PSYCHOLOGY – Memory & Intelligence

SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT – Memory/Intelligence

DIRECTIONS: Test your intuitions about behavior by answering true or false to the statements below

|_____________ |Our memory is like a tape recorder, recording everything exactly like it happens. |

|_____________ |Short-term memory lasts for only roughly 20 seconds. |

|_____________ |Information in long-term memory is always available for recall. |

|_____________ |Repeating something over and over is the most effective way of learning it. |

|_____________ |It is generally easier to remember personal facts/events than facts in school. |

|_____________ |Recall is easier than recognition. |

|_____________ |A matching test is an example of a recognition test. |

|_____________ |Approximately 5% of the population has photographic memory. |

|_____________ |Confidence is closely related to accuracy in regards to eyewitness testimony. |

|_____________ |A memory of a shocking or emotional event is called a flashbulb memory. |

|_____________ |Intelligence tests are a good indicator of success in schools. |

|_____________ |Intelligence tests predict success/failure in the real world (career). |

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|_____________ |Genetics (nature) and the environment (nurture) both play a role in IQ. |


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