YEAR - University of Maryland Department of Astronomy



|Thu |Jan 5 | | |

|Fri |Jan 20 | | |

|Sun |Feb 5 | | |

|Mon |Feb 20 | | |

|Sun |Mar 5 | | |

|Mon |Mar 20 | | |

|Wed |Apr 5 | | |

|Thu |Apr 20 | | |

|Fri |May 5 | | |

|Sat |May 20 | | |

|Mon |Jun 5 | | |

|Tue |Jun 20 | | |

|Wed |Jul 5 | | |

|Thu |Jul 20 | | |

|Sat |Aug 5 | | |

|Sun |Aug 20 | | |

|Tue |Sep 5 |Dr. Peter Leonard |Impacts in the Solar System |

|Wed |Sep 20 |Dr. Markus Aschwanden |The X-Ray Sun |

|Thu |Oct 5 |Dr. Surjalal Sharma |Space Weather |

|Fri |Oct 20 |Grace Deming |Oct 24th’s Solar Eclipse over Asia |

|Sun |Nov 5 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |

|Mon |Nov 20 |Dr. Peter Teuben |Astronomy on the World Wide Web |

|Tue |Dec 5 |Dr. Mukul Kundu |Explosions in the Sun’s Atmosphere |

|Wed |Dec 20 |Dr. J. Patrick Harrington |Space Telescope Looks at Planetary Nebulae |



|Fri |Jan 5 |Yan Fernandez |The Amazing Galileo |

|Sat |Jan 20 |Dr. N. Gopalswamy |Tiny Flares on the Sun |

|Mon |Feb 5 |Dr. Donat Wentzel |The Sun’s Effects on the Earth |

|Tue |Feb 20 |Dr. Pedro Safier |How Do Stars Form |

|Tue |Mar 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Colossal Explosions in Galaxies |

|Wed |Mar 20 |Dr. Roger Bell |Nemesis, the Sun’s Companion |

|Fri |Apr 5 |Dr. John Wang |Balance and Imbalance in the Universe |

|Sat |Apr 20 |Dr. Douglas Hamilton |Ring Systems in the Solar System |

|Sun |May 5 |Dr. Marvin Leventhal |Electron/Anti-electron Annihilation Radiation from the Center of the Milky Way |

|Mon |May 20 |Dr. James Stone |Jets from Young Stars |

|Wed |Jun 5 |Dr. Lee Mundy |The Birthplace of Planets |

|Thu |Jun 20 |Dr. Chuck Dorcey |Radar Detections of a Meteor Shower |

|Fri |Jul 5 |Dr. Suchitra Balachandran |What goes on inside Stars? |

|Sat |Jul 20 |Dr. Andrew Wilson |Neutron Stars and Black Holes |

|Mon |Aug 5 |Dr. Carey Lisse |Observations of Comet Hyakutake |

|Tue |Aug 20 |Dr. Ed Grayzeck |Comet Debris and Meteor Showers |

|Thu |Sep 5 |Dr. Markus Aschwanden |Avalanches, Earthquakes, Forest Fires and Solar Flares |

|Fri |Sep 20 |Dr. Stephen White |Our Nearest Neighbors |

|Sat |Oct 5 |Dr. Mark Houdashelt |The Constellations & Mythology |

|Sun |Oct 20 |Dr. Jim Braatz |Our Galaxy - The Milky Way |

|Tue |Nov 5 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |

|Wed |Nov 20 |Mrs. Grace Deming |Life of the Sun |

|Thu |Dec 5 |Dr. Heino Falcke |Black Holes - Powerful Cosmic Engines |

|Fri |Dec 20 |Dr. Patrick Harrington |Planetary Nebulae: The Death of an Ordinary Star |



|Sun |Jan 5 |Siobhan Dinyes |The Winter Night Sky and (ALMOST) Anything Else You Ever Wanted to Know about Astronomy |

|Mon |Jan 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Rings and Things |

|Wed |Feb 5 |Dr. Ed Schmahl |Hard X-Ray Imaging of Solar Flares |

|Thu |Feb 20 |Dr. Mike A’Hearn |Expectations for Comet Hale-Bopp |

|Wed |Mar 5 |Dr. Lee G. Mundy |The Formation of Stars and Planets |

|Thu |Mar 20 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |Comet Hale-Bopp: What’s the Big Deal? |

|Sat |Apr 5 |Dr. Eve Ostriker |Warped and Twisted Galaxies |

|Sun |Apr 20 |Dr. John C. L. Wang |Black Holes - a Walk on the Weird Side |

|Mon |May 5 |Dr. James Stone |Jets from Young Stars |

|Tue |May 20 |Dr. Mukul Kundu |Explosions on the Sun - in Radio & X-Rays |

|Thu |Jun 5 |Dr. Stuart Vogel |Quasars: Feeding the Monster Within |

| | | |Chicken Little was Right |

|Fri |Jun 20 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |The Birth and Death of our Universe: A Long Journey Through Time |

|Sat |Jul 5 |Siobhan Dinyes |The Summer Night Sky |

|Sun |Jul 20 |Dr. Marcus Aschwanden |The Sun Observed with SOHO |

|Tue |Aug 5 |Dr. Ed Grayzeck |The Perseid Meteor Shower |

|Wed |Aug 20 |Siobhan Dinyes |Astronomical Instruments and the Fascinating Things They Find |

|Fri |Sep 5 |Dr. Andy Harris |Is There a Black Hole in the Center of our Galaxy? |

|Sat |Sep 20 |Dr. John Trasco |Comets and Collisions |

|Sun |Oct 5 |Dr. Andrew Wilson |Black Holes |

|Mon |Oct 20 |Dr. Lee G. Mundy |The Birth of Stars |

|Wed |Nov 5 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |

|Thu |Nov 20 |Dr. Roger Bell |Nemesis - The Sun's Companion? |

| | |video |"Cosmic Voyage" |

|Fri |Dec 5 |Dr. Dennis Papadopoulos |Magnetic Storms on the Earth and Other Planets |

|Sat |Dec 20 |Dr. Pat Harrington |The Planetary Nebula: A Fanfare for the Common Star |



|Mon |Jan 5 |Dr. Roger Bell |Nemesis - The Sun's Companion? |

|Tue |Jan 20 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |NEAR’s Flyby of Asteroid 253 Mathilde |

|Thu |Feb 5 |Dr. Ed Schmahl |Imaging Solar Flare Gamma Rays - How NASA Plans to do it |

|Fri |Feb 20 |Dr. Mike Stark |X-Ray Pulsars, Timekeepers of the Cosmos |

|Thu |Mar 5 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Alien Worlds |

|Fri |Mar 20 |Dr. Casey Lisse |Comets and You: Primordial Snowballs, Dinosaur Killers, and Bringers of Life |

|Sun |Apr 5 |Dr. Eve Ostriker |Warped and Twisted Galaxies |

|Mon |Apr 20 |Dr. John C. L. Wang |Mars |

| | | |Black Holes: How Strange Can The Universe Get? |

|Tue |May 5 |Dr. Jim Stone |The Orion Nebula |

|Wed |May 20 |Grace Deming |Update on Planetary Missions Results |

|Fri |Jun 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |The Birth and Death of our Universe: A Long Journey Through Time |

|Sat |Jun 20 |Dr. Kevin Rauch |Peering at the Universe Through a Lens of Gravity |

|Sun |Jul 5 |Siobhan Dinyes |Exploring the Night Sky from your Backyard |

|Mon |Jul 20 |Dr. Suchitra Balachandran |Stars and Chemical Evolution |

|Wed |Aug 5 |Dr. John Trasco |What the Universe is Made of |

|Thu |Aug 20 |Dr. Marc Pound |Just What is Radio Astronomy, Anyway? |

|Sat |Sep 5 |Dr. Beth Hufnagel |Biography of the Sun |

|Sun |Sep 20 |Dr. Mukul Kundu |A New Look at the Old Sun |

|Mon |Oct 5 |Dr. Lee Mundy |Imaging Extrasolar Planets: The Race is on! |

|Tue |Oct 20 |Dr. Marv Leventhal |Discover of Anti-Particles at the Center of Milky Way Galaxy |

|Thu |Nov 5 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |

|Fri |Nov 20 |Dr. Mark Wolfire |Gas Between the Stars: What Gets it Hot and What Keeps it Cool |

|Sat |Dec 5 |Dr. Johannes Staguhn |Science from the Coldest Continent on Earth: Astronomy at the South Pole |

|Sun |Dec 20 |Dr. Stephen White |Our Nearest Neighbors |



|Tue |Jan 5 |video |The Planets Narrated by Patrick Stewart |

|Wed |Jan 20 |Dr. Stacy McGaugh |Galaxies are Made of Stars |

|Fri |Feb 5 |Dr. Patrick Shopbell |A Field Trip to the Galaxy Zoo |

|Sat |Feb 20 |Dr. Mike Stark |Cygnus X-3: A Mystery in an Enigma in an Enormous Cloud of Hot Gas |

|Fri |Mar 5 |Dr. Surjalal Sharma |Fractal Structures of Galaxies |

|Sat |Mar 20 |Mike Asbury |Hubble Space Telescope: Past, Present and Future |

|Mon |Apr 5 |The Chromatics |AstroCappella – A Musical Exploration of the Universe |

|Tue |Apr 20 |Dr. Stuart Vogel |Maryland’s BIMA Array Telescope |

|Wed |May 5 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |NEAR Miss: NEAR’s Flyby of Asteroid 433 Eros |

|Thu |May 20 |Dr. John Trasco |The Outer Solar System |

|Sat |Jun 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Monsters in the Sky: Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes |

|Sun |Jun 20 |Dr. Kevin Rauch |Surfing the Universe on Gravity’s Waves |

|Mon |Jul 5 |Siobhan/Kartik |General Astronomy/BIMA |

|Tue |Jul 20 |AstroTerps |The Dynamic Moon: What we've Learned from the Apollo Missions |

|Thu |Aug 5 |Dr. David Neufeld |Clouds of Gas Between the Stars |

|Fri |Aug 20 |Grace Deming |Sunspots on the Rise |

|Sun |Sep 5 |Dr. Lee Mundy |The Dusty Origins of Stars |

|Mon |Sep 20 |Dr. Andrew Harris |Astronomy's Practical Side: Where on Earth am I? |

|Tue |Oct 5 |Dr. Patrick Harrington |Observing Planetary Nebulae with HST |

|Wed |Oct 20 |Dr. Marv Leventhal |Discovery of Anti-Particles at the Center of our Milky Way Galaxy |

|Fri |Nov 5 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Hubble Vision |

|Sat |Nov 20 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |NASA's Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission: Getting NEARer to 433 Eros |

|Sun |Dec 5 |Dr. Marc Pound | |

|Mon |Dec 20 |Dr. Patrick Shopbell |Astronomy through the Millennia: Our Changing View of the Heavens |



|Wed |Jan 5 |Gretchen Walker |Cosmic Distances: Just how far, far away is that galaxy? |

|Thu |Jan 20 | |Video: From the Earth to the Moon |

|Sat |Feb 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Chesire Cats and Black Holes |

|Sun |Feb 20 |The Terrapin Astronomical Society |Defining Pluto: Planet or hunk of unplanetlike rock? |

|Sun |Mar 5 |Dr. Lee Mundy | |

|Mon |Mar 20 |Gretchen Walker |Searching for Life in the Universe |

|Wed |Apr 5 |Dr. Stacy McGaugh | |

|Thu |Apr 20 |Dr. Jim Stone |The Sun's Magnificent Magnetic Field |

|Fri |May 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Monsters in the Sky: Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes |

|Sat |May 20 |Kartik Sheth |Gas in Galaxies |

| | |Dr. Neal Turner |Mysteries in the Heart of Galaxies |

|Mon |Jun 5 |Dr. Stephen Kortenkamp |Formation of Planetary Systems |

|Tue |Jun 20 |Dr. Cole Miller |Faster, Denser, Hotter: The Extremes of Neutron Stars |

|Wed |Jul 5 |Dr. Eve Ostriker |Galactic Star Formation |

|Thu |Jul 20 |Dr. Stephen White |Space Weather |

|Sat |Aug 5 |Dr. Ed Schmahl |Gamma Rays from Solar Flare: The Solar Spectroscopic Imager |

|Sun |Aug 20 |Dr. Andy Young |Explosions in Space |

|Tue |Sep 5 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |NEAR in Orbit Around Eros |

|Wed |Sep 20 |Dr. Suchitra Balachandran |Understanding the Chemical Composition of Stars |

|Thu |Oct 5 |Dr. Andrew Harris |Searching for the Earliest Galaxies |

|Fri |Oct 20 |Dr. Marv Leventhal |Anti-Particles at the Center of the Milky Way |

|Sun |Nov 5 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |

|Mon |Nov 20 |Dr. Stacy McGaugh |Mass Gone Missing in the Universe |

|Tue |Dec 5 |Grace Deming |Christmas Day’s Partial Solar Eclipse |

|Wed |Dec 20 |Dr. J. Patrick Harrington | |



|Fri |Jan 5 | |Video Mysteries of the Universe: Science Odyssey | |

|Sat |Jan 20 |Dr. Peter Teuben |Galaxy: The Universe in Numbers (Monty Python) | |

|Mon |Feb 5 |Dr. Dana Hurley Crider |What Happened to the Water on Mars? | |

|Tue |Feb 20 |Dr. Mukul Kundu |Explosions in the Sun | |

|Mon |Mar 5 |Dr. David Smith |The Hot Universe | |

|Tue |Mar 20 | | | |

|Thu |Apr 5 |Dr. James Stone |The Universe by Numbers: Using Supercomputers in Astronomy | |

|Fri |Apr 20 |Mike Barker, Ross Henry & Stacy Teng |Building Small Radio Telescopes | |

|Sat |May 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Monsters in the Sky: Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes | |

|Sun |May 20 |Dr. Cole Miller |Cosmology and Ultimate Questions | |

|Tue |Jun 5 |Dr. Dennis Wellnitz |Highlights of the NEAR Mission to Asteroid 433 Eros | |

|Wed |Jun 20 |Dr. John Hillman |Imaging of Solar System Objects and Historical Artifacts: Star Spangled Banner Flag | |

| | | |and Paintings | |

|Thu |Jul 5 |Dr. Derek Richardson |Things that go Bump in the Night: The Evolution of Fragile Planetesimals | |

|Fri |Jul 20 |Dr. Lee Mundy | | |

|Sun |Aug 5 |Mike Asbury |Views from Hubble | |

|Mon |Aug 20 |Dr. Casey Lisse |Comets in the Solar System and the Kitchen | |

|Wed |Sep 5 |Dr. Andy Young |What Lurks in Galactic Centers |W. Baumgartner |

|Thu |Sep 20 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |F. Berendse |

|Fri |Oct 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Deep Impact & Amateur Astronomers |N. Chapman |

|Sat |Oct 20 |Gretchen Walker |Observing the Fall Sky |J. Chen |

|Mon |Nov 5 |Dr. Lee Mundy |Space Interferometry Missions: Science at Extreme Resolutions |K. Zhang |

|Tue |Nov 20 |Dr. Stacy McGaugh |What is the Universe made of? |K. Flynn |

|Wed |Dec 5 |Dr. Andy Harris |Kapow! When Things Smash Into the Earth |R. Fraga-Encinas |

|Thu |Dec 20 |Dr. Casey Lisse |Comets in the Solar System and the Kitchen |K. Gultekin |



|Sat |Jan 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Billiards with Black Holes |J. Hague |

|Sun |Jan 20 |John Obrecht (NIST) |Cosmic Weirdness: Black Holes, Wormholes, and Time Travel |J. Kim |

|Tue |Feb 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Monsters in the Sky: Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes |W. Kim |

|Wed |Feb 20 |Dr. David Neufeld | |M. Knight |

|Tue |Mar 5 |Dr. Derek Richardson |How to Make Asteroid Families and Satellites |R. Kuzio de Naray |

|Wed |Mar 20 |Dr. David Smith |Binary Black Holes |Z. Leinhardt |

|Fri |Apr 5 |Dr. Steven White |Space Weather |J. Li |

|Sat |Apr 20 |Dr. Mousumi Das |Bars in Near by Spiral Galaxies |J. Marshall |

|Sun |May 5 |Dr. Marc Pound |Not Stars |R. Murphy |

|Mon |May 20 |Dr. James Stone |The Sun's Magnetic Field |H. Nablant |

|Wed |Jun 5 |Dr. Neal Turner |How Stars Form |D. Pierce |

|Thu |Jun 20 |Dr. Ed Schmahl |X-Rays and Gamma Rays on the Sun |X. Shao |

|Fri |Jul 5 |Kelly Fast |The Problem with Mars |R. Shetty |

|Sat |Jul 20 |Dr. Eve Ostriker |Fasten Your Seatbelts! The Bumpy Ride to Star Formation |J. Vernaleo |

|Mon |Aug 5 |Fred Berendse |Looking at Other Wavelengths: A Survey of Astronomy Observatories from Radio to Gamma|N. Volgenau |

| | | |Rays | |

|Tue |Aug 20 |Dr. Kevin Rauch |Gravity, From Here to Eternity |K. Walsh |

|Thu |Sep 5 |Grace Deming |Have you seen the Milky Way? |Y. Yang |

|Fri |Sep 20 |David DeVorkin |Building the Universe at the National Air and Space Museum |K. Zhang |

|Sat |Oct 5 |Stef McLaughlin |Deep Impact Mission Update |W. Baumgartner |

|Sun |Oct 20 |Dr. Cole Miller |Goldilocks Black Holes |F. Berendse |

|Tue |Nov 5 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |L. Brenneman |

|Wed |Nov 20 |Dr. Rosemary Killen |Space Weather in the Solar System from Mercury to the Galilean system |N. Chapman |

|Thu |Dec 5 |(Dr. Derek Richardson) |Using Earth's Tides to Make Asteroid Moons |J. Chen |

|Fri |Dec 20 |Elizabeth Warner |To buy or not buy... |R. Fraga-Encinas |

Elizabeth takes over from Gretchen in May

Evening canceled due to snow

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|Sun |Jan 5 |(Dr. Andrew Harris) |Infrared Astronomy and the SOFIA Airborne Observatory |K. Gultekin |

|Mon |Jan 20 |Dr. John Cordes |When Science Meets the General Public: The Tenuous Handshake of the Media |J. Kim |

| | |Elizabeth Warner |Observing Saturn and Jupiter | |

|Wed |Feb 5 |Dr. Stacy McGaugh |What’s the Universe Made Of? |M. Knight |

|Thu |Feb 20 |(Dr. Derek Richardson) |Using Earth's Tides to Make Asteroid Moons |V. Lauberg |

|Wed |Mar 5 |Elizabeth Warner |The Spring Sky |M. LaVigne |

|Thu |Mar 20 |Dr. Suchitra Balachandran |What are stars made up of and what does that tell us? |Z. Leinhardt |

|Sat |Apr 5 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |The Colors of Rocks in Space |H. Li |

|Sun |Apr 20 |Dr. Amy Simon-Miller |Galileo: The Little Spacecraft that Could |J. Li |

|Mon |May 5 |Elizabeth Warner |The Summer Sky |J. Marshall |

|Tue |May 20 |Dr. Dennis Wellnitz |NASA Discovery Mission Deep Impact Status Report |R. Murphy |

|Thu |Jun 5 |Grace Deming |Express Ticket to Mars |R. Kuzio de Naray |

|Fri |Jun 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Mars! |D. Pierce |

|Sat |Jul 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Photographing Mars |R. Piontek |

|Sun |Jul 20 |Kelly Fast |Which way does the wind blow on Titan? |R. Shetty |

|Tue |Aug 5 |Dr. Kevin Rauch |Chaos in our Backyard |S. Teng |

|Wed |Aug 20 |Dr. Derek Richardson |Using Earth's Tides to Make Asteroid Moons |J. Vernaleo |

|Fri |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Galaxies, Black Holes, and Gravitational Waves |W. Baumgartner, L. Brenneman, E. Casper |

|Sat |Sep 20 |(Greg Redfern) |Rocks from Space! |N. Chapman, R. Fraga-Encinas, J. Chen |

|Sun |Oct 5 |Stef McLaughlin |Extrasolar Planets |K. Gultekin, J. Kim |

|Mon |Oct 20 |Dr. Ed Schmahl |High Energy Events on the Sun -- Flare Movies from the RHESSI Satellite |M. Knight, F. Koekert |

|Wed |Nov 5 |Dr. Virginia Trimble |Life in the Universe |J. Marshall |

|Thu |Nov 20 |Lisa Mazzuca |HST Recent Science Results |Z. Leinhardt |

|Fri |Dec 5 |(Dr. Tony Farnham) |Stardust |H. Li |

|Sat |Dec 20 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing in 2004 |J. Li |

Evening canceled due to snow

Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Mon |Jan 5 |Dr. Tony Farnham |Stardust |R. Kuzio de Naray |

|Tue |Jan 20 |Dr. Stacy McGaugh |What is the Universe Made of? |M. McCarthy |

|Thu |Feb 5 |Dr. Peter Teuben |The Digital Universe |A. Gersch |

|Fri |Feb 20 |David Rupke |Blowing Bubbles |C. McGleam |

|Fri |Mar 5 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |Assessing the Asteroid Impact Hazard |R. Murphy |

|Sat |Mar 20 |Dr. Lee Mundy |Seeing the Universe in Infrared Light: Results from SIRTF |D. Pierce |

|Mon |Apr 5 |Dr. Dennis Papadapolous |Space Weather |R. Piontek |

|Tue |Apr 20 |Matthew Knight |History of Comet Observations |D. Rupke |

|Wed |May 5 |Elizabeth Warner |A Tale of Three Comets |K. Walsh |

|Thu |May 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Tilting Saturn |M. Woo |

|Sat |Jun 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing the Venus Transit |L. Winter |

| | |Dr. Cole Miller |Neutron Stars | |

|Sun |Jun 20 |Dr. Ed Shaya |Space Interferometry Mission, 2010: Planets, Stars, Galaxies, the Universe and |Y. Yang |

| | | |Everything | |

|Mon |Jul 5 |Dr. Amy Simon-Miller |Cassini Saturn Orbit Insertion |F. Koekert |

|Tue |Jul 20 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Supermassive Black Holes |R. Kuzio de Naray |

|Thu |Aug 5 |Dr. Marc Pound |Take the Astronomy Challenge! |K. Zhang |

|Fri |Aug 20 |Dr. Rosemary Killen |Messenger |C. McGleam |

|Sun |Sep 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Astrophotography Basics |M. Bovill, M. McCarthy |

|Mon |Sep 20 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing and Photographing Satellites |E. Casper |

|Tue |Oct 5 |Dr. David Rupke |Dust in Space |N. Chapman |

|Wed |Oct 20 |Dr. Chris Reynolds |SWIFTly Observing GRBs |J. Chen |

|Fri |Nov 5 |Dr. Chul Gwon |CARMA |K. Gultekin |

|Sat |Nov 20 |Dr. Barry McKernan |The Search for Hot Missing Matter |J. Kim |

|Sun |Dec 5 |Dr. Derek Richardson |Cool things you may not know about asteroids |F. Koekert |

|Mon |Dec 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |The Winter Solstice |D. Zeehandelaar |

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|Wed |Jan 5 |Kelly Fast |Huygens at Titan: Look out below!!! |V. Lauberg, M. LaVigne |

|Thu |Jan 20 |Dr. Lee Mundy |The Formation of Planets |Z. Leinhardt, B. Li |

|Sat |Feb 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Monsters in the Middle: the Effect of Black Holes on Galaxies and Clusters |R. Fraga-Encinas, R. Piontek |

|Sun |Feb 20 |Barbara Mattson |X-Ray Astronomy and the Constellation-X Mission |J. Li |

|Sat |Mar 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing Tempel 1 |S. Zonak |

|Sun |Mar 20 |Dr. Rosemary Killen |Mercury and the Missions Messenger and Bepi-Colombo |A. Gersch |

|Tue |Apr 5 |Dr. Mike A'Hearn |Deep Impact |L. Brenneman |

|Wed |Apr 20 |Dr. Andrew Baker |Dust You Can't Sweep Under the Rug |X. Shao |

|Thu |May 5 |Grace Deming |Are those meteors part of a shower? |R. Shetty |

|Fri |May 20 |Dr. Tony Farnham |Comet Machholz 2004 Q2: Thinking about CN Jets and Pinwheels |S. Teng |

|Sun |Jun 5 |Dr. Suchitra Balachandran |Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin and the Chemical Composition of Stars |D. Zeehandelaar |

|Mon |Jun 20 |Dr. Kevin Rauch |Black Holes in Focus: Extreme Gravitational Lensing |K. Walsh, L. Wei |

|Tue |Jul 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Supermassive Black Holes |J. Kim, M. Woo, E. Casper |

|Wed |Jul 20 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |Stellar Activity in Sun-Like Stars |A. Zauderer, J. Vernaleo |

|Fri |Aug 5 |Nehanda Tankasala |Island One: What Will the First Space Colonies Be Like? |K. Zhang |

|Sat |Aug 20 |Dr. Ed Shaya |tbd |S. Zonak |

| | |Elizabeth Warner |Constellations | |

|Mon |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Juggling Black Holes | |

|Tue |Sep 20 |Dr. Massimo Ricotti |Cosmology |M. Bovill |

|Wed |Oct 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Telescope Basics |L. Brenneman |

|Thu |Oct 20 |Dr. Andrew Baker |How Old is the Universe? |J. Chen |

|Sat |Nov 5 |Dr. Ed Shaya |The Future Planet Finders |N. Chapman |

|Sun |Nov 20 |Barbara Mattson |Dark Energy: A Modern Science Mystery |A. Zauderer, M. DeCesar |

|Mon |Dec 5 |Dr. Stacy McGaugh |A few results from the Maryland-Kitt Peak collaboration |R. Fraga-Encinas, D. Garafalo |

|Tue |Dec 20 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |Deep Impact Results |S. Zonak |

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|Thu |Jan 5 |Elizabeth Warner |2006 Astro Events |A. Gersch |

|Fri |Jan 20 |Rachel Kuzio de Naray |Behind the Scenes: The Nightlife of an Astronomer |D. Jontof-Hutter, K. Gultekin |

|Sun |Feb 5 |W.T. Bridgman |Dealing with Creationism in Astronomy |J. Kim |

|Mon |Feb 20 |Jane Gilhooly |Life in the Universe |L. Winter |

|Sun |Mar 5 |Ke Zhang |Exo-planets, the other worlds |M. Woo |

|Mon |Mar 20 |Dr. Bhaswati Mookerjea |The Infrared Universe |V. Lauberg |

|Wed |Apr 5 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |Galaxy Collisions |M. LaVigne |

|Thu |Apr 20 |Dr. Derek Richardson |Strange New (Small) Worlds |B. Li |

|Fri |May 5 |Dr. Olivier Groussin |Tempel 1: A 'Cool' Comet? |M. McCarthy |

|Sat |May 20 |Matthew Knight |Sungrazing Comets |C. McGleam, R. Perrine |

|Mon |Jun 5 |Dr. Lori Feaga |What is Spectroscopy? |D. Zeehandelaar, S. Schwartz |

|Tue |Jun 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |The Summer Solstice |Y. Radeva, R. Shetty |

|Wed |Jul 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing and Photographing Satellites |S. Teng |

|Thu |Jul 20 |Dr. Anita Krishnamurthi |Beyond Einstein: From the Big Bang to Black Holes |J. Vernaleo |

|Sat |Aug 5 |Greg Redfern |A Cosmic Detective Story: The Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater |K. Walsh |

|Sun |Aug 20 |Dr. Matthew Burger |The Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn and the Ice Volcanoes of Enceladus |L. Wei |

|Tue |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Colliding Black Holes in a Computer | |

|Wed |Sep 20 |Dr. David Rupke |Blowing Bubbles |L. Brenneman |

|Thu |Oct 5 |Daniel Jontof-Hutter |The Age of Planet Discovery |N. Chapman |

|Fri |Oct 20 |Megan DeCesar |Neutron Stars and Pulsars |M. Bovill |

|Sun |Nov 5 |Mia Bovill |The Science of Science Fiction : Wormholes and Warpdrive |M. DeCesar |

|Mon |Nov 20 |Andrew Johnston |A Tale of Two Planets: Comparing Earth and Mars |A. Zauderer |

|Tue |Dec 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Buying a Telescope? Things to Consider |S. Teng |

|Wed |Dec 20 |Phil Wherry |Computer-Assisted Observation Planning |M. Knight |

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|Fri |Jan 5 |Greg Piepol |The Amazing Sun |E. Warner |

|Sat |Jan 20 |Dr. Rachel Osten |Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star: Observations and Consequences of Stellar Flares |E. Hodges-Kluck |

|Mon |Feb 5 |Dr. Jessica Sunshine |Returning to the Moon |R. Perrine |

|Tue |Feb 20 |Dr. Conor Nixon |Titan: New Views from Cassini |E. Hodges-Kluck |

|Mon |Mar 5 |Dr. Rosemary Killen |Messenger and BepiColombo |J. Gilhooly |

|Tue |Mar 20 |Elizabeth Warner |The Celestial Sphere |S. Kumar |

|Thu |Apr 5 |Dr. Marc Pound |The Story of the Horsehead |M. LaVigne |

|Fri |Apr 20 |Lisa Winter |The Milky Way: A Tour of our Galaxy |M. Bovill |

|Sat |May 5 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |The Many Facets of White Dwarfs |D. Jontof-Hutter |

|Sun |May 20 |Dr. Xi Shao |Earth's Radiation Belt |E. Warner |

|Tue |Jun 5 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |Dawn |Y. Radeva |

|Wed |Jun 20 |Dr. Ludmilla Kolokolova |Stardust: Update on the Analysis of the Returned Samples |K. Park |

|Thu |Jul 5 |Dr. Tamara Bogdanovic |Sometimes They Come in Pairs: Supermassive Black Hole Binaries |M. Bovill |

|Fri |Jul 20 |Dr. Ed Shaya |Simulations of the Universe |L. Wei |

|Sun |Aug 5 |Dr. Claudia Knez |Molecules in Space | |

|Mon |Aug 20 |Dr. Lori Feaga |About the 28 Aug Lunar Eclipse | |

|Wed |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |From Smooth to Rough: the Formation of Structure in the Universe | |

|Thu |Sep 20 |Dr. Alan Peel |The 2006 Nobel Prize in Astronomy...Er, I mean Physics: An Amazing (and semi-local) | |

| | | |Achievement | |

|Fri |Oct 5 |John Vernaleo |Hydro Simulations: How We Can Model Fluids to Understand Astronomy |E. Hodges-Kluck |

|Sat |Oct 20 |Dr. Sten Odenwald |How to build a universe! |J. Goldstein |

|Mon |Nov 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Telescope Buying Advice |M. Koss |

|Tue |Nov 20 |Dr. Ted Jacobson |Gravitational Lenses: From Einstein's Ring to Probes of Dark Matter and Extrasolar |S. Kumar |

| | | |Planets | |

|Wed |Dec 5 |(Dr. Rosemary Killen) |Messenger at Mercury |M. DeCesar |

|Thu |Dec 20 |Dr. Dongchan Kim |Rare Earth -coincidence or design? |H. Gong |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Sat |Jan 5 |Dave Ludwikoski |Teaching and the Amateur Astronomer |M. DeCesar |

|Sun |Jan 20 |Matthew Zagursky |Dark Matter in Spiral/Disk Galaxies: Discovery and Current Observations |V. Lauberg |

|Tue |Feb 5 |Dr. Rosemary Killen |Messenger at Mercury |K. McLean |

|Wed |Feb 20 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |Meteorite Hunting in Antarctica |A. Zauderer |

|Wed |Mar 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Light Pollution |S. Zonak |

|Thu |Mar 20 |Misty LaVigne |Women in Astronomy |L. Wei |

|Sat |Apr 5 |Matthew Knight |The Contributions of Ancient Astronomers to Modern Day Astronomy |S. Teng |

|Sun |Apr 20 |Dr. Tim Livengood |A New EPOCh of Extrasolar Planet Exploration |Y. Radeva |

|Mon |May 5 |Mia Bovill |Near Field Cosmology OR The Little Galaxies that Could |E. Winter |

|Tue |May 20 |Dr. Cole Miller |Black Hole Mergers in the Hearts of Galaxies |D. Jontof-Hutter |

|Thu |Jun 5 |Dr. Tony Farnham |100th Anniversary of Tunguska |M. McDonald |

|Fri |Jun 20 |Dr. David Rupke |The Making of the Modern Telescope |J. George |

|Sat |Jul 5 |Dr. Kevin Rauch |Perception, Reality, and Science: Do We Know Anything? |R. Perrine |

|Sun |Jul 20 |Dr. Nancy Grace Roman |The Birth and Childhood of the Hubble |H. Sheets |

|Tue |Aug 5 |Dr. Rosemary Killen |Tenuous Atmospheres: |K. Park |

| | | |Neutrals, Ions and Dust in the Solar System | |

|Wed |Aug 20 |Dr. Sean O'Neill |Disks, Jets, Bubbles, and Other Ways Black Holes Make Their Presence Known |A. Gersch |

|Fri |Sep 5 |Dr. Massimo Ricotti |Primordial Black Holes |M. Gill |

|Sat |Sep 20 |Dr. Derek Richardson |Spinning Up Asteroids |J. Cohen |

|Sun |Oct 5 |Stacy Teng |Making Astronomical Discoveries from Your Living Room |H. Krug |

|Mon |Oct 20 |Eric Winter |The Fermi Space Telescope - A New Gamma-Ray Eye in the Sky |E. Hodges-Kluck |

|Wed |Nov 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Let’s Go Sloohing! |A. Zauderer |

|Thu |Nov 20 |Paul Hueper |Finding New Worlds: NASA's Search for Exoplanets |E. Winter |

|Fri |Dec 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Where Else in our Solar System Might There Be Life? |K. Helgason |

|Sat |Dec 20 |Dr. Alberto Bolatto |What is the Universe made of? |A. McCormick |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Mon |Jan 5 |Dr. Patrick Harrington |Is There a Planetary Nebula in the Sun's Future? |K. Philpott |

|Tue |Jan 20 |Elizabeth Warner |International Year of Astronomy 2009 |E. Polisensky |

|Thu |Feb 5 |Dr. Chris Reynolds |Einstein in a twist: the life and times of a spinning black hole |K. Park |

|Fri |Feb 20 |Lisa Wei |Morphological Evolution of Galaxies: Young to Old, and Old to Young |J. George |

|Thu |Mar 5 |Dr. Joe Lazio, NRL |Lunar Radio Astronomy |H. Gong |

|Fri |Mar 20 |Misty LaVigne & Peter Teuben |Astro-photography techniques, using telescopes to point-and-shoot |M. McDonald |

|Sun |Apr 5 |Megan DeCesar |Pulsars: The Universal Timekeepers |S. Storm |

|Mon |Apr 20 |Mia Bovill |Inside the Soap Bubbles: Looking for Galaxies in the Voids |Y. Radeva |

|Tue |May 5 |Dr. Gerald Share |The High-Energy Sun |M. Koss |

|Wed |May 20 |Dr. Rob Olling |Searching for Other Solar Systems with the Space Interferometry Mission |H. Sheets |

|Fri |Jun 5 |Dr. Neil Miller |Radio Astronomy: Past, Present & Future |M. Gill |

|Sat |Jun 20 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |The Hubble Repair Mission (SM4): What it means for Planetary Science |D. Pasham |

|Sun |Jul 5 |Dr. Matthew Burger |Europa: Ice, Oceans, and Life? |S. Kumar |

|Mon |Jul 20 |Dr. Sean O’Neill |If We Can't See Black Holes, How Do We Know That They Exist? |M. Bovill |

|Wed |Aug 5 |Dr. Nelly Mouawad |MESSENGER on Mercury and its Exosphere |S. Schwartz |

|Thu |Aug 20 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |Spectroscopy: Looking at Astronomical Objects in a Different Light |C. Chen |

|Sat |Sep 5 |Daniel Jontof-Hutter |Planets |D. Jontof-Hutter |

| |Sep 5 |Dr. Rosemary Killen, GSFC |National Lunar Science Institute | |

|Sun |Sep 20 |Fred Hickok, CCBC |Early Interactions of Astronomy, Modern Physics and Astrophysics |J. Han |

|Mon |Oct 5 |Dr. Michelle Thaller, GSFC |The Hidden Universe: A Celebration of the Spitzer Space Telescopes Major Discoveries |H. Krug |

|Tue |Oct 20 |Dr. Derek Lamb, CUA/GSFC |Magnetic Fields on the Sun from the time of Galileo to the present |R. Perrine |

|Thu |Nov 5 |Max Mutchler, STSci |Early Hubble observations following the 5th Space Shuttle servicing mission |S. Storm |

|Fri |Nov 20 |Dr. Sebastien Besse |50 years of Planetary Exploration: What's Best? |E. Hodges-Kluck |

|Sat |Dec 5 |Rodrigo Herrera Camus |The Invisible Universe / El Universo Invisible |M. DeCesar |

|Sun |Dec 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Saturn's Newest Ring |M. Avara |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Tue |Jan 5 |Zolt Levay, STSci |Pictures from Data: Unveiling Hubble's Colorful Universe |A. McCormick |

|Wed |Jan 20 |Eric Winter |Gamma Ray Bursts |A. Lohfink |

|Fri |Feb 5 |Dr. Hannah Jang-Condell |Forming Exoplanets |K. Jameson |

|Sat |Feb 20 |Dr. Lucy McFadden |Asteroids to Meteorites: A Scientific Expedition to the Northern Desert of Sudan |M. Avara |

|Fri |Mar 5 |Dr. Eric McKenzie |A Timeline of the Universe |J. Donaldson |

|Sat |Mar 20 |Mike McDonald |More Than Meets the Eye - The Reasons Why Astronomers Observe Outside of Optical Wavelengths |H. Gong |

|Mon |Apr 5 |Mike Koss |Supermassive Black Holes Feeding in a Galaxy Near You |M. Gill |

|Tue |Apr 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Saturn's Newest Ring |J. Fraine |

|Wed |May 5 |Dr. Hannah Jang-Condell |Forming Exoplanets |H. Sheets |

|Thu |May 20 |Mia Bovill |Larry, Mo and Curly's History of the Universe |S. Schwartz |

|Sat |Jun 5 |Dr. Tamara Bogdanovic |Black Holes as Multitaskers of the Universe |K. Park |

|Sun |Jun 20 |Rodrigo Herrera Camus |The Invisible Universe / El Universo Invisible |M. DeCesar, S. Storm |

|Mon |Jul 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing in Puerto Rico |J. Cohen |

|Tue |Jul 20 |Dr. Margaret Trippe |Measuring the Spin of Supermassive Black Holes |D. Pasham |

|Thu |Aug 5 |Dr. John Hewitt, GSFC |Postcards from the Galactic Center |D. Jontof-Hutter |

|Fri |Aug 20 |Dr. Nelly Mouawad |Mercury as seen by MESSENGER |J. Fraine |

|Sun |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Black Holes and Gravitational Waves |J. Han |

|Mon |Sep 20 |Alex McCormick |Climbing the Distance Ladder to the 'Edge' of the Universe |C. Chen |

|Tue |Oct 5 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |How do astronomers make images from light that we can't see? |E. Hodges-Kluck |

|Wed |Oct 20 |Dr. Tracy Huard |Holes in the Heavens |S. Storm |

|Fri |Nov 5 |Dr. Derek Richardson |What's New in the Solar System? |R. Perrine |

|Sat |Nov 20 |Dr. Lori Feaga |Hartley 2, Up Close and Personal |K. Kreimeyer |

|Sun |Dec 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing Highlights for 2011 |M. Avara |

|Mon |Dec 20 |Elizabeth Warner |About Tonight's Total Lunar Eclipse | |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Wed |Jan 5 |Dr. Timothy McConnochie |Weather and Climate of Mars |A. McCormick |

|Thu |Jan 20 |Megan DeCesar |(pulsars) |A. Lohfink |

|Sat |Feb 5 |Dr. Demerese Salter |Weightless Adventures: A Zero-Gravity Laboratory Experiment to Study How Planets Form |K. Nguyen |

|Sun |Feb 20 |Dr. Jerry Bonnell |Astronomy Picture of the Day |K. Jameson |

|Sat |Mar 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing the Last Pass of Discovery |A. Olmstead |

|Sun |Mar 20 |Dr. Leslie Sage |how astronomy has changed what it means to be human |K. Park |

|Tue |Apr 5 |Dr. Alex Moiseev |High Energy Cosmic Ray Electrons: Messengers from Nearby Cosmic Ray Sources or Dark Matter? |H Gong |

|Wed |Apr 20 |Dr. Dennis Bodewits |X-rays in the Solar System |C. Chen |

|Thu |May 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Preparing to Photograph a Planetary Conjunction |H. Krug |

|Fri |May 20 |Dr. Gennady Milikh |Red Sprites and Blue Jets |A. Wilkins |

|Sun |Jun 5 |Daniel Jontof-Hutter |The Greenhouse Effect | |

|Mon |Jun 20 |Dr. Richard Mushotzky |High Energy Universe | |

|Tue |Jul 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Observing Asteroids | |

|Wed |Jul 20 |Dr. Soko Matsumura |Exploring the World of Exoplanets |T. Shimizu |

|Fri |Aug 5 |Dr. Jianyang Li |Vesta Fiesta | |

|Sat |Aug 20 |Dr. Mike Kelley |On Ice and Impacts in the Asteroid Belt |J. Capone |

|Mon |Sep 5 |Dr. Alberto Bolatto |Exoplanets Galore / Exoplanetas en Abundancia |K. Helgason, |

| | | | |G. Betancourt-Martinez |

|Tue |Sep 20 |Dr. Cole Miller |Black Holes, Galaxies, and Life |M. Rizzo |

|Wed |Oct 5 |Dr. Peter Teuben |Observing with an Interferometer |S. Storm |

|Thu |Oct 20 |Dr. Silvia Protopapa |The Most Distant Objects of the Solar System |K. Jameson |

|Sat |Nov 5 |Grace Deming |Viewing the Leonid Meteor Shower |A. McCormick |

|Sun |Nov 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Mooning Pluto |K. Nguyen |

|Mon |Dec 5 |Dr. Eve Ostriker |Star Formation: Laws of Supply and Demand |R. Ballouz |

|Tue |Dec 20 |Makarand Bidwai |Yardsticks of Stellar Distance Measurement |C. Chen |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Thu |Jan 5 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |How do astronomers know how big asteroids are? |D. Pasham |

|Fri |Jan 20 |Anne Lohfink |The Black Hole in the Center of Our Galaxy |J. Fraine |

|Sun |Feb 5 |Jade Williams |Sunny with a Chance of Cloudiness... at a Comet |G. Betancourt |

|Mon |Feb 20 |Dr. Matthew Knight |Death Defying Comet Lovejoy |S. Kumar |

|Mon |Mar 5 |Dr. Javier Garcia |An X-ray view of Black Holes |J. VanLandingham |

|Tue |Mar 20 |Megan DeCesar |Pulsars |J. George |

|Thu |Apr 5 |Alex McCormick |What stops the growth of galaxies? |M. McAdam |

|Fri |Apr 20 |Dr. Sebastien Besse |Seeing the Moon in a New Light |M. Afrin Badhan |

|Sat |May 5 |Dr. Drake Deming |Exoplanets |K. Smith |

|Sun |May 20 |Hannah Krug |Quasars, Blazars, and Seyferts: Oh My! |A. Wilkins |

|Tue |Jun 5 |Transit of Venus |(on campus program) |A. Olmstead, K. Kreimeyer |

|Wed |Jun 20 |Jessica Donaldson |Techniques for Detecting Exoplanets |A. Olmstead |

|Thu |Jul 5 |Dr. Tim Livengood |Beneath a Watery Moon |J. Capone |

|Fri |Jul 20 |Dr. Sonali J. Shukla |Dust to Dust: The life cycles of stars |K. Park |

|Sun |Aug 5 |Jade Williams |What's Happening in the Coma of Comet 103P/Hartley 2? |H. Gong |

|Mon |Aug 20 |Dr. Kevin Rauch |Do we live in a parallel universe? |R. Herrera Camus |

|Wed |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Faster, Hotter, Denser: the Lives of Neutron Stars |J. Fraine |

|Thu |Sep 20 |Carole Downey & Erin Kisliuk |The H-R Diagram |E. Grand |

|Fri |Oct 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Clash of the Titans |M. McAdam |

|Sat |Oct 20 |Dr. Ranjan Vasudevan |Leviathans of the Cosmos: Supermassive Black Holes |E. Grand |

|Mon |Nov 5 |Dr. Alberto Bolatto |Exoplanets Galore / Exoplanetas en Abundancia |K. Jameson |

|Tue |Nov 20 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Moons and Rings |A. McCormick |

|Wed |Dec 5 |Dr. Laura Blecha |Colliding Galaxies and Monster Black Holes |S. Storm |

|Thu |Dec 20 |Dr. Peter Teuben |Artist Impressions in Astronomy? |T. Liu |

| | |Elizabeth Warner |Something Snarky about the End of the World | |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Sat |Jan 5 |Dr. Tim Livengood |Beneath a Watery Moon |K. Nguyen |

| | |Elizabeth Warner |Observing Satellites | |

|Sun |Jan 20 |Anne Lohfink |Black Hole Caught Red-Handed in a Stellar Homicide |K. Helgason |

|Tue |Feb 5 |Katie Jameson |Fractals, "Lakes" on a Moon, and Google Maps: Comparing the Surface Evolution of Saturn's Moon Titan to Earth |K. Kreimeyer |

|Wed |Feb 20 |Dr. Peter Teuben |Artist Impressions in Astronomy? |H. Sheets |

|Tue |Mar 5 |Brett Morris |Studying Transiting Exoplanets with the Biggest and Smallest Telescopes On and Off of Earth |A. McCormick |

|Wed |Mar 20 |Kári Helgason |From the Dark Ages to the Era of the First Stars |J. Hogg |

|Fri |Apr 5 |Dr. Jessica Sunshine |Geysers, Explosions, and Flows: Volcanoes throughout the Solar System |A. Dhabal |

|Sat |Apr 20 |Hannah Krug |How to Be an Observational Astronomer |A. Wilkins |

|Sun |May 5 |Dr. Owen Parry |How to Simulate an Apple Pie from Scratch |R. Ballouz |

|Mon |May 20 |Dr. Demerese Salter |The ALMA Observatory: The Largest Astronomical Project in Existence |V. Toy |

|Wed |Jun 5 |Shaye Storm |Molecules and Dust ... in Space! |M DeCesar |

|Thu |Jun 20 |Dr. Hewagama Tilak |Exploring Planetary Atmospheres: Follow the Trace Constituents |J. Hogg |

|Fri |Jul 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Constellations |M. McAdam |

|Sat |Jul 20 |Dr. Derek Richardson |How to Capture an Asteroid |S. Kumar |

|Mon |Aug 5 |Alice Olmstead |The Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey, Gravitationally Lensed Universe |T. Shimizu |

|Tue |Aug 20 |Elizabeth Warner |Prepping for comet ISON |J. Donaldson |

|Thu |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Black Holes: Into the Abyss |Z. Yu |

|Fri |Sep 20 |Roberto Morales |Satellites, Orbits and Tracking Stations |J. Capone |

|Sat |Oct 5 |Dr. Kelly Fast |MAVEN |John Capone (for Maggie) |

| | |Elizabeth Warner |Constellations | |

|Sun |Oct 20 |Dr. Robert Grumbine |Astronomical Theory of Ice Ages |K. Helgason |

|Tue |Nov 5 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Titanic Collisions! |Vicki Toy |

|Wed |Nov 20 |Prof. Drake Deming |Kepler and the Search for Other Earths |Shaye Storm |

|Thu |Dec 5 |Dr. Dennis Bodewits |Comet ISON |Gabriele Betancourt |

|Fri |Dec 20 |Dr. Mia Bovill |The Southern Skies: Astronomy in Chile |Holly Sheets |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Sun |Jan 5 |Dr. Tim Livengood |Aurora on Jupiter |Zelong Yu |

|Mon |Jan 20 |Jonathan Fraine |AstroBiology |Mahmuda Afrin Badhan (for AlexM) |

|Wed |Feb 5 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |Why are stars different colors? |Krista Smith |

|Thu |Feb 20 |Elizabeth Warner |2014 Observing Highlights |Tingting Liu |

|Wed |Mar 5 |Dr. Kelly Fast |MAVEN |Ashlee Wilkins |

|Thu |Mar 20 |Dr Simona Giacintucci |When Chunks of the Universe Collide |Johnny VanLandingham |

|Sat |Apr 5 |Dr. Warren Skidmore |The Thirty Meter Telescope. The Next Generation of Ground Based Telescope.|Qian Wang |

| | | |What, Why and How. | |

|Sun |Apr 20 |Dr. Tom Statler |Asteroid Hazards: NOT As Seen on TV |Katie Jameson |

|Mon |May 5 |Dr. Michael Boylan-Kolchin |Exploring Our Cosmic Backyard |Mahmuda Afrin Badhan |

|Tue |May 20 |Dr. Leah Cheek |Making and Measuring Moon Rocks |Arnab Dhabal |

|Thu |Jun 5 |Dr. Wade Henning |Extreme Exoplanets |Alice Olmstead Alex McCormick |

|Fri |Jun 20 |Tim Goudge |Searching for Ancient Rivers and Paleolakes on Mars |Rodrigo Herrera Camus |

|Sat |Jul 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Constellation Tour |Drew Gallagher |

|Sun |Jul 20 |Elizabeth Warner |Upcoming Celestial Events |Jithin George |

|Tue |Aug 5 |Dr. Sebastien Heinis |A Journey Among Galaxies: From Nearby to Far Away |Thomas Shimizu Alex McCormick |

|Wed |Aug 20 |Dr. Tracy Huard |Astronomy from 40,000 Feet: Observing with NASA's SOFIA |Mark Avara |

|Fri |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Death by Black Hole |Alex Fitts |

|Sat |Sep 20 |Dr. Tony Farnham |comet Siding Spring's close approach to Mars |Jamie Cohen Alex Fitts |

|Sun |Oct 5 |Dr. Andrey Timokhin |Pulsars: How Electricity Lets the Stellar Undead Live Again! |Qian Wang |

|Mon |Oct 20 |Dr. Lori Feaga |3-2-1 Landing: Comet C-G Here We Come |Maggie McAdam |

|Wed |Nov 5 |Dr. Surjalal Sharma |Making Sense of Big Data in Astronomy |Tiara Hung |

|Thu |Nov 20 |Dr. John Trasco |50 Years at an Urban Observatory |Drew Hogg |

|Fri |Dec 5 |Dr. Chuck Higgins |The Radio Sky |Blake Hartley |

|Sat |Dec 20 |Elizabeth Warner |Astronomy Events in 2015 |Arnab Dhabal |

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Evening canceled due to hurricane

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|Mon |Jan 5 |Dr. Massimo Ricotti |Formation of the First Galaxies |Pradip Gatkine |

|Tue |Jan 20 |Prof. A. Bolatto |ALMA: the World's Largest Radio Telescope |Zeeve Rogoszinski |

|Thu |Feb 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Comets in 2015 |Amy Steele |

|Fri |Feb 20 |Dr. Peter Teuben |ALMA and Big Data |Krista Smith |

|Thu |Mar 5 |Dr. Drake Deming |Exoplanets from the TESS Mission |Ashlee Wilkins |

|Fri |Mar 20 |Jessica Slike |SSL NearSpace Balloon Payload Project |Jonathan Nikoleyczik |

|Sun |Apr 5 |Dr. Dennis Bodewits |Rosetta Results |Katie Jameson |

|Mon |Apr 20 |Dr. Marc Pound |Women In Astronomy |Mahmuda Afrin Badhan |

|Tue |May 5 |(Dr. M Hayes-Gehrke) |Asteroid Rotation Period Results from ASTR 315 Student Research |Taro Shimizu |

|Wed |May 20 |Dr. Lan Jian |STEREO Mission |Dana Louie |

|Fri |Jun 5 |Dr. Haihong Che |Solar Wind |Corbin Taylor |

|Sat |Jun 20 |Dr. Alan Peel |Do we really only understand 4% of the Universe? |Myra Stone |

|Sun |Jul 5 |Dr. Eleonora Troja |Cosmic Crashes: the Many Facets of Neutron Star Collisions |Jamie Cohen |

|Mon |Jul 20 |Dr. Laura Blecha |Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes: Frenemies Forever |Johnny VanLandingham |

|Wed |Aug 5 |Alice Allen |Behind and Beyond APOD |John Capone |

|Thu |Aug 20 |Dr. Mike Kelley |Water, Carbon Dioxide, and Comets |Tingting Liu |

|Sat |Sep 5 |Dr. Cole Miller |Crushed, Fried, and Spaghettified: Why You Shouldn’t Get Too Close to a |Maxime Rizzo |

| | | |Black Hole | |

|Sun |Sep 20 |Dr. Silvia Protopapa |New Horizons |Jamie Cohen |

|Mon |Oct 5 |Dr. Ravi Kumar Kopparapu |The Search for Potential Habitable Worlds |Tiara Hung |

|Tue |Oct 20 |Dr. Robert Michell |Radar and Optical Observations of Meteors |Kyle Sheppard |

|Thu |Nov 5 |Dr. Chris Reynolds |Why Do Black Holes Shine? |Qian Wang |

|Fri |Nov 20 |Dr. Alex Moiseev |Search for cosmic dark matter with Fermi gamma-ray space telescope |Robyn Smith |

|Sat |Dec 5 |(Dr. M Hayes-Gehrke) |Asteroid Rotation Period Results from ASTR 315 Student Research |Maggie McAdam |

|Sun |Dec 20 |Andre Amarante Luiz |Dissemination, Education, and Research in Brazilian Astronomy |Dana Louie |

Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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|Tue |Jan 5 |Elizabeth Warner |2016 Observing Highlights |Thomas Rimlinger |

|Wed |Jan 20 |Dr. Hannah Wakeford |Exploring Alien Atmospheres |Sara Frederick |

|Fri |Feb 5 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |The Icy Heart of Pluto |Pradip Gatkine |

|Sat |Feb 20 |Dr. Tilak Hewagama |Exploration with Small Spacecraft |Rebecca Levy |

|Sat |Mar 5 |Dr. Brian Hicks |The Challenges of Directly Imaging Earth-like Exoplanets Around Nearby |Zeeve Rogoszinski |

| | |Elizabeth Warner |Stars | |

| | | |Watching Stars Blink | |

|Sun |Mar 20 |Taro Shimizu |Active Galactic Nuclei: Shining a Light on Supermassive Black Holes and |Ashlee Wilkins |

| | | |Galaxy Evolution | |

|Tue |Apr 5 |Dr. Dennis Bodewits |Living with a Comet: The Rosetta Mission |Ginny Cunningham |

|Wed |Apr 20 |Dr. Stefanie Milam |James Webb Space Telescope - Science and Status Update |Mahmuda Afrin Badhan |

|Thu |May 5 |Dr. Brian Hicks |The Challenges of Directly Imaging Earth-like Exoplanets Around Nearby |Vicki Toy |

| | | |Stars | |

|Fri |May 20 |Dr. Alan Peel |Do we really only understand 4% of the Universe? |Scott Lawrence |

|Sun |Jun 5 |Dr. Erin Kara |Blackholes |Jonathan Nikoleyczik |

|Mon |Jun 20 |Dr. Prabal Saxena |The Early Moon as an Exoplanet |Drew Hogg |

|Tue |Jul 5 |Dr. Karen Yang |What are Fermi bubbles? |Ron Ballouz |

|Wed |Jul 20 |Dr. Francesco Tombesi |Can Supermassive Black Holes Influence the Evolution of Entire Galaxies? |Arnab Dhabal |

|Fri |Aug 5 |Dr. Brad Cenko |Gamma-Ray Bursts: Nature’s Most Remarkable Explosions |Johnny VanLandingham |

|Sat |Aug 20 |Dr. Brian Morsony |The Turbulent Life of Galaxy Clusters |Myra Stone |

|Mon |Sep 5 |Mahmuda Afrin Badhan |Pale Blue Dots Around Pale Red Dots: The Recent Discovery of the First |Maxime Rizzo ( Drew Hogg |

| | | |Exoplanet Around Our Nearest Star's Habitable Zone | |

|Tue |Sep 20 |Dr. Cole Miller |The Era of Gravitational Waves |Corbin Taylor |

|Wed |Oct 5 |Dr. Dennis Bodewits |The End of Rosetta |Tiara Hung |

| | |& Dr. Lori Feaga | | |

|Thu |Oct 20 |Dr. Ke Fang |The Most Energetic Particles in the Universe |Qian Wang |

|Sat |Nov 5 |Dr. Marilia Samara |Shooting Rockets at the Aurora |Sara Frederick |

|Sun |Nov 20 |Dr. Tim Livengood |Mars: Why is there air? |Kyle Sheppard |

|Mon |Dec 5 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |ASTR 310 Student Research |Pradip Gatkine |

|Tue |Dec 20 |Dr. Jane Dai |Tidal Disruption Events: How is a star eaten by a hungry black hole? |Scott Lawrence |

Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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|Thu |Jan 5 |Dr. Peter Teuben |A Brief History of Dutch Astronomy |Robyn Smith |

|Fri |Jan 20 |Dr. Joel B. Coley |A Look Into High-Mass X-ray and Gamma-ray Binaries |Zeeve Rogoszinski |

|Sun |Feb 5 |Elizabeth Warner |2017 Observing Highlights |Jialu Li |

|Mon |Feb 20 |Dr. Drake Deming |The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite: Searching for Habitable Worlds Orbiting Nearby Stars |Rebecca Levy |

|Sun |Mar 5 |Dr. Leo Singer |Advanced LIGO: Hearing the Sound of Gravity |Elizabeth Tarantino |

|Mon |Mar 20 |Dr. Regina Caputo |Dark Matters: The Mystery of the Universe’s Missing Mass |Weizhe Liu |

|Wed |Apr 5 |Dr Tess Jaffe |Studying the Shape of the Universe |Dana Louie |

| | |Elizabeth Warner | | |

|Thu |Apr 20 |Dr. Alex Moiseev |60 years since the First 'Sputnik' - Beginning of the Era of Space Science |Carrie Holt |

|Fri |May 5 |(Dr. M Hayes-Gehrke) |Asteroid Rotation Period Results from ASTR 315 Student Research |Chongchong He |

|Sat |May 20 |Dr. Miguel A. Requena Torres |Sofia, The Stratospheric Observatory. 7 years flying. |Amy Steele |

|Mon |Jun 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Quasars and Supermassive Black Holes |Laura Lenkic |

|Tue |Jun 20 |Dr. Matthew Knight |UMD Science with the Discovery Channel Telescope and Our Longstanding Ties to Lowell Observatory |Arnab Dhabal |

|Wed |Jul 5 |Dr. Brian Hicks |Kiloscopes! |Blake Hartley |

|Thu |Jul 20 |Ashlee Wilkins |Alien Atmospheres Near and Far |Thomas Rimlinger |

|Sat |Aug 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Solar Eclipse 2017: What to expect here in Maryland |Mahmuda Afrin Badhan |

|Sun |Aug 20 |Dr. Li-Jen Chen |Magnetic explosions at our home planet and accreting black holes |Johnny VanLandingham |

|Tue |Sep 5 |Dr Tess Jaffe |Studying the Shape of the Universe |Corbin Taylor |

|Wed |Sep 20 |Dr. Cole Miller |Black Holes, Black Holes Everywhere! |Ginny Cunningham |

|Thu |Oct 5 |Dr. Nathaniel Roth |Disrupted! A Tale of Super-massive Black Holes and the Stars that Get Too Close to Them |Robyn Smith |

|Fri |Oct 20 |Dr. Aparna Bhattacharya |Discovering exoplanets at the Center of the Galaxy |Pradip Gatkine |

|Sun |Nov 5 |Dr. Li-Jen Chen |Magnetic explosions at our home planet and accreting black holes |Ramsey Karim |

|Mon |Nov 20 |Dr. Derek Richardson |Deflecting Asteroids |Amy Steele |

|Tue |Dec 5 |Dr. Melissa Hayes-Gehrke |ASTR 310 Student Research |Julian Marohnic |

|Wed |Dec 20 |Dr. Drake Deming |TESS: the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite |Yvette Thackeray |

Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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No staff cancellation



|Fri |Jan 5 |Elizabeth Warner |2018 Observing Highlights |Milena Crnogorcevic |

|Sat |Jan 20 |Dr. Mike Corcoran |How massive can stars be? |Sara Frederick |

|Mon |Feb 5 |Dr. Suvi Gezari |Watching the Explosive Universe in Action |Ginny Cunningham |

|Tue |Feb 20 |Alice Allen |Daytime Sky Phenomena |Laura Lenkic |

|Mon |Mar 5 |Dr. Jessica Sunshine |Recyling Crustal Bits on Earth and Europa |Carrie Holt |

|Tue |Mar 20 |Elizabeth Warner |The Spring Sky |Tomas Ahumada |

|Thu |Apr 5 |Dr. Brian Hicks |Directly Imaged Exoplanets |Rebecca Levy |

|Fri |Apr 20 |Dr. Kathleen Mandt |The Rosetta Mission to Orbit and Land on a Comet |ChongChong He |

|Sat |May 5 |(Dr. M Hayes-Gehrke) |Asteroid Rotation Period Results from ASTR 315 Student Research |Liz Tarantino |

|Sun |May 20 |Sean Terry |Preparing for the WFIRST Microlensing Mission: Galactic Bulge Stellar Populations |Weizhe Liu |

|Tue |Jun 5 |Dr Mia Bovill |Mapping the Federation |Kyle Shepard |

| | |Elizabeth Warner |Observing Exoplanets | |

|Wed |Jun 20 |Dr Marc Pound |Where in History is the Orion Nebula? |Blake Hartley |

|Thu |Jul 5 |Dr. Elizabeth Ferrara |Pulsar Timing Arrays: Using the Galaxy to detect Gravitational Waves |Jialu Li |

|Fri |Jul 20 |Arnab Dhabal |Balloon Astronomy |Harrison Agrusa |

|Sun |Aug 5 |Dr Tess Jaffe |Magnetic fields in the Milky Way |Mahmuda |

|Mon |Aug 20 |Dr. Ian Richardson |Cool Science from Near the Sun |Sergio Mundo |

|Wed |Sep 5 |Dr Lori Feaga |Upcoming Apparition of Comet Wirtanen |Guangwei Fu |

|Thu |Sep 20 |Dr Cole Miller |Black Holes and Ripples in Spacetime |Corbin Taylor |

|Fri |Oct 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Research with Small Telescopes |ChongChong He |

|Sat |Oct 20 |Jonathan Williams |Spectrum Management and Astrophysics |Julian Marohnic |

|Mon |Nov 5 |Dr. Jacob Richardson |Exploring Volcanoes on Earth, the Moon, and Mars |Carrie Holt |

|Tue |Nov 20 |Dr. Peter Teuben |(all sky cameras) |Tomás Ahumada |

|Wed |Dec 5 |(Dr. M Hayes-Gehrke) |ASTR 310 Student Research |Robyn Smith |

|Thu |Dec 20 |Dr. Ludmilla Kolokolova |Cosmic Dust Near and Far |Jongwon Park |

Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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Certificate delivered



|Sat |Jan 5 |Elizabeth Warner |2019 Observing Highlights |Joe DeMartini |

|Sun |Jan 20 |Yoni Brande |Planet Hunting with JWST/MIRI |Ramsey Karim |

|Tue |Feb 5 |Dr. Doug Hamilton |Beyond Pluto: Latest Results from the New Horizons Flyby of a Distant Kuiper Belt Object |Rebecca Levy |

|Wed |Feb 20 |Dr Edmund Hodges-Kluck |X-raying the Hot Gas around Galaxies |Elizabeth Tarantino |

|Tue |Mar 5 |Dr. Dina Bower |Understanding Life Signatures in Europa-like Environments Using Raman Spectroscopy |Jialu Li |

|Wed |Mar 20 |Dr Matej Malik |Numerical Modeling of Exoplanetary Atmospheres |Kyle Sheppard |

|Fri |Apr 5 |Dr Paul Sutter |Your Place in the Universe: Understanding our Big, Messy Existence (talk, booksigning event) |Ben Hord |

|Sat |Apr 20 |Dr. Massimo Ricotti |Galaxy Formation in the Universe: the Beginning |Teal |

|Sun |May 5 |(Dr. M Hayes-Gehrke) |Asteroid Rotation Period Results from ASTR 315 Student Research |Erica Hammerstein |

|Mon |May 20 |Dr. Tess Jaffe |The Shape of the Universe |Charlotte Ward |

|Wed |Jun 5 |Max Parks |Road to the Red Planet: Human Exploration of Mars |Sara Frederick |

|Thu |Jun 20 |Dr. Eliza Kempton |Extrasolar Planets: Exploring Alien Worlds |Carrie Volpert |

|Fri |Jul 5 |Dr. Tony Farnham |Wirtanen Results |Laura Lenkic |

|Sat |Jul 20 |Bill Davis |No Dark in Sight |Harrison Agrusa |

| | | | |Sara Frederick |

|Mon |Aug 5 |Marcia Segura |Cassini - Behind the Scenes of a Flagship Mission |Milena Crnogorcevic |

| | |Dr. Carrie Anderson |The Saturn System seen through the Eyes of Cassini | |

|Tue |Aug 20 |Dr. Tracy Huard |Astronomy from 40,000 Feet: Observing Protostars with NASA's SOFIA Flying Observatory |Sergio Mundo |

|Thu |Sep 5 |Dr. Jerry Bonnell |Astronomy Picture of the Day |Ginny Cunningham |

|Fri |Sep 20 |Alice Allen |Behind and Beyond Astronomy Picture of the Day |Corbin Taylor |

|Sat |Oct 5 |Dr. Sylvain Veilleux |Imaging Supermassive Black Holes |Erica Hammerstein |

|Sun |Oct 20 |Dr. Shoucun Hu |How to Understand the Formation of Contact Binary Asteroids? |Rye Volpert |

|Tue |Nov 5 |Elizabeth Warner |Transit of Mercury |Ginny Cunningham |

|Wed |Nov 20 |Dr. Jacob Richardson |Exploring Volcanoes in Central Iceland as Analogs for Planetary Surfaces |ChongChong He |

|Thu |Dec 5 |(Dr. M Hayes-Gehrke) |ASTR 310 Student Research |Dana Louie |

|Fri |Dec 20 |Dr. Erez Michaely |Gravitational Dynamics: From Apples to Black-holes |Jongwon Park |

Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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|Sun |Jan 5 |Elizabeth Warner |2020 Observing Highlights |Jialu Li |

|Mon |Jan 20 |Elizabeth Warner |Sky Tour |Carrie Holt |

|Wed |Feb 5 |Dr. Eleonora Troja |Gravitational Waves, Light, and the Origin of Gold |Laura Lenkic |

|Thu |Feb 20 |Dr. Alberto Bolatto |The Evolution of Galaxies through Cosmic Time |Ben Hord |

|Thu |Mar 5 |Dr. Drake Deming |New Exoplanets from the TESS Mission |Becca Levy |

|Fri |Mar 20 |Dr. Matthew Knight |COVID -- The Galaxy Strikes Back: What have we learned after visits by two interstellar |Joe DeMartini |

| | | |objects? | |

|Sun |Apr 5 |Dr. Richard Cosentino |COVID -- Storms and Climate of Jupiter and Saturn |Liz Tarantino |

|Mon |Apr 20 |Harrison Agrusa |COVID -- DART: NASA's First Mission to Deflect an Asteroid |Teal |

|Tue |May 5 |Dr. Kazuyuki Sugimura |COVID -- The Birth of the First Stars in the Universe |Milena Crnogorcevic |

|Wed |May 20 |Sam Crossley |COVID -- Understanding Asteroids through Meteorite Analogues |Ramsey Karim |

|Fri |Jun 5 |Sara Frederick |COVID -- From Tantrums to Transformations: The Lives of Active Supermassive Black Holes |Julian Marohnic |

|Sat |Jun 20 |Dr. Jason Shuster |COVID -- Magnetic Reconnection: The Universe's Favorite Way to Make Things Explode! |Harrison Agrusa |

|Sun |Jul 5 | |COVID |Alexander Dittmann |

|Mon |Jul 20 | |COVID |Gabriel Grell |

|Wed |Aug 5 | |COVID |Charlotte Ward |

|Thu |Aug 20 | |COVID |Jegug Ih |

|Sat |Sep 5 | |COVID |Kyle Sheppard |

|Sun |Sep 20 | |COVID |Sergio Mundo |

| |Oct 5 | |COVID | |

| |Oct 20 | |COVID | |

| |Nov 5 | |COVID | |

| |Nov 20 | |COVID | |

| |Dec 5 | |COVID | |

| |Dec 20 | |COVID | |

Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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COVID Pandemic… University went into lockdown 13 Mar 2020



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Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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COVID Pandemic… University went into lockdown 13 Mar 2020



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Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

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COVID Pandemic… University went into lockdown 13 Mar 2020



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Evening canceled due to snow, hurricane, power outage

Certificate printed

Certificate delivered

COVID Pandemic… University went into lockdown 13 Mar 2020


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