1/2 page) |

Summarize your project’s progress against the original aims proposed (including scientific achievements, courses offered, product development status, travel completed, etc.) and problems encountered.

|Project Impact |

|(~1/4 page) |

Comment on any other impact this funding has had on your individual research or educational program, your campus and/or your community.

|Grant Program Impact |

Comment on the value of the CSUPERB grant program, suggested improvements, etc.

|CSU Student and Faculty Impact |

(1) CSU Students Supported by Grant

List each CSU student funded by this CSUPERB grant (funded = budgeted dollars were spent on individual salary/stipend/travel reimbursement/etc.; do not list students unless they were paid/reimbursed with your CSUPERB grant dollars!). CSUPERB has a vested interest in supporting CSU students and reports on their retention and graduation rates. We also report on CSUPERB-supported students’ career trajectories after they leave the CSU. Add rows in the table below as necessary.

|Student’s Name |Academic Standing |Degree |Completed Degree? |What is the student doing now? |

| |(Undergrad/Graduate) |Program |(Yes or No) |(If accepted/attending graduate program – list |

| | | | |school/program; if employed – list employer; if continuing in|

| | | | |degree program – is he/she working in your lab or another |

| | | | |lab?) |

|Jane Doe (example only) |Undergraduate |Chemistry |Yes |Cornell University, Medical School |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Curriculum Development Grants Only |

(1) Course/Program Information

Provide information on the course/program that was developed or redesigned as well as the students impacted by the CSUPERB grant.

|Name of course OR program developed or redesigned |Number (#) of students who took the course or participated in the program|

| |since first offered (cumulative) |

|Chemistry 599 (Special Topics) Medicinal Chemistry |15 |

| | |

|Scientific Impact |

(1) Peer Reviewed Publications

List all published peer-reviewed articles resulting from work funded by the CSUPERB grant. Add rows in the table below as necessary.

|Authors |Date of Publication |Article or Chapter Title |Journal / Book Name |

| | | |(please - do not use abbreviations) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

(2) Presentations

List presentations resulting from work funded by CSUPERB grant. Add rows in the table below as necessary.

|Authors |Date of Presentation|Title |Meeting/ Conference Name |Location |

| | | |(please – do not use acronyms) | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Fiscal Impact |

1) Follow-on Funding

List all funded grants or awards received or grant submissions made as a result of preliminary work funded by the CSUPERB grant, including collaborative or program grants. Add rows in the table below as necessary.

|Grant/Award Status |Are you the PI or |Funding Agency and |Total $ Amount Awarded or |Agency Grant |Grant Title |

|(Received or |Co-PI of the |Mechanism |Requested (total budget for|Number | |

|Submitted) |grant? | |all years, direct + |(if awarded) | |

| | | |indirect funds) | | |

| | |NIH R15 | | | |

| | |NSF MRI | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Final Budget Reporting |

Provide the approved budget for your grant, which incorporates all approved budget adjustments. Then input the total combined expenses for each category, with the exception of the salary category. For “Salaries” budget category, list the name, title/role (undergraduate, associate professor, etc.) and total expended for each individual. Add rows in the table below as necessary. (Note: Totals do NOT automatically calculate in this table!)

|CSUPERB Grant Budget Category |Most Recently Approved |Expenses |Balance Available2 |

| |Budget1 | | |

|Salaries (list Name, Title/Role) | | | |

| |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

| |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

| |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Salaries Total |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Equipment Total |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Supplies/Materials Total |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Travel Total |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Other Total |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

|Grand Total |$0.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |

NOTE 1: During the life of the grant, the budget changes listed under ‘Budget Variance’ section of the “Guidance Document for Principal Investigators” at require prior approval by CSUPERB. If you have made any budget changes that required CSUPERB prior approval, and not previously justified them, do so in the “Additional Information and Justification” section below. Please state the reason for not having sought prior approval for these changes.

NOTE 2: All unused grant funds should be returned to CSUPERB upon submission of this report. Contact CSUPERB before returning funds.

Additional Information and Justification:

Final Report Submission Instructions / CSUPERB Contact Information

Email completed report as a Microsoft Word attachment (do not send in PDF format) to:

Pam Branger

Administrative Support Assistant

Phone: (619) 594-2822

Email: pbranger@mail.sdsu.edu

For questions regarding the budget portion of the report, please contact:

James Schmitt

Program Administrator

Phone: (619) 594-5299

Email: jcschmitt@mail.sdsu.edu

For questions regarding the technical portion of the report, please contact:

Susan Baxter

Executive Director

Phone: (619) 594-2822

Email: sbaxter@mail.sdsu.edu


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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