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Exemples d-emails re?us en langue Anglaise pour annoncer les soit disant gains à ces fausses loteries. Les fautes d’orthographes sont conservées dans un souci d’authenticité.A NOTER : Les numéros de téléphone commen?ant par 00 225 renvoient tous en C?te d'Ivoire.MICROSOFT MEGA JACKPOT LOTTERYDe: "MICROSOFT MEGA JACKPOT LOTTERY" (infowinner@)Objet: OFFICIAL EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS!!!!MICROSOFT MEGA JACKPOT LOTTERYUNITED KINGDOM. LONDON.MICROSOFT HOUSE, LONDON.Director: MR. donald newtonREF NO: M154S/WL07.MICRO (LOTTERY) CHIP NO: 8465207Today, we announce the 10th lucky winners of the MICROSOFT MEGA JACKPOT LOTTO WINNINGS PROGRAMS held on 17TH OF october,2007. Your company or your personal e-mail address, attached to the Chip Number: 8465207,won in the sixth lottery category 2007. Your email address has brought you an unexpected luck, please read through this message.You are therefore been approved for lump sums pay out of ?5,500,000.00, FIVE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS.In cash Credited to file REF NO: M154S/WL07. And MICRO (LOTTERY) CHIP NO: 8465207, you are the sixth lucky winner of the total winners of 10. You all have won ?5.5, million Pounds each.All the 10 participants were selected through our Microsoft computer ballot system (MCBS) drawn from each continent, as part of International \\\"E-MAIL\\\" Promotions Program, to promote the use of ELECTRONIC MAILS (E-MAILS) all over the World, and to promote the use of Microsoft Office. Your funds (certified Cashiers cheque) have been insured with the FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, LONDON, With your REF NO: M154S/WL07. To claim your winning prize (?5.5, million pounds), you must first, contact the claims department by email for Processing and remittance of your prize money to you. The claims processor is:Name : Mr. DAVID BENE-mail : #: +447011137259Do email the above email address, at once with all the claims requirements. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications.NOTE : Your winnings can only be claimed through a swift bank transfer.CONGRATULATIONS!!!De: "MICROSOFT MEGA JACKPOT LOTTERY" (infowinner@)Objet: OFFICIAL EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS!!!!COLUMBUX AWARD DEPARTMENT INCORPORATED.81 Canada Square, Canary Wharf,London E14 5DY, United KingdomBatch No: SMBA/2907/444/908/07Ticket No: 45407Lucky No: 3-18-40-40-76Serial No: 51622Ref No: SMB/WIN/008/07/03/LUKDear Lucky Winner,We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer balloting sweepstakes held on 17th of october 2007.This is a millennium scientific computer game done by the Columbux Award Department(UK)in which email addresses were used.It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users;therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it. You have been approved for one of the prizes along side three other lucky winners.Your prize is worth 786,000.000 Pounds (Seven Hundred and Eighty Six Thousand Pounds Sterling Only), as you won in the forth Category of the programme.To claim your winning prize you are to contact the appointed INTERNATIONAL REMITTANCE DIRECTOR as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings.Please find below the contact details of the Agent you are to contact:Mr.Edward LopezINTERNATIONAL REMITTANCE DIRECTOR1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf,London E14 5DY, United KingdomEmail:edwardlopez_columbus@Telephone: +44 7045727318 +44 7045727313Best Regards,Mrs.Angela Morrison.(Management).London, United KingdomMicrosoft and AOL - Middle of Year AnniversaryDe: "MR JAMES ROBERT" (MICROSOFTBONANZAONLINE@)Objet: WINNING NOTIFICATIONCraven Park,HarlesdenLondon NW10,United Kingdom.Ref: BTD/931/07Batch: 501729M29TH OF AUGUST 2007Dear Award winner,WINNING NOTIFICATIONThe prestigious Microsoft and AOL has set out and successfully organised aSweepstakes marking the middle of year anniversary ,over 100,000.000.00 (One Hundred Million Great Britain Pounds) was rolled out for our middle of year Anniversary Draws.The selection was made through computer draw system attaching personalised email addresses to ticket numbers.Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to ticket number 008995727495 with serial number BTD/9080648302/06 and drew the lucky numbers 14-11-25-40-40-47(21)which subsequently won you 1,000,000.00(One Million Great BritainPounds)as one of the jackpot winners in this draw.Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him.For security reasons,you are advised to keep your winning informationconfidential till your claim is processed and your prize remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Please be warned.To file for your claim Please Contact your Financial Controller/claims agent by forwarding your prize claim request form as requested via email immediately with details below :*************************************FINANCIAL CONTROLLER/FIDUCIARY AGENT:Mr.William GrayMicrosoft Promotion Award TeamHead Winning Claims**************************************THIS FORM IS TO BE FILLED BY THE BENEFICIARY OF THE PRIZE AND SENT BY MAIL ON YOUR WINNING NOTIFICATION FOR VERIFICATION BEFORE OPTIONAL TRANSFER PROCESS CAN BE INITIATED AND EFFECTED.First Name........................................middle Name.......................................Last Name.........................................Mailing address City .............................State.............................................Zip Code .........................................Phone number......................................Fax number........................................Country...........................................Email address.....................................Occupation........................................Job title.........................................Date and Place of Birth...........................Ticket number.....................................Ref: number ......................................Batch number......................................Amount Won .......................................You will have to Choose how you want to receive your winninngs by using""Yes"" or ""NO"" in the options you choose.1)Courier service......................COURIER/DIPLOMATIC SERVICE DELIVERY: You employ the services of our affiliate courier company to courier your Award Certificate and Certified Bank Cheque to you within a period of 5-14 Days.When we receive you filled form, we shall be sending you more information about the courier company.You must abide by and satisfy all official laws and protocols as mandated by the International Gaming Board regulations and the Gaming Regulators European Forum (GREF), to protect winners and to avoid misappropriation of funds.2)Bank wire Transfer................... For your bank wire transfer you will require the service of our paying bank to effect the transfer of your winning prize.NOTE:ALL CLAIMS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND ALL CHARGES FOR EITHER MEANS OF PRIZE REMITTANCE MUST BE PAID BY THEBENEFICIARY OF THE PRIZE.THE CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE PAYING BANK OR THE COURIER COMPANY WILL BE FORWARDED TO YOU UPON THE RECEIPT OF YOUR CHOICE OF REMITTANCE BY YOUR FINANCIAL CONTROLLER/FIDUCIARY AGENT.Best wishes,Mr.James RobertCustomercare ServiceMicrosoft Promotion TeamMicrosoft and AOL - Sweepstakes ... 2007 anniversaryDe: FROM THE MANAGEMENT.Microsoft Award TeamMICROSOFT HOUSE 10 GREAT PULTENEY STREET LONDON W1F 9NBRef: BTD/968/05Batch: 409978ECONGRATULATION! CONGRATULATION!! CONGRATULATION!!!Dear. Sir/ Madam,The prestigious Microsoft and Aol has set out and successfully organised a Sweepstakes marking the year 2007 anniversary. Rolled out over ?300,000,000.00 for our this year Anniversary Draws. Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we enjoy their patronage.The selection was made through a computer draw system attaching personalised email addresses to ticket numbers. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies & in effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.Your email address have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of ( ?1M) One million Pounds in cash credited to File KPC/9030108308/03.This is from a total cash prize of Three Hundred Million British Pounds ( ?300,000,000.00) shared among the first 450 lucky winners in this category world-wide. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our lottery booklet representative office in London as indicated in the play coupon. The draws registered as Draw number one was conducted in Brockley, London United Kingdom on the 12th of June,2007.Please be informed by this winning notification to file your claims immediately.You are advised to make contact to your referred agent who shall by duty guide you through the process to facilitate the release of your winning prize.For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.To file for your claim, please contact our Claiming Agent immediately.Name: Mr.WIlson MoreTel: 00-44-703-191-86-54Eamil:claimagentmicrosoft@We dedicate our special thanks & gratitude to Bill Gates and his associates.We wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune in this season.DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL BECAUSE YOU MIGHT NOT BE ATTENDED TO. KINDLY CONTACT YOUR CLAIM AGENT DIRECTLY ON claimagentmicrosoft@ FOR FURTHER DIRECTIONSMrs. Linda Rose.Microsoft Promotion TeamVice President.Please provide the following details for processing of your claim.NAME IN FULL:...............................ADDRESS:....................................NATIONALITY:................................SEX:........................................AGE:........................................MARITAL STATUE:.............................PHONE:......................................MOBILE:.....................................FAX:........................................OCCUPATION:.................................COMPANY:....................................AMOUNT WON:.................................EMAIL:......................................Note that this program is being sponsored by:MICROSOFT/AOL INTERNET EXPLORERMicrosoft Email PromoFrom: promo_uk18@Subject: OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATIONMICROSOFT EMAIL PROMO:OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATIONAfter a successful completion of the draws of the MICROSOFT EMAIL PROMO held on the 13th of September 2007,your company or your personal e-mail address,attached to winning numbers:(23) (77) (04) (57) (33) (170) won in the Tenth lottery category.You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of ?150,000,00 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand British Pounds Sterling) in cashcredited to file REFNO:MSW-L/007-28793,BATCH NO:2007MJL-05,The claims processor is: JAMES +447031972654Your secret pin code is ML0757985.provide the following informations1.FullName.............................2.Address:.............................3.Phone:...............4.Country:.............................5.Sex.............................YOURS FAITHFULLY,MRS. MARILYN MALINGUEMicrosoft Word International PromotionsFrom: "Microsoft Word International Promotions" ( You Have Won...Dear Winner,This is to inform you of the release of our 2007 MSW MEGA JACKPOT, Your e-mail address, is attached to winning number 01-12APR-2007-02MSW, with serial number S/N-00168 drew the lucky numbers 887-13-865-37-10-83, and consequently won in the first lottery category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 500,000.00 GBP (FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING) credited to file REF NO:MSW-L/200-26937. This is from total prize money of GBP 2,500,000.00 POUNDS, shared among the Five (5)international winners in this category.In respect to claims,you must first contact the claims department by email.Name: Mrs Vanessa White ScottEmail: mrsvanessawhitescott003@.hkYou are to forward the following details to enable her clear your file for immediate payment:1. Full Names: _______________________2. Address: __________________________3. Age: ______________________________4. Sex: ______________________________5. Marital Status: ___________________6. Occupation: _______________________7. Phone numbers: ____________________8. Fax number: _______________________9. Country: __________________________Yours faithfully,Sir David Alberto.Fondazione Di VittorioDe: "charity-foundation" ( ou ou NOTIFICATION FOR CASH AID.Fondazion De Vittorio, FOR CASH AID.The Foundazion di Vittorio, would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a Grant/Donation cash aid of USD$1,500,000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) for your own personal education, and business development.The Fondazione Di Vittorio, established 1977 by the Multi-Million groups and now supported by United Nations Organization (UNO) and the European Union (EU),is conceived with the objective of human growth, educational, and community development thereby uplifting the standard of living of people.Based on the random selection exercise of internet websites and millions of supermarket cash invoices worldwide, you were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the award sum of US$1,500,000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) as grant/donations cash aid from the Vittorio Foundation in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament.Note that all beneficiaries email addresses were selected randomly from over 100,000 internet websites and shop's cash invoice around your area in which you might have purchased something from. You are required to contact our office annex in DEN HAAG NETHERLANDS for the processing of your grant/donation cash aid as this will ensure efficiency in our services, meanwhile you will be given your donation pin number/payment-release-order-form, which you will use in collecting the funds. Please endeavor to quote your Qualification numbers (A-222-6747,N-900-56) in all discussions.***********************************Executive Secretary,Name: Robben Van (ou ou***********************************All information is strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose to which it is been requested in order to avoid unwarranted taking advantage of this programmed by non-participant or unofficial personnel.Please note that these grant/donation cash aid are strictly administered by Foundazion di Vittorio, under delegated powers from the United Nations Organization (UNO).Finally, all funds should be claimed by their respective beneficiaries,no later than 15 days after notification.On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.Regards.Mrs.Georgette Maessen(Foundation officer)Electronic Lottery ProgramsDe: "Mrs. Becky Owen" ( CALL TO CONFIRMEUROPEAN PRIZE AWARD DEPT1 Plough Place,London EC4A 1DEUNITED KINGDOMREF: WE67/4360/34BATCH: 11/4578/GNDear Sir/Ma .Top of days greetings to you.Finally today, we announce that you are one of the winners of the ELECTRONIC LOTTERY PROGRAMS.held on 1st September,2007. Your company and your personal e-mail addresses, attached to ticket number: 7-1-8-36-4-22 under agent ID: 18 and lucky ball number 7363789,which consequently won in the Tenth lottery category.You have therefore been awarded a lump sum pay out of 860,641.28 Great British Pounds(GBP) which amounts to $1,500,000.00 (One Million,Five Hundred Thousand United States DOLLARS).The online draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 29,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet. No ticket were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.This is to encourage our prominent and consistent Microsoft Internet Explorer users all over the world, and for the Continues use of E-mail.Your fund has been insured with your identification number {CPEL/OWN/9876}. To claim your winning prize, you must first contact the claims department by email for Processing and remittance of your prize to you.Mr.David NelsonTEL:+44-702-407-7543TEL:+44-702-402-3245TEL:+44-701-113-2446FAX:+44-707-570-0301EMAIL:european_lotterycompany04@.hkDo email the above email address all at once. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and winning numbers in all correspondences with your claims officer.You are to keep all lotto information away from the general public especially your ticket number and ballot number.All your personal datas are to be sent to YAHOO/MICROSOFT ACCREDITED AGENT via email for the processing of your winning.FILL THE FORM BELOW WITH YOUR DATAS1.Full Name:____________________2.Address:______________________3.Nationality:____________________4.Age:____________________________5.Occupation:____________________6.Phone:________________________7.State of Origin:_________________8.Country:______________________Sincerely,Mrs. Becky OwenOnline Co-ordinator Secretary====================================================OUR Executives:Dr. P. Swier (CEO), Mr. Gerald Goodman (Manager Foreign Operations), Mr. Franklyn Van Der Weijden (Manager Domestic Banking Operations), Dr. James Williams (Director International Credit Department), Mrs. Lonni K Anderson (Legal Representative), Mrs. Lyudmyla Marchukova(Regional Manager), Mr. Stephen Boer (Chairman), Mr. Chris Moritz(International Relation Officer).Euro millions - Spanish Lottery International (Lottery Spain)De: EUROMILLIONS ( ***CONGRATULATION YOU HAVE WON CONTACT YOUR AGENT FOR CLAIMS***You have been awarded € 875,000.00 Euros in the EUROMILLIONS satellite software email lotto promotional program in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by software powered by the internet through the world wide website.Your email address was among those chosen in the EUROMILLIONS satellite software email lotto promotions. And this promotional program is proudly sponsored by the EUROMILLIONS.Your email address was attached to Ref Number 12, 17, 01, 98, 82, 74 with Serial Number 0117-11 drew the Lucky Numbers 17, and consequently won the lotto in the first category. You are therefore been approved for the lump sum payment of € 875,000.00 Euros.Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European representative office in Europe in view of this, your € 875,000.00 Euros will be processed and released to you by our fiduciary agent located in Europe. Our European agent will immediately commence with the process to facilitate the release of your lotto award winning prize as soon as you contact them.All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000,000 companies and individual email addresses world wide.This promotional program takes place annually. We advice that you keep your winning details confidential till your claims is processed and your award winning prize remitted to you. This is part of our policy measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this promotional program by some participants.To file for your claims please contact your fiduciary agent with the details as stated below:Tomas StephensonTel: +34645405015Email: emagent@You are to provide the details as stated below:1. Full Name:2. Address:3. Marital Status:4. Age:5. Sex:6. Nationality:7. Country of Residence:8. Occupation:9. Telephone Number:10. Fax Number:11. Reference Number:12. Serial Number:13. Lucky Number:14. Category:These details facilitate the processing and the remittance of your award winning prize to avoid unnecessary delays and complications in the processing of your prize and always remember to quote your reference, serial and lucky number in any correspondences with your fiduciary agent.Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this promotional program, we also thank you for being part of our promotional program this year.Sincerely,Maria Jose SotoPromotion DirectorEUROMILLIONS.De: "" ( : FINAL NOTIFICATION (CONGRATULATION!!! YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HAVE WON A GREAT PRIZE)SPANISH EURO MILLION LOTTERY INTERNATIONALCALLE MOSTOLES 23C PISO 6G 28923 MADRID ESPANA.FROM THE DESK OF THE VICE PRESIDENTINTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARDREFERENCE: 67/55/IBLBATCH: EGGS-541-444-081DATE: 10TH, SEPT, 2007.ATTENTION EMAIL BENEFICIARY,AWARD WINNING NOTIFICATION / FINAL NOTICESir / Madam,We are pleased to inform you of the result of winners in the Euro millions Spanish Lottery International E-mail programs held on the 19TH AUGUST 2007 .Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 712-430-11-18 with Prize Number (Match 3): IV 241872 and drew lucky star winning numbers (04-43), which consequently won in the 2ND category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 600.000.00 Euros.(Six Hundred th ousand Euros).CONGRATULATIONS!!!The online draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 129,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet all the continents of the world.No ticket were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.This lottery was promoted and sponsored by Spanish European Lottery Board in order to enhance and promote the use of Internet Explorer Users and Microsoft-wares around the globe,this promotional program takes place once in three years.Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your award remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.To claim your winning priz e, you should contact the office by email for Processing and remittance of your winning funds to you.The Claims Officers:DR RICHARD EDWARDMAPFRE SECURITY COMPANYCALLE DE FUENLABRADA 33, PISO NO6, 28935.MADRID SPAINEMAIL: Email: mapfreoffice@ /mapfrecompany@TEL:00 34 6222-082-39 .mapfre.esRemember, all winning must be claimed not later than two weeks, after this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake.Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your Reference number and Batch numbers in all correspondence with the claims officer.Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible.Congratulations once more from our members of s taff and thank you for being part of our promotional program.We hope with part of your winning you will take part in our end of year 50 millions Euro International lottery.Sincerely yours,MAG ALICE WILLIAMS (Mrs).Director Online International Promotions Unit/Lottery Co-ordinator.EURO MILLION LOTTERY INTERNATIONALEMAIL:euromillion2007@WWW.N.B:1.All winners under the age of 18 are automatically disqualified.......................................................DISCLAIMER....................................................................This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it please let us know by reply it from your system; you should not copy it or disclose its contents to anyone.All messages sent to and from EURO MILLION LOTTERY ; INTERNATIONAL may be monitored to ensure compliance with internal policies and to protect your winning which is from the Spanish Lottery Award Promotion 2007/2008 Section.The contents of any email addressed to our clients are subject to our usual terms of business; anything which does not relate to the official business of the firm is neither given nor endorsed by it.De: "END OF YEAR LOTTERY" (lotto@)Objet: COLLECT YOUR PRIZEEuroMillion Lottery SpainMadrid SpainRef. Number: ESP/966/07/34Batch Number: EML/2367/34/07.Dear Winner,We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our end of year computer balloting sweepstake held on the 30TH of November, 2007. This is a millennium scientific computer game in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it.Your email address attached to ticket number (28-931-71) drew the lucky numbers 10-59-34-62 which consequently won the draw in the Second category.You have been approve for the star prize of Five Hundred Thousand Euros (500,000.00 Euros) You are advised to keep this winning very confidential until you receive your lump prize in your account this is a protective measure to avoid double claiming by people you may tell as we have had cases like this before, In other to claim your (500,000.00 Euros) prize winning, which has been deposited in a designated bank. However, you will have to fill the form below and send it to our registered claim agent (AXA SEGUROS COMPANY) for verification and then you will be directed to the bank where your winning funds are deposited in your favour.FULL NAMES:AGE:SEX:ADDRESS:EMAIL:PHONE:OCCUPATION:COUNTRY:AMOUNT WON:BATCH NUMBER:REFERENCE NUMBER:Please you are advised to complete the form and send it immediately to your claims agent (AXA SEGUROS S.A) through this email address: ( to enable them help you processing your claim for prompt collection of your fund from the designated bank.AXA SEGUROS S.AMADRID SPAINContact Person: Mr. Samuel Tonna(Foreign Services Manager)Email: axa.seguros@yahoo.esTel:+ 34 634 193 456Note: All prize funds must be claimed before the 15TH of December 2007 after this date all funds will be returned back to the Lottery Company as unclaimed fund.Congratulations once again.Yours Faithfully,Mrs. Anna Christina Garcia(Vice President)lotto.nlDe: prize info ( WINNER WINNER WINNERWINNER WINNER WINNERKoningen Julianaplein 21, 2391 BDDenhaag, The Netherlands(Award affiliate with Subscriber Agents).From: Mrs A. Bogat (Award Co-ordinator)website: lotto.nlThe gaming board is pleased to inform you of the result of the online award program held on the the 24th of August 2007. Your E-mail address attached to NL number # 1765489 and online number # 2646428, was awarded the sum of 1,000,000.00 euros. This program is organized to promote special internet products like online banking etc.This draws was conducted formally and winners were selected through a special internet ballot system from 40,000 individuals and companies E-mail addresses.To avoid doubl e claim yo u are strictly advised to keep your winning numbers confidential. Details on how to transfer your award to you will be given when you contact the paying bank. For immediate release of your winnings please contact our paying bank and send them the following information:*************************************************************(i) Name:(ii) Contact telephone and fax numbers :(iii) Contact Address :(iv) Winning numbers (NL and online numbers) :(v) Awarded amount :(vi) Notification date :*************************************************************Contact person: Stam SolevanE-mail: midcredbnk@Tel: +31 626 9 89 223Calling hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-6:00pmPOSTCODE LOTTO NL.De: ena villani ( Objet: SEE MESSAGE FOR DETAILS: SEE MESSAGE FOR DETAILS: POSTCODE LOTTO NL. INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARD DEPARTMENT. Van Eeghenstraat 70,1071GK Amsterdam,The Netherlands. LSLUK/2031/8161/07, Batch no:14/011/IPD, Ticket no:5065206-572, Prize no:5772-54, Draw Lucky no:3-4-17-28-35-44. Dear Winner, Congratulations to you as we bring to your notice,result of online E-mail lottery organized by POSTCODELOTERIJ.NL(, held on the 15th November,2007.Your email ID emerged winner NO:6,in Category"B" Winner Prize Amount:1,000,000.00 EUROS(One Million EUROS). It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it. METHOD OF SELECTING WINNERS: Draws and winners were conducted and selected respectivelly through an internet ballot system from 50,000 individuals and companies e-mail addresses around the world. CONTACT BELOW MENTIONED OFFICE CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR CLAIMS,WITH YOUR NAME, TELEPHONE AND YOUR WINNING NUMBERS. Contact Person: Dr.Michael Avans (Director,Claim Dept) Contact Email : snsofficepost@ Contact Tel :+ 31 619 289 644 Congratulations once again. Yours faithfully, ena villani. (Co-ordinator)Postcodeloterij.UK National LotteryDe: lottery4@san.Objet: Your Email appears to be one of the Lucky WinnersDear Winner,We Happily announce to you the Draw (#892) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY held on the 8th of September,2007. Your Email appears to be one of the Lucky Winners, with the following Numbers:Ticket Number :7156189324Winning Numbers: 03, 07 ,09 ,17, 29 & Bonus 40Agent ID Number:120Batch: 19-46-11GBAmount Won: 1.750,000.00 POUNDS STERLING.You are advised to Contact our Approved Claims Personnel citing the Numbers above for further processing of your Claims:Contact Person:Mr Anthony Flower,Email +447031860514Congratulations once more from our entire staff.Yours sincerely,Angelina Ashton (Mrs)Online Co-ordinator.De: NOTIFICATION DESK(Customer Services)3b Olympic Way,Sexton Business Park,Aintree, Liverpool, L30 1RDUNITED KINGDOM.Batch: 12/25/0340Ref: BIL/101OXI/02Attn:Lucky Winner,We happily announce to you the draw (#989) of the BRITISH INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY, online Sweepstakes International program held on 1st November 2007.Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers: (13)-(43)-(06)-(15)-(02)-(40)bonus #(09).Which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5 plus bonus.You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of ?500,000 (Five hundred thousand pounds sterling) in cash credited to file no KTU/9023118308/03.This is from a total cash prize of ?2,000,000.00 shared amongst the first four lucky winners in this category i.e Match 5 plus bonus.All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are listed online.This promotion takes place bianually.Please note that your lucky winning numbers falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in your play coupon.In view of this, your ?500,000 (five hundred thousand pounds sterling) would be released to you by any of our Affiliate department.Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him/her.For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Please be warned !!!To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent :MR ED JACOBSE MAIL: from me and members of staff of the BRITISH INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY.Yours faithfully,ELIZABETH HANKS (Mrs.)Director.International Promotions Unit,KELLY WADECLAIM FIDUCIARY AGENTTEL:+447024098136FAX:+447024099104EMAIL:!!! ANY MAIL RECIEVED OF THIS SUCH WITH ANY OTHER TRADE MARK OR ADDRESS SHOULD BE FOWARDED TO THIS BOX IMMEDIATELY,THIS WILL HELP US TO FIGHT SCAM AND LOTTERY IMPOSTERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ANTICIPATED CO-OPERATION.De: "UK National Lottery (International)" (uklottery1@)Objet: CONGRATULATIONS,YOU HAVE WON!THE NATIONAL LOTTERYBRITISH LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS:CUSTOMER SERVICE,28 FANFIELD ROAD,CROYDON. LONDON W2 1EY*******************************************LOCAL OFFICE:LOCARD HOUSE,LINNET WAY , STATHCLYDE BUSINESSPARK,BELLSHILL,LANARKSHIRE ML4 3RA.REGISTERED UNDER THE DATA PROTECTION ACT.(Registration No: Z720633X).FAX:44-8704713858----------------------------------------------Ref: KPC/9080118308/02/TCABatch: 12/25/0034We happily announce to you the draw of the British Lottery International programs held on the 15th of October, 2007 in London. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 564 75600545 188 with Serial number 5388/02 drew the lucky numbers: 31-6-26-13-35-7, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of 3,000,000.00 (THREE MILLION POUND STERLING) in cash credited to file KPC/9080118308/02/TCA.This is from a total cash prize of 60,000,000.00(sixty million pounds) shared amongst the many lucky winners in this grand category "B". This year Lottery Program Jackpot is the largest ever for British Lottery. The estimated #60 Million jackpot would be the sixth-biggest in U.K. history.The biggest was the 363 Million jackpot that went to two winners in January 2004 drawing of The Big Game Mega Millions' predecessor.This is a Millennium Scientific Computer lottery in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional programme aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to win.Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe. In view of this, your won prize would be transferredto your designated Bank account or sent as cashier cheque.Our approved agent will immediately commence on the processing of your claims, to facilitate the release of your funds to you as soon as you make contact with them.Do therefore contact him with the the following information about yourself to your claims agent on email address:john_uknational@.hkFULL NAME.SEX.AGE.OCCUPATION.ADDRESS.PHONE NUMBER.ACCOUNT NUMBER TO RECEIVE THE MONEY OR OTHER MEANS YOU PREFERAll participants were selected randomly from 'World Wide Web' site through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 email addresses. This promotion takes place annually.For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you as required in this grand category "B". This is a part of our precautionary measures to avoid double claims and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.Please be warned. To file for your claim, kindly contact your claims agent with the below details for processing of your claims and send the required information to him.******************************************************************Name: Mr John MarkE-mail:john_uknational@.hkForeign Services Manager, Payment and Release order Department,LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM******************************************************************Note that all claims process and clearance procedures must be duly completed early to avoid impersonation arising from the issue of double claims. To avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please quote your reference/batch numbers in all correspondences with us or our designated agent.REPLY ONLY TO YOUR CLAIMS AGENT AND NOT ME.Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program.Yours faithfully,Robert BowmanDe: UK NATIONAL LOTTERY ( Uk Lotto NotificationGOVERNMENT ACCREDITED LICENSED!!BRITISH WEB LOTTERYIS REGISTERED UNDER THE DATA PROTECTION ACT OF;(Registration Z720633X)The Marina Offices,St Peters Yacht Basin,Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1HX England(Customer Services)Ref: WINNING NOTIFICATIONThe online Sweepstakes International program held on 29 Aug 2007 at London Borough of Ealing, It is yet to be unclaimed and you are getting the final NOTIFICATION as regards this. Your e-mail address attached to the lucky numbers: 4, 6, 11, 17, 31, 41 And (Bonus Ball 44), which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e JACKPOT. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of ????2,214,747(Two Million Two Hundred And fourteen Thousand Seven Hundred And forty Seven Pounds Sterlings) in cash credited to file number KTU/902311832012/06 and Draw Number 1219.As the soul beneficiary the prize has been insured with a HardCover INSURANCE POLICY called the IRREVOCABLE GUARANTY BOUND, that makes the prize NON-DEDUCTABLE..This is part of the Country's Programme to fund for the Olympic Games in 2012 The ????1.5bn Olympic lottery puzzle ().To file for your claim, please contact our Administration Assistant:NAME: ALTON WILLIAMSOfficial Email: +44-704-570-1258Fax: +44-707-502-0976Endeavour to email him your full names, File and draw numbers, email address, telephone and fax numbers immediately. You can go to our online result site to confirm the value of your winnings and also get a prize breakdown:- from me and members of staff of THE NATIONAL LOTTERY.Yours faithfully,Jordan BradwellOnline CoordinatorFor UK NATIONAL LOTTERYSweepstakes International Program Copyright 2006.Do not reply this E-mail, contact our Administration Assistant with the above email.De: "UK NATIONAL LOTTERY BOARD (END OF YEAR NOTIFICATION)" (info@)Objet: END OF YEAR BONAZADear WINNER,We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just cluded annual final draws of UNITED KINGDOM international programs. After this automated computer ballot, your email address emerged as one of two winners in the category \\"A\\" You are therefore been approve to caim the sum of 1,000,000 (One Million Pounds Sterling) with the information below:REF No: UKNL-L/200-26937, BATCH No: 2007MJL-01 To file for your claim fill the form below and send it to our payment parastatal:Contact Agent; Mr Vincent JamesEmail: +44 704 574 4162PAYMENT PROCESSING FORM(1).YOUR NAMES______________________(2).CONTACT ADDRESS________________(3).TEL/FAX NUMBERS________________(4).OCCUPATION______________(5)COUNTRY______________(6).AGE_______________(7) SEX______________Yours Sincerely,Mrs. Caroline BryanUKON 2007 Lottery ProgramDe: "UK INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY 2007" (INFO@)Objet: NOTIFICATION!!THE DESK OF THE DIRECTOR PROMOTIONS, INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARD DEPARTMENT, THE NATIONAL LOTTERY.MORTIMER HOUSE ,MORTIMER STREET, LONDON, W1T3JH UNITED KINGDOM.WINNING NOTIFICATION (UKON 2007)Ref No: UK/9420X2/68Batch Number: 074/05/ZY369Lucky Numbers: 31-17-8-28-55[08]Bonus Ball 2ND SEPTEMBER,2007.ATTENTION: WINNER,You have been Selected in the UKON 2007 Lottery Program. Our lottery program selection has finally been performed today which was held at the Marina office. UK Promotion is a joint Euro/America private lottery registered and organized in accordance with the World Lottery Regulation act.We the The National Lottery organizing committee are pleased to officially notify you of the status of your email application. An official notification of winning is hereby issued to you as your email promotion ticket randomly drew for the Lucky Numbers: 31-17-8-28-55 [08 Bonus Ball ,which selected your email as the 2ND winner of our lottery program you have consequently won the lottery program in the first batch.Suffice to say here, We have officially approved a sum payout of ?750,000.00 GBP to you as the lottery winner.N:B Keep all information to your self to avoid double claims of your prize And to avoid fraudulent act by other persons, Conclusively,upon your receipt of this notification,do fill the verification and funds release form and return to the claims department immediately via :NAME: REV.jimmy cliff (CLAIMS OFFICER)Email AND FUNDS RELEASE FORMSURNAME :MIDDLE NAME:AGE:SEX:ADDRESS:COUNTRY:STATE:WINNING EMAIL ADDRESS:MARITAL STATUS:OCCUPATION:PHONE NUMBER:FAX NUMBER:LUCKY NUMBER :REF NUMBER:Congratulations from all our staff for being part of UK 2007 LOTTERY PROGRAM.Sincerely,Marian Jones(Mrs)Zonal Co-ordinator.2007 Online Game PromoDe: 2007 ONLINE GAME PROMO (craigncindy@)Objet: You Have Been SelectedA total sum of ??2,500,000 has been awarded to you.To file for your claim, send your Full contact information.To the claims agent immediately via emailName:MR PAUL WILSONEmail: claimsagent444444@.hkCamelot Group - United Kingdom National LotteryDe: THE CAMELOT GROUP (camelotpromo_alert@ ou lotto_award03@)Objet: ***AWARD NOTIFICATION***The Camelot Group,:Operators of The National Lottery.The United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that Your email account have been picked as winner of a lump sum pay of Eight hundred and ninety-one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds(??891,934.00 pounds sterlings)To begin your claim, please contact your claims agent:Mr. Marcus Morrison.Email: camelotclaims_dept017@.hkTel: +44-701-113-8406He will brief you on steps to be taken for due processing and remittance of your prize money.Note below your winning details:Ticket N??: 22-1356-4096-988BATCH N??.: 2006UKL-09FULLNAME.........ADDRESS:.........TEL.......COUNTRY.........Occupation:......Swift Express Courier LimitedLink House,1 C Church Street,Whitechurch,Hants,RG28 7AD,ENGLANDHandling Officer: Mr. Peter LiuEmail: swiftxpresscourierltd@From: "THE CAMELOT GROUP" (camelotgroup@)Subject: ***FINAL NOTIFICATION***The Camelot Group,:Operators of The National Lottery.3b Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park,Aintree, Liverpool , L30 1RDREF N?: UKL/74-A0802742007BATCH N?: 2007UKL-09AWARD NOTIFICATIONThe United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the results of the E-mail address ballot lottery international program by Great Britain .Your email account have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of Eight hundred and ninty-one thousand, nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds (?891,934.00 pounds sterlings) in cash credited to file REF NO. REF: UKL/74-A0802742006. This is from total prize money of GBP ?4,459,670.00 shared among the FIVE (5) international winners in this category.All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web through computer balloting system drawn from over 100,000 names database, union associations and corporate bodies that are listed online. This promotion is this year's United Kingdom National Lottery New year bonanza. The Camelot Group, operators of the United Kingdom National Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also Licensed by the The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).All winning must be claimed not later than 14 working days from this notification. After this time all unclaimed funds will be retured to European Union Treasury as unclaimed. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence.Be advice to keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program.To begin your claim, please contact your claims agent:Mr Marcus Morrison.Email: camelotclaims_dept202@.hkTel: +44 701 113 8406Fax: +44-871 253 8063He will brief you on steps to be taken for due processing and remittance of your prize money..Note below your winning details:Ticket N?: 22-1356-4096-988Serial N?: A069-07Lucky N?: 12-13-21-26-32-39 Bonus-17File REF N?.: UKL/74-A0802742007BATCH N?.: 2007UKL-09Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program.Sincerely,Mrs. Dianne ThompsonOnline Coordinator,CAMELOT GROUP,Operator of The National Lottery.N.B. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the Winners will result to disqualification.NOTE: Do not reply this mail. You are to contact your claims officer immediately. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference number in every one of your correspondences.*IMPORTANT* FILL OUT THIS WINNERS VERIFICATION FORM BELOW:Your application for the claim of lottery winning prize will be duly processed and settlement made upon certification.Hence, carefully fill in the appropriate information in the space provided below for record purposes to facilitate our immediate commencement of your claims process. The completed form should be sent to your claims agent for immediate commencement of prize remittance.*Name of Beneficiary:*Address:*City/State:*Nationality:*Sex:*Email Address:*Tel:*Occupation:*Next of Kin:*Age:*AMOUNT WON:*In Figures:*In Words:*Lucky Nos:*Ticket No:OFFICE USE ONLYVerified by:________________Confirmed by: ________________CLAIMS AGENTS SIGNATURE:________________ From: jembro@stny.Subject: YOU HAVE WON-( BATCH N?.: 2007UKL-01)The Camelot Group PLC,Operators of The National Lottery.3b Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park,Antree, Liverpool , L30 1RDWINNING NOTIFICATIONThe United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the results of the E-mail address ballot lottery international program by Great Britain held on 31th October 2007.Your mail account have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of Eight hundred and ninty-one thousand,nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds (?891,934.00 pounds sterling s) in cash credited to file REF NO. REF:UKL/74-A0802742007. This is from total prize money of GBP ?4,459,670.00shared among the FIVE (5) international winners in this category.All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web through computer balloting system drawn from over 100,000 names database, union associations and corporate bodies that are listed online.This promotion is this year's United Kingdom National Lottery Weekly bonus. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence.Mr Owen Johnson.PROCESSING DEPARTMENT26 Stanhope Road Kent CT14 6AD London United KingdomEmail:claims_office020@yahoo.deTel:+447031970798He will brief you on steps to be taken for due processing and remittance of your prize money.Note below your winning details:N?: 12 31 33 39 41 45 Bonus 23Ticket N?: 22-1356-4096-988Serial N?: A069-07File REF N?.: UKL/74-A0802742007BATCH N?.: 2007UKL-01KINDLY FILL THE VERIFICATION FORMFULL NAMES:_______________Sex:____________AGE_____ADDRESS:_________________City____________State________________Postcode_______Country____________Tel________NationalitySincerely,Mrs. Dianne ThompsonOnline Coordinator.NATIONAL LOTTERYFrom: NATIONAL LOTTERY ( CLAIM YOUR WINNING PRIZE NOW !!!The National Lottery,London United Kingdom.Dear Lottery Winner,Your email was selected as a winner.You have won the sum of ??1,000,000.00GBP(One Million pounds) in cash credited to file BNL/9023118308/09. Please contact our Claims agent: Mr Ed Number: +44 702 408 0130Mrs. Karen Denny(Lottery Co-ordinator)De: eurex10@voila.frObjet: WITHIN THE TIMELINEThis email confirms that you have received from the National Lottery an official notification of your lottery winning in the recent weekly draw.You have won a prize of One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Euros (1,800,000.00) a prize payout of your winning has been approved by National Lottery Board.In accordance with the world lottery ordnance, you are authorized as the official lottery prize winner to immediately file in for your claims upon receipt of this mail.All email addresses entered for the game are submitted by our partner international email service providers/ marketing companies and public service providers.Winners are randomly selected systematically through our Electronic Random Selection System; (ERSS) no ticket was sold. Your email ID was included among the 900,000 email addresses that were entered for category "A" with the following details:Batch No: NL ML-00PN9.REF NO: NL XY/559334.TICKET NO: EM TN61102SERIAL NO: KLZ TR760.LUCKY NO: 02 06 09 13 17 36.Note that Euro millions will remit prize payout strictly to winners who officially file in for their prize claim. To begin the claim process of your prize, you are requested to complete the informations below and forward same to the program coordinator.Mrs. Yvonne ChangEmail: eurnatt@Please complete the informations below:FAMILY NAMES:GIVEN NAMES:RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS:DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH:PROFESSION:TELEPHONE:MOBILE NR:FAX NR:BATCH NR: TICKET NR:REF NR: SERIAL NR:LUCKY NR:Note that the above completed informations must be forwarded strictly to the program coordinator:Mrs. Yvonne ChangEmail: eurnatt@All winnings must be claimed not later than 7 days. You are to keep your winning details from the general public as a case of double claims will not be entertained.Anybody under the age of 18 and members of the affiliate bodies are not allowed to participate in this programme.Thanks for being part of our programme and once again "Congratulation".Dr. Allen WalshNationale Postcode Loterij (Netherlands)From: "" ( Contact Nationale Postcode LoterijContact Nationale Postcode LoterijAttn: WinnerWe bring to your notice the winning letter from Nationale Postcode Loterij {Netherlands Promotion Company} held on the 26th of October, 2007 through Internet ballot System among 10,000 Microsoft users.Subsequently, your email address attached to ticket number won contract sum of 800,000.00 euros,winning number 100364,ref number 00786,batch number 3031228077008.We request you to pay serious attention to this notification by contacting the claims department with claim information and procedures of claim. THE (SILVER TRUST B.V)Contact Person: DR. KENT VAN HOUTClaims Processing ManagerTel: +31-634-245-333Fax: +31-626-403-127Email: silvertrust@Email: silvertrust_info@Congratulations once again from all our staff and thanking you for being part of our promotions program.Yours Sincerely,Mrs. Roberto CamilottiNationale Postcode LoterijYAHOO LOTTERYDe: irashdan@Objet: YAHOO LOTTERY WINNING NOTIFICATIONDear, Sir/MadamYAHOO LOTTERY WINNING NOTIFICATIONWe happily announce to you the draw of the Yahoo Lottery Intl Inc programs held yesterday the 12th of nov 2007 in London. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with Serial number 5388/02 drew the lucky numbers: 31-6-2613357, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category. You are therefore, been approved to claim a total sum of ?300,000.00 for the month of nov 2007 lottery win promotion which is organized by MSN & YAHOO LOTTORY INTL INC every month.CLAIMS PROCESSING LOTTERY AGENT CONTACT INFORMATIONContact Person: Mr dennis james( Winners Directorate Office ) FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS NEEDED BY YAHOO LOTTERYName of Beneficiary:......................................Mailing Address:..........................................Beneficiary Phone Number:.................................Nationality of beneficiary;...............................Serial Number;............ 5388/02Draw Lucky Numbers:....... 31-6-2613357Lotto Number...............Lwh35447Winning Number.............Lwh09788Salamanca Lotto-SabH ProgramDe: "Mrs. Alicia Basilia" (mrsaliciabasillia@)Objet: UPDATESalamanca Lotto-SabHCentral OfficeManagement and Central Services:Salamanca-Strasse 52,DE-13370 PostdamEspania.Email-: salamanca_sabh_office@Reference Number: SL/06-SabH/4009Batch: SL/06- SabH/3434Congratulations!!!We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of Salamanca Lotto-SabH Program.Salamanca Lotto-SabH draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 25,000,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer ballot search from the internet as part of our international promotions program which we conduct every year.No tickets were sold.After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address attached to serial number 06-3434 drew the lucky numbers 7-17-21-26-37-42 which consequently emerged you as one of first fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of ?1,000,000.00 (One Million EURO) in cash credited to file SL/06-SabH/4009. This is from a total cash prize of 250 Million Euro shared amongst the first fifty (50) lucky winners in this category.Your fund is now deposited in an offshore bank with a hardcover insurance.Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your nominated bank account as this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public.Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in London. In view of this, your ?1,000,000.00 (One Million Euro) would be released to you by our affiliate bank in Europe. Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds to you as soon as you make contact with him.To begin your claim please contact our licensed and accredited agentMr Stinson GraySalamanca Lotto-SabHInformation and Payment Bureau:London Representative Office.Email: 70457 34895Note that all prize funds must be claimed not later than 3 weeks.After this date all funds will be returned to the LOTTERY TREASURY as unclaimed.please endeavor to quote your Reference Number:SL/06-SabH/4009 and Batch numbers:SL/06-SabH/3434 in every correspondence with your agent.Yours faithfully,Mrs. Alicia BasiliaPromotions Manager.GRAND PRIME PROMO 2007(ONLINE-DRAW)From: Online Contact ( DRAW REF:XYL/26510460037/06Ticket #378Lucky Numbers 43-10-42-37-10-43DRAW REF:XYL/26510460037/06We are pleased to inform you of the final announcement today, 15th of Nov.2007 of winners of the GRAND PRIME PROMO 2007(ONLINE-DRAW)-AWARD NOTIFICATION, Held October 2007.You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of $6,000,000.00(Six Million United States Dollars) in cash credited to file XYL/26510460037/06.This is from a total cash prize of $60,000,000.00 (Sixty Million United States Dollars) shared amongst the first ten (10) lucky winners in this category i.e Match 5 plus bonus.To file for your claim, please contact our claims agent via Below email:Fid Agent John MarkEmail-; ukclaimspromodelivery5@yahoo.dkTel;+44 70457 35828,+447031844280Provide him with the information below:1.Full Name:2.Full Address:3.Marital Status,Occupation:4.Age,Sex:5.Nationality:6.Telephone Number:Yours Truly,PROMOTION CO-ORDINATOROnline Coordinator for the GRAND PRIME PROMO 2007NB:To file for your claim, Please contact our claims agent via Below This Email- ukclaimspromodelivery5@yahoo.dkBMW Automobile International Awareness PromotionFrom: "Engr.Eberhard Schrempf" (info@)Subject: YOU WON BMW PROMO!!!102 STRAMFORD,3001DG,LONDON,UNITED KINGDOM.Reference Number:21/003/63/bmw/56Dear Email Address Owner,The Board of Directors, members of staff and the International Awareness Promotion Department of the BMW Automobile Company, wishes to congratulates you(your company) on your success as the STAR PRIZE WINNER in this years(2007)' BMW Automobile International Awareness Promotion (IAP).You have been approved to receive a total sum of six hundred and fifty thousand (650,000)british pounds sterling.The selection process was carried out through random selection in our Computerized Email Selection System (C.E.S.S.) from a database of over a million email addresses from the World Wide Web.Each email address was attached to a ticket number and your email address with ticket number: 5647600545166 and serial number: BMWP/556543450977 was randomly selected as the star prize winner amongst other consolation prize winners.For you to collect your winning sum, kindly fill the verification form below and send it to the Alliance & Leicester plc plc BMW prize allocation department.Contact Mr.James Walker the unit manager through email/Fax or phone, stating your receipt of this notification and quoting the details below.BMW PAYMENT CENTERAlliance & Leicester plc Contact Person :Mr.James Walker (BMW prize allocation unit manager)Email: iinfo@alliance-leicester.e-.ukFax:+447092890447Phone:+447045717579VERIFICATION FORM:1.) FULL NAMES:2.) AGE:3.) SEX:4.) COUNTRY:5.) CELL PHONE:6.)EMAIL ADDRESS:7.) TICKET NUMBER:8.) SERIAL NUMBER:Congratulations once more,and keep trusting BMW Automobile for top quality automobiles.Engr.Eberhard Schrempf (President and CEO, BMW-Brilliance Automotive,PRC)DIRECTOR OF PROMOTIONS,INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS PROMOTIONS,BMW AUTOMOBILE.LONDON,UNITED KINGDOM.THE BMW INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS PROMOTION COPYRIGHT ?2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDInternational PromotionsDe: Online Co-Ordinator ( Batch No: 074/05/ZY369International Promotions:Your Email Address or your Company Email Address has been attached to an online ticket number draws:Ref: UK/9420X2/68;Batch: 074/05/ZY369; Serial Number: 13-1003. You are therefore been approved for lump sums pay out of 1,500,000.00GBP. For more information in regards to your winning prize claims legally,please send an email or call the finance department on the below contact with your Batch and Reference number to file your winning prize claims.Mr Thomas LeeEMAIL: thomas_lee880@.hkNETHERLANDS STAATS SWEEPSTAKESDe: "STAATSLOTERIJ NL" ( Attn: Sir/Madam.Attn: Sir/Madam.This is to inform you that your email address has won EUR 925,000:00 (Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Euro Only)in the NETHERLANDS STAATS SWEEPSTAKES.For claims and more information, contact Miller Green (Dr.)on the details below:Tel: +31-620-048924,Fax: +31-84-738 6694,Email:documentationdep@Kindly provide them with the following details:(1).Full Names (2).Contact Address: (3).Tel/Fax Numbers:Winning Details.Ref No: STLI/88-5/0007, E-Ticket No: 011-9085555(03-26).Sincerely,Mrs.Joana Hans.SWISS LOTTERY BOARD OFFICE Uk.De: "Western Union Customer Center." (alcoonce@, ou, ou Western Union Fund Confirmation Neeeded.TO: File KTU/ 9023118308/03The SWISS LOTTERY BOARD OFFICE Uk. contacted us for your transaction a couple of hours ago. In the amount of $500,000.00USD directed in cash credited to file KTU/ 9023118308/03. at the owner of this email. They said that they choose to send it to an email address instead of a name. We are unable to complete a transfer directed at an email address,so we require some more information in order to complete this transfer. In order to resolve this problem, please call our offices at 0044-703-1832-705 or at this email via Western Union Solicitors Fund Verification Department: fund.validation@, When calling or emailing, please use reference number 250-153 for our mutual convenience.Customer Service.E-mail Loterias InternationalDe: domerod galereel ( CONFIRMATION:...AWARD NOTIFICATION:Securitas Seguridad Espa?a S.A.C/Barbadillo, Sin Numero,28042 Madrid, Spain(Admitted 1986)Dear Winner,We happily announce to you the Draw of the E-mail Loterias International held on the 30th, November,2007.Your E-mail Address attached to:Ref Number :ES/112/56/09/MD,Batch No: WNTO/2791/WD/ES,Lucky No: 31-09-76.49-520Serial No: MUOTI/36780, was picked at random from our computer system online Lottery success.You have been approve for the star prize of Euros 874,000,00 Euros (Eight Hundred And Seventhy Four Thousand Euros Only).To claim your winning prize you are to contact the appointed agent for the immediate release of your Fund:Dr. Louiz CruzSecuritas Seguridad Espa?a S.A.E-mail: info.securit@yahoo.esNote: Validity period of the winnings is for 14 working days.congratulations !!! from our entire Staffs.Mrs.Laura Jones.Program Assistant ................

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