SDAHA Fall Meeting September 11 – 12, 2010

SDAHA Fall Meeting September 11 – 12, 2010

Rapid City , South Dakota

SDAHA Fall meeting minutes

Meeting attendees:

SDAHA Officers: Tom Hitchcock, President

Dan French, Vice President

Aberdeen: Voting- Steve Jorgenson, Joan Jorgenson, Steve Salwei

Big Stone: Voting Hope Elbert, Jason Elbert

Brookings: Voting- Gerry Rounds, Brian Vanliere

Huron: Voting – Jeff Miller

Mitchell - Voting –Brian Nash, Denise Neihoff, Dave Tronnes

Pierre - Voting –Marcie Long , Rob Anderson, Rob Kittay

Rapid City Voting – Mike Sliper, Brady Pinney, Jeni Leberknight

Sioux Center - Voting - Gary DeYoung, Ben Keeble, Blair Harp

Sioux Falls - Voting –Vince Jones, Nikki Gronli

Watertown – Voting –Patty Foley, Vince Foley, Jay Schroeder

Yankton- Voting - Andrea Wright, Laura Baumeister

SDAHA Representatives: Dave Tronnes, SDAHA Past President/Northern Plaines USAHA Director, Dawn Magee, SDAHA Risk Manager, Mary Held,SDAHA Registrar, Doug Sorenson, SDAHA Referee in Chief, Maxine Tronnes, SDAHA Executive Assistant , Jodi Sterrett, SDHAS Officials Scheduler.

Also present: Chris Bessette of Rapid City

27 voting delegates were identified by SDAHA President Tom Hitchcock.

Adoption of Agenda was moved Steve Jorgenson of Aberdeen and Seconded by Jeni Leberknight of Rapid City

Minutes from SDAHA Spring 2009 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve by Rob Kittay of Pierre and second by Dave Tronnes of Mitchell.

Treasurers Report

Tom Hitchcock, SDAHA President

Report attached

2010-2011 Proposed Budget was presented, moved to accept with understanding that referee pay and Varsity state gate fees are subject to change. by Vince Foley of Watertown second by Vince Jones of Sioux Falls. So moved.

There was a motion to transfer $3,500 to the player development fund by Vince Jones of Sioux Falls and second by Nikki Gronli of Sioux Falls. So moved.

There will be an increase in player’s fees effective next year. Fees will go up from $3.25 per player to $5.00 per player. Additional funds from this increase will go towards the Players Development Fund. This was moved by Vince Jones and Seconded by Dave Tronnes. So moved.

An amendment was made to exempt Sioux Center from the $1.75 player fee increase, moved by Gary DeYoung of Sioux Center and Seconded by Jeni Leberknight. Motion failed.

Meeting adjourned to continue Sunday morning.

Meeting called to order:

Registrars Report

Mary Held, SDAHA Registrar

Report was issued to attendees.

Online registration is going well all associations are participating

Risk Managers Report

Dawn Magee, SDAHA Risk Manager

Background forms are on the Web. Please designate if they are new or returning.

Officials Report

Doug Sorenson, SDAHA Referee in Chief

Looks good for the availability of certified refs. Working on getting PeeWee and Bantam refs. Level 3 refs are conducting evaluations.

Working on a 2 man system. Young referees need to get experience.

Level 3 refs will have an all day seminar. On ice, professionalism, written test ect…Would like a digital projector. Going to ask 3m to donate or sell at a reduced cost.

Would like to pay evaluators.

Hockey official’s organization to be organized. Meeting to be held mid season.

Would recommend the board to examine the referee pay.

Officials Scheduling: Making sure the varsity games have qualified refs.

Coaches Report

Steve Salwei, SD Coach in Chief

Report was distributed.

USA hockey will no longer have an ACE position, it is now called an Associate Coaching Chief. Doug Pietz will serve in that capacity for SDAHA.

ADM, will pass on information as the info is received.

Player Development camps, Vince Foley – Camps will be held for younger players. Dates will be determined.

U14 and U16 Dave Benson and Jessie Rounds are coaching these groups.

Discussion on having a U18 national team. Myron Kruckenberg will organize a group to see if there is interest.

Coaches Committee

Rob Kittay

For JV players to qualify for state tournament committee would suggest that all players play 50% of league games.

Discipline Committee report

Dan French, Vice President SDAHA

Reminder that all games misconducts must be reported to the state. If they are not reported, coaches can be suspended and or fined.

State Scheduler

Maxine Tronnes, SDAHA Executive Assistant

Schedule to be finalized in early October.

Round robins at the squirt and mite levels.

Senior Showcase

Mary Held

To be held November 19th and 20th in Brookings. Would like to have everyone register by October 1st. Billed each association $40 in the past for each player, and increase to $50.00 this year. Cost will include, jersey, breakfast and possible t-shirt.

Web Site Update

Ron Dobesh

Attached report on bids. Looking at different options for the future.

Association Reports

Team counts were given by each association.

SDAHA Past President/Northern Plaines USAHA Director report

Dave Tronnes, SDAHA Past President/NPD District Director

Change in the National Tournaments. Will pass on information as it becomes available.

Celebrity Hunt – Working on making this a big success to continue and expand scholarships given to seniors in with in SDAHA.

SDAHA President report

Tom Hitchcock, SDAHA President

Presidents Cup will include the state champions for boys and girls varsity, league champs for boys and girls varsity (number 2 seed will go if number 1 seed can not attend).

Need to know if any U19 girls would like to participate in the National tournament in Gillett Wy the last weekend in February . Any local who wants to participate in the tournament would have to have a play off to determine who attends.

USA Hockey going to 3 divisions.


Updated proposal on referee compensation (proposal below) : Motion to accept proposal by Vince Foley of Watertown, second by Gary DeYoung of Sioux Center. So moved.

Proposal for Ref Compensation

Base Rates per game

| |Ref |Line |

|Boys Varsity & JV |$55.00 |$40.00 |

|Girls Varsity & JV |$55.00 |N/A |

|Bantam |$45.00 |$35.00 |

|Pee Wee |$35.00 |$25.00 |

Travel Compensation.

Referees who reside within 20 miles of an associations rink will consider that association as their “home based” location and will use zones for travel compensation. Referees who reside further than 20 miles from an association’s rink will use distance from their residence to the game location for travel distance. Travel compensation is paid on a per diem basis. If a referee travels between two rinks in one day the referee is to alert each association to pay only ½ of the larger per diem rate.

|To Zone |One Way Distance |Per Diem Rate |

|1 |Less than 20 miles |$0.00 |

|2 |Less than 60 miles |$18.00 |

|3 |Less than 120 miles |$36.00 |

|4 |Less than 180 miles |$54.00 |

|5 |180 miles or further |$72.00 |

Home Base to |A |B |H |M |P |R |SC |SF |W |Y | |Aberdeen to |1 (0 mi) |4 (150 mi) |3 (92.9 mi) |4 (147 mi) |4 (165 mi) |5 (337 mi) |5 (268 mi) |5 (208 mi) |3 (97 mi) |5 (235 mi) | |Brookings to |4 (146 mi) |1 (0 mi) |3 (79 mi) |3 (114 mi) |5 (195 mi) |5 (392 mi) |3 (112 mi) |3 (60 mi) |2 (50 mi) |4 (133 mi) | |Huron to |3 (92.9 mi) |3 (79 mi) |1 (0 mi) |2 (51 mi) |3 (119 mi) |5 (291 mi) |5 (186 mi) |4 (130 mi) |3 (91.2 mi) |4 (140 mi) | |Mitchell to |4 (147 mi) |3 (115 mi) |2 (51 mi) |1 (0 mi) |4 (151 mi) |5 (279 mi) |4 (131 mi) |3 (79.3 mi) |4 (128 mi) |3 (91.0 mi) | |Pierre to |4 (165 mi) |5 (248 mi) |4 (120 mi) |4 (151 mi) |1 (0 mi) |4 (175 mi) |5 (283 mi) |5 (227 mi) |5 (192 mi) |5 (239 mi) | |Rushmore to |5 (337 mi) |5 (392 mi) |5 (291 mi) |5 (279 mi) |4 (175 mi) |1 (0 mi) |5 (411 mi) |5 (355 mi) |5 (363 mi) |5 (367 mi) | |Sioux Center to |5 (262 mi) |3 (112 mi) |5 (183 mi) |4 (131 mi) |5 (278 mi) |5 (406 mi) |1 (0 mi) |3 (60 mi) |4 (162 mi) |3 (84 mi) | |Sioux Falls to |5 (210 mi) |3 (60 mi) |4 (128 mi) |3 (79 mi) |5 (226 mi) |5 (354 mi) |3 (60 mi) |1 (0 mi) |3 (110 mi) |3 (76.5 mi) | |Watertown to |3 (97 mi) |2 (50 mi) |3 (90.9 mi) |4 (126 mi) |5 (189 mi) |5 (360 mi) |4 (168 mi) |3 (108 mi) |1 (0 mi) |4 (158 mi) | |Yankton to |5 (235 mi) |4 (133 mi) |4 (140 mi) |3 (90.9 mi) |5 (239 mi) |5 (368 mi) |3 (84 mi) |3 (76.5 mi) |4 (158 mi) |1 (0 mi) | |

Single Game Compensation

Referees who travel over 20 miles (or away from their home base) to officiate a single game will receive an extra $25

Amend to increase Referee pay to be raised $5.00 across the board.

Moved by Vince Jones of Sioux Falls, second by Vince Foley of Watertown. So moved.

Sharing of Varsity State Tournament gate Fees:

Recommendations of Tournament Committee 7/15/2010

1. Bid Varsity Tournament 2011

2. Bid Other Tournaments 2011

a. Existing Rotation towns have priority

b. 2012 Open Bid Process

3. Revenue Sharing

a. Gate Only

b. First $X (TBD) to local for expenses

c. Above $X, local receives Y% (TBD)

4. SDAHA receipts applied to budget, refunded to association TBD

State Tournament Proposal

1. Proposal involves all state tournaments;

2. All State Tournaments proposal must meet bid criteria for specific division;

3. Gate is the property of SDAHA;

4. Each local may host only one tournament unless no other town wants the second tournament.

Bid Submission and Tournament Location Decision

1. Each town may submit a bid for each tournament they qualify for.

2. The submission for each town may indicate priority of tournaments they desire.

3. Each host tournament local must have a team playing in the tournament.

4. The tournament decision process shall follow the following order:

a. Boys Varsity

b. Girls Varsity

c. Boys Junior Varsity

d. Girls Junior Varsity

e. Bantam B

f. Bantam C

g. PeeWee B

h. PeeWee C

i. End of season developmental tournament for non-league team older than U12.

5. Locals need not submit a tournament proposal at every level;

6. Annually, the local shall submit qualification information for their respective rinks for the criteria below. A qualified list shall be prepared and distributed to the locals.

7. Commitments to improve facility shall be assessed on January 1st of the year in which the tournament is to be held to determine whether adequate compliance has been, or will be achieved. If the State Board determines the commitments shall not be met, it may relocate the tournament to any other location it deems appropriate.

8. The State Board Executive Committee shall be the determining body for the tournament selection.

9. Although not an absolute requirement, the selection process shall have as a goal the distribution of tournaments so that each local shall host a tournament at least every other year.

10. The State Board may award Boys Varsity Tournament up to five years in the future on a conditional basis. Confirmation of the locations shall occur in the Annual Meeting in the year before the scheduled tournament.

Example: Hypothetical: Watertown would not qualify for the Boys’ Tournament, nor field a PeeWee C Tournament, and have a State Girls Basketball Tournament scheduled in town on the weekend of the Girls Tournament. Because of that conflict and ineligibility to host other tournaments, Watertown might only submit for the Bantam B, and/or Bantam C tournaments.

A motion to give the host association a base reimbursement of $3000.00

Motion by Vince Foley of Watertown, second by Vince Jones of Sioux Falls. So moved.

Motion to give host association a 15% incentive above the $3000.00 gate minimum for gate was made by Vince Foley of Watertown, second by Gary DeYoung of Sioux Center. Call the question 14 yes and 4 no. So moved.

Motion for state share of Varsity gate be allocated accordingly to groups having a league team equally. Moved by Vince Foley of Watertown

Amend motion to read Funds to be allocated among the numbers of league teams. Moved by Gary DeYoung of Sioux Center, second by Vince Foley of Watertown. Call to question 20 yes and 7 no. So moved.


Proposal to allow U12 girls to dual roster

A motion was made to allow U12 girls to dual roster on squirts or below. Motion by Denise Niehoff of Mitchell, second by Brian Nash Mitchell. So moved.

Proposed SDAHA policy (cyber threats –discipline committee)

Proposal reads:

SDAHA will not accept, tolerate nor condone bullying or threats made through electronic means of communication. Each local association will be asked to deal with each situation as a serious matter and take the appropriate disciplinary action. If the incident involves two or more locals, and an agreement as to discipline cannot be met by the locals, the case may be referred to the SDAHA Discipline Committee to hear and render a decision.

The SDAHA Discipline committee will treat the incident as any other discipline issue that comes before it. A hearing will be scheduled to hear the case, at which time, all parties involved will have their opportunity to address the committee. The SDAHA Discipline Committee will render a decision. The decision may be appealed under rules already in place for appealing a decision.

A motion to accept proposal with a change of the first line of proposal to read “SDAHA will not tolerate Cyber bullying or threats” was made by Vince Foley of Watertown, second by Vince Jones of Sioux Falls. So moved.

Administrative change on designation of PeeWee and Bantam teams

Rules currently read: Players/Teams: “B” (previously designated as “A”) league would consist of those players with the highest level of skill. If an association has only one team, it would be placed in this league. “C” (previously designated as “B”) would consist of those players with the lower level skill. Any association has the right to apply to the SDAHA board of directors seeking permission to play at the “C” league. (9/06)

Proposal made to return to the “A” and “B” designations.

Motion to accept proposal was made by Jeni Leberknight of Rapid City , second by Brad Pinney of Rapid

City. So moved

Motion to adjourn was made by Vince Foley of Watertown, Second by Vince Jones of Sioux Falls.


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