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Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate, up-to-date and complete. However, it is possible that it may not be representative of the whole body of evidence available and resources may contain errors or out-of-date information. No responsibility can be accepted by the Library for any action taken on the basis of this information.

Title: Equipment, safety, memory

ID No: 16/2418. July 2016.

This search is a snapshot in time (see above date) of the type of information available from the databases detailed below. It provides a starting point for references for a chosen subject and is not exhaustive.

If you are interested in the searching strategies used for this particular search or would like to discuss searching in general please contact the COT library.

Date ranges for searches cover a 10 year period.

Search History

Results from CINAHL, Medline, AMED, HMIC, psycINFO, Social Policy and Practice through the Ebscohost and Ovid platforms.

|Search ID# |Search Terms |Results |

|S2 |limit 2 to yr="2008 -Current" |155 |

|S1 |equipment and memory and safety |263 |

Carbajal Hernandez JJ, Sanchez Fernandez LP, Hernandez Bautista I, de J. Medel Juarez J, Sanchez Perez LA (2016) Classification of unbalance and misalignment in induction motors using orbital analysis and associative memories. Neurocomputing: An International Journal, 175 (Part B), 838-850.

Klooster DCW, de Louw, A. J. A, Aldenkamp AP, Besseling RMH, Mestrom RMC, Carrette S... Boon P (2016) Technical aspects of neurostimulation: Focus on equipment, electric field modeling, and stimulation protocols. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 65 Jun, 113-141.

Sujan MA, Habli I, Kelly TP, Pozzi S, Johnson CW (2016) Should healthcare providers do safety cases? Lessons from a cross-industry review of safety case practices. Safety Science, 84 Apr, 181-189.

Burns C, Conchie S (2015) Measuring implicit trust and automatic attitude activation. in F Lyon, G Möllering & M Sanders (eds), Handbook of Research Methods on Trust. 2nd edn, London, 239-248.

Federici S, Meloni F, Bracalenti M, De Filippis ML (2015) The effectiveness of powered, active lower limb exoskeletons in neurorehabilitation: A systematic review. Neurorehabilitation, 37(3), 321-340.

Garrett B, Hough G, Agnew J (Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc; US) Brain and behavior: An introduction to biological psychology (4th ed.). (2015). Brain and Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology (4th Ed.).Xxiii, 628 Pp, .

Kirsch P, Hine A, Maybury T (2015) A model for the implementation of industry-wide knowledge sharing to improve risk management practice. Safety Science, 80 Dec, 66-76.

Lindqvist E, Larsson TJ, Borell L (2015) Experienced usability of assistive technology for cognitive support with respect to user goals. Neurorehabilitation, 36(1), 135-149.

Ozelo HFB, Alessio A, Sercheli MS, Bilevicius E, Pedro T, Pereira FRS... Covolan RJM (2014) Pattern changes of EEG oscillations and BOLD signals associated with temporal lobe epilepsy as revealed by a working memory task. BMC Neuroscience, 15 Apr, Art 52-9.

Adolfsson P (2013) Safety and patient perception of an insulin pen with simple memory function for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes the REMIND study. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 28(9), 1455-1463.

Hignett S, Carayon P, Buckle P, Catchpole K (2013) State of science: Human factors and ergonomics in healthcare. Ergonomics, 56(10), 1491-1503.

Jolly JD, Hildebrand EA, Branaghan RJ (2013) Better instructions for use to improve reusable medical equipment (RME) sterility. Human Factors, 55(2), 397-410.

MacLean CL, Brimacombe CAE, Lindsay DS (2013) Investigating industrial investigation: Examining the impact of a priori knowledge and tunnel vision education. Law and Human Behavior, 37(6), 441-453.

Peters JC, Reithler J, Schuhmann T, de Graaf T, Uludag K, Goebel R, Sack AT (2013) On the feasibility of concurrent human TMS-EEG-fMRI measurements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109(4), 1214-1227.

Sugihara T, Fujinami T, Phaal R, Ikawa Y (Jan 2015) A technology roadmap of assistive technologies for dementia care in Japan. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 14(1), 80-103.

Maertens JA, Putter SE, Chen PY, Diehl M, Huang Y (2012) Chapter: Physical capabilities and occupational health of older workers. , 215-235.

Rebelo F, Noriega P, Duarte E, Soares M (2012) Using virtual reality to assess user experience. Human Factors, 54(6), 964-982.

Rosenberg L, Kottorp A, Nygard L (2012) Readiness for technology use with people with dementia: The perspectives of significant others. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 31(4), 510-530.

Withers P, Boulton N, Morrison J, Jones A (2012) Occupational therapy in a medium secure intellectual disability and personality disorder service. Journal of Learning Disabilities & Offending Behaviour, 3(4), 206-218 13p.

Harada ET, Mori K, Taniue N (2010) Cognitive aging and the usability of IT-based equipment: Learning is the key. Japanese Psychological Research, 52(3), 227-243.

Stores G (New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press; US) Sleep and its disorders in children and adolescents with a neurodevelopmental disorder: A review and clinical guide. (2014).Sleep and its Disorders in Children and Adolescents with a Neurodevelopmental Disorder: A Review and Clinical Guide.Ix, 168 Pp, .

Suto S, Kumada T (2010) Effects of age-related decline of visual attention, working memory and planning functions on use of IT-equipment. Japanese Psychological Research, 52(3), 201-215.

Results from Cochrane:


Results from Otdbase:

Hynes S, Shiel A (2014) Validating an Irish-language version of the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test – Second Edition . British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(4): 198-204.

Boman I-L, Stenvall CL, Hemmingsson H, Bartfai A (2010) A training apartment with a set of electronic memory aids for patients with cognitive problems. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 17(2): 140-148.

Results from COT Catalogue:



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