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|For Office Use Only |

|Name ……………………………………………………………………. |

|Category………………………………………………………………….. |

| |

|Membership No ……………………………………………………….. |

|W.e.f ……………………………………………………………………… |

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|To |

|The President , |

|Indian Association of Tour Operators |

|New Delhi |

|Dear Sir, |

|We, ____________________________________________________________ |

|Hereby apply for membership of your Association. |

|I / We hereby solemnly promise to abide the rules and regulations of the Indian Association and to observe a high ethical standard in the conduct of |

|our business without reservation or equivocation of any kind, consistent with the regulation in force from time to time. We also note and accept that|

|any member who shall act to the detrimental of or against the interest of the Association or who shall fail in observance of or violate any of the |

|Managing Committee is improper or is prejudicial to the Association or whose conduct or action in the opinion of the managing Committee is improper |

|or is prejudicial to the Association or is detrimental to the interest of the tourism, after due inquiry be either censured, suspended or excluded |

|from the Association by the Executive Committee for which action, the Executive Committee shall not be bound to assign any reason. |

|I / We agree and undertake to intimate to the Association any change in our status / constitution and / or conventional or corporate name by any |

|reason whatsoever within 30 days of any such change being effected |

|I / We do hereby agree to intimate the Association in writing about any change in the present ownership of the company. |

|( Stamp of the Company ) |

|Date |

|Yours’ truly |

|Signature |

| |

|Name |

| |

|Designation |

| |


|To be filled in by an applicant who wishes to become a member of the Indian Association of Tour Operators. |

|1. Name of the Firm |

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|2. Date of Establishment |

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|3. GST Registration No. |

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|3. Full address, ……………………………………………………… |

|…………………………………………………………………………. |

|…………………………………………………………………………. |

|…………………………………………………………………………. |

| |

|Telephone Office …………………………… |

|………………………………………………… |

|Res. …………….. Fax. ……………………. |

| |

|E-mail ………………………………………… |

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|Website ……………………………………… |

| |

|Name of the Individual ( s ) with designation ( s ) who will represent the company / firm. |

|i)___________________________________________ |

|ii)___________________________________________ |

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|Email………………………………………. |

|Mobile |

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|Email……………………………………. |

|Mobile…………………………………… |

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|5. State whether the applicant is a sole proprietary concern, partnership firm, a private limited company or a public limited company. |

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|6. Give the name (s) of the proprietor, or the partners or the directors of the company, as the case may be and a list of the shareholders. |

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|7. St a7. Paid up capital as on date. In case of proprietorship or partnership, state t the capital invested. |

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| |

|8. a) If an excursion Agent, please state. |

|( i ) Are you recognized by Govt. of India / State Tourism Department ? |

|( b ) If a Hotel : |

|( i ) Are you a member of any Hotel Federation ? |

|( ii ) Recognised by the Department of tourism ? |

|( c ) Any other category ( see Guidelines ) |

| |

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|9. State place where you have branch offices with their full addresses. |

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|10. Are you an I.A.T.A approved Passenger Sales Agent? If so, state number of License. |

| |

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|11. Are you holding a R.B.I. License? If so, state number of License. |

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| |

|12. Are you recognised by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India / State Government? If so, since when? |

| |

| |

|13. Are you a Member of any Trade Association, society, etc.? If so, state name. |

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|14. State name of your banker with full address. |

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|15. What is your annual turnover |

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|16. How much your total turnover is derived from tourism |

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| |

|17. How much your total turnover is in foreign exchange. |

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|18. Company profile in not more than 50 words: |

|  |

|  |

| |

|19. Also please enclose the following: |

|(a) A Letter of recognition from the Ministry of Tourism. |

|(b) Certificate from your bank certifying the foreign exchange earning as indicated in the application form. |

|(c) Copy of the balance sheet of the previous year. |

|(d) Documentary evidence of completing at least one year from the date of establishment like certificate of Incorporation from Registrar of Companies|

|etc. |

|(e) Any other document which you think will be helpful to consider your application. |

| |


|( At least one must be an Active member ) |

|IATO Membership No………………………………. |

| |

|Name:………………………………………………… |

|IATO Membership No…………………………………. |

| |

|Name:…………………………………………………… |

| |

|Designation:…………………………………………. |

|Designation:……………………………………………. |

| |

|Organization:………………………………………… |

|Organization:…....................................................... |

| |

|Signature: …………………………………………… |

|Signature………………………………………. ……. |

| |

|Date:…………………………………………………. |

|Date:……………………………………………………. |

| |

|Stamp of the Company:…………………………… |

|Stamp of the Company: ……………………………… |

| |

|  |

| |


|Decision of the managing Committee: |


|Date ………….. |

| |

| |

|Signature __________________________ |

|                                  President |

| |

‘Code of Conduct’

1. I will always strive to meet the highest evolving standards of Competence in the profession and add value to organizational success.

2. I will deal with all tourism stakeholders with utmost Integrity and create an environment of trust leading to Ethical success of my organization.

3. I will ensure that I am always reliable and consistent in all my actions by accepting responsibility for my decisions and actions thereby creating Credibility for my profession and myself.

4. I will be objective in all my actions and decisions and foster Fairness with firmness.

5. I will conduct myself in a way that Facilitates Growth and Development of all those I am responsible for.

6. I will strive to be a Role Model for all others and Champion exemplary practice of the tourism profession.

7. I will respect the rights of privacy, will not use my position for personal gains and ensure that there is no Conflict of Interest in what I do with any of tourism stakeholders.

8. I hereby accept all the Rules & Regulations as described in the IATO Code of Conduct (Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility) booklet.

Date: (Signature) ________________________________

Name of the Person__________________________

Name of the Company________________________



|[pic] |The membership of the association shall be open to organizations of good professional reputation and standing who have been connected|

| |with tourism and / or travel industry for at least one year. |

|[pic] |All applications for membership must be made on the prescribed form and must be proposed and seconded by two members of the |

| |association, of which one must be an active member and both the proposer and seconder should not be members of the executive |

| |Committee. |

|[pic] |The applications for membership shall be considered by the Executive Committee in a duly convened meeting and approved by a majority |

| |of two third of the members present. |


|The membership of the association shall be composed of |

|a) Active Members (b) Associate Members (c) Allied Members (d) Honorary Members |

|The Executive Committee may at any time create different classes of members and may provide for entrance fees and subscriptions and define their|

|respective rights and privileges. The Executive Committee shall have power to dispense with the payment of the entrance fee/membership fee, if |

|they deem fit. The decision of the Executive committee will be final in all cases. |

|Active Members: A firm or company having established place of business in India and recognized by the Department of Tourism as Tour Operator / |

|Travel Agent for a minimum period of two year and its major substantial part of activity of promotion of tourism and foreign exchange earnings |

|in a year is minimum Rs.20,00,000/- shall be eligible for membership as an active member of the association provided an application is made and |

|accepted by the Executive Committee. However only one office of a firm or company shall be admitted as an Active Member of the Association. |

|Associate Members: Any other office including overseas offices of an active or allied member shall be eligible for associate membership of the |

|association. The minimum turnover of the company/firm should be Rs. 10 Lakh. They shall have no right to vote in the proceedings of the |

|association. |

|Allied Members : Any firm or company, which is regularly engaged or associated with Tourism and travel industry such as carrier companies, |

|hoteliers, restaurants, excursion agents, transport contractors, forwarding and clearing agents, shipping companies, state tourist corporations |

|/ organizations, hotel marketing representatives/ agencies, trade publications and any overseas firm / company /corporation / organization shall|

|be eligible for membership as an allied member. The minimum turnover of the company/firm should be Rs. 10 Lakh. The allied members shall have |

|the right to participate in the activities of the association except to vote. The allied members will be represented on the Executive Committee |

|by nomination of office bearers of various national trade associations who reciprocate membership to IATO executive members on their |

|association. |

|International Members: Any international firm or company which is engaged or associated with tourism and travel industry shall be eligible for |

|membership as allied members of the association. The members shall have the right to participate in the activities of the association except to |

|vote. |

|Honorary Members: The Executive Committee may invite persons who are Hall of Fame Awardees and distinguished society members and / or who have |

|distinguished themselves by the services to the services to the tourism and Travel Industry in the National or International field to become |

|Honorary Members of the Association. Such members will be invited to the association by the unanimous vote of all the members of the Executive |

|Committee. |

| |


|Active Member |Admission Fee |Rs. 10000 |Rs. 19470/- |

|  |Annual Subscription |Rs. 6500 | |

|  |Taxes applicable |Rs. 2970 | |

|  | |  |  |

|Allied / International Allied |Admission Fee |Rs. 10000 |Rs. 18880/- |

|  |Annual Subscription  |Rs. 6000 | |

|  |Taxes applicable |Rs. 2880 | |

|  |  | |  |

|Associate Member |Admission Fee |Rs. 10000 |Rs. 18290/- |

|  |Annual Subscription |Rs. 5500 | |

|  |Taxes applicable |Rs. 2790 | |

| |

| |

|Change of Membership Status Allied to Active: Rs.590 (Including Taxes applicable) |

| |


|A member may resign from membership of the IATO and upon acceptance of his resignation by the Executive Committee, he shall cease to be a |

|member. |

|The annual subscription of member shall become due on 1st April of each year. If the subscription is not paid within 60 days from the 1st April |

|of each year, the member will be deemed to be a defaulter. If any member fails to pay his subscription beyond the period of 60 days from 1st |

|April of each year, the Secretary shall issue a notice calling for payment through certified post of such dues within 30 days and if payment is |

|not made within the said 30 days from the date of receipts of the notice, the member shall cease to be a member of the Association. |

|A member who causes damage or prejudice to the Association or who does not comply with the rules and regulations of the Association may be |

|expelled from membership of the Association by a resolution of the Executive Committee, Passed at a duly convened meeting and supported by |

|atleast ¾ of members present. The voting on the resolution shall be by Secret Ballot. The President shall have a casting vote. |

| |


|IATO Membership privileges are: |

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|[pic] |

|Membership of the Apex National Tourism Industry Body. |

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|[pic] |

|Constant and continuous interaction with the Tourism Fraternity. |

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|[pic] |

|International access through International Membership base. |

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|[pic] |

|Access to the latest information on crucial industry issues. |

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|[pic] |

|Have special facilities like issuance of Airport passes, participation in Government Tourism delegations, facility of assistance under the MDA |

|Scheme, participation in Trade events |

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|[pic] |

|Have a national level forum for addressing Important Issues with the Government, Media and Foreign Missions |

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|[pic] |

|Grievance handling cell |

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