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1660525-1958340002087880-198120Newsletter- December 201300Newsletter- December 2013Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,Each year I think that Christmas decorations are going up earlier and earlier. There are Christmas lights in my neighborhood that were turned on around Halloween. (Okay, I have to admit that I have most of my outdoor Christmas lights up, as well. But they won’t be turned on until December 1, the first Sunday in Advent.) I heard Christmas music on a radio station this evening. All of this is too early, in my opinion. We lose the opportunity to give Thanksgiving its proper celebration. But as Thanksgiving passes by, it is time to start thinking about Christmas preparations. Have you begun your buying for those people on your Christmas list? I know that some of you have been on the lookout throughout the year, buying that special gift for that special person as you discovered it, and finding a good place to hide it. Or maybe you are a part of that group that fills the stores the week (the day?) before Christmas.Just what are you looking for in your gift buying? An article in the Fort Dodge paper a few years ago quoted a group of church leaders who were protesting the commercialism of Christmas. They wrote that “Massive and alluring advertising crusades have waged war on the essential meaning of the spiritual life, fostering the belief that the marketplace can fulfill our highest aspirations. Many people, with earnest intentions, are driven into obsessive spending as a way to fill the spiritual vacuum left by an overconsumptive society. In the end, the delirium of commercial Christmas devours some, leaves others in ruinous debt, and punishes the poor for whom the joy of Christmas always seems a dollar away.”I know, this is nothing new. You’ve probably been hearing pastors lament over this for years. But what is the answer? Should we stop giving gifts? Some families, mine included, only give to the school-aged kids and younger. Others have set a dollar limit on gifts. On my wife’s side we buy a male or female gift, and then take turns picking an anonymous gift. But I think that what we really need to do is look at what the gifts symbolize. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, we read about the hobbits. Edward Hays, in his book, A Pilgrim’s Almanac, writes that, “Among the customs of the hobbits was to give new gifts only to new friends. Old friends were given old gifts such as family heirlooms. Prized possessions, rare and beautiful things, simply flowed back and forth among them. This custom of giving away a gift that you yourself had once received might strike us as being impolite. But if the gift is a symbol of love, should not the love be shared?”Now I’m not suggesting that you have to give away your family heirlooms this Christmas. But I am asking that you look at what the hobbits have to teach us, that gifts are symbols, reminders that we ourselves are the real gifts that are to be given to one another. May our gift giving (and receiving) be a true expression of our love for one another, given from the heart.Love in Christ,Pastor MarkFall Sunday Schedule 8:30 a.m.Prayer time in library 8:30 a.m.Confirmation in the parsonage 9:00 a.m.Adult Sunday School in the parish hall, electric room 9:00 a.m. Sunday School in the basement 9:00 a.m.Choir rehearsal – Dec. 22 9:15 a.m. Choir rehearsal – Dec. 810:00 a.m.WorshipMullin Baptism – December 8Christmas program – December 15ANNUAL MEETING NOTICEPlease remember that Confirmed members need to commune and/or have a contribution on record by the end of 2013 in order to vote at this meeting. The date of the annual meeting will be announced in the January newsletter.Evangelism CommitteeThe Evangelism Committee met on October 29, 2013. The October 6 hayride was discussed. Even with the rain earlier in the day, it turned out to be a good event with 65 participants. We feel we should have the hayride as an annual event. Thank you’s were sent to those who provided the hayrack, covered wagon, and buggy.We tabled the discussion on the community movie event until January. We discussed having “Unbinding the Heart” small groups during Lent. The Council will need to approve this.We discussed the picture directory, choosing the cover design, deciding to have a page with pictures of those in the military, and what to do for pictures of those in care centers or otherwise shut-in. Committee members signed up as hosts for picture days.Pastor Mark hopes to receive New Members before the end of the year. We talked about having sponsors for those who join.Congregation Council and Church Finance NotesThe Council met on Thursday, November 21, 2013. Meeting minutes are posted in the church narthex bulletin board when they become available. Council minutes are also available in the church office. The next regular Council meeting will be Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.Financial Report 2013 General Fund Activity (as of November 21)Gifts $158,403.02Ministry Expenses $151,204.22Mission Support Submitted $10,599.66Net Loss($3,400.86)Sunday School HappeningsThere will be no Sunday School December 22 or 29. Regular Sunday School will start again on January 5th. Also, the Christmas Program rehearsal will be on Saturday, Dec. 14th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., including a pizza party lunch!3627120-6753700Christmas Returns!The Christmas Program is coming! Mark your calendars for December 15th. The children of Swedesburg ELCA will present the play “Christmas Returns” during worship that day at church. It is VERY important that your child be present for rehearsals. We only have few practices left, so make sure your kids are there! December 1st: NOTE CHANGE: We WILL have practice for those who can make it.December 8th: Rehearsal: 9 a.m.SATURDAY December 14th: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.: Dress rehearsal and pizza party Sunday, December 15th: Rehearsal 9 a.m. then PROGRAM at 10 a.m.Any questions about this year’s program? Please let me know! Becky Rauenbuehler: rebeccarani@ 319.931.1527 319.986.6820Tanzania Companion CoordinatorsThe group discussed follow-up to the meeting with Pastor Eric Carlson, assistant to the Bishop. How can we get more people involved? We discussed the possibility of a short survey to get input, possibly with an online “Survey Monkey” option. Perhaps a carnival or another event after church would be worthwhile. One idea is to have people write a short “day in the life” of various occupations to give the Tanzanians an idea of what our everyday life is like. The Companionship Synod/Diocese Summit on November 16 would be a good place to get ideas.We looked at some of the Tanzanian holidays that might be good to recognize.We talked about getting some funding in the budget. This money would go to support relationship building. One example would be using the money to purchase materials for matching banners, one in our church and one in theirs.We talked about a name for our group. We don’t want to be seen as the group that “does Tanzania” but rather the small group that helps the whole congregation get engaged in the Tanzanian companionship. It was decided for the group to be called the Tanzanian Companion Coordinators (TCC). Eldon will give a temple talk in church on Nov 17, the day after the Summit. Jackie has finished the next letter to Ngaeni. he bulletin board space is ready. It was suggested to put our letters to them and their letters to us on the bulletin board as well as some photos of the parish and their satellite churches.The Sunday School will be asked to make and send cards to Ngaeni. We will begin exchanging prayer concerns with Ngaeni – asking them each month for their specific prayer concerns and telling them what ours are so we can pray for one another. Confirmation HappeningsConfirmation students will be decorating the Christmas tree on December 8th and then go Angel Tree shopping and enjoy pizza. They also will be caroling in the Swedesburg area on December 8th and at Sunrise Terrace on December 18th at 6:30 p.m.Choir UpdatesChoir rehearsals will continue in December. Sunday times vary, December 8th is at 9:15 a.m. and December 22nd is at 9:00 a.m. Rehearsals are also scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4, 11, and 18. On December 25th, Choir will sing at the Christmas morning services at 7 a.m.; Choir should be in their robes by 6:40 a.m. Churchmen ResultsThanks to all congregational members who supported the efforts by donating to the CROP Drive. The amount given by Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church this year totaled $1,070!The Churchmen received $2,000 from the pancake breakfast on November 10. As this was a Thrivent sponsored event, they matched $250! Funds will go to the Foods Resource Bank of Henry County.Bake SaleSELC youth, confirmation and Luther League will hold a bake sale during Coffee Cart on Sunday, December 8th, to raise funds for Christmas gifts for an adopted family and additional area children in need. Congregation members are encouraged to bring baked goods to contribute to this worthy cause and/or to shop for goodies at the December 8th bake sale after worship. The youth group will shop for the gifts Sunday, December 8th, after lunch. This may be a Thrivent sponsored event.Stewardship FormsRemember to turn in your Time & Talent sheets and Estimate of Giving forms if you have not already done so. Anyone who did not receive a Stewardship packet and would like to have one should contact Mary McLerran in the church office at 319-254-2216 or email office@. These are now needed to be returned to the church office.Smorgasbord Preparation PlansSmorgasbord preparation begins?Monday December 2nd.?Tables and frames for the buffet table and Bit O Sweden will be assembled in the afternoon.?This work requires lifting so 5 - 8 able bodied people are needed. Also included will be some decorating and preparation of the hall.?In the kitchen dried fruit will need to be cut, lingonberries cooked and beans prepared.?Work will begin after lunch (1:00 p.m.), meet at the parish hall. Tuesday, work begins at?8:00?(or when you get there) meat balls, salads, prepare vegetables, beans and general preparation of the kitchen for serving.?Tuesday?evening Applekaka and Rice Pudding work session at the parish hall beginning at?7:00 p.m.?Wednesday, work begins at?8:00 a.m.?finishing all food preparation except the parsley potatoes.?Pot luck luncheon at?noon.?Wrapping silverware and setting up for serving after lunch.Thursday, parsley potatoes,?9:00 a.m.?Set up and fill roasters. finishing anything yet to be done.?All help is appreciated whether it is an hour or many hours.?Come when you can!Reminder about Federal Privacy LawsBecause of Federal Privacy Laws (HIPPA), if you or a member of your family are hospitalized, and would like Pastor Mark to visit, you must contact the church and let us know. While the hospital may ask what church you are affiliated with and you ask the hospital to contact your pastor, they may not. Please let us know. You can reach the church office at (319) 254-2216.Lifetouch Directory UpdateThanks to the 67 families that had their pictures taken while Lifetouch was in Swedesburg. The office is working on completing the directory and mailing it in soon. The directory should be out early in the new year. As soon as they arrive, they will be distributed to all the members. Lutheran Services in IowaAnd there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. – Luke 2:8-10. Many of us will wake with joy on Christmas morning, and yet, at LSI, we are mindful that others will also wake to situations of despair and hopelessness. All of us know someone who is carrying an impossible burden—isolation, family crisis, unemployment, abuse, addiction, mental or physical illness, poverty—and sometimes it may feel as though nothing will ever change. Yet, it is into that very hopelessness and fear, injustice and anxiety, that God enters our world and shines a light that darkness cannot overcome. May that hope and love bring you great joy this Christmas. Thank you for helping bring hope and love to others every day through our shared ministry. LSI wishes you a blessed Christmas! For information on Lutheran Services in Iowa, visit . Visit us on Facebook at LSI.iowa. Lexi turns her life around15-year-old Lexi knows what it’s like to be picked up by the police. What it’s like to follow the wrong friends. What it’s like to be so depressed you can’t get out of bed in the morning. Today she also knows the power of her own choices. And Lexi is choosing to be great. “I was mean to everyone, and it ruined my relationship with my family,” she said, describing her old self. “I didn’t know how to act when I was sober. I had a terrible attitude. When April, an LSI caseworker, started meeting with Lexi, it changed everything. “First, I thought, ‘Geez, another worker to be in my business,’” Lexi said. “But we got along so well. I invested my trust in her and her happiness rubbed off on me. She has helped me so much.” April helped Lexi repair relationships, learn coping skills and make healthy decisions. Lexi chose new friends, a shift April described as “quality over quantity.” She joined the cheerleading squad. She studied her way to an impressive 3.0 GPA.“Lexi had a wakeup call about changing her life,” said April. “I’m so proud of who she is today, and I can’t wait to see who she becomes as she continues to excel in all she does.” To feel hopeful, Lexi has learned, is a beautiful thing. “I used to think life was pointless because I kept messing up,” she said. “I would never go to school, my grades were terrible and I would go out and drink with my friends. Things are the exact opposite now. I’m excited to see what life brings me. I love myself now. I want good grades. I want to be honest. I want to make good choices. I feel like I have everything I need for a successful life.” Thank you for helping teens like Lexi build futures of hope!Community Memorial TreesHospice of Washington County will be displaying the Community Memorial Trees at the Washington Public Library throughout the month of December. You are invited to donate an ornament, of your choosing, in your loved one’s memory to be displayed on the tree, this year and for many years to come. Ornaments will become the property of Hospice of Washington County therefore not returnable so they can continue to be placed on the trees each year. Please indicate who the ornament if to memorialize in a manner that is permanent, either on the ornament itself or by a securely attached tag. We ask NOT to submit ornaments to the library, but to bring it to the Hospice of Washington County office, 948 East 11th Street, Washington.Address CorrectionPlease remember, if you move addresses or change any of your contact information, such as telephone or email, please submit those changes to the church office as they occur. Email Mary at office@.Thank YouThanks to all who attended or sent cards for my early 80th birthday celebration, especially Pastor Mark. I would also like to thank my nieces and nephews and their families and friends for hosting a great party. Betty MolanderOffice HoursDue to the Christmas Holiday, the church office WILL be open on Mondays, December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, and will be CLOSED on December 24-27. When open, office hours will remain 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The office will be CLOSED on Tuesday, December 31; and Wednesday, January 1, 2014.January Newsletter DeadlineThe deadline to have your group meeting times and activities or other items listed in the January newsletter is Tuesday, December 17, at 5 p.m. Submit your items to Mary McLerran in the church office at 254-2216 or email Mary in the office at office@. Due to the Christmas holiday, this deadline will NOT be able to be extended.Please note that all monthly newsletters are available on our website at . The newsletters are located under “calendar”, then “newsletter”, then click on the month you wish to read. Also, watch the SELC website’s online calendar for any changes that may occur during the month.Congregation ReflectionsBAPTISMS . . .Lena Ruth Keane Anson, daughter of Matthew and Mirra Anson was baptized November 9. Lena was born April 14 in Iowa City. The Ansons, including 4 year old Olivia reside in Solon, Iowa. Grandparents are Darrell and Gail Ingmanson Smith and Dan and Chris Anson of Webster Groves, Missouri. Great grandmother is Ruth Smith of Bloomfield, Iowa. Sponsors are Ryan and Angela Smith.Elsie Joell Morgan, daughter of Josh and Kelly Morgan was baptized November 16. Elsie was born November 26, 2102. Elsie is the granddaughter of Randy and Chris Morgan. Sponsors are Elsie’s family and friends.BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT . . .Alfonso and Angela Ribeiro welcomed Alfonso Lincoln Ribeiro Jr. on Sunday, October 27th. Grandparents are Stan and Valerie Unkrich, and Great grandma is Louise Unkrich.Thanks are Due . . .to those who assist with the folding of the bulletins and those who assist with distributing the paperwork for the church services.for Mary Benson for playing the organ for Debbie while she was away.Ralph Sandeen for servicing the organ on a regular basis so it will continue to optimally perform.for Pastor Wendell Debner for filling in for Pastor Mark while he attended his son’s confirmation in Iowa City.for Rev. Eliewaha Ezekieli and people of Ngaeni Lutheran Parish, our partner congregation in Tanzania.for Gary Anderson for assisting with the elevator when it stopped between floors. He was able to get it up and running again!for all the families that participated in having their photos taken or submitted updated photos for the photo directory of our church.for the numerous volunteers who assisted with the smooth operation of the photo sessions.For Duayne Hultquist and his crew who keep our yards looking clean and well-groomed.With Sympathy . . .for the family of Dorothy Naber (Emily Moody’s grandmother) who passed away Monday, November 11th.for the family of Norm Waters, (Richard and Jean Anderson’s brother-in-law) who passed away Wednesday, November 6th.for the family of Kenneth Krabill (Jim and Shirley Krabill’s brother) who passed away on Thursday, November 14th.Pray for:ELCA missionaries Rev. Brian and Christine Palmer in Liberia.friends and loved ones experiencing health concerns.CHANGE IN ADDRESS:Jean Anderson reports that she and Richard have a temporary address of: P. O. Box 142, Olds, Iowa 52647. Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1897 140th Street, P. O. Box 88, Swedesburg, Iowa 52652-0088Telephone (319) 254-2216 emails: pastor@ office@98488736680771897 140th StreetP. O. Box 88Swedesburg, IA 52652ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTEDChildren’s Christmas program December 15th75th Annual Smorgasbord Thursday, December 5, 2013 at the parish hall.Worship begins at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome! Handicap email: office@ 001897 140th StreetP. O. Box 88Swedesburg, IA 52652ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTEDChildren’s Christmas program December 15th75th Annual Smorgasbord Thursday, December 5, 2013 at the parish hall.Worship begins at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome! Handicap email: office@ 1306195132968900-180975293370000 ................

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