Unit 1 Test Review

Unit 1 Test Review

Physical Warm-up techniques

Mental Warm-up/Relaxation techniques

How do actors warm up?

Who should warm up and why? For how long?

What are the actors tools?

A pliable body helps actors how?

Stage fright: What is it? How can it be helpful? How can you ease it?

What does posture affect?

Improvisation is what?

What do successful improvisers say?

What is an ensemble?

Collaboration between actors requires what?

Improvisation increases what?

What are the two important elements of improvisation?

Successful improvisers use what when they are faced with a problem on stage?

No matter what an improviser must always remain?

What does it mean to “set it”?

What does our face do?

Why is the chest important in expressing emotion?

Be familiar with the facial expressions/bodily positions that express emotions that we discussed in Ch 3.

How do you set clown white make up?

Mimes use what to communicate?

Theatrical conflict requires two things what are they?

The goal of improvisation is a performance that is what two things?



Body language


Sense Memory






Sense Memory





What exercises can actors and others do to improve articulation?

What exercises can actors and others do to encourage relaxation?

What questions can help engage sense memory?

What are three ways in which to improve your memory?

What are some of the different effects you can produce by expanding the chest?

What must you do to introduce and conclude a pantomime effectively?

What are the rules upon which all improvisations depend?

Name at least three important points of audience etiquette.


How do warm-ups, relaxation techniques, and vocal exercises benefit actors?

What are some similarities and differences between observation and sense memory?

What steps must a performer follow to prepare an effective pantomime?

What are some ways in which improvisers develop characters and scenes?


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