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Patient Information Date_________________

Name___________________________________________________________________ Age__________________

First Middle Last

Mailing Address__________________________________City_________________State_______Zip_____________

Home Phone #______________________Work #_____________________ Cell Phone #________________________________

Do you prefer to receive calls at: (Home (Work (Cell Phone E-MAIL:_______________________________________

Preferred Name____________________ Birth-date___________________ Sex: ( Male ( Female

Are you: ( Minor ( Married ( Divorced ( Widowed ( Single ( Separated

Driver’s License #:_______________________ Social Security # (not needed for minors)________________________________

Your employer:____________________________________ Occupation:___________________________________

Your Parent’s employer (if minor):____________________________________ Occupation:____________________

Parent(s)’s Name(s) (if minor):_____________________________________________ Work #(s):_______________

Spouse’s Name (if applicable):_____________________________________________ Work #__________________

Person to contact in case of emergency:______________________________________ Phone #__________________

Whom may we thank for referring you to us?______________________________________________________

Insurance Information

Employee’s Name:_________________________________________ Relationship to patient:___________________

Birth-date:______________ Social Security #:_____________________ Contact #:___________________________

Name of Employer:_______________________ Insurance Co.:___________________________________________

Subscriber ID#_________________________ Group#_____________________ Ins. Ph#______________________


Employee’s Name:_________________________________________ Relationship to patient:___________________

Birth-date:______________ Social Security #:_____________________ Contact #:___________________________

Name of Employer:_______________________ Insurance Co.:___________________________________________

Subscriber ID#_________________________ Group#_____________________ Ins. Ph#______________________

Dental History

Former Dentist:_________________ Reason for today’s visit:________________Date of last exam:______________

Date of last dental X-rays:____________How often do you brush?____________How often do you floss?_________

Please check any of the following conditions that apply to you:

( Bad Breath ( Grinding Teeth ( Sensitivity to hot

( Bleeding Gums ( Loose teeth/broken fillings ( Sensitivity to sweets

( Clicking or popping jaw ( Periodontal treatment ( Sensitivity when biting

( Food collection between teeth ( Sores/growths in your mouth ( Sensitivity to cold

( Orthodontics ( Reaction to antibiotics, pain medicine or local anesthetic

I would like more information on the following:

⇨ whitening my front teeth ( orthodontics ( improving the look of my front teeth

⇨ other topics ______________________________________________________________________________________

Medical History

Physician:_________________________________________________ Date of last visit:_______________________

Are you taking any medications? ( Yes ( No

If yes, please list meds & what they are for:____________________________________________________________

Do you have any Allergies (i.e. Meds, latex)? ( Yes ( No If yes, please list:___________________________


(Women) Are you pregnant? ( Yes ( No Nursing? ( Yes ( No Taking birth control pills? ( Yes ( No

Do you have a history of the following?

⇨ AIDS ( Coughing up blood ( High Blood Pressure ( Radiation Treatment

⇨ Anemia ( Diabetes ( HIV (+) ( Respiratory Disease

⇨ Artificial Heart Valves ( Epilepsy ( Excessive Bleeding ( Rheumatic Fever

⇨ Artificial Joints ( Fainting ( Jaw Pain/Noise ( Scarlet Fever

⇨ Asthma ( Glaucoma ( Kidney Disease ( Seasonal Allergies

( Back Problems ( Head Injuries ( Latex Allergy ( Skin Rash

⇨ Blood Disease ( Heart Murmur ( Liver Disease ( Stroke

⇨ Cancer ( Heart Problems ( Mitral Valve Prolapse ( Tobacco Habit

⇨ Chemical Dependency Describe_________ ( Nervous Problems ( Tuberculosis

⇨ Chemotherapy ________________ ( Pacemaker ( Venereal Disease

⇨ Circulatory Problems ( Hepatitis ( Psychiatric Care ( NONE

Have you ever had any serious illnesses or operations? ( Yes ( No If yes, describe:______________________

Have you ever had a blood transfusion? ( Yes ( No If yes, give approx. date:___________________________

Have you ever been told by a physician you need to be pre-medicated with antibiotics prior to medical/dental treatment? (normally due to heart murmurs, other heart issues or artificial joints) ( Yes ( No


I certify that I have read and understand the above information to the best of my knowledge. The above questions have been accurately answered. I understand that providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my health. I authorize the dentist to release any information including the diagnosis and the records of any treatment or examination rendered to me or my child during the period of such dental care to third party payers and/or health practitioners. I authorize and request my insurance company to pay directly to the dentist or dental group insurance benefits otherwise payable to me. I understand that my dental insurance carrier may pay less than the actual bill for services. I agree to be responsible for payment of all services rendered on my behalf or my dependents. I also agree that my portion of services will be paid at the time of treatment.

X__________________________________ _________________________

Signature of Patient (or parent if a Minor) Date


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