Epistemology_Nash and Kreeft

30 points

• Choose up to 4-5 questions from each section to comprise a total of 15 questions.

• In your own words, provide a succinct, accurate answer to each one of these questions

• Earn up to 2 points each

Section A

1. Describe how the statement “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” could be analyzed by the pragmatic theory of truth.

2. Describe how the statement “The ink on this page is black in color” could be analyzed by the coherence theory of truth.

3. Describe how the statement “There is never an open parking space within 500 feet of Costco” could be analyzed by the correspondence theory of truth.

4. Why does relativism focus on disagreements?

5. What is the postmodernist verdict on the meaning of words?

6. Why do deconstructionists focus on power?

7. What is the hermeneutics of suspicion?

8. Why are Pentecostals less immune to the influences of postmodernism than other Christians?

9. Why is it essential that objective truths exist?

Section B

10. How does empiricism fail at explaining important human ideas such as the concept of equality, the notion of oneness, the idea of infinite space, and causality?

11. Why did philosophers become puzzled by the question of how we might ever know that a person other than oneself has a mind?

12. What is Hume’s Gap?

13. Why did Kant believe he had initiated another “Copernican revolution?”

14. What is Kant’s sausage machine?

15. For Kant, what is the difference between the noumenal world and the phenomenal world?

16. What is Kant’s wall?

17. What is the preformation theory that stands as an alternative to Kant’s epistemology?

Section C

18. How did Thomas Reid account for innate ideas?

19. Provide an example of a basic belief, and explain why it is a basic belief.

20. Provide an example of a self-evident proposition, and explain why it is a self-evident proposition.

21. How do memories fail the test of rationality required by narrow foundationalism?

22. How does broad foundationalism correct an error of narrow foundationalism?

23. How does sensus divinitatis related to imago Dei?

24. How does a Reformed epistemologist answer “If every human being is born with a disposition to believe in God, then why doesn’t every human being come to recognize God’s existence?”

Section D

25. Consider the following objects of knowledge, in order: the number 42, a rock, a plant, an animal, a human being, an angel, God. Describe the progression of mental activity required to know these.

26. Kreeft in his chapter “Jesus’ Epistemology” claims that Jesus led his questioners into a role reversal time and time again in the New Testament accounts of His dialogues with people. What does this mean?

27. How is the role reversal Jesus so often created in questioners relevant to our search for truth (the goal of epistemology)?

28. According to Kreeft, how is propositional truth necessary but at the same time insufficient?


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