Standard: WHI

Standard: SOL Standard WHI.10: The student will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations and empires of the Eastern Hemisphere and their interactions through regional trade patterns.

Benchmark: Benchmark 4.6: The student understands developments in Korea, Japan, and Vietnam during, and after, an era of Chinese ascendancy. (WHI.10)

D.     Analyze the rise of a powerful samurai class and its effects on art and aesthetic values in Japan.

E. Analyze the similarities and differences between Japanese and European feudalism.

Topic: feudal Japan and technology

Title: Destiny Determined: Power and Ritual in Asia

Clip Title: Secrets of the Samurai

Length of segment: 25 minutes

Overview: This video covers some basic aspects of feudalism but concentrates more on the role of science and technology in sword making, samurai armor and feudal castles.

Teacher Preparation: The teacher should view this video first to determine if it is appropriate for their student population. The video is easily accessible for all populations of students. Have the students complete the viewing guide as they watch the video.

Follow up: Have students compare and contrast the technology in feudal Japan to another society recently studied (ex. China, Medieval Europe etc). Have the students complete a Venn Diagram or write a reflection.

Recommended lesson length: 35 minutes

Secrets of the Samurai

Who had the power in the 13th to 16th centuries in Japan?

Who were the samurai?

How did the samurais’ sword makers create a blade that was strong and flexible at the same time?

What happens to the shape of the sword when it is plunged in the water? Why?

What did Japanese samurai study to be able to fight?

How long were typical samurai fights?

Describe the samurai armor. What was it made out of?

What was the advantage over strictly metal armor?

Why were flexible panels helpful to the samurai in battle?

What did the samurai earn for payment in the feudal system?

How did the gun change things for the samurai?

Describe the Meiji castle.

What did Japanese woodworkers use instead of nails to connect beams?

What was the purpose of the nightingale floor? How was it made?

What other defensive features were included?

What was seppuku?

What led to the end of feudalism in Japan?




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