British Columbia

Field NameDescriptionFiscal YearThe Matrix presents a summary by fiscal year (based on information reported to the Ministry for publicly funded services). Note, Hospital services have been counted for the year they occurred, and not by year of discharge which is the usual practice.Personal Health NumberPersonal Health Number PHN - sensitive, identifiable data elementAnonymized identifier – Study IDStudy specific anonymized Patient study idINFORMATION ABOUT THE BC RESIDENTPopulation SegmentsDeveloped specifically for the Health System Matrix, Population segmentation divides BC residents into population segments that represent their health care needs in the year, based on diagnoses or use of specific services over multiple or single years depending on definition.Population segmentation: people can meet the criteria for one or more of the 14 population segments based on diagnosis from multiple years (chronic conditions, cancer, mental health and substance use), diagnosis in single year (maternity and healthy newborn), use of specific service in year indicating specific health care need (end of life, residential care, frail), or if none of those apply, the specific types/dollar value of services used (non-user, healthy, major condition adult, major condition <18). Everyone is also assigned to a unique population segment that represents their 'highest' need for health care in the year, based on a pre-set priority order (PS14 is the highest priority).Unique Population SegmentUnique Population Segment. If the person meets the criteria for more than 1 population segment at the end of the FY, then they are assigned to the unique population segment that represents their highest need for care (numbering system indicates priority, with 14 being the highest priority)Previous fiscal year’s unique population segmentPrevious fiscal year's unique population segmentOverlapping Population SegmentsSeparate variables show all the population segments that the person 'qualifies' for in the fiscal year.PS01Non User. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: did not qualify for PS05 or higher AND did not use any reported service in FY. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS02Healthy. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: did not qualify for PS05 or higher AND used only physician care and, AND less than $1,500 of either. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS03Adult Major Age 18+. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: age 18+ AND did not qualify for PS05 or higher AND used more than $1,500 of physician care AND Rx POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS04Child AND Youth Major <18 years. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: age <18 AND did not qualify for PS05 or higher, AND used more than $1,500 of physician care and Rx PS05Low Complex Chronic Conditions. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: had 1+ specific chronic conditions categorized as 'low'. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS06Medium Complex Chronic Conditions. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: had 1+ specific chronic conditions or combinations categorized as 'medium'. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS07Mental Health and Substance Use. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: hospitalized with severe MH&SU diagnosis in 5 year period (FY and 4 years prior). POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS08Maternity and Healthy Newborns. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: women had maternity diagnosis, and newborns meeting criteria of healthy. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS09Frail In The Community. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: Used 1+ home support service (ADS, CSIL, AL, CM, HS). POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS10High Complex Chronic Conditions without home support services (SL22 ADS, CSIL, AL, CM, HS). Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: had 1+ specific chronic conditions or combinations categorized as 'high' AND did not use home support services. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS11High Complex Chronic Conditions with home support services (SL22 ADS, CSIL, AL, CM, HS). Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: had 1+ specific chronic conditions or combinations categorized as 'high' AND did use 1+ of specified home support services. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.Overlapping Population Segments (cont.)PS12Cancer. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: had cancer diagnosis in FY or prior FY. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS13Frail In Care (In Residential Care). Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: permanent publicly funded RC resident or privately funded in stand-alone licensed facility. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.PS14End Of Life. Flag indicates if person meets criteria for this pop segment: in PharmaCare end of life program or received palliative services in FY. POP_SEGMENT is final unique assignment.Previous fiscal year’s Overlapping Population SegmentsSingle variable shows the population segment that represents their 'highest' need for health care in the year. Priority is assigned from PS14 to PS01, in that order.PS01_LAST_YEARNon User (previous fiscal year)PS02_LAST_YEARHealthy (previous fiscal year)PS03_LAST_YEARAdult Major Age 18+ (previous fiscal year)PS04_LAST_YEARChild and Youth Major <18 years (previous fiscal year)PS05_LAST_YEARLow Complex Chronic Conditions (previous fiscal year)PS06_LAST_YEARMedium Complex Chronic Conditions (previous fiscal year)PS07_LAST_YEARMental Health and Substance Use (previous fiscal year)PS08_LAST_YEARMaternity and Healthy Newborns (previous fiscal year)PS09_LAST_YEARFrail In The Community (previous fiscal year)PS10_LAST_YEARHigh Complex Chronic Conditions without home support services (SL22 ADS, CSIL, AL, CM, HS) (previous fiscal year)PS11_LAST_YEARHigh Complex Chronic Conditions with home support services (SL22 ADS, CSIL, AL, CM, HS) (previous fiscal year)PS12_LAST_YEARCancer (previous fiscal year)PS13_LAST_YEARFrail In Care (In Residential Care) (previous fiscal year)PS14_LAST_YEAREnd Of Life (previous fiscal year)Demographics5 year age group5 year age group (0, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, etc.), based on end of fiscal year5 year Matrix age groupMatrix 5 year age groups with the 15-19 age group split between child/youth (15-17) and adult (18-19), based on end of fiscal yearMatrix broad age groupsMatrix Broad age groups (0-17, 18-49, 50-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85+), based on end of fiscal yearGenderGenderForward Sortation Area of usual residenceFirst 3 digits of postal code of usual residence, based on Health Ideas Client Roster database. Last/best address in fiscal year.Local Health AreaLocal Health Area of usual residence, based on Health Ideas Client Roster database. There are 91 LHAs in BC. Service Delivery AreaHealth Service Delivery Area of usual residence, based on Health Ideas Client Roster database. There are 16 health services delivery areas in BC. AuthorityHealth Authority of usual residence, based on Health Ideas Client Roster database. There are 5 health authorities that serve geographic regions in BC; Northern, Interior, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health. during the fiscal yearBorn during the fiscal year, based on Health Ideas Client Roster database.Died during the fiscal yearDied during the fiscal year, based on Health Ideas Client Roster database.Days alive in a fiscal yearDays alive in a fiscal year, calculated based on birth date and/or death date in year.Attachment to GP Group FlagAttachment to GP Group Flag. A single group of GP physicians have provided more than 50% of the person's care. If the person had less than 5 GP contacts in year, then attachment algorithm goes back in time accumulating GP visits, until there are enough visits to determine attachment. Attachment to GP Practice is calculated by the Ministry's Primary Care program.Attachment to GP FlagAttachment to GP Flag. A single GP has provided more than 50% of the person's care. If the person had less than 5 GP contacts in year, then attachment algorithm goes back in time accumulating GP visits, until there are enough visits to determine attachment. Attachment to GP is calculated by the Ministry's Primary Care program.Chronic Conditions: The Ministry’s Chronic Condition Management Registries identify people who have had specific pattern of chronic conditions diagnoses recorded in physician MSP fee for service billings, or hospitalizations, or have used specific prescription drugs, in the current or ANY previous years. Once added, they are not removed; the exception is the Depression (episodic) registry which must also have active treatment in the FY.Cystic FibrosisChronic Condition - Cystic Fibrosis (assigned to a person if claimed medication under PharmaNet plan D during that fiscal year)Alzheimer / DementiaChronic Condition Registry entry date - Alzheimer/DementiaAcute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)Chronic Condition Registry entry date - Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)AnginaChronic Condition Registry entry date - AnginaAsthmaChronic Condition Registry entry date - AsthmaCoronary Artery Bypass Graft (Cardiac Intervention)Chronic Condition Registry entry date - Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Cardiac Intervention)Cardiovascular DiseaseChronic Condition Registry entry date - Cardiovascular DiseaseChronic Kidney DiseaseChronic Condition Registry entry date - Chronic Kidney DiseaseCOPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)Chronic Condition Registry entry date - COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)Angiography (Cardiac Intervention)Chronic Condition Registry entry date - Angiography (Cardiac Intervention)DiabetesChronic Condition Registry entry date - DiabetesDialysisChronic Condition Registry entry date - DialysisEpilepsyChronic Condition Registry entry date - EpilepsyHeart FailureChronic Condition Registry entry date - Heart FailureHypertensionChronic Condition Registry entry date - HypertensionIschemic Heart DiseaseChronic Condition Registry entry date - Ischemic Heart DiseaseMood disorderChronic Condition Registry entry date - Mood disorderMultiple SclerosisChronic Condition Registry entry date - Multiple SclerosisOsteoarthritisChronic Condition Registry entry date - OsteoarthritisOsteoporosisChronic Condition Registry entry date - OsteoporosisParkinsonChronic Condition Registry entry date - ParkinsonPsychosesChronic Condition Registry entry date - PsychosesPercutaneous Transluminal Coronary or PCI (Cardiac Intervention)Chronic Condition Registry entry date - Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary or PCI (Cardiac Intervention)Rheumatoid ArthritisChronic Condition Registry entry date - Rheumatoid ArthritisKidney TransplantChronic Condition Registry entry date - Kidney TransplantStrokeChronic Condition Registry entry date - StrokeEpisodic DepressionChronic Condition Registry entry date - Episodic DepressionINFORMATION BY BROAD CATEGORY OF SERVICESTotal Costs by Broad Category of Services: For 13/14, Matrix summarized $11.2 Billion out of $17.8 B in public funded services. Note, only includes services which are reported to Ministry at the person level. Summarized Matrix services broken into Broad Service Lines. (Users of broad services can be determined by $>0)Total cost of residential careTotal cost of residential care that include HCC cost, MSP/APP cost, and PharmaCare and estimate of Rx costs for people in RC facilities associated with hospitals.Total cost of emergency careTotal cost of emergency care, includes physician billings in MSP, estimate value of APP shadow billings, NACRS estimate of physician cost (11/12 to , and estimated facility costs. NACRS began reporting ED visits in 2011/12Total MSP/APP laboratory costTotal MSP/APP laboratory costTotal MSP/APP diagnostic costTotal MSP/APP diagnostic costTotal hospital cost estimateTotal hospital cost estimate, excluding physician feesTotal Home & Community Care cost estimateTotal Home & Community Care cost estimate (SL22 ADS, CSIL, AL, CM, HS, plus SL1 home nursing and SL20 home rehab) excluding residential care costPharmaCare publicly paid costPharmaCare publicly paid costMSP/APP physician and midwife costMSP/APP physician and midwife cost excluding emergency cost, laboratory cost, diagnostic cost, and residential care costTotal costTotal cost (MSP rural retention cost are excluded). Includes NACRS in 2012-13 and 2013-14.Used hospitalUsed hospital (inpatient or day procedure patient) in fiscal year. Hospital user flag. Indicates person used inpatient or day procedure services in year. Does not include use of Emergency department.Encounters: Total - Number of Encounters with Health Care System by broad types of services. Encounters are uniquely counted by service line (no double counting). Services have different measures of Encounters.Number of Emergency Department visitsNumber of Emergency Department visitsEncounters daysEncounters days, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billing encounters. Visit to 2 physicians on same day in same service line = 1 encounter day; visit to same physician on same day for 2 different service lines = 2 encounter days.Resource Intensity Weights, inpatientResource Intensity Weights, inpatient. 'Adjusted' means if care crossed into the next fiscal year, the costs were split between the 2 fiscal years, based on dates.Resource Intensity Weights, outpatientResource Intensity Weights, outpatient (day procedures reported in the DAD)Total Resource Intensity WeightsTotal Resource Intensity Weights for Inpatient and day procedures. 'Adjusted' means if care crossed into the next fiscal year, the costs were split between the 2 fiscal years, based on dates.Total hospital daysTotal hospital days = AR days + ALC days. 'Adjusted' means if care crossed into the next fiscal year, the days were split between the 2 fiscal years, based on dates.Acute rehab daysAcute rehab days. 'Adjusted' means if care crossed into the next fiscal year, the days were split between the 2 fiscal years, based on dates.Alternative level of care daysAlternative level of care days: days that patient remains in hospital after their need for acute care has ended. 'Adjusted' means if care crossed into the next fiscal year, the days were split between the 2 fiscal years, based on dates.Intensive Care Unit hospital daysIntensive Care Unit hospital days. ICU days are included in AR days. 'Adjusted' means if care crossed into the next fiscal year, the days were split between the 2 fiscal years, based on dates.Number of inpatient casesNumber of inpatient cases. 'Adjusted' means if care crossed into the next fiscal year, the case was counted in both fiscal years.Number of outpatient casesNumber of outpatient (day procedure, day surgery) casesProfessional ServicesProfessional Services - Home Nursing Care, Community Rehabilitation, and Other, VisitsAssisted Living, DaysDays of Assisted LivingHome Support, HoursHours of Home SupportChoice in Supports for Independent Living, HoursHours of Choice in Supports for Independent LivingAdult Day Services, DaysDays of Adult Day ServicesCase Management visitsCase Management visitsResidential Care, DaysResidential Care, Days. Note only Public Funded RC days are included. Includes both short term RC (convalescent care, transitional care, respite) and long term (permanent) residential care. Days that a person spends in RC which is privately paid are NOT RMATION BY INDIVIDUAL SERVICE LINE, COMBINING ALL TYPES OF SERVICES WITHIN SERVICE LINECosts: Subtotal - Costs by Service Line TotalsEstimated value of Publicly Funded health care services summarized by individual service lines . For example, SL04 Mental Health summarizes physician care, hospital care and use of Plan G in Pharmacare. Note, only includes services which are reported to Ministry at the person level. All Service Lines.MSP_APP_COSTTotal MSP cost that include service code 13 midwife billings and estimated shadow billing costs (APP records in MSP data with zero paid amounts, estimated based on billed services and fee item amounts).DAD_ADJ_COSTHospital cost (adjusted for fiscal year transitions)NACRS_COSTEmergency department physician NACRS cost (not found in MSP/APP)ED_FACILITY_COSTEmergency department total FACILITY cost. (ED visits x estimate of cost per ED visits)PCARE_PAIDPharmaCare paid amountPCARE_PAID_B_ESTEstimated PharmaCare plan B (residential care) amount for residential care patient in extended facilities (hospitals)HCC_COSTHome & Community Care total costPNET_CLAIMEDPharmaNet claimed amountHCN_VISITS_COSTCost of Professional Services - Home Nursing Care, Community Rehabilitation, and OtherAL_DAYS_COSTCost of Assisted LivingHS_HOURS_COSTCost of Home SupportCSIL_HOURS_COSTCost of Choice in Supports for Independent LivingADS_DAYS_COSTCost of Adult Day ServicesCM_VISITS_COSTCost of Case Management visitsRC_DAYS_COSTCost of Residential CareED_PHYSICIAN_COSTEmergency department physician costUsers SL Total - utilization flag by Service LineUniquely identifies if the person used any of the services in the specific Service Line. e.g. SL04: person may have used either physician care or hospital care or PharmaCare Plan G, or any combination of these services for a mental health issue. All Service Lines.SL01Service Line 01 - Primary Health Care flag, All data sourcesSL02Service Line 02 - Obstetrics flag, All data sourcesSL03Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology flag, All data sourcesSL04Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use flag, All data sourcesSL05Service Line 05 - Medical Specialists flag, All data sourcesSL06Service Line 06 - Oncology flag, All data sourcesSL07Service Line 07 - Emergency flag, All data sourcesSL08Service Line 08 - In Hospital Medical flag, All data sourcesSL09Service Line 09 - Ambulatory Surgical flag, All data sourcesSL10Service Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical flag, All data sourcesSL11Service Line 11 - Transplant Surgery flag, All data sourcesSL12Service Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery flag, All data sourcesSL13Service Line 13 - Palliative Care flag, All data sourcesSL14Service Line 14 - Pathology/Laboratory flag, All data sourcesSL15Service Line 15 - Diagnostics flag, All data sourcesSL16Service Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) flag, All data sourcesSL17Service Line 17 - Pharmaceuticals flag, All data sourcesSL18Service Line 18 - Anaesthesia flag, All data sourcesSL19Service Line 19 - Hospital Outpatients flag, All data sourcesSL20Service Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation flag, All data sourcesSL22Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living flag, All data sourcesSL24Service Line 24 - Residential Care flag, All data sourcesSL25Service Line 25 - Paediatrics flag, All data sourcesSL30Service Line 30 - Surgery flag, All data sourcesSL99Service Line 99 - Other, Physicians flag, All data sourcesINFORMATION BY INDIVIDUAL SERVICES WITHIN EACH SERVICE LINECosts: Costs SL - Costs by type of service within Service LineThe Matrix summarized about $11.2 billion in publicly funded health care costs in 13/14 out of $17.9 billion total paid by the provincial government. Costs are for analytic purposes only. Costs are a combination of actual publicly paid services reported to the Ministry in dollars (MSP physician billings and PharmaCare paid claims), and estimated value of publicly funded services which are not reported to the Ministry in dollars. Please see the accompanying document which outlines the methodology used to estimate unit costs. Costs are uniquely allocated to a single service line (no double counting). WITHIN EACH SERVICE LINE COSTS ARE SHOWN SEPARATELY FOR THE DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF SERVICES. SL01_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 01 - Primary Health Care cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL01_HCN_VISITS_COST Service Line 01 - Primary Health Care cost – Professional Services (Home Nursing Care, Community Rehabilitation, and Other)SL02_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 02 - Obstetrics cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL02_DAD_COSTService Line 02 - Obstetrics cost, HospitalSL03_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL03_DAD_COSTService Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology cost, HospitalSL04_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL04_DAD_COSTService Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use cost, HospitalSL04_PCMH_COSTService Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use cost, PharmaCare paidSL04_PNMH_COSTService Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use cost, PharmaNet claimedSL05_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 05 - Medical Specialists cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL06_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 06 - Oncology cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL06_DAD_COSTService Line 06 - Oncology cost, HospitalSL07_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 07 - Emergency cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL07_NACRS_COST Service Line 07 - Emergency cost, NACRS not in MSP/APPSL08_DAD_COSTService Line 08 - In Hospital Medical cost, HospitalSL09_DAD_COSTService Line 09 - Ambulatory Surgical cost, HospitalSL10_DAD_COSTService Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical cost, HospitalCosts: Costs SL - Costs by type of service within Service Line (cont.)SL11_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL11_DAD_COSTService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery cost, HospitalSL12_DAD_COSTService Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery cost, HospitalSL13_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 13 - Palliative Care cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL13_DAD_COSTService Line 13 - Palliative Care cost, HospitalSL13_PCPA_COSTService Line 13 - Palliative Care cost, PharmaCare paidSL13_PNPA_COSTService Line 13 - Palliative Care cost, PharmaNet claimedSL14_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 14 - Pathology/Laboratory cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL15_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 15 - Diagnostics cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL16_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 16 - Ambulatory Suport Therapies (Dialysis) cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL16_DAD_COSTService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) cost, HospitalSL17_PC_COSTService Line 17 - Pharmaceuticals cost, PharmaCare paidSL17_PN_COSTService Line 17 - Pharmaceuticals cost, PharmaNet claimedSL18_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 18 - Anaesthesia cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL19_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 19 - Hospital Outpatients cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL20_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL20_DAD_COSTService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation cost, HospitalSL20_REHAB_OTHER_VISITS_COST Service Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation cost, Home & Community Care (Rehab and other professional services)SL22_AL_DAYS_COSTService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living cost, Assisted LivingSL22_HS_HOURS_COSTService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living cost, Home SupportSL22_CSIL_HOURS_COST Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living cost, Choice in Supports for Independent LivingSL22_ADS_DAYS_COSTService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living cost, Adult Day ServicesCosts: Costs SL - Costs by type of service within Service Line (cont.)SL22_CM_VISITS_COSTService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living cost, Case ManagementSL24_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 24 - Residential Care cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL24_PCRC_COSTService Line 24 - Residential Care cost, PharmaCare paidSL24_PNRC_COSTService Line 24 - Residential Care cost, PharmaNet claimedSL24_RC_DAYS_COSTService Line 24 - Residential Care cost, Residential CareSL25_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 25 - Paediatrics cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow SL25_DAD_COSTService Line 25 - Paediatrics cost, HospitalSL30_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 30 - Surgery cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadowSL99_MSP_APP_COSTService Line 99 - Other, Physicians cost, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingUsers SL - utilization flag by type of service within Service LineUniquely identifies if the person used specific services in the specific Service Line. e.g. SL04: indicates, separately, if the person used physician care or hospital care or PharmaCare Plan G for a mental health issue.SL01_MSP_APP Service Line 01 - Primary Health Care flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL01_HCNService Line 01 - Primary Health Care flag – Professional Services (Home Nursing Care, Community Rehabilitation, and Other)SL02_MSP_APP Service Line 02 - Obstetrics flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL02_DADService Line 02 - Obstetrics flag, HospitalSL03_MSP_APP Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL03_DADService Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology flag, HospitalSL04_MSP_APP Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL04_DADService Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use flag, HospitalSL04_PCMHService Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use flag, PharmaCare paidSL04_PNMHService Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use flag, PharmaNet claimedSL05_MSP_APP Service Line 05 - Medical Specialists flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL06_MSP_APP Service Line 06 - Oncology flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL06_DADService Line 06 - Oncology flag, HospitalSL07_MSP_APP Service Line 07 - Emergency flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL07_NACRSService Line 07 - Emergency flag, NACRS not in MSP/APPSL08_DADService Line 08 - In Hospital Medical flag, HospitalSL09_DADService Line 09 - Ambulatory Surgical flag, HospitalSL10_DADService Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical flag, HospitalSL11_MSP_APP Service Line 11 - Transplant Surgery flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL11_DADService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery flag, HospitalSL12_DADService Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery flag, HospitalSL13_MSP_APPService Line 13 - Palliative Care flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL13_DADService Line 13 - Palliative Care flag, HospitalSL13_PCPAService Line 13 - Palliative Care flag, PharmaCare paidUsers SL - utilization flag by type of service within Service Line (cont.)SL13_PNPAService Line 13 - Palliative Care flag, PharmaNet claimedSL14_MSP_APP Service Line 14 - Pathology/Laboratory flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL15_MSP_APP Service Line 15 - Diagnostics flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL16_MSP_APP Service Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL16_DAD Service Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) flag, HospitalSL17_PC Service Line 17 - Pharmaceuticals flag, PharmaCare paidSL17_PN Service Line 17 - Pharmaceuticals flag, PharmaNet claimedSL18_MSP_APP Service Line 18 - Anaesthesia flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL19_MSP_APP Service Line 19 - Hospital Outpatients flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL20_MSP_APP Service Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL20_DAD Service Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation flag, HospitalSL20_REHAB_OTHERService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation flag, Home & Community Care (Rehab and other professional services)SL22_AL Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living flag, Assisted LivingSL22_HS Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living flag, Home SupportSL22_CSIL Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living flag, Choice in Supports for Independent LivingSL22_ADS Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living flag, Adult Day ServicesSL22_CM Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living flag, Case ManagementSL24_MSP_APP Service Line 24 - Residential Care flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingUsers SL - utilization flag by type of service within Service Line (cont.)SL24_PCRC Service Line 24 - Residential Care flag, PharmaCare paidSL24_PNRC Service Line 24 - Residential Care flag, PharmaNet claimedSL24_RC Service Line 24 - Residential Care flag, Residential CareSL25_MSP_APP Service Line 25 - Paediatrics flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL25_DAD Service Line 25 - Paediatrics flag, HospitalSL30_MSP_APP Service Line 30 - Surgery flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingSL99_MSP_APP Service Line 99 - Other, Physicians flag, Medical Service Plan and APP shadow billingLong term residential care flagLong term residential care flag. Indicates that the person was a long term publicly funded residential care client. People who have RC_DAYS who do not have this flag are people who only used short term residential care. (People in Frail in Care population who do not have RC_Days are people who use privately paid residential care in a licensed facility)Type of residential careType of residential care: Long term (permanent) care - Publicly funded in Extended Care associated with a hospital, Publicly funded in a stand-alone facility, Privately paid in a stand-alone facility; and short term convalescent and transitional careEncounters SL - Encounters by Service LineNumber of Encounters with Health Care System. Encounters are uniquely counted by service line (no double counting). Types of services have different measures of Encounters, and are counted separately within a service line by the category of service. Encounters cannot be summed across different types of services (eg days, hours, visits).SL01_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 01 - Primary Health Care, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL01_HCN_VISITSService Line 01 - Primary Health Care visits- Professional Services (Home Nursing Care, Community Rehabilitation, and Other)SL02_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 02 - Obstetrics, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL02_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 02 - Obstetrics total hospital daysSL02_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYS Service Line 02 - Obstetrics acute rehab daysSL02_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYS Service Line 02 - Obstetrics alternative level of care daysSL02_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYS Service Line 02 - Obstetrics intensive care unit daysSL02_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IP Service Line 02 - Obstetrics of inpatient casesSL02_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IP Service Line 02 - Obstetrics inpatient resource intensity weightsSL03_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL03_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology total hospital daysSL03_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYS Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology acute rehab daysSL03_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYS Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology alternative level of care daysSL03_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYS Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology intensive care unit daysSL03_DAD_ADJ_CASES_DS Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology of outpatient casesSL03_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IP Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology of inpatient casesSL03_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_DS Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology outpatient resource intensity weightsSL03_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IP Service Line 03 - Gynaecology, excluding Oncology inpatient resource intensity weightsEncounters SL - Encounters by Service Line (cont.)SL04_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL04_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use total hospital daysSL04_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYS Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use acute rehab daysSL04_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYS Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use alternative level of care daysSL04_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYS Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use intensive care unit daysSL04_DAD_ADJ_CASES_DS Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use of outpatient casesSL04_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IP Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use of inpatient casesSL04_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_DS Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use outpatient resource intensity weightsSL04_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IP Service Line 04 - Mental Health & Substance Use inpatient resource intensity weightsSL05_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 05 - Medical Specialists, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL06_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 06 - Oncology, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL06_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 06 - Oncology total hospital daysSL06_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYS Service Line 06 - Oncology acute rehab daysSL06_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYS Service Line 06 - Oncology alternative level of care daysSL06_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYS Service Line 06 - Oncology intensive care unit daysSL06_DAD_ADJ_CASES_DS Service Line 06 - Oncology of outpatient casesSL06_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IP Service Line 06 - Oncology of inpatient casesSL06_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_DS Service Line 06 - Oncology outpatient resource intensity weightsSL06_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IP Service Line 06 - Oncology inpatient resource intensity weightsSL07_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 07 - Emergency, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL07_NACRS_ENC Service Line 07 - Emergency encounters, NACRS not in MSP/APPSL08_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 08 - In Hospital Medical total hospital daysSL08_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYS Service Line 08 - In Hospital Medical acute rehab daysEncounters SL - Encounters by Service Line (cont.)SL08_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYS Service Line 08 - In Hospital Medical alternative level of care daysSL08_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYS Service Line 08 - In Hospital Medical intensive care unit daysSL08_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IP Service Line 08 - In Hospital Medical of inpatient casesSL08_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IP Service Line 08 - In Hospital Medical inpatient resource intensity weightsSL09_DAD_ADJ_CASES_DS Service Line 09 - Ambulatory Surgical of outpatient casesSL09_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_DSService Line 09 - Ambulatory Surgical outpatient resource intensity weightsSL10_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical total hospital daysSL10_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYSService Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical acute rehab daysSL10_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYSService Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical alternative level of care daysSL10_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYSService Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical intensive care unit daysSL10_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IPService Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical of inpatient casesSL10_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IPService Line 10 - Inpatient Elective Surgical inpatient resource intensity weightsSL11_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 11 - Transplant Surgery, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL11_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 11 - Transplant Surgery total hospital daysSL11_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYSService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery acute rehab daysSL11_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYSService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery alternative level of care daysSL11_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYSService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery intensive care unit daysSL11_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IPService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery of inpatient casesSL11_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IPService Line 11 - Transplant Surgery inpatient resource intensity weightsSL12_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery total hospital daysSL12_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYSService Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery acute rehab daysSL12_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYSService Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery alternative level of care daysEncounters SL - Encounters by Service Line (cont.)SL12_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYSService Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery intensive care unit daysSL12_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IPService Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery of inpatient casesSL12_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IPService Line 12 - In Patient Trauma and Emergency Surgery inpatient resource intensity weightsSL13_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 13 - Palliative Care, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL13_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 13 - Palliative Care total hospital daysSL13_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYSService Line 13 - Palliative Care acute rehab daysSL13_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYSService Line 13 - Palliative Care alternative level of care daysSL13_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYSService Line 13 - Palliative Care intensive care unit daysSL13_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IPService Line 13 - Palliative Care of inpatient casesSL13_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IPService Line 13 - Palliative Care inpatient resource intensity weightsSL14_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 14 - Pathology/Laboratory, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL15_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 15 - Diagnostics, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL16_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis), MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL16_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) total hospital daysSL16_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYSService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) acute rehab daysSL16_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYSService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) alternative level of care daysSL16_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYSService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) intensive care unit daysSL16_DAD_ADJ_CASES_DSService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) of outpatient casesSL16_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IPService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) of inpatient casesSL16_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_DSService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) outpatient resource intensity weightsEncounters SL - Encounters by Service Line (cont.)SL16_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IPService Line 16 - Ambulatory Support Therapies (Dialysis) inpatient resource intensity weightsSL18_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 18 - Anaesthesia, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL19_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 19 - Hospital Outpatients, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL20_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL20_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation total hospital daysSL20_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYSService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation acute rehab daysSL20_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYSService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation alternative level of care daysSL20_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYSService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation intensive care unit daysSL20_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IPService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation of inpatient casesSL20_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IPService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation inpatient resource intensity weightsSL20_REHAB_OTHER_VISITSService Line 20 - Physical medicine and Rehabilitation visits, Home & Community Care (Rehab and other professional services)SL22_AL_DAYS Service Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living days, Assisted LivingSL22_HS_HOURSService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living hours, Home SupportSL22_CSIL_HOURSService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living hours, Choice in Supports for Independent LivingSL22_ADS_DAYSService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living days, Adult Day ServicesSL22_CM_VISITSService Line 22 - Community Supports for Daily Living visits, Case ManagementSL24_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 24 - Residential Care, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL24_RC_DAYS Service Line 24 - Residential Care days, Residential CareSL25_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 25 - Paediatrics, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL25_DAD_ADJ_TDAYS Service Line 25 - Paediatrics total hospital daysEncounters SL - Encounters by Service Line (cont.)SL25_DAD_ADJ_ARDAYSService Line 25 - Paediatrics acute rehab daysSL25_DAD_ADJ_ALCDAYSService Line 25 - Paediatrics alternative level of care daysSL25_DAD_ADJ_ICUDAYSService Line 25 - Paediatrics intensive care unit daysSL25_DAD_ADJ_CASES_IPService Line 25 - Paediatrics of inpatient casesSL25_DAD_ADJ_RIWS_IPService Line 25 - Paediatrics inpatient resource intensity weightsSL30_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 30 - Surgery, MSP and APP shadow billing encountersSL99_MSP_APP_ENC Service Line 99 - Other, Physicians, MSP and APP shadow billing encounters ................

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