
Contextual notes on Shakespeare, James & the history of MacbethMacbeth is one of Shakespeare’s later plays, first performed in 1605, and probably written between 1603 and 1605. Elizabeth the First having died in 1603.England was primarily a Christian country. Most people believed in God, the devil, supernatural forces, as well as fate or destiny. There were debates about whether individuals had free will at all or were merely subjects to fate, an idea central to Macbeth.Was Macbeth always destined to be king (with less blame being attached to him) or did he choose to act in response to the witches’ words?James I of England (James VI of Scotland)45720009588500After Elizabeth the first died without an heir, her closest relative James VI of Scotland inherited the throne of England and became James the First of England (his reign is referred to as Jacobean times). James believed he was descended from Banquo.Although not particularly popular, James offered stability to the country and, because he had two sons and heirs, the people were glad that there would be continuity. This was due to the fact that after Edward VI died young, there was a period of turmoil as Mary Tudor, a Catholic, executed many Protestants. When her Protestant half-sister Elizabeth took on the crown after Mary’s death, she executed several prominent Catholics. James was a protestant and, therefore, the country did not have to go through religious upheaval again.James brought many of his favourites with him from Scotland including James Hay, the Earl of Carlisle, whom he promoted and paid off his debts. This caused considerable resentment in the King’s court, as James was someone who seemed to revel in flatterers. One noble called the King, “the wisest fool in Christendom”.Christian beliefs and witchcraftThe failed Gunpowder Plot with Guy (Guido) Fawkes was a Catholic conspiracy to eliminate James, a Protestant king. However, after the plotters were tortured and executed, James treated other Catholics generously, which led to relative peace between the two factions of the Catholics (who believed the head of the Christian Church was the Pope) and Church of England Protestants (who believed that the King or Queen was the head of their church).Although Catholicism was out of favour in England, there were many who secretly upheld the Catholic faith. Catholics believed that ghosts were the dead who were returned from purgatory if they were ‘unquiet’ about things that had happened in their lives (Banquo’s ghost perhaps?); Protestants believed ghosts were demons in disguise, assuming human form.Literature and drama continued to flourish under James and he was considered a talented scholar, most notably commissioning a translation of the most famous English version of the Bible, the King James Bible. James also wrote a book called ‘Daemonologie’ (1597), about witchcraft and the need to persecute witches in a Christian society.Medieval Scotland and source materialAlthough the play is set in medieval Scotland, the characters behave far more like the nobility of the Jacobean court than eleventh century Scotland. By setting it in Scotland, Shakespeare is increasing the appeal of the play to the new king. The support of the monarch was crucial to the theatre as the Puritans (strict, serious Christians who frowned upon most forms of entertainment) saw it as sinful. Furthermore, large audiences brought the risk of bubonic plague, causing theatres to be closed intermittently.The historical King Macbeth (Mac Bethad mac Findlaich), known as ‘the Red King’, ruled during the eleventh century from 1040 to 1057. He was killed in battle by Malcolm Canmore, the son of Duncan. Therefore, we can see that the play is not an accurate portrait of the real man, not least because the real Macbeth ruled for 17 years!Shakespeare based many of his history plays on Holinshed’s Chronicles (a collection of history and legends about the British Isles). He seems to have combined two stories: one dealing with King Duncan, Macbeth, Banquo, Fleance and the ancestors of the Stewart line which was King James’ family; the other story is of King Duffe who died about 80 years before the real Macbeth, which includes descriptions of witches and spells.The Divine Right of KingsJames also believed in the Divine Right of Kings probably because he felt insecure in his position as king. This is the belief that it was God who appointed James king and, therefore, James believed he was above all other authority in the land. This put him at odds with Parliament, particularly over money, which James squandered far too easily. When James dismissed Parliament for over 10 years (1610-1621), he raised money by selling off titles and lordships. However, he had to return to Parliament to keep his debts under control.NB James’ son Charles the First ended up at odds with Parliament to such an extent, that it led to the English Civil War and eventually Charles’ execution.342900248285This mask is supposed to represent Guido ‘Guy’ Fawkes, as depicted by the illustrator David Lloyd for Alan Moore’s graphic novel ‘V for Vendetta’. Guy Fawkes was one of the Catholic conspirators who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and James I. That event is the reason we have ‘Bonfire Night’ on November 5th each year in this country.The hacker group ‘Anonymous’ have adopted it as a symbol for rebellion against the traditional authority of the state or big institutions. Sometimes it is seen as an anarchist symbol (anarchists are people who reject all the hierarchies of the state, including the government, police, etc.)00This mask is supposed to represent Guido ‘Guy’ Fawkes, as depicted by the illustrator David Lloyd for Alan Moore’s graphic novel ‘V for Vendetta’. Guy Fawkes was one of the Catholic conspirators who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and James I. That event is the reason we have ‘Bonfire Night’ on November 5th each year in this country.The hacker group ‘Anonymous’ have adopted it as a symbol for rebellion against the traditional authority of the state or big institutions. Sometimes it is seen as an anarchist symbol (anarchists are people who reject all the hierarchies of the state, including the government, police, etc.)-10287006223000Quiz on contextual notesWhen was Macbeth first performed? 1603‘Macbeth’ examines the idea that our actions are controlled by destiny or fate and what other idea which means we have control over our own decisions? Free willJames believed he was descended from which character in the play? BanquoWhen writing about the reign of James the First of England, we don’t call the era Jamesian but what term? JacobeanJames was the first king of his name to rule England but how many other kings called James had ruled Scotland before him? 5 (He was James the Sixth of Scotland)During James’ reign what were the two factions of Christianity that were at odds with each other? What faction was James? Catholics and Protestants. James was a protestant.Catholics believe who is the head of the church? The PopeWhat was the name of the book James wrote about witchcraft? DaemonologieGive one reason why it was hard to keep theatres open during Shakespeare’s time? The plague and Puritans believing it was sinfulWhat was the nickname of the real King Macbeth? The Red KingOn what book did Shakespeare base many of his history plays? Holinshed’s ChroniclesWhat concept did James believe in which meant that he believed his power came directly from God? The Divine Right of KingsWhat institution did James dismiss for over 10 years? ParliamentHow did James raise money? He sold off titles and lordshipsWhen James’ son became king, what event happened in England? The English Civil War and the execution of Charles the First ................

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