Memoir Essay Rubric

Memoir Essay Rubric

Name: ______________________________ Date:_______________

|Components of essay: |Points given out of 10 possible available |

|MLA heading, page #s & title, paper is typed, 12 point font, double spaced, 1000 words or| |

|more | |

|The piece has clear purpose statement and sticks to it throughout the entire piece; | |

|Establishes and maintains tone and point of view; The piece contains at least 3 or more | |

|memories with the subject that supports the purpose statement | |

|The piece has a strong introduction that pulls me into the piece using strong words; The | |

|piece contains one exploded moment that contains thought shots and snapshots with strong | |

|words | |

|Provides reflection on how these events made you the person you are today | |

|The piece contains 3 or more sensory details and figurative language in every paragraph. | |

|Shows events rather than tells about them; | |

|The piece contains a conclusion that summarizes the memoir and explains the significance | |

|in the writer’s life and what it has taught them. | |

|Logical and effective organizational pattern (chronological order, flash back or flash | |

|forward) | |

|The piece is well-written with organization, transitions within and between paragraphs | |

|and strong words | |

|Writing conventions observed (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar) with no | |

|mistakes | |

| | |

|Total points earned: | |

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