Answer all questions on a scantron

Answer all questions on a scantron.


1. Who is Gilgamesh?

a. a legendary Sumerian king and superhero

b. half serpent and half man

c. a king of the Hebrews

d. an ordinary man who has great adventures

2. What does Enkidu’s dream foretell?

a. his own death

b. the gods’ downfall

c. a great flood

d. a mighty battle

3. What does Gilgamesh hope to find at the end of his quest?

a. his father

b. a new friend

c. everlasting life

d. power to destroy the gods

4. What event brings Utnapishtim his eternal life?

a. an earthquake

b. a flood

c. a hurricane

d. a drought

5. According to Utnapishtim, why did the gods once try to destroy humanity?

a. the gods wanted great power

b. people had become as strong as the gods

c. people had become too timid

d. people made too much noise, disturbing the gods’ rest

6. How does Utnapishtim test Gilgamesh’s resolve to find everlasting life?

a. by instructing Gilgamesh to resist sleep for six days and seven nights

b. through a duel between Gilgamesh and Enkidu

c. by tempting Gilgamesh with promises of wealth and glory

d. by challenging Gilgamesh to wrest with Urshanabi

7. What, according to Utnapishtim, will restore lost youth?

a. new clothes

b. a boat

c. the apple of the tree of life

d. a special plant

8. What happens to Gilgamesh’s secret of youth?

a. he drowns before he can grasp it

b. a serpent snatches it away

c. since Gilgamesh fails his test, Utnapishtim refuses to tell him how to obtain it

d. he succeeds in grasping it and brings it to his people

9. At the end of the epic, Gilgamesh is

a. a bitter old man

b. known for his wisdom

c. going on another journey

d. hated by his subjects

10. Gilgamesh says he has “gained nothing” at the end of the story. Why?

a. power ruins all people

b. humans cannot fight death

c. there is no place like home

d. great wealth can bring sadness

Wooden People

11. What country is the story of the Wooden People from?

a. Guatemala

b. Brazil

c. El Salvador

d. Argentina

12. What natural disaster happens in the story?

a. earthquake

b. tornado

c. hurricane

d. flood

Things Fall Apart

13. What is the name of Okonkwo’s motherland?

a. Mbaino

b. Mbutu

c. Mbanta

d. Mantra

14. Who was Unoka?

a. a freed slave

b. Okonkwo’s second wife

c. the king of Mbutu

d. Okonkwo’s cowardly and spendthrift father

15. Nigeria is located in

a. South Africa

b. Off the coast of East Africa

c. Western Africa

d. next to Egypt

16. Who best fits Okonkwo’s ideals for a son?

a. Mantra

b. Nwoye

c. Ikemefuna

d. Io

17. Who is Nwoye?

a. Okonkwo’s second wife

b. Unoka’s daughter

c. Okonkwo’s oldest son

d. village hostage

18. How many wives does Okonkwo have?

a. 1

b. 3

c. 4

d. None

19. What kind of climate does Nigeria have?

a. tropical

b. desert

c. savannah

d. mountainous

20. Whom did Okonkwo beat in his legendary wrestling match?

a. Ekwefi the Rooster

b. Ogbuedi the snake

c. Isaac the toad

d. Amalinze the cat

21. Who is Ikemefuna?

a. leader of an Umuofian clan

b. Okonkwo’s wife

c. Hostage from Mbaino

d. Priestess

22. Okonkwo does what to his wife during the Week of Peace?

a. banishes her

b. embarrasses her

c. beats her

d. divorces her

23. What is the main crop in Umuofia?

a. bananas

b. corn

c. potatoes

d. yams

24. Okonkwo is a member of what tribe?

a. Hausa

b. Yoruba

c. Umuofia

d. Ibo (Igbo)

25. Who is Agbala?

a. the oracle

b. the priestess

c. Okonkwo’s favorite wife

d. Leader of the Ibo (Igbo people)

26. Who is the author of Things Fall Apart?

a. Sophocles

b. Ancient Sumerians

c. Selma Lagerlof

d. Chinua Achebe

27. Who is Chielo?

a. the priestess

b. the oracle

c. Okonkwo’s favorite wife

d. leader of the Ibo (Igbo people)

28. What happens to Ikemefuna?

a. he leaves Umuofia

b. He marries Ekwefi

c. he dies

d. He becomes the leader of Umuofia

29. Who delivers the brutal machete blow to Ikemefuna?

a. Ezeudu

b. Nwoye

c. Ekwefi

d. Okonkwo

30. Who does Ikemefuna consider his father?

a. the oracle

b. Ezeudu

c. Okonkwo

d. Nwoye

31. What country tries to colonize Nigeria?

a. Great Britain

b. France

c. The Netherlands

d. Spain

32. In the Umuofia village culture, newborn twins are

a. left to die

b. raised to be priests or priestesses

c. worshiped as deities

d. given to enemy tribes

33. When the characters put on egwugwu masks, they pretend to be

a. wild animals

b. oracles

c. ancestral spirits

d. foreigners

34. Each individual in Ibo culture has a personal

a. ilo

b. chi

c. Agbala

d. obi

35. The Mbantans give a piece of land in the Evil Forest to

a. the missionaries

b. the Abame

c. the outcasts

d. the priestess

36. The District Commissioner fines the Umuofians for

a. killing the messenger

b. burning the church

c. meeting in the village gathering place

d. ostracizing the Christians

37. The District Commissioner is writing a book about the tribes of the River

a. Nile

b. Congo

c. Niger

d. Amazon

38. Whose conversion to Christianity angers Okonkwo?

a. Nwoye’s

b. Ikemefuna’s

c. Ekwefi’s

d. Ezeudu’s

Don Quixote

39. What causes Don Quixote’s delusion about becoming a knight?

a. he reads tales of knights and chivalry all the time

b. he greatly admires an ancestor who was a knight

c. he has been betrayed by others and wants to get even

d. he longs to relive the excitement of his youth

40. How does Don Quixote’s appearance parody that of a knight in a medieval romance?

a. he is much younger

b. he is thin and bony

c. he is very tall

d. he enjoys robust health

41. How does Don Quixote’s horse contrast with the horse of a real medieval knight?

a. it is an old nag

b. it does not have an impressive name

c. he rides it bareback

d. both a and b

42. Why does Don Quixote change his name and that of his horse?

a. he wants to hide his identity

b. he wants to pay homage to his famous ancestor and the bold steed that his ancestor rode

c. he wants to sound dashing and impressive, like a real knight of old

d. he wants to use the names of characters in a book he is reading

43. What element of chivalric romance does Cervantes parody with the character of Dulcinea del Toboso?

a. medieval witches

b. farm girls who dream of better lives

c. Aldonza Lorenzo

d. knights’ ladyloves, to whom they dedicate their exploits

44. Why does Sancho Panza agree to accompany Don Quixote?

a. he has always wanted to be a squire

b. he longs to get away from his wife and children

c. he is naïve

d. he hopes to trick Don Quixote out of wealth and property

45. What aspect of medieval romance does the scene with the windmills parody?

a. a love scene

b. a battle scene

c. a slapstick comedy

d. a quest

46. What does the reader learn about Don Quixote’s character from the passage in Ch. VII of Don Quixote that describes Don Quixote as raising money by selling his things and “getting the worst of the bargain always”?

a. he is mean and selfish

b. he is greedy

c. he is a capable businessman

d. he is a poor businessman

47. Which of the following most accurately describes the contrast between Don Quixote’s and Sancho Panza’s view of the windmills in Chapter VIII of Don Quixote?

a. Don Quixote’s is more accurate

b. Sancho Panza’s is more accurate

c. Sancho Panza’s is more cowardly

d. Don Quixote’s is more cowardly

48. How would you compare Don Quixote’s thirst for adventure to the theme of Don Quixote?

a. his need for adventure shows the hardships of war during difficult times

b. his need for adventure shows the contrast between fantasy and reality

c. his need for adventure shows the rituals of knightly romance

d. his need for adventure shows the bravery required to become a knight

Oedipus Rex

49. Why are the people of Thebes in despair at the beginning of the play?

a. the king is dead

b. a plague is killing the city’s people and livestock

c. their beloved Queen Jocasta lies on her deathbed

d. their army has just been defeated by Corinth

50. How does Oedipus find out what is causing the city’s problems?

a. the oracle at Delphi

b. the queen

c. from a messenger from Corinth

d. from the leader of his army

51. What is the cause of the city’s problems?

a. the people have worshiped the wrong gods

b. the queen has been plotting to the murder the king

c. Oedipus refuses to follow the will of the gods

d. the city is harboring the murderer of King Laius

52. What does Oedipus vow to do to remedy the situation?

a. pray to the gods and beg their forgiveness

b. discover the murderer and exile him from Thebes

c. exile the queen

d. build a new temple to appease the gods

53. Who is Teiresias?

a. the queen’s brother

b. the real father of Oedipus

c. a holy prophet who knows the truth

d. the leader of the Theban army

54. Who is Creon?

a. the queen’s first husband

b. the real father of Oedipus

c. a holy prophet who knows the truth

d. the queen’s brother

55. The name “Oedipus” literally means what in ancient Greek

a. tyrant

b. king

c. shepherd

d. swollen foot

56. Who is Oedipus?

a. a messenger

b. Jocasta’s brother

c. the king of Thebes

d. Laius’ shepherd

57. How did Oedipus save Thebes once before?

a. by answering a riddle

b. by building a new temple

c. by sacrificing a goat

d. by killing a criminal

58. According to Teiresias, who killed King Laius?

a. Jocasta

b. Creon

c. Choragus

D. Oedipus

59. At the beginning of Part 2, what important news does the messenger from Corinth bring Oedipus?

a. King Polybus has died

b. Merope has fled the country

c. Zeus has lifted the plague

d. the sphinx has seized Creon

60. Upon hearing the news, Oedipus still fears the prediction about—

a. his daughter

b. his father

c. his brother

d. his mother

61. Who, along with Teiresias, is accused of conspiring for the throne of Thebes?

a. Jocasta

b. the Theban elders

c. Creon

d. the king of Corinth

62. What truth does Oedipus learn from the shepherd?

a. Apollo has commanded his death

b. Laius and Jocasta are his real parents

c. He has escaped the curse of his birth

d. Creon has succeeded in taking the throne

63. Where had Oedipus been left to die as a baby?

a. Mount Olympus

b. Mouth Cithaeron

c. Corinth

d. outside the gates of Thebes

64. What eventually happens to Jocasta?

a. she hangs herself

b. Creon rescues her

c. Oedipus kills her

d. she dies of the plagues

65. What does Oedipus, in his sorrow and shame, do?

a. he stabs Creon

b. he blinds himself

c. he attacks Choragus

d. he kills his children


66. In book 1, the major theme of the Iliad is stated in the opening lines. Whose “rage” is being addressed?

a. the rage of war

b. the rage of Achilles

c. the rage of children

d. the rage of parents

67. In Book 1 of the Iliad, which theme is evident when Apollo and Hera involve themselves in human affairs?

a. the connection of the gods to human beings

b. the powerlessness of the gods.

c. the role of friendship in warfare

d. the fairness of the war against the Trojans

68. In Book 1 of the Iliad, Achilles listens unwillingly to Athena’s words. Which word best describes his attitude?

a. enthusiastic

b. reluctant

c. light hearted

d. cold

69. In their conversation, Hector and Andromache are pulled in many directions. What conflict is expressed?

a. the mysterious ways of the gods

b. the public and private side of famous people

c. the conflict between the needs of country and family

d. the inevitability of death for those who go to war

70. Which of the following best describes Hector’s attitude toward his son in Book 6 of the Iliad?

a. jealousy

b. coldness

c. cruelty

d. tenderness

71. How is Achilles portrayed at the end of Book 1?

a. frustrated but optimistic

b. sad and hopeless

c. disappointed but accepting

d. bitter and vengeful

72. One of the main themes of Book 1 is the

a. price of honor

b. wisdom of the gods

c. power of kings

d. consequences of war

73. A central idea of Book 6 is the conflict a warrior experiences between

a. duty and family

b. courage and fear

c. fate and self-determination

d. sorrow and happiness

74. Which answer describes how Athena convinces Hector to fight Achilles in Book 22 of the Iliad?

a. she tricks him

b. she gives him gold

c. he is the strongest man alive

d. he is a born leader

75. Which passage from Book 22 of the Iliad best allows the reader to picture the actions?

a. so they wept, the two of them crying out to their dear son

b. as a snake in the hills, guarding his hole, awaits a man

c. now my army’s ruined, thanks to my own reckless pride

d. on and on they raced, passing the lookout point

Rat Trap

76. Who is the author?

a. Selma Lagerlof

b. Leo Tolstoy

c. Sophocles

d. none of the above

77. What does the peddler leave behind at the end of the short story?

a. clothes, money, and a rat trap

b. rat trap, box of candy, and clothes

c. money, rat trap, and a letter

d. letter, money, and a box of candy

78. What is the Ironmaster’s daughter’s name?

a. Elisabeth

b. Elda

c. Eunice

d. Eliza

79. Where does the Ironmaster think he knows the Peddler from?

a. college

b. farming

c. relative

d. military

80. What does the Ironmaster’s daughter use to persuade the Peddler with?

a. fur coat

b. silk materials

c. diamond earrings

d. fur hat

81. What point of view is the story told from?

a. first person

b. third person

c. third person omniscient

82. What element of a short story is used from the phrase the world is a “rat trap”?

a. irony

b. symbolism

c. tone

d. plot

83. Where does the Peddler wonder around for hours?

a. the desert

b. the beach

c. a forest

d. the mountains

84. In the peddler’s philosophy of life

a. the world is a milking cow and her milk is sour

b. the world is a Christmas feast and death is just a nap

c. the world is a rat trap and its good things are bait

d. the world is a rat trap and people are the cheese

85. Which words best describe the peddler’s feelings about life

a. rewarding and easy

b. worthwhile and tranquil

c. heard but joyous

d. lonely and unkind

86. The morning after the old crofter takes in the peddler, the peddler

a. leaves a thank-you letter for the crofter

b. steals the crofter’s milking cow

c. takes on the identity of the crofter

d. steals a bag of money from the crofter

87. Why does the peddler compare the forest to a rat trap?

a. the owner of the ironworks locks the gate of the forest to trap him

b. he is lost in the forest, carrying stolen property

c. he notices that small animals scurry from tree to tree and do not leave the forest

d. rats in the forest attack the peddler and steal everything in his possession

88. Why does the peddler have mixed emotions when the ironmaster mistakes him for Captain von Stahle?

a. he knows that Captain von Stahle was a traitor

b. he thinks the ironmaster is trying to trick him

c. he would like to benefit from the mistake but needs to stay unnoticed

d. none of the above

89. Which words best describe the peddler’s feelings about Edla’s actions during the Christmas celebration?

a. distrust and fear

b. wonder and amazement

c. shame and guilt

d. boundless love

90. The letter that the peddler leaves the ironmaster’s daughter shows that

a. the peddler will return the silver

b. the peddler wants to repay kindness with kindness

c. the peddler despises rich people

d. the peddler still believes all people are rats

Literary Terms and Vocabulary

Matching: Complete this section on a separate sheet of paper

91. Mesopotamia

92. Sumerians

93. Hammurabi

94. Nile

95. Pyramid

96. Hebrews

97. Islam

98. Griot

99. Epic

100. Folk Epic

101. Literary Epic

102. Epic hero

103. Epic Conflict

104. Heroic Quest

105. Divine Intervention

106. Invocation

107. Epic Similes

108. Epithets

109. Archetype

110. Characterization

111. Direct Characterization

a. early Middle Eastern people who believed in one God

b. the story teller in traditional African societies

c. Babylonian king who developed major legal code

d. the residents of Mesopotamia who developed wheeled vehicles and the earliest city states

e. the sacred structure that housed the remains of the Egyptian pharaohs

f. the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that saw the growth of the first major civilization

g. the river along which ancient Egyptian civilization developed

h. a religion based on the revelations of the prophet Muhammad

i. elaborate extended comparisons

j. has flaws, strong, brave, and loyal

k. written by individual authors

l. means by which characters are created

m. long, narrative poem

n. epic hero receives help from a god

o. written down long after it was recited or sung

p. one example is the hero’s quest

q. epic hero’s struggle against an obstacle

r. reveals character’s personalities through direct statements, actions, speech, and thoughts

t. epic hero’s perilous journey

u. descriptive words or phrases

v. appeal or prayer for help

Matching Parts of Speech

Answer on a separate sheet of paper

112. conjunction

113. noun

114. adjective

115. verb

116. pronoun

117. interjection

118. adverb

119. preposition

**Extra Credit** 2 points each**Answer on a Separate Sheet of Paper**

1. What does carpe diem mean?

2. What does the word “tragedy” literally translate to mean?

3. Who believed that Oedipus should be the model for all drama?

a. a word that shows position or direction

b. a word that describes a noun or pronoun

c. a word that names a person place or thing

d. a word that shows action or links a subject to another word in the sentence

e. a word that takes the place of a noun

f. a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb

g. a word that shows emotion or excitement

h. a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses


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