Medieval Times Journal Project

Medieval Times Journal Project Rubric

I __________________________ am going to be a __________________ during Medieval Times. Period: _________

(Your Name) (Your Role in Society)

|5 (100) |4 (80) |3 (60) |2 (40) |1 (20) |

|Task: Completed all requirements of the |Task: Completed most requirements of the |Task: Completed some requirements of the |Task: Completed few requirements of the |Task: Completed very few or no |

|tasks as directed |tasks as directed |tasks as directed |tasks as directed |requirements of the task as directed. |

|Development: the entries are well developed |Development: the entries are mostly |Development: the entries are somewhat |Development: the entries are weakly |Development: the entries are not |

|using conflict, characters, and details that|developed using conflict, characters, and|developed using conflict, characters, and|developed using conflict, characters, and|developed using conflict, characters, and|

|reflect the times. |details that reflect the times. |details that reflect the times. |details that reflect the times. |details that reflect the times. |

|Language: uses numerous medieval terms or |Language: uses many medieval terms or |Language: uses some medieval terms or |Language: uses a few medieval terms or |Language: rarely uses medieval terms or |

|sayings, vocabulary, and nearly always |sayings, vocabulary, and often applies |sayings, vocabulary, and sometimes |sayings, vocabulary, and rarely applies |sayings, vocabulary, and does not apply |

|applies voice. |voice. |applies voice. |voice. |voice. |

|Conventions: uses accurate spelling, |Conventions: uses mostly accurate |Conventions: uses somewhat accurate |Conventions: uses weak spelling, |Conventions: uses inaccurate spelling, |

|punctuation, complete sentences, and varying|spelling, punctuation, complete |spelling, punctuation, complete |punctuation, complete sentences that |punctuation, sentences that affect |

|sentence structure. |sentences, and varying sentence |sentences, and vary sentence structure. |somewhat affect comprehension. |comprehension. |

| |structure. | | | |

|Organization: has at least 4 journal entries|Organization: has at least 4 journal |Organization: has at most journal entries|Organization: has few journal entries in |Organization: journal entries are not in |

|in chronological order, and all events in |entries in chronological order, and most |in chronological order, and some events |chronological order, & few events in each|chronological order, and very few events |

|each entry are accurately sequenced. |events in each entry are accurately |in each entry are accurately sequenced. |entry are accurately sequenced. |within each entry are sequenced. |

| |sequenced. | | | |

|Creativity: The journal always reflects |Creativity: The journal mostly reflects |Creativity: The journal sometimes |Creativity: The journal rarely reflects |Creativity: The journal does not reflect |

|medieval times: pages look old, illumination|medieval times: pages look old, |reflects medieval times: pages look old, |medieval times: pages look old, |medieval times: pages look old, |

|/ borders, and illustrations reflect |illumination / borders, and illustrations|illumination / borders, and illustrations|illumination / borders, and illustrations|illumination / borders, and illustrations|

|Medieval Times. Project is neat. |reflect Medieval Times. Project is neat. |reflect Medieval Times. Project somewhat |reflect Medieval Times. Project is |reflect Medieval Times. Project is not |

| | |neat. |readable. |readable. |

Grade: _________


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